lxyl2.cc丽星邮轮轮面试问题 为什么你的英文名字是Rick 该怎么回答?

丽星邮轮面试常用英语丽丽星邮轮面试常用英语星邮轮面试常用英语 1.
Excuse me , may I come in? 2.
Come in please! 3.
Good morning. / Good afternoon. / Good evening. 4.
How do you do? 5.
Sit down, please. / Take a seat, please. / Have a seat, please. 6.
Would you have a seat please? 7.
How are you? / How are you doing? / How are you getting along? 8.
I am fine, thank you. 9.
I?m extremely well, thank you. 10.
I am very well indeed, thank you. 11.
Great, thanks. / Fine, thanks. / Not bad, thanks. / So-so, thank you! 12.
How ?s it going? / What?s up? / What?s happening? 13.
Not bad, thank you / So-so, thank you. Great, thank you. / Fine, thank you. 14.
Nothing much. 15.
Same as usual. 16.
And you? / What about you? / How about you? 17.
Great, thanks. / Fine, thanks. / Not bad, thanks. 18.
Nice to meet you. / Glad to meet you. / Pleased to meet you! 19.
It?s so nice to meet you. / I am pleased t meet you. / I am so glad to meet you. 20.
So am I. 21.
Thank you. / Thanks. / Thank you very much. / Thanks a lot. / Thanks a million. / Thank you so much. 22.
See you later. / See you next time. /
See you tomorrow. / See you. 23.
Goodbye. / Bye. / So long. 24.
Good luck. 25.
My pleasure. / It?s my pleasure to meet you. 26.
It?s an honor to know you. 27.
It?s a pleasure. 28.
I am very happy to meet you. 29.
How have you been? 30.
Fine, thank you. 31.
The pleasure is mine. 32.
I am honored. 33.
I am happy to have the chance to meet you. 34.
I am deeply indebted to you(.负债) 35.
I appreciated everything you?ve done for me. 36.
I am very grateful to you for your kindness. 37.
Thanks a lot for giving me this chance. 38.
Hope you have a good time. 39.
Wish you have a good time. 40.
I am very glad to have the opportunity to meet you. 41.
Where are you from? / Where do you come from? 42.
I am from…… 43.
What?s your nationality? 44.
I am Chinese. 45.
Which part of China is that? 46.
It?s in the southeast of China? 47.
What do you do? 48.
What?s your job? 49.
What is your occupation? 50.
I am a doctor. / Sales girl./ Teacher / Student 51.
How many people are there in your family? 52.
My family consists of 4 persons. 53.
What is your father?s / mother?s / sister?s occupation? 54.
He / She is a farmer / peasant / unemployed.(佃农,农民) 55.
How old are you? 56.
What ?s your name? 57.
May I have your name? 58.
May I know your name? 59.
My Chinese name is ……and Nelly is my English name. 60.
Ice- cream is my nickname. 61.
What is your surname? 62.
What is your last name? 63.
Do you have a Christian name? 64.
Are you single or married? 65.
I am still single. 66.
What is your religion?(信仰) 67.
I believe in Christian / Buddhism. 68.
Can you tell me which school did you graduate from? 69.
I graduated from… 70.
When did you graduate from there? 71.
I graduated from the university in 2001. 72.
Where did you attend the middle school? 73.
Which school? 74.
The No.1 Middle School in Xiamen. 75.
What is your blood type? 76.
What is your address? 77.
Zhongshan Road, Xiamen, Fujian .
What kind of personality do you have? 79.
Can you describe your personal characters? 80.
I always exert my utmost effort to do everything I should do, And I don?t like to leave something half-done. 81.
Do you think you are introvert or extrovert?内向外向 82.
Extrovert. I think I mix well and enjoy doing things with others. 83.
I am a local resident. 84.
Can you drink alcohol? 85.
Yes, but only a little. 86.
Apple juice is my favorite drink. 87.
Do you smoke? 88.
No, I don?t. And I am allergic to it. But my father is a chain-smoker.过敏 89.
Are you a smoker? 90.
Do you have English name? 91.
How dose your friend call you? 92.
Have you any knowledge of it? 93.
I have sufficient knowledge of it. 94.
I have accumulated a lot of experience. 95.
What color do you like best? 96.
What about your height and your weight? 97.
How tall are you? 98.
My height I s….
and my weight is …. 99.
What is your native place?出生地 100.
My native place is … 101.
Which school did you go to? 102.
I went to vocational school / high school.(职业学校) 103.
What is your major? 104.
My major is English. 105.
Which department did you study in? 106.
I studied in the department of English. 107.
What was your favorite subject at school? 108.
My favorite subject is English. 109.
Why did you take your English as your major? 110.
Because I like it and I was aware of its importance. 111.
What was your least favorite course in school? 112.
None at all, I enjoyed everything that I learned. 113.
Did you have high grades in school? 114.
Yes, I got excellent records in all my subjects. 115.
What kind of messy. did you have in school? 116.
I graduated with an 80 G.P.A. 117.
Did you usually take part in any extracurricular activities at your school? 118.
Yes, I was active in school students? union. 119.
What extracurricular activities do you usually swim and play table tennis? 120.
Did you get any honors or awards at your school? 121.
Yes, I was chosen as a “Three Virtues” student for several times. 122.
Could you tell me something about your English education? 123.
My mother is an English teacher in the middle school so I began learning when I could speak, and I took English as my minor subject at vocational school. 124.
Why did you study English? 125.
Because there?s a great demand in the world for the usage of English and it has become an international language. No matter where you go English is always commonly used. 126.
What was your minor subject? 127.
Business administration. 128.
Could you tell me something about the courses your major at school? 129.
I took many courses at school, including extensive reading, spoken English, listening comprehension, intensive reading etc.(泛读,听力理解,精读) 130.
Please tell me something about your education. 131.
All right, I graduated and got the degree of bachelor of economics from Xiamen University four years ago. My major is international trade(.经济学学士) 132.
Your English is excellent, how long have you been studying English? 133.
More than 12 years. I started to learn English when I was in the primary school, and I specialized in English at a vocational school. 134.
Could you tell me something about your educational background? 135.
I was admitted into Foreign Language School as an English major and specialized in English secretarial studied in 1999. In addition, I took the course of computer and public relations while in the school. 136.
What king of work are you doing now? 137.
What is your current job? 138.
What is you previous job? 139.
Why do you want to leave your previous job? 140.
I?m working at a garment factory in Xiamen.(纺织厂) 141.
What work are you responsible for at your present work unit? 142.
As a clerk & Secretary, I?m responsible for typing memorandums and reports, answering telephone, arranging appointments and writing letters for the president etc. 143.
The reason left id because the salary is too small. I should support my family and I should support the tuition of my brother. 144.
The major is not suitable. 145.
I want to have a change to make more improvement. 146.
I would like to challenge myself. 147.
I hope I could find some better chance in a big company like yours. 148.
Where are you working now? 149.
How long have you been engaged in this work? 150.
I have been working there for 2years. 151.
How many employers have you worked for? 152.
Not so many. Only3. 153.
I have gained enough experience by changing work units and I?m anxious to settle down now. 154.
Have you worked anywhere else? 155.
Yes, I worked for two years at a restaurant as a waitress /waiter. 156.
Do you have any work experience? 157.
What kind of work have you ever done in the past? 158.
Would you like to talk about your merits? 159.
Have you received any at your unit? 160.
Yes, I got the title of “Advanced Worker” in 1999. 161.
I have gained quite a lit of experience in direct sales of goods and teaching. 162.
Do you do a second job in addition to your full-time work? 163.
Yes, I do. I translate some technical materials for some companies in my spare time. 164.
Do you have much experience in work of this sort? 165.
Definitely, I?m experienced. I worked as a waitress /waiter in a hotel for two years. 166.
Have you ever been fired (Dismissed)? 167.
Frankly speaking, I have. They dismissed me because I was a new hand when I just left school, and I knew nothing. 168.
Have you ever been dismissed for some unfair reason? 169.
No, never. 170.
Do you have any experience as a secretary? 171.
Yes, I have. I have been employed as a professional secretary in the manager office since my graduation. 172.
Are you familiar with hotel service? 173.
What is your record like? 174.
I am the top in the hotel. 175.
How long have you been a waitress /waiter? 176.
Do you have any practical
What kind of work experience do you have? 178.
After graduation, I have been working in a trading company. 179.
What is your hobby? 180.
Do you have any special interests? 181.
Yes, collecting stamps is my chief interest. 182.
What do you usually do in your spare time? 183.
I admire the stamps collection, and I also enjoy sports. 184.
Do you have any hobbies? 185.
Yes, I have many hobbies, I like almost all kinds of sports, I enjoy listen to the music, and I do a lot of reading. 186.
Are you interested in music? 187.
You stated in your resume that your hobby is reading, what kind of books do you like to read? 188.
Mostly novels. 189.
Who is your favorite author? 190.
I have many favorites but I seem to like ……more than the others. 191.
What hobbies do you have? 192.
I?m afraid I don?t have much time for hobbies. 193.
Are you interested in anything in particular? 194.
Music and sports are my hobbies. 195.
Climbing mountain is one of my hobbies. 196.
Do you like sports (painting, music.)? 197.
I am interested in …… 198.
I have a big collection of records. 199.
I particularly like swimming and mountaineering. 200.
Everyone should develop hobby. Hobbies take everyone?s mind off the worries of everyday life. 201.
My hobbies change very so often. Pets were my hobby a few months age. But just 三亿文库3y.uu456.com包含各类专业文献、中学教育、应用写作文书、生活休闲娱乐、各类资格考试、专业论文、文学作品欣赏、高等教育、外语学习资料、行业资料、17丽丽星邮轮面试常用英语星邮轮面试常用英语等内容。 
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丽星邮轮公司招聘简章:&丽星邮轮& 公司是亚洲最大的豪华邮轮公司,也是世界3大豪华邮轮之一,在世界旅游界享有盛名,现拥有8艘邮轮穿梭于亚洲各国和旅游城市之间,船上配有各式大型中、西餐厅,酒吧、商场、影院、休闲中心,棋牌室,健身房,图书馆和阅览室等。集餐饮、美食、文化、娱乐、旅游为一体。&丽星邮轮&的主要航线有新加坡&马来西亚&泰国&新加坡,台湾&日本、香港&公海等。有时公司的船会根据季节变化和客户要求去其它国家做短暂的航线。&丽星邮轮& 每艘船都须配备800---1500名员工,他们均来自世界各地,其中中国籍员工占40%左右,船上工作语言为英语。目前&丽星邮轮&公司每年从中国招收近千名员工,因此需要懂英语的旅游服务人才。同时,丽星邮轮公司旗下还控股美国的一个挪威邮轮公司(NCL)。表现好的优秀的员工也可以申请去美国的邮轮工作。在新加坡,丽星邮轮的母公司云顶集团在新加坡圣陶沙的酒店娱乐场和赌场也已开业。需要大批的员工。对员工以后的就业和发展提供了良好的机会。我公司是丽星邮轮授权的国内代理招聘企业。每年我们在中国地区的招募计划在300名左右。每年有7-8次的招聘计划。现受丽星邮轮和上海云星国际邮轮管理专业的委托和授权,招收赴邮轮的工作人员:一. 俱乐部(50名)A)要求:1. 年龄18至26周岁2. 身高:女生身高不低于1.62公分。男生身高不低于1.70公分。3. 有较好的英语会话能力,能用英文进行日常会话和交流。4. 外表看上去干净,整洁。5. 身体健康没有色盲。6. 有良好的数字计算能力。7. 手上没有明显的疤痕以及手汉。8. 工作态度端正并且勤奋好学。9. 不需要工作经历,年满18岁即可。欢迎应届高中/职校/大中专生报名。B)工资待遇及福利:1. 娱乐部员工:底薪430美金。续约会加薪。.如升职薪水最低1000美金起薪.一般员工只要表现不是很差,3,4年左右就升职.2. 合同期:合同期10个月左右。通常是按照10个月。有时会根据船上安排提前回国休假或延迟回国休假。但最长不超过12个月。这是国际海事协会规定。合同期结束回国休假1至2个月。具体时间由船上安排。3. 住宿:船上提供免费的住宿。住宿有4人或6人间。这是针对新员工。如果有升职住宿标准也会相应提高住2人或3人间。船上提供床单,被子,枕头和枕套以及浴巾等。每星期可以免费去洗衣房更换.房间有卫生间和24小时的淋浴。吃饭有员工餐厅。免费用餐。4. 保险:邮轮根据国际海事组织规定为每位员工购买人身意外伤害等保险。5. 医疗:船上有免费的医院可以为员工看病。如果有些大的疾病船上无法医治,会送员工去陆地的医院医治。治疗的费用由公司承担。6. 工作时间:船上的工作时间比较特殊。是根据船期和行程来安排工作时间的。而且职务不同,工作时间也有所不同。船靠港员工可以下船去参观,旅游,购物。7. 船上除了设有员工餐厅外,还有船员酒吧,健身房,图书馆,阅览室,电影院,自助洗衣房.洗衣房配备洗衣机和烘干机并配备好洗衣粉和柔软剂.洗衣房还免费提供烫衣板和熨斗.此外,船上甲板还可以跑步.甲板顶层设有游泳池和篮球场等.二. 酒店部(50名)A)要求:1. 年龄18至26周岁。2. 身高:女生身高不低于1.60公分。男生身高不低于1.70公分。3. 有一些英语会话能力。4. 外表看起来干净整洁。5. 身体健康。6. 手上没有明显的斑点,疤痕以及纹身。7. 愿意从事服务行业。8. 态度端正并且有良好的团队合作精神。B)工资待遇及福利:1. 酒店部:餐饮部服务员薪资从400美金起薪。包吃住,小费另计。小费和服务费根据部门的安排进行分配2. 娱乐部:娱乐部薪资425美元起薪。娱乐部包括D
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