
What is she engaged to work?
What is she?  地道的问职业。
what did she do?
What does she do for a living?
What company does she with?
What is her occupation?
What type of work does she do?
What kind of work does she engage in?
What kind of job does she have?
What kind of work she was
I am so sorry I can't help you for now cause our boss is still hospitalized
卡通(总称):cartoon(s)卡通电影:cartoon movie(s)
Woman's work
outsider ~~~以前看过一本书,就叫这个~~~
小鸟 little bird
World Intellectual Property Day
thumb---大拇指    index finger---食指    middle finger---中指    ring finger--无名指    pi
thermometerclinical thermometer
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Dear ...,Thanks for your supporting a million firstly.It is great pleasure to cooperate with you for long.Here i have to say that i would quit for personal reason and the business of your esteemed company will be in charge of ...instead.Meanwhile,it would be highly appreciated to be friends from no on if possible.Hope everything goes quite well with your life and work in future.Best regards (Your friends,如果觉得和客户相处不错,建议使用这个),...本人做外贸 处于切身考虑 写此邮件 望有益于你
For some personal reasons, I am going to leave this company.
XX will take over my responsibility, and I've already handed over our business with your company to him. Thank you so much for your support, and I am so glad to have the opportunity to work with you. I wish you all the best in your work and life.
I due to personal reasons, leaving, from * * to be, your business already and he transfer. Before the very thank you for your support, and your cooperation is very happy, I wish you all the best ~ ~ in the future work and life
Due to my personal cause I will leave office soon. Please kindly contact with XXX for business that I had well handed over to him already. Many thanks to your great support and very happy to cooperate with each other in the past days. Wish you happy in both of work and daily life
I will resign from this company for some personal reasons.
XX will take over my job, and I've already handed over all your business to him. Thank you so much for your support for my job. Very glad to cooperate with you and wish you all the best in everything.
扫描下载二维码如题.    本人因工作的原因.需要将如下句子翻译为英文.  最好有正式和口语化的两种版本.    在里先谢过各位大虾了.谢谢大家    句子如下:      A:您好!欢迎光临中国深圳宝安国际机场.  
请问您需要什么帮助吗?    B:请您帮我办理一下凳机手续.    A:好的.请出示您的护照.谢谢.    A:好的.请问您是飞往上海吗?    B:是的.    A:好的.请您稍等一会儿.    A:您好.让您久等了.这是您的凳机手续.    B:噢!好的.谢谢你.    A:不会.祝您旅途愉快.再见.          相信大家已经猜到我的工种了.先谢谢大家了.  另外再问一个问题.  就是Peking(北京)这是用在什么时候才这么译的啊?
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张 | 更多
  A:hello !Welcome to China Shenzhen baoan International Airport.
Can I help you,pls?    B:Could you help me with the check in?    A:May I see your passport,pls?    B:Are you plan to fly to Shanghai?(有必要吗)    A:yes    A:Wait a minute!    A:I am afraid I have kept you wait,here it is.    B:oh Thank you!    A:Have a good trip!    我不太知道什么是正式版的,Peking好象好多老外喜欢用      
  A:I am afraid I have kept you wait,here it is.--------------  sorry to keep you waiting
  A:您好!欢迎光临中国深圳宝安国际机场.     请问您需要什么帮助吗?      A: Good morning/afternoon/evening. Welcome to Shenzhen Bao An International Airport. What can I do for you?     Comments:    a bit odd. it sounds more like a hotel than an airport. Usually &Good morning/afternoon/evening. What can I do for you& is fine. No need to say things like &welcome to ...&      B:请您帮我办理一下凳机手续.    B: Check in pls.     Comments: think more often people will simply give you the travelling documents instead of saying anything...         A:好的.请出示您的护照.谢谢.      A: Passport pls.       A:好的.请问您是飞往上海吗?    A: OK. Are you flying to Shanghai?     Comments: @_@
Can't think of any chance when such sentence will be used.         B:是的.    B: Yep.        A:好的.请您稍等一会儿.    A: one moment pls.           A:您好.让您久等了.这是您的凳机手续.    A: sorry for keep you waiting. here's your boarding pass.         B:噢!好的.谢谢你.      B: Thanks.       A:不会.祝您旅途愉快.再见.    A: you're welcome. Have a nice flight/trip. Bye.       
  谢谢LS的几位.真素天涯上热心滴好网民.  祝你们2007年大发.发得跟猪头一样(褒义词哦.8要误会.).XIXI
  作者:冰兰色树婴 回复日期: 23:58:23 
    北京一定要译成PEKING,这不是崇洋媚外的问题,BEIJING的译法很多国家的人不知道怎么发音,有的国家没J,只能念"白应"有的国家比如西班牙,J的发音很怪的,光出气,不出声,好象没牙似的,很多人比如德国人发EI时就是"爱",所以几个国家的人在一起说起北京时,可能彼此都听不懂呢,相比之下,PEKING就没这么多歧音,当然,意大利人可能会说"派kin格",总体说来,PEKING更方便国际间的口语交流.  ========    No way. It's their problem to get the correct pronouciation, not ours. We will not comprimise our capital's name to make it easier for the whites! Can we ask New York to change the name because some non-English speakers may have difficulty pronouncing it? The answer will be a definite no, right? Then why shall we do so?     Like for me, my given name starts with an X in pinyin. Many foreigners have problems pronouncing it. But that's my name. And as a Chinese Chinese, I have no English name. I don't mind helping them ten times to get my name correctly, but there's no way for me to change it. And you know what? Whoever respects you and your country will get it right. Most of the foreigners I met with (including my classmates, professors and colleagues) can pronunce Chinese names and places pretty well. Don't underestimate foreigners. They have the language abilities as well - as far as you give them a chance to learn.     As for the so-called &international communication&, if the pronunciation of &Beijing& causes trouble and hinders people from talking to each other, let it be. For those who are not able (or maybe I shall say who are too arrogant) to get this simple word pronunced correctly, I'll say, just forget it. We don't need to talk to you idiots!
  We don't need to talk to you idiots!   ======  脾气大咧不少丫,怕怕~
  小疏啊小疏,New York到了中国不是就变成了"纽约"(而不是纽要客)吗,有几个中国老百姓能正确地发出它的英语音来?那个"K"怎么没了?那么脆的,底气十足的"York"到了咱们这儿变成了娇滴滴的"约",你直接跟老美说纽约,他能听懂你说的是New York吗?既然不能要求中国的老百姓都掌握外文原有的正确读音,只能用近似发音的还要写着文雅听着顺耳的方块字替代,你又怎么能要求人家外国的老百姓都掌握咱们的汉语拼音呢?是不是要互相照顾一下呢?    Peking这个译法应该是早于Beijing,很多外国人特别是年长的早就习惯这个词了,大家一听到这个词就知道是中国首都北京,人家从小学的就是这个词,换了Beijing,有的人听了反应不过来,想重复你的话问你还发不出这个音来,"京"的发音很多老外要花一点时间才能掌握,有的人到死都发不出来,人发不出来一个音是很有挫折感的,我自己深有体会,真是死的心都有,我不要带给别人这种挫折感,我总是对外国朋友说我来自"Peking",然后我们要不停地说北京这呀北京哪呀,人家说着很流畅,交流就很舒服地进行了,如果人家连北京的音都发不出来,就会象得了口吃病一样,不敢张口,交流就很难继续,我自己有时候记不住或是发不好一个人的名字的音时就会非常害怕同他讲话,出于礼貌,我必须以XX先生/女士开头呀,可是我就是开不了这个头,我就不说话,其实我想同他交流的.幸好我的名字的汉语拼音就是一个现成的英文名,如果不是,我一定会改成类英文的拼音,我不想让别人因为我的名字不好念而失去同我交流的机会.同理,北京也不应当因为这个名字不好念而减少在世界范围的出镜率,都什么年头了,从一个人到一个国家都不应该我是老大我怕谁我没必要迎合谁地作茧自缚,这样子很可悲。  
    小疏啊小疏,  ======  改了人家名字,还语重心长滴模样~~~
  作者:Harry1028 回复日期: 4:45:38 
      小疏啊小疏,    ======    改了人家名字,还语重心长滴模样~~~    ____________________________________________________    是啊    北京一定要翻译成peking    企业一定要翻译成enterprise    LOL  
  我晕。。不要掐架了。这是一个很和平的帖子。      祝大家新年大发。
  我晕。。不要掐架了。这是一个很和平的帖子。            祝大家新年大发。    ------------------------------------------------------------  楼主放心,有我在,架掐不起来了的,我是个和平至上的人,不过特别有意思的是,我经常发现我随便写点什么,就有一些人上来要和我掐架,然后人越来越多,搞成一个大论战,我很少在一个坛子上久留,所以没几天就不见了,其他的人就会很不习惯,掐架是很上瘾的,这些人就天天唤我出来,几乎是求我出来,好和我掐呀,我现在发现这个很浪费时间,我有时间的话总是在玩弱智电玩比如连连看,这比那不长知识的掐架有意思的多。    言归正传,林小琉(小琉对不起,昨天我写错了你的名字,你不要生气啊,不过,小疏比小琉要风雅许多,我还是想叫你小疏,倘若你不介意的话)的译文那么好,楼主你不妨背下来呀。    Peking的问题我仍然坚持己见,在日常交流中我坚持用它,因为外国朋友接受它甚过"Beijing&,如果你是在机场做客服的,你可以在实践中比较一下这两个译法的流行度,然后到这里说说看呀。
  啊,又回到这个问题上了!    要抓狂了!
  to 冰兰色树婴:    1. I don't think Peking is more accepted than Beijing, officially or unofficially. Officially, no need to argue. All formal documents record our capital as &Beijing&, not Peking. Unofficially, well, neither of us has ever done an investigation on this issue, but from my personal experience, most well-educated foreigners could pronounce Beijing as well as you and I do.     2. I'm glad to hear you say it's better to &互相&照顾一下. Yes, I totally agree with you -- talk to the Americans first. See if they are willing to change New York to New Yorh or New Yue as a courtesy to a billion Chinese people. I might be happy to make a corresponding change if they do.     3. I'm sorry you have to change your name for a better chance to get foreigners talking to you. Good news is the influence and importance of Beijing will not be impaired by its pronunciation.     4. I've no interest in a fight. If I do, I'll write in Chinese (=P) If you take disagreeance as 掐架, then I'm afraid you'll find yourself in battlefield very often.     by:someone deeply trapped in several huge holes....
  作者:冰兰色树婴 回复日期: 04:38:12     撤退之前向你敬个礼,thank you for entertaining us...如果你按照你那本不知道哪个年代的汉语英文字典把ENTERTAIN理解成招待的话。。。我只有吐血了。。。向你致以崇高的革命敬礼!^-^        
  To Dear Xiaoliu,     1. Thank you very much, please refer to my post again, I mean so far as what I (not you or others) learn that in comparison with &Beijing“, „Peking& are more often and widely used in international oral communication, in transaction, I certainly use &Beijing&, while in interpretation, I use &Peking& instead, I have to do so, cause sometime I have to(this is not what I like, just have to) speak to many foreigners coming from different countries, sure, some of them are not well-educated, &where do you come from,(are you from) Miss XX,&(in English, Spanish or German) &Beijing, China.& &What?”they asked me, then asked each other, “Beijing, do you know Peking? ” “of course, well, Peking, China(Ch经常被发成英语读音&he&)&, afterwards, I have to use &Peking& instead of &Beijing&, now I know, in a wider scope, &Peking& is what &all of us& like , I’ m really a lazy lady in speaking, I hate speaking at all! if
I can speak one time for everyone’s understanding, why twice?       
I’ve told you once in my previous post, when &New York& was introduced to China, it got a new name&纽约",nobody can deny that there was some change, maybe you can ask Americans for their feeling about this new name , or, try to teach them to correctly write and pronounce &纽约"so as to use it in the talking with you, I don’t have that patience, for the same reason, I don’t know how to teach a Chinese to correctly write and pronounce “New York”, so, when I speak to Chinese, I say “纽约”,and “New York” to Americans, anything wrong?    3. Don’t be sorry la, my name in Pinyin is just something like an ancient English name, ancient means nobody use that now, I found that lots of people just have difficulty in remembering this simple name, they have to ask me once
and once again: “sorry, but, excuse me, your, your name, very sorry, may I……” “Angela, my name is Angela.” Think about it, I’m not the worst case, most Chinese names are really big challenges to most foreigners’ tongues, if possible, I’d like to try to remove or at least to minimize the challenges, in communication, I always try to face and remove the barriers instead of ignoring them or teaching my partner : “What a good name I have,can't pronounce it? Why not do something about your tongue”, can't be more rude, I will never do so,a name is just a symbol in communication,I believe that when those people see/hear “Peking or Beijing”, most of them have a nice feeling, cause the name remind them of a nice lady together with her name–Angela. “the influence and importance of Beijing” is a too big topic for me, I ’m not ready to do any job for any organization with the head of “State”, I don’t think I will get even one chance in the rest of my life to speak to the world on behalf of “China” or “Beijing”, so, needless to say, &Beijing& is a wise choice for those VIP,but not for everyone.     
  4.Me too, please read the above posts again, it was not me but the first poster who came back and said that here comes
a fight, there will never be fight in my life, on line or off-line, believe me, I ’m a Libra, I ’m peaceful enough, and I have received education good enough, thus enable me to conquer the world (chiefly the men’s world la)by smile, kind heart, hard working, patience, thinking…… but, never, never fighting, to tell you the truth, if your brain is not well-developed or you are not skilled in mental work, you have to stay in the bottom of the society, using your physical power to make a living, for example, fighting for some food, or just 10 dollars, then, be killed in the battle, or be sent to the jail, this is why I hate fighting, I don’t want to stay in the bottom, I don’t want to die so earlier, for just 10 dollars.    Thank you again, nice to talk to you, it would be better if we talk in Chinese, I don’t like to use English, unless I can make some money by doing so, or at least, when I need some exercises, forgive me, dear Lin- Angela is almost a Jew, next time, I ’d like to talk to you only in Chinese, your understanding will be highly appreciated, I promise
  I have to do so, cause sometime I have to(this is not what I like, just have to) speak to many foreigners coming from different countries, sure, some of them are not well-educated, &where do you come from,(are you from) Miss XX,&(in English, Spanish or German) &Beijing, China.& &What?”they asked me, then asked each other, “Beijing, do you know Peking? ” “of course, well, Peking, China(Ch经常被发成英语读音&he&)&, afterwards, I have to use &Peking& instead of &Beijing&,  ----------------------------  为什么一定要迁就洋人???
  &Peking or Beijing& was a valid issue 20 some years ago  
---- well, you always can find some people who does not know what Beijing is to China  
just like you can find someones who don't believe the earth is round, even today
请遵守言论规则,不得违反国家法律法规回复(Ctrl+Enter)工作地点离家太远了 英语翻译_百度知道
工作地点离家太远了 英语翻译
他离职的理由是工作地点离家太远他爱你胜过恨你英语翻译 谢谢
他离职的理由是工作地点离家太远The reason why he left/quit that job is that the workplace is too far from his home.他爱你胜过恨你He loves you more than hates you.He does rather love you than hate you.
工作地点离家太远了The working place is far from my home他离职的理由是工作地点离家太远His reason for leaving the company is working place too far from his home他爱你胜过恨你He loves you more than hates you.
他离职的理由是工作地点离家太远His reason for leaving the company is working place too far from their home他爱你胜过恨你He loves you more than hate you
his reason for resigning is the distance between conpany and home is so far.He loves you more than he hate you.
The reason that he quit his work is that the work place is to far from his home
He is more love than hate you


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