
佛教六字真言读音? 怎么读?_百度知道
佛教六字真言读音? 怎么读?
想到自己十年来的修行都白费了,很难过,主持再下山看到山上已经没有红光,明白只要心诚就能和观音菩萨感应道交,又到山上对老婆婆说:你念对了,但是她念的是ong ma ni bei mei niu,有一个主持看到山上有红光,想必是有修行人,到山上见一位老婆婆在念六字言怎样读并不重要,重要的是心诚,可是虽然念对了,是我错了。老婆婆很高兴,最后一个字念错了,主持好心告诉她,她改过来再念
六字大明咒是大慈大悲观世音菩萨咒,源于梵文,象征一切诸菩萨的慈悲与加持。六字大明咒是“唵啊吽”三字的扩展,其内涵异常丰富、奥妙无穷、至高无上,蕴藏了宇宙中的大能力、大智慧、大慈悲。此咒即是观世音菩萨的微妙本心,久远劫前,观音菩萨自己就是持此咒而修行成佛的,佛名正法明如来。   梵文为?? ?????? ?????????? ??????,英文翻译为Om Mani Padme Hum,汉字音译为“(ōng)嘛(mā)呢(nī)叭(bā)咪(mēi)吽(hòng),。是藏传佛教中最尊崇的一句咒语,密宗认为这是秘密莲花部的根本真言,也即莲花部观世音的真实言教,故称六字真言。多用梵文或藏文字母(蒙古地区庙宇还有用八思巴字)书写、描画、雕刻在建筑物檐枋、天花板、门框、大小宗教器具、山岩、石板上。   仅从字面上解释,不过是“如意宝啊,莲花哟!”一句感叹语句,是一句未念完的佛藏传佛教认为,常经,或是仅表现出赞美观世音、憧憬幸福的心情。 经典上教导我们“但取其声,不取其义”。这才是学习陀罗尼真言的正确法门,每一个字都代表观世音菩萨的微妙本心,不可以凡情世俗之智去分解字面。  “嗡”表示“佛部心”,念此字时要身、口、意与佛成为一体,才能获得成就,“嘛、呢”二字,梵文意为“如意宝”,表示“宝部心”,又叫嘛呢宝。据说此宝隐藏在海龙王的脑袋里,有了此宝,各种宝贝都会来聚会,故又叫“聚宝”。“叭、咪”二字,梵文意是“莲花”,表示“莲花部心”,比喻佛法像法像莲花一样纯洁。“吽”表示“金刚部心”,是祈愿成就的意思,即,必须依靠佛的力量才成达到“正觉”成就一切、普度众生、最后成佛的境界。藏传佛教将这六字视为一切根源,循环往复念诵,即能消灾积德、功德圆满。    观世音菩萨是佛的化身,为普渡众生而住世。观音发愿,愿我身上的毛孔都依众生所需,化为佛菩萨以解救他们,一个都不漏,否则我的头将碎裂。此时阿弥陀佛赞叹地说:我与三世诸佛都是依此慈悲心而成正觉的,我会帮助你的。  观音菩萨感叹轮回众生之多且难度尽,产生退转且有违其誓句时,全身裂为千片。此时,阿弥陀佛告之须继续以慈悲力来净治轮回,将观音重新聚合成为千手千眼,以更大之力量来度脱众生。  阿弥陀佛复言:你要解除六道众生所受之苦,必须弘扬六字大明咒——嗡玛尼悲美吽,那将断除六道众生所受之苦。每个音节皆能净除轮转各个不同相应之六道因缘。  更殊胜的是,六字大明咒可封闭六道轮回之门,亦可超越世间的成就,同时为成就日后的佛果铺路,达到不退转之心。  六字大明咒可去除无始以来的业障,且如同诸佛菩萨亲临灌顶,更无价的是六字大明咒用是六种智慧来对治六道众生不同的烦恼:  嗡:白色之平等性智光,净除在天道中之骄傲及我执,断除堕落、变异之苦。  玛:绿色之成所作智光,净除阿修罗道中之忌妒,断除斗争之苦。  尼:黄色之自生本智光,净除人道中之无明及贪欲,断除生、老、病、死、贫苦之灾。  悲:蓝色之法界体性智光,净除畜牲道中愚痴,断除闇哑苦。  美:红色之妙观察智光,净除饿鬼道中之悭吝,断除饥渴苦。  吽:黑蓝色之大圆镜智光,净除地狱中之瞋恨,断除热寒苦。  受持六字大明咒的无量功德,即使是诸佛亦无法尽诉,其中的一些功益如下:  1.受持者的身体疾病及障碍将会被净除。所造的语业被净化,种下妙音的种子。所有意念之无明、愚痴将被净除,得到佛菩萨智慧的加持。  2.受持者若精进的修持,可将凡夫之身口意转化成佛菩萨之金刚身口意,甚至可将肉身修练出舍利子。  3.受持者甚至只念诵一遍六字大明咒,亦可获得无量智慧,终将升起慈悲心且圆满六度波罗密。此外,他将生为转轮圣王,达到不会退转的菩萨境界以至开悟。  4.凡有人或非人[见、闻、觉、受](看见、听到、忆念、触及)到六字大明咒,他即刻种下成佛菩萨的因。  六字真言:藏传佛教名词。据说是佛教秘密莲花部之“根本真言”。它包含佛部心、宝部心、莲花部心及金刚部心等内容。“嗡”,表示佛部心,谓念此字时,自己的身体要应于佛身,口要应于佛口,意要应于佛意,认为身、口、意与佛成一体,才能获得成就;“嘛呢”梵文意为“如意宝”,表示“宝部心”,据说此宝出自龙王脑中,若得此宝珠,入海能无宝不聚,上山能无珍不得,故又名“聚宝”;“叭咪”,梵文意为“莲花”,表示“莲花部心”,以此比喻法性如莲花一样纯洁无瑕;“吽”,表示“金刚部心”,祈愿成就的意思,即必须依赖佛的力量,才能得到“正觉”,成就一切,普渡人生,最后达到成佛的愿望。  藏传佛教把这六字看作经典的根源,主张信徒要循环往复吟诵,才能积功德,功德圆满,方得解脱。据说,藏学家的最新研究成果,认为六字真言意译为“啊!愿我功德圆满,与佛融合,阿门!”,还有的藏医学著作认为六字真言的诗意解释是:“好哇!莲花湖的珍宝!” 上面说过了,经典上教导我们“但取其声,不取其义”。这才是学习陀罗尼真言的正确法门,每一个字都代表观世音菩萨的微妙本心,不可以凡情世俗之智去分解字面。一心持咒,观听咒音,心念系于咒音,乃至咒即我、我即咒。方为陀罗尼真修法门。  发音须知  六字注音嗡(ōng)嘛(mā)呢(nī)叭(bā)咪(mēi)吽(hòng)  嗡:读(ōng 嗡)。ōm 是正确读音,OM=AUM,最后要闭唇。  呢:??ī 是卷舌音,发音时舌尖要上翘顶上腭,然后放开发??ī音。  叭:bā后有一个辅音 d,在汉语跟藏语里都被省略了。可读成bādemēi,de 轻而短,一带而过。  咪:mēi 其它写法有[口+弥]、[口+迷]等。要读成mēi,不能读成 mī,由梵文词的位置格变化而来。  吽:发音为(hōng轰),也有书注音为(hòng)。发一声还是四声都可以,可根据场景与意愿自行觉定,多数读四声。  如果我们初学时望文生音学错了,要有勇气纠正错误,这才是实事求是的态度。不要拿什么别的借口来搪塞。有些人还拿老太太错读为“嗡嘛呢叭咪牛”的故事来说事,我们且不说这个故事关于咒音的道理对不对。单看你的理解,如果你想用到这里也是错误的,这是错解寓言。那个寓言最主要的是要强调信心的重要。我们讲信、愿、行。信是成就的根本,你忽然信心不具了,自然会心随境转,道力尽失。然而,有些人却把他拿来当作可以念错咒音亦无妨的藉口,既是如此又何必要上师来传咒?  (ōng)嘛(mā)呢(nī)叭(bā)咪(mēi)吽(hòng),每个字所代表的意义都是不同的,但是每个字都代表无尽功德大利,即使你只修念其中一两个字,也会得到很大功德。这就是为什么有些咒文读的不准确仍然有功德感应的原因。观世音菩萨曾化身为苍蝇到畜牲道度生,那些猪圈里的猪听到观世音菩萨化身的苍蝇发出的“嗡”声,只凭这一个字,它们就当下得到解脱。每一个字都具大利,这个道理应当明白。  但是,我们既然要修,就要完整的正确的,依传统一脉,传统是无数前辈先贤上师实证而来的,其中密义深远,包含了修陀尼的真义所在。而我们自行考证而来的读音,虽然在学术上可能是正确的,但是缺少了无数先贤的实证,流于肤浅,不达究竟道地。别的真言陀罗尼我们不反对学习古梵音,个咒,经过千百年的传承,其发音早已赋予了诸圆通大士的无上密义,不可轻易更改,老老实实依传统传承为是。当然,音节上这个密主要是义密而非形式之密,是为密义普传,众皆可修习。
出自:法界佛教总会中文网-宣化上人法宝(官网)根据宣公上人发音 :嗡weng
吽hong 宣公上人念诵六字大明咒地址:http://online_audio/chant.asp@CatalogID=38.html摘自:《佛根地》上宣下化老和尚佛七开示.1975年美国奥立岗州 这个咒,是最妙的咒。我现在教你们,是有声教你们。你们念的时候要无声念,不要说出口来。因为这是秘密的咒,你要说出口来,就不秘密了。你行、住、坐、卧要常常念这个咒,这个咒的力量可就大了。你在山上念,这所有山上的众生,过五百年后都会成菩萨,就有这么大的功德;你在水里头念,水头所有的一切众生,过五百年后都发菩提心,将来都成菩萨;你本人念,你本人身所有的虱子、虮子、臭虫所有在你身上的这些个细菌,在你身上的这些个众生,也过五百年之后,都可以发菩提心,都可以成菩萨。你看这个力量大不大?假如你自己不愿意作菩萨,那么你帮助其他的众生成菩萨,这也是一件善事,所以你不可以不念这个咒。You should hurry up and recite it!(你要快快念这个咒。)这个咒,我现在告诉你们各位,我传给你们,你们各位要特别注意。你们已经知道了这个咒,不要说:“喔!我已经知道了”,生一种轻慢的心;不知道的呢,更应该生一种尊重法的心。我现在来教你们这个咒,你们都注意一点!我只教三遍,你记不记得 就随你自己了。什么咒呢?就是“嗡嘛呢叭弥吽、嗡嘛呢叭弥吽、嗡嘛呢叭弥吽。”这个咒的力量是不可思议的,你们要很注意的来修持这个法。六字大明咒The Six-Character Great Bright Mantra 上宣下化老和尚开示 Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's Dharma Talks
唵.嘛.呢.叭.弥.吽 OM MANI PADME HUM--------------------------------------------------------------------------------◎三藏法师宣化上人.讲述于一九七一年LECTURE GIVEN BY TRIPITAKA MASTER HSUAN HUA, 1971 你能常诵持这〈六字大明咒〉,就有六道光明能把六道轮回的黑暗变成光明。If you are able to constantly recite the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra, there will be six paths of light changing the darkness of the six destinies into brightness. 这六个字,叫〈六字大明咒〉,每一个字都会大放光明。   These six characters together make up the Six Character Great Bright M each one individually is able to emit brilliant light.
密宗是专门研究咒语和它的意思。佛教分成五宗:禅,教,律,密,净。禅宗就是参禅打坐;教宗就是讲经说法;律宗就是严净毗尼,弘范三界,就是专持戒律的;密宗,密就是秘密的,彼此互不相知;净土宗,就是专持名号,念这个“南无阿弥陀佛”这六字洪名,这叫净土宗。   Mantras and their meanings are studied in the Secret School, one of the five schools into which the principles of the Buddha's teachings are divided: 1) the Dhyana S2) the Teaching S3) the Vinaya S4) the Secret S5) the Pure Land School. The Dhyana School teaches constant investigation
the Teaching School, lecturing sutras the Vinaya School, exclusive maintenance of moral prohibitions: &awesome, majestic, and pure in vinaya, great models for the three realms&. Then there is the Secret School. Secret means &no mutual knowing&. The Pure Land School teaches the exclusive mindfulness and recitation of &Na Mo A Mi T'o Fo&, the &Vast Six Character Name&.  
这五宗里边,有的人就说禅宗最高,有的人就说教宗最高,有的人又说律宗最高,修密宗的,就说我密宗最高,修净土法门的,就说净土法门这是最第一了、最高了。实际上,这个法是平等的,没有高下──是法平等,无有高下。所谓高,就是个人私见,自己欢喜哪一种,就说哪一种是高。   Some people say the Dhyana School is highest of the five. Others claim that the Teaching School, or the Vinaya School, is highest. Cultivators of the Secret School say, &The Secret School is supreme&. Practicers of the Pure Land Dharma-door say, &The Pure Land Dharma-door is first, it is superior&. Actually, D there is no high or low. &Highest& is everyone's
whatever school you like you claim it to be the highest.  
现在我们讲这个密宗。一般人所知道的密宗,就是喇嘛教。其实密宗不是秘密的,在这个显教里头,显密圆通──显教里头也有密宗,好像〈大悲咒〉、〈六字大明咒〉都是密,〈楞严咒〉那更是密。所谓“密”,就是彼此不知道。   Now I will explain the Secret School. What most people understand to be the Secret School is actually Lamaism. In fact, the Secret School is not secret. Within the &explicit& teaching, the manifest and secret perfectly penetrate. The &explicit& teaching also includes the Secret S for example, the Great Compassion Mantra, and the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra both belong to the Secret School. The Shurangama Mantra is even more secret. &Secret& is just &no mutual knowing&.
那么,不明白的人就认为这个秘密的东西是最好的,因为它不是公开地传。有一些不懂佛法的人,就更神乎其神,说:“这不能讲给你听了,我这密宗啊,密宗不能讲给你听。”你不能讲给人听,为什么你又要说呢?为什么又要说“我不能讲给你听”啊?你根本就是密宗,就是不说就好了,为什么又要说我不能说给你听──我不能讲给你听,你不能讲这又是讲了。你不能讲这是不是讲?这也是讲。这为什么他要这样说呢,就因为他不明白佛法,根本就不知道什么叫“密宗”。   Ignorant people say that secret things are the best. Why? Because they are secret, and not publicly transmitted. So people who don't understand the Buddhadharma speak of the supernatural and mysterious saying, &Oh! I can't tell this to you! It's from the Secret School, and it can't be spoken for you to hear!& If they can't speak of it to others, why mention it? Why do they say they can't talk about it? If it's really the Secret School, and it's best not to speak of it, why do they say, &I can't tell you&? Their &not talking& is just talking about it. Is this &refusal to speak of it& speaking of it or not? Yes, it's speaking of it. Why do they talk this way? Because they don't understand the Buddhadharma, and are completely unaware of what the Secret School is.
所谓“密宗”,我现在告诉你们,这个咒啊,并不密。所谓密宗,就是你念这个咒啊,有你的灵感,我不知道;我念这个咒呢,就有我的灵感,你不知道。这彼此互不相知它的功能──它的功能和它的力量,不知道,这叫密宗。并不是这个咒是密宗,那个咒的力量才是密。这是密宗的意思。   Now I will tell you about the Secret School. Mantras are not secret. The Secret School is the magical response which comes from your r I can't know your response. I recite mantras and have my magical response, and you do not know of it. This is &no mutual knowing&. The ability and power are unknown, and therefore are called the Secret School. It's not mantras, but the power of mantras that is the Secret School. This is the meaning of the Secret School.  
那个咒,既然是密了,你就不应该传给人。你传给另外一个人,这已经不密了。同样的,六祖和惠明有这么一番对答: 惠明:“上来所说,密意,若有秘密嘛,还有比这秘密的吗?” 六祖:“与汝说者。即非密也。汝若返照。密在汝边。”   If mantras are really secret, they should not be transmi for if you transmit a mantra to someone else, it is no longer secret. It is the same as the Sixth Patriarch's answer to Hui Ming's question: &He (Hui Ming) further asked, 'Apart from the above secret speech and secret meaning, is there yet another secret meaning?' Hui Neng said, 'What has been spoken to you is not secret. If you reverse the illumination, the secret is on your side.&'
你看,这说的明明白白的嘛,你能说出来的就不密了,能传给你已经不密了。你要是密就不应该传。密在汝边嘛,密在你那个地方。这就是说的这个秘密。   Speak it and it is not secret. T he said it very clearly. Once spoken, it is no longer secret. The &secret& is that which is not transmitted. If it can be transmitted, it is not &secret&. The &secret& ca it is where you are.
我相信就是密宗的法师,他也对这个密宗怎么样解释法他不知道,他只以为这咒是秘密的。但是什么咒都可以传给人,什么咒都可以说,没有不可说的咒;要不可说的他就没有法子传给你,是不是啊?我们讲这个真理,因为它可以传给你,这就不是密宗了,这就不是密了。   I don't believe that Secret School Dharma Masters understand how validly explain &secret& dharma. They simply think that mantras are secret, but all mantras can orally t there are no mantras, which cannot be spoken. If they couldn't be spoken, there would be no way to transmit them. Isn't that right? We are now speaking true principle. If it is transmittable, it is not secret--it is not the Secret School.
密,没有法子传的。那个密就是那个力量。没有人有法子告诉你说这个咒有什么力量,你念怎么样怎么样的;如人饮水,冷暖自知,所以你自知,旁人不知道,所以这叫做“密”。那个力量是个密,那个感应是个密,那个功能是个密,并不是那个咒是个密。现在你们大家都明白了吗?   Because the &secret& is un- transmittable, I say that the &secret& is the mantra's power, and there is no way anyone can tell you about it. No one can say, &This mantra has this power, and when you recite it such and such will happen.& There is no way to tell you. It is like
he himself knows whether it is hot or cold. The &secret& is that which you know and others don't. The strength is secret, the response is secret, th it is not the mantra that is secret. Now does everyone understand?
那些不明白佛法的人,一定认为我说的不对。我说的不对,我也要这么样说;你说的对,你就没有法子这么样说,你根本不懂你怎么会这么样说。我更不懂,我更糊涂,不过以前我师父教我教得很明白的,所以把我这个糊涂人也变成会说密宗的〈六字大明咒〉了。   Those who don't understand the Buddhadharma must have thought that I have spoken incorrectly about this dharma. Incorrect or not, I will still speak this way. Say I am right...there is no way for you to say that. Since you fundamentally do not understand this dharma, how can you say that I understand. I don' I'm even more muddled. Previously, however, I had a teacher who taught me with great clarity so that I understood, and this confused person changed into one who could speak and explain the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra according to the Secret School.
这个密宗,分成五部──东西南北中。东方是金刚部,是护持正法的;宝生部是南方;莲花部是西方;羯磨是北方;佛部是中央。要有时间哪,这个〈楞严咒〉讲这五部讲得最详细。   The Secret School is separated into five divisions, East, West, North, South, and Center. In the East is the Vajra Division, which protects and maintains the proper Dharma. In the South is the Jeweled Birth D the West, the Lotus Flower D the North, the Karma D and in the Center the Buddha Division. If there were more time...the Shurangama Mantra explains these five divisions in great detail.  
所以世界上,要有一个念,会念〈楞严咒〉,这个魔王也不敢出现的;要没有人会念〈楞严咒〉了,这个三千大千世界这个魔王啊就都会到世界上来了。为什么呢?没有人管他了,这五部就都不工作了,所以魔王就出世了。要有一个人会诵〈楞严咒〉,魔王也不敢出世,所以我们希望多一点人念〈楞严咒〉。我们第一个暑假班,我第一个考试就要考〈楞严咒〉,看看谁把〈楞严咒〉能先背得出。结果就有两个人考上合格了,后来又有许多人会诵咒了。那么现在讲这个〈六字大明咒〉。   If there is one person who can recite the Shurangama Mantra, the demon kings cannot manifest in the world. If no one is able to recite it, demons can enter all of the three thousand great thousand world systems. Why? Because no o no one works in the five divisions, so the demons are able to enter the world. If one person, however, can recite the Shurangama Mantra, demons do not dare enter. It is just because of this that we hope more people will learn to recite the Shurangama Mantra. During the first summer session, the first test was to recite the Shurangama Mantra from memory, and in fact two people were able to do so. Later, many more were able to recite the mantra. It was just for this reason. Now I will talk about the Six Character Great Bright Mantra.
第一个是“唵”。你诵这“唵”字的时候,一切鬼神都要合起掌来了,都要这样子。合起掌干什么呢?守规矩啊,要循规蹈矩。你诵这一个字,一切鬼神就都不敢捣乱了,他们都不敢不听命了。这叫“引申”义,就是引起来以下所说的这个咒,所以凡是说咒的时候,先说这字。   The first character is &nan (Sanskrit: om)&. When you recite &nan& once, all ghosts and spirits must place their palms together. Why do they put their palms together? To maintain the rules and regulations. Conforming to the regulations, they follow the correct way. Recite this one character and all ghosts and spirits do not dare rebel
they do not dare disobey orders. This has the meaning of leading, i.e. lead to the mantra to be mentioned below. This is the first sound in the mantra. “嘛呢”,就是牟尼。这个牟尼是梵语,翻译过来叫“智寂”,以这个智慧来明白这一切的道理,还要寂灭无生。又有一个翻译,叫“离垢”,离开这一切的尘垢。这个好像一个如意宝珠似的,最清净,没有一切的染污。这个如意宝珠能生长一切的功德,可以随心满愿,就有这么好处。   &Ma ni (Sanskrit: mani)& means &wisdom silence&. Using wisdom one is able to understand all principles, and thus is able to be silently extinguished, without production. It is also defined as &separating from filth& which means leaving all dust and filth. It can be compared to the &precious as-you-will pearl& which is extremely pure, with no defilement. Whatever excellence you wish to bring forth, if you have the &precious as-you-will pearl& it can be done. It can also fulfill your wishes in accord with your thoughts. Every vow you make will be fulfilled. These are its benefits. “叭弥”,本来那个应该读叭特弥。翻译过来是光明圆觉,又翻译成莲花开,就是观世音菩萨的妙心,能以圆满俱足、无碍,这是叭弥。   &Pa mi (Sanskrit: padme) actually should read &pa t'e mi&. It means &light perfectly illuminating&, and is also defined as &the opening of the lotus&. It is analogous to the wonderful lotus flower, which can complete, perfect, and fulfill, without obstruction. It is the wonderful mind of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. This is &pa mi&.
“吽”字,是“出生”义,什么都可以从这个吽字生出来。又是“拥护”义,念这个字那护法善神就来拥护你了;又有这个“消灾”义,你有什么灾难,诵这个字就能免了。又有这个“成就”义,你无论求什么,都可以成就的。   Next comes &hung ( Sanskrit: hum) which means &put forth&. Anything at all can be born from this character &hung&. It also means &to protect and support&. Recite this character and all Dharma protectors and good spirits come to support and protect you. It also means &eradicating disasters&. Recite this character and whatever difficulties there are will be eradicated. It also means &success&; whatever you cultivate can be accomplished.  
一念这个〈六字大明咒〉,无量诸佛、无量菩萨、无量护法金刚,都常常拥护你。所以观音菩萨说完这〈六字大明咒〉之后,就有七亿那么多的佛来拥护围绕。这个〈六字大明咒〉的力量是不可思议,这种功能也不可思议,这种的感应道交也不可思议,所以这叫密宗。要是详细说,那是无量无边的意思,说不完。那么简单地今天晚间给大家讲一讲。   Recite the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra once, and the immeasurable Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Vajra Dharma protectors constantly support and protect you. Therefore, when Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva finished saying this Six-Character Great Bright Mantra, there were seven million Buddhas who came to support, protect, and surround him. The strength and function of the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra are inconceivable, the intertwining of the response
therefore it is called the Secret School. If one were to explain in detail, the meanings would be immeas they cannot be completely spoken. So tonight I will just make a simple explanation for everyone. 我可以告诉你一点,不可说的秘密神力。为什么我说这不可说呢?根本我说的,这万分之一也没有。是什么呢?你能常诵持这〈六字大明咒〉,就有六道光明能把六道轮回的黑暗变成光明。那么这种的力量,是要你专心去诵念才得到这种的三昧。不单六道轮重播大光明,在这个十法界,也变光明藏。我希望每一个人都忙里偷闲的来诵持这〈六字大明咒〉。   Now I will tell you a little of that which cannot be told of the Secret School's strength. Why do I say &of that which cannot be told&? Because my talking does not even contain one ten—thousandth part of it. What is it? If you are able to constantly recite and maintain the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra, there will be six paths of light changing the darkness of the six paths into brightness. It is necessary that you turn your mind to one when reciting this mantra to obtain this type of samadhi. Then, not only will the six paths put forth light, but all of the ten dharma realms will become the &great light bright treasury&. So now we know that the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra has great strength. I hope that everyone will set aside time from his or her activities to recite the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra.
一般汉文音译是唵嘛呢叭咪吽,罗马拼音就是oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ。其实就是师父怎样念、什么口音,你就怎样念。就是依照你所依止善知识的传承。


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