
雅思8Test3Reading2Question 14—18 Genius天才、天赋n.Gifted有天赋的,有才华的adj.Giftedness有天才,有才华n.A、
真正的天赋的人在所有领域都有天赋。与第二段的(第三行)it is popularly that if people are talented in one area they must be defective(有错误的、不完美的adj.) in another 与A项不符。B、
天才的天分很早就耗竭。与第二段的(第四行)…that prodigies(prodigy天才,奇才n.)burn too brightly too soon and burn out…其中soon 与原文表达一样,exhaust(耗尽、用完)与原文burn out同义,表达:天才早期就“江郎才尽”的意思。因此B项是答案C、
天才就应该使用他们的天赋。第二段的(倒数第四行)…or that people with gifts have a responsibility to use them其中should(应该)对应原文:have a responsibility to do sth.的结构,use 也对应use,因此C项正确D、
天赋是遗传的。Inherit(继承,遗传v.)第二段(第六行最后一个单词开始)…that genius runs in families 那么is inherited与runs in families近义,因此F正确。G、
人们难以理解正真的天才。Appreciate(感激、感谢、欣赏、意识到、理解v.)第二段(第六行)…that there’s a thin line between genius and madness…可以推出:难以理解正真的天才。因此H项正确。I、
天才通过困难铸造成就。Greatness(著名,成就n.),第二段(倒数第四行)…that adversity(灾难、厄运、逆境n.) make men wise…difficulties与adversity同义,因此J正确。K、
天才的天分总能显现出来(always reveal)。与第二段(倒数第五行)..that genius goes unrecognised(不认可、不显露) 那么也就是always reveal与unrecognised相反,因此错误。
更多实用的rocky english的英语学习资料分享,你可以在看看,个人觉得对于学习地道英语帮助很大:我没带现金。I'm out of cash.我现在没有多少现金。I don't have much money on me now.May I borrow some money? (能借点儿钱吗?)I don't have much money on me now. (我现在没有多少现金。)I didn't bring very much money with me. (我身上没带多少现金。)I'm a little short of money now. (我现在钱不够用。)身无分文。I'm broke.May I borrow ten dollars? (能借给我10美元吗?)Sorry, I'm broke. (对不起,我现在身无分文。)I have no money.I'm out of money.I'm flat broke. * 强调的说法。现在我有很多现金。I have a lot of money on me now.I brought a lot of money with me. (我带来了许多现金。)I'm rich now. (我现在很有钱。)
第一时间获得英语学习帮助。Elon Musk激励人的114句话中文版 【“有时间再看系列”变身立即读座右铭】
&一大帮热心的小编为大家把Elon Musk的114句最激励人的话翻译成中文啦!你收藏的&有时间再看&好文章分分秒变身震撼你的114个瞬间!分享给你的小伙伴吧(主页君已成为Elon脑残粉~
Elon:&If there are 2 paths and we have to choose one thing or the other, and one wasn't obviously better than the other, then rather than spend a lot of time trying to figure out which one is slightly better, we'll just pick one and do it. Sometimes we'd be wrong and we picked the suboptimal path, often it's better to pick a path and do it than to just vacillate on a choice.&
- Stanford Entrepreneurship Corner (10/8/2003, http://ecorner.stanford.edu/authorMaterialInfo.html?mid=381)
Elon: 如果有两条路而我们只能选择一个,那与其反复纠结哪一条路稍微好那么一点儿,还不如果断地选择然后行动。也许我们会错误地选择稍差的那一条,但在一个选择上优柔寡断是更大的损失。
Elon(When asked to compare Zip2 and Paypal, which are the 2 companies he built before SpaceX and Tesla): I took the similar approaches to building both companies, which was to have a small group of very talented people and keep it small. Paypal had about 30 engineers, for a system that I would say is more sophisticated than Federal Reserve Clearing System.&
- Stanford Entrepreneurship Corner, http://ecorner.stanford.edu/authorMaterialInfo.html?mid=381
Elon: We don't worry too much about Intellectual Property, paperwork and legal stuff, we are very focused on building the best product that we possibly could, both Zip2 and Paypal were very product-focused companies. We were incredibly obsessed about how do we build something that would really going to be the best possible customer experience. That was a far more effective selling tool than having a giant sales force or taking up marketing gimmicks or 12-step processes or whatever.&
- Stanford Entrepreneurship Corner, http://ecorner.stanford.edu/authorMaterialInfo.html?mid=381
Elon: 我们并不考虑太多关于智力产权、文书工作和法律的表面功夫,我们仅仅关注如何尽所能做最好的产品。Zip2和Paypal都是以产品为重点的公司。我们执迷于使产品拥有最佳的客户体验。这种对产品质量的执着追求远比大批销售人员、花俏的营销噱头或者所谓的12部生产法高效得多。
Elon&(When asked about the most important qualities of Entrepreneurs): An obsessive nature with respect to the quality of the product is very important, so being obsessive and impulsive is a good thing in this context. Really liking what you do, whoever area you get into, even if you are the best of the best, there always a chance of failure, so it's important that what you really like what you are doing, if you don't like it, life is too short. If you like what you are doing, you'll think about it even when you are not working, it's something your mind is drawn to, you just really can't make it work, I think.&
- Stanford Entrepreneurship Corner, http://ecorner.stanford.edu/authorMaterialInfo.html?mid=381
Elon(on Paypal): Developing the software and have it ready for the general public reasonably coincide with us being able to conclude those deals to interface with the outside vendors, and all that took about a year. I think one thing important is try not to serialize dependencies, put as many elements in parallel as possible, a lot of things have a gestation period, it's very hard to accelerate that gestation period, if you can have all those things gestating in parallel, then that is one way to substantially accelerate your timeline. I think people tend to serialize things too much.&
- Stanford Entrepreneurship Corner, http://ecorner.stanford.edu/authorMaterialInfo.html?mid=381
Elon: 在我们完成开发paypal程序的同时,们做好了向外界销售的准备,总共花了一年左右的时间,这是在我们的准备之中的。我觉得很重要的一点是人不要总是把该做的事情序列化(serialize),一件做完再做另外一件,而应该竟可能地把每件事情平行地放在时间轴上。很多事情都要长期地孕育,而你不能加速其完成的时间,你便应该让他们同时进行,这是一个极好的提高创业效率的途径,而大多数人都倾向于序列化不同的事。
Elon(When starting Zip2): I didn't have any money, in fact, I had negative money, I had huge student debts,&I couldn't afford a place to stay and a an office, so I just rented an office instead. I just slept on a futon, and showered at YMCA(Young Man's Christian Association), that's best shape I've ever been - shower, workout, and you are good to go.&There was an ISP on the floor below us, just a little tiny ISP, we drilled a hole through the floor and connected to their cable. That gave us Internet connectivity for $100/month.&We had an absurdly tiny burn rate. We also had a tiny revenue stream. We actually had more revenue than we had expenses, so we talked to VCs, we could actually say we had a positive cash flow.&
- Stanford Entrepreneurship Corner, http://ecorner.stanford.edu/authorMaterialInfo.html?mid=381
&(在创办Zip2初期) 我那是没有钱,实际上,我有满满的债,我有很多学生贷款没有还。我付不起一个办公的地方,所以我租了一个办公室。我只是睡在临时毯子上,在青年基督协会提供的地方洗澡。不过那时我很好:洗澡、运动然后去工作。那时候有一个互联网服务提供商(ISP)在我们楼下,只是一个很迷你的ISP。我们在地板上挖了一个小洞接上他们的电缆,这给了我们100刀每月的互联网链接。那是我们花费得很少,收入也很少。当我们的收入大于支出的时候,我们就开始了风险投资,于是我们终于有了正的现金流。
Elon: Space is a tough one for first-time entrepreneurs, you better off starting something that requires low capital, and space is a high capital effort.&
- Stanford Entrepreneurship Corner, http://ecorner.stanford.edu/authorMaterialInfo.html?mid=381
8, (Context: when launching the 4th rocket, after the first 3 rockets failed to reach orbit)
Interviewer: When you had that 3rd failure in a row, did you think I need to pack this in?
Elon: Never.
Interviewer: Why not?
Elon:&I don't ever give up. I'd have to be dead or completely incapacitated.
- SpaceX: Entrepreneur's race to space, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNwg8FvfuuU#t=577
Elon: 想都别想
Elon: 只要我还有呼吸能动,我就绝不放弃。
9, I was beat up pretty badly as a kid and it left me with jagged septum. Harder to breath as I got older.&
- @elonmusk twitter
10, (Context: Elon was talking about the innovations that SpaceX had done)
Chris Anderson: You haven't patented these stuff, since you think it's more dangerous to patent than not to patent.
Elon: Since our primary competitors are international governments, then enforceability of patents are questionable.
- TED http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgKWPdJWuBQ
11, (Childhood, being bullied)&
Maye Musk(Elon's Mother): Not that he told me much about it, but he was actually picked on(by other kids) quite a bit.
Elon: So I actually read a lot of books and tried to stay out of people's way during school.
- Bloomberg Risk Takers: Elon Musk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTJt547--AM)
Maye Musk(Elon的母亲):他不是光跟我说很多这些事,而是他真的经常(被其他孩子)欺负。
12, (Childhood)
Elon: I read all the comics I could buy, or that they let me read at the bookstores before chasing me away. I read everything I could get my hands on from when I woke up to when I went to sleep. At one point, I really ran out of books, I started reading encyclopedia.
- Bloomberg Risk Takers: Elon Musk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTJt547--AM)
Maye Musk: He has a photographic memory, so he could remember everything.
- Bloomberg Risk Takers: Elon Musk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTJt547--AM)
&Maye Musk:他用图像的方法记忆,所以他能记住任何东西。
Kimbal Musk(Elon's brother): We decided that we were going to open an arcade near our high school, we were big into video games and we figured that it's going to be a huge hit. We got a lease on the building, we got the arcade provider to provide the equipment, and the only thing we needed to do at the end of it was to get the city to approve what we were doing. And of course, they told us we cannot open an arcade.
- Bloomberg Risk Takers: Elon Musk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTJt547--AM)
&Kimbal Musk(Elon的兄弟):我们决定在高中附近开一个游戏厅,我们都是电子游戏的狂热者而且我们发现这会是一个巨大的成功。我们租到了场地,找到了提供设备的电子游戏机供应商,在最后唯一要做的事情就是要让市政府同意我们做的事情。很明显,他们告诉我们不能开游戏厅。
Elon: When I went to college, I rarely went to class. I just read the textbook and then chew up for exams.
- Bloomberg Risk Takers: Elon Musk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTJt547--AM)
& Elon:我上大学之后,很少去上课。我就看看课本然后开始准备考试。
Inc. Journalist: He(Elon) looked around and he saw that the world-changing stuff was not happening at Stanford.&
Elon: I didn't even go to the class (in Stanford).
- Bloomberg Risk Takers: Elon Musk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTJt547--AM)
Inc. journalist:他(Elon)看了看四周然后发现能改变世界的东西并没有在斯坦福出现。
Inc. journalist: (when Elon was starting Zip2 he had) $2000, no friends, barely enough money for an apartment. He was showering at the gym, because he didn't have a shower where he was living.
Kimbal Musk:&We spent 6 month sleeping in the office.
Elon:&We just got some futons, they were couches during the day, and turned to beds at night.
- Bloomberg Risk Takers: Elon Musk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTJt547--AM)
Kimbal Musk:我们在办公室睡了六个月。
Elon: 有几个蒲团,它们白天是沙发,晚上就成了床。
Kimbal Musk(on Zip2): Elon was more of the business mastermind, I was more the sales guy.
Elon: I still have my core programming skills, I was able to write the software needed for the 1st company.
- Bloomberg Risk Takers: Elon Musk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTJt547--AM)
&Kimbal Musk(在Zip2上):Elon更像是一个商业才子,我则是一个搞销售的。
The first thing he did (after sold Zip2 to Compaq) was to buy a big sports car, he comes from a family that really enjoys racing and vehicles, and he got the highest performance car money could buy at that time, a McLaren F1.&
- Bloomberg Risk Takers: Elon Musk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTJt547--AM)
&在他把Zip3卖给Compaq之后做的第一件事情就是买一辆大跑车。他的家族是非常喜欢赛马和跑车的。他买了可以那时候买到的性能最好的跑车&McLaren F1.
Elon: The goal in starting my 2nd internet company(Paypal) is to create something that would have profound effect.
- Bloomberg Risk Takers: Elon Musk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTJt547--AM)
Elon: 我准备创办我的第二家因特网公司(Paypal)的目标就是创造一些有长远价值和影响力的东西。 &
Kimbal Musk: When Elon was starting Paypal, his goal was not to improve person-to-person payment, his goal was to transform the financial industry.
- Bloomberg Risk Takers: Elon Musk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTJt547--AM)
&Kimbal Musk: 当Elon创造Paypal,他的目标不是去改善个人间支付的手段,而是去改变整个金融行业。
Elon was the only funder of the company(SpaceX) for the early years, another incredibly risky move, to say: nobody on the planet thinks this idea is financeable, I'm gonna fund all of it myself. He put in 100 million dollars, the majority of his net worth at the time.
- Bloomberg Risk Takers: Elon Musk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTJt547--AM)
Inc. Journalist:&If you ask Elon how he taught himself rocket science, he will just look at you very seriously and just say very quietly: I read a lot of books.
- Bloomberg Risk Takers: Elon Musk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTJt547--AM)
Elon(telling his employees in Tesla during the financial crisis): I'm available 24/7 to help solve issues, call me 3am on a Sunday morning, I don't care.
- Bloomberg Risk Takers: Elon Musk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTJt547--AM)
Elon(on Tesla's financial crisis in 2008): We had maybe about a week's worth of cash in the bank or less.
Inc. Journalist: He told me he was waking up in the middle of the night, and there'd be tears on his pillow.&
- Bloomberg Risk Takers: Elon Musk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTJt547--AM)
26, (Context: Tesla's financial crisis in 2008)
Elon: I had to make a choice that either to take all the capital that I had left from the sale of Paypal to Ebay and invest that in Tesla, or Tesla would die.
Inc. journalist: There was this board meeting in the late of 2008, where they were discussing what's going to happen, and Elon just says: I'm going to raise a 40 million round to keep the company going. And the board members were wondering how is he going to do that. And he says: I'm going to put it in all myself.
Narrator: And he did, Musk personally guaranteed 40 million dollars more to revert the company's collapse.&
- Bloomberg Risk Takers: Elon Musk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTJt547--AM)
Interviewer: When you first started the company Zip2, how did you look for advice, did you have a mentor?
Elon: I read a lot of books, and talked to less people. I didn't have any one person who was a mentor, but I always looked for feedback from people around me, and feedbacks from historical context, which is book, basically.
Interviewer: Any book stood out? They were just general business books?
Elon: I didn't actually read many general business books, but I like reading biographies and autobiographies, I think those are pretty helpful. For example, Franklin's. I would say he's one of the people I always admire, Franklin is pretty awesome.
- Foundation Interview, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-s_3b5fRd8#t=535
Elon:我不太阅读很多普通商业书籍,但我喜欢阅读传记和自传,我认为这些很有意义。比如,富兰克林的传记。我要说他是我一直崇敬的人之一,富兰克林非常伟大。 &&&
Elon:&At the beginning of starting SpaceX, I thought that the most likely outcome is failure.
- Foundation Interview, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-s_3b5fRd8#t=535
29, (On Tesla design)
Interviewer: Did you have focused group where you decided on the decision? Or you were very much "I like the way that it looks, so let's go with it"?&
Elon: No, it literally was just weekly iterations with the design team. Every friday afternoon I meet with Franz and the design team and we go over every nuance of the car, every curve, every little piece of the car, what's right, what's wrong. That has to be filtered against the engineering needs, ergonomic needs, regulatory requirements, so really there are a lot of constraints, you can't just make a car in all shape you want.
- Foundation Interview, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-s_3b5fRd8#t=535
Interviewer: Advice for first-time entrepreneurs?
Elon: It's important to reason from first principals, rather than by analogy. The normal way we conduct our live is that we reason by analogy - "we're doing this because it's like something else that was done", or "it's like what other people are doing", since it's kind of easier to reason by analogy by from first principals. First principals is kind of a physics way of looking at the world, you kind of boil things down to the most fundamental truth, and say "Okay, what are we sure is true, or sure possible is true", and then reason up from there. That takes a lot more mental energy.
Interviewer: Give me an example of that, what's one thing that you feel works for you?
Elon:&Sure. Somebody would say, and they do, that "battery packs are always really expensive, and that's just the way they're always be, because that's the way they've been in the past". No, that's pretty dumb. If you apply that to anything new, you wouldn't be able to get to that new thing. For batteries, they'd say "that's gonna cost $600 per kWh, it's not gonna be much better than that in the future" I would say "no, what are the batteries made of?" So the first principal is to say "Okay, what are the materials constitutes batteries? What is the broad market values of those constituents?" Okay, it's go copper, nickel, aluminum, carbon, and some polymers for separation and seal can. So break that down into material base is to say: okay, if we bought that in London Metal Exchange, how much would each of those things cost? Oh geez, $80 per kWh. So clearly, you just have to think of clever ways to take those materials and combine them to a shape of a battery cell, and you can have batteries that are much much cheaper than anyone realizes.
- Foundation Interview, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-s_3b5fRd8#t=535
Elon:通过第一原则(first principal)推理非常重要,而不是类比。我们通常生活中我们行为的方式是通过类比:&我们做这个的原因是因为有另一件是是这么被做的。&或是&这像是别人正在做的&因为通过类比会比通过第一原则推理更简单。第一原则是通过物理角度去观察世界,就像是你要将事情拆解到最基础真理,同时说:&好,我们确信的是真的,或确信可能的是真的。&然后从这里开始推理。尽管这更费脑子。
Elon:当然。有人会说,而且他们确实这么说了:&电池组通常都很贵,而且他也一直会很贵,因为这就是他们在过去通常的状态。&不,这很蠢。如果你在新东西上保持这个想法,你不可能得到这个新东西。对于电池,他们说:&每千瓦时会花费六百刀,在未来不可能比这个更好。&我会说&不,这个电池是什么做的?&所以第一原则会说:&好,什么物质会组成电池?这些成分的市场价格是多少?好,我们需要铜,镍,铝,碳,还有一部分隔离用的聚合物和封装罐。& 以拆分这些到物质层面就是说:&好,如果我们正伦敦金属交易所买,这些东西多贵?噢我的老天,每千瓦时才八十刀。所以很清晰的,你只需要考虑用聪明的办法去获得这些物质并把它合成为电池的形态,那么你就可以获得比任何人意识到的价格都低的电池。&&&&&
Relative to others with a similar net worth, I don't spend much money on personal matters.&I own no homes (not even my residence at this point), yachts or expensive artwork. My clothes are mostly jeans and t-shirts and I almost never take vacations, apart from kid related travel.
-Elon Musk: Correcting The Record About My Divorce, http://www.businessinsider.com/correcting-the-record-about-my-divorce-2010-7
Musk, who is SpaceX&s chief designer as well as its CEO, is involved in virtually every technical decision. &I know my rocket inside out and backward,& he says. &I can tell you the heat treating temper of the skin material, where it changes, why we chose that material, the welding technique&down to the gnat&s ass.& And he pushes his people to do more than they think is possible. &There were times when I thought he was off his rocker,& Mueller confesses. &When I first met him, he said, &How much do you think we can get the cost of an engine down, compared to what you were predicting they&d cost at TRW?& I said, &Oh, probably a factor of three.& He said, &We need a factor of 10.& I thought, &That&s kind of crazy.& But in the end, we&re closer to his number!&
- Is SpaceX changing the rocket equation? http://www.airspacemag.com/space-exploration/Visionary-Launchers-Employees.html?c=y&page=3
&作为SpaceX 公司的首席设计师兼首席执行官,Elon Musk几乎参与到了每一个技术决策中。&我对我的火箭了如指掌,&他说,&我可以告诉你表面材料的热处理特点,它在什么点变化,为什么我们选用它,焊接技术&&多细的事情都可以。&他鼓励他的员工去做在他们看来不可能的事情。&有时候我真觉得他疯了,&Mueller承认道,&当我第一次遇到他的时候,他说,&跟你预测的TRW公司的成本相比,你觉得我们能把引擎的成本降下来多少?&我说,&也许能降到三分之一吧。&他说,&我们要十分之一。&我想,那可真是有点疯狂。但最后我们真的很接近。&
33, (On SpaceX's rocket Falcon 1)
The insistence on reusability &drives the engineers insane,& says Vozoff. &We could&ve had Falcon 1 in orbit two years earlier than we did if Elon had just given up on first stage reusability. The qualification for the Merlin engine was far outside of what was necessary, unless you plan to recover it and reuse it. And so the engineers are frustrated because this isn&t the quickest means to the end. But Elon has this bigger picture in mind. And he forces them to do what&s hard. And I admire that about him.&
- Is SpaceX changing the rocket equation? http://www.airspacemag.com/space-exploration/Visionary-Launchers-Employees.html?c=y&page=3
&Most people, when they make a lot of money don&t want to risk it,& he says. &For me it was never about money, but solving problems for the future of humanity.& He does not laugh or crack a smile when he says this. There is no hint of irony.
- Elon Musk, the Rocket Man With a Sweet Ride, http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/Elon-Musk-the-Rocket-Man-With-a-Sweet-Ride-.html
Maye Musk: &His brain was just ahead of everyone else&s and we thought he was deaf, so we took him to the doctor.&But he was just in his own world.& Musk shrugs when I tell him that story. &They took my adenoids out, but it didn&t change anything.It&s just when I&m concentrating on something I tune everything else out.& He was bullied by other kids. He hated going to school. He was obsessed with facts and reading.&&If someone said the Moon is, like, a million miles away,& says Maye, &he&d say, &No, it&s 238,855 miles from the Earth, depending on when you view it.& Kids would just go &Huh?& He&s just curious about everything and never stops reading and remembers everything he reads.&He&s not in la- he just sees everything as a problem that can be fixed.&
- Elon Musk, the Rocket Man With a Sweet Ride, http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/Elon-Musk-the-Rocket-Man-With-a-Sweet-Ride-.html
&Maye Musk: &他的脑袋总是想在所有人的前面,以至于我们以为他是聋子。所以我们带他去看医生,但他只是沉浸在他自己的世界中。&当我告诉Musk这事的时候他耸了耸肩。&他们拿走了我的腺样体,但那并没有改变任何事。只是当我专注于某样东西时,我就会忽略其他的一切。&他被其他孩子欺负。他厌恶上学。他痴迷于事实和阅读。&如果有人说月亮在几百万英里外,&Maye说,&他会说。&不,月亮大约离地球238855英里,取决于你在哪里看它。&其他孩子只会&*(*¥#@¥@#@&&他只是对一切都充满了好奇,从不停止阅读和记住他所读的东西。他并不是活在自己的世界中,他只是把一切看做可以解决的问题罢了。
&Elon drives this think-bigger mentality,& says JB Straubel, in a lofty design studio behind SpaceX. &As engineers we tend to want to keep things small, but Elon is always imagining something so large it&s terrifying, and he&s incredibly demanding and hard-driving.&
- Elon Musk, the Rocket Man With a Sweet Ride, http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/Elon-Musk-the-Rocket-Man-With-a-Sweet-Ride-.html
&&Elon拥有一种&往大了想&的心态,&在SpaceX后面巨大的设计工作室里,JB Straubel说,&作为工程师我们倾向于把事情往小了做,但他总是有一些宏大到可怕的设想,并且他难以置信的苛刻和坚定。
Elon: &I&m head engineer and chief designer as well as CEO, so I don&t have to cave to some money guy,& he says. &I encounter CEOs who don&t know the details of their technology and that&s ridiculous to me.&
- Elon Musk, the Rocket Man With a Sweet Ride, http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/Elon-Musk-the-Rocket-Man-With-a-Sweet-Ride-.html
Elon: &我是首席工程师,首席设计师以及首席执行官,所以我不必受限于一些有钱人。我遇到过不知道他们自己技术的细节的首席执行官,那对我来说是荒谬的。&
The difference between Musk and everyone else is that passion and ambition. When Tesla nearly went bankrupt, he fired its CEO, took over the role himself and risked his personal fortune, pouring $75 million into the company. As production delays have eaten into Tesla&s cash, some analysts have doubted the company&s viability. But Musk renegotiated the terms of a government loan, sold shares in the company and seems to have fixed its production delays. &The factory is state of the art,& says Elaine Kwei, an auto industry analyst with Jefferies & Company, &and the delays were little things from other suppliers, like door handles. The car is awesome and demand doesn&t if they can sell 13,000 cars next year, they&ll break even. Tesla has the potential to dominate the EV category, similar to the Toyota Prius& dominance of the hybrid electric segment.&
- Elon Musk, the Rocket Man With a Sweet Ride, http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/Elon-Musk-the-Rocket-Man-With-a-Sweet-Ride-.html
&Musk和其他人的区别在于热情和野心。当特斯拉几乎破产,他解雇了他的首席执行官,自己当了起来并且赌上了自己的个人财产,将7500万美元投入了公司。当生产延误消耗了特斯拉的现金时,一些分析家怀疑过公司的可行性。但是Musk重新协商了政府借贷的条款,出售了公司的一些股份,并且看上去解决了生产延误的问题。&工厂是一个艺术的世界,&汽车工业的分析师Elaine Kwei说,&延误的只是一些其他供应商的小东西,例如门把手。特斯拉非常棒,需求看上去完全不是问题;如果他们明年能卖出13000辆,就可以收回成本。类似于丰田普锐斯在混合动力汽车领域的统治地位,特斯拉拥有垄断电动汽车领域的潜力。
Elon: Most papers are pretty useless. How many phd papers are actually used by someone ever?
- Khan school: A conversation with Elon Musk, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDwzmJpI4io
Elon: The internet came along, I thought: okay, for the internet, I'm pretty sure that success is one of the possible outcomes, and it seems like I can either do a phd and watch it happen, or I can participate and help it happen. So I decided to put things in hold, and started an internet company.
- Khan school: A conversation with Elon Musk, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDwzmJpI4io
Elon: A lot of times people kind of thing creating a company is fun, it's really not that fun, well, there are periods of fun, and there are periods where they are just awful. Particularly, if you start a company, you actually have a distillation of all the worst problems of the company, there's no point spend your time on things that are going right, so you're only spend your time on things that are going wrong, and there are things that are going wrong that other people can't take care of, you have a filter for the crappest problem in the company. I think you have to feel quite compelled to do it, and have a fairly high pain threshold. You got to do the problems your company needs you to work on, not the problems you want to work on, and that goes on for a long time.
Asker: Then how do you keep your big picture?
Elon: There's just a very small amount of the mental energy is on the big picture, you know where you are generally heading for, and the actual path is gonna be some zig-zaggy thing, try not to deviate too far from the path, but you gonna have to do that in some degree
- Khan school: A conversation with Elon Musk, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDwzmJpI4io
Asker: When it comes to researching and analyzing an entrepreneur opportunity, how do you go about qualifying or legitimizing such a pursuit?
Elon: I'm not sure if I'm the best guy here (to answer this question), because&things I've chosen have not been optimized on a risk/return basis, I would not say that I went to the rocket business, car business or the solar business thinking that it's a great opportunity,&I just thought that something needed to be done in these industries in order to make a difference, and that's why I did it. But in general I do think you should think about what you are doing will result in a disruptive change or not, if it's just incremental, it's unlikely to be something major. It's gonna be something that's substantially better than what's going on before.
- Elon Musk Keynote - SXSW Interactive 2013, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sumVEEAZ_w
关于创业机会的研究与分析,您是如何来规划这一追求的?Elon:你这个问题可能问错人了, 因为我选择所从事的研究并不是由风险程度来决定的。我开始进入航空,汽车,和太阳能行业并不是因为那里蕴含着很大的商机;我只是我可以在那些行业中完成一些急需要做的事情,由此影响和改变行业未来的发展走向。这也是我当初萌生创业的契机。但是总的来说,我觉得那些想要创业的人应该先思考清楚自己所做的事情是否具有突破性。如果只是锦上添花,那么你的事业并不会对业界产生重大影响。也就是说,你的创新必须超越前人。&&
Elon: I'm not really super hardcore of being ultra-environmental, because I think that you don't want to make life miserable, we want to create a better future, but a better future is not where we are constantly deprive ourselves the things we love.
- Driving With Elon Musk, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8PEnK3aoFQ
His mother has been quoted as recalling, &He read the entire Encyclopedia Britannica when he was only eight or nine, and he remembered it.&
- Rocket Man, http://queensu.ca/news/alumnireview/rocket-man
&I was going to do physics and engineering at Waterloo, but then I visited the campus & and, you may not want to print this,& Elon says with a laugh, &but there didn&t seem to be any girls there! So, I visited Queen&s, and there were girls there. I didn&t want to spend my undergraduate time with a bunch of dudes.&
- Rocket Man, http://queensu.ca/news/alumnireview/rocket-man
Recalling his two student years in Canada, Musk notes, &In the first two years at university, you learn a lot about a great many things. One particular thing that I learned at Queen&s & both from faculty and students & was how to work collaboratively with smart people and make use of the Socratic method to achieve commonality of purpose.&
- Rocket Man, http://queensu.ca/news/alumnireview/rocket-man
And how did Musk recruit the scientists and other technical people he needed to join him in order to create, and quickly, a private rocket company capable of taking over the transport of space cargo after NASA&s space shuttle program ended?
&It would have been quite difficult if I&d just started off by cold-calling them and saying that I wanted to start a rocket company,& he says.
&What I said instead & because these people were working at Northrop-Grumman, Boeing, and other big aerospace companies & was &Would you mind helping me with a feasibility study to find out if it&s possible to make significant advancements in rocket technology?&It will involve a few weekends and evenings of your time,& I said I&d pay a decent amount for their help, and so they were enthusiastic.&We had a series of meetings, and the people I recruited put a lot of thought into it and came to the conclusion that yes, it would be possible to build better rockets than had been made before.&
Was it really that straightforward?
Says Musk, &I essentially led them to a conclusion that they created.&It was sort of a Socratic dialogue on a technical level.&The essence of a Socratic dialogue,& he adds with another of his trademark soft laughs, &is that people wind up convincing themselves.&People are much more willing to change their opinion if you&re not forcing it.&
- Rocket Man, http://queensu.ca/news/alumnireview/rocket-man
&It&s something of a clich&,& he says, &but a lot of my ideas nowadays come to me when I&m in the shower,& he says. &It&s because I&ve been thinking about them, the mind processing them subconsciously while I&m sleeping, and what&s the first thing you do when you get up in the morning? You take a shower.&
- Rocket Man, http://queensu.ca/news/alumnireview/rocket-man
&There are times, late at night, when I pace,& he confides. &If I&m trying to solve a problem, and I think I&ve got some elements of it kind of close to being figured out, I&ll pace for hours trying to think it through.&
- Rocket Man, http://queensu.ca/news/alumnireview/rocket-man
&Elon has the incredible ability and determination to work and work on an idea until he has the solution,& says his brother Kimbal. &If he believes it&s possible & and he always does when it&s a problem he&s working on & there&s no option for turning back with him. When 99.99 per cent of people would have given up, Elon finds the solution that amazes everyone around him.&
- Rocket Man, http://queensu.ca/news/alumnireview/rocket-man
&I think we should try to make things happen for the right reason. We shouldn&t give in to the politics,& he said. &If we give in to that, we&ll get the political system we deserve.&
- Elon Musk Talks About His Falling Out With the ZuckerPAC, http://allthingsd.com//elon-musk-talks-about-his-falling-out-with-the-zuckerpac/
&It&s better to have a higher quality venture capitalist who you think would be great to work with than to get a higher valuation with someone where there&s even a question mark, really.&
- Inside the Inventive and Entrepreneurial Mind of Elon Musk, http://blog.kissmetrics.com/the-mind-of-elon-musk/
&I think the best way to attract venture capital is to try and come up with a demonstration of whatever product or service it is and ideally take that as far as you can. Just see if you can sell that to real customers and start generating some momentum. The further along you can get with that, the more likely you are to get funding.&
- Inside the Inventive and Entrepreneurial Mind of Elon Musk, http://blog.kissmetrics.com/the-mind-of-elon-musk/
&吸引风险投资的最好方法就是想办法随机找一个物品或服务并尽你最大的努力,看你有没有办法卖给真正的客户并且能够计算出它在市场上价格变化的幅度, 走得越远,你就越有可能获得投资。
&Work like hell. I mean you just have to put in 80 to 100 hour weeks every week. [This] improves the odds of success. If other people are putting in 40 hour work weeks and you&re putting in 100 hour work weeks, then even if you&re doing the same thing you know that&.you will achieve in 4 months what it takes them a year to achieve.&
- Inside the Inventive and Entrepreneurial Mind of Elon Musk, http://blog.kissmetrics.com/the-mind-of-elon-musk/
&Right now we&re working six days a week. Some people are working seven days a week & I do & but for a lot of people, working seven days a week is not sustainable. The factory is operational seven days a week but most people we only ask to work six days a week right now and, obviously, we want to get that to a more reasonable number. I think people can sustain a 50-hour work week. I think that&s a good work week. If you&re joining Tesla, you&re joining a company to work hard. We&re not trying to sell you a bill of goods. If you can go work for another company and then maybe you can work a 40-hour work week. But if you work for Tesla, the minimum is really a 50-hour week and there are times when it&ll be 60- to 80-hour weeks. If somebody is hourly, they receive time-and-a-half, but if somebody is salary, then we do cash and stock bonuses for going above and beyond the call of duty. So we try to make it fair compensation, but the general understanding is that if you&re at Tesla, you&re choosing to be at the equivalent of Special Forces. There&s the regular Army, and that&s fine, but if you are working at Tesla, you&re choosing to step up your game. And that has pluses and minuses. It&s cool to be Special Forces, but it also means you&re working your ass off. It&s not for everyone.&
- Inside the Inventive and Entrepreneurial Mind of Elon Musk, http://blog.kissmetrics.com/the-mind-of-elon-musk/
On hiring, Musk looks for two things & a positive attitude and being easy to work with. People must like working with the applicant. They have a no a-hole policy at Musk&s companies.
- Inside the Inventive and Entrepreneurial Mind of Elon Musk, http://blog.kissmetrics.com/the-mind-of-elon-musk/
&I think it&s very important to have a feedback loop. Like where you&re constantly thinking about what you&ve done and how you could be doing it better. I think that&s probably the single best bit of advice, is just constantly be thinking about how you could do things better and questioning yourself.&
- Inside the Inventive and Entrepreneurial Mind of Elon Musk, http://blog.kissmetrics.com/the-mind-of-elon-musk/
&There is a visual inspection of the inside and outside, looking at fits and interior finish and often sitting inside and making sure that everything is put together correctly. Obviously, the software is always going to be the same, so I&m not trying to see if there&s any variation there. And then, as I said, I pick cars at random to drive and make sure that the driving feel is correct and the sound system is working as it should and if there&s an issue, I&ll trace it back to the exact place on the line where that occurred. For example, yesterday I found that the installation of the headlamp was not quite correct and there was a slight asymmetry between the right and the left. I think most people wouldn&t see it, but it seemed pretty obvious to me. So I was like, this doesn&t seem right, this is off by like three millimeters. So I literally walked over to the lead tech on that portion of the line to find out why is this three millimeters wrong and it turned out he was still operating with the part dimensions of the old part, but we had made a new part that didn&t require shimming and nobody had given him the new instructions that it no longer needed shimming to get to the right position. And that was the origin of the problem. On Saturday, I will talk to the whole assembly, metal stamping and plastics team to make sure that everybody understands that they are all empowered to be perfectionists on the line and that they should not let a car move from their station if they see anything that is slightly wrong. They must reverse the line and send it back to the prior station.&
- Inside the Inventive and Entrepreneurial Mind of Elon Musk, http://blog.kissmetrics.com/the-mind-of-elon-musk/
&Persistence is very important. You should not give up unless you are forced to give up.& He later says: &You have to be cautious in always saying one should always persist and never give up because there actually are times when you should give up, because you&re doing something in error. But if you&re convinced that what you&re doing is correct then you should never give up.&
- Inside the Inventive and Entrepreneurial Mind of Elon Musk, http://blog.kissmetrics.com/the-mind-of-elon-musk/
&I think it&s really a mindset. You have to decide. We&re going to try to do things differently. Well, provided that they&re better. You shouldn&t do things differently just because they&re different. They need to be different or better. But I think you have to sort of decide. Let&s think beyond the normal stuff and have an environment where that sort of thinking in encouraged and rewarded and where it&s okay to fail as well. Because when you try new things, you try this idea, that idea&.well a large number of them are not gonna work, and that has to be okay. If every time somebody comes up with an idea it has to be successful, you&re not gonna get people coming up with ideas.&&
&Get to a useful prototype with the least amount of money is probably a good idea&.if people see actual hardware and it&s working, that is much more convincing [than PowerPoint, a website, etc].&
- Inside the Inventive and Entrepreneurial Mind of Elon Musk, http://blog.kissmetrics.com/the-mind-of-elon-musk/
&If you&re trying to impose too much structure or if you don&t allow failure. A lot of companies, typically as they get bigger tend to have a risk/reward asymmetry, failure is severely punished [and] success is moderately awarded. That&s not a good idea if you want to be innovative because by its very nature innovation will result in many attempts that don&t work.&
- Inside the Inventive and Entrepreneurial Mind of Elon Musk, http://blog.kissmetrics.com/the-mind-of-elon-musk/
&一些发展中变得风险和收益不均等的公司,失败变得十分可怕而成功只能有限度地为公司带来收益。 许多公司过多地利用了结构,并且不允许失败。对于创新的公司来说,这不是一个好的方案,因为许多的初级方案将会带来许许多多失败的结果。
&My goal was never to be the CEO of Tesla&I had an interest in electric cars that goes back 20 years to when I was in college&.since I was doing SpaceX, I knew that if I did try to start an electric car company and run it that it would be extremely painful to run two companies. I really tried my hardest not to be the CEO of Tesla. At any point, from day one I could have been the CEO because I had majority control of the company, but I really tried not to. &At the end of 2008, I had to commit all of my reserve capital to Tesla (all of it that wasn&t allocated to SpaceX), and so I felt I had to steer the ship correctly&.it was super not fun.&
- Inside the Inventive and Entrepreneurial Mind of Elon Musk, http://blog.kissmetrics.com/the-mind-of-elon-musk/
&I think of myself more [like] an engineer, who, in order to invent the things I want to invent and create them, that I have to do the company as well. So I&m more reluctantly the CEO. It&s not my preference, actually.&
- Inside the Inventive and Entrepreneurial Mind of Elon Musk, http://blog.kissmetrics.com/the-mind-of-elon-musk/
&I started SpaceX with the expectation of failure.&
- Inside the Inventive and Entrepreneurial Mind of Elon Musk, http://blog.kissmetrics.com/the-mind-of-elon-musk/
"The 180 millions I earn from Paypal after tax, 100 went to SpaceX, 70 to Tesla, and 10 to SolarCity, I literally had to borrow money for rent.&"
- PandoMonthly: Fireside Chat With Elon Musk, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uegOUmgKB4E
Elon: (After proposing a double-deck highway plan) And who were in charge of the 405 construction? They are bloody idiots! I hate them!
- PandoMonthly: Fireside Chat With Elon Musk, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uegOUmgKB4E
Elon::(在创建了双层公路方案后)谁在掌管着这405个工程啊?他们是脑残!我恨他们。 &
Interviewer: Steve Jobs is, was and is a wonderful Silicon Valley icon. Is he someone that you've admired & what have you learned from Steve's life and work?
Elon: Well, he's certainly someone I've admired. Although I did try to talk to him once at a party and he was super rude to me. :(
- An Evening with Elon Musk and Alison van Diggelen,&&http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHHwXUm3iIg
- http://www.quora.com/Nevaeh-Armstrong
&Q:Steve Jobs是一个华丽的硅谷旗帜。他是你的偶像吗?他有让你学到什么吗?
Anonymous: As one of Elon's close friends, I think I am qualified to answer this. I'll give you an example: I am an avid poker player and believe I'm quite good at it. One day, our conversation drifts to poker, and he tells me, in one of his not so rare go-getter moods, that he wants to learn how to play. Generally unaccustomed to such enthusiasm, I oblige. After about 3 hands or so of just us two playing, he folds after raising a couple times with me just matching his bet. Perplexed, I ask him the reason. He tells me that he had been calculating the probability of getting two pairs but the new lowered odds did not deserve any more money. I was surprised by his mental ability to grasp the game so quickly. His analytical intelligence, coupled with his strong pragmatism, can make him a very good poker player.
- Just how smart is Elon Musk? http://www.quora.com/Elon-Musk/Just-how-smart-is-Elon-Musk
Dolly Singh(SpaceX Employee): Working with him isn&t a comfortable experience, he is never satisfied with himself so he is never really satisfied with anyone around him. He pushes himself harder and harder and he pushes others around him the exact same way. The challenge is that he is a machine and the rest of us aren&t. So if you work for Elon you have to accept the discomfort. But in that discomfort is the kind of growth you can&t get anywhere else, and worth every ounce of blood and sweat.
- What is it like to work with Elon Musk? http://www.quora.com/What-is-it-like-to-work-with-Elon-Musk
&Dolly Singh(SpaceX 雇员):和他一起工作不是一个很舒服的经历,他从来不能被满足。他对自己的要求一直很严,对别人也一样。但是问题是,他是机器而我们不是。如果你和Elon一起工作,你必须适应这个情况。但是在这里的成长你在哪里都得不到,这些成长是值得你的辛苦劳动的。
Anonymous(Tesla Employee):&During one of my first meetings with Elon, he made a request that I thought, frankly, was crazy. I asked my coworkers after the meeting if we really were going to do that. I was told "if Elon says to do it, we do it. Give it time, you'll understand." Sure enough, each seemingly crazy request was grounded in a logic only Elon understood at the time. But we trusted him and I ultimately found myself in agreement - sometimes it took six months or longer to get there.
- What is it like to work with Elon Musk? http://www.quora.com/What-is-it-like-to-work-with-Elon-Musk
Anonymous(Tesla Employee):&No matter how tired he was or how many times he'd travelled back and forth across the country in the last few days, or how many fire-drills were running simultaneously, he understood what you were saying. He'd sit there with his famous "uh huh" and a head nod, acknowledging that he understood. And his followup questions were targeted, thoughtful and relevant.
- What is it like to work with Elon Musk? http://www.quora.com/What-is-it-like-to-work-with-Elon-Musk
Tesla 雇员:不论他此时多么劳累,不论他之前刚在这个国家来来回回出差多少次,甚至不论此时有多少个紧急的消防演习在同时进行,他都可以保持冷静地理解你说话的意思。他会坐在那儿,发出他招牌&嗯哼&和点头来表示他听懂了。 然后紧随其后的问题直戳重点且经过深思熟虑。
Anonymous(Tesla Employee):&When we met with Elon, we were prepared. Because if you weren't, he'd let you know it. If he asked a reasonable follow up question and you weren't prepared with an answer, well, good luck... Our discussions were efficient, to the point, and based in fact. He expected to see progress.
- What is it like to work with Elon Musk? http://www.quora.com/What-is-it-like-to-work-with-Elon-Musk
Anonymous(Tesla Employee):&You always need to be making progress. And if you weren't, you needed to escalate or find a solution to the deadlock. It was unacceptable to keep problems to yourself.
- What is it like to work with Elon Musk? http://www.quora.com/What-is-it-like-to-work-with-Elon-Musk
Anonymous(Tesla Employee):&Sometimes we'd get stuck dealing with a vendor or making a decision across departments. He often tell us "Get me on the phone with the CEO of &insert company here&. I don't care what the problem is. We need it resolved now." Or if it was a company decision, he'd just assert the answer and we'd move on.
- What is it like to work with Elon Musk? http://www.quora.com/What-is-it-like-to-work-with-Elon-Musk
&Tesla雇员:有的时候我们在某个供应商或者其他的部门的方面遇到了问题, Elon就是告诉我们&让我跟XXX公司的CEO打电话,我不在意究竟出了什么问题,我只在意我们现在必须解决它。& 如果这是个关乎整个公司的问题,他会直接给出答案然后我们就进行下一个问题的讨论。
Anonymous(Tesla Employee):&When you're in the trenches working on a hard problem, it's natural to convince yourself it can't be done. You start to compromise. Elon had no tolerance for this and rightly so. We'd exceed our goals, because we had to. It was how the company would survive and he reminded us of this if we drifted too far. If market conditions prompted us to change course, we would. If we needed his sign off on a large project or spend, as long as we did our homework, it was logical, and we laid out a plan, he'd be ok discussing. But he'd often send us back to rethink the proposal if it didn't jive. He wasn't afraid to spend money when needed.
- What is it like to work with Elon Musk? http://www.quora.com/What-is-it-like-to-work-with-Elon-Musk
Anonymous(Tesla Employee):&It doesn't matter what the status quo is. Never tell Elon "well, that's how we did it at Ford." He pushed us to always do the right thing for the customer. Making money is important to keep the company running, but it's not the most important thing. He pushed us to make a great product that is uncompromised in solving the needs of our customers, even if it goes against the automotive norm and the critics on Wall Street.
- What is it like to work with Elon Musk? http://www.quora.com/What-is-it-like-to-work-with-Elon-Musk
Tesla雇员: &不论当时是什么状况,绝不要告诉Elon&我们在福特公司就是这么做的&。他总是要求我们去为对顾客有利的事。赚钱对公司运营是非常重要的,但是这不是最重要的。他要求我们只做的能不打折扣满足顾客需求的产品,即使它们与汽车的标准和华尔街的批评家言论背道而驰。
Anonymous(Tesla Employee):&We'd frequently see him looking at a CAD drawing at an engineer's desk. He has all vehicle engineering changes first installed on his Model S or Roadster so he could personally approve it before it goes to customers. His expectations were high. If we couldn't meet them, then he'd rather scrap the work than build a mediocre product. He wasn't afraid to get down in the details.
- What is it like to work with Elon Musk? http://www.quora.com/What-is-it-like-to-work-with-Elon-Musk
Anonymous(Tesla Employee):&Sometimes he'd be in a really good mood. Sometimes not. But for the most part, I found him to be easy to get along with and supportive when progress was being made. And be careful disagreeing with him. He frequently knew more than we expected, so it was risky to tell him he was wrong because he might not be.
- What is it like to work with Elon Musk? http://www.quora.com/What-is-it-like-to-work-with-Elon-Musk
Mike Townsend(Founder ZingCheckout/Flowtab INTJ): Elon never puts up with any technical BS. He focuses extremely highly on the integrity of work and has a very professional but low tolerance for under-performers. I am told that he doesn't care much about personality flaws, as long as you take the initiative, get shit done, and fast. At SpaceX there is an expression: "No matter how hard you work, someone else is working harder"... You can guess who that is. Quoting my friend: "Elon is a serious powerhouse in the building and sets the culture for everyone, which makes it exciting to work there."
- What is it like to work with Elon Musk? http://www.quora.com/What-is-it-like-to-work-with-Elon-Musk
&Mike Townsend(ZingCheckout/Flowtab INTJ创办者):Elon极端强调工作的完整度和专业度,绝不容忍工作欠佳的雇员。我听说他毫不在意什么性格缺陷,只要你主动工作,快速地达成目标。在SpaceX有一句名言:&不论你工作多么努力,总有人比你更加努力。&你可以才到这是谁了。用一句我朋友的话来说:&Elon是那幢建筑里最严肃且精力充沛的人。他的强大气场感染了这个公司里的每一个人,让工作都显得非常激动人心。&
Elon: I think it's a good idea, when creating a company, to create a type of demonstration. If it's a product, to have a good mockup, if it's a software, to have a good demo ware, or be able to sketch something, so people can really envision what it is about. Try to get to that point as soon as possible, and then iterate to make it as real as possible as fast as possible
- An Evening with Elon Musk and Alison van Diggelen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHHwXUm3iIg


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