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Abstract:Criminal retrial procedures is which constituted the French in the criminal procedure, the rail system to set important is to a fair trial and the judicial authority, after the failure of the referee, the invention of the wrong sometimes and practical. It's also a kind of exception relief program. In recent years, news issued a department of miscarriages of justice. These cases are through the process of criminal retrial is corrected, the big match familiar medium of She Xianglin case, Zhao Zuohai case and the case of Du Peiwu,. Visible, the existence of the system of criminal retrial, the influence of the society is serious. However, the rehabilitation of these miscarriages of justice has passed several years or even ten years time, these people is undoubtedly the honor, due to the emergence of a new evidence that they is actually not a crime, retrial French start-up is also very gentle positive and, in certain level on the performance of the judicial impartiality and fairness. However, these criminal cases of a serious nature, the rescue actually is not a criminal rescue mechanism itself to the positive role of the products, but more attachment "dead wife retrogradation", "the murderer is caught" identity. These cases the reason why arouses attention, other than the plaintiff was wrong to be convicted, still due to a criminal retrial procedures a start, in the face of many problems in the response to it, which can see, we'll see faces some unknown misjudged and injustice, so the rescue of miscarriages of justice becomes very urgent, and criminal retrial procedures of the target is to error correction, based on this, French reform of Chinese criminal retrial is we are faced with a big score. I think to perfect China's current criminal retrial procedures required analysis of criminal retrial procedures of the existence of the problem of, as long as we understand that place of performance, pointing out the French transformation of necessity and possibility. The article introduces some concern for the social from all walks of life case, analyzes the China's criminal retrial French exist some disadvantages, aiming at these problems, discusses the key locations, deeply understand the reason, create their own foreign practical and rail system and combined with the reality of the situation, the response of the perfect proposal. This article mainly through the process of the following contents to stop the analysis and discussion. First Department chapeau is to understand criminal retrial procedures of the concept, characteristics and significance, followed by analysis of the value of criminal retrial procedures, firstly points out that criminal retrial French French benefits include the contents of, especially ancient retrial idea in French benefits, do some preparation for the following research. The second part important from criminal retrial starting points out that subject to initiate, retrial jurisdiction, criminal retrial reason of "new evidence", "is wrong" confirmed scale, the criminal retrial reason don't these five aspects analysis problems, and put forward the improvement can, such as in the retrial startup French given to parties requesting a retrial qualifications, think the representations of action as the rail system, under the jurisdiction of the retri about the causes of retrial starting reengineering, we should stop classification, in addition, but also understand the "new evidence" and "does wrong" concluded that scale. The third sector from criminal retrial running French comment on the perspective debate. Its major content involves the following points: criminal retrial procedures of the operation should be underground lit, to do the French justice, French underground, in the actual operation, make body effect judgment of the original court in the retrial should be avoided, the retrial censorship can own foreign practices, pay by independent agencies to exercise. In the retrial, it is also to fully display the probation, strengthen the intervention level of both parties. Fourth department under combined with China's actual situation proposed some perfect criminal retrial procedures monitoring mechanism is proposed, to display a review of monitoring role in the retrial of the monitoring mechanism, in addition, the court itself to continuously perfect oneself, enhance self surveillance. ...
目录:摘要4-6Abstract6-71 引言10-14&&&&1.1 选题背景与意义10-11&&&&&&&&1.1.1 选题背景和研究目的10&&&&&&&&1.1.2 研究意义10-11&&&&1.2 国内外研究现状11-12&&&&&&&&1.2.1 国外研究现状11&&&&&&&&1.2.2 国内研究现状11-12&&&&1.3 研究方法与创新点12-14&&&&&&&&1.3.1 研究方法12&&&&&&&&1.3.2 创新点12-142 刑事再审程序概述14-17&&&&2.1 刑事再审程序的概念与特征14&&&&2.2 刑事再审程序的功能14-15&&&&&&&&2.2.1 实现公平和正义15&&&&&&&&2.2.2 保障当事人的正当权利15&&&&2.3 刑事再审程序的价值分析15-173 刑事再审的启动程序17-25&&&&3.1 刑事再审的启动问题17-19&&&&&&&&3.1.1 刑事再审申诉问题17-18&&&&&&&&3.1.2 刑事再审的管辖问题18&&&&&&&&3.1.3 刑事再审启动事由存在的问题18-19&&&&3.2 刑事再审程序启动的完善19-25&&&&&&&&3.2.1 改革刑事申诉制度19-20&&&&&&&&3.2.2 明确再审案件的管辖20-21&&&&&&&&3.2.3 明确再审启动的事由21-254 刑事再审程序的公开透明运行25-29&&&&4.1 确立刑事再审程序的回避原则25-26&&&&4.2 构建刑事再审公开审查程序26-29&&&&&&&&4.2.1 增强刑事再审审查过程的透明度26-28&&&&&&&&4.2.2 增强双方当事人及代理人的参与程度28-295 刑事再审程序的监督机制29-32&&&&5.1 刑事再审程序的监督失调29&&&&5.2 完善刑事再审的监督机制29-32&&&&&&&&5.2.1 加强检察院对刑事再审的监督29-30&&&&&&&&5.2.2 完善法院内部的自我监督30-32结论32-33参考文献33-34后记34-35攻读学位期间取得的科研成果清单35
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呼格案再审无罪 美媒:防止冤假错案需加强问责制
呼格吉勒图再审被判无罪参考消息网12月17日报道 美媒称,中国内蒙古自治区高级人民法院15日宣告1996年因被控强奸和谋杀而被处决的18岁男子无罪,吸引了公众的注意,人们也就当时年仅18岁的呼格吉勒图案发后仅61天就被执行死刑提出了批评。美国《纽约时报》12月15日发表题为《内蒙古法院宣布被执行死刑的年轻人无罪》的文章称,内蒙古自治区高级人民法院15日宣布了一桩发生在1996年的命案的再审结果,称这名因故意杀人和流氓罪而被执行死刑的年轻人无罪。文章说,在法律专家们就此案证据不足的问题争论多年后,这次再审吸引了全中国的目光。人们也就当时年仅18岁的呼格吉勒图案发后仅61天就被执行死刑提出了批评。当时的判决主要基于呼格吉勒图被审问48小时后的口供。中国的死刑现在是人们常常讨论的话题。10月份被呈递给全国人大常委会的一份报告建议,把中国适用死刑的罪名从55项减少至46项,取消9项不涉及恶性犯罪的死刑罪名。人权倡导者认为,尽管如此,中国屡屡出现的死刑判决疏漏仍是棘手的问题。近年来中国司法机关开始重审多个死刑案件,并修改了佘祥林案等多起判决。佘祥林曾被认定杀害了失踪的妻子,但随后她又回家了。&人权观察&组织研究员马娅&王表示,作为中国修正此前司法漏洞的第一步,呼格吉勒图案件的再审结果&令人鼓舞&。但中国仍缺少问责办案警官的机制。另外,美国《洛杉矶时报》12月15日发表题为《中国法庭在因谋杀罪处决18岁男子后判其无罪》的文章称,中国一家法院15日宣告1996年因被控强奸和谋杀而被处决的18岁男子无罪,吸引了公众的注意。这一平反时值中共下定决心改进中国法治建设之际。&呼格吉勒图案对我们的教训是痛心的,深刻的,对不起。&内蒙古自治区高级人民法院常务副院长赵建平对被处决的年轻人呼格吉勒图的父母说。据官方的新华通讯社报道,赵建平向这对悲痛的夫妇转交了高院院长胡毅峰的个人慰问金3万元。当时处理此案的相关警方人员正接受调查。文章称,逼供定罪在中国的司法体系中屡见不鲜。警方常常背负着要尽快结案的沉重压力,而且许多嫌疑人并没有称职的律师代表其权益。官方电视台常在审判前播放被拘嫌疑人的认罪声明。近年来中国平反了一些时隔多年的冤案,虽然这样的例子并不多。赵作海曾被认定于1999年杀害他人,在&受害人&回到其所在的村庄后,赵作海于2010年被宣布无罪释放。据报道,赵作海1999年在审讯期间曾九次招供认罪。他对中国媒体说自己是在无法睡觉并被警方殴打后才认罪的。赵作海获释两年后,当时6名审案民警中的5人因办案不当而获刑,其中最长的达两年。
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