
谁能解析一下《豪斯医生》的结尾?为什么编剧要给老好人一个这样的结局? - 知乎39被浏览29720分享邀请回答379 条评论分享收藏感谢收起132 条评论分享收藏感谢收起查看更多回答1 个回答被折叠()我刚看到第二季,有人觉得那黑人跟女助手很讨厌么【豪斯医生吧】_百度贴吧
诶,我才看到第二季看到那个女助手想要跟豪斯说sorry可是黑人说,我们不是朋友,只是同志之类的话。 让我觉得他突然好讨厌之前骑在豪斯头上以为自己是老大也是。诶。 (我没有种族歧视)
我想了半天,才发现楼主说的是cameron, 囧~~
当初看到第二季时我也有这样觉得过 - -
是的!!!我对那老黑很反感!毕竟自卑的人多会有这种行为~还有ll你所说的一切都很乱cameron是要很老黑道歉不是豪斯= =
第八集It was a decent episode of House tonight. The character moments were good and the medicine started out well, but then went rapidly downhill. The ultimate diagnosis was organophosphate poisoning from stolen pants. Organophosphates are always an interesting topic not just because they are present in many pesticides but because they are a potential chemical weapon. 精彩的一集豪斯,不仅仅每个角色都表现出了自己的个性,而且医疗方面的处理也很不错,可惜后面部分急转直下。最终的诊断是病人买的赃物裤子里含有大量的有机磷农药。有机磷总是一个吸引人的话题,不仅仅因为其是杀虫剂的主要成分,同时他也是潜在的化学武器。This week, the team made the correct diagnosis in the first fifteen minutes but then spent the rest of the show trying to determine precisely which organophosphate was the culprit so that the specific antidote could be used. The problem is that while there are general treatments for organophosphate poisoning, there is not a unique treatment for each specific toxin. The show tried to explain it away as “experimental drugs used by the Army.” I hate it when medical shows start basing plots o that’s when we go from the realm of plausible medicine to the realm of science fiction. 在这一集里诊断小组在前15分钟就做出了正确的诊断,但是他们在剩下的时间里一直试图找出到底是哪种有机磷以确定使用哪种所谓的“特效解毒剂”。这个问题的起因是因为虽然针对有机磷农药中毒有通用治疗方法,但是针对(农药包含的其他)毒素的治疗方法是不同的。电视剧中试图用“美军的试验性药物”来作为治疗手段。我讨厌在医疗剧中出现“试验性的药物”,这把医疗剧变成了科幻小说。The idea that the military would have a unique antidote for each specific organophosphate is absurd. I’ve deployed to areas where we had to stock medications for organophosphate poisoning. Just the standard treatments of diazepam, 2-PAM and atropine take up a tremendous amount of space because you need multiple doses for each soldier present. Now multiply this by forty, because according to the show there are 40 different organophosphates — and just hope the enemy is nice enough to tell us which one they used, or didn’t develop one of their own.那种认为美军有可以治疗一切化学毒素的药物的想法是荒谬的。我曾经去过储藏专门针对有机磷中毒解毒剂的仓库,那里大部分解毒剂都只不过是普通的安定,2 - PAM和阿托品。有超过40种的有机磷毒药,而且军方不可能为每个士兵都准备40种解毒剂,所以最好还是祈祷敌人告诉我们他们使用的是哪种有机磷或者千万别再弄出一种新的来。I liked the character bits with Dr. House and Dr. Foreman, and thought the sex-starved 82 year-old lady was clever, but I hope this is the last episode we see built around “experimental medicine.”我喜欢豪斯和4man的个性,还有那个82岁的性幻想奶奶也很有趣,不过我希望这是最后一次在豪斯里出现“试验性的药物”。
9On tonight’s episode of House, a famous jazz trumpeter who’s paralyzed from the waist down suffers sudden difficulty in breathing. He is rushed to the hospital where he is diagnosed with pneumonia in addition to his previous diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (better known as ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease). House, of course, does not believe this is ALS. He settles on Wegener’s Granulomatosis (a disease primarily of the lungs and kidneys) as a culprit. When the musician develops an arm paralysis he believes it to be a stroke instead of a progression of the ALS (it’s his show, so he’s right, of course). Ultimately, the musician is found to have an arteriovenous malformation (AVM — an abnormal growth of blood vessels) pressing on the spine and causing his paralysis.今晚的豪斯医生里面,一个著名的下半身瘫痪爵士小号手突然出现呼吸困难。被送往医院后他被诊断为肺炎加上原本的肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症(更广泛的称呼是ALS或者Lou Gehrig’s disease)。显然豪斯并不认为这是ALS,而是韦格纳氏肉芽肿(一种主要侵害肺部和肾脏的疾病)。之后音乐家的一只手出现瘫痪,使得豪斯相信原因应该是中风(他当然是对的,谁让他是主角呢)。最后,诊断小组发现病人有一个动静脉畸形(AVM——一种血管生长异常),其压迫脊椎导致病人瘫痪。The show was a good character study and took a close look at Drs. House and Foreman, as well as Foreman’s previous physician supervisor. Foreman was offered a job in California and had to decide whether to stay with House or go west for higher pay and more perks (and less abuse).本集中豪斯和4man的戏剧冲突于个性冲突表现的非常优秀。4man之前的主管医生给4man提供了一份待遇更优厚的工作,4man需要在留在豪斯身边工作还是去加利福尼亚拿更高的薪水以及更好的工作待遇(还有不被豪斯虐待。)(翻译:这还需要选?为4man叹气。。。)While the character moments were good, the medicine was not particularly well done:虽然剧情方面很出色,但是医疗部分却不太好: •&&&& ALS seems a reasonable diagnosis, given what was known of the musician’s history and symptoms. •其实根据患者以前的病历和症状来看,ALS似乎是一个很合理的诊断。•&&&& It would be quite a stretch for Wegener’s Granulomatosis to have affected both the lungs and spine without being detectable on an x-ray or CT scan. •既然韦格纳氏肉芽肿都已经影响肺部和脊柱了,为什么X光和CT都没有任何显示呢?•&&&& The AVM should have been visible on any previous blood vessel study (such as an MRA) despite being hidden by inflammation. •就算是被发炎遮敝了,但是动静脉畸形还是可以在其他血管测试(如MRA)中被发现。•&&&& There is only a very narrow window of time to give clot-busting drugs (such as tPA) after a stroke. The patient was well outside this window. •中风后使用抗血栓药物(如tPA)缓解症状的时机是非常短暂的,剧中病人很显然已经超过这个时间了。•&&&& House violates his own favorite Occam’s Law by deciding that the upper arm and lower extremity paralysis are caused by two separate diagnoses. •在治疗上臂和下半身瘫痪时,豪斯再次违反了他曾经提到过的奥卡姆剃刀法则而使用两种不同的诊断。•&&&& Not only are the Young Gun doctors running labs and MRIs, but now they’re performing embolectomies by themselves — so apparently they’re trained interventional radiologists as well. 小鸭子们不仅仅亲自去做测试和MRI,而且他们还亲自去做栓子切除术——显然他们曾经做过放射科的培训。
第十集This was the first episode of House with an unhappy ending. The medical mystery was fairly involved and several personal mysteries were thrown in as well. Why is the homeless patient seizing and photophobic? Why does Dr. Foreman detest the homeless? Why does Dr. Wilson go out of his way to help them? All the mysteries were answered — except for the one about Dr. Foreman, which was dropped halfway through the show and never picked up again (even though it was the driving force of the first half-hour).豪斯医生中第一次出现了悲剧结局。本次的医疗谜团和几个角色的个人经历交织在一起,组成了情节复杂的一集。为何这个无家可归的病人出现噬咬和避光的症状?为什么4man讨厌无家可归者?为什么Wilson会主动帮助无家可归者? 在结尾,所以的悬念都有了答丨案——除了4man,其与患者的冲突是前半集的主要情节,可是在后半集却消失不见了。
The ultimate solution to the medical mystery was good and bad with the one-two punch of an abdominal tuberculoma and rabies. Abdominal tuberculomas are uncommon, but there have been several well documented cases. It was a bizarre presentation for rabies, both in the patient and Dr. Foreman, so I’m suspicious of the diagnosis with the information presented.医疗谜团的最终的解决方案由于腹部结核瘤与狂犬病的冲突而好坏参半。腹部结核瘤并不常见,但还是有一些医疗案例的纪录。而在狂犬病中出现则非常奇怪——不管是对于患者还是4man来说,所以我对与本次的诊断结论有些怀疑。
There some other mistakes (medical and otherwise) that caught my eye on tonight’s show: 今晚还有其他一些错误(医疗和其他):
Why was the epinephrine injected intramuscularly when there was a perfectly good IV site? IV administration gives faster and more reliable results — very important in a code situation. Foreman remembered the IV site when he had to give the patient Haldol several scenes later. 为什么选择肌注肾上腺素?当时有一个极好的机会采取静脉注射。静脉注射可以提供更快和更可靠的结果。在之后在4man注射haldol药物给病人的时候显然他知道这点,而此时却忘记了?CA-125 is a tumor marker that is useful for following a patient diagnosed it is not usefu1 as a screening tool. It’s very expensive too, so I find it hard to believe that any physician would use it as a first-line general screening test. 癌症标示剂CA-125通常用于诊断卵巢癌而不是用于常规扫描。此外这种药超贵,我很难相信哪个医生会在常规扫描中使用这东西。It wasn’t all bad. There was some good medicine in the episode too. Serotonin syndrome and paraneoplastic syndrome were likely diagnoses and adenosine is an appropriate drug for a supraventricular tachycardia.医疗方面也不全是糟糕的,羟色胺综合征和副肿瘤综合征都是可能的诊断,腺苷确实可以用来治疗室上性心动过速。Once again, the Young Gun doctors were performing every test themselves. Dr. Chase performed the abdominal ultrasound and Dr. Foreman performed the biopsy on the ovarian mass. He’s a neurologist so I’m surprised he even know here the ovary is.再次,小鸭子们亲自运行了所有的测试。Chase做了腹部超声波测试,而4man则做了卵巢活体检测。我很奇怪一个神经学家怎么知道如何检测卵巢的?I give this episode a B+ for the mystery (the score would have been a great deal higher if they hadn’t forgotten the plot point involving Foreman), a C for the eventual solution, and a C- for the medicine (the episode lost lots of points for perpetuating the CA-125 screening myth).我给本集的神秘性打分是B+(如果不是编剧把4man的线索忘记了的话,分数更高),诊断界是C+,医疗部分则是C-(主要扣分是在使用CA-125上面)。
第11集This episode of House looked at two separate medical issues. The first was a case of hemolytic anemia in a high school student. The second issue was Dr. House’s use of narc0tic painkillers.本集的主要看点有两个,其一是有溶血性贫血的高中生,另外一个则是豪斯是否对止痛药上瘾。Various reasons for the patient to have hemolytic anemia were considered, including cancer, lupus and hepatitis E. Ultimately, it was determined to be liver toxicity from naphthalene secreted from an enormous colony of termites. Naphthalene is the chemical found in mothballs, and one would think the distinctive odor would be noticeable at a level high enough to cause symptoms. Still, it was an intriguing case and diagnosis (and it’s true that some termites do secrete naphthalene).引起病人的溶血性贫血的病因被依次推断为癌症,狼疮和戊型肝炎。最终的确诊结果是由于大量白蚁分泌的萘引发的萘中毒。萘是一种化学成分,有独特的香味,需要相当高的浓度才会引发上述症状。不过这次的诊断还算有趣。(有些白蚁确实可以分泌萘)I was not as impressed by the handling of Dr. House’s use of narc0tic painkillers. Dependence and addiction were treated as if they were the same thing when they are two different, though related, conditions. Dependence means that the body is habituated to the drug and the patient will suffer withdrawal symptoms if the drug is stopped. The patient may become tolerant to the medication and need higher levels to achieve the same effect. Dependence is not limited to narc0tics, but can be seen in many other drugs including alcohol and such over the counter medications such as acetaminophen and nasal sprays. It is a physical diagnosis, not a psychological one (though there is also psychological dependence, but that’s another issue). 我对于剧中处理豪斯止痛药的问题不太满意。药物依赖和药物上瘾看起来似乎是类似的,但是实际上则完全不同——他们有时候相关,或者同时出现。药物依赖表示病人的身体已经习惯了药物而停止药物会产生戒断症状。停止药物后病人可能需要使用更大剂量的药物才会再次达到原先的效果。药物依赖性不仅仅限于毒品,还包括很多其他药物,甚至酒精,还有乙酰氨基酚和鼻腔喷雾剂。这是身体性的而不是心理性的。(虽然也有心理影响,但是那是另外一个需要分析的问题了)Addiction is a maladaptive behavioral change. Basically, a person is dependent on a medication, it interferes with their life, and they do things they know are wrong to get it 0r take it (such as stealing, lying, skipping work or school, and do on). While physical dependence is a part of the condition, addiction is more of a psychological condition than a physical one.药物上瘾则是一种适应性不良的行为。基本上当一个人对某种药物上瘾的话,这种情况会明显的影响他的生活,即使他们知道是错的,他们也会想办法得到这种药物(比如偷窃,说谎,旷工或者旷课,等)虽然身体方面的依赖是一部分,药物上瘾更像是心理影响而不是生理影响。Just to confuse issues, House may also be suffering from pseudo-addiction. This occurs when a patient has inadequately treated pain and behaves in a way that leads people to believe they are addicted when all they really want is better pain control.有一种可能混淆的情况:豪斯也许是假性药物上瘾,即其认为自己有药物上瘾,而实际上他只是需要更多的止痛剂而已,这种情况通常是由于对患者的疼痛处理不当造成的。House is certainly dependent on his painkillers. He’s been using them for years and has needed increasing doses to kill the pain. However, I don’t see much evidence that he’s addicted. He’s unpleasant and unlikable, but I get the feeling he’s always been that way (despite what Dr. Wilson’s last minute speech would have us believe). He doesn’t do things that he knows are wrong in order to get his medication. His problem is more one of dependence (and pseudo-addiction) than addiction. 我认为豪斯的情况应该是对止痛药的药物依赖(而非药物上瘾)。他已经使用这些药物很久了,现在他应该增加剂量来解决疼痛问题。我看不出他有任何的药物上瘾的证据。他是有些愤世嫉俗,但是从Wilson在最后一分钟讲的内容来看,我觉得他似乎一直是这样的。他并没有去做那些即使明知是错误的事情来获得药物。他的状况应该是药物依赖(或者伪药物上瘾)而不是真的药物上瘾。I give this episode an A for the mystery, a B+ for the result, and a B for the medicine (A- for the hemolytic anemia and D for House’s “addiction”.)本集悬念为A,谜底为B+,医疗部分为B(高中生部分为A-,豪斯部分为D)
第12集A superstar baseball player suffers a sudden fracture of his right upper arm. X-rays show a generalized osteopenia (thinning of the bones). Since the most common cause of osteopenia in younger individuals is cancer, other (very expensive) tests are run, but no cancer is found.一个超级棒球明星在拍摄广告时有上臂突然断裂,X光显示为普遍性骨质疏松(骨骼变薄),年轻人中发病的最通常的原因是癌症,可是一番测试后(很贵哦)却没有发现癌症。Other symptoms this patient is suffering include kidney failure, liver damage, hallucinations and hypogonadism. 之后病人又出现了肾功能衰竭,肝功能损害,幻觉和性腺机能等症状。Now, this player admits that he was once a drug abuser — of the hallucinogenic and stimulant variety. He denies steroid use, though under duress admits he may have used something his trainer gave him once. As the story goes on, it turns out that he hasn’t given up drugs entirely and haѕ been using some marijuana “to relax” now and again. It seems that this marijuana was grown in ground contaminated with cadmium, and his symptoms (and his wife’s anosmia) are due to cadmium poisoning. 后来,病人承认曾经吸毒(致幻剂和兴奋剂),虽然他否认曾经故意使用过类固醇,但是他承认他的教练曾经有一次给过他很可能是类固醇的药物。随着故事的推移,事实证明他并没有完全戒毒,而是还会使用一些大麻来“放松一下”。而这些大麻种植在存在镉污染的地区,因此他(和她妻子)都出现了镉中毒的症状。(她妻子嗅觉有问题)Cadmium poisoning is nasty, and can certainly cause the symptoms mentioned — except the hallucinations. In addition, cadmium poisoning usually has respiratory symptoms and lung and prostate cancers are common. (It was probably the m0rphine causin I’ve seen patients with similar hallucinations — talking to people who aren’t there — on m0rphine. )镉中毒是很糟糕,也一定能够导致上述症状 —— 但是不包括幻觉。此外,镉中毒通常有呼吸道症状,还有很可能有肺癌和前列腺癌。(幻觉有可能是有吗丨啡引起的,我曾经见过由于服用吗丨啡而产生类似幻觉症状的病人——那个病人一直在和不存在的人聊天。) (Please note that this is different from Cadbury Poisoning, which is an overdose of chocolate. This condition seems to be most common around Easter.)(此外,请注意这个和“吉百利中毒”——一种由于巧克力食用过量引起的症状,在复活节时最常见——不同。)Dr. House initially believes that the patient is lying about not using steroids, and that those steroids are the cause of his hypogonadism. He starts to treat this with Lupron (leuprolide acetate). Admittedly, this area of medicine isn’t my specialty, but this makes no sense. Lupron suppresses the production of sex hormones, something the patient is already low on. He is causing hypogonadism in a patient who already has that problem. Furthermore (according to the story), since ѕteroid-induced hypogonadism wasn’t the cause, the Lupron knocks the patient into respiratory failure. This also makes little sense as Lupron is not associated with respiratory failure (but it is a good example of a common theme on House: a treatment will either save your life if the diagnosis is correct, or kill you if the diagnosis is wrong).豪斯最开始确信病人在使用没有类固醇的问题上说谎了,正是由于他偷偷的使用了类固醇才导致他的性腺功能低下,于是他开始使用Lupron(醋酸亮丙瑞林)治疗。虽然这部分的医疗知识不是我的专长,但是这种治疗方法还是不合理。Lupron会抑制病人本来就已经很低的性激素的分泌,加重这方面的病情。此外,根据剧情,类固醇不是导致病人生病的主要原因,而Lupron很可能会导致病人呼吸衰竭。若Lupron没有导致呼吸衰竭,则对于诊断还算有点点帮助。(这是豪斯中经常出现的情况:正确的治疗挽救病人的生命,而错误的治疗则杀死病人)Other side issues in this episode include transplant ethics, digitalis toxicity, ex-girlfriends, sleeping with drug reps, and monster truck rallies.在这一集里面的其它支线情节包括:移植器官引发的伦理问题,洋地黄中毒,豪斯的前女友,4man和医药代表交往,还有怪物卡车比赛。This episode earns a B+ for the mystery and an A- for the solution. The medicine earns a D (the cadmium was clever, but the Lupron was ludicrous). (I give the minor side plots a B+ because they almost salvaged the bad medicine.)本集的悬念为B+,谜底为A,医疗部分则只有D(镉中毒的部分很聪明,可是Lupron的部分就很瞎了)。(而对于门诊部分我给B+,这是本集中唯一能够补救医疗部分的内容了)
第13集I knew it was going to be a bad episode when they pulled out the Ouija board in the first five minutes. 当本集开始不久出现了“通灵板”的时候,我就有一种不祥的预感。。。The patient is a twelve-year old boy who presented to the hospital with a week-long history of a fever, respiratory symptoms and a rash. Various kinds of the atypical pneumonia were considered, including Legionnaires’ disease and chlamydial pneumonia. Several jokes are bandied about concerning twelve year-old boys and sex, and the patient gets a sexual history taken. But wait a minute! Chlamydia pneumoniae, a common cause of atypical pneumonia, is a completely different from the sexually transmitted form of chlamydia (C. trachomatis). Any infectious disease expert, and even a medical student, should know that simple fact. 本集的患者是一名12岁的男童(翻译:由出演过《非常小特务》的童星饰演)被送到医院,其症状为持续一周的低烧,呼吸道症状和皮疹。诊断小组推断其病因可能是Legionnaires’ disease和衣原体肺炎。剧中关于男孩可能由于性行为而染病,以及研究其父母的性行为史是可笑的。肺炎衣原体——通常引起非典型肺炎的原因——是和性行为传播完全是风马牛不相及的事情。任何一个传染病专家,或者医生,乃至于一名医学院的学生都应该知道这件基本原则。The team discovers that the patient has developed anthrax, which they claim would explain both his rash and respiratory symptoms — except that cutaneous (skin) anthrax and inhalational anthrax are two different and distinct forms of the disease that don’t cross over. The skin infection makes sense considering the opening scene of the episode where he fell on an infected piece of insulation, but suggesting he somehow breathed in enough spores at the same time to cause the lung infection is hard to believe. Furthermore, ciprofloxaxin (Cipro) is still the preferred drug for anthrax, not Levaquin (although Levaquin is suspected to work against anthrax). 随后诊断小组认为病人得了炭疽热,这虽然解释了为什么病人发生皮疹和呼吸道症状,但是却忘记了“皮肤型炭疽热”和“吸入性炭疽热”是两种截然不同的疾病。皮肤型炭疽热勉强可以用开头患者曾经跌倒在一堆废弃物中来解释,可是患者在这么短的时间内是不太可能吸入足以引起肺部问题的炭疽粉尘的。此外,目前环丙沙星仍然是炭疽首选药物,而不是Levaquin(虽然Levaquin有可能可以治愈炭疽热)。The patient begins to develop symptoms that go beyond anthrax. The team looks at a variety of additional diagnoses including various autoimmune diseases and neurofibromatosis. They obtain manyfancy tests (which they run themselves, with no help from people who are actually trained in the procedures), but they tell nothing. As usual, they place him on some particularly powerful and risky treatments based on little evidence. The treatments seem to help a tiny bit at first, but then he begins to lose control of his hand. Ultimately the true diagnosis is made: leprosy. Apparently the patient had dormant leprosy which made him more susceptible to the anthrax which in turn reactivated the leprosy.很快病人就表现出了比炭疽热更糟糕的病情。诊断小组也开始考虑其他病因,包括:各种自体免疫疾病和神经纤维瘤。他们进行了大量的测试(全部都是他们亲自干的,果然豪斯小组是不需要“其他专业人士协助”的)却一无所获。之后,诊断小组在缺乏有力证据的情况下决定对患者使用某种特别的大剂量治疗。患者在好转了一会之后,其手又出现了失控的状况。最终,患者被确诊为麻风病。麻风病抑制了病人的免疫系统,使得其容易被炭疽热感染。here is also an underlying theme of father/son relationships in this episode, contrasting the relationship of the patient and his father to Dr. Chase and his father.本集的另一个主题是父子关系,患者与其父亲的关系和Chase与其父亲的关系相互映衬,组成了这一主题。 One last question: How did Dr. Chase’s father, an Australian rheumatologist, get credentialed to act as a physician in the hospital that quickly? Does he have a New Jersey medical license? How did the California doctor get similar privileges so quickly in that Episode 9? 我的最后一个疑问是:Chase的老爸——一名澳大利亚的风湿病专家——是如何这么快就可以跟豪斯和小鸭子们一起行医的?他什么时候在新泽西行医的资格的?同样,在第九集里面,一名加州的医生也非常快的获得了在新泽西行医的资格。The medical mystery this episode earns a C, but the leprosy solution brings the score up to a B. The actual medicine is pretty poor with too many freshmen mistakes and earns a C-. The side plots earn a C, they were just average.本集的医疗迷题为C,最终的谜底是B,医疗部分只得到一个C-,整体评价也只是一般的C
第14集Another week, another episode of House. Though I pick on it every week, never doubt that I enjoy the show. The characters and actors are excellent and the mysteries are clever (even if the medicine isn’t). 又一个新的星期,又一集新的豪斯医生。我每周都怀着期待欣赏豪斯的演出,从来没有怀疑过自己会欣赏新的剧情。每一个演员和他们的个性都让我着迷,每集的剧情都是那么吸引人(虽然有时候医疗部分有缺点)。 A young female CEO comes in with a sudden paralysis of her right leg. A variety of labs and radiological studies are all normal. While on the table for a second angiogram, the patient develops sudden pulmonary edema (which the show confuses with pulmonary effusion. While both can be result from heart failure, the presentation and animation were consistent with pulmonary edema. Sadly, the doctors treated pulmonary effusion – chest tubes and thoracentesis won’t help for pulmonary edema). It turns out that the patient is bulimic and has been abusing ipecac for years. This overuse of ipecac has damaged her muscles (hence the leg pain and paralysis), especially her heart. Dr. House goes before the transplant committee in an attempt to get his patient moved to the top of the list and lies to the committee, telling them that she has no psychiatric issues (when bulimia is a big one).一名年轻的女CEO由于右腿瘫痪而住院。一系列的测试和放射探测都显示正常。当病人在做第二次血管造影测试的时候突然出现肺水肿。(从剧中来看,导演把肺积液和肺水肿给弄混了。虽然这两者都可以导致心脏衰竭,演示画面和动画结果均符合肺水肿,但是遗憾的是,医生采取的治疗方式——胸部插管和胸腔穿刺术——是治疗肺积水的方法而不是肺水肿。)原来,这个病人患有贪食症,并已滥用呕吐剂很多年。过量的呕吐损害了她的肌肉(腿部剧痛与瘫痪)并且导致她的心脏严重受损。豪斯在器官移植审查会中说谎隐瞒了病人患有暴食证的问题以确保自己的病人可以优先获得移植器官。While there is some medicine, it takes a back seat this episode to the soap opera. Dr. Cameron begins subtly manipulating people to do things her way. Meanwhile, the hospital’s new chief (played ably by Chi McBride) starts unsubtly doing things his way. As usual Drs. House and Wilson debate ethics and one wonders why they stay friends at all.除了医疗部分以外,我觉得剧情部分有些退步。Cameron竟然会试图操纵人们按照她的意图行事。同时,医院新来的主席开始试图操纵医院的运作。而通过豪斯和Wilson道德辩论,我觉得他们能一直保持友谊真是个奇迹。I’m amazed how fast transplant organs become available on the show. This is the second episode where a transplant organ was available almost immediately after the patient was placed on the list. All I can say if that you’ve signed your organ donor card, I wouldn’t go driving in New Jersey.此外,患者获得移植器官的速度让我感到惊讶。这是第二次出现器官移植的病人,他们一上等待移植的名单就获得可移植的器官。对此我唯一能说的就是:任何签署了器官捐献志愿书的人,千万别去新泽西!For once, the doctors didn’t perform every procedure on their own. Dr. Chase is helped on the first angiogram by a pretty blonde assistant – of course he screws up and scans the wrong leg. 本剧中,第一次有医生搞砸了他的工作。Chase在做第一次血管造影术的时候被患者的金发美女助手分神,结果扫描了错误的腿。Like many shows, House is full of plot clichés. The first cliché on House was that the standard diagnostic tests could not be used, so the team had to discover some new way of doing the test. Patients had convenient gadolinium allergies and spinal fluid that could only be tested once. Next, there was the cliché that the treatment would either kill the patient or save them. That’ all or nothing. This one has been used in almost every episode. The latest plot cliché on House is “Dr. House is the only one to notice blatantly obvious things that no competent physician should have missed.” For instance, Dr. House is the only one to notice the slash marks on the patient? He’s the only one to notice that the mute patient has paralyzed vocal cords? Give me a break.和其他电视剧一样,豪斯医生中也有许多重复的情节。其一就是标准诊断测试无法使用,所以诊断小组必须发明某些新的测试方法。本集的患者对于钆过敏所以只能做一次脊髓液测试。其次,另一个老套的情节就是治疗方式可以治好病人(正确的话)或者杀死病人(错了),这几乎每集都会出现。最后一个老套的情节,“豪斯医生是唯一一个注意到这个实际上每个主管医生都会注意到的情况”。比如说,豪斯医生是唯一一个医生注意到这个哑巴病人的声带瘫痪了?别逗了。This episode earns a B for the mystery and another B for the solution. The medicine earns a C (thanks to the pulmonary edema/effusion confusion). The non-medical side plots earn a B+. 本集悬念为B,谜底也为B,医疗部分仅仅拿到了C(主要由于剧中混淆了肺水肿和肺积液),非医疗部分的评分为B。
第15集An interesting medical mystery on this week’s episode of House: why does the mobster fall into intermittent comas? Is it the Hepatitis C he apparently acquired in prison (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)? Is it because of the mail order Chinese herbal supplements that he’s been taking? Or is it something else?本周的豪斯医生的谜题很有趣。为什么这个黑帮成员会陷入间歇性昏迷?是他在监狱中染上的丙肝(另一个菊花台)?还是因为他服用的邮售中药?还是别的? Ultimately, House deduces that the patient has OTD (ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency). This is an X-linked deficiency of one of the enzymes in the urea cycle. A full deficiency is obvious early in infancy but partial deficiencies can be harder to diagnose. There has been at least one case of a diagnosis made when the patient was in his forties, so tonight’s episode is certainly feasible. A high protein meal (like a steak) is usually the cause of the symptoms.最终,豪斯推断病人有OTD(氨酸转移酶缺乏症)。这是一个X染色体缺陷导致的尿素循环酶缺乏症之一。如果尿素循环酶是完全缺陷,那么其症状在婴儿时期就会非常明显,但是本集患者是部分缺陷,所以非常难以诊断。这个疾病深深的隐藏在患者体内直到其40岁,而一顿富含蛋白质的大餐(比如牛排)引发了上述症状。One would think that an ammonia level would be a test obtained early in a patient with a coma of unknown origin, and this would have pointed them to the liver (and the correct diagnosis) sooner. 我认为在面对不明原因昏迷的病人时,医生初期就应该做一个氨的水平测试,从而更快的发现病人的肝脏有问题。Pig livers and pig liver cells have been used to purify human blood, but I have no idea if the setup would work as shown in the episode.猪肝和猪的肝细胞已被用于人体血液净化,但是我不清楚其工作过程是不是和剧中表现的一样。No researcher in his right mind would allow Dr. House to use an investigational drug that has never been tested in humans, no matter how sick the patient was. Never gonna happen.没有一名头脑清醒的研究人员会允许豪斯使用还没有做过人体试验的实验药物用在病人身上。不管这名病人的病情有多糟糕,这都不会发生!The soap opera was at a lower level in this week’s episode, but that’s because next weeks “big choice” is being set up House has to fire one of the three Young Gun doctors. Will it be Dr Chase, whom House suspects of tattling on him to his boss? Will it be Dr. Cameron because House wants to avoid a possible romantic entanglement? Will it be Dr. Foreman because physician characters played by Omar Epps aren’t allowed to last a full season?本集的剧情方面一般,但是我觉得这是因为在下一周豪斯要做出一个“重大的选择”,在三个小鸭子中选择开除一人。那么,会是Chase吗?被豪斯怀疑向新老板出卖了自己的人。会是Cameron吗?因为豪斯想要回避她对自己感情。会是4man吗?传闻其演员无法在接下来的时间出演豪斯医生。I give this episode an A- for the mystery and an A for the solution. The medicine earns a solid B (the investigational drug cost them). The non-medical side plots earn a B as well.对于本集的悬念我的打分是A-,谜底是A,医疗部分的得分是B(剧中对于医疗费的部分导致扣分),非医疗部分的得分是B。
16My vacation delayed my weekly review of House, but now I’m back and tanned (well, sunburned) and ready to review:我的假期耽误了对豪斯医生的评论,现在我(比原来稍微黑了些)回来了,新的评论马上就开始:The ultimate solution to the patient’s problem was elegant, yet the route the team took to get there was full of dangerous assumptions. An obese 10 year-old girl has a heart attack. The lab tests and EKG all support this fact. The physicians aren’t entirely sure why she had this heart attack. Dr. Chase believes it iѕ because of the child’s obesity, but Dr. Cameron thinks the patient may have Syndrome X (otherwise known as Metabolic Syndrome). Testing does not support this theory and the patient exhibits a bizarre mood swing while undergoing the test. Maybe it was the diet pills she was taking? Now the team decides that the patient is clotting so they start her on the anticoagulants heparin and warfarin. They believe that this clotting led to her initial heart attack as wel1 as a small stroke that led to her mood changes. At no point does the team actually perform any tests or studies to confirm clots or to discover why the patient is clotting (if she even is), they just start her on the anticoagulants. (As a side note, if the patient had a heart attack, she should already be on the heparin). Areas of skin necrosis appear on the patient and House decides it must be warfarin necrosis. At the last minute, just before the patient is to go through some major surgical repair, in one of those “but doctor, if you’re wrong the treatment will kill the patient” moment, House discovers that the patient has Cushing’s Syndrome caused by a pituitary tumor. After the tumor is removed, the patient is cured – and even manages to drop 30 poundѕ by the end of the week.最终的谜底一流,但是得出这个结论的过程充满了危险的假设。一名10岁的肥胖女孩发现有心脏病,实验室测试和心电图都支持这点,问题是医生们不清楚到底是什么原因导致这名女孩有心脏病。Chase认为是由于儿童肥胖症,而Cameron则认为病人有代谢综合症。测试证明假设不成立。同时在测试时病人出现奇怪的情绪波动。那么病因是由于病人偷服的减肥药吗?之后诊断团队认为病人产生凝血并且开始使用抗凝血剂:肝磷脂和丙酮苄羟香豆素。他们认为正式血凝症状导致了病人的心脏病发作,而小的凝固血块导致了微型中风导致了患者的情绪变化。我很怀疑如何诊断团队能够在没有作任何测试和试验去确认患者是否是血凝以及血凝的原因之前,就直接对患者使用抗血凝剂。(还请注意,如果患者有心脏病发作,她应该已经开始使用抗血凝剂了。)之后病人出现了皮肤坏死而豪斯推断是由于丙酮苄羟香豆素中毒导致了。在病人就要进行修补手术的最后一分钟时,在又一个“豪斯如果你错了酒会杀死病人”的时刻,豪斯发现病人原来患有库欣综合症,其症状是由一个肿瘤引起的。在肿瘤切除后,病人痊愈了——她甚至还能够在一周内就减轻了30磅的体重。The doctors on this show routinely jump wildly from conclusion to conclusion, but they normally run tests (lots and lots and lots of tests) to learn more. This episode there was a great deal of jumping to conclusionѕ, but very little testing. There were also way too many overlooked issues. Assuming the 10 year-old had a heart attack, why? Was it due to clotting, a spasm of a blood vessel, or some other reason? No testing was done to find out, but this is a very important issue. Nobody bothered to figure out what diet pills the patient took, they just assumed “diet pills = bad” without bothering to learn what medications/herbs/placebos were in the pills. Later, an assumption was made that the patient was clotting, but no one tried to figure out why. Does the patient have a clotting disorder? Better run those tests before she starts on the anticoagulants they put her on (without checking for sure if she had a clot), because they’ll screw up the test results once she’s on them. Oh, and warfarin is a pill, not an injectable drug.
豪斯医生中的老套路是到最后一刻才让豪斯蹦出一个疯狂的结论,但是通常他们会做测试(许多许多许多……的测试)来获得更多信息。不过这集豪斯的结论很精彩,但是测试却很少。此外还有其他一些不容忽视的问题。假设一名10岁的患者心脏病发作了,病因是什么?是因为凝血?血管痉挛?或其他?对此诊断小组没有作任何的测试来解释这个非常重要的问题。也没有一名医生试图找出患者到底服用的什么成份的减肥药:是化学药物?草药?还是安慰剂?他们仅仅假设“减肥药就是病因”。之后,当诊断小组认为病人是凝血的时候,依然没人去试图找出原因,一病人是否有凝血障碍?病人(假如真的有血凝的话)最好在开始使用抗凝血剂之前就先做完这些测试,因为之后就无法得到准确地检测结果了。哦,最后,丙酮苄羟香豆素是药片,不是针剂。The soap opera aspects were much better than the medicine this week with House having to decide which of his three underlings he’ll have to fire. At the same time, the hospital administrator is busy playing games with people’s minds, both the young doctors and Dr. House. Who leaves? You’ll have to wait until the next (non-repeat) episode. 剧情部分比医疗部分要好得多:本周豪斯必须决定开除哪只小鸭子。同时,Cuddy也在周旋于House和小鸭子之间,答案如何?下集才能知道。This episode deserves a B+ for the mystery and another B+ for the solution. Sadly, the medicine this week only receives a D+ (and that’s probably being generous). The non-medical soap opera aspects earn a solid A.本集的悬念足以赢得B+,而且迷底也值得B+。可惜医疗部分只有D+(这我还怀疑我给高了)。非医疗部分的剧情毫无疑问可以赢得一个A。
第17集A rising black politician has just finished giving a speech when he suddenly collapses. He blames it on being overworked and under the weather for the past few weeks. A physical exam turns up some neurological abnormalities and a lumbar puncture and brain MRI are performed. The MRI shows a suspicious lesion that is ultimately determined (after brain biopsy) to be toxoplasmosis. Dr. House and team suspect that this means the politician has AIDѕ, because that iѕ by far the most common cause of disseminated toxoplasmosis. The politician swears he does not have AIDS, and while a first HIV test is positive, a second test is negative. Discarding the AIDS diagnosis, the doctors concentrate on cancers that could be causing his symptoms such as hairy cell leukemia. Ultimately, House diagnoses the patient with Combined Variable Immune Deficiency (CVID) based on the combination of a seizure medication and common infection the patient had as a child. Some immunoglobulin shots and the patient is good to go.一名正在上升的黑人政治家刚刚结束演讲突然病倒。他自己认为只是由于过去几周内过度劳累以及天气的影响,但是他的体检显示是神经系统问题,于是决定检测腰椎穿刺和脑部MRI。MRI显示为弓形虫病感染(包括脑部活体检测)。豪斯和诊断小组认定这名政治家患有艾滋病,因为这是导致病人感染弓形虫的最常见的原因。政治家发誓说他没有艾滋病,而第一次艾滋病测试是阳性,第二次确实阴性的。否定艾滋病诊断后,医生们考虑了癌症也可能引起他的症状,比如说:毛细胞白血病。最终,豪斯根据病人儿时生病的用药状况诊断病人得了变免疫缺陷病(CVID)。在注射了免疫球蛋白杆后病人好转并出院了。AIDS is a logical thought when severe toxoplasmosis is found. The idea of repeating the HIVt make much sense as most HIV tests are already a double test – an ELISA followed by a Western Blot if the ELISA is positive (to check for false positives, such as was the case in this episode). The seizure medication phenytoin (brand name Dilantin) haѕ been associated with CVID, as has Epstein-Barr Virus. However, it’s not the double whammy of the two together that can cause CVID as H instead it appears that that either one alone can cause it (though genetics seems to be a more common cause of CVID). I also find it suspicious that the patient’s CVID had remained quiet for thirty yearѕ before suddenly showing up as two serious (and dramatic) fungal infections in a matter of days. A more realsitic scenario would have the politician suffering recurrent common infections for yearѕ before developing a more serious infection such as toxoplasmosis or PCP.当发现弓形虫感染时,艾滋病是一个合乎逻辑的判断。重复做艾滋病测试则不是那么合理,因为现实中大多数的艾滋病测试已经是进行过两次的了——先做ELISA测试,如果ELISA测试是阳性再测试Western Blot。(以防假阳性,如这集中的这样)。剧中导致病人生病的药物苯妥英(品牌名称仑丁)可以引发变免疫缺陷病,如同艾滋病病毒那样。但是,他不会如同豪斯说的那样需要两次才会产生变免疫缺陷病,而是任意一次测试都可能(虽然通常更普遍的原因是遗传缺陷)。我对于病人之前的疾病一直潜伏着,直到其30年后才突然在一天之内由两次严重(或者说是戏剧性)的真菌感染引发感到怀疑。更合乎现实的情况应该是病人长期承受普通疾病感染的痛苦,直到感染上更严重病症,如弓形体病或者PCP。
The soap opera was good again this week, but not quite as tense as the previous episode. I get the feeling that the writers are setting us up for something big. The writers also seem confused about Vogler’s motivation. He wants to get rid of House becuase he’s costing the hospital money, but also chooses him to speak on his newest drug because he’s a well-known and well-respected physician. Anyone who’s well-respected enough to introduce a new cardiac drug — if they’re not a cardiologist — would be well-known enough to bring a great deal of money into the hospital. The writers are trying to have it both ways: House is famous enough to for Vogler to pull his little stunt, but not famous enough for Vogler to want to keep him around. Puzzling. And don’t get me started on Vogler’s conflicts of interest…本集的剧情也很优秀,但是没有前几集那么紧张了。我觉得编剧正在酝酿着什么大动作。也许编剧在为黑人BOSѕ的动机感到头痛。他想要开除豪斯,因为他觉得豪斯在浪费医院的成本,同时他又希望豪斯在他的新药发布会上演讲,因为豪斯是一名著名的受尊敬的医生。任何尊敬程度足够推广一种新的心脏病药物的医生——特别是他还不是心脏病学专家——其知名度也足以为医院带来更多的收入。编剧似乎想表述两个概念:豪斯的知名度可以让黑人Bosѕ拿来做小噱头,但是却不足以让他想把豪斯留下来。令人费解阿,今后别让我为了黑人Boss的兴趣头痛了……The mystery gets a B+ with the ultimate solution getting a B- (the timing is just a little too coincidental). The medicine earns an A-. The soap opera earns a B.本集悬念为B+,迷底为B-(时机过于巧合了)。医疗部分是 A-,剧情为B。________________________________________When Dr. House announces that the patient has AIDS, my wife looks at the clock then looks back at me.“He can’t have AIDS,” she says. “We’re only fifteen minutes into the episode.”And she was absolutely correct. The show’s writers really need to make this a little less predictable.___________了不起的老婆大人分割线_____________________________ 当豪斯说患者得的是艾滋病的时候,我妻子看了眼时钟,然后看回我说:“他不可能是艾滋病,我们这集才开始15分钟。”后面证明了她是绝对正确的——编剧们你们确实需要在不可预知性上多下些功夫了。


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