
  题目:The best way for the government to solve traffic congestion is to provide free public transport 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Do you agree or disagree?
  When it comes to the issue about how to tackle traffic congestions, some people may argue that the best solution is to offer citizens free public transport all the time, but personally speaking, I cannot approve of this opinion.
  Admittedly, free transportation could function to reduce traffic congestions because people would decrease the use of private cars. With the purpose of saving money, more passengers prefer to choose public transport rather than drive their own cars. Then, even during the commuting time, the number of private cars may drop significantly, and there will be less traffic congestion. Nevertheless, there exist more drawbacks than benefits acquired from free transportation.
  To begin with, the government may face more economic burdens if public transportation is free. The government has the responsibility of optimizing resources it has to improve the life quality of its citizens. Providing that the government allocates too much money to public traffic, other parts of services, such as pension for the elderly and the disabled, may not be well supported. Thus, in order to balance the use of funding of the government, public transport should not be free.
  Furthermore, providing free public transport all the time could lead to a waste of resources. It is commonly acknowledged that traffic congestions usually occur during the commuting time and it may be a more efficient method to provide zero-fare transport in some specific periods, such as between 7 am to 8 am in the morning. Apart from the commuting time, free public transport does not make sense because there is no congestion at all.
  In sum, providing free public transport all the time may not be the best method to tackle traffic congestions, considering that there is no need to provide free transport when there is no congestion and the government may face financial deficit as well.
  Most of us must have experienced the anger, frustration and even despair when we got stuck in the long unmovable procession of vehicles. Actually, the government has tried numerous ways to bring down the traffic, but mostly in vain. Recently, it is proposed that 24/7 free public transport be provided to solve the traffic congestion. While I think this proposal may be helpful, it is far from the best solution.
  Undoubtedly, with the introduction of free public transport, some people may choose to drive less of their own cars, and this will be helpful to ease the traffic, though I doubt the extent to which this can help the traffic. When public transport goes free, many people who otherwise would stay at home may choose to go out by taking the free transport. This will greatly offset the benefits brought by the reduced number of private cars on road and may even paralyze the public transport system, especially during the rush hours. Beijing, for instance, found itself in great traffic trouble when the city announced to provide free metro service for its citizens during the Asian Games in 1990. Then in 2008 when Beijing was hosting the Olympic Games, the city never made the similar attempt.
  Therefore, to combat the traffic problem, providing free public transport alone is not enough. Instead, we should assemble efforts from various sides such the government, the drivers as well as the pedestrians. On the part of the government, rather than providing funds for the free public transport, it should make more investments on the construction of roads, and introduce stricter traffic laws, rules and regulations. And, if the drivers and pedestrians were more careful in abiding by the traffic rules, the traffic problem could also be effectively alleviated.
  An effective way for the government to ease traffic congestion is to encourage the public to take more public transport, but I do question the feasibility of offering it free 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
  Theoretically, providing 24 / 7 free public transport could produce some desirable outcomes. More people would choose to take the subway or the bus and there might be less dependence on private vehicles. Also, it could make it especially easier to those financially disadvantaged people. However, the validity of the policy need to be challenged.
  Most countries are operating public transport system as a public service with governmental subsidy, and therefore free public transport would be financially impossible. Besides, the efficiency of the system could suffer in early mornings and at late nights for very few people would actually use public transport, which is a great waste of public funds.
  To solve traffic gridlock, reasonable support for the public transport system is needed. But instead of making it 24 / 7 free of charge, the availability of convenient and reliable transport options could be promoted and people need to be able to afford them. In addition,certain restrictions should be put on unnecessary car use,for instance short journeys within already congested areas.More importantly, the government need to implement reasonable city road plan, because a big proportion of traffic jams are caused by inappropriate road construction.
  To conclude 24 / 7 free public transport is far from a valid solution to resolve traffic congestion in the long run, thus other alternative strategies need to be considered.【2017年关于交通的雅思作文范文】相关文章:1.交通类雅思词汇2.雅思词汇:交通规则3.雅思关于家庭的词汇4.常用交通工具雅思英语词汇5.雅思关于庆祝场景的词汇6.雅思写作范文解析7.关于雅思听力的评分标准8.关于雅思口语的评分标准9.关于雅思评分标准
阿里很美阿里地区(藏语拼音:Ngari Sanai,威利:mnga' ris sa gnas),是中华人民共和国西藏自治区的一个地级行政区。位于青藏高原北部——羌塘高原核心地带,是中国西藏自治区的一个地区级行政区划,世界上人口密度最小的地区之一,拥有独特的高原自然风貌。没来过阿里的人,对它都有无限的向往与憧憬。那里是西藏之西,那里是神之秘境。那里有西藏“第一神山”——冈仁波齐;那里有“圣湖”——羊卓雍措;那里有“世界屋脊”——珠峰等等。一路上有柏油路也有土路,颠簸、日照、高反这些不可避免。但身边的风景又让你觉得这一切都是值得的!可谓是眼睛在天堂,身体在地狱。让我印象最深刻的是来到珠峰大本营的那刻。远远的望去,遮住山峰的云随风散去,露出珠峰山峰时,心里的感动不言而喻。庆幸自己的好运,感叹自然力量。阿里的无人区没有信号,没有打扰,没有烦恼就像与世隔绝。有的是蓝天白云和草原,荒原和雪山,绝美的自然风景,这种感觉真的很棒!穿越阿里你还可以偶遇野生精灵,藏羚羊、黄羊、野驴、狐野兔、野狼、甚至雪豹,这些动物在其他地方你可能永远遇不到的。我经常能遇见藏羚羊成群结队,悠闲自得。美丽与危险并存的阿里“死人沟”阿里无人区人迹罕至,这里一片荒芜,高海拔,强烈的紫外线照射下,在稀薄的空气里似乎只适合某种生物生存,它时刻充满危险,充满挑战。恶劣的生存环境1、高海拔(海拔5000米左右)导致人的身体出现一些列反应,头晕、呕吐,面部浮肿等,严重时人会无法走动、反应迟钝。我在那里出现了面部浮肿,早起头晕,以及夜晚噩梦连连,睡眠质量极差。肿胀的脸2、昼夜温差大,中午炎热,夜晚寒冷,初来者身体或多或少会吃不消。感冒发烧极有可能。3、风大,因为高海拔,荒漠地带。丝毫没有树木遮挡,导致风十分大。骑摩托时,我一直谨慎再谨慎,防止翻车。4、野生动物袭击的危险,这里有野狼等危险的野生动物,夜晚我在帐篷里,可以清楚的听见狼嚎。如果不是人多,准备妥当的情况下,一定不能在夜晚露宿。尽管如此,也无法阻挡具有冒险精神的人过来一探究竟。听过无人区的人,也都听过“死人沟”。“死人沟”的恐怖之名据说开始于50年代的中印战争。一场暴风雪后,一弹未发,全数冻死了埋伏在沟壕里的整个军团,一个都没有留下。人们传说那些年轻的士兵们的亡灵仍困在那里。从那以后,无论动乱或和平直至现在,“死人沟”一带稳固增加着途径这里突然死亡的人数,过路者意外猝死,机车失事,犯罪事件,持续的充实他的恐怖的名声。据说当地政府觉得这个地名是在不雅想要改个名字,但是无论改什么,人们都还是叫它“死人沟”。死人沟在“死人沟”,路过附近部队哨卡,与哨卡士兵攀谈,闲聊中听到一个令人惋惜的“往事”。几年前有两个年轻姑娘徒步到阿里无人区,路过“死人沟”,或许因为没有搭到车,只能在此过夜。她们夜晚找了一个用于军事防御的地沟,搭了帐篷过夜,夜晚被野狼袭击,两人被活活咬死,过了好久被士兵发现两具支离破碎的尸体。进入阿里大北线无人区后是没有信号的,地广人稀,没有经验的单独旅行是存在很大风险的。大自然的残酷,不会因为你的无畏就去护佑你。 不推荐穷游,不怂恿“说走就走”的旅行。对于凡人的我们,还是准备妥当,认知自己的能力才好。一起安营扎寨的驴友夜晚我和同在此地的驴友在帐篷里度过,想想那两个姑娘的故事,心里很不是滋味。但自然就是这样,无论你的心情如何,也不阻碍它自己散发着美丽。这里接近昆仑之巅,海拔约5000米,景色异常的瑰丽开阔。在露天的高处,风很大,没有遮挡物,唯一的掩体是黑夜。遥望夜空,浩瀚、明亮、辉煌,干净的可以看到遥远的银河。(因为设备条件有限,美丽的银河拍不下来)来自网络一些小建议1、关于季节阿里地区由于海拔较高,气候寒冷,每年5到9月是去阿里的最好时期。9月以后,阿里地区会出现降雪。我觉得6月和9月是最好的两个月,因为这两个月一个在雨季前一个在雨季后。2、关于装备去阿里,保暖服是必备品,因为海拔高,气温低,早晚温差大。另外防水的冲锋衣和鞋子也是必备的。另外准备一些常用药品,建议大家出发前准备一些感冒药、肠胃药等日常药品,因为阿里的医疗条件欠佳。3、关于食物阿里地区的饮食和西藏其他地区一样,以藏餐为主。但由于阿里地处偏僻,物资匮乏。 用餐就自然很贵了。一碗面条的价格在30元左右,方便面10元。预备至少应付3-4个餐的干粮和饮水以备不时之需,建议带些高热量的事物,我带的是火腿肠和牦牛干(真的很硬)。4、关于住宿阿里地区所有县城较好的酒店都能到达三星至四星的标准,途中小镇上要么没有住宿条件,要么就是多人间客栈。没有经验的人请不要随意在无人区安营扎寨!5、关于路况阿里地处西藏西部,主要交通干线有新藏公路、国狮公路、安狮公路、拉普公路,与柏油路、搓板路、土路为主,路况也随天气的原因,情况不定。6、关于交通工具如果去往阿里北线,阿里无人区,相对偏远的地区,有柏油路也有土路。如果不熟悉路线的,最好选择包/拼车,由当地熟悉高原路线的司机开车更安全。如果是有经验的人,也最好结伴而行,相互照应。一定保证车辆油耗充足!7、关于证件带上身份证与边境证(详细看上篇文章,这里不再多说)去阿里,尤其要去阿里无人区的,一定做好准备!!!不要坚信无知者无畏,那样真的很愚蠢,再美的风景不值得用生命做赌注!途中拍摄


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