
气泡水机的使用很简单,接一水壶能直接饮用的水,拧到接口上,然后打气就行了。但是市面上的“苏打水”或者说“气泡水”喝下去的口感和味道,还是相对比较“中正平和”的,不是特别难喝。有次在沃尔玛,买过两瓶芙丝的,记忆里是有一点酸酸的,气泡量也挺足。主要是那个玻璃瓶子我觉得挺好看的……自制的“气泡水”,采用的是直接将高压二氧化碳压入水中,不是采用小苏打化学反应释放二氧化碳的方法,因此不会有额外的Na离子进入水中。而味道上,由于每家每户的饮用水来源不同(桶装水、自来水烧开、自来水过滤水(超滤水)、电解水等),会使得水质千差万别。再加入高压二氧化碳,其口味会变得更加的……丰富多彩……一言难尽……我用气泡水机第一次是用的桶装矿泉水,结果做出来的气泡水……口感极其恐怖,超苦,夹杂着气泡,喝一口简直要升天……后来查资料发现原来是水质不同会影响到水的口感,矿物质多会导致偏苦,接近纯水会导致偏酸……然后我家里正好有条件,拿松下过滤的末端直饮水又做了一瓶子,口感真的是偏酸……相对来说算是可以入口了,但是依然不是特别好喝……最好的还是考虑搞添加剂,我买了瓶“新的”(品牌名)浓缩果汁冲兑一下,搞成橙汁饮料,原来略酸的口感也变成了酸甜中带点涩涩的口感,还是很不错的,而且浓淡还能自己掌握。至于气泡水机,尽管我自己买的是米家的Waterbox,但是我更建议这一款 4度 的气泡水机。体积小巧,水瓶也小巧。整体可以放在桌上,也可以携带使用。杯子小了意味着里面的气泡水会很快喝完,不会有“跑气”的情况发生(2L的可乐喝到后面没气了都是糖浆味儿的事儿大家都经历过吧?)。另外这机器支持给果汁等多种液体打气,不像我买的那个小米,只能打水,使用起来又方便了很多,也可以更好地保留气泡量。最后,详细的气泡水机使用测试与高性价比机器推荐,可以看这里:
什么是气泡水机?气泡水机,顾名思义即为用于制作气泡水的机器,隶属于家电产业。在欧美等发达国家早已普遍使用,中国仅台湾地区盛行,在中国大陆较为少见,近两年以健康环保产品形象兴起。气泡水其实还分为天然气泡水和人工气泡水。天然气泡水就是含气的天然矿泉水,产地有局限性,所以售价相对也比较高,比如市面上常见的巴黎水,圣培露等等。人工气泡水就是人工往纯净水中加入气体,让水体呈现出气泡水的口感,其中又分为两个流派,一种是水+二氧化碳派,往水中冲压入大量的二氧化碳气体,让普通纯净水变身为口感爽洌的气泡水,比如泰国的象牌和胜狮。另一种则是水+碳酸氢钠+二氧化碳,碳酸氢钠也就是我们俗称的小苏打(下面讲区别)。关于气泡水几个容易混淆的概念No.1 气泡水(H2CO3)和苏打水(NAHCO3)区隔:苏打水是用小苏打粉泡制而成,小苏打粉的主要成分是碳酸氢钠,溶入水后释放二氧化碳气体,此时的水溶液就叫苏打水;而气泡水则是直接通过气泡水机往水里压入食用级二氧化碳气体所形成的水溶液。苏打水含有较多的钠,而气泡水纯净。No. 2 气泡饮品和碳酸饮料区隔:因为气泡水中富含二氧化碳气体,因此也有叫碳酸水的,气泡水中的成分是二氧化碳和水;而碳酸饮料中除了二氧化碳和水,还含有糖分,磷酸,色素,防腐剂,咖啡因,香精和其他人工添加剂,而气泡水无任何添加成分。有哪些原料可以做气泡水?第一:水果黄瓜一根,新鲜迷迭香一支(可选),自制气泡水一瓶。第二:龙眼若干颗,1/4柠檬,装饰用薄荷,自制气泡水,蓝蝴蝶(蝶豆花)花水,冰块第三-半个柠檬(切一片下来作为装饰),一个小青柠,一瓶养乐多,一个百香果,自制气泡水,冰块,新鲜迷迭香【总结】只要您喜欢美食,再加上气泡水机,您就可以制作出世界上最神奇的快乐水#我的无糖快乐水#What is a bubble water machine? Bubble water machine, as its name implies, is a machine for making bubble water, which belongs to the household appliance industry. It has been widely used in developed countries such as Europe and America for a long time. China is popular only in Taiwan Province, but it is relatively rare in Chinese mainland. In recent years, it has emerged as a healthy and environmentally friendly product. Bubble water is actually divided into natural gas bubble water and artificial bubble water. Natural gas soaking It is natural mineral water with gas, and its origin is limited, so its price is relatively high, such as Paris water, Saint-Pei Lu and so on. Artificial bubble water It is to artificially add gas to pure water, so that the water body presents the taste of bubble water, which is divided into two schools. One is water+carbon dioxide pie, which punches a lot of carbon dioxide gas into water, turning ordinary pure water into bubble water with a refreshing taste, such as elephant brand and lion-winning in Thailand. The other is water+sodium bicarbonate+carbon dioxide. Sodium bicarbonate is also commonly known as baking soda (the difference is discussed below). Several easily confused concepts about bubble water No.1 bubble water (H2CO3) and soda water (NAHCO3) are separated: Soda water is made from baking soda powder. The main component of baking soda powder is sodium bicarbonate, which releases carbon dioxide gas when dissolved in water, and the aqueous solution at this time is Call soda water; Bubble water is an aqueous solution formed by directly pressing food-grade carbon dioxide gas into the water through a bubble water machine. Soda water contains more sodium, while sparkling water is pure. No.2 bubble drinks and carbonated drinks are separated: Because bubble water is rich in carbon dioxide gas, there is also a carbonated water, whose components are carbon dioxide and water; Besides carbon dioxide and water, carbonated drinks also contain sugar, phosphoric acid, pigments, preservatives, caffeine, essence and other artificial additives, while sparkling water has no added ingredients. What raw materials can be used to make bubble water? First: a fruit cucumber, a fresh rosemary (optional) and a bottle of self-made sparkling water.Second: some longan, 1/4 lemon, mint for decoration, homemade bubble water, blue butterfly flower water and ice cubes.Third-half a lemon (cut a slice for decoration), a small green lemon, a bottle of Yakult, a passion fruit, homemade sparkling water, ice cubes and fresh rosemary.[Summary] As long as you like delicious food and add bubble water machine, you can make the world's most magical happy water # My sugar-free happy water #


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