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[转] 2013 KTM 500 EXC SIX-DAYS 六日之后你还爱我吗?_柘城吧_百度贴吧
[转] 2013 KTM 500 EXC SIX-DAYS 六日之后你还爱我吗?收藏
International Six Days Enduro是世界上最大型的摩托车耐力赛事之一。顾名思义,比赛长达六日,在没有铺装路面上行走超过一千公里,站骑时间超过40小时,绝对考验人类意志和机件素质。 众所周知,KTM无战不欢,有赛必到,逢到必早。所以EXC车系中早已加码准备了Six-Days系列,为各位铁人车手准备一台锋利战驹。KTM会让参赛车手对500 EXC Six Days特别版说:"六日之后,我仍爱你。" !500 EXC Six-Days特别版和标准版有很多不同之处,KTM真的投放了大量靓料。首先是一对4CS新一代WP倒立前叉,橙色车架,CNC电脑车床缧出来的眼镜码,并经过橙色电镀处理。转向把手则经过电镀黑处理,并印上KTM Six Days的logo。尾牙采用Supersprox两件式尾牙,外圈是钢,内圈是轻量化铝合金,两段颜色相当抢眼。还有橙色的车链护板尾部浪花形煞车碟不设开坑或钻孔。座位是Camel SXS窄座,水箱散热栅以橙色为记,并设有有护板。死气喉有碳纤护板及印有Six-Days字样。轮圈和钢线都经过黑电镀处理,并印有Six-Days字样。头轮轴有快拆扣,最后当然是全车都拉上Six-Days的德国ISDE 特别版车花500 EXC Six-Days的四冲水冷DOHC四活瓣单缸引擎内置平衡轴,并同时驱动水泵。生气阀门由钛合金制作,死气阀门则是钢制。供油系统是Keihin电喷系统离合器总承是单件式钢制品,非常坚固。并采用薄身离合器钢片来减少离合器的厚度。高刚性轻量化的钼钢管合金车架一向是KTM的强项。车架比其他对手轻了500克,并配以WP PDS尾避震,能减低悬挂运作时对车架的影响。车架内的空间也可容纳更大的油缸和其他组件
Six-Days特别版所配备的WP倒立前叉型号是48mm直径全新设计的 WP4860 4CS。4CS意思4-Chamber technology四厢式技术,好处是油压阻力更敏捷和稳定。重量也有减轻,维修也较容易。左叉顶调较受压,左叉顶调较回弹。 轮轴总承是GIANT品牌的CNC制品,并印有Six-Days字样。轮胎是MAXXIS特别为KTM开发的越野轮胎,提供优质的抓地力,卓越的转向感和更长的使用寿命。上下眼镜都是单件式CNC制作,刚性高,直接提升操控感。头尾制动都是Bremb浮动卡钳配上浪花形煞车碟。负责尾轮的迫力油泵,内部设计经过改良,能提高密封垫圈的寿命。 2013 KTM 500 EXC SIX-DAYS 规格表引擎形式四冲水冷DOHC四活瓣单汽缸,内置平衡轴缸径 x 冲程95mm x 72mm压缩比11.8 : 1总排气量510.4cc最高马力-ps/-rpm最大扭力-kg-m/-rpm车架形式铬钼钢管合金车架车架传动系统湿式多片6前速链传动燃油供应Keihin电喷系统前倾角(R)- °拖曳距(T)-mm鹅颈角度63.5 °前悬挂系统WP4860 4CS 48mm倒立套管全功能调较292mm行程后悬挂系统WP PDS 5018 DCC单筒油压避震全功能调较335mm行程轮胎(前)90/90 - 21轮胎(后)140/80 - 18前掣动系统260mm碟煞配Brembo两活塞浮钳后掣动系统220mm碟煞配Brembo单活塞浮钳长 x 阔 x 高2115 x 780 x 1250mm轴距1482mm ± 10
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或KTM250 EXC SIX DAYS 怎么样?
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我的评价:Six-Day War - LookLex Encyclopaedia
Ancient Egypt
Paul's journeys
Punic Wars
Six-Day War
War fought in 1967 between
on one side and ,
on the other side. The active
states received aid from , , ,
From its beginning to the end, the war lasted 132 hours and 30 minutes (less than 6 days). But the duration was shorter on 2 of the 3 fronts: on the Egyptian side only 4 days, and on the Jordanian side only 3 days. It was only on the Syrian side that the war lasted the whole 6 days.
The war could have lasted longer than it did, and the result could have been different and less humiliating for the Arabs, as their the power of their armies was far from depleted. But there were mainly 2 reasons why the Arab nations gave in: 1. The lost territories held relatively few inhabitants (as was the case with
for Egypt and
for Syria) or was occupied territory (as was the case with
for Egypt and
for Jordan). 2. The capitals of each of the three countries were threatened (Israeli troops were less than 100 km from
and less than 50 km from
The war was the most dramatic of all wars fought between Israel and the Arab nations, resulting in a depression in the Arab world lasting many years, changing the mentalities and political orientations among the people, as well as resulting in increased tensions between the Arab countries and the Western world. While the actual material and human losses were dramatic enough, Arab weakness in this war compared to Israeli efficiency will probably not be forgot for still many decades to come.
The war left Israel with the largest territorial gains from any of the wars the country had been involved in: Sinai and Gaza Strip were captured from Egypt, East
and West Bank from Jordan and Golan Heights from Syria.
For the international society the war resulted in a closure of the
for 8 years, resulting in increase of freight prices in international trade.
The war would be followed by the
1967 May: Forces on both Arab and Israeli sides of the borders are mobilized.
June 5: Israel attacks Egypt, Syria and Jordan. Israel achieved great victories immediately, especially on the Egyptian front, where Egyptian air crafts are wiped out after effective bombing of air strips.
June 7: The strategically important Egyptian
is captured.
— Jordan surrenders to Israel, after having lost East Jerusalem and the West Bank.
June 8: The entire Sinai comes under Israeli control. Later that evening, Israeli fights on the Egyptian front cease.
June 10: Syria surrenders, after seeing Golan Heights come under Israeli control.
1973 October: The
comes as a reaction to the territorial losses and the humiliation of the Six-Day War.
1979 March 26: Camp David Agreement signed between Egypt and Israel. Israeli withdrawal from Sinai starts, and goes on for the next 3 years. The second part of the agreement, which dealt with autonomy for the Palestinians on Gaza Strip and the West Bank, is never observed from Israeli side.2016 KTM EXC SIX-DAYS谍照 - 二手摩托车交易网
>> 2016 KTM EXC SIX-DAYS谍照
发布时间: 2:57:00
KTM为我们首次展示了2016EXC six Day 原车型,虽然所有的细节还尚未展示,但先为我们展示了两冲程和四冲程的“斯洛伐克”制服。
什么是Six Day 摩托车?SIX DAYS是一款配置来自WP悬架的4CS闭合芯叉;camel驾坐;防撞击滑板提供高端车架和发动机保护系统;橙色机械三倍阳极钳提供极其精准钳位和最佳的叉功能等高性能越野摩托车。
除了以上配置,Six Day 摩托车还配备了:
与KTM合作的,拥有出色抓地力和牵引力的Metzeler 轮胎;
Six Days消音器,无烟煤电镀和Six Days 标志(125 EXC除外);
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