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, 11 September 2012
has enjoyed fast economic development for over 30 years. During the past decade in particular, we firmly seized the strategic opportunities for development, made hard and pioneering efforts, and scored new historic achievements in economic and social development. From 2002 to 2011, China's GDP grew at an average annual rate of 10.7%, and moved up from the sixth to the second place in the world. Our per capita GDP rose from 1,000-plus US dollars to 5,432 US dollars. China's foreign trade volume also climbed from the sixth to the second place in the world, and foreign exchange reserves exceeded three trillion US dollars. China's industrial structure was upgraded, its agricultural foundation was consolidated, and regional development became much more balanced. All-round progress was made in social programs and people's livelihood significantly improved. We have withstood the test of many disasters, difficulties and risks. In the recent five years in particular, we effectively tackled the huge impact of the international financial crisis and sustained steady and fast economic growth. We owe these achievements to the strength of reform and opening-up, the persevering spirit of the Chinese nation and our tireless efforts in exploring a path of scientific development and harmonious society. Here I wish to share with you what we did and what we have learned in this course of our endeavors.
, 14 September 2011
cannot develop itself in isolation from the world and the world also needs China for its development. Here, I wish to reiterate that China's opening-up to the outside world is a long-term commitment which covers all fields and is mutually beneficial. China's basic state policy of opening-up will never change. We will continue to get actively involved in economic globalization and work to build a fair and equitable international trading regime and financial system. We will continue to improve foreign-related economic laws, regulations and policies so as to make China's investment environment in keeping with international standard, transparent and more business friendly.
's economy is generally in good shape. Since the beginning of this year, its economic growth has taken an orderly shift from being driven by policy stimulus to self-generating growth, moving in the right direction of macroeconomic regulation. In the first half of this year, China's GDP grew by 9.6%, and its trade surplus decreased by 17.6%, thanks to increasing domestic consumption. A total of 6.55 million urban jobs have been created. Price rises as a whole are under control, market supply of important goods is ensured and structural adjustment of economic sectors is moving forward. Business profits and government revenues are increasing quite fast. People's income has steadily increased, and their lives have further improved. Since the second quarter, the economic growth has dropped somewhat, but this is mostly the result of proactive macro regulation and is not beyond our expectation. We will address the pressing challenges in the economy and continue to implement a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy. We will maintain continuity and stability in macroeconomic policy and make our policy responses more targeted, flexible and forward-looking in light of changes in the economy. We will maintain control over the intensity, pace and focus of macroeconomic regulation and strike a balance among maintaining stable and fast economic growth, adjusting economic structure and managing inflation expectation. This will enable us to maintain general stability of prices as a whole, prevent major economic fluctuations and meet this year's goals for economic and social development.
University, Beijing, China
And to all of you, welcome to Beijing.
And I take it from your remarks that while you did study hard, you also enjoyed Hawaii.
It’s great to know that we have such strong partnerships between the East West Center with Peking University.& Beida is actually enjoying its first day of the school year and some 35,000 students are flooding this campus and the associated campus, and it’s great to see the parents and the students here.& Beida has such a great history of education and educating and turning out the future business and government leaders of China and indeed the world.
You are right, the future of the world depends on high quality education of all of our children.
They’re listed here, but again, we want to thank China Daily and especially thank Beida for hosting us on this very very busy day.
I want to thank all of you for what you have done to strengthen relations between the United States and China.& I’m very pleased to be asked to speak here today at the East West Center’s International Alumni Conference because over its 50 year history the East West Center has served as the preeminent academic institution in connecting the United States with Asia, located conveniently in the middle of the Pacific Ocean in beautiful Honolulu.
The United States Department of State is proud to have been a long-time contributor to the East West Center.
From Korea to Burma to Sri Lanka, many of whom are here at this year’s conference.
So you must have really exciting, fun conferences to attract people from such large distances.
There are many famous alumni at the East West Center including, as I’m sure all of you here today know, President Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham.
That’s why conferences such as this, focused on community building and leadership in Asia Pacific, are so important.
From education to the environment to good governance you will help us develop common solutions.
Three of the world’s four largest economies and some of the most vital ecosystems.& Taken together, the Asia Pacific region accounts for almost 60 percent of the world’s GDP and this region is critical to addressing nearly every international challenge that we face today.
She’s the first Secretary of State to visit Laos or Burma in over half a century& On her upcoming trip to Asia, in addition to a series of important meetings with China’s senior leaders this coming Tuesday and Wednesday, Secretary Clinton will also be the first Secretary of State to visit Timor-Leste, Asia’s youngest country.
To that end we’re reenergizing our relationships throughout the region, from our traditional allies to our friends in ASEAN and here in China.
This agreement would promote innovation, economic growth and development, ensuring the continued economic dynamism of the Asia Pacific region.
As part of this initiative the United States will provide $50 million in assistance through the Lower Mekong Initiative which was launched in 2009 to address the Lower Mekong sub-region’s pressing transnational challenges in area of environment, health, agriculture, food security and energy.
We’re also reviewing our security presence to ensure we are best able to continue to contribute to peace and stability.& The United States has had a security presence in the Asia Pacific for more than a century.& Our presence here has helped create the conditions in which the remarkable economic growth of the last three decades has taken place.& Thus we strongly believe, and I believe most in the region would agree, that our security presence here is beneficial to the countries of the region and necessary for the continued vitality of the Asia Pacific.& Our security presence is not aimed at any one country.
At the same time we can learn from each other, we can encourage each other, and we can hold each other accountable.& Together we can find the best ways to strengthen the rule of law, to tackle corruption, to support civil society, and to ensure that women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are protected.
We support the East Asia Summit becoming the capstone of an increasingly mature and effective regional architecture that deals with a broad range of key issues including political and strategic issues.
We have a shared interest in working together for the good of not just our own peoples, but the peoples of the entire region.
We intend to find a way to coexist and cooperate without unhealthy competition, rivalry or conflict.
We must therefore forge a relationship based on mutual respect and mutual benefit.
We need to demonstrate that our cooperation achieves real results and brings real benefits to both our peoples and the international community.
Fairness means guaranteeing a level playing field for healthy competition between U.S. and Chinese firms, establishing a more open investment climate and ensuring more opportunities for foreign goods, products and services, ending unfair distorting currency practices and improving protections of intellectual property that allow innovation to thrive.
We must give Iran a clear choice:& come in line with its international obligations and rejoin the community of nations, or face growing consequences.
The sooner Assad steps aside the sooner the bloodshed will come to an end and the sooner the Syrian people will be able to decide their own future.& Both of our countries have an interest in a stable and prosperous Middle East which is threatened by continued violence in Syria.
Fifty years from now we want the history books to describe our great accomplishments together and not that we failed to act.
There are issues on which we hold very differing views such as human rights and basic freedoms.& The promotion of universal human rights is an essential element of American foreign policy.& It reflects who we are as a people and our belief that respecting these rights is in every country’s national interest.
We welcome a strong prosperous China that takes its rightful role on the world stage.& And we want to partner more fully with China to promote peace, stability and development which benefits our two countries, the Asia Pacific region, and indeed, the international community.
Forty years ago it would have been difficult to imagine the interdependence that characterizes our two economies today.& To put this in tangible terms, in 1972 when President Nixon first came to China, our yearly bilateral trade was less than $100 million.& Two-way investment in each other’s markets was close to zero, and only a handful of American jobs relied on trade with China.
An even larger number of Chinese jobs are anchored by trade with the United States.& People in both countries are benefiting from this deepening economic integration and measured against the past where the relationship has been.&& Our two sides have made enormous progress.
has also agreed to undertake reforms on its tariffs and taxes on imported goods which will expand imports and domestic consumption.
is also taking steps to improve the protection of intellectual property rights, trade secrets and trademarks -- all of which is as much a priority for Chinese entrepreneurs as it is for foreign companies.
These actions represent progress that also translates into greater opportunities for U.S. workers and companies.
This trend is a very positive development for both the United States and China.
At the same time, Chinese investment into the United States creates American jobs, boosts U.S. exports, and creates stronger U.S. economic and commercial ties.
We welcome Chinese investment in the United States, the same way that companies from other countries have invested in America.& We recognize that foreign investment, including Chinese investment, is vital to our economic growth, job creation, and productivity.
Ways that show that cooperation leads to real benefits for real people in both countries.
This research led the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to require all U.S. manufacturers of enriched cereal grain products to fortify their products with folic acid.& As a result of this decision the rates of spina bifuda and other serious defects of the brain and spine have decreased significantly in the U.S. as well as other countries that have implemented a similar policy.
Travel between our countries fosters improved understanding between our two peoples and facilitates cooperation and collaboration in every field.
But just as important, the United States government funds more American students to study in China than any other country in the world.
Though we only have, as she indicated, some 20,000 American students studying in China.& That’s not enough.& That’s why President Obama launched his 100,000 Strong Initiative which seeks to have 100,000 students studying in China over the next four years.& We’re working hand in hand with key private sector partners to make this objective a reality.& We hope that many of you in your companies will support this endeavor.
This is a 40 percent increase over last year.
We’ve informed the Chinese government that the United States is willing to give five year visas for business, tourism or educational travel to the United States for Chinese visitors.
And a strong U.S. economy is good for China.& And a strong U.S.-China relationship is good for the Asia Pacific region because geopolitics today cannot afford a zero sum game.
The power politics of the past no longer work.
We live in an interdependent world, transformed by advances in technology and transportation that allow the rapid flow of goods, information and people to every corner of the world.
From climate change to poverty, from nuclear proliferation to diseases.& No country can solve these problems alone.
Pollution knows no national borders.& Drought knows no national borders.& An epidemic can travel from one continent to another as quickly as a passenger jet can fly.
And a picture or a video or a comment can travel from Smart Phone to Smart Phone on the opposite side of the planet in an instant.
The United States has an enduring interest in maintaining peace and prosperity across this entire region, and we will remain fully committed to long-term engagement with the countries and peoples of Asia Pacific.
Have a great conference.& Mahalo.
Convention Center
China dropped three places in the World Economic Forum's global competitiveness rankings this year.
As CRI's Su Yi reports from the summer Davos summit in Tianjin, economists and business leaders say the fall on the chart that covers more than 140 economies does NOT just reflect the slowing-down of China's economy and the problems in its manufacturing sector.
When talking about China's competitiveness, attendees from both business and academic circles at the summer Davos summit do not appear too worried about China losing its advantages in the manufacturing sector.
Razeen Sally, a public policy professor at the National University of Singapore, says even though China is facing downward pressure on economic growth, the country could still benefit from the different economic conditions it offers.
"China also has a secondary economy, which is in its interior provinces, with a population of 500 million or more, where labor costs are considerably lower. So the cheap-labor basis manufacturing advantage still exists in China."
Boston Consulting Group CEO and President Hans-Paul Burkner echoes this view, saying the restructuring of the labor market from the coastal area to the inland could provide room to increase productivity, which national competitiveness is all about.
"In terms of the increasing labor costs, there is a huge potential to increase the potential to increase productivity. Chinese companies do not have to move their factories outside China in order to still be competitive. They should just increase their productivity by using more machinery and, in general, upgrading their game."
Jennifer Blake, the report's co-author and a leading economist at the World Economic Forum, says China loses points in what she calls "efficiency enhancers."
"Financial market development, technological readiness, goods market efficiency – these three areas are particularly important for China."
Blake also lists three other areas in which China could particularly improve in the future—better education, open competition, and heavier investments in technological innovation.
It is fair to say that China's policymakers and business leaders have realized the importance of the points Blake mentioned, with the government and businesses having put more focus on so-called emerging strategic industries.
But public policy professor Razeen Sally from the National University of Singapore shows some skepticism toward the trend of government rushing into these sectors without a comprehensive strategy.
"Low-income or even middle income countries – and China is a mix of both – some of these countries think they can do everything at the same time, or they can make the giant leap from the basic catch-up growth to becoming cutting-edge technological leaders. That's simply not possible."
Boston Consulting Group CEO Hans-Paul Burkner says an adventure-friendly and competitive market environment is vital for businesses in the emerging strategic industries.
"It is very important to provide companies an opportunity to try out things. We always see some companies fail, but the more Chinese companies that experiment and compete, the more successful they will be."
Like Burkner, economists and business leaders at this year's summit believe that no matter whether losing manufacturing advantages is an urgent matter or not, companies must try out new things with an open mind to maintain and boost China's competitiveness.
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