
竞技场是什么意思 竞技场在线翻译 竞技场什么意思 竞技场的意思 竞技场的翻译 竞技场的解释 竞技场的发音 竞技场的同义词
竞技场 双语例句1. 1. 谢了。公会竞技场是用做仪式战斗、成年献祭、并且作为本地最新奇的摇滚乐队演出会所。&&&&Thank you. Guild arena used for ritual combat, coming-of-age sacrifices, and as mosh pit for local alternative rock bands.2. 911查询·英语单词2. 比赛已从女青年会改到奥克维尔竞技场了,他解释说。&&&&The competition has been switched from the Y to the Oakville Arena, he explained.3. 也可连接Meantime竞技场与全球数千名赛车游戏好手一拼高下!&&&&You can connect to Meantime Arena to compete with other pilots from all around the world.4. PTR中第一季的竞技场装备现在可以用荣誉点数购买,戒指和项链也一样。&&&&Season 1 Gear is now buyable with honor on PTR, rings and amulets too.5. 14,新西兰有世界上最自由的媒体竞技场之一。&&&&New Zealand has one of the most liberal media arenas in the world.6. 竞技场6. 当然你可以说你不喜欢这种竞技场风格,不过想想看,我们让喜爱竞技场的玩家去打战场来获得打竞技场要用的装备不是也一样吗?&&&&It's certainly valid to express one's dislike for the arena playstyle, although is it entirely different than requiring players that love the arenas to play in the battlegrounds to get their boots, belt, bracer, rings, neck, trinkets, and cape?7. 7. 也就是说,在下一个补丁上线维护的时候我们将对当时的赛季天梯系统排名进行最终确认,并按照正常步骤来决定哪些玩家将会获得赛季末的排名奖励,比如,铁甲虚空龙,竞技场称号等。&&&&What this means is, we'll be taking a snapshot of the current season's ladder just before the realms are taken down for patch maintenance, and our normal process will commence to determine who is eligible for the end-of-season rewards.8. 8. 我抓住身边人的手,在这竞技场我站在我的位置上受难和工作,受我本能的指引,我知道这静默的深谷会回响话语之声。&&&&So is there no fact, no event, in our private history, which shall not, sooner or later, lose its adhesive, inert form, and astonish us by soaring from our body into the empyrean.9. 有瑰丽的宙斯庙、赫拉庙,有世界七大珍奇之一的宙斯雕像,以及宏伟的体育竞技场。&&&&The magnificent temple of Zeus, there are seven world, Hera temple of Zeus, exotic and magnificent sports arena.10. 10. 汉堡竞技场建造在旧人民公园球场的原址,汉堡曾在这里参加1982年UEFA联盟杯决赛对阵哥特堡第二回合的比赛。汉堡竞技场于2000首次启用,由德国对阵希腊。它可同时作为足球场和音乐厅使用。&&&&Built on the site of the old Volksparkstadion, where Hamburger SV played the second leg of their 1982 UEFA Cup final against IFK G teborg, the Arena Hamburg was inaugurated in 2000 when Germany played Greece and serves both as a football ground and a concert hall.11. 我是二十二个区段从哪里 Rudolph Valentino 以隆重的仪礼放置,八个区段从哪里内森猛拉被运行,来自欧内斯特海明威打击在鼻子上的最大依斯曼,四里的出版者的办公室的五个区段从哪里沃尔特惠特曼为布鲁克林鹰坐着出汗出社论,当她来了纽约有关内布拉斯加写书的时候,来自街道 Willa Cather 的三十四个区段住在,旧姓的区段从哪里用到在竞技场的董事会上的小丑的 Marceline,来自地点的三十六个区段哪里历史学家乔 Gould 踢了对民众的充足视野的块一个收音机,十三个区段从哪里哈利融解射击史丹福白色的,来自我过去一直在来自克拉伦马车日子年长者在主显节的教堂中被他的罪洗的地点的大都市的歌剧和只有 112个区段引导的地方的五个区段;(我可以不确定继续这一本目录)而且就那件事而论我正在或许占领最房间一些尊贵的和 somewise 值得纪念的个性坐在,他们其中的一些在热又喘不过气来的午后,孤单而私人而充满的他们自己散发感从没有。&&&&&&I am twenty-two blocks from where Rudolph Valentino lay in state, eight blocks from where Nathan Hale was executed, five blocks from the publisher's office where Ernest Hemingway hit Max Eastman on the nose, four miles from where Walt Whitman sat sweating out editorials for the Brooklyn Eagle, thirty-four blocks from the street Willa Cather lived in when she came to New York to write books about Nebraska, ne block from where Marceline used to clown on the boards of the Hippodrome, thirty-six blocks from the spot where the historian Joe Gould kicked a radio to pieces in full view of the public, thirteen blocks from where Harry Thaw shot Stanford White, five blocks from where I used to usher at the Metropolitan Opera and only 112 blocks from the spot where Clarence Day the elder was washed of his sins in the Church of the Epiphany(I could continue this list indefinitelyand for that matter I am probably occupying the very room that any number of exalted and somewise memorable characters sat in, some of them on hot, breathless afternoons, lonely and private and full of their own sense of emanations from without.12. 12. 二十二个街区远的地方,鲁道夫·瓦伦蒂诺在安眠;八个街区远的地方,内森·黑尔被绞死;五个街区远的地方,是出版人办公室,欧内斯特·海明威在那里挥拳击中了马克斯·伊斯门的鼻子;四英里远的地方,沃尔特。惠特曼曾挥汗如雨为《布鲁克林之鹰》写社论;三十四个街区以外,是威拉。卡瑟初到纽约的旧居,她当时正准备写作有关内布拉斯加州的著作;一个街区远的街道,马士莱在竞技场舞台上扮演过小丑;三十六个街区以外,历史学家乔。古尔德在众目睽睽之下踢碎了一台收音机;十三个街区以外,哈里。肖拔枪射击斯坦福。怀特;五个街区以外,是我过去做带位员的大都市剧场;而距离老克拉伦斯。戴举行葬礼的主显节教堂,仅有一百一十二个街区(我不确定还能再想起点儿什么)。就此而言,我正置身其中的房间,或许曾经呆过一些高贵而令人难忘的大人物,他们中一些人,在闷热的下午,坐在这里,孤独而隐秘,发散出异于外界的特有气息。&&&&&&I am twenty-two blocks from where Rudolph Valentino lay in state, eight blocks from where Nathan Hale was executed, five blocks from the publisher's office where Ernest Hemingway hit Max Eastman on the nose, four miles from where Walt Whitman sat sweating out editorials for the Brooklyn Eagle, thirty-four blocks from the street Willa Cather lived in when she came to New York to write books about Nebraska, one block from where Marceline used to clown on the boards of the Hippodrome, thirty-six blocks from the spot where the historian Joe Gould kicked a radio to pieces in full view of the public, thirteen blocks from where Harry Thaw shot Stanford White, five blocks from where I used to usher at the Metropolitan Opera and only 112 blocks from the spot where Clarence Day the elder was washed of his sins in the Church of the Epiphany (I could continue this list indefinitely and for that matter I am probably occupying the very room that any number of exalted and somewise memorable characters sat in, some of them on hot, breathless afternoons, lonely and private and full of their own sense of emanations from without..13. 此外,我们还在3.3.2的环境下进行了大量的竞技场内部测试。&&&&&&In addition, we did a great deal of internal 3.3.2 Arena testing under these conditions.14. 在竞技场中常常有很多奇怪的名词和缩写困惑著玩家们,这篇文章会告诉你,这些玩家们到底在说些什麼。&&&&&&The terms and acronyms that arena players can see very odd at times, but this guide should give you an idea of just what players are talking about.15. 第四天/托泽尔-伊尔杰姆斗兽场-苏斯-突尼斯:今天上午,您前往萨尔瓦多正义与平等运动,在古罗马时期著名的Thysdrus ,并指出其竞技场,这是类似体育馆的结构,保存完好,大约有一半的结构站在全面的高度。&&&&&&Day 04/ Tozeur - El Jem-Sousse-Tunis: This morning you depart to El Jem, known in Roman times as Thysdrus and noted for its amphitheater, which is similar to the coliseum of Rome. The structure is remarkably well preserved with roughly half the structure standing at full height. Steps can be followed to the top.16. 911查询·英语单词16. 如果你认为竞技场的弓箭手和骑兵很傻的话,这个选项很有用。&&&&&&Useful if you think tournament archery and/or horses is/are stupid.17. 17. 当所有人坐在看台上,国王也在竞技场一侧高高的御席上就座后,他会发出信号。&&&&&&When all the people had gathered in the galleries and the king was seated on his throne high up on one side of the arena, he would give a signal.18. 当所有人坐在看台上,国王也在竞技场一侧高高的御席上就座后,他会发出信号。&&&&&&When all the people had gathered in the galleries and the king was seated on his throne high up one side of the arena, he would give a signa l.19. 对于发展中国家来说,为公司和企业家的兴旺发达创造公正的环境,并使他们参与到平坦世界的公平竞技场,Friedman 建议要准确理解四项基本事情:i 将人们联结起来的基础设施; ii 使人们能够创新与合作的教育; iii 管理方式;以及 iv 保护环境。&&&&&&For developing countries to create the right environment for companies and entrepreneurs to thrive and participate in the level playing field of the flat world, Friedman recommends getting four basic things right: i infrastructu ii education to enable innovati and iv preserving the environment.20. 我们很喜欢这种新的竞技场排队机制,并且认为它工作的和预期的一样好。&&&&&&We like the way that matchmaking works in the new system and feel that it is working as expected.竞技场是什么意思,竞技场在线翻译,竞技场什么意思,竞技场的意思,竞技场的翻译,竞技场的解释,竞技场的发音,竞技场的同义词,竞技场的反义词,竞技场的例句,竞技场的相关词组,竞技场意思是什么,竞技场怎么翻译,单词竞技场是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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