
By Ed Frawley艾迪 弗劳雷很多人,包括有经验的训练师,都误解了统治欲强的狗有很多人对如何处理统治欲强的狗给了不好的信息(危险的信息)。一些人对于如何处理统治欲强的狗给不出线索。另一些人感觉到强迫才是唯一的处理手段时,尝试用息止手段(又称为抱树手段)。把应用阿尔法翻滚狗想成是共同的手段,就是这样认为的。在大多数情况下,这也是错误的手段。另外,许多人认为,我们关心的仅仅是大型狗而不是小狗,这也是错误的。大狗送你到医院,小狗送你的孩子到医院。对于所有狗的任何一种统治行为,如果不被剔除到最小化,都需要调教,过去40年里,我拥有很多极端统治欲的公狗。这些狗强迫我研究统治欲。我现在看待统治欲和我20年前做所的是不同的方式。我已经学到了的用心去控制狗所处的容易引发统治欲的环境。没有一个人喜欢被咬。我看到我的很多朋友手臂上的疤痕想到自己很幸运。我从没有被严重的咬过,然而我已经处理过一些非常统治欲攻击的狗。包括我记不清数量的警犬。当我问朋友关于那些疤痕,我永远得到的同样一个回答:“我处理狗犯时了个错误”。被狗咬归结于在特定的情形下,我们如何处理狗所做错的。最大的错误是,新狗主人未能相信他们的家庭宠物是一个群居动物。事实最多的是狗主人对这个意思甚至没有一点概念,缺乏理解在他们的家庭里,狗有着多么强的群居动力。发生这样的困境是缺乏理解这个非常重要的问题。最好的途径是开始学习狼的群居行为。寻找已经在狼群研究所得出的东西。一个狼群永远有一对统治的狼。狼不用每天和团队成员打斗来维持他们的统治。他们用微妙的手段来做到。身体姿势和态度扮演了位置头领地位的重要因子。Dog on Furniture causes dominance.狗在家具上引起统治欲在群居结构里的排位问题排位在一个族群家庭里是一个最大的事情。较低排位的团队成员不能为了食物挑战团队首领,或者为了要睡到较低成员的正在谁的地方而向较高地位的狗主动攻击。团队首领第一个吃,他们得到较好的睡的地方。这可以解释为:如果当你接近狗的食盆时,你的狗对你吼叫,或者当你去他的正在睡的床对你吼叫-或者当你拿走他的玩具对你吼叫,狗不觉得你的地位比他更高。当在家里的狗对你妻子或者孩子吼叫,他把自己看成比家庭成员更高地位了。这些发生地时候就是问题正在酝酿了。统治什么时候开始?比8个月更幼的年纪就展现和统治相关的攻击信号是极端少见的情况。事实上绝大多数严重的统治问题在知道进入成年期不表现的。这情况发生在15-36个月之间。最普遍的年纪是18个月左右。因为一只狗进入成熟期,他的本能告诉他需要一个在群体里的排位。作为较年幼的他愿意作为一个跟随者,但是如果他成长起来而没有受到合适的训练,或者缺乏训练(这个事经常发生地),或者如果他被允许表现排位行为(例如卧在穿上或者沙发上等等)动力变成接受一个较高的群体成员。行为和经常用用攻击威胁其他群体成员的动力相关。狗使自己处在咆哮,露牙,掐咬,甚至咬一个他认为比他低级的人的困境里。人们常常错误的混淆捕猎动力和统治欲。这是两个完全不相关和不同的事情。当幼犬嚼你的手和你的裤脚(虽然他们也嚎叫),他是表现的捕猎动力。幼犬用嘴和他们的同窝兄弟姐妹们玩耍。当他们进入人类家庭的时候,他们不正确地期待你和你的新的人类族群成员玩。教幼犬礼貌是主人的工作。这文章不是关于捕猎动力的。但我必须说,我不能计算大量的邮件,来自那些错误的认为他们有一个统治性的幼犬的人们。其实他们有一个非常好的有着很高捕猎动力的幼犬。服从训练仅仅是控制统治型的狗的第一步简单地教你的狗合意于你作为一个更高级的群体成员,是一个漫长的道路。考虑到如此情形。狼群的阿尔法成员永远不从地位低的群体成员接受命令。排位是一个如此重要的事情-跟随另一个较高成员的命令。贫乏的服从训练是引起统治行为的一部分当你思考关于排位和群体行为的时,在对正在成熟的狗,无效的服从训练引起统治问题就容易理解了。正确的方法做服从训练的三个阶段学习阶段纠正阶段干扰阶段(强化学习)1-学习阶段是狗被教会一些通过继发性的方法学到的命令的意思。这意味着,我们让狗做我们想要做的,通过给与食物和玩具作为奖励做不同的练习。2-纠正阶段,我们教狗在他们学些阶段学到的命令,但是不跟从时要纠正。我们知道狗知道我们告诉他要去做的,而他拒绝做。如果狗不知道的命令要他跟从是不公平的。3-干扰阶段是我们教狗在所有时间留心—不管什么事在他周围发生。我们做训练对于学习阶段是在狗所有熟悉的地方(比如你的厨房或者后院)在干扰阶段,我们增加干扰水平,如狗可能在的一些环境的(在群体里,或者在其他狗的面前)很多服从训练班教主人在“学习阶段”做了得体的工作,但是他们的确在纠正阶段和干扰阶段失误了。训练班集中在响片训练和集中在主人使用“马笼头”,或者指导者反对身体纠正也是一个例子。许多宠物训练班落入这个类型—他们想要安抚抱树者和善待动物组织的恐怖分子。如果狗在这三项没有稳固的基础,狗将不能在所有时间都留心。面对高水平的干扰他们将忽略命令。仅仅把狗送到幼犬训练班的人也将错过纠正训练。仅仅纠正狗不“来”。他们如果他们不来,叫他装死狗。直到6-8个月龄大之前,幼犬不能做严肃的纠正。当你的狗不能注意时当阿尔法狼发布一个命令—群体成员听而且留神,或者他们不能生存。当狗选择不留心他们的主人,那他们实际是不尊敬给他们命令的人。狗不跟从命令,是认为他们和家庭群体的地位相等或者更高。狗具有相当的洞察力。你期望他留心,而你的妻子和其他家庭成员不是一致的时,他们不能获取你想要的。一旦狗断定只在一定得情形下留心,他就开始认为只当他想要的时候这样做。这相当于授权狗和提升他的群体动力。他们开始认为他们能忽略他们选择的命令。一些狗(感谢上帝不是全部)当他们建立起挑战群体更高排位的信心时这样进入挑战他的主人或者家庭成员。狗开始露出他们的牙齿,对主人嚎叫,掐咬手试着把玩具拿走等等。如果在年轻的阶段经过纠正和干扰训练,这种情况永不会演化,因为狗已经学会在一个合适的的角度区清晰地看待作为群体首领的主人。这个原因就是,许多狗似乎看起来和家庭成员生活得很开心,而到了12-18个月突然变成恶犬惊魂。这个时候由于荷尔蒙分泌和强烈的群体配位动力,接替了因为而由于缺乏合适的服从训练造成的。你等待服从训练太长的时间吗?当主人等到狗成熟才做训练时,很多狗在这个时候回想,“为什么我要留意这个人?我比他强壮,我不必按他说的做。”太晚训练狗或者无效的训练,主人创造了一个情况,他们必须使用极端的强制或者和打狗,证明自己更强。这个将在后面详细的讲。控制狗的生活得每个方面帮助控制统治欲这篇文章的剩下部分打算提供一些思想,就是如何控制狗的生活得不同的方面。绝大多数的狗需要服从训练来控制他们的统治欲,另一些狗需要有额外的工作来建立训练师的首领地位。主人经常不经意的允许一些事情发生,帮助发展了狗的统治行为。了解一些微妙的统治行为,帮助人们学习如何建立自己的群体领导地位。下面是一些统治行为的变现· 和主人睡在一个床上· 推你来抚摸她· 在出差回来不允许丈夫进入卧室· 在玩具附近嚎叫· 用攻击性的变现不允许你拿走玩具· 总是想先走过门· 总是先下楼· 对狗极度的显示攻击性· 当你让他“DOWN躺下”他抵抗躺下· 对一定的家庭朋友或者其他人表现出攻击性你的卧室和你的床控制统治欲是从家里开始的。第一件事就是,我们需要控制狗在睡,吃,玩的各个方面。统治欲型的狗永远不能睡到你的卧室。最好的睡觉地方永远是群体首领的-你的。让你的狗睡在狗笼里而不是卧室。当然,如果你的狗住在犬舍的话,不用这样了。当人们带一只8周打的小狗回家时,在家里卧室里放进狗笼一周,如此让小狗适应新家没有任何错误。入笼训练后可以吧狗笼移出卧室。我不允许狗睡在卧室,知道100%确信够的确知道我是领导,而我永不允许狗上床。你的玩具在幼犬成长的过程中,不能允许他占有玩具。你的态度需要说明,是你的玩具,和是你允许幼犬玩你的玩具。作为一个你的宠物主人不能和幼犬玩拔河游戏,拔河游戏是保护训练的一个不可分割的部分,但不是在饲养幼犬时做。玩拔河狗产生一个统治欲问题。当主人让狗赢的话,等于给狗授权。.在小狗显示攻击行为时,有很多方法可以把玩具拿走。Dominant Dog Collar统治欲型狗的脖带 我们过度刺激小狗,引起过度兴奋问题。这是指导者的问题而不是狗的问题。如果小狗咬,我们不能打,而是提起他们,绳子在颊骨下面,同时盯他的眼睛,直到他冷静和顺服。如果狗较大担心被咬的话,拉牵引带纠正狗,使他从玩具离开。如果狗嚎叫,要用坚定地,深沉的声音责骂狗。一旦狗掉落了玩具,牵犬者要在他弯下身去玩具前领狗离开。除非狗的统治欲已受到控制,否则永远不能再一次给狗玩具。牵引者控制狗的一切,狗需要学习这个。这个场景的要素是:我决定玩具你玩和玩多长时间。当用牵引绳纠正狗,如果狗不放下玩具时,牵引者感觉自己的能力不能安全的从狗嘴里取出玩具时。可能有以下三个选择。· Ignore the situation, only pick a fight that you can win. When the dog finally releases the toy, pick it up and put it away for good. He doesn*t play with it anymore.· Trade the dog for a piece of food. When he drops the toy put it away and set up a training session where you are in a better position to correct the dog for not releasing the toy. (possibly having a muzzle and prong collar on to make sure you will not get bit)· To win the toy war with a strong mature dog takes planning. If it*s done wrong you will be bit. First put 2 collars on the dog. A Leerburg Dominant Dog Collar is the best to first put on the dog. (Click here or see photo below) The second collar can be a normal collar. Attach a leash to a post or a tree or solid object in your home (i,e, around a door knob and then close the door on the leash so the long end of the leash in a different room than where the line is over the knob.)When the dog has the toy in his mouth, put him on leash and take him to the location of the second leash that is attached to the post. Clip the second leash to the dominant dog collar on the dog. So the dog now has two leashes on, each attached to a different collar.Now tell the dog to drop the toy and back up and stretch the dog between the post and you. Put enough pressure on him that he spits the toy out. As soon as the dog spits the toy out verbally praise him. If you can approach without getting bit, do so and calmly praise the dog. If he tries to pick up the toy when you approach, don*t get mad and scream. Just calmly say NO DROP IT and back away as you tighten the leash again. This process should not be a wild and hectic operation. Keep your cool and remain calm. By remaining calm you greatly increase your image in the dog*s eyes - he sees that you can choke him until he passes out without getting mad. This procedure does not hurt the dog. There is no real pain, it just takes the air away from him and he submits. If the owner makes a fight out of it and gets crazy and screams it defeats the purpose of what you are doing. Continue to choke the dog as long as he goes after the toy when you approach. If you don*t feel comfortable picking the toy up, then kick it out of his reach. This is one way that you only pick a fight that you can win.This two leash process is only necessary with big dogs. Little dogs still need the dominant dog collar but they are simply picked up off the ground and hung until they drop their toy or stop acting aggressive. Some handlers are simply too soft in temperament and they will not do this. My position is that when the option is to solve the problem before the dog bites someone - or to do this rather than put the dog to sleep - well it*s a simple decision for me. I would rather deal with handler aggression with our dominant dog collar a few times than by taking the dog to the vet and killing it. In most (not all) cases the problems have been caused by the owners not doing their job properly. So here is part of the fix on tough hard dogs (toughness and hardness are not a size issue - small dogs can be very hard dogs).训练统治欲强的狗需要有品质的训练设备One point here. Make darn sure you use good equipment when you do this. Make sure your leash is a quality leash like you see the photo below. You would not want your leash to break when you are in the middle of a problem with a handler aggressive adult dog.Leerburg Amish Leather Training LeashIf you have no plans to protection train your dog it is not a good idea to play tug games with puppies. This builds the dog’s drive towards being possessive of his toys.If you do plan on doing sport work (Schutzhund work) or have plans to make your pup a personal protection dog or police service dog you are going to want to play a lot of tug games with the pup. We want to build its drive towards the tug and eventually the bite sleeve or body bite suit. What needs to happen at an early age is to develop a relationship with the dog that after allowing him to win the game of tug a few times, the handler can take the tug away from his dog. I have found that giving the pup a piece of food after taking the tug away is a way of rewarding the dog for releasing the tug. This also is the beginning of teaching the dog to “OUT.”This photo is an example of exactly how NOT TO KEEP YOUR DOGS. One of the biggest mistakes dog owners make is to allow dogs on furniture or beds. This causes dog fights and increases the potential for dominance problems. In this case the small dog on the back of the couch was almost killed by the other dogs.晚饭时间家里吃饭时,永远不要允许狗待在厨房或者餐厅。Aggressiveness Around the Food BowlBeing aggressive around the food bowl is a common problem with some dogs. There are two issues about food aggression:· Preventing food aggression in young dogs· Control of the aggressionI look at the food issue differently than many people. A lot of trainers will tell you to practice taking your puppy*s food away at a young age. I prefer to look at it in a different light. I don*t want my dog to be aggressive around his food bowl. I am not sure that this translates into &me taking his food away.&In fact I think that many people make mistakes by taking their dog*s food way too much. Why not look at it from the dog*s point of view:You are starving and your mother gives you a plate of mashed potatoes and turkey. As you are eating your father reaches over and takes your food away for NO APPARENT reason. You never said anything wrong or did anything to be punished by losing your food. After awhile your father puts the plate back but then takes it away again. This creates confusion in your mind because you look at it as if you were being punished. If your father does this all the time when you are a kid it will eventually piss you off and at some point you will put your foot down and say ENOUGH OF THIS CRAP. STOP IT !!!I feel a better way is to build trust in my pups. Teach them that I am a good guy and that I am always fair with them. I will train them that they must SIT before I put the food bowl down. This is something they have to do their entire life.When my pup eats I will softly talk to him and very slowly pet his back. I try and be very very calm about this - not hectic patting. I want the pup to learn that me being around him when he eats is a good thing. I may put my hand in the bowl but I never take his food. If he shows aggression I will shake him and scold him. But if this is done properly he will learn that me being around the food bowl is not a bad thing.With older dogs I am not sure it’s worth the fight to win the battle. If I buy a dog that is already aggressive around his food I usually do not force the issue. I still make the dog sit for the food bowl. But with these dogs I feed them in their dog crate or dog kennel. I put the food down and walk away.With food aggressive dogs I NEVER LEAVE FOOD IN A DOG BOWL and I NEVER FEED A DOG OUTSIDE OF THE DOG CRATE. To do so only courts disaster. If there is still food in the bowl 10 minutes after feeding I open the door on the crate, take the dog out and close the door. The dog goes outside and I remove the food. They only get food one time a day - if they don*t eat they are either too fat or not hungry. It does not hurt a dog to go a day without food. In fact FASTING a dog for one day is healthy for the dog.When and How to Pet and Praise the Dominant Dog如何抚爱和赞赏统治型的狗Having a good bond with a dominant dog is critical. These dogs live and die by pack order. The only way to maintain control is to maintain a good relationship. But this must be done on your terms.保持好的纽带关系,你控制一些。你必须做你应该做的。A dog that comes to you and tries to force you into petting him when you are reading the paper or working on the computer is displaying a form of a dominant behavior. Do not allow this to happen. Make the dog go lay down. In fact, controlling his behavior through the use of a long down is one of the very best ways of establishing yourself as the leader.当你在读报或者在用电脑时,一只狗过来试着强求你抚摸他。这是统治欲行为。不能允许这事情发生。然后躺下。事实上让狗长卧是个非常好的建立你头领地位的方法。Almost all dogs want to be petted. But there is a difference between a happy, friendly dog that just wants a pet and a dominant dog that wants to force his attention on you when you are busy doing something else. Understanding the difference between these situations may come down to experience. If your dog doesn’t display any other symptoms of dominance except wanting to be petted, you don*t have much of a problem. The solution is to always make a dog do something before you pet him. Give him a SIT command, or give him a DOWN command then pet him.What Do You Do at Doors and Stairs在门口和楼梯上Never allow your dog to go into a room or through a door or down a stairs before you. This means very little to humans and a lot to a dog with tendencies for dominance. Make the dog sit at the door every time you take it outside. Just like you make it sit every time you put the food bowl down to feed it.永不要允许狗在你之前进门和下楼梯。这对人很小的事情对狗的统治欲是大事情。每次外出,先让够坐下,你带他出去。就像你饲喂他时也要让他先坐下才喂一个道理。If one of my dogs tries to rush past me to go down stairs I use my knee to slam it into the wall. I teach the dog the WAIT command on our walks. I then use this command at doors and steps. If I have to have the dog wear a prong collar and a drag line in the house I will do it. A Drag line is a short leash that does not have a handle. The dog can drag it around and it will not get caught on furniture the way a normal leash with a handle does.如果我的狗试着冲过我下楼梯,我会用我的腿把他顶到墙边。我教狗等待命令“WAIT”造我们散步之前。如果在屋里,我必须用刺链和拽绳,我愿意用。拴在一个地方,不让他们上下家具。对家庭的朋友表现出攻击行为当狗对一定得来访者表现出攻击时,这是统治性的形式。这个行为需要控制,狗必须学会这样是不能接受的。.最简单的办法是,语言斥责狗,把他放进笼子或者另外一个屋子。当你表示给他,所有时间是你控制他的环境,你就建立了你的团队首领地位。如果我们允许狗自己决定他的攻击,我们就允许了他的统治欲保留下来了。做护卫训练的人们(SCHH或者警犬)可能认为这是假的。因为这些狗去工作是为了他们自己。事实上,护卫运动狗,个人保护狗,警察服务狗不是为他们自己工作。是通过训练,训练师建立起来的交战规则。狗学会什么是和不是可接受的咬。事实上护卫训练师帮助建立了团队次序,涉及狗的一生的,合理的利用了统治欲门和楼梯和狗一起生活要注意每个细小的事情。取得他们的尊敬从小事做起,出入门,上下楼,都要让他们在最后。狗打架从小管教不让他们打架。C控制成年狗攻击是完全不同的话题。和使用电项圈,嘴笼等有关设备相关。早期训练最为重要。阿尔法翻滚时愚蠢的和非常危险地如果我试着对我的种狗做阿尔法翻滚而不带嘴笼,他竟能把我当午餐吃了。当我听到人们谈论如何对一个成年狗做这个动作,我摇头,把这个和俄罗斯轮盘赌相比较。可能你不理解,什么是阿尔法翻滚,我来解释一下。当狗表现出统治欲的一些信号时,很多训犬师告诉新主人,把他的狗按到地上,骑到背上,盯他的眼睛直到他顺从。指导手假设在狗之上,掐他的脸颊,直视他的眼睛直到狗顺服。恩,这对一些小FOOFOO是有用的,或者对一些不是很强的狗,这样做最可能的是给你留下永久的伤疤。Always remember that if you are going to pick a fight with a dominant dog, you had better pick one you know you can win.My feeling is that in most cases with extremely strong tough dominant dogs I accomplish as much through subtle body language and voice commands. In other words, rather than create a situation where I have to string a dog up on a leash (and damage the bond with the dog) I will avoid the situation all together or I will scold the dog with a deep voice and stare at him. Think of it like this - the Alpha Wolf in a pack does not have to attack pack members to get his way. Through body language and verbalizing the Alpha is able to do almost everything he needs to do.There are times with a real kick-ass dominant dog that I will not even force the issue with a direct stare because this could trigger an attack. I will wait until I solve the rank issue in a different way or I will wait until I can control an attack and win the fight. In other words I fight on my terms and not his terms. I will assume a subtle alpha position by scolding the dog and then either lead him away or call him to a heel and walk away from the situation.Here is where we need to know our dogs. You may know that a truly strong, stubborn dog may fight you if you try and force him into a down position after a confrontation. I am a firm believer in not having a fight with my dog (unless it cannot be avoided). I believe that you lose a lot more than you gain in coming to blows with the animal. It’s always better to control him a different way. For example, if you see him stiffen up and hump his back after a situation occurs, don*t try and down him to illustrate how much of a higher rank you are, rather heel him away and put him in his dog crate. Do something to show the dog that you are the one that is in control of him and his environment.If a handler forces a situation to the point where the dog attacks, then that handler has made a mistake. He has misread the situation and now has a problem. The goal is to see the potential for a fight before it happens and avoid it without losing face with the dog.For example, when I first got my last police dog he was a very dominant dog. In the beginning I used a Tri-Tronics electric collar to get the dog to release his drug toy. The collar helped the dog spit the toy out on command, but he had such strong drive for that particular toy that he would guard it. In the beginning there was a risk of being bit if I tried to reach down and try to take it away. So I would heel the dog away from the toy and go back and get it when the dog was not standing over the toy. As I built my bond with the dog and gradually established my position as pack leader I could take the toy without ever using an electric collar. But this took 6 months of consistent work.Allowing a dog to lay in bed greatly increases Dominance in the Dog(child*s face has been intentionally masked)REVIEW回顾So as I close this article there are a couple of things that need to be remembered:需要记住以下几点· Only pick a fight that you can win· 仅仅选择你能打赢之战· Whenever possible use your head and think about a problem’s cause and a solution· 任何时候尽可能的用你的大脑和思考问题出现的原因· In most cases you lose more that you gain in a fight with your dog, even if you win.· 大多数情况下,如果你和狗打得到的比失去的少,虽然你你赢了Always remember that once your dog relinquishes pack order to you he will be a much happier dog. It’s like a great burden is lifted off their shoulders. As I work through the various problems on dominance with a dog I always remember that in the end this dog is going to be a much happier dog.


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