
&>&&>& > 巴基斯坦网友评论中国阅兵和裁军30万:太震撼了
Chinese military will cut forces by 300,000中国军队将裁军30万以下是巴基斯坦《黎明报》读者的评论:外文地址:/news/1204649/chinese-military-will-cut-forces-by-300000-xi-jinpingFlip flopabout 17 hours agoFalling Chinese economy and hence cost cutting中国经济不行了,所以要削减成本strangerabout 16 hours ago@Flip flop It is not the Chinese economy that is falling. It is just that China&s GDP growth rate has come down just a little bit.并非中国经济不行了,而是中国经济增速稍微放缓而已。Kashmiriabout 15 hours agoNot falling Chinese economy, China getting more advanced in terms of technology, you dont need a lot of army if you get technically strong, China&s time has come, it has started to emerge as a superpower..不是中国经济不行了,中国技术进步了,不需要那么多军队。中国已经崛起为超级大国,中国时代已经来临。&XIANGabout 17 hours agoI love china..my friendly country&..我爱中国,友好国家&Saiyanabout 16 hours agoGotta admit. it&s very impressive. though US remains technologically and militarily far ahead China has grown strong enough to make the costs of a potential conflict prohibitive. also the participation of female soldiers in the Chinese military reflects just how far they have come in gender equality. Unfortunately the subcontinent remains one of the worst places in the world to be a woman不得不承认,看了后很震撼。虽然美国的技术和军力仍然遥遥领先,然而中国已经足够强大了,足以吓阻潜在的冲突。同时,女兵参加阅兵,表明中国男女平等已经走过很长一段路不幸地是,印度次大陆仍然是女性待遇最恶劣的地方之一rajaabout 7 hours ago@Saiyan females also participate in military parades in both India and China. That hardly is a sign on gender equality在印度和中国,女兵都有参加阅兵,不能算是性别平等的迹象&strangerabout 16 hours agoVery impressive photographs.非常震撼啊&zeeshanabout 16 hours agoThere is a huge slow down in the Chinese economy. Won&t be easy moving forward!中国经济放缓了,前面的路不大好走啊&QUTBUDINabout 16 hours agoDemilitarization is direly needed all over the world because it will solve more than half of the problems presently faced by the world communities. Powerful have been found pushing the powerless to the wall.去军事化是当今世界的大势所趋,可以解决国际社会目前面临的超过一半的问题。强者把弱者推到了墙角处。&Einstein Babarabout 15 hours agoGreat China, I like the ladies soldiers.伟大的中国,我喜欢那些女兵&Krishnaabout 15 hours agoChinese economy is slowing. More importantly, China is growing old, the one child policy is coming home to roost. There are far more single children burdened with parents who are getting older. Most countries in Europe became rich and then became older. China is on the track to become older before it becomes rich. It is heading towards an economic stagnation similar to Japan which is stuck since the 80&s.中国经济在放缓。更重要的是,中国正在老龄化,这是计生政策造成的。很多独生子女承担着赡养父母的重任。大多数欧洲国家是先富后老,而中国是未富先老。中国经济在陷入停滞,类似1980年代的日本。Harmony-1about 13 hours ago@Krishna & It really satisfies your egos to put China down wherever possible. I don&t know which one is better, China&s one child policy or India&s unbridled population explosion (and I am not defending our own)? Taking pride in third biggest economy or something like that is no use if economic growth is going to be quickly gobbled up by the rising population. This is why per capital GDP is far more relevant where South Asian countries are not in any enviable position.一有机会就抨击中国,这种自我满足真是够了。哪个好呢,中国的一胎政策还是印度不受节制的人口爆炸?经济增长的成果被增加的人口所吞噬,为第三大经济体感到自豪又有什么用。Krishan Gopal Soniabout 13 hours ago@Harmony-1 I agree with you on one child policy& if nations of sub continent would have adopted one child policy in 1947. we would have been in a much better shape now&我认同你对一胎政策的看法。如果次大陆国家从1947年开始接受一胎政策,我们目前的状况会好多了。&cautiousLast time I looked it was the Americans& who defeated Japan.上次我看到说是美国人打败了日本。&Punchabout 14 hours agoThe decline has begun.衰退已经开始&YKsabout 10 hours agonow this is wise&.明智之举&Rafidahabout 9 hours agoChinese Troop numbers have been cut three times already since the 1980s, from 4.5 million to 2.3 million at present to 2 million soon. & A nuclear armed Pakistan can emulate this cost cutting exercise. Money saved can be used for health and education.自从1980年代以来,中国已经三次裁军,从450万减少到230万,很快又要减少到200万核武器武装起来的巴基斯坦可以效仿中国,减少开支,节省下来的钱用于医疗和教育&Rafidahabout 9 hours agoPakistan is getting more advanced in terms of technology, you don&t need a lot of army if you get technically strong巴基斯坦的技术更先进了。技术强大了,你就不需要那么多军队了&najiabout 8 hours agoGreat nation, Great country, great Friend of Friend&s.New rising star on the Horizon.伟大的民族,伟大的国家,伟大的朋友。地平线上升起了新星&SBabout 8 hours agoGreat. This is a bold and visionary decision reflecting confidence of PLA.太棒了,大胆且具有眼光的决定,突显了解放军的自信。&Gaurav Arya@strangerAs far as saying that they are cutting forces because they want to get technology, I want you to name one Chinese who has invented anything in the past 200 years. Just one thing. What the Chinese are doing is re-aligning priorities. They will cut manpower from the army and invest in their navy. They want to guard trade routes.至于说中国是技术进步了而裁军。你给我说出过去200年里中国人发明了哪怕是一样东西。中国人是在调整重点,减少陆军,加大对海军的投入,意在保护贸易路线&Ibrarabout 7 hours ago@Harmony-1 Countries with no control over their population are waiting for the worst. A hungary and politically more conscious population with no jobs or farmers committing suicides will no longer feel restrained. They would flow into the streets like sea waves and drown their leaders. In South Asia, thanks to the border hostilities and allegations of terrorism against each other, the ruling elite is keeping their people distracted from the real issues.人口增长不受控制的国家,就等着最坏的结果吧。饿着肚子,没有工作,政治意识强烈的印度人,会像海浪一样涌上街头,淹死领导人在南亚,多亏了边境的敌对行动,以及彼此的恐怖主义指控,执政精英才有办法分散人们对真正问题的注意力。【关键词:巴铁评论中国阅兵,巴铁评价中国阅兵,巴基斯坦评论中国阅兵,巴基斯坦评价中国阅兵,巴基斯坦看中国阅兵,巴基斯坦直播中国阅兵,巴铁看中国阅兵,巴基斯坦网友评价中国阅兵,巴基斯坦网友看中国阅兵,巴基斯坦网民评价中国阅兵,巴基斯坦参加中国阅兵,巴基斯坦出席中国阅兵,巴基斯坦怎么看中国阅兵,巴基斯坦中国阅兵,巴基斯坦电视台直播中国阅兵,外国直播中国阅兵,老外看中国阅兵,老外直播中国阅兵,老外评论中国阅兵,老外评价中国阅兵,阿三评论中国阅兵,阿三看中国阅兵,】
(如果觉得五毛网不错的记得帮我们多多推广分享一下)五毛网三泰虎6月25日译文,巴基斯坦论坛快报文章《中国要求巴基斯坦保证中国公民安全》。据报道,在一次拂晓前的袭击中,持枪歹徒伪装成预备部队士兵,杀死了9名外国游客。此次前所未有的袭击发生在吉尔吉特巴尔蒂斯坦的一座营地,中国和乌克兰至少分别有3名和5名登山者被杀。据悉,中国外交部23日强烈谴责了这一导致包括几名中国游客在内总计11人死亡的暴力袭击。中国驻巴大使馆进一步要求巴基斯坦尽一切努力照顾好幸存者,逮捕持枪歹徒并确保在巴中国公民的安全。译文来源:三泰虎 /thread-.html外文标题:China asks Pakistan to guarantee safety of its citizens外文地址:.pk/story/567326/china-asks-pakistan-to-guarantee-safety-of-its-citizens/In a pre-dawn attack, gunmen dressed as paramilitary forces killed nine foreign tourists in an unprecedented attack in Gilgit-Baltistan. At least three Chinese and five Ukrainian climbers were killed in the attack on the base camp.“The Foreign Ministry on Sunday strongly condemned a violent attack…that resulted in 11 deaths, including those of several Chinese tourists,” Xinhua reported.在一次拂晓前的袭击中,持枪歹徒伪装成预备部队士兵,杀死了9名外国游客。此次前所未有的袭击发生在吉尔吉特巴尔蒂斯坦的一座营地,中国和乌克兰至少分别有3名和5名登山者被杀。新华社称,“外交部星期天强烈谴责了这一导致包括几名中国游客在内总计11人死亡的暴力袭击” 巴基斯坦论坛快报做的调查(数据截止到三泰虎截图为止)The Chinese news report claimed only two Chinese nationals were killed in the incident.The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson’s office said the Chinese Embassy in Pakistan was in close contact with Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry, Interior Ministry and military to further verify information related to the incident.The embassy further requested Pakistan to make all efforts to take care of the survivors, apprehend the gunmen behind the attack and guarantee the safety of Chinese citizens in Pakistan.中方的新闻报道声称仅有两名中国公民在这起事件在被杀。中国外交部发言人办公室称,中国驻巴大使馆正与巴基斯坦外交部、内务部和军方保持密切联系,以进一步确认相关信息。大使馆进一步要求巴基斯坦尽一切努力照顾好幸存者,逮捕持枪歹徒并确保在巴中国公民的安全。以下是巴基斯坦论坛快报读者的评论:本文论坛地址:三泰虎论坛 /thread-.htmlZeeshanTo ensure the safety of foreign nationals all of them should be send back to their countries. This is the most convenient and cheap step our government can take.Recommend102要确保外国公民的安全,那就应该把他们统统送回国,对于我们的政府来说,这是最方便,成本最低的方法。umarIts my request to the Chinese government to either pressure Pakistan to go out for an all-out offensive in North Waziristan or take the action themselves. The problem is that we have many Taliban apologists in the government and the security apparatus which has led to policy paralysis.Recommend69恳请中国政府施压巴基斯坦,迫使其在瓦济里斯坦北部发动全面进攻,或者中国自己行动。我们的政府和安全机构里有太多为塔利班辩护的人,正是他们导致政策瘫痪!ObserverIf you recall past history, the Chinese PM himself called Mushrraf to take action on the Lal Masjid activists who killed/attacked some Chinese. Remember what happened after that? Mush attacked Lal Masjid and killed hundreds of students there. That attack by Mush was the reason for the scores of reprisal militant attacks ever since. The TTP was born to take revenge for the Lal Masjid attack.回忆历史,中国总理呼吁穆沙拉夫对杀死一些中国人的拉尔清真寺活动分子采取行动。还记得后来怎么样了?穆沙拉夫派军攻击了拉尔清真寺,杀死了几百名当地学生。此次攻击引发了一系列的报复。巴基斯坦塔利班运动组织生来就是为了报复拉尔清真寺遭袭的。Recommend15Syed Jaffrithis is the first time ever that china ask for such security from Pakistan otherwise China never say anything on the killings of Chinese Engineers in Baluchistan but now China is not trusting the Government of Pakistan coz of these Nawaz Shareef Brothers,because the Nawaz is more sympathetic towards India and coward in front of USA…Recommend24这次是中国首次要求巴基斯坦提供安全保证,以前他们的工程师在俾路支斯坦被杀时,中国都没有吭声,看来中国现在不信任巴基斯坦政府了,原因是纳瓦兹·谢里夫更同情印度,在美国面前是个懦夫。ahsanI am close to feeling embarrassed of being Pakistani…….Recommend42我近乎为身为巴基斯坦人而感到尴尬.......Gen Pasha RetdPakistan cannot even provide security for its own nationals how do you expect us to provide it for others. All we are capabale of is to back down and open talks with the TTP – we are the laughing stock of the worldRecommend78巴基斯坦连本国公民的安全都无法保证,你又怎么能指望我们给别人提供安全。我们会的只是做出让步,然后与“巴基斯坦塔利班运动”展开谈判——我们俨然成为了世界的笑料!ShanWhy the tourist travel on the most unsafe place on earth !!Recommend45为什么游客要去地球上最不安全的地方旅行!NitinPakistan can’t guarantee security of its own citizens,,,foreigners and non Muslims are out of question.Recommend91巴基斯坦连本国公民的安全都无法保证,至于外国人和非穆斯林的安全,那是根本不可能的。All weather freindChines slowly understanding True Pakistani “hospitality”.中国慢慢理解了巴基斯坦“好客”的真谛ShanChinese are too much unhappy with pakistan and relation between them will deteriorate in future...中国人对巴基斯坦大为不悦,两国关系未来将恶化........Desi boy“Guarantee the safety of Chinese citizens”…hmmm so they don’t care about the life of other people. To the Chinese: life is not a guarantee, especially no life in Pakistan is a guarantee.How can Pakistan guarantee only Chinese life? Does that mean the establishment have control over the jihadists on who they can and can’t kill? So does that make it a rogue establishment? The smart thing would be to not have their respective citizens traveling to a place of turmoil. If they do visit then all bets are off.Recommend11“保证中国公民的安全”——————————————————也就是说他们不关心其他人的生命就是了。中国人听着:个人安危是无法保证的,特别是在巴基斯坦。巴基斯坦政府怎么能仅仅保证中国人的安全?难道它能决定圣战分子杀谁和不杀谁?真要这样的话,政府就成了流氓组织了。明智之举是不要让己国公民去动乱的地方旅行。如果来了,那么后果自负。UmerChinese tourists spend around $102 billion every year across the world. If Pakistani governments were not so pro-religious extremists all the time, a significant portion of that revenue could come to Pakistan in terms of Chinese tourists just having to cross the border to come over. Alas everyone is so much more interested in turning Pakistan into an Islamic Emarat as opposed to a prosperous republic.中国游客每年在全世界消费大约1020亿美元。如果巴基斯坦政府一直以来没有如此支持宗教极端分子,那么很大一部分将流入巴基斯坦,因为中国游客越过边界就到了。唉,大家非常有兴趣把巴基斯坦打造成伊斯兰国家,而不是繁荣的共和国。ASDChina is extremely against Muslim extremists. They have some of the worst restrictions placed on ughiuyr Muslims in China. They will tolerate anything but taliban attacks. One of the major points of fraction between China and Pakistan is that Chinese think Pakistani tribal areas are infested with ughiuyr rebels who attack china and are trying to lead a Muslim separatist movement from there. Its not Nawaz.Recommend17中国极其反对穆斯林极端分子,对国内的维族穆斯林严加限制,决不会容忍塔利班的袭击。中国的巴基斯坦之间的一个主要摩擦是中国人认为巴基斯坦部落地区滋生维族叛乱分子,他们袭击中国,试图领导穆斯林分离运动。Ali (Texas)We cannot guarantee our own citizens safety, how can we guarantee yours?…hahaRecommend15我们连本国国民的安全都无法保证,又如何保证你们的安全?哈哈.......PRO PAKreason is simple that no one have ability to fight with them every governament is failed or they dont want to take actionRecommend6原因简单,没人有能力与他们战斗,历届政府不是失败就是不想采取行动。MirOnly solution is to beg USA to increase done attacks and wipe out these so called TTP .. They cannot be Muslims. As Islam is the religion of piece. Wipe them out on the face of Pakistan.To survive Pakistan has no choice. Our government is impotentRecommend4唯一的办法是乞求美国加大无人机袭击力度,把所谓的巴基斯坦塔利班消灭掉......他们不能被称为穆斯林,伊斯兰可是和平的宗教。把他们从巴基斯坦领土上抹去,为了生存,我们别无选择,政府太无能了。
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