
[ 17:18:50]
2:06:11]&&这夜没有向往of月;独自one人走在回家of路上,沉默着...... 偶尔,think到明日,no免有点空虚;伤心;期待;兴奋; 原来one切of缘由都只is自己,都is自己在安排 努力no知道何时才会有温柔;但isIme相信,Ime会相信 明天 因为,Imeof明天有明日,Imeno会在哀愁 习惯让Imeno断地进取,no断地更新明天 Imeno会厌恶自己of明天,Ime对它有信心 think到朋友,,自己有很多话think对he们说; 加油 努力 沉默;Ime学会ing沉默,Ime在无时无刻告诉自己要坚强沉默;Ime学ing珍惜,Ime会珍惜自己of明天,因为明天no会没有月 努力of学会面对;no要让自己漂湖no定 有天自己学会ing珍惜,Ime会自信地告诉自己和所有人 Ime离自己of梦think已经no在遥远 [明天,后天,,昨天,]它们在Imeof生命里面 [快乐,伤心,哀愁,]它们在Imeof生命里面 [亲人,朋友,love人,]he们在Imeof生命里面 no要难过;no要伤心,no要哀怨;no要嫉妒,, 努力学习;努力奋斗,努力追求;努力创造. 有梦thinkof人;总会要面对沉默,总会去思考 自己of明天 昨天 努力 努力&(字节数: 759) [原创
23:42:44]&&水儿听心 [深情] twozerozeroeight-zeroeight-twosix twothree:twozero:twozero 星期two
she从来no上网、只is喜欢坐在Imeof椅子上笑着看Ime聊天收发邮件、或在联众上下象棋,!虽然she并no懂象棋!Ime也曾试图让she自已坐在微机前、可she说什么也no肯!于isshe坐在椅子of左扶手上、右手搭着椅子shit背of那个姿势就成ing亘古no变ofwww.juexiang.com画面!Ime每胜one局ofof时侯、习惯&(字节数: 336) [原创
12:47:35]&&绝think网友 [深情] twozerozeronight-zeroeight-onethree zerofour:twonight:fourthree 星期four
Imeno知道Ime最近到底is怎么ing,心里老is在think很多事,thinkImeof过去,http://www.hljsl.com/tgy/wendao/,thinkImeof现在,thinkImeof未来,,等等,很多事情,杂乱无章of,,有of时候Ime在thinkIme为什么要那么of心软,那么ofwww.juexiang.com脆弱,,每当Ime看到悲伤of人和事,Ime为什么要忍no住伤悲.有时候Ime真of希望自己isone只pig,无忧无虑of,整天吃ing睡,睡ing又吃,但现实却又no可能,生活中总有one些杂感,no知什么时候充斥Imeof大脑,,让Imeno知所以.每天上班和同事嬉笑取闹,he们看Imeis那么of开心,殊no知Ime强颜欢笑of背后,Imeis多么of伤感和忧郁.每次朋友遇到one些no开心of事情,Ime都会当one个忠实of倾听者,时no时of安慰he们,殊no知Ime也is深陷其中of,安慰he们of那些话语,也is在安慰Ime自己,呵呵,这is多么of可笑,原来怎么多年来Imeone直都is在故做坚强,Imeone直都is把自己包裹在厚厚of坚强of外衣下,,Imenothink让别人看到Ime内心of伤痛,那些只有在深人静of时候,让Ime独自one人慢慢of去舔舐.&(字节数: 1035) [原创
12:40:40]&&幻儿 [深情] twozeroonezero-zeroeight-twosix zeroeight:threeone:fourtwo 星期four
one、 心里有座坟、葬着未亡人!   two、要么忍、要么残忍   three、下辈子Ime要做youofone颗牙、至少、Ime难受、you也会疼   four、心no动、则no痛 five、Ime们唯oneof关系is没有关系!     six、you会流泪,并no代表真of慈悲;Ime会微笑,并no代表one切都好! seven、孤单 is you心里面没有人 ! 寂寞 is you心里有of人却no在身边 eight、冬天里you给ingImeone个夏天of梦 却把Ime在春天叫醒ing 由于one下子no适应 Ime反而觉得比冬天更冷,但这no怪you`..怪只怪Ime把梦当成现实ing...       night、曾经love过youof人、前世one定和you有缘、no要语言虐待!如果he今生真of负youing、那is因为you前生负he!红尘轮回、无需计较.   onezero、one个人要is舍得让you伤心、就根本no会在乎youis否流泪!所以赶紧收起you那卑微of泪水,!洗洗脸,刷刷牙、该干嘛就干嘛去吧...   oneone、眼泪of存在is为ing证明悲伤noisone场幻觉   onetwo、Ime多thinkone个no小心就和you白头偕老   onethree、 如果方向错ing、停下来就is前进   onefour、you来过one下子.Imethink念one辈子   onefive、男人要永远感谢在hetwozero多岁of时候曾经陪在he身边of女人!因为twozero多岁of男人处在one生中of最低点、没钱、没事业;而twozero多岁of女人却isshe最灿烂of时候..   onesix、从单纯到冷漠is怎样of疲惫?   oneseven、在one起one天拉手在街上那is**、在one起one年拉手在街上那is恋情、在one起five年还能在街上拉手那is感情、在one起ten年在街上拉手is亲情!如果threeten年后还能one起拉手在街上散步那才.islove情   oneeight、one念起、万水千山!one念灭、沧海桑田 onenight、终究要亲自受伤、才会学着聪明      twozero、滚罢!带着Ime最后of慈悲…… twoone、 世界上最勇敢of事情 is微笑着 听you说you们之间ofwww.juexiang.comlove情...       twotwo、 one个人没love过之前叫做孤单.love过之后叫做寂寞...  twothree、敏感of人 大多no幸福,!!! twofour.one个人只有one个心脏、却有两个心房!one个住着快乐;one个住着悲伤!no要笑得太大声、no然会吵醒旁边of悲伤! twofive.love情使人忘记时间、时间也使人忘记love情! twosix. 每个人都is单数...来时is...去时也is..... twoseven.you可知 上天isno公平of you可以选择 loveIme 或者 noloveIme 而Ime却只能选择 loveyou 或者 更loveyou twoeight.请no要假装对Ime好、Ime很傻、会当真of! twonight.谁把谁真of当真、谁为谁心疼! threezero.love那么短、遗忘那么长! threeone.Ime还在原地等you、you却已经忘记曾来过这里! threetwo.谁of寂寞覆Ime华裳、谁of华裳覆Ime肩膀! threethree.经no住似水流年、逃no过此间少年! threefour.幸福、就is找one个温暖of人过one辈子! threefive.痛过之后就no会觉得痛ing、有of只会isone颗冷漠of心,! threesix.没有什么过no去、只is再也回no去! threeseven.要有多坚强、才敢念念no忘! threeeight.youisIme猜no到ofno知所措、Imeisyouthinkno到of无关痛痒! threenight.感情of戏、Ime没演技! fourzero.one个人、one座城、one生心疼! fourone.看着别人of故事、流着自己of眼泪,! fourtwo.one个人只要no再think要、就什么都可以放下! fourthree.no被理解of弱小只好one直坚强! fourfour.Ime怀旧、因为Ime看no到you和未来! fourfive.等待.……也许并no容易;伤害……却轻而易举! foursix.思念one个人of滋味、就象is喝ingone杯冰冷of水、然后one滴one滴凝成热泪! fourseven.真心离伤心最近!&(字节数: 0) [原创
5:09:15]&&网友 [深情] twozerozeronight-zerofive-twoone zeroone:twoone:onefive 星期four
亲loveof 只要Ime们永远在one起、起它of都无所谓 !&(字节数: 212) [原创
23:58:08]&&onenighteightnightzerozero [深情] twozeroonezero-onetwo-onefive twotwo:zerotwo:oneeight 星期three
下雪咯、下ingtwozeroonezeroof第one场雪!人们都期待着下雪、可....可Ime怎么就那么of被啊、加个班、还下雪ing、Ime记得晚上onezero点这样开始断断续续下、下着雪Ime干着工作、就这样one直延续、直到晚上two点越来越冷、冷ofno行ing才进of屋里、进房间更冷、没办法就站那里期待天明、哭都哭no出来of苦 !挣two毛钱真no容易 !今天早上骑摩托车上班、看着前面、警车闪烁着、Ime还郁闷呢、鬼子起那么早?? 在往前走、看见大客车、全is大青年哟、真羡慕he们、穿着迷彩服、胸带大红花、那one刻让Imethink起Imeof兄弟ing、Ime哭ing、心里特别of难受!就这样Imeone直跟随大客车进入市区、he们is幸运of !祝福he们!世界那么大而自己却is那么那么of渺小很难明白人活着究竟is为ing什么上班、上网、睡觉除ing这些、其heofwww.juexiang.com生活全部与Ime无关Ime被这个世界隔离ing也被love隔离ing 以前很羡慕这样of生活总以为这样就可以无忧无虑总以为这样就可以摆脱loveof捆扰而现在真正体会到of时候才发现、one个人is这么of孤独!&(字节数: 863) [原创
15:51:26]&&永恒of悼念 [蜜意] twozerozeronight-zerosix-onetwo onezero:onenight:onezero 礼拜five
告别noisnolove!离开nois废弃!这只能争Ime更减thinkyou、Ime并no盼望you时时刻刻ofthinkIme、loveIme、只is愿望Imethinkyou时、you也能thinkIme、即便、只is霎时ofthink到 !!Ime也很满意ing!!固然Imethinkyou、否isIme并no会往挨扰youof生涯、no会i往损坏you怒loveof这安静of日 !Ime会在那默默天等you、等you``` 只愿望you在昼表偶然孤单of时候能think到Ime、只盼望you在得志ofwww.juexiang.com时候能回找Ime倾诉you心坎of甘闷!no希看you会再loveIme、只盼望在Imethinkyouof时候you会think到Ime! Ime很think告知you、Ime很thinkyou、很loveyou !但is这只isthink、而no会往打搅you!!!&(字节数: 874) [原创
17:14:19]&&媸雨 [蜜意] twozerozeronight-zeroeight-onefive onethree:fivenight:twozero 礼拜six
no知替什么当初one个电话、one个答候 ?http://www.hljsl.com/tgy/wendao/!皆败ing猜忌、而ishe错Imeofof疑惑、替什么会那样!he说Ime怕he归野ing、所以下班皆会挨电话给he!答he在这??错he所无of关怀、就果那no信任全体争Ime口热凉of、nothink在击电话、在thinkhe、在担忧he、Ime皆no会在one次次of挨电话ing、兴许那也ishethink要of吧!Imeno懂什么鸣相疑、什么又鸣作no信任、这Ime错heof信赖呢??那么暂以去of疑免就失往one句;Imeno相疑he!呵呵 !!听到那些话实很伤口、he怎能那样说Ime、假如no信任Imeone曲在那湿嘛/Ime借在等什么呢??往干ingone份nothink干of农、否失去of又is什么呢??you主no敢启齿鸣Imeno往、you怕什么呢??怕要养Ime吗??借is怕Ime每天呆在野等you归回呢??no懂youis怎么thinkof !兴许假ofis差玩吧!否能Ime假ofwww.juexiang.com当走ing、往觅找one份伪ofof事业、 在那等多暂成果皆isone样of!不结因of成果!!&(字节数: 756) [原创
21:51:56]&&不he未经one个月ing!  one个月前he在QQ下告知Ime、he无ing母敌人!之前is即one段猖狂而光明of夜子!已经这么自豪ofIme、已经这么漠然ofIme、霎时间处于瓦解of边沿、回想象梦魇般涌往、heof眼神、heof拥抱、heof气味、heof轻吻、heof诺言借留在Imeof性命面、而heof口却在每one总每one秒匆匆阔别、Ime能干替力、留no住he、错功oflove永近也no会归回ing!   被怀念纠缠of时候、Ime重复盘弄着手机、no能给he挨电话、果替he要Ime遗记、no能给he领缺疑、由于heno会归复、易以信任已经乐意one曲攻候of男孩、会那般冷淡、堵截ing所无of讯息、消散在Imeof世界表、只无手机疑箱表he最初领回of缺疑息证实he曾存在功、争Ime感到he好像借在Imeof身边!那些疑息Ime正重复复翻瞅着、one个月去皆舍no失增掉、在寂寞of时候它is最差of慰藉、望着它、果念思而纠结of口才干仄复!Imethink赎它主Ime手机表消逝of时候、就会isIme忘记of时候吧、否这须要多长个夜昼夜昼啊、或者会is永近 !   突然间暗红ingloveone集体of口情、明确ing该始heloveImeof心境、清楚ing那些年往he每one个降寞of日晚!忘失往年he借在Ime身边of时候、曾no经意天翻望着heof手机欠疑、领隐ing外面无多少条祝愿疑息竟isImeone年前领给heof、过后惊讶外涌下one丝丝感静、但Ime却已曾领悟那其外蕴露of蜜意!激动在闭下手机这one刻消逝、Ime持续疏忽着he、损害着he!he抉择分开is错of、由于Imeisone个no懂loveof己!   heof手机no会再保留Imeof欠疑ing吧!固然he说会永近搁Ime在口面、否isIme知讲heno会往损害另one个儿孩、果替已经浅浅love功of我皆晓得被伤益of味道!   父孩啊、幸祸实在就在you手边、no要替繁忙of生涯跟no事实of感情而忽详这个默默替you付没of己 !love情is无保量期限of、loveyouof感到末无one地会变浓、弯至消散、不己会永近替you攻候、no要等到得往才发明heisyou师命西最主要of我、one切曾经去no及ing&&   男孩啊、瞅瞅heof手机吧、望望is可无he舍no失增掉of疑息、is可无he舍no失增掉of名字、信任Ime、这共样也ishe舍no失废弃of情感 !&(字节数: 1394) [原创
16:18:55]&&即使you暗亮晓得发明four叶草of机率只无仅仅often万总之oneyou借is会义有正瞅天觅找吗我们总说找到ingfour叶草就找到ing幸祸这is果替three叶草ofone叶草代表愿望two叶草代表付没three叶草代表love而罕见offour叶草就is幸祸three叶草of意念is便使you付没ing盼望ingloveing也noone定会找到幸祸只无占有ingfour叶草才领有ing假倒of幸祸勤恳of傻瓜即便找到ingone万片three叶草借is仍然会信任第one万整one片找到of会isshe等候未暂offour叶草因然傻瓜在sheofno懈尽力外找到这属于sheoffour叶草开端of时候傻瓜错那片four叶草疼love无减甚至认为那片four叶草no否纹is那时候撞下ingone个砘锬歉砘is时光无我说时光isone种结药Ime说时光isone种有色有味of得忆集或者由于时光使己们忘却ingone种情感或者由于时光使己们记忘ing事件of该始也许果替时光使己们爱好下新颖感侧果替时光把我们变失怒故厌陈兴许is时光那个坏蛋she忽然间感到面前of那片four叶草没意念ingsheno屑天把four叶草抛ing只无寂寞去找four叶草ingfour叶草告知ingIme千万no要争寂寞缠下youing由于寂寞is照着我们负影of月is单独闪耀of星空is甘等言己of路灯is攻候旅客of列车is中午面仍在农息of空调is凋零ingof玫瑰花is孤独表流落of乞丐is被剪掉of片子片断isone颗领ing霉of苹因is被抛到床高of枕尾末于那片four叶草被寂寞侵蚀ing因为被客人of摈弃four叶草最初并不被保留上回匆匆天被忘记ing匆匆天被替换ing慢慢天格局化ing赎you逢到four叶草of时候要忘失no管you怎么样碰到ing什麽其he货色you皆要把这片four叶草晃在第one位由于那one辈子you否能就只无那么one片属于youoffour叶草ing &(字节数: 975) [原创
14:42:04]&&己取我之间无时伪of就如地下of月明天下of湖、相隔边远才会此此相照!Ime很think思you、对Ime们、咫尺no功咫尺 !世界下只无one个名字、使Ime那样无忧无虑、像无one根瞅no睹of线、one尾紧紧解在Ime口秃下、one尾攥在you手西!免何时候鲜花皆is甜美love情表红、假如节夜you不免何筹备、这也one定要迎花、one朵红玫瑰也能润泽津润Ime们oflove情!one份执着、二颗实口、拌three份糊涂、four总怜悯、减five钱眼泪、six二柔情、配浪漫seven杯、用eight总love水、nine经考验、煲败ten齐ten美侧因!晓得Ime在作什么吗??给youfive个抉择:A:thinkyou;B:很thinkyou;C:十分thinkyou;D:thinkyouthink失无奈进睡;E:以下都is!最think听到ofisyouof啼声、最think望到ofisyouof快活、愿幸祸永近陪同you、那isIme最假口of祝愿 !loveone集体就is在拨通电话时、突然no知讲说什么差、本来只isthink听听熟习of声音、但假倒think听ofis口顶ofone根弦!地、替you而蓝;花、替you而艳;情、替you而静;口、替you而跳;血、替you而寒!youisIme古熟最美of怀念&!吻youof感到酥酥of、拥youof感到轻柔of、loveyouof感到甜甜of、thinkyouof感到甜甘of !!Ime浅浅天请求youno要把Ime逐没youoflove门之里、Imeone总one秒也no能缺乏youoflove!只无博得youoflove、Imeof性命才无光荣nois由于寂寞才thinkyou、而is由于thinkyou才寂寞!孤单of感到之所以如斯之沉、只is果替thinkyouthink失太浅气象预告:昔昼到今天下午无点thinkyou、预计下战书转替连续thinkyou、蒙此矮情感影响、薄暮将转替小到暴think、心境下降five度、预计此种气象将持断到睹you替起.无ingyou、Ime多ingone份友情;Ime多ingone份钝乐;Ime多ingone份惦念;Ime多ingone份情感 ;由于Imelove下ingyou!每one集体缘总no共、相loveof时光也无是非、只无绝口努力往干、Ime可能作到of就is:Ime会争Imeoflove伴you缓缓of嫩往碰到you,is缘总;爱好you ,is命外注定;love下you,isIme情是失未;think想you,isIme逼no失未.Ime会居心往loveyou.Imeloveyou!有论you在何时、you在何处、有论you干什么;请忘住:Ime永近支撑you、有时有刻no关怀着you、果替youisIme最loveof己漫少of日、凝听皆市of车回车返、one颗流浪孤单of口在念思着you、no知近圆ofyouis可清楚、you永近isImeof最love!!错you无love也无疼!loveisone种甜美、疼isone种有奈!错youoflove取疼添伏去、这鸣&love情!无love就无疼&&Ime迫不得已one个月明one个you、two个影子Ime跟you、three师无幸意识you、four个东施no如you!共two页: 下one页 one [two]高one页&(字节数: 2025) [原创
16:55:40]&&浅ingof日、总is那么安谧、那么美、美失无点扑朔迷离of感到、暗亮望着很明白、却总is口no由彼!指秃of青烟、袅袅天回升、却掩饰no住、这口间of有奈取疲乏 !乏ing、think在床下躺躺、借isno能释怀、只能傻傻of发愣!愈怕麻烦、麻烦愈is去找you、委曲ing啼ing啼、仿佛入地在嘲笑Ime、啼Ime多情 !在no在乎、曾经有闭松要!  辱宠no惊、望庭前花合花降;往留无心、看地空云舒云卷!只isIme美妙of欲望、云浓风轻、无奈干到、瞅回境界借is差很近啊 !已经one番冷透骨、焉失梅花扑鼻臭??虽说如斯、借isno能如斯潇洒!  友人!冤家!二个字之间、蕴露ing多长口酸 !交触of我、no多、但也no多ing、假侧称失下“敌人”二字of、寥寥有多少 !  干己、歹易啊!作个差男己、更is易下减易!义务太多ing!&(字节数: 950) [原创
12:58:49]&&风在窗里狰狞 ,狂啼.  地也推下ing帷幕.  树被风撕扯着收回阵阵悲叫.  小天入进ing光明.  月明掩点矮哭 ,  星星也睁下ing眼.  屋内被one颗颗愁德of音符添谦.  口;瓦解……  推合窗 ,风狂暴而进……  关眼.  Ime鄙弃youof到访
,  DD悲伤&(字节数: 695) [原创
1:22:39]&&When I glance over my notes and records of the Sherlock Holmes cases between the years '82 and '90, I am faced by so many which present strange and interesting features that it is no easy matter to know which to choose and which to leave. Some, however, have already gained publicity through the papers, and others have not offered a field for those peculiar qualities which my friend possessed in so high a degree, and which it is the object of these papers to illustrate. Some, too, have baffled his analytical skill, and would be, as narratives www.doupotunshi.com, beginnings without an ending, while others have been but partially cleared up, and have their explanations founded rather upon conjecture and surmise than on that absolute logical proof which was so dear to him. There is, however, one of these last which was so remarkable in its details and so startling in its results that I am tempted to give some account of it in spite of the fact that there are points in connection with it which never have been, and probably never will be, entirely cleared up.
The year '87 furnished us with a long series of cases of greater or less interest, of which I retain the records. Among my headings under this one twelve months I find an account of the adventure of the Paradol Chamber, of the Amateur Mendicant Society, who held a luxurious club in the lower vault of a furniture warehouse, of the facts connected with the loss of the British bark Sophy Anderson, of the singular adventures of the Grice Patersons in the island of Uffa, and finally of the Camberwell poisoning case. In the latter, as may be remembered, Sherlock Holmes was able, by winding up the dead man's watch, to prove that it had been wound up two hours before, and that therefore the deceased had gone to bed within that time -- a deduction which was of the greatest importance in clearing up the case. All these I may sketch out at some future date, but none of them present such singular features as the strange train of circumstances which I have now taken up my pen to describe.
It was in the latter days of September, and the equinoctial gales had set in with exceptional violence. All day the wind had screamed and the rain had beaten against the windows, so that even here in the heart of great, hand-made London we were forced to raise our minds for the instant from the routine of life and to recognize the presence of those great elemental forces which shriek at mankind through the bars of his civilization, like untamed beasts in a cage. As evening drew in, the storm grew higher and louder, and the wind cried and sobbed like a child in the chimney. Sherlock Holmes sat moodily at one side of the fireplace cross-indexing his records of crime, while I at the other was deep in one of Clark Russell's fine sea-stories until the howl of the gale from without seemed to blend with the text, and the splash of the rain to lengthen out into the long swash of the sea waves. My wife was on a visit to her mother's, and for a few days I was a dweller once more in my old quarters at Baker Street. & 2 & "Why," said I, glancing up at my companion, "that was surely the bell. Who could come to-night? Some friend of yours, perhaps?"
"Except yourself I have none," he answered. "I do not encourage visitors."
"A client, then?"
"If so, it is a serious case. Nothing less would bring a man out on such a day and at such an hour. But I take it that it is more likely to be some crony of the landlady's."
Sherlock Holmes was wrong in his conjecture, however, for there came a step in the passage and a tapping at the door. He stretched out his long arm to turn the lamp away from himself and towards the vacant chair upon which a newcomer must sit.
"Come in!" said he.
The man who entered was young, some two-and-twenty at the outside, well-groomed and trimly clad, with something of refinement and delicacy in his bearing. The streaming umbrella which he held in his hand, and his long shining waterproof told of the fierce weather through which he had come. He looked about him anxiously in the glare of the lamp, and I could see that his face was pale and his eyes heavy, like those of a man who is weighed down with some great anxiety.
"I owe you an apology," he said, raising his golden pince-nez to his eyes. "I trust that I am not intruding. I fear that I have brought some traces of the storm and rain into your snug chamber."
"Give me your coat and umbrella," said Holmes. "They may rest here on the hook and will be dry presently. You have come up from the south-west, I see."
"Yes, from Horsham."
"That clay and chalk mixture which I see upon your toe caps is quite distinctive."
"I have come for advice."
"That is easily got."
"And help."
"That is not always so easy."
"I have heard of you, Mr. Holmes. I heard from Major Prendergast how you saved him in the Tankerville Club scandal."
"Ah, of course. He was wrongfully accused of cheating at cards."
"He said that you could solve anything."
"He said too much."
"That you are never beaten."
"I have been beaten four times -- three times by men, and once by a woman."
"But what is that compared with the number of your successes?" & 3 & "It is true that I have been generally successful."
"Then you may be so with me."
"I beg that you will draw your chair up to the fire and favor me with some details as to your case."
"It is no ordinary one."
"None of those which come to me are. I am the last court of appeal."
"And yet I question, sir, whether, in all your experience, you have ever listened to a more mysterious and inexplicable chain of events than those which have happened in my own family."
"You fill me with interest," said Holmes. "Pray give us the essential facts from the commencement, and I can afterwards question you as to those details which seem to me to be most important."
The young man pulled his chair up and pushed his wet feet out towards the blaze.
"My name," said he, "is John Openshaw, but my own affairs have, as far as I can understand, little to do with this awful business. It is so in order to give you an idea of the facts, I must go back to the commencement of the affair.
"You must know that my grandfather had two sons -- my uncle Elias and my father Joseph. My father had a small factory at Coventry, which he enlarged at the time of the invention of bicycling. He was a patentee of the Openshaw unbreakable tire, and his business met with such success that he was able to sell it and to retire upon a handsome competence.
"My uncle Elias emigrated to America when he was a young man and became a planter in Florida, where he was reported to have done very well. At the time of the war he fought in Jackson's army, and afterwards under Hood, where he rose to be a colonel. When Lee laid down his arms my uncle returned to his plantation, where he remained for three or four years. About 1869 or 1870 he came back to Europe and took a small estate in Sussex, near Horsham. He had made a very considerable fortune in the States, and his reason for leaving them was his aversion to the negroes, and his dislike of the Republican policy in extending the franchise to them. He was a singular man, fierce and quick-tempered, very foul-mouthed when he was angry, and of a most retiring disposition. During all the years that he lived at Horsham, I doubt if ever he set foot in the town. He had a garden and two or three fields round his house, and there he would take his exercise, though very often for weeks on end he would never leave his room. He drank a great deal of brandy and smoked very heavily, but he would see no society and did not want any friends, not even his own brother. & 4 & "He didn' in fact, he took a fancy to me, for at the time when he saw me first I was a youngster of twelve or so. This would be in the year 1878, after he had been eight or nine years in England. He begged my father to let me live with him and he was very kind to me in his way. When he was sober he used to be fond of playing backgammon and draughts with me, and he would make me his representative both with the servants and with the tradespeople, so that by the time that I was sixteen I was quite master of the house. I kept all the keys and could go where I liked and do what I liked, so long as I did not disturb him in his privacy. There was one singular exception, however, for he had a single room, a lumber-room up among the attics, which was invariably locked, and which he would never permit either me or anyone else to enter. With a boy's curiosity I have peeped through the keyhole, but I was never able to see more than such a collection of old trunks and bundles as would be expected in such a room.
"One day -- it was in March, 1883 -- a letter with a foreign stamp lay upon the table in front of the colonel's plate. It was not a common thing for him to receive letters, for his bills were all paid in ready money, and he had no friends of any sort. 'From India!' said he as he took it up, 'Pondicherry postmark! What can this be?' Opening it hurriedly, out there jumped five little dried orange pips, which pattered down upon his plate. I began to laugh at this, but the laugh was struck from my lips at the sight of his face. His lip had fallen, his eyes were protruding, his skin the color of putty, and he glared at the envelope which he still held in his trembling hand, 'K. K. K.!' he shrieked, and then, 'My God, my God, my sins have overtaken me!'
"'What is it, uncle?' I cried.
"'Death,' said he, and rising from the table he retired to his room, leaving me palpitating with horror. I took up the envelope and saw scrawled in red ink upon the inner flap, just above the gum, the letter K three times repeated. There was nothing else save the five dried pips. What could be the reason of his overpowering terror? I left the breakfast-table, and as I ascended the stair I met him coming down with an old rusty key, which must have belonged to the attic, in one hand, and a small brass box, like a cashbox, in the other. & 5 & "'They may do what they like, but I'll checkmate them still,' said he with an oath. 'Tell Mary that I shall want a fire in my room to-day, and send down to Fordham, the Horsham lawyer.'
"I did as he ordered, and when the lawyer arrived I was asked to step up to the room. The fire was burning brightly, and in the grate there was a mass of black, fluffy ashes, as of burned paper, while the brass box stood open and empty beside it. As I glanced at the box I noticed, with a start, that upon the lid was printed the treble K which I had read in the morning upon the envelope.
"'I wish you, John,' said my uncle, 'to witness my will. I leave my estate, with all its advantages and all its disadvantages, to my brother, your father, whence it will, no doubt, descend to you. If you can enjoy it in peace, well and good! If you find you cannot, take my advice, my boy, and leave it to your deadliest enemy. I am sorry to give you such a two-edged thing, but I can't say what turn things are going to take. Kindly sign the paper where Mr. Fordham shows you.'
"I signed the paper as directed, and the lawyer took it away with him. The singular incident made, as you may think, the deepest impression upon me, and I pondered over it and turned it every way in my mind without being able to make anything of it. Yet I could not shake off the vague feeling of dread which it left behind, though the sensation grew less keen as the weeks passed and nothing happened to disturb the usual routine of our lives. I could see a change in my uncle, however. He drank more than ever, and he was less inclined for any sort of society. Most of his time he would spend in his room, with the door locked upon the inside, but sometimes he would emerge in a sort of drunken frenzy and would burst out of the house and tear about the garden with a revolver in his hand, screaming out that he was afraid of no man, and that he was not to be cooped up, like a sheep in a pen, by man or devil. When these hot fits were over however, he would rush tumultuously in at the door and lock and bar it behind him, like a man who can brazen it out no longer against the terror which lies at the roots of his soul. At such times I have seen his face, even on a cold day, glisten with moisture, as though it were new raised from a basin. & 6 & "Well, to come to an end of the matter, Mr. Holmes, and not to abuse your patience, there came a night when he made one of those drunken sallies from which he never came back. We found him, when we went to search for him, face downward in a little green-scummed pool, which lay at the foot of the garden. There was no sign of any violence, and the water was but two feet deep, so that the jury, having regard to his known eccentricity, brought in a verdict of 'suicide.' But I, who knew how he winced from the very thought of death, had much ado to persuade myself that he had gone out of his way to meet it. The matter passed, however, and my father entered into possession of the estate, and of some 14,000 pounds, which lay to his credit at the bank."
"One moment," Holmes interposed, "your statement is, I foresee, one of the most remarkable to which I have ever listened. Let me have the date of the reception by your uncle of the letter, and the date of his supposed suicide."
"The letter arrived on March 10, 1883. His death was seven weeks later, upon the night of May 2d."
"Thank you. Pray proceed."
"When my father took over the Horsham property, he, at my request, made a careful examination of the attic, which had been always locked up. We found the brass box there, although its contents had been destroyed. On the inside of the cover was a paper label, with the initials of K. K. K. repeated upon it, and 'Letters, memoranda, receipts, and a register' written beneath. These, we presume, indicated the nature of the papers which had been destroyed by Colonel Openshaw. For the rest, there was nothing of much importance in the attic save a great many scattered papers and note-books bearing upon my uncle's life in America. Some of them were of the war time and showed that he had done his duty well and had borne the repute of a brave soldier. Others were of a date during the reconstruction of the Southern states, and were mostly concerned with politics, for he had evidently taken a strong part in opposing the carpet-bag politicians who had been sent down from the North. & 7 & "Well, it was the beginning of '84 when my father came to live at Horsham, and all went as well as possible with us until the January of '85. On the fourth day after the new year I heard my father give a sharp cry of surprise as we sat together at the breakfast-table. There he was, sitting with a newly opened envelope in one hand and five dried orange pips in the outstretched palm of the other one. He had always laughed at what he called my cock-and-bull story about the colonel, but he looked very scared and puzzled now that the same thing had come upon himself.
"'Why, what on earth does this mean, John?' he stammered.
"My heart had turned to lead. 'It is K. K. K.,' said I.
"He looked inside the envelope. 'So it is,' he cried. 'Here are the very letters. But what is this written above them?'
"'Put the papers on the sundial,' I read, peeping over his shoulder.
"'What papers? What sundial?' he asked.
"'The sundial in the garden. There is no other,' said I; 'but the papers must be those that are destroyed.'
"'Pooh!' said he, gripping hard at his courage. 'We are in a civilized land here, and we can't have tomfoolery of this kind. Where does the thing come from?'
"'From Dundee,' I answered, glancing at the postmark.
"'Some preposterous practical joke,' said he. 'What have I to do with sundials and papers? I shall take no notice of such nonsense.'
"'I should certainly speak to the police,' I said.
"'And be laughed at for my pains. Nothing of the sort.'
"'Then let me do so?'
"'No, I forbid you. I won't have a fuss made about such nonsense.'
"It was in vain to argue with him, for he was a very obstinate man. I went about, however, with a heart which was full of forebodings.
"On the third day after the coming of the letter my father went from home to visit an old friend of his, Major Freebody, who is in command of one of the forts upon Portsdown Hill. I was glad that he should go, for it seemed to me that he was farther from danger when he was away from home. In that, however, I was in error. Upon the second day of his absence I received a telegram from the major, imploring me to come at once. My father had fallen over one of the deep chalk-pits which abound in the neighborhood, and was lying senseless, with a shattered skull. I hurried to him, but he passed away without having ever recovered his consciousness. He had, as it appears, been returning from Fareham in the twilight, and as the country was unknown to him, and the chalk-pit unfenced, the jury had no hesitation in bringing in a verdict of 'death from accidental causes.' Carefully as I examined every fact connected with his death, I was unable to find anything which could suggest the idea of murder. There were no signs of violence, no footmarks, no robbery, no record of strangers having been seen upon the roads. And yet I need not tell you that my mind was far from at ease, and that I was well-nigh certain that some foul plot had been woven round him. & 8 & "In this sinister way I came into my inheritance. You will ask me why I did not dispose of it? I answer, because I was well convinced that our troubles were in some way dependent upon an incident in my uncle's life, and that the danger would be as pressing in one house as in another.
"It was in January, '85, that my poor father met his end, and two years and eight months have elapsed since then. During that time I have lived happily at Horsham, and I had begun to hope that this curse had passed way from the family, and that it had ended with the last generation. I had begun to take comfort too soon, yesterday morning the blow fell in the very shape in which it had come upon my father."
The young man took from his waistcoat a crumpled envelope, and turning to the table he shook out upon it five little dried orange pips.
"This is the envelope," he continued. "The postmark is London -- eastern division. Within are the very words which were upon my father's last message: 'K. K. K.'; and then 'Put the papers on the sundial.'"
"What have you done?" asked Holmes.
"To tell the truth" -- he sank his face into his thin, white hands --"I have felt helpless. I have felt like one of those poor rabbits when the snake is writhing towards it. I seem to be in the grasp of some resistless, inexorable evil, which no foresight and no precautions can guard against."
"Tut! tut!" cried Sherlock Holmes. "You must act, man, or you are lost. Nothing but energy can save you. This is no time for despair."
"I have seen the police."
"But they listened to my story with a smile. I am convinced that the inspector has formed the opinion that the letters are all practical jokes, and that the deaths of my relations were really accidents, as the jury stated, and were not to be connected with the warnings."
Holmes shook his clenched hands in the air. "Incredible imbecility!" he cried.
"They have, however, allowed me a policeman, who may remain in the house with me."
"Has he come with you to-night?"
"No. His orders were to stay in the house."
Again Holmes raved in the air. & 9 & "Why did you come to me," he cried, "and, above all, why did you not come at once?"
"I did not know. It was only to-day that I spoke to Major Prendergast about my troubles and was advised by him to come to you."
"It is really two days since you had the letter. We should have acted before this. You have no further evidence, I suppose, than that which you have placed before us -- no suggestive detail which might help us?"
"There is one thing," said John Openshaw. He rummaged in his coat pocket, and, drawing out a piece of discolored, blue-tinted paper, he laid it out upon the table. "I have some remembrance," said he, "that on the day when my uncle burned the papers I observed that the small, unburned margins which lay amid the ashes were of this particular color. I found this single sheet upon the floor of his room, and I am inclined to think that it may be one of the papers which has, perhaps, fluttered out from among the others, and in that way has escaped destruction. Beyond the mention of pips, I do not see that it helps us much. I think myself that it is a page from some private diary. The writing is undoubtedly my uncle's."
Holmes moved the lamp, and we both bent over the sheet of paper, which showed by its ragged edge that it had indeed been torn from a book. It was headed, "March, 1869," and beneath were the following enigmatical notices: 4th. Hudson came. Same old platform. 7th. Set the pips on McCauley, Paramore, and John Swain, of St. Augustine. 9th. McCauley cleared. 10th. John Swain cleared. 12th. Visited Paramore. All well. "Thank you!" said Holmes, folding up the paper and returning it to our visitor. "And now you must on no account lose another instant. We cannot spare time even to discuss what you have told me. You must get home instantly and act."
"What shall I do?"
"There is but one thing to do. It must be done at once. You must put this piece of paper which you have shown us into the brass box which you have described. You must also put in a note to say that all the other papers were burned by your uncle, and that this is the only one which remains. You must assert that in such words as will carry conviction with them. Having done this, you must at once put the box out upon the sundial, as directed. Do you understand?" & 10 & "Entirely."
"Do not think of revenge, or anything of the sort, at present. I think that we may gain that but we have our web to weave, while theirs is already woven. The first consideration is to remove the pressing danger which threatens you. The second is to clear up the mystery and to punish the guilty parties."
"I thank you," said the young man, rising and pulling on his overcoat. "You have given me fresh life and hope. I shall certainly do as you advise."
"Do not lose an instant. And, above all, take care of yourself in the meanwhile, for I do not think that there can be a doubt that you are threatened by a very real and imminent danger. How do you go back?
"By train from Waterloo."
"It is not yet nine. The streets will be crowded, so I trust that you may be in safety. And yet you cannot guard yourself too closely."
"I am armed."
"That is well. To-morrow I shall set to work upon your case."
"I shall see you at Horsham, then?"
"No, your secret lies in London. It is there that I shall seek it."
"Then I shall call upon you in a day, or in two days, with news as to the box and the papers. I shall take your advice in every particular." He shook hands with us and took his leave. Outside the wind still screamed and the rain splashed and pattered against the windows. This strange, wild story seemed to have come to us from amid the mad elements -- blown in upon us like a sheet of sea-weed in a gale -- and now to have been reabsorbed by them once more.
Sherlock Holmes sat for some time in silence, with his head sunk forward and his eyes bent upon the red glow of the fire. Then he lit his pipe, and leaning back in his chair he watched the blue smoke-rings as they chased each other up to the ceiling.
"I think, Watson," he remarked at last, "that of all our cases we have had none more fantastic than this."
"Save, perhaps, the Sign of Four."
"Well, yes. Save, perhaps, that. And yet this John Openshaw seems to me to be walking amid even greater perils than did the Sholtos." & 11 & "But have you," I asked, "formed any definite conception as to what these perils are?"
"There can be no question as to their nature," he answered.
"Then what are they? Who is this K. K. K., and why does he pursue this unhappy family?"
Sherlock Holmes closed his eyes and placed his elbows upon the arms of his chair, with his finger-tips together. "The ideal reasoner," he remarked, "would, when he had once been shown a single fact in all its bearings, deduce from it not only all the chain of events which led up to it but also all the results which would follow from it. As Cuvier could correctly describe a whole animal by the contemplation of a single bone, so the observer who has thoroughly understood one link in a series of incidents should be able to accurately state all the other ones, both before and after. We have not yet grasped the results which the reason alone can attain to. Problems may be solved in the study which have baffled all those who have sought a solution by the aid of their senses. To carry the art, however, to its highest pitch, it is necessary that the reasoner should be able to utilize all the facts which have c and this in itself implies, as you will readily see, a possession of all knowledge, which, even in these days of free education and encyclopaedias, is a somewhat rare accomplishment. It is not so impossible, however, that a man should possess all knowledge which is likely to be useful to him in his work, and this I have endeavored in my case to do. If I remember rightly, you on one occasion, in the early days of our friendship, defined my limits in a very precise fashion."
"Yes," I answered, laughing. "It was a singular document. Philosophy, astronomy, and politics were marked at zero, I remember. Botany variable, geology profound as regards the mud-stains from any region within fifty miles of town, chemistry eccentric, anatomy unsystematic, sensational literature and crime records unique, violin-player, boxer, swordsman, lawyer, and self-poisoner by cocaine and tobacco. Those, I think, were the main points of my analysis."
Holmes grinned at the last item. "Well," he said, "I say now, as I said then, that a man should keep his little brain-attic stocked with all the furniture that he is likely to use, and the rest he can put away in the lumber-room of his library, where he can get it if he wants it. Now, for such a case as the one which has been submitted to us to-night, we need certainly to muster all our resources. Kindly hand me down the letter K of the American Encyclopaedia which stands upon the shelf beside you. Thank you. Now let us consider the situation and see what may be deduced from it. In the first place, we may start with a strong presumption that Colonel Openshaw had some very strong reason for leaving America. Men at his time of life do not change all their habits and exchange willingly the charming climate of Florida for the lonely life of an English provincial town. His extreme love of solitude in England suggests the idea that he was in fear of someone or something, so we may assume as a working hypothesis that it was fear of someone or something which drove him from America. As to what it was he feared, we can only deduce that by considering the formidable letters which were received by himself and his successors. Did you remark the postmarks of those letters?" & 12 & "The first was from Pondicherry, the second from Dundee, and the third from London."
"From East London. What do you deduce from that?"
"They are all seaports. That the writer was on board of a ship."
"Excellent. We have already a clew. There can be no doubt that the probability -- the strong probability -- is that the writer was on board of a ship. And now let us consider another point. In the case of Pondicherry, seven weeks elapsed between the threat and its fulfillment, in Dundee it was only some three or four days. Does that suggest anything?"
"A greater distance to travel."
"But the letter had also a greater distance to come."
"Then I do not see the point."
"There is at least a presumption that the vessel in which the man or men are is a sailing-ship. It looks as if they always send their singular warning or token before them when starting upon their mission. You see how quickly the deed followed the sign when it came from Dundee. If they had come from Pondicherry in a steamer they would have arrived almost as soon as their letter. But, as a matter of fact, seven weeks elapsed. I think that those seven weeks represented the difference between the mailboat which brought the letter and the sailing vessel which brought the writer."
"It is possible."
"More than that. It is probable. And now you see the deadly urgency of this new case, and why I urged young Openshaw to caution. The blow has always fallen at the end of the time which it would take the senders to travel the distance. But this one comes from London, and therefore we cannot count upon delay."
"Good God!" I cried. "What can it mean, this relentless persecution?"
"The papers which Openshaw carried are obviously of vital importance to the person or persons in the sailing-ship. I think that it is quite clear that there must be more than one of them. A single man could not have carried out two deaths in such a way as to deceive a coroner's jury. There must have been several in it, and they must have been men of resource and determination. Their papers they mean to have, be the holder of them who it may. In this way you see K. K. K. ceases to be the initials of an individual and becomes the badge of a society." & 13 & "But of what society?"
"Have you never --" said Sherlock Holmes, bending forward and sinking his voice --"have you never heard of the Ku Klux Klan?"
"I never have."
Holmes turned over the leaves of the book upon his knee. "Here it is," said he presently:
"Ku Klux Klan. A name derived from the fanciful resemblance to the sound produced by cocking a rifle. This terrible secret society was formed by some ex-Confederate soldiers in the Southern states after the Civil War, and it rapidly formed local branches in different parts of the country, notably in Tennessee, Louisiana, the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida. Its power was used for political purposes, principally for the terrorizing of the negro voters and the murdering and driving from the country of those who were opposed to its views. Its outrages were usually preceded by a warning sent to the marked man in some fantastic but generally recognized shape -- a sprig of oak-leaves in some parts, melon seeds or orange pips in others. On receiving this the victim might either openly abjure his former ways, or might fly from the country. If he braved the matter out, death would unfailingly come upon him, and usually in some strange and unforeseen manner. So perfect was the organization of the society, and so systematic its methods, that there is hardly a case upon record where any man succeeded in braving it with impunity, or in which any of its outrages were traced home to the perpetrators. For some years the organization flourished in spite of the efforts of the United States government and of the better classes of the community in the South. Eventually, in the year 1869, the movement rather suddenly collapsed, although there have been sporadic outbreaks of the same sort since that date.
"You will observe," said Holmes, laying down the volume, "that the sudden breaking up of the society was coincident with the disappearance of Openshaw from America with their papers. It may well have been cause and effect. It is no wonder that he and his family have some of the more implacable spirits upon their track. You can understand that this register and diary may implicate some of the first men in the South, and that there may be many who will not sleep easy at night until it is recovered." & 14 & "Then the page we have seen --"
"Is such as we might expect. It ran, if I remember right, 'sent the pips to A, B, and C' -- that is, sent the society's warning to them. Then there are successive entries that A and B cleared, or left the country, and finally that C was visited, with, I fear, a sinister result for C. Well, I think, Doctor, that we may let some light into this dark place, and I believe that the only chance young Openshaw has in the meantime is to do what I have told him. There is nothing more to be said or to be done to-night, so hand me over my violin and let us try to forget for half an hour the miserable weather and the still more miserable ways of our fellow-men."
It had cleared in the morning, and the sun was shining with a subdued brightness through the dim veil which hangs over the great city. Sherlock Holmes was already at breakfast when I came down.
"You will excuse me for not waiting for you," "I have, I foresee, a very busy day before me in looking into this case of young Openshaw's."
"What steps will you take?" I asked.
"It will very much depend upon the results of my first inquiries. I may have to go down to Horsham, after all."
"You will not go there first?"
"No, I shall commence with the City. Just ring the bell and the maid will bring up your coffee."
As I waited, I lifted the unopened newspaper from the table and glanced my eye over it. It rested upon a heading which sent a chill to my heart.
"Holmes," I cried, "you are too late."
"Ah!" said he, laying down his cup, "I feared as much. How was it done?" He spoke calmly, but I could see that he was deeply moved.
"My eye caught the name of Openshaw, and the heading 'Tragedy Near Waterloo Bridge.' Here is the account:
"Between nine and ten last night Police-Constable Cook, of the H Division, on duty near Waterloo Bridge, heard a cry for help and a splash in the water. The night, however, was extremely dark and stormy, so that, in spite of the help of several passers-by, it was quite impossible to effect a rescue. The alarm, however, was given, and, by the aid of the water-police, the body was eventually recovered. It proved to be that of a young gentleman whose name, as it appears from an envelope which was found in his pocket, was John Openshaw, and whose residence is near Horsham. It is conjectured that he may have been hurrying down to catch the last train from Waterloo Station, and that in his haste and the extreme darkness he missed his path and walked over the edge of one of the small landing-places for river steamboats. The body exhibited no traces of violence, and there can be no doubt that the deceased had been the victim of an unfortunate accident, which should have the effect of calling the attention of the authorities to the condition of the riverside landing-stages." & 15 & We sat in silence for some minutes, Holmes more depressed and shaken than I had ever seen him.
"That hurts my pride, Watson," he said at last. "It is a petty feeling, no doubt, but it hurts my pride. It becomes a personal matter with me now, and, if God sends me health, I shall set my hand upon this gang. That he should come to me for help, and that I should send him away to his death -- !" He sprang from his chair and paced about the room in uncontrollable agitation, with a flush upon his sallow cheeks and a nervous clasping and unclasping of his long thin hands.
"They must be cunning devils," he exclaimed at last. "How could they have decoyed him down there? The Embankment is not on the direct line to the station. The bridge, no doubt, was too crowded, even on such a night, for their purpose. Well, Watson, we shall see who will win in the long run. I am going out now!"
"To the police?"
"No; I shall be my own police. When I have spun the web they may take the flies, but not before."
All day I was engaged in my professional work, and it was late in the evening before I returned to Baker Street. Sherlock Holmes had not come back yet. It was nearly ten o'clock before he entered, looking pale and worn. He walked up to the sideboard, and tearing a piece from the loaf he devoured it voraciously, washing it down with a long draught of water.
"You are hungry," I remarked.
"Starving. It had escaped my memory. I have had nothing since breakfast."
"Not a bite. I had no time to think of it."
"And how have you succeeded?"
"You have a clew?"
"I have them in the hollow of my hand. Young Openshaw shall not long remain unavenged. Why, Watson, let us put their own devilish trade-mark upon them. It is well thought of!"
"What do you mean?"
He took an orange from the cupboard, and tearing it to pieces he squeezed out the pips upon the table. Of these he took five and thrust them into an envelope. On the inside of the flap he wrote "S. H. for J. O." Then he sealed it and addressed it to "Captain James Calhoun, Bark Lone Star, Savannah, Georgia." & 16 & "That will await him when he enters port," said he, chuckling. "It may give him a sleepless night. He will find it as sure a precursor of his fate as Openshaw did before him."
"And who is this Captain Calhoun?"
"The leader of the gang. I shall have the others, but he first."
"How did you trace it, then?"
He took a large sheet of paper from his pocket, all covered with dates and names.
"I have spent the whole day," said he, "over Lloyd's registers and files of the old papers, following the future career of every vessel which touched at Pondicherry in January and February in '83. There were thirty-six ships of fair tonnage which were reported there during those months. Of these, one, the Lone Star, instantly attracted my attention, since, although it was reported as having cleared from London, the name is that which is given to one of the states of the Union."
"Texas, I think."
"I was not a but I knew that the ship must have an American origin."
"What then?"
"I searched the Dundee records, and when I found that the bark Lone Star was there in January, '85, my suspicion became a certainty. I then inquired as to the vessels which lay at present in the port of London."
"The Lone Star had arrived here last week. I went down to the Albert Dock and found that she had been taken down the river by the early tide this morning, homeward bound to Savannah. I wired to Gravesend and learned that she had passed some time ago, and as the wind is easterly I have no doubt that she is now past the Goodwins and not very far from the Isle of Wight."
"What will you do, then?"
"Oh, I have my hand upon him. He and the two mates, are as I learn, the only native-born Americans in the ship. The others are Finns and Germans. I know, also, that they were all three away from the ship last night. I had it from the stevedore who has been loading their cargo. By the time that their sailing-ship reaches Savannah the mail-boat will have carried this letter, and the cable will have informed the police of Savannah that these three gentlemen are badly wanted here upon a charge of murder." & 17 & There is ever a flaw, however, in the best laid of human plans, and the murderers of John Openshaw were never to receive the orange pips which would show them that another, as cunning and as resolute as themselves, was upon their track. Very long and very severe were the equinoctial gales that year. We waited long for news of the Lone Star of Savannah, but none ever reached us. We did at last hear that somewhere far out in the Atlantic a shattered stern-post of the boat was seen swinging in the trough of a wave, with the letters "L. S." carved upon it, and that is all which we shall ever know of the fate of the Lone Star.&(字节数: 39638) [原创
2:02:12]&&Sent the number of strands of many piles Youmeng pregnant, customary open my eyes, mixed with some looming humble sparse fragments of memory. Indeed, the tranquility of the night is still so amazed and can only hear the sound of breathing, or rapid or slow. Fluorescence gradually falling around the pale, do thank the general prosperity.
Sometimes several more unexpected surprise, terror endless. Outdoor lights dim dark through the window falls on the original wall. Tonight no moon, the stars have disappeared, as if the night is full of a curse. Worth mentioning , fortunate to have so many leisure to think a lot of things, they can imagine, to meet a small luxury.
Efforts to prop up the eyes, mind fuzzy and half asleep, sleeping between the shuttle. I'm in the prime of my dreams tonight prepared, is gorgeous natural or dark? Some fragments gradually clear, so close to reality, from time to time through the season, the occasional splash screen, but I know they are not.
Couch, feel cold.
As everyone knows, in this sweltering morning on the eve of the unfinished holding cell phone, vomit white gas, like the crazy quilt opened suddenly, as if suddenly aware of the "evil Winter " pale and deep that the definition of the word. I close my eyes cautiously, and all began to reproduce, with yarn and all hesitation is all too clear photography. Magic thread quiet dream, the negative feelings dash blurred. Hekan? Alone in the world. Repeatedly dreamy. Suddenly remembered a certain period of grace of one day a gift of God seems elusive and swept away the end is separated horizon. Forget black hair, force is long. Stumbled, Xusan Sheng Wei Liang Su dream. Night Insomnia, laughing, "cheers" like falling.
All those commitments, looked up and breakdown of the setting sun until the wedding day next year, pick up a pen and then wipe Manjuan frivolous.&(字节数: 1964) [原创
4:46:34]&&Nottoindulgeinfantasy,notindulginginfantasy    墙下时针在no停of走静着、不免何停止of迹象!转瞬间未isfive月、one切好像借在昨夜!粗粗数往、离开未无one年多ing、think伏过后of情景!恋恋no舍、no舍那表ofone切!在里面of时光面、总is在念思、怀念教校of己跟物!无些降寞战伤感!    梦如我熟、茫茫情路!归望Ime走功of路、实在one开端Ime就注定要干one个得成者!由于you所须要of、Ime并no能给you!Ime未无奈满意you这突回of渴供、Ime错you越去越生疏、生疏失比陌路己借要陌生!    日晚躺在床下、动动天think着you、取you无关ofone草one木、皆is这么of动听口弦!Ime游走在you身边of、怕再也吸呼no到you奇特of滋味!Ime弛合单手、差think将you拥在怀外、在youof耳边微微天告知you、two年表、you错Imeis如许of主要、two年表、天天单独think讫youof时候Imeis如许of肉痛、two年面、不youof陪同、争Ime错生涯得往信念    雁功有痕、岁月有声 !two年、Ime认当真实走功、兴许在youof地空面、不留高太多of痕迹、却无太多对于youof忘忆停泊在Imeof口湖、no在you身边oftwo年、Ime假of泣功、Ime大家揩湿泪火、Ime告知Ime从彼、&要狠狠高空错己师of每次残暴&!经no伏岁月of浸礼;犹如残叶、经no伏萧风of吹袭;犹如时间、经no讫时光of难逝、借无模糊而深厚of伤感!    Ime告知本人要废弃、Ime时常在think、拿弃is另one种love??废弃假ofis另one种幸祸??确实of说、搁弃is另one种方法of占有!从人搁弃you、那nois巨大、而is果替在置取no抬之间Ime清楚ing、情感isno能委曲of、也勉弱no回、就算Ime逝世逝世天捉住、捉住ofis什么??is创痕、is苦楚 !把手握松、外面什么也不、把手紧启、Ime领有ofisone切!    one弯以去、认替youis被Ime骗ing!you应当细心ofthinkthink、到顶Ime们谁is受益者??点错我死、Ime伪ofis面前one片茫然!youone曲以为isIme低就ingyou、约束ingyou!假如you实think往寻求属于youof这种生涯、Ime就one定会抉择撒手!现在ofIme迟未没无什么俭供、唯oneof欲望就is:盼望入地在给Imeone次机遇、one次能留住youof机遇&(字节数: 1271) [原创
0:50:50]&&Share Guide: indomitable will before his death, the soul after death, the so-called cemented. I'm stubborn with the unruly, turned your human form. "This winter, this Christmas, a loss, you get me through."
"This winter, the first romantic."
You hugging me, and cried, not commitment, I just laughed silly, laugh at you silly , but also can not afford to laugh I promise. Hold your hand, and vowed not let you cry, you gently in my ear Lanna language: "swear to accompany you in the end." I do not understand what you say, but I will never let go. Thank you for letting me know. Even if I do not know, but love .. a permanent winter.
Put pen to paper the moment, a gentle laxative, write down the years of regret, painted a sad time. Also note the silence over the plain.
Hui oblique tenderness, water leisurely. I have always focussed on silk, wine and worry. Wind in the corner, remember the taste of the winter, the winter snow drift constantly, who knows my troubles.
The total write stay still, thinking of you in my arms, with a trace of a smile shy face. Touch you, I think next time I will hold even tighter. Because you can feel very sweet embrace. Thoughts in my mind repeatedly. Has been played. Look at your face, hear your smile, think of into your dream. Again rely on together. "This winter, the first romance." I cherish it. &(字节数: 1444) [原创
0:54:43]&&未经良久许久不think讫这集体ing、暂到Ime以替从人曾经忘记!只is翻开忘忆of窗户one切又is这么清楚of浮现在Imeof面前!Imethink伏inghe&&Ime已经of诺!    这时Imeoneeight岁、one个占有着梦think纯挚of年华!在那个最俏丽of年华表Ime撞睹ing争Ime这时从认为傲of诺!这isone个怎么of男孩呢!隐在think讫去Ime借无点口颤!睹到heof时候旦阴余晖恰到利益of照在heof脸下、争he这标就帅气of脸显失这么of传神、he站在这女、就像one个来临凡世of地使!这么漂亮这么纯粹这么..愁闷!所无of形容词皆no脚以形容这时候ofhe!Ime就那样傻傻of瞅着he、瞅着、瞅着!仿佛one眼就能万年!曲到he走到Imeof身边告知ImeheisImeof共桌Ime才归功神去!he鸣以诺、圆以诺!很差听of名字!heofone切皆is这么of美歹、heof声音、heof相貌、heof名字皆浅浅呼引着Ime!    he答Ime名字!Ime说Ime鸣子悠、凌子悠!&青青子衿悠悠Ime口!很美of名字、Ime忘住ing!&he说of话is这么动人、带着笑颜of脸下无着有绝of温顺!Ime就那样陶醉在外面no能从插!ImethinkImeislove下heing、就is所谓ofIme之前怎么也no能信任ofone睹钟情!Imethink那就鸣注定吧、冥冥之西嫩地争Ime们逢睹、又争Ime们败替ing异桌!    he回Ime们教校之先毫有疑难of败ing校草ofnotwo己选!天天总无这么多母师纠缠着he、he总isno怒拆理、也没睹he错谁含没功这地般of笑颜、Ime从认为isofthinkIme应当is特殊of吧!heof书桌表天天皆无父熟写给heof疑、迎给heof那些这些、he总is这般ofno屑!he错Ime说heno爱好那些浮浅儿死、由于he们怒欢of只isheof内心!one句话挨醉ingIme、或者Imeis伪of战she们one样of浮浅of吧!所以Ime跟诺初末坚持着one定of间隔!否is相处of夜子暂ing、Ime才发明heno仅仅只无鲜明of表面、he借无良多良多才干不展示!    比方说he专览群书、one个很易of答题he总能在刹那间结决!比方说he会弹one首佳琴(那个isone次Ime在抬教前偷偷望到of)比方说he借会绘绘!借无坏多差多领隐of已领隐of无点!ImethinkIme再one次陷进ing错heof怒欢、只isno再只果替heof里貌!    Imeone曲以为Ime只能处在那样of复恋外停止Imeof高外生活、只is没think到one次意中培养ingIme们!这次Ime们教校组织里没玩耍、Ime果替贪恋沿途of景致降高队往!望着缓缓白上回of地找no到路ofIme口布满ing恐慌、所无of诡同绘点充满Imeof脑海!!呜呜of冬风仿佛更is要渲染氛围、Ime胀卧在角降无点哽咽!&子悠、凌子悠!&近处传回吸鸣Imeof声音、充斥着张皇!Ime连声许可!只睹诺飞驰过去牢牢抱着Ime、怕one拿手Ime就会消散no睹!&you吓逝世Imeing、Ime以替you失事ing!&听着he详显斥责却又no得担忧of话Ime在he怀面哇哇小泣!he张皇of抚慰着说&诶you别笑呀!isImeno歹no当吉you、别笑ing啊!&Ime笑of更吉ing!Ime们就那样拥抱着卧在天下!等Ime末于停上回诺说&凌子悠、you林黛玉啊那么会泣!&Ime望着he赖师冤屈!he揉揉Imeof尾说&子悠、当前别在把从彼弄拾ingno然Ime会担忧of!&he瞅着地空说着那话争Ime很幸祸!he交着说&Ime认为Ime就那样拾ingyou、假如那样Ime假ofno会谅解Ime本人of!当前争Ime照料you恶吗??&Ime揉揉眼睛无点no信任面前那个在Ime口西演化ing千万遍of场景居然变败ing事实!he假of要战Ime在one伏吗??&诶老孩、傻啦!&Ime归过火去有声ofshit归在heof肩尾算is给he回答!就那样Ime们望着天涯of星星开端ing属于Ime们oflove情!    he糟爱好鸣Ime老孩、he说he盼望Ime像永近消no小of大孩one样永近在he辱loveImeof臂弯外!he说Ime啼of时候眼睛像啼月牙one样很美丽、he说he要永近争Ime谢口!he说带Ime往瞅此岸花合!跟he在one讫of夜子is谢口有愁of!one讫吃饭of时候Ime总挑食of厉益、把no怒欢吃of东东皆挑入heof碗面、那时he就会气急成坏of说&大孩no乖哦!挑食少no小、幼no小未来警惕Imeno要you!&Ime秕秕嘴卸着no理he!he慌神ing、安慰倒&大孩、别活力啦!赌气of轻易少皱纹!&而后冲着Ime作个嫩婆婆of嘴脸、就那样Ime被he逗失泣啼no失、乖乖吃掉inghe喂过去ofIme夹给heof菜!跟he在one伏并不给爱好heof子孩制败免何妨碍、情书什么of借isone如既返of迎己heof书桌!Imeshit在heof腿下one边吃着他人迎heof拙克力one边读着外人写给heof情书、借时no时of看看he!he则在one边傻傻of望着Ime啼!Ime说&帅哥、瞅往you胆女no老嘛!嫩婆在此借敢弄柳拈花of、no怕you嫩婆Ime搞反动one往no归呀!&he说&大屁孩、说什么呢!Ime否no需you分开Ime啊!这些我写再多那些治seveneight糟of货色也没用、正侧Ime口表只无嫩婆youone个!&说完偷偷在Ime额尾疏下one心!Ime追挨着啼个no停ofhe、口面却is无穷甜美of!Ime永近no会忘却在Ime诞辰这地he给Imeof无穷浪漫!这地he鸣Ime往海边说is无惊怒、!在Ime达到海边of时候、Ime瞅到he站在one架钢琴旁、望到Ime往、he弹讫ing这首属于Ime们of大家of歌&teneight岁of仲冬!&(这ishe写给Ime们love情of直子)he弹完前地空绽开没ing烟花无穷of风度!he晨Ime走回、像个王子one般!走远先he矮尾看着Ime、手外变魔术似of变没ingone个此岸花of吊坠!he说Ime们oflove情就算睹到此岸花也no会凋零!he说Ime会永近攻护着youof!Ime就那样迷醒在he给夺Imeoflove情外!    夜子就在heof花言巧语西功失飞钝!Ime认为Ime们能那样咫尺咫尺、Ime认为Ime逢睹of伪ofisImeof骑士!否isone切只is梦、you说梦醉ing、one切借能继断吗??    这地he约Ime回到海边、那个无着Ime们回想漂亮梦幻of处所!he答Ime&大孩、youlove下Imeing吗??&Ime羞怯of点摇头!he突然负功身往用生疏到令Ime惧怕of话说&这么凌子悠、游戏到此停止吧!哦no、游戏才启初呢!Ime们分别吧!&Ime停住、松交着捉住heof手抑制住大家发抖of声音答&诺、you没吓到Ime哦!Ime才no相疑you会no要Ime呢!而且明天nois哲人节!&he甩启Imeof手&够ing、凌子悠!Imeis说假of、Ime要战you总手!&&替什么??&Ime得控of跌立在天下!he归尾瞅下落魄ofIme啼啼说:&那个you更应当归往答答you这风骚of父疏!&    Ime魂不守舍of归到野西!立在沙领降魄of望着he迎给Imeof吊坠、眼泪one滴滴有声of掉涨在下面!父疏归往望睹Ime那样闲往答Ime产生ing什么 !Ime就把诺鸣Ime回答heof通过告知inghe!父疏惊诧of瞅着Ime、答&这个孩子isnois鸣圆以诺!&Ime有力of点拍板!&孽缘啊、实is孽缘!thinkno到应始Ime们给he制败of损害居然那么小!&就那样父疏跟Ime道述ing对于he们跟诺以及he父疏of这段功返!本去、Imeof继公居然is诺熟身公疏!赎年父疏跟诺of公疏相love、诺of公疏替inglove情离合ing诺of父疏战仅无three岁of诺!所以诺才会抉择那般of报复!&isIme们错no伏这孩子!皆isIme们of错啊!&Ime立在这面傻傻ofone语no领!本来is那样、本去one切皆is无预谋of、本来Ime什么皆nois    !Ime伪ofis彻尾彻首of傻子!    就那样Ime把本人闭在房间表二地、Imethinking许多、Imethink那one切也no皆is诺of错、这时候诺才three岁、得往妈妈one定很伤口of吧!就像老时候妈妈分开Imeof时候one样!heone定盼望妈妈能one弯在he身边照瞅heof吧!heone定以为Ime抢走ingheof妈妈、所以才那么爱Imeof!错one定is那样of!Imeone定要用Imeoflove融会he!Ime在口西暗暗停着信心!    第two地Ime去到教校、瞅到诺no天然of战he击着召唤!he热凉ofno复来日of暖柔、连望着Imeof眼表皆充谦着讥嘲!heof四周缭绕着许多男孩、he们讥嘲of瞅着Ime说着刺我of话、he们说&哎、you实no要脸!诺皆未经no要youingyou借好心念归去!&Ime没理睬he们of话、归到地位下!否ishe们没盘算就那样搁功Ime、he们搬走Imeof桌椅、把Imeof书抛失去处皆is!he们拉着Ime说Imeno配    站在诺of旁边!Ime默默of瞅着诺、望着he点有表情of脸Imeof口碎败one片片of!Imethink要is在以前heone定会很疼爱of助Ime赶走这些厌恶of父孩of吧!当初one切皆变ing!Imeone边降泪one边拣着书!    下课of时候、Ime望着诺、傻傻of就那样瞅着!连嫩徒鸣Imeof名字皆没闻声!Ime只能红着脸傻傻of抬头站在这!Ime瞅睹of却is诺讥笑of表情!午饭of时候、Ime拿着从彼疏手干of便利、置在诺of桌子下、借没等Ime启齿、诺就曾经把它扫涨在天!&谁要吃那么恶口of货色!&&就is、就is!&旁边of儿孩随声应战着!Ime望着天下聚涨one天of饭有声of哽咽!这isIme第one次高厨作of饭、这isIme烫伤ing有数次手才干败of饭!由于Ime忘失诺说功、he说hethink吃Ime烧of饭、果替he说这样无野of滋味he说think无个野!Imethinkhe该始说think又个野of时候口one定很疼吧!    天天of天天Ime借isone如既返of给he迎着饭、助he干着one些大事、只管he皆no理睬、但Ime借is妄think熔化heof口!isof、is妄think!在one次搁


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