惠州华洋科技职校骗局有什么职校招春季生的 我现在想转学 那种能学到东西的 谢谢

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2017为深入贯彻《普通高等学校学生管理规定》(教育部令第41号)文件精神,进一步规范我院学生转学工作,维护教育公平公正和学生合法权益,依据《教育部办公厅关于进一步规范普通高等学校转学工作的通知》(教学厅〔2015〕4号)和《广东省教育厅转发教育部办公厅关于进一步规范普通高等学校转学工作的通知》(粤教高函〔2015〕100号)和《惠州学院学生管理规定》等规定要求,结合我校实际,制定本实施细则。第一条 学生一般应当在被录取学校完成学业。因患病或者有特殊困难、特别需要,无法继续在本校学习或者不适应本校学习要求的,可以申请转学。因患病申请转学的学生应当提供经转出学校、拟转入学校指定医院的检查证明;特殊困难一般指因家庭有特殊情况,确需学生本人就近照顾的;研究生因导师工作调动或健康原因不能继续指导的,以及符合学校规定的其他情形。第二条 申请转学的本专科学生高考分数应达到拟转入学校相关专业在生源地相应年份的高考录取分数。申请转学的研究生拟转入学校与转出学校层次、类型、学科专业水平相当,并需通过拟转入学校学位评定委员会组织的专业考核或学业水平评估。第三条 学生有下列情形之一,不得转学。(一)入学未满一学期或者毕业前一年的;(二)高考成绩低于拟转入学校相关专业同一生源地相应年份录取成绩的;(三)由低学历层次转为高学历层次的;(四)以定向就业招生录取的;(五)研究生拟转入学校、专业的录取控制标准高于其所在学校、专业的;(六)无正当转学理由的。学生因学校培养条件改变等非本人原因需要转学的,学校出具证明,由所在地省级教育行政部门协调转学到同层次学校。第四条 学生转出程序(一)每年4或10月份,由学生本人申请,经所在二级学院同意后填写《广东省普通高校转学备案表》,并送教务处。(二)教务处对学生提交的《广东省普通高校转学备案表》等转学材料进行审核,并送主管教学副校长、校长及校长办公会审议。(三)审议结果在学校公示栏公示5个工作日,经公示无异议后,由学生凭经主管教学副校长签署意见的《广东省普通高校转学备案表》等材料向转入高校申请转学。(四)行文备案。学生在广东省内转学,由学校行文报广东省教育厅备案。跨省转学,由学校行文报广东省教育厅备案的同时,学生转入学校需报学生转入高校省教育主管部门备案。(五)学生凭经广东省教育厅同意备案的转学结果,按照学校学生离校程序办理转学手续。第五条 学生转入程序(一)每年4或10月份,由学生本人将经所在高校校(院)长签发同意转出的《普通高校转学备案表》和转学备案证明材料送教务处。(二)教务处对学生转学条件和转学备案证明材料等进行审核,学生拟转入二级学院院务会议和学校校长办公会会议研究决定,由主管教学副校长签发同意转入意见后在学院公示栏公示5个工作日。(三)经公示无异议,由学校行文报广东省教育厅备案。(四)学生凭经教育主管部门同意备案的转学结果,按照学校学生入校程序办理转学手续。第六条 通过转学转入我校学习的学生,应当按照就读专业的人才培养方案选修规定的课程,考核成绩合格,并修满规定学分,方可毕业。达到《惠州学院学士学位授予工作细则》规定的学术水平和条件,授予就读专业的学士学位。第七条 学生因患病申请转学(包括转出和转入),需提供经我校和拟转入高校共同指定医院的检查证明,检查证明需盖有“疾病诊断证明专用章”,身体患有重大疾病不能正常学习的以及患有精神疾病不能正常学习的不得转入我校。第八条 纪律要求(一)严禁以转学为幌子,变相突破高校招生录取分数线择校、择专业;(二)严禁违反程序、弄虚作假、徇私舞弊、以权谋私等行为;(三)不准采取任何方式影响、干扰转学工作正常秩序;(四)不准索取或接受学生及家长的现金、有价证券以及礼品等;(五)不准以任何理由向学生及家长收取与转学挂钩的任何费用。第九条 本实施细则由教务处负责解释,自2017年9月1日起施行,原《惠州学院转学工作实施细则》(惠院发【2015】107号)同时废止。惠州学生入学及转学办事指南
【导语】:惠州学生入学及转学要怎么办理?办理的话是有什么步骤和要求。下面让惠州本地宝小编为你整理相关信息。  学生入学及转学办事指南  一、学生入学  就读高中阶段学校先填志愿后报考,其中普通高中以中考成绩划线择优录取,中职学校实行自主招生。  义务教育阶段学校(初中、小学)按照“免试就近划片入学”原则招生,不设重点校(班)。民办中小学按照有关规定自主招生。  幼儿园入学不受学区限制,满三周岁以上儿童,由家长自主选择幼儿园。  报名时户口簿是必带证件,其他证件各级各类学校有相应要求。  二、义务教育阶段学生转学  (一)转出:  1、学生本人或家长向在读学校提出申请。  2、学校经县级教育局审核同意后,向转入学校所在地教育局发出《学生转学联系函》。  3、转入地教育局出具同意接收回函。  4、转出学校(即原就读学校)凭接收地教育局的接收函开具转学证明,提供学籍资料给转入地学校。  (二)转入  由学生本人或家长向转入学校提出申请,转入学校接到申请报经所在地教育局审批同意后,开具同意接收回函。  三、普通高中学生转学  转入、转出申请程序与义务教育阶段学生相同,根据广东省教育厅文件(粤教基[号)规定,审批权限如下:  1、本市县(区)内转学经县(区)教育局批准。  2、本市县(区)之间转学,经县(区)教育局批准,并由转入学校主管教育行政部门报市教育局备案。  3、本省跨市转学经市教育局批准。  4、跨省转学经省教育厅批准(由市教育局代受理)。  5、根据省教育厅学籍管理的有关规定,高中三年级不接收转学学生。  四、中等职业技术学校学生转学  政策依据:《广东省中等职业学校学生学籍管理规定(试行)》(粤教职[2002]50号)、《广东省中等职业学校学生学籍管理规定(试行)》(粤教职[号)。  (一)中职学校学生有下列情况之一者,可予转学或转专业:  1、经学校认可,学生在某专业领域具有一定专长,转学或转专业更有利于其能力发挥者;  2、疾病或生理缺陷,经学校指定的医疗单位检验证明,确实不宜在原专业学习,但可在其它专业学习者;  3、经学校认可,学生确实有某种特殊困难,不转学或转专业则无法继续学习者;  4、留级或复学时,本专业无后继续班级者。  (二)学生转专业、转学均应由本人向学校提出申请,其后按下列规定办理:  1、转专业,由学校核准。  2、转入其它学校者,须经原学校同意,报转入学校所属地级以上市教育行政部门核准,省属学校报省教育行政部门核准;跨省的,须报两省教育行政部门核准。&
相关推荐 &&惠州申办《民办职业培训学校办学许可证》需要什么条件和材料?惠州申办《民办职业培训学校办学许可证》手续?小编为你整理了相关信息。惠州专业技术人员继续教育申报的条件和材料有哪些?惠州专业技术人员继续教育申报的步骤是什么?下面小编将为你介绍一下。惠州市专业技术人员继续教育需要的材料有几样?分别是哪几样?你清楚吗?不清楚的可以参考小编整理的内容。惠州市专业技术人员继续教育条件有哪几条?你知道吗?不知道的话可以跟小编一起去看下具体有哪些条件。惠州自学考试辅导机构的正式设立审批需要条件和材料?惠州自学考试辅导机构的正式设立审批手续?小编为你整理了相关内容。惠州自学考试辅导机构的筹设申请需要什么条件和材料?惠州自学考试辅导机构的筹设申请的手续?下面小编为你整理了相关信息。随着毕业的时间越来越近。外省普通高校毕业生可能会用到以下的内容。外省普通高校毕业生的派遣接受。惠州市专业技术人员继续教育流程是怎样的你清楚吗?如果不清楚可以浏览惠州本地宝整理的相关流程。或者会对你有用。关于市县属技工学校设立审批的办理流程,它的办理流程、所需条件、材料等,让小编一一为你道来。广东省教育考试院公布2018年广东高中学业水平考试时间:2018年1月和6月各安排1次学考,考试时间分别是1月6日、1月7日和6月9日。2018年1月广东省普通高中学业水平考试报名时间、报名入口、报名流程本地宝小编都为您准备好了!详情请参看下文!2018年广东省普通高中学业水平考试考试成绩什么时候公布?成绩有什么用?怎么查询会考成绩?上一篇文章:下一篇文章:猜你喜欢
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BENDIBAO.COM 汇深网 版权所有我市放宽中考户籍限制对本地生外地生一视同仁_今日惠州网
欢迎订阅惠州日报手机报 请发送A 到,每月3元,一机在手,惠州大事都知晓[报料热线]& 惠州日报
  东江时报讯 (记者林奶花)“女儿林雯户口在湖南,今年考进了市实验中学。在惠州,外地学生和本地学生一个样了。”家长刘玲华昨日高兴地对记者说。昨日是新学年开学第一天,我市800多名外地户籍学生和林雯一样,欣喜地迈进6所市直高中的门槛。
  2011年11月,广东省政府印发了《广东省教育发展“十二五”规划》,其中提出要逐步放宽非户籍常住人口子女在流入地升学限制,实现符合条件的非户籍常住人口子女接受义务教育与当地户籍学生享有同等待遇。而此时,惠州已经率先放宽了中考户籍限制。 “外地务工人员只要符合一定的条件,比如在惠州居住满5年,有稳定的工作,有缴纳社保,孩子的学籍在惠州等,孩子就可以报考市直高中。”市教育局相关负责人说。
发言最多为2000字符(每个汉字相当于两个字符)各位老师好!我有一个关于转学的问题想咨询一下。我现在是9年级,在一所美国私立寄宿高中读书,我想转学但又不知道适不适合。首先这学期我们学校有6个人集体SAT作弊,里面有4个是住宿的中国人。校方说不会影响学校的声誉和以后的升学,但我还是有一些担心。其次我说一下学校的情况,这是一所德州休斯顿的高中(The Village School)。一共有700个学生300个是中国人(有可能还要扩招),中国学生的情况参差不齐。这些大概就是学校的情况。但是转学我担心的是10年级转学,会不会课程衔接有问题。还有我在这个学校是学生政府里的一员,换了新的学校就不一定了。所以想询问一下。还有我现在托福在95左右(还没正式考,有可能能冲100),ssat没考过不过恶补一些应该没问题。9年级第一学期现在GPA在4.0左右吧。不知道转学适不适合,还有能转到一个好一点的学校吗?谢谢各位老师!
共个14回答 浏览2805次
名称:Ms.Gabriella Rowe
职业:Head of School at The Village School
Ratio of Chinese Boarders to High School Population
18% of The Village School’s High School population is boarding students from China.
The school has capacity for 296 boarding students.
Admissions Process for Boarding Students
To meet the rigorous curriculum requirements of The Village School residential life students must submit an application, send strong academic transcripts from the previous two years, take a standardized English test, preferably TOEFL with a minimum score of 70+, but the other tests accepted are: TOEFL Junior, IELTS, Oxford On-line Placement Test (OOPT), and submit teacher recommendations.
Our head of school Ms. Gabriella Rowe goes to China every year to interview candidates so we can pick the best-fit candidates.
Village College Information
2017’s 154 seniors have been accepted to 699 colleges and universities and received $7,863,660 in merit scholarships to date.
Village students matriculate at a distinguished list of colleges and universities. The following is a list of some of the most popular choices over the past five years: Harvard, MIT, Rice University, Berkeley, NYU, SMU, Georgia Tech, Boston University, McGill, Pace University, University of Houston, Washington University in St. Louis, University of Texas, Wellesley, Texas A&M, Vanderbilt University, and University of British Columbia.
STEAM Stats for Village
93% of seniors are enrolled in an International Baccalaureate math course.
84% of seniors are enrolled in an International Baccalaureate science course.
Regarding the recent and unfortunate SAT allegations, The Village School has taken action and those students are no longer enrolled at our school. While this is a rare occurrence, we are extremely disappointed in the choices of these students. At Village, we strive to provide every child with the support they need to feel as prepared as possible. We do not want any student to feel that cheating is their best option to succeed. We will continue to support all of our students through the college application and testing process to provide them with comfort and direction as we guide them towards the next chapter in their lives.
Rest assured, the students who are currently in the college application process will not be affected. Due to the swift action of Village’s administration, the incident will not impact the reputation of the school or the candidacy of college applicants. We will continue to showcase our academic rigor, achievements, and values celebrating the success and integrity of our community.
我们学校目前有296个寄宿位置。整个高中部学生中18%为中国学生。要申请成为本校寄宿学生, 学生需要提交近两年的学术成绩单及托福考试成绩,我们的托福分数要求为70分同时也接受TOEFL Junior, IELTS, Oxford On-line Placement Test (OOPT)等成绩,除此之外还需要提交学校老师的推荐信。为了录取适合匹配我们学校的学生,我们的校长Ms. Gabriella Rowe每年都会到中国面试学生 2017年截至今天, 我们154位高年级学生被699所不同大学录取并获得$7,863,660美元的奖学金。学生进入了许多非常优秀的大学就读,过去五年来我们许多学生进入:哈佛,MIT,莱斯大学,伯克利大学,纽约大学等学校在校学生93%高年级同学选修IB数学课程,84% 选修IB科学课程。关于最近学校的sat不良事件, 学校已採取行动且参与的学生已不在学校就读。这是史无前例的,我们对这次的事件感到非常失望。在学校我们尽可能提供所有学生需要的支持,鼓励孩子诚实、守信,严谨求学,我们不希望学生认为考试作弊是成功的捷径。学校将一如既往提供学生需要的支持,帮助孩子们申请大学,准备升学考试, 引导他们朝着下一个人生目标努力。目前正在准备申请大学的同学们不用担心会受影响,学校的行政部门已介入处理, 这次的事件不会影响学校的声誉以及在校生的升学资格学校将会继续保持严谨的治学态度, 引导学生以诚信的态度通往成功、创造价值。
原文:Ratio of Chinese Boarders to High School Population18% of The Village School’s High School population is boarding students from China.
The school has capacity for 296 boarding students.Admissions Process for Boarding StudentsTo meet the rigorous curriculum requirements of The Village School residential life students must submit an application, send strong academic transcripts from the previous two years, take a standardized English test, preferably TOEFL with a minimum score of 70+, but the other tests accepted are: TOEFL Junior, IELTS, Oxford On-line Placement Test (OOPT), and submit teacher recommendations. Our head of school Ms. Gabriella Rowe goes to China every year to interview candidates so we can pick the best-fit candidates.Village College Information2017’s 154 seniors have been accepted to 699 colleges and universities and received $7,863,660 in merit scholarships to date. Village students matriculate at a distinguished list of colleges and universities. The following is a list of some of the most popular choices over the past five years: Harvard, MIT, Rice University, Berkeley, NYU, SMU, Georgia Tech, Boston University, McGill, Pace University, University of Houston, Washington University in St. Louis, University of Texas, Wellesley, Texas A&M, Vanderbilt University, and University of British Columbia.STEAM Stats for Village93% of seniors are enrolled in an International Baccalaureate math course. 84% of seniors are enrolled in an International Baccalaureate science course. SAT Issue Regarding the recent and unfortunate SAT allegations, The Village School has taken action and those students are no longer enrolled at our school. While this is a rare occurrence, we are extremely disappointed in the choices of these students. At Village, we strive to provide every child with the support they need to feel as prepared as possible. We do not want any student to feel that cheating is their best option to succeed. We will continue to support all of our students through the college application and testing process to provide them with comfort and direction as we guide them towards the next chapter in their lives. Rest assured, the students who are currently in the college application process will not be affected. Due to the swift action of Village’s administration, the incident will not impact the reputation of the school or the candidacy of college applicants. We will continue to showcase our academic rigor, achievements, and values celebrating the success and integrity of our community.
原文:Ratio of Chinese Boarders to High School Population18% of The Village School’s High School population is boarding students from China.
The school has capacity for 296 boarding students.Admissions Process for Boarding StudentsTo meet the rigorous curriculum requirements of The Village School residential life students must submit an application, send strong academic transcripts from the previous two years, take a standardized English test, preferably TOEFL with a minimum score of 70+, but the other tests accepted are: TOEFL Junior, IELTS, Oxford On-line Placement Test (OOPT), and submit teacher recommendations. Our head of school Ms. Gabriella Rowe goes to China every year to interview candidates so we can pick the best-fit candidates.Village College Information2017’s 154 seniors have been accepted to 699 colleges and universities and received $7,863,660 in merit scholarships to date. Village students matriculate at a distinguished list of colleges and universities. The following is a list of some of the most popular choices over the past five years: Harvard, MIT, Rice University, Berkeley, NYU, SMU, Georgia Tech, Boston University, McGill, Pace University, University of Houston, Washington University in St. Louis, University of Texas, Wellesley, Texas A&M, Vanderbilt University, and University of British Columbia.STEAM Stats for Village93% of seniors are enrolled in an International Baccalaureate math course. 84% of seniors are enrolled in an International Baccalaureate science course. SAT Issue Regarding the recent and unfortunate SAT allegations, The Village School has taken action and those students are no longer enrolled at our school. While this is a rare occurrence, we are extremely disappointed in the choices of these students. At Village, we strive to provide every child with the support they need to feel as prepared as possible. We do not want any student to feel that cheating is their best option to succeed. We will continue to support all of our students through the college application and testing process to provide them with comfort and direction as we guide them towards the next chapter in their lives. Rest assured, the students who are currently in the college application process will not be affected. Due to the swift action of Village’s administration, the incident will not impact the reputation of the school or the candidacy of college applicants. We will continue to showcase our academic rigor, achievements, and values celebrating the success and integrity of our community.
原文:Ratio of Chinese Boarders to High School Population18% of The Village School’s High School population is boarding students from China.
The school has capacity for 296 boarding students.Admissions Process for Boarding StudentsTo meet the rigorous curriculum requirements of The Village School residential life students must submit an application, send strong academic transcripts from the previous two years, take a standardized English test, preferably TOEFL with a minimum score of 70+, but the other tests accepted are: TOEFL Junior, IELTS, Oxford On-line Placement Test (OOPT), and submit teacher recommendations. Our head of school Ms. Gabriella Rowe goes to China every year to interview candidates so we can pick the best-fit candidates.Village College Information2017’s 154 seniors have been accepted to 699 colleges and universities and received $7,863,660 in merit scholarships to date. Village students matriculate at a distinguished list of colleges and universities. The following is a list of some of the most popular choices over the past five years: Harvard, MIT, Rice University, Berkeley, NYU, SMU, Georgia Tech, Boston University, McGill, Pace University, University of Houston, Washington University in St. Louis, University of Texas, Wellesley, Texas A&M, Vanderbilt University, and University of British Columbia.STEAM Stats for Village93% of seniors are enrolled in an International Baccalaureate math course. 84% of seniors are enrolled in an International Baccalaureate science course. SAT Issue Regarding the recent and unfortunate SAT allegations, The Village School has taken action and those students are no longer enrolled at our school. While this is a rare occurrence, we are extremely disappointed in the choices of these students. At Village, we strive to provide every child with the support they need to feel as prepared as possible. We do not want any student to feel that cheating is their best option to succeed. We will continue to support all of our students through the college application and testing process to provide them with comfort and direction as we guide them towards the next chapter in their lives. Rest assured, the students who are currently in the college application process will not be affected. Due to the swift action of Village’s administration, the incident will not impact the reputation of the school or the candidacy of college applicants. We will continue to showcase our academic rigor, achievements, and values celebrating the success and integrity of our community.
原文:Ratio of Chinese Boarders to High School Population18% of The Village School’s High School population is boarding students from China.
The school has capacity for 296 boarding students.Admissions Process for Boarding StudentsTo meet the rigorous curriculum requirements of The Village School residential life students must submit an application, send strong academic transcripts from the previous two years, take a standardized English test, preferably TOEFL with a minimum score of 70+, but the other tests accepted are: TOEFL Junior, IELTS, Oxford On-line Placement Test (OOPT), and submit teacher recommendations. Our head of school Ms. Gabriella Rowe goes to China every year to interview candidates so we can pick the best-fit candidates.Village College Information2017’s 154 seniors have been accepted to 699 colleges and universities and received $7,863,660 in merit scholarships to date. Village students matriculate at a distinguished list of colleges and universities. The following is a list of some of the most popular choices over the past five years: Harvard, MIT, Rice University, Berkeley, NYU, SMU, Georgia Tech, Boston University, McGill, Pace University, University of Houston, Washington University in St. Louis, University of Texas, Wellesley, Texas A&M, Vanderbilt University, and University of British Columbia.STEAM Stats for Village93% of seniors are enrolled in an International Baccalaureate math course. 84% of seniors are enrolled in an International Baccalaureate science course. SAT Issue Regarding the recent and unfortunate SAT allegations, The Village School has taken action and those students are no longer enrolled at our school. While this is a rare occurrence, we are extremely disappointed in the choices of these students. At Village, we strive to provide every child with the support they need to feel as prepared as possible. We do not want any student to feel that cheating is their best option to succeed. We will continue to support all of our students through the college application and testing process to provide them with comfort and direction as we guide them towards the next chapter in their lives. Rest assured, the students who are currently in the college application process will not be affected. Due to the swift action of Village’s administration, the incident will not impact the reputation of the school or the candidacy of college applicants. We will continue to showcase our academic rigor, achievements, and values celebrating the success and integrity of our community.
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