
―― 晋江文学城网友交流区
№1&☆☆☆= =于 12:06:03留言☆☆☆ 
几十年前印度给人的印象还不是强 奸大国呢
№2&☆☆☆= =于 12:08:50留言☆☆☆ 
№3&☆☆☆= =于 12:09:22留言☆☆☆ 
和台湾是差不多吧 大陆就别自取其辱了
=于 12:09:34留言☆☆☆ 
№5&☆☆☆= =于 12:09:48留言☆☆☆ 
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№9&☆☆☆?于 12:12:41留言☆☆☆ 
№10&☆☆☆= =于 12:12:41留言☆☆☆ 
和台湾是差不多吧 大陆就别自取其辱了№4 ☆☆☆= =于 12:09:34留言☆☆☆ 去台湾旅游回来的repo都说和上世纪90年代的大陆差不多所以你还是别自取其辱了
№11&☆☆☆= =于 12:12:43留言☆☆☆ 
№12&☆☆☆= =于 12:13:16留言☆☆☆ 
№13&☆☆☆==于 12:13:39留言☆☆☆ 
№14&☆☆☆= =于 12:13:41留言☆☆☆ 
№2 ☆☆☆= =于 12:08:50留言☆☆☆ 现在也好不到哪儿去吧反正印度给我的感觉是 不会投胎的还是避而远之 这个不会投胎可不是中美等国家的不会法
№15&☆☆☆= =于 12:13:45留言☆☆☆ 
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№23&☆☆☆==于 12:17:47留言☆☆☆ 
以前不是有个帖子问大家如果要在一个国家呆三年的话印度和朝鲜选哪个么,绝大多数都回答朝鲜,印度脏得不能忍№17 ☆☆☆= =于 12:16:15留言☆☆☆ 我选印度,待在富人区不出去不就行了,待在朝鲜人身安全都不能保障
№24&☆☆☆= =于 12:18:15留言☆☆☆ 
№25&☆☆☆- -于 12:18:33留言☆☆☆ 
和台湾是差不多吧 大陆就别自取其辱了 №4 ☆☆☆= =于 12:09:34留言☆☆☆  去台湾旅游回来的repo都说和上世纪90年代的大陆差不多 所以你还是别自取其辱了№11 ☆☆☆= =于 12:12:43留言☆☆☆  年初刚去过,除了台南之外台北花莲高雄之类的都去了除了台北101那一块算一个国际化大都市之外,别的全特么都是县城级别……高雄勉强算成龙年轻时候演的那些电影里的香港吧
№26&☆☆☆==于 12:19:04留言☆☆☆ 
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№32&☆☆☆= =于 12:23:21留言☆☆☆ 
傻逼吗 以偏概全 你会去那种垃圾地方旅游?
№33&☆☆☆= =于 12:24:02留言☆☆☆ 
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№33 ☆☆☆= =于 12:24:02留言☆☆☆ 话糙理不糙,去旅游都是去比较美比较好的地方,拿景点跟日常生活比……除非是新加坡这种超小国家,否则哪个大国也没戏我去过两趟俄罗斯,莫斯科和圣彼得堡我觉得比纽约美!但是你说俄罗斯比美国发达那是胡扯
№37&☆☆☆= =于 12:28:07留言☆☆☆ 
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№39&☆☆☆……于 12:28:45留言☆☆☆ 
№40&☆☆☆= =于 12:29:10留言☆☆☆ 
№41&☆☆☆= =于 12:29:31留言☆☆☆ 
回标题,如果很多地方和中国差不多,那应该不穷= =
№42&☆☆☆……于 12:29:32留言☆☆☆ 
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№47&☆☆☆= =于 12:32:46留言☆☆☆ 
回标题,如果很多地方和中国差不多,那应该不穷= = №42 ☆☆☆……于 12:29:32留言☆☆☆ 印度只有一亿人口,剩下十亿是两脚羊,那一亿人怎么会穷。
№48&☆☆☆= =于 12:32:48留言☆☆☆ 
№49&☆☆☆= =于 12:33:13留言☆☆☆ 
№50&☆☆☆--于 12:33:46留言☆☆☆ 
№51&☆☆☆= =于 12:34:04留言☆☆☆ 
金砖四国不是白白排列在一起的№43 ☆☆☆= =于 12:30:44留言☆☆☆ 现在是一个金+四块砖,中国并不想和那四个砖排在一起,谢谢
№52&☆☆☆= =于 12:34:10留言☆☆☆ 
№53&☆☆☆= =于 12:34:22留言☆☆☆ 
没有战争的国家的街景不会差距到哪里,顶多是审美问题,建筑风格,卫生状况不同 №25 ☆☆☆- -于 12:18:33留言☆☆☆ 真的有差挺多的地方,以前坐车看到吓一跳,不相信二线城市市区内有这种地方,跟内环差太多
№54&☆☆☆= =于 12:35:56留言☆☆☆ 
№55&☆☆☆53L于 12:37:11留言☆☆☆ 
№56&☆☆☆= =于 12:37:43留言☆☆☆ 
怎么吞我回复,按基尼指数,最低到最高是印度、TC、俄罗斯、巴西,加南非的话南非最高№55 ☆☆☆53L于 12:37:11留言☆☆☆一群自干五也就只能在印度身上找找优越感了
№57&☆☆☆= =于 12:39:24留言☆☆☆ 
№58&☆☆☆= =于 12:39:43留言☆☆☆ 
№59&☆☆☆= =于 12:41:38留言☆☆☆ 
别搞笑了,印度人qj起来,女外交官都能被qj,以为待在富人区就没风险了你们真是图样。知乎上倒是有人放飞自我去朝鲜当了交换生还是留学生吧,我觉得如果是他描述的条件我是可以接受的,除了上网什么的比我老家十八线县城还不方便以外,而且在朝鲜你跟着他们一起说朝鲜zzzq的话就不会有人来抓你这个中国人的= =,我觉得比呆在印度被qj的几率小多了。
№60&☆☆☆= =于 12:41:51留言☆☆☆ 日,联合国人权理事会以24票赞成、15票反对、8票弃权的表决结果通过有关斯里兰卡人权状况的决议,要求追究斯里兰卡内战最后阶段存在的侵犯人权行为。据印度时报(TOI)报道,中国支持斯里兰卡,投票反对该决议。印度则投了赞成票。中国和印度对该决议所采取的不同立场激起了印度网民的热议。许多印度网民表示,印度置国家利益于不顾,屈服于美国和国内泰米尔人的压力,将斯里兰卡推向了中国。原文标题:War crimes: China backs Lanka on UN resolution原文链接:/world/china/War-crimes-China-backs-Lanka-on-UN-resolution/articleshow/.cmsBEIJING: China on Thursday firmly backed Sri Lanka against the US-sponsored resolution at the UNHRC on alleged war crimes, saying it is against any country putting pressure on others in the name of rights violations.Sri Lanka has made rapid progress in promoting human rights and realisation of national reconciliation, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in a statement.Replying to questions about China's stand at the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) resolution calling for important steps towards reconciliation and accountability over the allegations of war crimes during the final days of the conflict with LTTE, the Chinese ministry said Sri Lanka and its people were capable of dealing with their own affairs.China thinks dialogue and cooperation is the basic way to solve differences on human rights and Beijing is opposed to any pressure mounted on Colombo with a resolution, it said.北京:星期四,在美国支持的涉及斯里兰卡战争罪的决议中,中国在联合国人权理事会坚定支持斯里兰卡。中国称反对任何国家以侵犯人权的名义施压其他国家。中国外交部的一份声明称,在促进人权和实现民族和解上,斯里兰卡取得了快速进步。联合国人权理事会决议呼吁采取和解措施,以及追究斯里兰卡在和泰米尔猛虎组织的冲突后期所犯下的战争罪。在回答有关中国对该决议采取什么立场时,中国外交部称斯里兰卡和斯里兰卡人民有能力解决好自己的事务。中国认为对话合作是解决人权分歧的基本方法。北京反对通过决议对科伦坡施压。Instead of complicating the issue with such action, the international community should create a conducive atmosphere to stabilise situation in Sri Lankan, it added.China, in recent years has made big investments in Sri Lanka besides assisting the island with major projects like building a modern port at Hambanthotta, emerging as one of Colombo's staunch allies.China's support to Sri Lanka came days after India expressed its inclination to vote in favour of the resolution.Earlier this month, Sri Lankan defence secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa visited Beijing to seek its support to stave off the US-led move.Chinese defence minister General Liang Guanglie who met him said China will continue to support Sri Lanka's efforts in safeguarding state independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity and realising social and economic development.国际社会与其通过这样的行动让问题复杂化,倒不如为斯里兰卡的稳定形势创造有利氛围。在最近几年里,除了在修建现代化的汉班托塔港等重大工程上帮助斯里兰卡,中国在斯里兰卡做了巨大投资,成为科伦坡其中一个最坚定盟友。在中国表达支持斯里兰卡的几天前,印度称有意向投票支持该决议。本月早期,斯里兰卡国防部长哥达巴雅·拉贾帕克萨访问北京,寻求北京帮助阻止美国领导的行动。中国国防部长和他见了面,称在维护国家独立、保持主权和领土完整、实现社会和经济发展方面,中国将继续支持斯里兰卡的努力。以下是印度网民的评论:Abhijit (Kolkata1)22 Mar,
PMWho else can back them :)还有谁会支持他们:)TP (SL) replies to Abhijit22 Mar,
PMRussia, Cuba, Pakistan and more. Not f...ing india俄罗斯、古巴、巴基斯坦,还有更多。不包括印度Muthamizh (Chennai) replies to TP22 Mar,
PMCuba came by the way of Fidel Castro and Che how come that country support Sri Lanka...Surprise....古巴遵循的是菲德尔·卡斯特罗的道路。那个国家怎么会支持斯里兰卡...令人吃惊...Van (Kolkata) replies to TP22 Mar,
PMRussia won't. Pak may do.俄罗斯不会支持,巴基斯坦可能会。&Ghaz (India)22 Mar,
PMchina say the absolutely right if USA and His ally have right to kill on the name of defense so why not the Sri Lanka.中国说得绝对正确。如果美国及其盟友有权利以防守的名义大开杀戒,为什么斯里兰卡不可以。原创翻译:三泰虎 VoI (India) replies to Ghaz22 Mar,
PMUS is killing terrorists mostly. Of course, there is collateral damage and some innocent people get killed too, may be by mistake. But what Sri Lanka did was pure genocide. For instance, they declared an area as 'No Firing Zone' during war. This area was meant for non-military people to take shelter from wrath of war. When hundreds of displaced Sri Lankan Tamils took refuge in the area, Sri Lankan forces started shelling the area indiscriminately killing hundreds of people.Not even hospitals were spared. This is war crime!! Besides, you cannot give precedence of a wrong-doing of someone else to justify your own wrong-doing. God has given you a conscience, a will, a brain, use it! As far as China is considered they won't think twice before selling even their Mother to get their job done. I would not be surprised if Sri Lanka was back-stabbed by China some day soon!美国杀的大部分是恐怖分子。当然,会有一些附带伤害。一些无辜人民也被杀死。这可能是失误导致的。但是,斯里兰卡所做的纯粹是种族屠杀。比如,他们在战争期间宣布一个“非交火区”。这个地区主要是非军事人员为了躲避战火而安身的地方。当数以百计流离失所的斯里兰卡泰米尔人在该地区避难的时候,斯里兰卡军队开始任意炮击该地区,杀死了数百人。连医院也不能幸免。这是战争罪!此外,你不能优先以别人的恶事来为你自己的恶行辩护。上帝已经赋予你良知、意志、大脑,用起来吧!就中国而言,他们为了达到目的会不择手段。如果斯里兰卡不久的将来被中国从背后捅一刀,我不会感到吃惊!Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha (Clinton, USA) replies to VoI22 Mar,
PMVoI "I would not be surprised if Sri Lanka was back-stabbed by China some day soon!" Sri Lanka has already been stabbed in the back by New Delhi and allying with China at this stage is a basic necessity. Google "Sri Lanka civil war India's role and go to the "Wikipedia". India is not innocent.VoI,“如果斯里兰卡不久的将来被中国从背后捅一刀,我不会感到吃惊!”斯里兰卡已经被新德里从背后捅一刀。它在这个阶段和中国结盟也是基本需要。用谷歌搜索“斯里兰卡内战、印度的角色”,去维基看一下。印度不是无辜的。&Holy Warrior (India)22 Mar,
PMBcoz of tamil jokers,now China will give trouble to India from south.Shamless tamils kill innocent people with suicide bombing and now these janitors are crying about human rights.由于泰米尔小丑的原因,中国将从南部给印度添麻烦。无耻的泰米尔人通过自杀性爆炸杀死无辜人民。这些看门人现在却哭喊着人权。Muthu (Chennai) replies to Holy Warrior22 Mar,
PMMr Holy Warrior what about Arunachal pradesh, kashmir, bhutan and etc...How come china give trouble to india. India having biggest naval in this world. If you have fear on small country how can you save 120 crore people.Holy Warrior先生,那“阿鲁纳恰尔邦”、克什米尔、不丹等怎么样...中国怎么会给印度带来麻烦。印度拥有世界上最庞大的海军。如果害怕一个小国,那么你如何能拯救12亿人民。&Sanjiv Chand (Delhi)22 Mar,
PMChina support was very much on cards and expected as it want to get an entry into the island. Problem for India as being surrounded by China from all directions: West - Pakistan, North - Nepal, South - Sri Lanka and may soon get in Mynmar/Bangladesh中国想要进入这个岛,所以对斯里兰卡的支持预计会很大。印度的问题在于被中国从各个方向包围:西面——巴基斯坦,北面——尼泊尔,南面——斯里兰卡,中国可能不久将进入缅甸和孟加拉国。&Muthu (Chennai)22 Mar,
PMWhy China Back on Srilanka. Chienese String of Pearls action against India dominating Gwadar Naval Base & Surveillance Facilities in Pakistan, Hanbantota Container Port in Sri Lanka, Chittagong Port Facility Myanmar & The Thai Canal (formerly known as Kra Canal or Kra Isthmus Canal) in Thailand. It's very danger to india that Srilanka may occupied by China. they try to control india and dominating Indian Ocean for Oil, Trade and container transport in Indian Ocean.为什么中国支持斯里兰卡。中国人针对印度的珍珠链行动控制了巴基斯坦的瓜达尔海军基地和监控设施、斯里兰卡的汉班托塔集装箱港口、(孟加拉国)吉大港港口设施、缅甸和泰国的泰运河(以前称为克拉地峡运河)。斯里兰卡可能被中国占领,这对印度很危险。他们试图控制印度和统治印度洋的石油、贸易和集装箱运输。Arpit (India) replies to Muthu22 Mar,
PMGetting more influence over Sri Lanka is just a minor reason. They just don't want to give US a chance to pass a similar resolution against China......对斯里兰卡施加更多影响只是一个小小的原因。他们只是不想给美国通过类似的反中国决议的机会......sridhar kondoji (Hyderabad) replies to Muthu22 Mar,
PMIgnoring all conspiracy theories like String of pearls etc, the chinese stands reasonable on not interfering in internal affairs of other countries. By taking this approach, China has checkmated India and now is more closer to Sri Lanka. India should have remained neutral or at best sided with Sri lanka. LTTE is a dreaded force and they met their natural end. However Sri Lankan forces have committed excesses and to resolve that consultations would have served the purpose than UN resolutions forcing Sri Lanka to probe war crimes. India is now in a fix.别把珍珠链那样的阴谋论当一回事。中国人不干涉其他国家内部事务的立场是合理的。中国以这种方式挫败了印度。现在离斯里兰卡更近了。印度应该保持中立或者最好站在斯里兰卡那一边。泰米尔猛虎组织是可怕的力量。他们得到了应得的下场。然而,斯里兰卡军队犯下了暴行。通过协商解决比迫使斯里兰卡调查战争罪行的联合国决议更能达到目的。印度现在进退两难。&Nikhil (Pune)22 Mar,
PMWe have lost a friend in SriLanka to an enemy in China. Hail Congress! I dont know how much more are they going to destroy the country.我们在斯里兰卡的朋友被中国夺走了。国大党万岁!我不知道他们还将做什么事情来摧毁国家。&The_Observer (Melbourne, Australia)22 Mar,
PMThe Chinese statement is almost word for word the same as that used numerous times by the US delegates when they veto any UN Security Council resolution against Israel :-)中国人的声明和美国否决联合国安理会反以色列决议时多次使用的声明,几乎逐字逐句相同。&reporter (jeneva)22 Mar,
PMUS SUMMITED RESOLUTION AT JENEVA GOT 24 VOTES.15 VOTES AGAINST.8 COUNTRIES DID NOT VOTE.INDIA VATED AGAINST LANKA.美国在日内瓦提交的决议,24国赞成、15国反对,8国弃权。印度投(赞成票)反对斯里兰卡。Muthamizh (Chennai) replies to reporter22 Mar,
PMIf even India didn't support the resolution also will get succeed. Because india know. Cunning decision taken by India.印度知道,即使印度不支持决议,该决议也会成功获得通过。印度做出了狡猾的决定。&Amy (Bangalore, India)22 Mar,
PMChina did a right thing. Its always wise to support ur neighbors. Since at bad times it wont flex muscles rather be neutral to u. Indian regional party's like AIADMK shud undrstand that country is over all issues. And ruling party shud take the correct stance without fearing to these blackmailers.中国做了一件正确的事。支持领国总是明智的。因为在困难时期,它不会炫耀武力,而是对你保持中立。全印安纳德拉维达进步联盟那样的印度地区小党,应该理解国家比一切问题更重要。统治政党应该采取正确立场,而不是害怕这些敲诈者。yma (TN) replies to Amy22 Mar,
PMThe country is over all issues? Do you even know what the issue is? how can you approve that the entire country is over it? India is the only country i can think of which will leave its own citizens pleas and suck up to another country. and its because of spineless cowards like you.. Go live in Jaffna for a week and post the same...国家比一切问题更重要?你知道这个问题是什么吗?你如何能证明整个国家比这个问题重要?印度是我唯一能想到的这样一个国家,即任由自己公民为其他国家辩护和拍其他国家的马屁。这都是因为你这样没有骨气的懦夫造成的...去(斯里兰卡北部港市)贾夫纳呆一个星期,并发表同样的评论吧...&Shankar (Bangalore)22 Mar,
PMI could see how naive people here are. Indo China war: Srilanka supported China Ino Pak war: Srilanka supported Pak This incident of voting against srilanka is only to save an image in fornt of the rest of the world. Otherwise India still and trying to help and support Srilanka to hide a genocide is a crime. I am ashamed as an Indian and for the values that my country is known for.我可以看到这里的人多么幼稚啊。中印战争时,斯里兰卡支持中国。印巴战争时,斯里兰卡支持巴基斯坦。这种投票反对斯里兰卡的事件只是为了在世界其他国家面前保住形象。否者,印度仍会无耻的支持斯里兰卡掩盖种族屠杀罪行。我对作为印度人感到羞耻,对我的国家众所周知的价值感到羞耻。Muthamizh (Chennai) replies to Shankar22 Mar,
PMYes absolutely Srilanka allow to land pakistan aircraft to fill fuel. Lanka stands against india when indo-china war happened是的,绝对正确。斯里兰卡允许巴基斯坦飞机降落加油。当中印战争发生时,斯里兰卡反对印度。Singh (India ) replies to Shankar22 Mar,
PMYes man we have to be really ashamed about the way Indian's killed 1000’s of innocent Sikh's & Muslims..I don't bother about other countries but India 2did genocide so how can we penalize other countries是的,对于印度杀害1000名无辜锡克教教徒和穆斯林的方式,我们真的感到羞耻...我不在乎其他国家。但是,印度也犯下过种族屠杀的罪行。所以,我们怎么可以惩罚其他国家。Jugnu Rana (NYC) replies to Singh22 Mar,
PMOF Course YOU Care About Sikhs Being Burnt By Congress You Are Sikh Do Not Say India Killed Them Congress Killed Them Many Indian People And Hindus in Delhi Many Were Trying To Save The Sikhs In Delhi Do Not Blame A Nation For That Corrupt Congress你是锡克教教徒。你当然关心被国大党烧死的锡克教教徒。别说印度杀死了他们,是国大党杀死了他们。新德里的许多印度人和印度教教徒试图拯救新德里的锡克教教徒。别因为腐败的国大党而责备一个国家。Singh replies to Jugnu Rana22 Mar,
PMoh so that means Congress is not part of India? Congress members r not Indian's??..stop ur nonsense..truth Is Indians killed 10000’s of our Sikh brother & sisters.& also Muslims .if we go by ur argument we can also say Sri Lankan government only went against terrorism then Y r we blaming them…When we have blood in our own hands we can’t penalize others哦,所以意思就是国大党不是印度的一部分?国大党成员不是印度人?...别再胡言乱语...事实是印度人杀死了我们1万名锡克教兄弟姐妹,还有穆斯林。如果按照你的观点,我们也可以说斯里兰卡政府只是反对恐怖主义,而我们却在指责他们...当我们手上沾有血的时候,我们不能惩罚别人&waran (Australia)22 Mar,
PMChinese ammunition killed many innocent Tamils so has the Kfir fighters jets provided by Israel. The reward is more contracts given to China by the blood soaked SriLanka armed forces and the President Tamil lives are cheap. Hope sanctions are brought against Sri Lanka and the war graves are dug and exposed If Bosnia , Cambodia war graves are exposed it is about time Sri Lanka war crimes are exposed and those responsible brought to justice. Hope USA leads the investigation中国的武器弹药和以色列提供的幼狮战机杀死了许多无辜的泰米尔人。中国得到的报偿是双手沾满血的斯里兰卡军队给了更多合同...希望能够制裁斯里兰卡,希望能够挖掘和曝光战争罪行。如果波斯尼亚和柬埔寨的战争罪行能够被揭露,那么斯里兰卡战争罪行被揭露和那些罪犯被正法只是时间问题。希望美国能领导这项调查。&Rupert (canada)22 Mar,
PMIndia is the most stupidest country in the world, while the willy country China won a trump card. India lost and China won. At the least, India should have abstained, thus keeping good relations with our neighbour, and not please the rascal USA and the West. What does the USA gives India for supporting all its policies, just kick in the arse, like the latest sanctions to be imposed on India, on the oil issue with Iran.The biggest and unfathomable violater of human rights is the USA, the hypocritecal country. If Hiroshima and Nagasaki are brushed under the carpet, then the past inciddence of SL which is nowhere to USA's actions during the 2nd WW, should be put to rest. This is hypocraciy of the worst kind.印度是世界上最愚蠢的国家,而中国赢得了一张王牌。印度失败,中国胜利。印度至少应该弃权,而不是讨好流氓国家美国和西方。这样印度可以和我们领国保持友好关系。印度支持美国的一切政策,美国给印度的回报是踢印度的屁股,比如最近在伊朗石油问题上对印度的制裁。最大和最深不可测的人权侵犯国家是虚伪的美国。如果广岛和长崎事件被掩盖,那么完全无法比拟美国二战期间行动的斯里兰卡的过去事件应该歇一歇了。这是最糟糕的伪善。&Ramesh Raghuvanshi (pune)22 Mar,
PMIndia increased another enemy in his basket.Prabhakaran was not saint he also violated human right law .Government bend before DMK for to save her Gaddhi.印度又给自己增添了一个敌人。普拉巴卡兰并不是圣人。他也违反人权法律。为了拯救甘地,政府在平等党面前屈服。(三泰虎注:普拉巴卡兰是泰米尔猛虎组织的最高领导人)Mansakchi (Tamilnadu) replies to Ramesh Raghuvanshi22 Mar,
PMRamesh, U and u r family should be sent to jaffna for a week, then u'll know what it is.. sitting in pune and commenting won't work brother.. if u humanity, think and post.. Sick of people like u..Ramesh,你和你的家人应该被送到贾夫纳呆一个星期,然后你会知道怎么一回事...在普纳发表评论是没用的,兄弟...如果你有人性,先思考再评论吧...对你这样的人感到恶心...Tamilan (Chennai) replies to Mansakchi22 Mar,
PMWell said.. guys like these will comment just for the sake of commenting. They have no clue whats going on there..说得好...这样的家伙是为了评论而评论。他们对那里发生的事情毫无头绪...&Nick (Mumbai)22 Mar,
PMOur foreign policy leaves ALOT to be desired. We've played into the hands of our enemies. China has strongly backed SriLanka while India sided with the USA. The same USA which is threatening us with Sanctions if we do not reduce imports from Iran. The same USA which openly provides arms to Pakistan. While I am no fan of the Chinese (infact exactly the opposite) I think our leaders need a quick education in negotiations. We cannot keep agreeing with the Americans and get absolutely nothing in return.A number of countries were 'exempted' from reducing imports from Iran(including Japan), and India could have negotiated to be on this list. The way I see it, the congress has managed to do the following for India: (1) Anger SriLanka and push them towards China (2) Potentially reduce imports from Iran, thereby buy crude at a higher rate (3) Invite Sanctions from America if we do not reduce imports from Iran (4) Invite American wrath for siding with Iran, invite SriLankan wrath for siding with America, and maintain China and Pakistan as potent enemies, while politicians continue to loot the nation and play petty politics.我们的外交政策还有许多有待改进之处。我们正中敌人的下怀。中国强烈支持斯里兰卡,而印度站在美国这一边。可如果我们不减少从伊朗的进口,美国用制裁威胁我们。美国还公开向巴基斯坦提供武器。我不是中国粉丝(实际上恰恰相反)。我认为我们的领导人需要快速学习谈判。我们不能老是投好美国,却什么回报也没有得到。许多国家不用减少从伊朗的进口(包括日本)。印度应该协商进入这个名单。在我看来,国大党为印度设法做到了以下几点:1、激怒斯里兰卡,将它推向中国2、可能减少从伊朗进口,然后以更高的价格购买原油3、如果我们不减少从伊朗进口,将招致美国的制造4、如果支持伊朗,会激怒美国;如果支持美国,会激怒斯里兰卡。继续让中国和巴基斯坦成为强有力的敌人。政客继续抢劫国家和玩弄卑鄙的政治。原创翻译:三泰虎 Ram (US) replies to Nick22 Mar,
PMI think India voted to please the Tamils and Tamil parties in India and NOT for USA.我认为印度是为了讨好印度境内的泰米尔人和泰米尔党派而投赞成票,不是为了讨好美国。The_Observer (Melbourne, Australia) replies to Nick22 Mar,
PMI have to agree with your analysis. It is pointless for India to have voted for the resolution when they knew the Chinese would veto it. Trying to please Americans who don't think twice about India or Indians is a losing proposition. I should know as I lived in the USA for 15 years.我不得不同意你的分析。印度知道中国人会否决该决议,所以印度投票支持该决议毫无意义。努力讨好不把印度或者印度人放在心上的美国人,是一个亏本生意。我在美国住了15年,所以我知道这些。&fromTN (India)22 Mar,
PMAs someone from Tamil Nadu, I was getting emotional about this, but then I realized that this is purely politics played by the international community, because humans are such a cold-heart'ed species. We are all born selfish and our judgement is always biased by our circumstances. That said, I am so happy that India is a democracy and the Tamil Nadu MPs were able to exert pressure on Congress to do the right thing. Tamils now have to think of some way to find leverage on China.作为来自泰米尔纳德邦的人,我对这个情绪激动。但另一方面,我意识到人们是如此冷血的动物,所以这是国际社会玩弄的纯粹政治游戏。我们都天生自私。我们的判断由于所处的环境而总是存在偏见。也就是说,我对印度是民主国家感到开心,对泰米尔纳德邦的议员能够施压国大党做正确的事情感到开心。泰米尔人现在必须考虑某些方法在中国寻找影响力。Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha (Clinton, USA) replies to fromTN22 Mar,
PMfrom TN. "Tamils now have to think of some way to find leverage on China." really? & how can that happen? Tamil Nadu is part of India and the Sri Lankan Tamils do not control Sri Lanka, the Singhalese Buddhists do. If Beijing wants access to the Indian Ocean she will have to approach Rajapakse not some Tamil idiot.“泰米尔人现在必须考虑某些方法在中国寻找影响力”,真的吗?那怎么会发生?泰米尔纳德是印度的一部分。斯里兰卡泰米尔人并没有控制斯里兰卡,是锡兰佛教徒在控制。如果北京想要进入印度洋,她会找(斯里兰卡总统)拉贾帕克萨,而不是某些泰米尔傻子。Karthik (Germany) replies to Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha23 Mar,
AMLOL!!! I just pity you Mr.Bernard Wijeyasingha, you are feeling so happy that China voted in favour of Srilanka without even realising what their real intentions are. Keep celebrating your friendship with China till the day you realize that Srilanka has actually become its puppet.LOL!我可怜你。你连中国的真实意图都不知道,就对中国投票支持斯里兰卡感到如此开心。在意识到斯里兰卡实际上成为了中国的傀儡前,你就继续庆祝你们和中国的友好关系吧。Rai Yang pitang chhu (Nepal now-Oxford) replies to Karthik23 Mar,
PMMr Karthik,it is better to super power poppet China than super begger poppet India.Sri Lankan leader r smarter than idiot Nepali leader who r India's poppet.Karthik先生,成为超级大国中国的“小乖乖”比成为超级乞丐印度的“小乖乖”要更好。斯里兰卡领导人比愚蠢的尼泊尔领导人更聪明。尼泊尔现在是印度的“小乖乖”。&lachman (india)22 Mar,
PMwhat message has india sent to the terrorists its ok to kill innocent people, when sri lanks defended its country and ended terrorsim which inida is unable to do the indians are going against the sri lankans what a shame on india and victory for the terrorists印度给恐怖分子传递了信息,即杀害无辜人民是没问题的。斯里兰卡人保卫国家和终结恐怖主义,印度却没有能力这样做。印度人反对斯里兰卡人。真是印度的耻辱和恐怖分子的胜利。&made in India (gujarat)22 Mar,
PMi want to say brothers please do not use made in china products. use only made in India.and vote BJP.兄弟们,我想说的是请别用中国货,只用印度货和投印度人民党的票。&SB (US)22 Mar,
PMWe need to have atleast one friendly neighbour. C'mon why can't we understand this. I know this was done to appease our Tamil friends and this is the right thing to do but we need to also understand the politics of the region and china is waiting for an oppurtunity here. I think we should then suppot T-i-bet liberation我们至少需要一个友好领国。为什么我们理解不来这个。我知道这样做是为了对我们的泰米尔朋友让步。这件事是做对了。但是我们也需要理解地区政治。中国正在这里等待机会。我认为我们应该支持......&gr (Halifax)22 Mar,
PMThis is China's dirty game since India favor the UN resolution, and I am sure Pakistan will follow the same as China did.印度已经赞成联合国决议,这是中国的肮脏游戏。我肯定巴基斯坦会同样追随中国。&No Nonsense (Hyderabad)22 Mar,
PMSo keeping Tamil Nadu happy is more important than safeguarding our national interest. Really ashamed of this selfish and spineless government. Tamil Nadu govt should be even more ashamed for keeping self-interest before nations interest.所以,让泰米尔纳德邦人开心比维护国家利益更重要。真的对自私和没有骨气的政府感到羞耻。泰米尔纳德邦政府将自身利益放在国家利益前面,它应该感到更羞耻。原创翻译:三泰虎 True Indian (True Indian) replies to No Nonsense22 Mar,
PMTrue mate..wake up Indians..toiletnadu’s r jealous about SL because Tamils r not the main race in all the countries they live. toiletnadu’s dreamed to get a country for them in Sri Lanka, their dreams was spoiled when SL army went against terrorism..Now Toiletnadu don’t have any option. so they r trying to fool the Indian government..India what we did is wrong. we must support SL without listening to toiletnadu..we must give priority to India not to Toiletnadu ..its time to be Indian & not make decision by listing to a minor community like Toiletnadu印度人,醒醒吧...泰米尔人在居住的国家都不是主要种族,泰米尔纳德邦人对斯里兰卡感到嫉妒,所以泰米尔纳德邦人梦想在斯里兰卡建立属于自己的国家。斯里兰卡军队镇压恐怖主义,他们的梦想破灭了...泰米尔纳德邦人现在没有选择。所以他们努力愚弄印度政府...印度,我们所做的是错误的。我们必须支持斯里兰卡,而不是听泰米尔纳德人的话...我们必须优先考虑印度,而不是优先考虑泰米尔纳德邦...该是当印度人的时候了。不要根据泰米尔纳德邦人等少数群体的意见来做决定。Tamilan (Chennai) replies to No Nonsense22 Mar,
PMOK. whats the alternative? Sell TN to SL and ensure 'security' to the rest of India? thats rich. wow .. what about Sikkim? Arunachal pradesh? POK? im sure if they are let go, India will be the safest place on the planet. China and Pak will never disturb us...好的。替代选择是什么?把泰米尔纳德邦卖给斯里兰卡,以确保印度其余地区的“安全”?太棒了。哇...锡金怎么样?“阿鲁纳恰尔邦”?巴占克什米尔?我肯定,如果放弃这些,印度将是这个星球上最安全的地方。中国和巴基斯坦永远不会打扰我们...(三泰虎注:锡金于1975年被印度非法吞并)No Nonsense replies to Tamilan22 Mar,
PMWho said anything about selling any state to anyone? India could have voted for srilanka-keeping longterm interest in mind.谁说把印度的邦卖给其他人?印度应该投票支持斯里兰卡,应该把长期利益放在心上。Tamilan replies to Abhilash22 Mar,
PMTrue. very true. but our govt does not have a spine. what can we do? it needs to borrow some from the US ..非常对。但是我们的政府没有骨气。我们能做什么呢?印度需要从美国那里借一些“骨气”...&Mike Collins (U.S.A.)22 Mar,
PMMany of India’s neighbors, including China, Bangladesh and Maldives, and Russia, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Indonesia were among the countries that voted against the resolution which asked the Sri Lankan government to implement the constructive recommendations of the LLRC. India voted with countries like Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Uruguay and the US. This article, written by PTI, mentions only China. Why?包括中国、孟加拉国和马尔大夫在内的许多印度领国,以及俄罗斯、科威特、沙特阿拉伯和印尼都是投票反对决议的国家。该决议要求斯里兰卡政府实施教训汲取与和解委员会(LLRC)提出的建议。印度和奥地利、比利时、捷克、意大利、西班牙、瑞士、乌拉圭、美国等国家一起投了赞成票。印度报业托拉斯(PTI)写的这篇文章只提到中国。为什么?原创翻译:三泰虎 &Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha (Clinton, USA)22 Mar,
PMTo quote the article: "Chinese defence minister General Liang Guanglie who met him said China will continue to support Sri Lanka's efforts in safeguarding state independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity and realising social and economic development." or in other words will become Sri Lanka's ally in almost all areas of concern expecting from Sri Lanka to fulfill the wishes of China. Now that India has bowed to Tamil pressure while ignoring her own security China and Sri Lanka will not waste a moment to take advantage of this golden opportunity. Thank you India for stabbing yourself.这里引述文章的话:“中国国防部长和他见了面,称在维护国家独立、保持主权和领土完整、实现社会和经济发展方面,中国将继续支持斯里兰卡的努力”。换句话说,为了实现意图,中国将在几乎所有斯里兰卡关注的领域成为斯里兰卡的盟友。既然印度屈服于泰米尔人的压力,而忽视印度自身的安全,中国和斯里兰卡将会充分利用这个绝好机会。印度捅了自己一刀,谢谢印度。Observer (Myanmar) replies to Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha23 Mar,
AMChina is always fair in her approach to problems, no licking boots or bullying.在处理问题方面,中国总是公平的,不会俯首听命,也不会恃强凌弱。&tamil (Switzerland)23 Mar,
AMchina helps sinhalese to make sri lanka as a strongpoint against india! China does not tolerate the growth of india! and most indians do not even understand, but anyways I'm happy to see what India did today! I'm proud of them! They showd humanity!中国帮助僧伽罗人,使斯里兰卡成为反印度的战略要点!中国不能忍受印度的发展!大多数印度人并不理解。但不管怎么样,我对印度今天所做的感到高兴!我为他们自豪!他们展示了人性!(三泰虎注:僧伽罗人是斯里兰卡人口占多数的民族,主要聚居在人口稠密、经济发达的西部、西南部和中部山区。属欧罗巴――尼格罗混合人种,与南亚次大陆北部各民族血缘相近。文字以巴利文为基础,深受南印度格兰塔文影响。“僧伽罗”一词源于梵文,意为“狮子”,故斯里兰卡古有“狮子国”之称。)Scratchmyhead (Berne) replies to tamil23 Mar,
AMIf you proud of india, why you in Switzerland ?如果你以印度自豪,为什么呆在瑞士?


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