勤 哲Excel服务器软件可以用于无代码搭建BS快速开发系统吗?

摘 要
目前市场上大多数的报表管理系统基于C/S架构,数据库连接源单一,不可跨平台同时连接多个数据库,这大大降低了报表系统的灵活性。基于B/S的企业报表管理系统的设计是为了减轻客户端的负担,减少系统的维护量。系统主要使用Java EE、Oracle 11g技术,搭载Tomcat 5.5 服务器,在Eclipse Kepler开发环境中实现。设计采用MVC框架,具有良好的可重用性。在报表设计上,集成Jasper report报表生成引擎,将报表模板设计与报表数据填充相分离,大大增强了报表的灵活性。报表管理系统分为三大模块:基础信息、交易记录和生成报表。
关键词:报表管理系统;B/S架构;MVC模式; Jasper Report;
Enterprise Proposal Report Management System Based On B/S
With the development of computer applications, information technology plays an increasingly important role in enterprises. To be in an invincible position in the fierce business competition in the modern society, the enterprise must continue to strengthen internal management and information construction. Report is a main form to show transaction data for enterprise managers to provide a basis for decision. Therefore, report management systems are becoming the center of business management.
Currently on the market, most of the report management systems are based on C/S (Client-Server model), connected limited database source and could not connected with different databases in several cross platform, which hardly meet the needs of users. The design for Enterprise Proposal Report Management System based on B/S is to reduce the burden on clients and the amount of maintenance on servers. This system mainly uses Java EE, Oracle 11g technology. Run on Tomcat 5.5 server , it is developed in Eclipse Kepler development environment. For the report part, report generation engine Jasper Report is integrated, separating the report template design and report data filling phase, greatly enhancing the flexibility. Report management system is divided into three modules: basic information, transaction records and generate reports.
This thesis is in accordance with the idea of software engineering. It contains requi


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