求红警2共和国之辉地图 08纪念版的save the president 地图

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All rights reserved.请英语高人指教,本人学习网络专升本,有些英语作业不会做,请高人指教,中心感谢!单选题1.
Don't smoke in the meeting room, ____________ ?A. do youB. will youC. can youD. could you2.
It was to save the child____________h_百度作业帮
Don't smoke in the meeting room, ____________ ?A. do youB. will youC. can youD. could you2.
It was to save the child____________h
Don't smoke in the meeting room, ____________ ?A. do youB. will youC. can youD. could you2.
It was to save the child____________he got drowned.A. thatB. whenC. butD. while3.
Anyone ____________ a term in prison will not be hired by that company.A. servingB. to be servedC. having servedD. being served4.
His three children ____________ now college graduates, he felt he could retire from business.A. to beB. beingC. having beenD. been5.
I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in my life____________so excited.A. did I feelB. I feltC. I had feltD. had I fel6.
The President____________ went to see the flood-stricken areas.A. himselfB. didC. is saidD. has7.
If I had remembered____________the door, the things would not have been stolen.A. to lockB. lockingC. to have lockedD. having locked8.
The class ____________ over, we had a ____________discussion.A. been ... heatB. being ... heatedC. is ... heatingD. be ... heated9.
____________that we went outing.A. The weather so fineB. So fine the weather isC. So the weather was fineD. So fine was the weather10.
No sooner____________to bed than he heard a knock at the door.A. had he goneB. he had goneC. did he goD. he went11.
The problem of housing____________ leads to the problem of social instability.A. itselfB. mustC. didD. never12.
No one can avoid ____________by advertisements.A. to be influencedB. being influencedC. influencingD. having influenced13.
In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they____________.A. have survivedB. are to surviveC. would survivedD. will survive14.
The sun is____________ , far away from the earth.A. muchB. veryC. farD. so15.
____________ , I found all the seats were taken.A. To enter the classroomB. Entered the classroomC. Entering the classroomD. To be entered the classroom16.
You aren't using this typewriter, ____________ ?A. are youB. do youC. will youD. have you17.
A party is the____________ activity I want to take part in.A. justB. goodC. mostD. very18.
It was the officer ____________ informed the village of the danger.A. whichB. thatC. whatD. whether19.
There____________more than 300,000 kinds of plants on the earth.A. isB. are existingC. existsD. exist20.
The complicated problem can be solved by the computer within ____________ a few seconds.A. evenB. justC. exactD. very
BBCBD6-10 AABDA11-15 CBBCC16-20 ADBDB大学英语,211.It was to save the child____________he got drowned.A.thatB.whenC.butD.while满分:2 分12.He could do nothing but____________for the bus____________.A.wait ...to comeB.wait ...comeC.waiting ...comingD.waited ...came满分:2 分13_百度作业帮
大学英语,211.It was to save the child____________he got drowned.A.thatB.whenC.butD.while满分:2 分12.He could do nothing but____________for the bus____________.A.wait ...to comeB.wait ...comeC.waiting ...comingD.waited ...came满分:2 分13
大学英语,211.It was to save the child____________he got drowned.A.thatB.whenC.butD.while满分:2 分12.He could do nothing but____________for the bus____________.A.wait ...to comeB.wait ...comeC.waiting ...comingD.waited ...came满分:2 分13.The President____________ went to see the flood-stricken areas.A.himselfB.didC.is saidD.has满分:2 分14.The meeting ____________next week is sure to be a great success.A.to take placeB.to be taken placeC.to have taken placeD.being taken place满分:2 分15.We all believe that computer____________ smaller and smaller in the coming years.A.can be becomeB.will be gotC.will be changedD.can turn满分:2 分16.Today's weather isn't as cold as it was yesterday,____________ A.was itB.wasn't itC.is itD.isn't it满分:2 分17.You were silly not ____________your car.A.to lockB.to have lockedC.lockingD.having locked满分:2 分18."I'm sorry to have kept you waiting." "Oh,not at all.I ____________here only a few minutes." A.have beenB.had beenC.wasD.will满分:2 分19.It ____________ whether he will go on with his study at the university.A.hasn't been decidedB.isn't decidedC.hasn't decidedD.doesn't decide满分:2 分20.The complicated problem can be solved by the computer within ____________ a few seconds.A.evenB.justC.exactD.very满分:2 分
11-15 A A A A D16-20 C B A A B【求红警2 08纪念版的save the president 地图】-突袭网
5:53:09【 转载互联网】 作者: &&|&责编:李强
&&& &为了解决用户可能碰到关于"求红警2 08纪念版的save the president 地图"相关的问题,突袭网经过收集整理为用户提供相关的解决办法,请注意,解决办法仅供参考,不代表本网同意其意见,如有任何问题请与本网联系。"求红警2 08纪念版的save the president 地图"相关的详细问题如下:RT,我想知道:求红警2 08纪念版的save the president 地图===========突袭网收集的解决方案如下===========
解决方案1:所有MPR yrm内的地图完全复制了2格式直接对参选的安装包安装目录这个时候你现在将覆盖如与安装重3,如果你安装了MOD不想玩了,但不知道如何删除您可以找我,我会给你我的强烈不必重新安装MOD橡皮擦秒回洁版
问:哪位大虾能提供个红警2正版无删减的 红警2尤利的复仇,红警2血腥战场2最...答:这儿有,红警2 ,08纪念版,内含全部过场动画,包括尤里复仇及原版。 谢谢我。 ===========================================问:谁有帮我发过来,要超时空风暴那关的,最好是还没有打的,我的邮【箱】9...答:直接和ra2放在一个文件夹里就行 ===========================================问:缩略图:答:所有MPR yrm内的地图完全复制了2格式直接对参选的安装包安装目录这个时候你现在将覆盖如与安装重3,如果你安装了MOD不想玩了,但不知道如何删除您可以找我,我会给你我的强烈不必重新安装MOD橡皮擦秒回洁版===========================================问:缩略图:答:提问者应该不知道 红警95也就是红色警戒系列的第一代游戏 如果说红警95和红警的区别 其实根本没有 本来就是一个系列的游戏 没啥区别可谈 所以也无法比较 如果说红警95和红色警戒2比较一下 那还有可比性 但是提问者既然说了 不是红色警戒2 而是红...===========================================问:缩略图:答:安装目录 你会看见文件后设名是SAV的就是===========================================问:缩略图:答:在安装目录里。F:\Game\红色警戒\红色警戒2\红警\***.sav 因为文件比较多,不好找,建议用按时间顺序把文件夹里的文件重新排一下,最近修改的就可能是你想要的。。亲,给好评吧= ============================================问:。。。。。答:去 游民星空 下载有/===========================================问:。。。。。答:你点红警的快捷方式(就是你从桌面运行的那个图标)右键属性,点“查找目标”,就会打开一个文件夹,这个文件夹就是红警的安装目录然后你观察这个文件夹里的文件的名字,只要文件名结尾是.sav的那就是红警的存档文件(把鼠标悬停在上面还会显示出这...===========================================问:感觉共和国之辉有点难还没有尤里复仇好答:当然是08纪念版最好玩。在EA08年推出红警3以后,又对红警2进行了整合。08纪念版包含完整的过场电影,背景音乐,而且在单机模式下也添加了原本只能在联机模式下进行的游戏模式(比如:邪恶联盟)。 还增添了电脑玩家的水平,凶残敌人比以前的冷酷...===========================================然后运行红警即可。只要运行一次,以后不用管理员身份运行也可以玩。 二、提示"必须在安装目录运行"(英文译意) 1、xp系统。右键单击ra2.exe,选择"属性",在"兼容性"标签栏...===========================================你好 "山地车越野团"很乐意为你解决关于山地车的问题,我们的团队欢迎你加入~ 当时"美利达08奥运纪念版"是勇士系列中最贵的一款,价格2008元,只有21速的,早已停产。 ...===========================================按理来说不是很便宜,但是我们从对方的角度想一想,同吃一口饭也不容易,价钱还算合理。 前者是纪念版,纪念版就是比较特殊的,自然就是好琴了。 后者稍微有一点点贵了,后者...===========================================-load 5t2wpo-310o5z===========================================一共要捡3个齿轮才行,估计你只捡了2个,还有一个必须进山洞,打败了第一关的BOSS霸王龙后才能拿第三个,然后就可进入到瀑布里面去了,建议你去,看一下...=========================================== 日海伦钢琴全系列涨价后,120SE 全国统一价格12500。音板,琴弦,铁排设计以及制造精度优于珠江120R3,可以在当地代理琴行实地比较一下,把琴盖板都打开,然后...=========================================== 海伦钢琴只能说很一般,不过广告做的挺好!===========================================09版的不好买了。只能去淘宝看看了。我前两天刚看过还有不少店家在卖08款的。你可以去试试。我也喜欢收集这个瓶子,呵呵===========================================没有区别。10纪念款就是08舒适版附加一个副厂生产的导航。 带椅背显示屏。===========================================卖多少我不知道,但是我可以告诉你想卖趁早!明年又有纪念版!大概在过年左右!!是在现在EXI基础上加装!! 楼主相信我的话就给我加分!===========================================
所有MPR yrm内的地图完全复制了2格式直接对参选的安装包安装目录这个时候你现在将覆盖如与安装重3,如果你旦碃测度爻道诧权超护安装了MOD不想玩了,但不知道如何删除您可以找我,我会给你我的强烈不必重新安装MOD橡皮擦秒回洁版
热心网友&5-06 03:55
热心网友&5-06 03:54
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