要买吗 xbox one手柄无线手柄转接器将仅支持win10

Xbox One游戏串流至Win10 PC方法教程_百度文库
Xbox One游戏串流至Win10 PC方法教程
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微软发布支持Win10的Xbox One手柄 今秋上市Yesky天极新闻 07:13
  【Yesky新闻频道消息】 今日凌晨0:30,微软Xbox E3游戏展正式开幕。 在E3游戏展会上,微软发布了一款全新的Xbox One无线手柄。
  这款无线手柄名为Xbox精英版无线手柄(Xbox Elite Wireless Controller),专为骨灰级玩家而生。
微软发布支持Win10的Xbox One手柄 今秋上市
微软发布支持Win10的Xbox One手柄 今秋上市
  新款Elite精英版无线手柄在功能方面远远优于普通版。Xbox Elite手柄背部设计有两对拨片按键,可以更好的匹配游戏,按键压感灵敏度提升,摇杆操控手感更加细腻,方向按键和摇杆支持高度定制,肩部按键可半程锁死,支持按键映射,并且同时支持Xbox One和Win10。
微软发布支持Win10的Xbox One手柄 今秋上市
微软发布支持Win10的Xbox One手柄 今秋上市
  据悉,Xbox Elite手柄将于今年秋天正式上市,售价为149.99美元(约合人民币930元)。
* 网友发言均非本站立场,本站不在评论栏推荐任何网店、经销商,谨防上当受骗!
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document.write("");Xbox One 微软公布 1TB 硬盘和新版手柄的 Xbox One 主机,Windows 10 无线接收器秋季上市
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微软公布 1TB 硬盘和新版手柄的 Xbox One 主机,Windows 无线接收器秋季上市
微软正式公布新配置的 Xbox One 主机套装:
哑光表面设计。容量 1TB 的硬盘。新款无线手柄,增加了 3.5mm 通用耳麦插孔,调整音量等设置通过系统菜单实现,也兼容目前的 Xbox One 耳麦和耳麦转接器。另外调整了缓冲键的设计。该款手柄的固件更新不需要连接 micro-USB,可以无线方式更新。部分地区限时赠送 Halo: MCC 下载版游戏。
新配置在6月16日开始以建议零售价 400 美元销售,原本的 500GB 版本正式降价至 350 美元。新款无线手柄单独售价 $65,另有银黑迷彩色的款式。
微软同时宣布将 Xbox 无线配件用于 Windows 10 的无线接收器在秋季以 25 美元发售,与手柄同捆的版本是 80 美元。
Next week, Xbox is kicking off the biggest games week of the year as we head to Los Angeles for E3 2015 where we’ll showcase the best lineup in Xbox history. But before the lights go up and we take the stage for our media briefing, we wanted to share a few pieces of early news as we continue to put games and gamers at the center of everything we do.
Since Xbox One launched, one of the most frequent requests from fans is to add more storage to their consoles. Today, we’re unveiling the Xbox One 1TB console, with a new matte finish and more storage for your games and media, making it the best place to play the biggest blockbusters this holiday like Halo 5: Guardians, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and Forza Motorsport 6. Only Xbox offers the most choice when it comes to storage options, now with increased on-board storage as well as the capability to extend game storage by adding an external USB 3.0 drive.
But that’s not all. We’re also including our newly designed Xbox One Wireless Controller that now comes with a 3.5mm stereo headset jack, and in select regions for a limited time, Halo: The Master Chief Collection, the definitive Halo experience on Xbox One.*
Xbox One 1TB consoles will start shipping to retailers June 16 in the United States and select markets later this month and will be available starting at $399 USD ERP.* We’re also pleased to announce that starting today, the $349 USD price on all standard Xbox One 500GB consoles will be permanent in the United States and select regions.**
Now let’s take a closer look at the new Xbox One Wireless Controller, shipping with future consoles moving forward, and now featuring a 3.5mm stereo headset jack that lets you plug your favorite gaming headset right into the controller. With the updated controller, in addition to the volume and mute controls on gaming headsets, you’ll also have the option to adjust headset volume, mic monitoring, and voice and game audio balance through the Settings menu on your console. We’ve also improved the quality of audio coming through the controller and increased the maximum audio volume on headsets used with this controller, based on fan feedback. All existing controller accessories will work with the updated controller, including the Stereo Headset Adapter for those who want the convenience of fingertip control for their audio. In addition to audio improvements, we’ve fine-tuned the bumpers for more consistent performance anywhere along the full surface of the bumper. And we’ve enabled wireless firmware updates on the updated controller which eliminates having to connect the controller via USB cable to receive updates. What’s more, fans will be able to purchase the new controller as a standalone item in black as well as a new camouflage design in silver and black with the Xbox One Special Edition Covert Forces Wireless Controller.
And finally, as we mentioned at GDC, we are committed to designing Xbox accessories to support both Xbox and Windows 10. We are pleased to announce that starting this fall, you’ll be able to purchase the Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows to enjoy the freedom and convenience of the wireless controller on Windows 10 PCs, laptops, and tablets.*** With the Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows, you’ll simply plug the Adapter into the USB 2.0 or 3.0 port of your Windows 10 PC and bind the Adapter to your Wireless Controller to enable the same gaming experience you’re used to on Xbox One, including in-game chat and high-quality stereo audio. The Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows will be available for $24.99 U.S. MSRP or bundled with an Xbox One Wireless Controller for $79.95 U.S. MSRP* and sold in most markets where Xbox accessories are currently available.
We’re extremely grateful to our fans for your continued feedback and the Xbox team is continually working hard to expand and improve the experience. 2015 is going to be a great year for gamers.


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