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Their interpretaion is incredible...so evocative...
? ,,.o*¨*?*¨? ,.o*¨~*\0/¨*~o?? ?o*¨*o.,,? I never tire of this track and always want to tick on the Love Icon.
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Check out the video of this on uTube. Outstanding!!
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Top Listenerthe piano guys what
Pirates of the Caribbean加勒比海盗-by the Piano Guys
The Piano Guys - Adele
Rolling in the Deep
Rolling in the Deep Vocal Version The Piano Guys
【猴姆独家】美到你心里!The Piano Guys用钢琴惊艳演奏Bruno Mars最经典情歌!
【猴姆独家】美到你心里!The Piano Guys用钢琴惊艳演奏Bruno Mars最经典情歌《完美情人》!他们总是给我们带来如此洗涤心灵的作品!用心演绎的音乐,一定会带来共鸣!听完这首歌,我感觉自己都要融化了……原版MP3下载:
The Piano Guys——The Cello Song 视觉和听觉的完美结合
The piano guys - Jon schmidt-Michael Meet Mozart
The Piano Guys
《Without You》钢琴大提琴版
Steven Sharp Nelson 和 Jon Schmidt 再次联袂献上David Guetta 和 ft Usher 的《Without You》演奏版,同样肆意奔放的神情,倾情投入的演奏,无不让人为之动容
【猴姆独家】The Piano Guys新单Batman Evolution超清mv首播
【猴姆独家】钢琴大提琴组合The Piano Guys强势新单Batman Evolution超清mv大首播!
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark 现场版
【猴姆独家】Fall Out Boy乐队最新巡演表演热单My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark官方视频!
The Fox (What Does the Fox Say-) cover by INSPIRIT
「灿白」Piano tears
「灿白」Piano tears
【猴姆独家】大气磅礴!The Piano Guys超强演奏《指环王》主题曲
【猴姆独家】大气磅礴!钢琴+大提琴组合The Piano Guys超强演奏《指环王》The Lord of the Rings主题曲!他们的mv每一幅图像都像是艺术画一样美!
【猴姆独家】好美!钢琴大提琴组合The Piano Guys深情演奏圣诞金曲!
【猴姆独家】好美!钢琴+大提琴组合The Piano Guys深情演奏圣诞金曲O Come, O Come Emmanuel
【猴姆独家】美翻!钢琴大提琴组合The Piano Guys深情演奏A Thousand Years
【猴姆独家】美翻了!钢琴和大提琴组合The Piano Guys深情演奏Christina Perri好听热单《千年之恋》A Thousand Years!
「Rain」- Piano Ver. 言叶之庭 ED Rain 钢琴版 by 1236piano
言叶之庭 ED Rain 钢琴版 by 1236piano
[Mmd] What does the fox say
Models extracted from Elsword and edited by ZGirl
Song: The Fox (What does the fox say?) by Ylvis
Motion and Camera: What does the fox say? by MotionMakerDiva
Stage: Sakura Forest by SachiShirakawa
Effects: Diffusion 7, Soft and Hard Light HLShader v2, SelfThunder, SvDOF2, SvSSAO, TrueCamera LX.
Tools: Accyrsed Elsword Model Rigger
Photoshop, Blender, MikuMikuDance 7.39, PMD Editor 1.39.
【猴姆独家】大气磅礴!The Piano Guys组合用大提琴和钢琴惊艳翻唱酷玩冠单Paradise
【猴姆独家】大气磅礴!The Piano Guys组合用大提琴和钢琴助阵Alex Boye惊艳翻唱Coldplay酷玩乐队冠单Paradise非洲版!
Pirates of the Caribbean - Incredible Piano Solo
Jarrod Radnich
【猴姆独家】The Piano Guys中国风新单Kung Fu Piano超清mv首播
【猴姆独家】漫步长城!高山流水遇知音!脚踩太极八卦图!钢琴与大提琴组合The Piano Guys惊艳改编《功夫熊猫》主题曲中国风新单Kung Fu Piano: Cello Ascends《功夫魔琴:大提琴的崛起》超清mv大首播!
贝多芬的秘密-乐队 The Piano Guys 最新单曲
贝多芬的秘密(乐队) The Piano Guys 最新单曲
【猴姆独家】爆好听!The Piano Guys惊艳演奏Let It Go!
【猴姆独家】爆好听!钢琴与大提琴组合The Piano Guys惊艳改编演奏《冰雪奇缘》主题曲Let It Go!非常有气势的开场,到了唱部,忽然转入悠扬婉转的小调,随着副歌的进入,逐渐迸发出激情与呐喊,最后爆发了,把“冰天雪地我也不怕”的感觉淋漓尽致地表达出来!狂赞!
Desert Symphony - The Piano Guys
大提琴的战争 大提琴之战 The Piano guys
The Piano guys-最牛的 大提琴 星球大战
Coldplay - Paradise African Style The Piano Guys
Coldplay - Paradise (Peponi) African Style (Piano Cello Cover) - The Piano Guys ft. Alex Boye
【新社会人】天之弱 -Piano Arrange-【歌ってみた】
sm 本家:sm 歌:新社会人、Piano:うぃんぐ、MIX:せろ、イラスト:いび
【猴姆独家】The Piano Guys强势新单Berlin超清mv大首播!
【猴姆独家】钢琴大提琴组合The Piano Guys强势新单Berlin超清mv大首播!柏林在你印象中是怎样一个城市? “整个柏林就像一片白云。”恐怕没有比这句谚语更能诠释了。跟着The Piano Guys,穿梭在柏林的大街小巷,山间野外,感受这座城市的快乐奔放,轻松随意,离经叛道。
O Fortuna( 布兰诗歌)-- The Piano Guys
My Songs Know What You Did In the Dark (taylor ft.
My Songs Know What You Did In the Dark
【猴姆独家】大气!The Piano Guys激情串烧Beethoven's 5 Secret
【猴姆独家】大气磅礴!钢琴与大提琴组合The Piano Guys最新现场与交响乐团激情串烧OneRepublic热单Secret和贝多芬的第五号交响曲!
大提琴 钢琴组合The Piano Guys激情演奏Titanium和孔雀曲Pavane
The Piano Guys - Can't Help Falling in Love
POREOTICS大跳神曲What Does the Fox Say(狐狸说)
【猴姆独家】真好听!钢琴和大提琴组合The Piano Guys创意串烧2首经典欧美流行金曲!
【猴姆独家】真好听!钢琴和大提琴组合The Piano Guys创意串烧2首经典欧美流行金曲Somewhere Over the Rainbow和Jewel的Simple Gifts!他们的琴声真的是可以洗涤心灵啊!曲美,MV都拍的这么大气唯美!
The Piano Guys - Michael Meets Mozart
继Viva La Vida Meet Love Story后,乐迷希望Jon & Steven能有更多跨界混搭的作品问世。在历经各种尝试后这曲Michael Meets Mozart终于诞生,是一次pop与classical的完美碰撞,Michael Jackson与Mozart的超时空对话。视频制作巧妙,音乐优美浑厚,演奏形式令人叹为观止,令人影响深刻的是夹到手的叫声也加入音乐(MJ标志性的叫声),磅礴史诗中透着一丝俏皮
【Classic FM】The Piano Guys - Begin Again
The Piano Guys play Taylor Swift's 'Begin Again' and chat to Classic FM about their online success.
(中英字幕)视听盛宴Secrets - Tiffany Alvord
The Piano Guys
Secrets很喜欢的一首歌,喜欢这个MV 大气的管弦乐伴奏及绚丽的自然景观,Tiffany Alvord虽然唱得没有OneRepublic那般气势,却也有另一番风情!...
【Edwin】The Piano Guys演奏经典Where Are You Christmas!
Thanks For More!)
天使爱美丽 The Piano插曲
The Piano Guys - Bourne Vivaldi
The Piano Guys - Beethoven's 5 Secrets
Story behind the song:
The Lyceum Philharmonic (Youth Orchestra) and its director, Kayson Brown, approached us with this idea. We loved it. It combined two of the things we are working to accomplish -- inviting people to classical music and inspiring young musicians. Steven Sharp Nelson had soloed with the orchestra the previous year and loved the spirit and the talent that the orchestra showed at such young ages (ages 13-18!) Together we developed the concept of "Beethoven's 5 Secrets," combining OneRepublic's tune "Secrets" with melodies and moments from all four movements of Beethoven's 5th Symphony.
We used 5 different melodies from the 4 movements of Beethoven's 5th Symphony (not including the "bridge" the orchestra plays in the middle). Try to guess where they are and where they come from!
What are Beethoven's secrets? He had many. His most prominent secret that he desperately tried to keep from the public and that caused him to be considered extremely eccentric, irritable, and hermit-like was his "weakness." He was deaf during most of his life. Imagine that...one of the greatest composers that ever lived could hardly hear. And yet, he wrote his life's greatest works after becoming deaf. He believed that art itself had "secrets" that had to be "forced into" in order to obtain art's highest level. There is no doubt Beethoven discovered many of the "secrets" of art -- people all over the world enjoy them every day. He was a true master of music, blessed by God. This piece and video are dedicated to him.
Perform "Beethoven's 5 Secrets" and the entire Beethoven Symphony No. 5 with Steven Sharp Nelson at Lyceum Music Festival this year! Work up-close and personal with Steven and other amazing professional musicians like the concertmaster of the London Symphony and Rotterdam Orchestra. Advanced players ages 13-21 are invited to audition. Visit
for details
Filming locations:
The Mountains of St. George Utah
American Heritage School
the piano guys what其他推荐The cello song-Steven Sharp Nelson, The cello songMP3下载,歌词下载 - 虾米音乐
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