
Why do many Chinese people consider Genghis Khan as Chinese rather than Mongol? Was he Mongol or Chinese?
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Jeffrey Schweitzer worked at Neurosurgery
Answered 14h ago
The Chinese classify non-East Asians in a special category as “foreigners” 外国人,whereas Koreans Japanese Vietnamese etc. in the “sinosphere” are not viewed in quite the same way. Mongols fall somewhere on the border here. Mongols living in China are one of the 55 officially recognized minority nationalities and thus part of the Chinese family. I don't think these minorities were consistently asked for their opinions. I suspect that old Temujin himself would have been very surprised to learn that he was “Chinese.”
I am reminded of an apocryphal story told by Joseph Fletcher whose course on Central Asian history I took in 1975. There are various versions floating around but the gist is that in 1967 before the Cultural Revolution was as yet totally out of hand the People’s Daily published an article celebrating the 800th anniversary of the birth of Chinggis Khan. The article praised him as an authentic Chinese hero whose forward-thinking policies helped promote contact and trade between East and West paving the way for the modern world. The Soviet leadership wrote a strongly-worded protest along the lines of “The Chinese comrades have forgotten how Chinggis Khan and his armies raped pillaged and massacred and for almost three centuries hung as a yoke on the neck of the Russian motherland.” To which the Chinese leadership replied “The Chinese comrades have forgotten none of the great deeds of Chinggis Khan.”
这个故事流传着各种各样的版本,但主要讲的是1967年在文革变得一发不可收拾之前,人民日报发表了一篇庆祝成吉思汗800周年生日的文章。这篇文章赞扬他是一位真正的中国英雄,他先进的政治理念促进了东西方之间的联系与贸易,为当今世界铺平了道路。苏联的领导层写了一片措辞强硬的抗议,其中包括一段:“中国的同志们已经忘记了成吉思汗和他的军队在俄国的国土是如何屠杀平民和奸淫掳掠的了。他们奴役了我们俄国人将近三个世纪!” 而对此中国领导人回应道:“中国的同志们不会忘记成吉思汗干过的任何伟大事迹。”
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Robert Maxwell
Answered Mar 29
回复 Mar 29
Both depending on what criterion you’re using.
Part of the issue is that “Chinese” tends to be ambiguous in English. In English “Chinese” can mean either “a citizen or individual from the country of China” or it can mean “an ethnic Han.”
Genghis Khan was an ethnic Mongol ruler of a Chinese state. Though he was not an ethnic Han he’s generally considered Chinese as he ruled China.
It’s worth noting that Mongolians are a recognized minority in China and are (theoretically) granted absolute equality with the Han - both are considered technically Chinese.
Hence in this case we’re talking about Nationality-Chinese and not Ethnicity-Chinese.
Primarily he was Chinese because he was the “founder” of the Yuan Dynasty. The Yuan Dynasty itself was only founded during the rule of Kublai Khan - Genghis Khan’s grandson. However Kublai Khan took the extra step of extending the nominal founding of the Yuan Dynasty to his ancestor Genghis Khan. Due to this Genghis Khan is referred to as 太祖 (“Grand Ancestor”) in the official histories which was a form that signified a dynastic founder - see for instance the Han Dynasty’s 高祖 (“High Ancestor”).
In Chinese historiography this wasn’t a new move: it was King Wu of Zhou who overthrew the Shang Dynasty even though it was his father King Wen of Zhou who was regarded as the “founder” of the Zhou Dynasty and thus honored. Depending on who you ask King Wen either a) failed overthrow the Shang because he died too soon or b) refused to rise up because he had pledged not to take up arms but still indirectly assisted his son. This was a famous episode in Chinese history - Cao Cao is reported to have replied to suggestions that he abolish the Han Empire and install himself as ruler with “if I am to found a dynasty let me be King Wen of Zhou” - i.e. “I’m not going to do that but my son can do that then he can say I’m the founder.”
在中国的编史中,这不是一个新的举措;即便推翻了商朝的统治的是周朝的周武王,但是被认定为周朝建立者获得这项殊荣的却是他的父亲,周文王。如果你们要问文王是谁的话,他要吗是因为死太早没有成功地推翻商朝地统治,要吗是他曾经承诺不会拿起武器揭竿而起,但他间接地为自己的儿子提供了很多帮助。下面是中国历史上一段有名的典故--曹操曾经有一次被人提议废掉汉献帝然后自立为王,当时他这样回答:"如果我要建立一个王朝,那么就让我成为周朝的文王吧“ 简而言之, “我不会自立为王,但是我的儿子会这么干。然后他会向天下宣告,我曹操才是这个王朝的建立者。”
So this was a recognized thing to retroactively accept a ruler’s father (or grandfather) as the actual founder of the dynasty. In the case of the Yuan Dynasty there was a philosophical motivation (adherence to the terms of filial piety) a propaganda motivation (framing Kublai Khan as the legitimate successor of Genghis’s empire to the exclusion of other contenders and as such associating himself with his ancestor’s prestige) and a practical consideration that Genghis Khan had laid the political and military foundation that allowed for the founding of the Yuan.
Since the Yuan Dynasty was the official successor to the Song Dynasty and claimed the Mandate of Heaven in a translatio imperii from the Song Dynasty the Yuan Dynasty was therefore a recognized Chinese state albeit under the domination and rule of the Mongols.
And since Genghis Khan was retroactively recognized as the founder (and hence ruler) of a Chinese state he was predictably a Chinese ruler.
Larry Park
Answered 16h ago
Genghis Khan (c. 1162 – August 18 1227) born Temüjin was the Great Khan and founder of the Mongol Empire which became the largest contiguous empire in history after his death. He came to power by uniting many of the nomadic tribes of Northeast Asia. After founding the Empire and being proclaimed "Genghis Khan" he launched the Mongol invasions that conquered most of Eurasia. Campaigns initiated in his lifetime include those against the Qara Khitai Caucasus and Khwarazmian Western Xia and Jin dynasties. These campaigns were often accompanied by large-scale massacres of the civilian populations – especially in the Khwarazmian and Western Xia controlled lands. By the end of his life the Mongol Empire occupied a substantial portion of Central Asia and China.
The Mongol Empire under Genghis Khan started the conquest with small-scale raids into Western Xia in 1205 and 1207. By 1279 the Mongol leader Kublai Khan had established the Yuan dynasty in China and crushed the last Song resistance which marked the onset of all of China under the Mongol Yuan rule. This was the first time in history that the whole of China was conquered and subsequently ruled by a foreign or non-native ruler.
Mongol-led Yuan Dynasty was defeated by The Ming dynasty in 1368 then known as the Empire of the Great Ming – for 276 years () . The Ming was "one of the greatest eras of orderly government and social stability in human history" was the last imperial dynasty in China ruled by ethnic Han Chinese.
B.T. Yang Born in china and live in Taiwan
Answered Apr 9
Many of us “consider” something to be a common fact simply we were educated to believe so. Like in the west people were educated to believe that Greco-Roman civilization is the common denominator of all western civilizations even the Germans whose were never a part of the Greco-Roman sphere.
Chinese wish to think that their history is a continuous one without any dynastic interruptions. So they enlisted Mongol rule as a “Yuan” dynasty which in some way is not too far from the truth as the Mongol quickly learned the advantage of ruling the vast territory with the endless supply of bureaucrats through China’s civil examination system. Also Yuan Dynasty could not possibly rule without Han Chinese sophisticated commercial and logistics system that were entirely based on Chinese written language and moral codes. After Mongols were expelled the following Ming Dynasty kept an ancient honorary tradition of composing an official version of the “Yuan History” to commemorate a passing of another Dynasty.
So you may say Han Chinese adopted Mongols as one of their own. Nothing wrong with it. I thought it was quite a nice gesture.
所以你可能觉得汉族人把蒙古人当成自己人。没错 ,我觉得这是一种很好的姿态。
A passing note: Manchu Dynasty was also not a Han-Chinese Daynasty. But It was again also adopted as a part of Chinese history. Nothing wrong with it.
Gwydion Madawc Williams Read a lot about this
Answered Mar 29
A fraud by media Chinese historians.
Genghis’s grandson Kublai Khan made himself Emperor of China. Historians then backdated the Yuan dynasty to include the earlier rulers.
Unlike other nomadic conquerors of part or all of China the early Mongols showed no respect for Chinese traditions. Kublai only did so part-way through his reign as Great Khan when his power was being successfully challened by rival Mongols.
Since the Song Dynasty was by then extinct in the most recognised line it was an opportunity. It does not apply to earlier rulers.
Benjamin Marr a perpetual learner
Answered Mar 29
Technically it is not right to consider Genghis Khan as Chinese when he was alive Mongols was a hostile nation that attempted to conquer Song Dynasty China (and they finally succeeded) but many people have such a delusion due to the below reasons.
1. Genghis Khan was the founder of Mongol Empire and his grandson? Kublai Khan ended South Song Dynasty China and crowned himself the Emperor of China therefore Genghis Khan was mentioned in History Schoolbooks quite a lot in the section of Chinese History which creates the wrong image that he was a historical figure of China.
2. Inner Mongolia is a province of China and many Mongol people are Chinese citizens exactly the same as the rest so many people forget the fact that there is an independent Mongolian country and a Mongol guy may be technically a foreigner.
2 内蒙古是中国的一个省,而且很多蒙古族都是中国公民。这也让很多人忘记了那里还有一个独立的蒙古国家和一群蒙古族的外国人。
3. China has been a multi-ethnic country for a long time Chinese people won't pay particular attention to an ethnically-different guy and regard him as 'Foreigner' as long as he/she looks like East Asian. Korean Mongol all have their own independent country but a Korean or Mongol is very likely to be native Chinese and speak Mandarin better than me.
Anand Nyamdavaa i am mongol
Answered 22h ago
This answer is for mentally thick:
Fact 1: This is Great wall of China.
Fact 2: It was built to repel Mongols.
If Chinggis Khan was Chinese why would Chinese build walls to protect against their leader?
Alex- Zhang Xin studied at Jilin University
Answered 10h ago
The true is that Genhis Khen isn't Chinese from the GENE or the RACE we can't deny that. But his descendant Kublai Khen gave him a Chinese identity Kublai Khen created Yuan dynasty but he didn't think he is the first emperor Genhis Khen is the real first emperor so Genhis Khen was given a Chinese Miaohao(posthumous title of an emperor) and a Chinese Yihao(other posthumous title of an Chinese emperor) by his descendant so technically you can't blame us his descendant Kublai Khan want himself and his ancient to be Chinese I don't know why mongols arent happy with us what we have done was that we Chinese accepted the fact that they becamed Chinese. In a conclusion he used to be Mongol when he was alive but after he having die he became Chinese that is all. Congratulations to Genhis Khen he was double nationnalities.
Sam Raviva
Answered Mar 29
I've never heard anyone say Genghis Khan was Chinese. However many consider the Yuan Dynasty the Khanate created by his grandson Kublai Khan to be Chinese since Kublai moved the capital of the Mongol Empire into modern-day Beijing China and was crowed Emperor of China.
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成吉思汗的大部分后裔都在中国,就喀尔喀那支不知道拐了几代弯 的小部落独了出去,还占了这么大一块地,让人不爽。。
那有什么蒙古人 成吉思汗的部队只有几千人是蒙古人 其他都是塔塔尔人克烈人扎木合人 说白了蒙古人只占一小部分 后来灭宋的大军也是汉人 将领也是汉人 元朝都是汉臣 最后被朱元璋追着打 被朱棣打的几十年不敢露面 被戚继光全歼十几万蒙古军 只有在中国内部混乱的时候才敢装


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