
&R& oracle appears in the page sorted duplicate data issues
In the sort of oracle, according to a non-unique sort of location, can not guarantee that each page of data is not repeated with other data also. Because the oracle does not have a stable sorting algorithm, so the first 10 rows and the first 20 rows in the order can not guarantee the same key. So, there will cause some duplication of data, and some data is not phenomenon.
Solve this problem is actually very simple. There is a way to be considered.
Not only in use when the field is sorted, followed by a unique field.
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First, the sorting algorithm stability we should all know, is the guarantees More simply order the number of former two equal before and after its position in the sequence order and sorted them both before and after the location of the same order. In
Web development since the beginning has had much contact algorithm, and taking advantage of the time available, will be studied before the algorithm re-sort again, from the simplest sorting algorithm start, bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort
There are 100 million floating point, please find out the minimum 10,000. Hint: Assume that each float, 4 bytes, 100 million floating-point numbers will have to stand to the considerable space and can not be read into memory all at once to sort. Anal
Almost started looking for work, so today, on the sorting algorithm specifically review, record some ideas. First presented the theory and implementation of various algorithms, and finally concluded to do it. 1. Bubble sort, this should be familiar t
A simple sorting algorithm 1. Bubble method: This is the most original, and also well-known algorithm was the slowest. The origin of his name because it seems like the work of the bubble: In a group of numbers to be sorted in order of current has not
package com.wepull.jbs.lesson4; import java.util.R / ** * * Sort Test class * * * * Sorting algorithm is as follows: * * 1. Insertion Sort (direct insertion sort, binary insertion sort, Shell sort); * * 2. Exchange sort (take bubble sort, quick
Some time ago was busy looking for internships, interviewing many companies, both large and small companies are paying more attention to the basics of the study. Now pumping point blank to sum up the interview and little, some things can be found eve
Sort: Array length = m, remove from them the largest number n, n &= m import java.util.R import java.util.TreeS /** * Sorting algorithm : Array length = m, from the largest out of n Digital ,n&=m * Ideas : TreeSet keep results with , You ca
import java.util.R / ** * Sorting Test categories * * Sorting algorithm is as follows: 1. Insertion Sort (direct insertion sort, binary insertion sort, Shell sort); 2. Exchange sort (take bubble sort, quick sort); * 3. Selection S
The basic idea of distribution sorting: sorting process without comparing keywords, but by &distribution& and &gathering& process to achieve the sort. They can achieve linear time complexity order: O (n). Box Sort (Bin Sort) 1, the bas
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processed in 0.033 (s). 14 q(s)XML serialization use many factors, including object persistence and data transmission. However, some XML serialization technology to achieve them may be very complex. XStream is a lightweight, easy-to-use open-source Java (TM) library sequence used to
BigDecimal a = new BigDecimal(&99.215&).setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); System.out.println(a); BigDecimal b = new BigDecimal(&99.115&).setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); System.out.println(b); BigDecimal c = new BigDecimal(&
double, float types can not be precisely expressed 0.1 double d1 = 5.85; double d2 = 3.21; Therefore, d1 - d2 = 2.9997 At this point you can use the following method (based on number of decimal places amplified), but to prevent the value
1.BigDecimal and int between Conversion BigDecimal bigDecimal = new BigDecimal(int val); setXX(bigDecimal) 2. 2 bigdecimal summation a.add(b) a b Are bigdecimal type
SmartGwt used inside. Ds.xml file to define the interaction between the client and server data source. English, there is no problem, once encountered Chinese title, with a normal &script src=&sc/DataSourceLoader?dataSource=xxx&& &/ scri
The idea is to solve the problem when the Chinese title found. And thought, I will not do it myself A DataSource definition. SmartGWT Lane, DataSource is the core of its metadata. Here, DataSource actually two, One is the client com.smartgwt.client.d
SmartGWT of the skin is not a problem, there are examples of his showcase inside. However, there is a problem, smartgwt-skins.jar inside the skin and smartgwt.jar inside Enterprise Blue / Enterprise Gray skin css definition there is not complete. For
Often requires a certain Field column shows an icon, for example, the list of files in the file name placed in front of an icon. Normal demand, but SmartGWT the ListGrid, can only be set ListGridField time, set The type of image or icon. For both the
And just now the demand, I want to add a DetailViewer inside the icon, Tried several ways, similar to the ListGrid inside setCellStyle and coverage setCellStyleHandler methods are tried, the former does not work, the latter can only be Back to css of
See this article: /showpost.php?p=36088&postcount=4 It appears SmartGWT thought that UiBinder right SmartGWT is a step backwards, and SmartClient Itself also provides a set of xml to write UI things. However, do not rely
SmartGWT released a 2.1 version, I am more interested in these new features: The new Graphite skin ListGrid's Cell which can be any of the components of the. Can display the row number ToolStrip is more like a Toolbar, and there are vertical ToolStri
Use SmartGWT The Calendar is still very simple, but still relatively easy to use. Let us first look SmartGWT of ShowCase, which are the client only using DataSource, and This is certainly not what I need. So first of all in accordance with CalendarEv
Reproduced here to explain a java serialization (Serializable) deserialize context and feel good articles. 1, serialization do? Simple to say it was stored in memory the state of various objects (that is, instance variables, not methods), which can b
(Note: The preceding was a large sum of numbers of classes, see: large integer add, over the long range, how would you do!, Was a friend of mine commented that the BigDecimal can be fully realized that this feature I just started , I do not convinced
Use SmartGWT the Calendar is still very simple, and relatively easy to use. First look at SmartGWT of ShowCase, which are client only with the DataSource, and This is certainly not what I need. So first of all in accordance with the CalendarEvent cla
Among the calendar, added some EventEditor Fields. Two of SelectItem, SelectItem do want to use these two linked, but how Not successful. Set criterian not work. So like lazy, one of the SelectItem Changes to disable the other out, so call otherSelec
In the bank, account, billing and other fields, BigDecimal provides accurate numerical calculation. Rounding method which is worth 8 to master. ROUND_UP ROUND_DOWN ROUND_CEILING ROUND_FLOOR ROUND_HALF_UP ROUND_HALF_DOWN ROUND_HALF_EVEN ROUND_UNNECESS
1. String myMoney = &100.0128&; BigDecimal money = new BigDecimal (myMoney); / / Set the precision and rounding rules money = money.setScale (2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); System.out.println (money); / / 100.01 2. Double myMoney = 100.0128; myMo
smartgwt + jdbc + mysql Features: 1. Smartgwt the UI front-end to achieve with. 2. Read data from the database, front-end to the tree show, and check that the additions and deletions to the tree, 3. To achieve the client server-side validation of dat
public class Test{ public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.println(0.05+0.01); System.out.println(1.0-0.42); System.out.println(4.015*100); System.out.println(123.3/100); } }; You read right! The results indeed 0..58000
Recently because of their work in the study will generate xml file Collection found XStream's really good to use, without any configuration can be Collection classes serialize the contents of XML, following my experience and I will share with you. Fi
In Java, the problem with large values of accuracy, consider using BigDecimal or BigInteger. Environment as follows: OS: Windows XP Service Pack 2 JDK: 1.5.0_10 BigDecimal bc = new BigDecimal(&.052&); BigDecimal bc2 = new BigDecimal(&
SmartGwt in ListGrid various methods can be extended to extend ListGrid form features, by extending the creatRecordComponents () method can be extended on a cell or Img ImgButton such as the Label can be achieved by extending the tips Hint SmartGwt e
Web tree control is a very important front-end display part, so SmartGwt also encapsulates the control. Build a Tree Construction of the Tree of the general first TreeNode. SmartGwt the TreeNode class has only two constructors one TreeNode () and Tre
html add &script& var isomorphicDir = &.. / sc /&; &/ script& &script src='../sc/modules/ISC_Core.js'& &/ script& &script src='../sc/modules/ISC_Foundation.js'& &/ script& &script src='../sc/modules/ISC_Con
/* * * If you need an accurate figure, have to use String To not be enough to create BigDecimal */ package com.lims.m; /** * @author Jstar * * * Window & Preferences & Java & Code Generation & Code and comments */ import java
In SmartGwt sometimes we have to first bar in the window set up some control. Set set headerControl, the first store with DyForm some controls need to be noted that DYForm of setLayoutAliment (); set to Center. Set the window in SmartGwt the window.s
In Java, you can use the float, said float this is common sense, but the float's precision is problematic, if the amount involved, it generally can not be used float type, but the use of BigDecimal, this is a need to know the criteria. Commodities, j
Recent development projects have been met with SmartGwt a lot of problems, summarized as follows: A large amount of data displayed when smartgwt ListGrid prone to many problems when, setShowAllRecords (true), the ranking function is not available, se
public class Arith { /** * Since Java's simple types can not be accurately carried out on the floating-point operations , The tools provide intensive * Correct floating-point operations, including addition, subtraction and rounding . */ // The defaul
formDoc.setEncoding (Encoding.MULTIPART); formDoc.setTarget (&fff&); form which I remember writing formDoc.setTarget (&fff&); This is the jump iframe HTMLPane htmlPane = new HTMLPane (); htmlPane.setContentsType (ContentsType.PAGE); ht
SmartGWT the TreeGrid previously used without any problems. This created a new project, There is a place which used TreeGrid, displayed, no problem with other browsers, but with ie8, then do not indent the child nodes. In SmartGWT forum search, I hav
Use ListGrid, when the need sorting, of course, can be used for moving down this button to do sorting. However, since SmartGWT mouse Drag and Drop support for sorting, why not do it. First, setCanReorderRecords (true), drag the mouse in order to supp
jquery ajax often needs to use the input data assembled 'username = abc & password = 1111111' This form, with JQuery's serialize method can easily complete the job. &form& &input type=&text& /& &input type=&password&
SmartGWT the TileGrid to show with a series of pictures really convenient. DetailViewerField picField = new DetailViewerField (&url&); picField.setType (&image&); picField.setImageHeight (tileHeight); tileGrid.setFields (picField); Jus
Has been tested, the following method can be used normally. Environment can only add smartgwt public void onModuleLoad () { final ListGrid listGrid = new ListGrid (); listGrid.setFields (new ListGridField (&Col1&), new ListGridField (&Col2&
1. OnNewDocument () call the procedure: The program starts -& CWinApp:; OnFileNew (m_pDocManager-& OnFileNew ()) -& CDocManager:: OnFileNew (pTemplate-& OpenDocumentFile (NULL)) -& CSingleDocTemplate:: OpenDocumentFile (CreateNewDocument-&g
Tried it a few days ago the gwt extjs package to the desktop and Smartgwt gxt that bind together The results were good, but there are several issues: Gwt introduced two extensions, each other js / css conflict may be If used in the project, will incr
Similar problems encountered in the project, write it down first: import java.math.BigD import java.math.BigI /** * Utility methods for math classes * * @author etirelli */ public class MathUtils { public static BigDecimal getBigDecimal
JQuery's serialize method Article Category: Web front-end JQuery's serialize method When using ajax, often need to assemble input data 'name = abc & mail = ' This form, with JQuery's serialize method can easily complete the job. &form&gt
Reasons:. Serialize () method will automatically call encodeURIComponent data coding a solution: call decodeURIComponent (XXX, true); to decode the data such as: var params = jQuery (&# formId&). serialize (); / / http request parameters. params
serialize 1 ,$(&: checkbox,: radio &). Serialize (); The check boxes and radio buttons in the value sequence into a string, only the value of the selected serialization. 2, there are still a JQuery and serialize () method similar - serializeArra
package import java.math.BigD public class Arith { / ** * Due to Java's simple types can not be precise on the floating point operations, this tool provides precise class * Correct floating-point operations, including a
SmartGWT 网站 : /p/smartgwt/ SmartGWT是一个利用GWT封装SmartClient的开源项目.类似于GWT-Ext.SmartClient是一个企业级的ajax框架,包括非常出色的UI库.工具库和客户端服务端数据绑定等功能. 授权协议: LGPL 开发语言: Java JavaScript 操作系统: 跨平台
使用ajax时,常常需要拼装input数据为'name=abc&sex=1'这种形式,用JQuery的serialize方法可以轻松的完成这个工作接下来介绍jQuery ajax - serialize() 方法定义和用法,感兴趣的朋友可以了解下啊,希望本文对你有所帮助 使用ajax时,常常需要拼装input数据为'name=abc&sex=1'这种形式,用JQuery的serialize方法可以轻松的完成这个工作! jQuery ajax - serialize() 方法定义和用法 se
这篇文章主要介绍了Java中BigDecimal类的简单用法,是Java应用程序开发中非常实用的技巧,本文以实例形式对此进行了简单的分析,需要的朋友可以参考下 本文实例讲述了Java中BigDecimal类的简单用法,是Java程序设计中非常实用的技巧,分享给大家供大家参考.具体用法分析如下: 一般来说,一提到Java里面的商业计算,我们都知道不能用float和double,因为他们无法进行精确计算.但是Java的设计者给编程人员提供了一个很有用的类BigDecimal,他可以完善float和d
这篇文章主要介绍了JQuery中serialize()用法,实例分析了serialize()方法的功能.定义及相关使用技巧,需要的朋友可以参考下 本文实例讲述了JQuery中serialize()用法.分享给大家供大家参考.具体分析如下: 一.serialize()定义和用法: serialize()方法通过序列化表单值,创建标准的URL编码文本字符串,它的操作对象是代表表单元素集合的jQuery 对象.你可以选择一个或多个表单元素(比如input或文本框),或者 form 元素本身.序列化的值
今天偶然在想,如果用PHP写一个类似BDB的基于文件的Key-Value小型数据库用于存储非结构化的记录型数据,不知道效率会如何? 于是便联想到PHP中的对象怎么样序列化存储性价比最高呢?接着想到了之前同事推荐的JSON编码和解码函数. 据他所说,json_encode和json_decode比内置的serialize和unserialize函数要高效. 于是我决定动手实验,证实一下同事所说的情况是否属实. 实验分别在PHP 5.2.13和PHP 5.3.2环境下进行. 用同一个变量,分别用以上
本篇文章介绍了,在php中serialize序列化与json性能测试的示例分析.需要的朋友参考下 最近需要对大数组做存储,需要在serialize序列化和json之间做了选择.因此需要做了性能测试. 在php5.2之前对数组存储的时候,大都使用serialize系列化.php5.2之后,开始内置了 JSON 的支持. 在网上看到有些资料说:json_encode和json_decode比内置的serialize和unserialize函数要高效.耳闻不如眼见,眼见不一定为实.那就用实际数据测试吧
这篇文章主要介绍了如何使用BigDecimal进行精确运算,最后提供了一个工具类,该工具类提供加,减,乘,除运算 首先我们先来看如下代码示例: public class Test_1 { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(0.06+0.01); System.out.println(1.0-0.42); System.out.println(4.015*100); System.out.println(303.
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购物领域专家A: From /scripts/ of ddos script. The script's original intention is to prevent the development of ddos attack, it runs periodically (eg every second), each run by using the netstat command to record the current network con
Reprinted from SYN attack is the most common and easiest way is to use an attack. I believe many people remember the 2000 attack on YAHOO website example, when hackers use is simple and effective
Recently the most popular website &Gu Sister& ( / ) early morning attack. Trojan horse has been uploaded, and then home was removed, and then a few minutes, upload a Trojan horse has been deleted, and then display the Ind
lighttpd can have to prevent DDos attack methods, this method is only relative, they should consider their own integrated server bandwidth and the attacker' companies operating platform in recent days come under attack, so to configure a
BEIJING (Reuters) - US government analysts believe a Chinese man with government links wrote the key part of a spyware program used in hacker attacks on Google last year, the Financial Times reported on Monday. The man, a security consultant in his 3
Session fixation was translated into the &Session complete the attack& [1] In fact, fixation is to ascertain and determine the meaning, in this case refers to Web services, a session ID, the confirmation that remains unchanged, an attacker set a
Three-way handshake Three-way Handshake The establishment of a virtual connection is achieved through three-way handshake 1. (B) -& [SYN] -& (A) If server A and client B communication. When A and B to communicate, B to A made the first of a SYN (Syn
&init-param& &param-name& crossDomainSessionSecurity &/ param-name& &param-value& false &/ param-value& &/ Init-param&
@ Echo off rem by lee rem read Mac address of the machine if exist ipconfig.txt del ipconfig.txt ipconfig / all& ipconfig.txt if exist phyaddr.txt del phyaddr.txt find &Physical Address& ipconfig.txt& phyaddr.txt for / f &skip = 2 tok
Attack: 1. Attackers to access a site anonymously, multi few clicks 2. Site at this time has generated the session, the session ID is string in the URL behind /hi.jsp?sessionid=xxx (or on the Cookie miles) 3. Attackers sent this URL v
What is phishing? Phishing (Phishing) The term &Fishing& and &Phone& of the complex, as hackers ancestor initially by telephone committing crimes, so use the &Ph& instead of &F&, created a &Phishing&. &quo
Xiao Bian said: In order to safeguard the security of the planet, do not take someone else's site to test, and their vulnerability to write a program, then the principle of an analytical injection vulnerability, hope that we judge the whole, do not d
Now more and more live e-commerce, e-commerce online shopping has become an indispensable part of life. Therefore, the security of e-commerce e-commerce sites is a very important part of the site. User identity protection Web site security, protectio
SQL attacks (SQL injection, SQL injection attacks known as mainland China, Taiwan, known as SQL injection attack), referred to as injection attacks, occurred in the application of the database layer of security vulnerabilities. In short, is entrained
First, just a realization of ideas: 1 Use regular expression means to achieve the script filtering, this method is accurate and a higher rate, but may not be according to the requ 2 In order to ensure configuration flexibility (i
Apache Range Header DOS attack Background Http Agreement Byte Range (section 14.35) 14.35 Range ....................................................138 14.35.1 Byte Ranges ..........
Network seven from bottom to top respectively, the physical layer, data link layer, network layer, transport layer, session layer, presentation layer and application layer. In which the physical layer, data link layer and network layer is often calle
Http and Socket connection difference (Reprinted) I believe many novice mobile phone network development Http and friends want to know what is difference between Socket connection, I hope, through their own but a simple understanding can be helpful f
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) Transmission Control Protocol TCP is the host of the host layer of the Transmission Control Protocol, provides reliable connection service, confirmed by three-way handshake to establish a connection: Tcp flag bit c
The following paragraph is taken from: Quote ] [Three-way handshake process The first handshake: connection is established, the client sends syn packets (syn = j) to the server and enter
1. Mysql the show command a. show tables or show tables from database_ / / displays the current names of all tables in the database b. / / display all the database name mysql c. show columns from table_name from database_ or
vi / usr / src / linux / include / net / tcp.h # Define TCP_TIMEWAIT_LEN (60 * HZ) To # Define TCP_TIMEWAIT_LEN (10 * HZ) Recompile the kernel Two machine production environment compared Use the default settings # Netstat-n | awk '/ ^ tcp / (+ + S [$
In the TCP / IP protocol, TCP protocol provides reliable connectivity, using three-way handshake to establish a connection. The first handshake: connection is established, the client sends syn packets (syn = j) to the server and enter the SYN_SEND st
Concurrent connections by looking Nginx, we can be more clear to know the site load. Nginx complicated view there are two ways (This is so because I only know of two), one is through the web interface is through the command, web view than the command
1, TCP connection The phone is able to use networking as the underlying implementation of a mobile TCP / IP protocol, you can make mobile terminal through a wireless network to establish TCP connection. TCP protocol can be provided on the upper netwo
(A) SYN Attacks SYN attack is a DOS attack that uses TCP protocol Quexian, by sending a large number of semi-connection requests, spend the server CPU and memory resources. SYN attack that can affect the host chat, it could damage the router and fire
In the TCP / IP protocol, TCP protocol provides reliable connectivity, using three-way handshake to establish a connection, shown in Figure 1. (1) The first handshake: connection is established, the client A sends SYN packet (SYN = j) to server B, an
[Root @ sends includes] # netstat-n | awk '/ ^ tcp / (+ + S [$ NF]) END (for (a in S) print a, S [a])' LAST_ACK 1 SYN_RECV 164 CLOSE_WAIT 3 ESTABLISHED 655 FIN_WAIT1 15 FIN_WAIT2 81 SYN_SENT 3 TIME_WAIT 14274 System to connect many TIME_WAIT state ca
Typically: a normal TCP connection, there will be three stages: 1, TCP three- 2, 3, TCP four wave Note: The following instructions can be the best combination of &Figure: TCP state machine& to understand. SYN: (synch
As a network programmer, we often come into contact with ICP / IP protocol, we also know that the TCP / IP protocol importance, whether it is connected to our network security or procedures often encounter some problems, so your sorted, the to be a r
Original link: IT operation and maintenance network of experts - &freedom, equality, mutual sharing!& A foreword DDOS full name is the Distribution Denial of Service (Distributed denial of service at
/rooney/archive//1550609.html Apache linux status statement under the common view Collection of commonly used linux apache state to view statement: 1, see Apache number of concurrent requests and TCP connection state:
TCP connections initiated the process: Client server (State: closed) (State: listen) ----------------&( SYN connection request) (State: SYN_SENT) ACK &------------- (State: SYN_RECV) -----------------& ACK (State: ESTABLISHED) (State: ESTABLISHED
Linux server in high traffic flow under analysis is very useful, the following are a few useful commands: 1. Lists the IP for the connection number for each connection: netstat-nta | fgrep &ESTABLISHED& | cut-b 49-75 | cut-d ':'-f1 | sort | uniq
Reprinted from dongyue2008 Final edit dongyue20081, TCP connection The phone is able to use networking as the underlying implementation of a mobile TCP / IP protocol, you can make mobile terminal through a wireless network to establish TCP connection
Always check the number of apache connections, you will find a lot of useless time_wait connection. Some say this is normal because of a request due to the also said Microsoft's IE connection generated Time_wait will connect more
[Edit this paragraph] Basic Profile in the TCP / IP protocol, TCP protocol provides reliable connection services to establish a connection with three-way handshake. The first handshake: connection is established, the client sends syn packets (syn = j
1, see apache current number of concurrent access: netstat-an | grep ESTABLISHED | wc-l Contrast httpd.conf MaxClients number gap in the number. 2, see how many number of processes: ps aux | grep httpd | wc-l 3, you can view the data using the follow
Original Address: /% D2% B9% D1% A9% B3% E6/blog/item/d6a72d2bbf467cf2e7cd406d.html I believe many novice mobile phone network development Http and friends want to know what is difference between Socket connection, I hope, through
1, TCP connection The phone is able to use networking as the underlying implementation of a mobile TCP / IP protocol, you can make mobile terminal through a wireless network to establish TCP connection. TCP protocol can be provided on the upper netwo
Each visitor will be due to the server to open a process for providing services to view the process number, determine the number of connections ps-ef | grep httpd | wc-l pstree | grep httpd View the number of httpd process (ie, prefork mode, Apache c
In the TCP / IP protocol, TCP protocol provides reliable connectivity, using three-way handshake to establish a connection, shown in Figure 1. (1) The first handshake: connection is established, the client A sends SYN packet (SYN = j) to server B, an
In the TCP / IP protocol, TCP protocol provides reliable connectivity, using three-way handshake to establish a connection, shown in Figure 1. (1) The first handshake: connection is established, the client A sends SYN packet (SYN = j) to server B, an
I believe many novice mobile phone network development Http and friends want to know what is difference between Socket connection, I hope, through their own but a simple understanding can be helpful for beginners. 1, TCP connection To understand the
Recent web server under high flow phenomenon often suspended animation, background reports too many open files log the error, increase the number of linux system the file to open part of the problem can be solved, but the same problem a long time, fo
I believe many of the development of novice mobile phone network Http and Socket friends want to know what difference between connection and hope through their shallow understanding can be helpful for beginners. 1, TCP connection To understand the So
Nginx is a lightweight, high-performance Web server / reverse proxy and e-mail agent (IMAP/POP3), it can run on UNIX, GNU / Linux, BSD variants, MAC OS X, Solaris and Microsoft Windows. According to Netcraft's survey data show that 6% of Internet dom
Just beginning to learn the network, and transferred to the reviewing Overview: Simply put, TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a reliable protocol, UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is an unreliable protocol. TCP is a reliable connection-oriented prot
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) Transmission Control Protocol TCP is the host of the host layer of the transmission control protocol, providing reliable connectivity, confirmed by three-way handshake to establish a connection: Digit code that is
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