
[伪·译制的胜利] 死亡骑士(英雄职业)--Death Knight(hero class)
啊,努力了一个月终于有了自己的帐号了,嗯,一定要好好珍惜这个帐号,本来想翻译wiki上的关于死亡骑士的条目呢,但是看起来似乎有人已经先行一步了(虽然还有一些地方没翻译,但是本着尽量避免重复工作的原则),所以就翻译了这个Death Knight(hero class),以前也翻译过wiki,但是第一次发到翻译不好的地方大家指教。
& && &This article is about the hero class in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. For lore, see Death knight. For other uses, see Death knight (disambiguation).
& && &The Death Knight will be the first hero class in World of Warcraft, set to be introduced in the new expansion, World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. Currently it is the only planned hero class to be introduced in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King.
& && &这篇文章是关于在魔兽世界:巫妖王之怒中的英雄职业。对于历史传说,参见死亡骑士,对于其他用途,参见死亡骑士(解疑)
& && &死亡骑士将会是魔兽世界中的第一个英雄职业,被安排在下一个资料片,魔兽世界:巫妖王之怒中推出。现在来讲是唯一一个被计划在魔兽世界:巫妖王之怒中推出的英雄职业。
1 Overview
3 Abilities
4 Miscellaneous information
& && &5.1 Shadows of Justice
& && &5.2 Champions of the Lich King
6 Concept artwork
7 References
8 External links
1 总览
2 种族
3 技能
4 各种信息
5 传说
& && &5.1 正义之影
& && &5.2 巫妖王的护卫者
6 概念设计图
7 引用
8 外部链接
Once certain criteria are met, players will be able to create a new death knight character, which will start at a high level. The exact level has not yet been determined, but a senior producer of Blizzard says it will be somewhere around level 60 or 70. [1][2] In a post on WoW's druid forums, Nethaera said the following:[3]
[quote]& && &Keep in mind please that the Death Knight is a Hero class and is not dependent on the needing any other particular class to get it. You will need to at least have (at this point in time) a level 55 character in order to unlock one and play it. The details on this may all yet change.[/quote]
& && &The Death Knight is intended as an alternative, advanced class for end-game use only. The death knight combines martial prowess with dark, necromantic energies. Players might be familiar with the death knight from previously released Warcraft games -- most recently, in the campaigns for Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and the Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne expansion, the former paladin Arthas became a death knight and wrought havoc across Azeroth before fusing with the spirit of Ner'zhul to become the Lich King. It is important to note that these particular Death Knights are based upon those created by the Lich King in Warcraft III, not those of Orcish origin as seen in WarCraft II.
& && &The Death Knight is the first hero class in World of Warcraft. At a high, undetermined level, a player will be able to create a Death Knight. This is a second and separate character from your original character. The Death Knight starts at a high level somewhere around 60 or 70 with multiple spells and abilities ready to use. Within this quest chain the character learns to master the power of the Death Knight and learns to use this new power for their will. Blizzard is currently exploring various options as to how the Death Knight will play and the types of abilities at its disposal, and they will reveal more information about this new class as they get further along in development.
& && &There is no restriction to how many Death Knights you can create, and you can create a new character on any realm, as any other class.
& && &The trailer depicts a cinematic of a character being surrounded by the undead minions of the Lich King, and waking up as a Death Knight. However, official information indicates that a Death Knight is created as a new character after being unlocked by an existing character (exact procedure and required level are still being decided, though Tom Chilton has revealed that one of the possibilities would be starting off in Stratholme and having to break your way out of there),[4][5] and the player does not lose access to the unlocking character. [6]
& && &The way death knights were portrayed in past Warcraft games is certainly a source of inspiration for Blizzard, but they are still determining how best to capture that feel within the mechanics of World of Warcraft, and haven't made any final determinations on specific abilities. But in general, the death knight can be considered a hybrid class that combines damage dealing and tanking. They will wear plate armor, but naturally will have an array of unique abilities as well, a few of which are listed below.
& && &The death knight uses a unique rune-based resource system to govern his spells and abilities. Three rune types: blood, frost, and unholy, each with an attached color and symbol. Death Knight players will have to carve these runes into their weapons anytime outside combat, so they'll have to choose which sort of runes to emphasize in their spec.[7] As they use their abilities, the runes will be exhausted. After a period of time the runes will refresh.[8]
& && &一旦特定的标准达到后,玩家将能够创建一个新的死亡骑士角色,这个角色将会开始于一个比较高的等级。确切的等级还没有决定下来,但是一位资深的暴雪制作人声称将会是在等级60或70左右。[1][2]在wow的德鲁伊论坛一个帖子中,Nethaera这样说:[3]
[quote]& && &请记住死亡骑士是一个英雄职业并且不需要依赖其他任何一种特定的职业来获得他。但是你至少要有(在这点上很必要)一个55级的人物角色来解锁和使用他。这一点的具体细节以后有可能都会改变。[/quote]
& && &死亡骑士的设计意图仅仅是针对现阶段的可选的而设计的一个可替代的更高级的职业。死亡骑士把他的战斗本领和暗黑,死灵能量进行了结合。玩家可能对于以前的魔兽争霸游戏中的死亡骑士更加熟悉--在最近的一个版本,魔兽争霸3:混乱之治和它的资料片魔兽争霸3:冰封王座中,曾经的圣骑士阿尔塞斯变成了一个死亡骑士并且在艾泽拉斯大陆上肆虐为害,直到和耐奥祖的灵魂合二为一变成巫妖王。这里需要着重指出的这些特殊的死亡骑士是基于那些在魔兽争霸3中被巫妖王创造的死亡骑士,而不是那些在魔兽争霸2中看到的具有兽人血统的死亡骑士。
& && &死亡骑士是魔兽世界中的第一个英雄职业。在一个较高的但是不确定具体数目的等级,一个玩家将能够创建一个死亡骑士。这会是你的第二个或者和原来的相独立的人物角色。死亡骑士开始于一个在60或70级左右的高等级并且拥有多种可供使用的法术和技能。在一个任务链中玩家将学习掌握死亡骑士的力量并且学会根据他们的意愿来使用这种新的力量。暴雪现在正在对死亡骑士如何使用以及他们所能施放的技能种类进行多种探索,并且当他们在这些方面有了进展的时候他们将会放出更多关于这个新的职业的信息。
& && &对于你能创建多少个死亡骑士并没有什么限制,并且无论你是何种阵营何种职业你都能够创建一个新的人物角色。
& && &预览视频展示了一段电影--关于一个人物角色被巫妖王的奴仆所包围,苏醒过来时已经成为了一个死亡骑士。尽管如此,官方消息暗示了死亡骑士是在被一个已有的角色解锁之后作为一个新的角色创建的(具体过程和所需等级尚未确定,但是Tom Chiton已经透漏了其中一个可能--最初将会开始于斯坦索姆并且你必须从那里逃出来),[4][5]并且玩家并不会失去解锁角色的机会。[6]
Death Knight as depicted in the Wrath of the Lich King trailer (note that this is probably not the final look)
& && &在过去的魔兽争霸游戏中所描绘的死亡骑士自然是暴雪的一个灵感源头,但是他们仍旧专注于怎样最好的捕捉包含在魔兽世界细节中的那种感觉,并且尚未作出任何关于特定技能的最终决定。但是总体来说,死亡骑士可是被认为是一个结合了伤害制造和坦克能力的混合职业。他们可以穿板甲,但是自然也会有一系列独特的技能,其中一些被列在了下面。
& && &死亡骑士使用一种独特的基于符文的能源系统来控制他们的法术和技能。三种符文系统:鲜血,冰霜以及邪恶(其实我想翻译成不洁),每一种都有一个专属颜色和标志。死亡骑士玩家将必须在战斗外的时间把这些符文雕刻进入他们的武器中,而且他们也必须在他们的专长中选择一种符文进行强化。[7]当他们使用这些技能的时候,这些符文会被消耗。经过一段时间之后符文会刷新。[8]
Runes as shown at BlizzCon 2007
& && &According to a panel at BlizzCon 2007, the Death Knight is planned to be available to every race at this time, though the list may change further on in development. This has been confirmed at the Leipzig Games Convention 2007, reasoning that is possible for all races to be tempted by a darker path and led to despair.
& && &根据BlizzCon 2007的一个小组所显示,死亡骑士在这个时候被计划对于任何一个种族都是开放的,尽管这个列表可能会在将来的发展上改变。这在2007年莱比锡游戏大会上已经被证实了,理由是对于任何所有种族来说都有可能被一个黑暗之路所诱惑从而导致堕落。
& && &Army of the Dead - Spell summons undead minions (ghouls) to fight for Death Knight. These creatures run around and attack things at random.
& && &Unholy Embrace - Target is embraced by a silhouette of darkness for 6 seconds, corrupting any healing spells and effects cast upon or currently affecting the target to cause damage for 50% of their healing potential instead of restoring health. Any damage shields cast upon or currently affecting the target will also be instantly consumed, dealing 50% of their absorption potential in damage. Once afflicted with Unholy Embrace, the target cannot be afflicted with Unholy Embrace again for 1 minute.
& && &Death and Decay - An area-of-effect damage spell.[9]
& && &Blood Boil - A damage-over-time ability that after the duration refreshes two of your blood runes.[9]
& && &Death Coil? Bornakk commented on this:[10]
[quote]& && &We understand that Deathcoil is a spell Deathknights had in Warcraft 3. While things may change, we simply haven’t made a final decision regarding this yet.[/quote]
& && &死亡军团 - 魔法,召唤不死仆从(食尸鬼)来为死亡骑士而战。这些生物四处乱跑并且随机攻击周围的事物。
& && &邪恶拥抱 - 目标被一个黑暗之影包围6秒,腐蚀目标身上已有的或者正在被施放到目标身上的任何治疗法术治疗,将治疗效果的50%转换成它伤害,以此取代回复生命的效果。任何目标身上已有的或者正被施放到目标身上的伤害护盾会被消除,并对目标造成相当于所能吸收的伤害量的50%的伤害。一旦目标遭受了邪恶拥抱,目标在接下来的一分钟内不会再次遭受邪恶拥抱。
& && &鲜血沸腾 - 一个在刷新了你两个鲜血符文之后的持续性伤害技能。[9]
& && &死亡凋零 - 一种区域范围的伤害性法术。[9]
& && &死亡缠绕?伯纳克对此的评价:[10]
[quote]& && &我们理解死亡缠绕在魔兽争霸3中是死亡骑士们所拥有的一个法术。但是事情总会变得嘛,我们只是还尚未对此作出一个最终的决定。[/quote]
[align=left][color=blue]===Miscellaneous information ===[/color][/align]
& && &Designed to fulfill both tanking and DPS roles.
& && &Can tank without a shield, using two-handed weapons or dual-wielding. Death Knights cannot use shields.[11]
& && &May only use bladed weapons, currently 1H and 2H swords and axes.
& && &The term, &Hero Class&, may be misleading, causing some players to believe Death Knights will be overpowered. Blizzard has stated on announcing the Death Knight that they will be of similar strength and value to existing classes.
& && &While Death Knights will be similar to Paladins in that they are a spell-casting melee class, it is unknown whether they will use the same type of itemization. The use of the Rune system instead of Mana could very well render Intellect and Spirit useless to a Death Knight.
& && &被设计成同时满足坦克和dps需要的角色。
& && &可以不使用盾牌而使用双手武器或者双持武器或者进行坦克,死亡骑士不能使用盾牌。[11]
& && &可能只能使用有刃武器,就目前来讲单手以及双手剑或斧头。
& && &“英雄职业”这个字眼可能被误解了,导致了一些玩家坚信死亡骑士将会过于强力。暴雪已经公告表示了死亡骑士将会和现有的职业有着相似的能力和地位。
& && &尽管死亡骑士将会和圣骑士在都是施法物理职业上有着相似点,对于他们是否会使用相同的装备类型仍然未知。取代了魔法而使用符文系统使得智力和精神对于一个死亡骑士来说毫无意义。
Main article: Death knight ===[/color][/align]
Shadows of Justice
& && &Orgrim Doomhammer's first act as warchief of the Horde was to crush the orc warlocks of the Shadow Council. He grudgingly spared the council's former master, Gul'dan, in exchange for the warlock' in turn Gul'dan promised to create a host of powerful new warriors to serve the Horde. After experimenting at length with the souls of the recently slain council members, Gul'dan successfully instilled the spirit of the necrolyte Teron Gorefiend into the corpse of a fallen knight of Stormwind. Thus, the first terrifying death knight was born. Gul'dan transformed other council members as well, creating unholy warriors who sowed chaos and fear throughout the land of Azeroth during the Second War.
& && &Following Gul'dan's desertion and death, part of the Horde, including the death knights, retreated through the Dark Portal to Draenor. Most of the surviving death knights disappeared after Draenor's destruction, with the exception of Teron Gorefiend, whose restless and embittered form resides now in the Black Temple of Outland.
Champions of the Lich King
& && &Years after the destruction of Draenor, the immensely powerful Lich King created a new breed of death knights: malevolent, rune-wielding warriors of the Scourge. The first and greatest of these was Prince Arthas Menethil, once a mighty paladin of the Silver Hand, who sacrificed his soul to claim the runeblade Frostmourne in a desperate bid to save his people.
& && &Unlike Gul'dan's death knights, modern death knights consist mainly of paladins who lost their faith and pledged their souls to the Lich King in exchange for the promise of immortality. Death knights who fall in battle are soon raised again to continue in their master's service.
& && &In the years since Arthas shattered the Frozen Throne and merged with the Lich King, the power and fury of the death knights has only grown. Now these unrelenting crusaders of the damned eagerly await the Lich King's command to unleash their fury on Azeroth once again.
& && &奥格瑞玛毁灭之锤作为部落酋长的第一件事情就是镇压了暗影议会的术士们。他非常不情愿的饶恕了一会的前任控制者,古尔丹,以此为交换获得术士们的仆从;作为回报,古尔丹许诺创造一群新式的战士来为部落服务。经过试验最后通过最近被杀死的议会成员的灵魂,古尔丹成功的把黑巫师泰伦血魔的灵魂注入暴风王国的一个战死骑士的尸体里面。这样,第一个恐怖的死亡骑士诞生了。然后古尔丹同样的对其他议会成员也进行了转换,创造了这些第二次战争中在整个艾泽拉斯大陆上散布混乱和恐惧的战士。
& && &随着古尔丹的叛逃和死亡,部落的一部分,包括这些死亡骑士,经过黑暗之门撤回了德拉诺。大部分的死亡骑士在德拉诺爆炸后消失了,作为一个例外,泰伦血魔,现在正以痛苦不安的形态存在于外域的黑暗神庙中。
& && &在德拉诺毁灭后的很多年,拥有近乎无尽力量的巫妖王创造了一种新的死亡骑士:邪恶的,使用符文武器的天灾战士。他们中的第一个也是最伟大的骑士是阿尔塞斯米奈希尔王子,曾经是白银之手骑士团的一个强大的圣骑士,后来为了拯救他的人民孤注一掷的奉献出了他的灵魂来获取符文剑霜之哀伤。
& && &和古尔丹的死亡骑士不同,现代的死亡骑士主要由失去了信仰并且以他们的灵魂像巫妖王宣誓效忠从而获得不朽的承诺的圣骑士组成。在战斗中倒下的死亡骑士很快将会重新站立起来继续为他们的主人的服务。
& && &从阿尔塞斯打碎冰封王座的坚冰和巫妖王合二为一以来的这些年,死亡骑士的能力和狂怒只是在增长。现在这些无情的被诅咒的十字军们在急切地等待着巫妖王的命令从而能够把他们的狂怒再次发泄到艾泽拉斯世界。
[align=left][color=blue]===Concept artwork(概念设计图)===[/color][/align]
Death Knight concept art
Source: BlizzCon 07 Press CD
Death Knight concept art
Source: BlizzCon 07 Press CD
Death Knight art by Raneman
Death Knight art by Raneman
↑ [url]http://wow.qj.net/BlizzCon-video-interviews-Wrath-of-the-Lich-King-and-Warcraft-movie/pg/49/aid/99261[/url]
↑ [url]/gaming/blizzcon07/more-lich-king-seige-death-knight-deets-285871.php[/url]
↑ [url]/thread.html?topicId=&sid=1[/url]
↑ [url]/do/previewPage?pager.offset=2&cId=3163178[/url]
↑ [url]http://www./index.php?topic=736.0[/url]
↑ [url]/articles/810/.html[/url]
↑ [url]/do/newsStory?cId=3161725[/url]
↑ [url]/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=47[/url]
↑ 9.0 9.1 Games for Windows Sept. 2007 issue
↑ 2. Re: Deathcoil | 11/26/:10 PM PST by Bornakk
↑ [url]//liveblogging-the-blizzcon-expansion-demo-panel/[/url]
回楼上,有女性dk,在wiki的death knight一文中介绍的众所周知的dk中有一个是Naxx四骑士之一的女公爵。
很久不敢把头盔隐藏.... 刚看到那图,震憾了. 赶紧把帽子摘了截几张图.
[quote][b]Post by 灭世小鸣 ( 16:58):[/b]
I think so~
[quote][b]Post by 灭世小鸣 ( 16:58):[/b]
效果全开, 放张清晰版的...
[quote][b]Post by akira ( 14:17):[/b]
[quote][b]Post by akira ( 14:17):[/b]
应该和小德一样 改变符文会造成自身的护甲值提升%多少 来弥补没有盾牌的缺憾
同时 应该会有很高的招架或者闪避 以弥补没有格挡的缺憾
Death knights who fall in battle are soon raised again to continue in their master's service.
Now these unrelenting crusaders of the damned eagerly await the Lich King's command to unleash their fury on Azeroth once again.
[quote][b]Post by akira ( 14:17):[/b]
[quote][b]Post by windtooth ( 12:19):[/b]
而且符文剑系统本身就是对输出和防御力的限制【TAS-2430】PS《魔兽争霸2 黑暗传说》Orc Campaign 1小时32分51秒75Dota-在线观看-风行网


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