lnfestation:the new Z绝境求生怎么开始游戏戏 详细一点

  / Zm/ n (pl M's, m's / Zmz/) the thirteenth letter of the English alphabet 英语字母表的第十三个字母: `Moscow' starts with (an) M/`M'. Moscow一字以M字母开头.
  abbr 缩写 = 1 (also med) (esp on clothing, etc 尤作衣物等的标记) medium (size). 2 (also m) Roman numeral for 1000 (Latin mille) 罗马数字, 表示1000(源自拉丁文mille). 3 / Zm/ (Brit) motorway: heavy traffic on the M25 第25号高速公路上繁忙的交通.
  abbr 缩写 = 1 (esp on forms 尤用於表格中) male (sex).2 (esp on forms 尤用於表格中) married (status). 3 (also masc) (grammar) masculine (gender). 4 (a) metre(s): run in the 5000m, ie a race over that distance 参加5000米长跑. (b) (radio 无) metres: 800m long wave 长波800米. 5 million(s): population 10m 人口1000万.
  / mB:; mB/ n (infml 口) (usu used to address sb 通常用作称呼语) mother 妈; 妈妈: I'm going now, ma. 我要走了, 妈妈. * He always does what his ma tells him to. 他总是很听妈妈的话.
  / 9em 5eI; 9Zm `e/ (US AM) Master of Arts 文科硕士: have/be an MA in Modern Languages 有现代语言硕士学位[为现代语言硕士] * Marion Bell MA (London) 马里恩·贝尔文科硕士(伦敦大学).
  / mAm or, rarely, 罕读作 mB:m; mAm, mBm/ n [sing] 1 (used to address the Queen, a noblewoman, a female superior officer in the army, etc 用於对女王、 贵妇人、 高级女军官等的尊称) madam 夫人; 女士. 2 (US) (used as a polite form of address to a woman 用作对女子的尊称): Can I help you, ma'am? 小姐, 您有什麽事?
  mac (also mack)
  / mAk; mAk/ n (Brit infml 口) = mackintosh.
  / mAk; mAk/ n [sing] (US infml 口) (used to address a man whose name one does not know 用以称呼不知姓名的男子): Hey, mac! What do you think you're doing? 喂, 老兄! 你搞什麽名堂呢?
  / mE5kB:brE; mE`kBbrE/ adj connected with death, a gruesome (与死亡有关)引起恐惧的, 可怕的, 可怖的: a macabre ghost story 令人毛骨悚然的鬼怪故事.
  / mE5kAdEm; mE`kAdEm/ n [U] road surface made of layers of compressed broken stones 碎石路面: [attrib 作定语] a macadam road 碎石路. Cf 参看 tarmac.
  macadamize, macadamise
  / -aIz; -aIz/ v [Tn] make or cover (a road) with macadam 用碎石铺或筑(路): macadamized roads 碎石路.
  / 9mAkE5rEUnI; 9mAkE`ronI/ n [U] long hard tubes of pasta, often chopped into short pieces and boiled in water before eating 通心粉; 通心面.
  macaroni cheese
  dish of macaroni with a cheese sauce 乾酪通心面.
  / 9mAkE5ru:n; 9mAkE`run/ n small flat cakeor biscuit made of sugar, egg-white and crushed almondsor coconut 蛋白杏仁饼; 蛋白椰子饼.
  / mE5kR:; mE`kR/ n type of large long-tailed tropical American parrot (热带美洲产的长尾大鹦鹉); 琉璃金刚鹦鹉.
  / meIs; mes/ n 1 large heavy club formerly used as a weapon, usu having a head with metal spikes (旧时用作武器的)狼牙棒, 钉头锤. 2 staff or rod, usu ornamented, carried or displayed as a sign of the authority of an official, eg a mayor 权杖(通常有装饰, 为官员如市长所携带或作显示权威之用).
  n person who carries an official mace 持权杖者.
  / meIs; mes/ n [U] dried outer covering of nutmegs, used for flavouring foods 肉蔻乾皮(用作食物香料).
  / 5mAsEreIt; `mAsE9ret/ v [I, Tn] (fml 文) (cause sth to) become soft or break up by soaking (使某物)浸软, 浸开.
  / 9msE5reIFn; 9mAsE`reFEn/ n [U].
  / mB:k, mAk; mBk/ n [U] (followed by a number 後接数词) ratio of the speed of sth (esp an aircraft) to the speed of sound 马赫: an aircraft flying at Mach two, ie twice the speed of sound 以两倍於音速飞行的飞机.
  papier mache
  / 9pApIeI 5mAFeI; ?@ 9peIpEr mE5FeI;`pepLmE`Fe/ (French 法) moulded paper pulp used for making boxes, trays, ornaments, etc 制型纸浆(用以制纸盒、 纸盘、 纸装饰物等的).
  / mE5tFetI; ?@ -5FetI; mE`FZtI/ n broad heavy knife used as a cutting tool and as a weapon, esp in Latin America and the West Indies (用作刀具和武器的)大刀; (尤指拉丁美洲和西印度群岛人用的)大砍刀. =&illus at knife 见knife插图.
  / 9mAkIE5velIEn; 9mAkIE`vZlIEn/ adj (also Machiavellian) cunning and deceitful in ga showing such cunning or deceit 狡猾欺诈的; 不择手段的: a machiavellian person, scheme, plot 狡猾的人、 计画、 阴谋.
  / 9mAkI5neIFn; 9mAkE`neFEn/ n (a) [C usu pl 通常作复数] evil plot or scheme 诡计; 阴谋: attempts to counter their machinations 为反击他们的阴谋而进行的努力. (b) [U] plotting 密谋; 谋画.
  / mE5Fi:n; mE`Fin/ n 1 [C] (often in compounds 常用以构成复合词) apparatus with several moving parts, designed to perform a particular task, and driven by electricity, steam, gas, etc, or by human power 机器; 机械: The scrap merchant has a machine which crushes cars. 那个废品商有个压碎汽车的机器. * a `sewing-machine, `washing-machine, etc 缝纫机、 洗衣机等* office machines, eg computers, word processors, photocopiers, etc 办公用机器(如计算机、 文字处理机、 影印机等) * Machines have replaced human labour in many industries. 在很多工业中, 机器已取代了人力操作. =&Usage 见所附用法. 2 [C] (fig 比喻) person who acts automatically, without thinking 机械般行动而不动脑筋的人: Years of doing the same dull job can turn you into a machine. 成年地做一种单调工作, 能把活人也做成机器人. 3 [CGp] group of people that control (part of) an organization, etc (部分)控制某组织等的一夥人: the (political) party machine (政)党的核心组织 * The public relations machine covered up the firm's heavy losses. 公共关系部掩饰了该商行的严重亏损. 4 (idm 习语) a cog in the machine =& cog.
  v [Tn] 1 cut, shape, polish, etc (sth) with a machine 用机器切割、 制作或磨光(某物): The edge of the disc had been machined flat/smooth. 圆盘的边缘已用机器磨平[光]. 2 make (clothes) using a sewing-machine 用缝纫机缝制(衣服): I have to machine the hem. 我需用缝纫机缝边.
  / mE5Fi:nErI; mE`FinErI/ n [U] 1 (a) moving parts (of a machine) (机器的)转动部分: the machinery of a clock 钟的转动部分. (b) machines collectively or in general (泛指)机器, 机械: Much new machinery has been installed. 已安装了许多新机器. 2 ~ (of sth/for doing sth) organization or structure (of sth/for doing sth) 组织; 机构: reform the machinery of government 改革政府机构 * We have no machinery for dealing with complaints. 我们没有处理群众投诉的部门. * All this will be processed by the Home Office machinery. 这些事都要由内政部处理.
  / mE5Fi:nI mE`FinIst/ n 1 person who operates a machine, esp a sewing-machine 操作机器的工人; (尤指)缝纫机工. 2 person who makes, repairs or operates machine tools 机械工; 机械师.
  machine code (also machine language)
  (computing 计) binary code in which instructions are written that a computer can understand and act on 机器语言.
  n gun that fires bullets continuously while the trigger is pressed 机关枪; 机枪: operate, set up a machine-gun 开机枪、 架起机枪 * [attrib 作定语] accurate machine-gun fire 机枪的准确火力. =&illus at gun 见gun插图. v (-nn-) [Tn] shoot (sb) with a machine-gun 用机枪射击(某人): They machine-gunned the advancing troops. 他们用机枪扫射进攻的敌军.
  adj made by machine 机器制造的. Cf 参看 hand-made (hand1).
  adj (computing 计) (of data) in a form that a computer can understand (指资料)计算机可读的: convert a book into machine-readable form 把一部书变换成计算机可读的形式.
  machine tool
  tool for cutting or shaping materials, driven by a machine 工作母机; 机床.
  NOTE ON USAGE 用法: Compare machine, tool, etc. 试比较machine、 tool等词. A machine consists of moving parts powered by electricity, etc and is designed for a specific job. *machine是由电力等驱动的机器, 是为做某种工作而设计的. An (electrical) appliance is a machine used in the house, such as awashing-machine or dishwasher. *(electrical) appliance是家用电器, 如洗衣机或洗碟机. An apparatus is a system of connected machines, wires, etc *apparatus是相联结的机器、 导线等系统: the apparatus for lighting the stage 舞台照明设备. A tool is an object held in the hand, often used by people in their jobs, eg a hammer, drill or spanner. *tool是手持工具, 常为干活儿的人用的, 如 子、 钻或扳子. An instrument is a tool designed for a technical task, eg a surgeon's knife. *instrument是为技术工作设计的工具, 如手术刀. It may have some moving parts and be used in a technical operation, eg a microscope or meter. *instrument可能有某些运转部件并用於技术操作, 如显微镜或仪表. An implement is a tool generally used outdoors, especially in gardening or farming, eg a plough, rake or spade. *implement是通常用於户外的工具, 尤指园艺或农作中用的, 如 、 耙或锹. Device and gadget are more general terms. *device和gadget词义较笼统. Device is often used implying approval of a useful machine or instrument *device常含褒义, 指某机器或工具很有用处: a labour-saving device 省力的器具 * a clever device for locking windows 锁窗的灵巧装置. Gadget is more informal and can suggest disapproval *gadget较为通俗, 可含贬义: Their kitchen is full of the latest gadgets. 他们的厨房尽是最新式的器具. * All these modern gadgets are more trouble than they're worth. 所有这些现代化的装置都是花钱买麻烦的玩意儿.
  / mE5tFIzmEU, also mE5kIzmEU; mE`tFizmo, mE`kIzmo/ n [U] (esp derog 尤作贬义) exaggerated or aggressive pride in being male (夸大的或盛气凌人的)男子气概.
  / 5mAtFEU; `mAtFo/ adj (infml esp derog 口, 尤作贬义) aggressively masculine 大男子气概的: He thinks it's macho to drink a lot and get into fights. 他认为酗酒斗殴就是男子气概.
  / 5mAkrEl; `mAkrEl/ n (pl unchanged 复数不变) 1 striped fish that lives in the sea and is eaten as food 鲭: a good catch of mackerel 捕获的大量鲭鱼. 2 (idm 习语) a sprat to catch a mackerel =& sprat.
  mackerel sky
  sky covered with strips of fleecy cloud, similar to the stripes on a mackerel's back 鱼鳞天(布满卷毛云的天空, 状似鲭鱼背部条纹状鳞片).
  / 5mAkIntCF; `mAkIn9tBF/ (also mac, mack / mAk/) n (Brit) coat made of rainproof material 雨衣.
  comb form 构词成分 large-scale 大的;大规模的: macrobiotic * macroeconomic(s). Cf 参看 micro-, mini-.
  / 9mAkrEUbaI5CtI 9mAkrobaI`BtIks/ n [sing v] science of diets that consist of whole grains and vegetables grown without chemical treatment 益寿饮食学(对全谷及未经化学处理的蔬菜之饮食的研究).
  adj [esp attrib 尤作定语]: macrobiotic food 益寿食品.
  / 5mAkrEUkCzEm; `mAkrE9kBzEm/ n 1 the macrocosm [sing] the universe 宇宙; 宏观世界. 2 [C] any large complete structure containing smaller structures (任何含有较小结构的)大而完整的结构. Cf 参看 microcosm.
  / mAd; mAd/ adj (-dder, -ddest) 1 (a) insane 疯的; (患)精神病的; 精神错乱的: a mad person, act 精神失常的人、 行为 * be/go mad 发疯 * drive/send sb mad 把某人逼疯. (b) (infml esp derog 口, 尤作贬义) crazy 极愚蠢的; 疯狂的: What a mad thing to do! 多愚蠢的事啊! * You must be mad to drive so fast! 你开得这样快, 简直疯了! * He's quite mad: he goes round in very odd clothes. 他真是疯了, 竟穿著稀奇古怪的衣服到处逛. 2 (infml 口) (a) ~ about/on sth/sb very interested in sth/ enthusiastic about sth/sb 对某事物[某人]极感兴趣或很入迷: mad on football, pop music, etc 对足球、 流行歌曲等著迷 * He's mad about her, ie likes/loves her very much. 他爱她爱得如醉如痴. (b) (following ns 用於名词之後) very keen on (sth/sb) 极喜爱(某事物[某人]): be cricket mad, photography mad, pop music mad, etc 酷爱板球、 摄影、 流行音乐等 * a crowd of football-mad little boys 一群迷恋足球运动的小男孩儿. 3 ~ (with sth) (infml 口) frenzied 非常激动的; 狂暴的; 狂乱的: a mad dash, rush, etc 乱冲、 狂奔 * mad with pain 极疼痛 * The crowd is mad with excitement! 群众激动万分! 4 (infml 口) ~ (at/with sb) furious 愤怒的; 狂怒的: His obstinacy drives me mad! 他顽固不化把我气得火冒三丈! * She was mad at/with him for losing the match. 她对他输了这场比赛极为恼怒. * mad at/with the dog for eating her shoe (她)因狗咬她的鞋而发怒. * Don't get mad (about the broken window). 别(为窗户坏了)大动肝火. 5 (of a dog) suffering from rabies (指狗)患狂犬病的. 6 (idm 习语) hopping mad =& hop1. like `mad (infml 口) very much, quickly, etc 非常、 极快地等: smoke, run, work, etc like mad 拼命地吸烟、 跑、 工作等. (as) mad as a `hatter/a March `hare (infml 口) completely insane 像三月里(交尾期)野兔般疯狂. mad `keen (on sb/sth) (infml 口) very interested (in sb/sth) or enthusiastic (about sb/sth) (对某人[某事物])极感兴趣或很入迷: She's mad keen on hockey/on Arthur Higgins. 她极喜爱曲棍球[阿瑟·希金斯]. stark raving/staring mad =& stark.
  adv 1 in an insane manner 疯狂地: madly bent on further conquests 疯狂地决心进一步征服. 2 (infml 口) extremely 极端地; 极其: madly excited, jealous, etc 极其激动、 嫉妒等 * She's madly in love with him. 她如醉如痴地爱著他.
  n [U] 1 s insane behaviour 疯狂; 精神错乱; 精神失常: His madness cannot be cured. 他的疯病无法医治. 2 extreme foolishness 极端的愚蠢: It is madness to climb in such bad weather. 天气这麽坏还去爬山, 真是愚不可及. 3 (idm 习语) method in one's madness =& method. midsummer madness =& midsummer.
  n 1 (infml derog 口, 贬) place where there is much confusion or noise 极为混乱或嘈杂之处: This classroom is a madhouse: be quiet! 这教室乱哄哄的, 安静点儿! 2 (dated 旧) mental hospital 精神病院; 疯人院.
  / -mEn; -9mEn/ madwoman ns person who is insane 疯子; 狂人.
  / 5mAdEm; `mAdEm/ n 1 (also Madam) [sing] (fml 文) (polite form of address to a woman, whether married or unmarried, usu sb one does not know personally 对女子的敬称, 对已婚未婚者均可使用, 通常用於不相识者): Can I help you, madam? 小姐, 您有什麽事? * Dear Madam, ie used like Dear Sir in a letter 敬启者(用於信中, 如同Dear Sir) * Madam Chairman, may I be allowed to speak? 主席先生, 我可以发言吗? Cf 参看 miss2 2. 2 [C] (infml derog 口, 贬) girl or young woman who likes to get her own way 自行其是的年轻女子: She's a real little madam! 她可真是个我行我素的小姐! 3 [C esp sing 尤作单数] woman who is in charge of a brothel 鸨母.
  / mE5dB:m; ?@ mE5dAm; mE`dAm/ n (abbr 缩写 Mme) (pl Mesdames/ meI5dB:m; me`dBm/) (abbr 缩写 Mmes) (French title given to an older, esp married or widowed, woman or to an older woman who is not British or American 法语中对非英美年长妇女(尤指已婚或孀居者)的尊称): Madame Lee from Hong Kong 香港的李夫人.
  adj [attrib 作定语], n (typical of a) person who acts recklessly or impulsively 鲁莽的人; 爱冲动的人: some madcap adventure 某种鲁莽的冒险 * a complete madcap 十分鲁莽的人.
  / 5mA `mAdn/ v [Tn] make (sb) mad(4); annoy 使(某人)疯狂; 激怒; 使恼火: It maddens me that she was chosen instead of me! 选中了她而没选中我, 真把人气死!
  / 5mAdnIN; `mAdnIN/ irritating 激怒人的; 使人恼火的: maddening delays 恼人的延误 * Her laziness is quite maddening. 她很懒惰, 真气人.
  adv: maddeningly unhelpful, stupid, inefficient, etc 无用、 愚蠢、 效率低...得令人恼火.
  / 5mAdE(r); `mAdL/ n [U] (red dye obtained from the root of a) climbing plant with yellowish flowers 茜草; 茜草染料.
  pt, pp of make1.
  / mE5dIErE; mE`dIrE/ n [U, C] white dessert wine from the island of Madeira 马德拉岛白葡萄酒.
  Madeira cake
  type of sponge-cake 马德拉蛋糕.
  / mE5dCnE; mE`dBnE/ n 1 the Madonna [sing] the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ 圣母马利亚(耶稣基督的母亲). 2 (usu 通常作 madonna) [C] statue or picture of the Virgin Mary 圣母马利亚的雕像或画像: There was a madonna on the altar. 祭坛上有一座圣母马利亚的雕像.
  / 5mAdrI `mAdrI^l/ n (esp 16-century) songfor several voices, usu without instrumental accompaniment,on the themes of love and/or nature (尤指16世纪的)牧歌(以爱情和大自然为主题, 通常无乐器伴奏的多声部歌曲).
  / 5meIlstrCm; `melstrBm/ n (usu sing 通常作单数) 1 great whirlpool 大漩涡. 2 (fig 比喻) state of violent confusion 大动乱: the maelstrom of war 大战乱 * She was drawn into a maelstrom of revolutionary events. 她被卷入革命事件的洪流中.
  / 5maIstrEU; `maIstro/ n (pl ~s or maestri / 5maIstrI; `maIstrI/) (with a capital letter when followed by a name 後接名字时其首字母需大写) (title given to a) master in the arts, esp a great musical composer, conductor or teacher (艺术)大师(尤用以称作曲家、 指挥家或音乐教师): Maestro Giulini 指挥家朱利尼大师 * the maestri of the seventeenth century 十七世纪的音乐大师.
  / 5mAfIE; ?@ mB:f-; `mBfIE/ n [CGp] 1 the Mafia (a) secret organization of criminals in Sicily 黑手党(西西里岛的秘密犯罪组织). (b) similar organization active esp in Italy and the USA 类似黑手党的犯罪组织(尤指在意大利和美国活动的): [attrib 作定语] a Mafia boss, gang, killing, plot 黑社会的首领、 匪帮、 谋杀、 阴谋. 2 mafia (derog or joc 贬或谑) group of people who (are thought to) exert great influence secretly (被认为)秘密施加巨大影响的一夥人: The town hall mafia will prevent this plan going through. 市政厅的幕後操纵集团将阻挠这一计画.
  / 9mAfI5EUsEU; 9mAfI`oso/ n (pl Mafiosi/-si:; -si/) member of the Mafia 黑手党党徒.
  / 9mAgE5zi:n; ?@ 5mAgEzi:n; `mA^Ezin/ n (infml abbr 口语缩写作 mag) ( / mAg/) paper-covered periodical, usu weekly or monthly, with articles, stories, etc, by various writers 杂志; 期刊: women's magazines 妇女杂志 * a literary magazine 文学杂志 * [attrib 作定语] a magazine article 杂志上的文章.
  / 9mAgE5zi:n; ?@ 5mAgEzi:n; `mA^Ezin/ n 1 store for arms, ammunition, explosives, etc 武器库; 弹药库; 炸药库. 2 chamber holding the cartridges of a rifle or pistol before they are fed into the breech (枪的)弹仓, 弹盒, 弹盘. =&illus at gun 见gun插图. 3 place that holds the roll or cartridge of film in a camera (照像机内的)胶卷盒, 底片盒.
  / mE5dVentE; mE`dVZntE/ adj, n [U] bright purplish red (dye) 洋红的; 洋红色; 洋红染料.
  / 5mAgEt; `mA^Et/ n larva or grub (esp of the bluebottle or cheese-fly), which lays its eggs in meat, cheese, etc 蛆: People use maggots as bait when they go fishing. 人们钓鱼时用蛆作钓饵.
  adj full of maggots 生满蛆的: maggoty cheese, meat, etc 生蛆的乾酪、 肉等.
  / 5meIdVaI; `medVaI/ n [pl] the Magi the three wise men from the East who brought gifts to the infant Jesus (将礼物带给初生的耶稣的)东方三贤人.
  / 5mAdVIk; `mAdVIk/ n [U] 1 power of apparentlyusing supernatural forces to change the form of things superstitious practices based on this 魔法; 巫术: They believe that it was all done by magic. 他们相信那都是魔法造成的. * black/white magic 诅咒[祈祷]巫术 * This soap works like magic the stains just disappear. 这种肥皂功效神奇--污垢顿消. * The paper turned green as if by magic. 那纸像著了魔法一样, 变绿了. Cf 参看 sorcery (sorcerer), witchcraft (witch). 2 (art of performing) tricks with mysterious results, done to entertain 魔术; 戏法; 幻术: She' she can conjure a rabbit out of a hat. 她很会变魔术, 能从帽子里变出兔子来. 3 (fig approv 比喻, 褒) (a) charming or enchanting quality 魔力; 魅力: the magic of Shakespeare's poetry, of the woods in autumn 莎士比亚诗篇的、 秋天森林的魅力. (b) thing that has this quality 具有魅力、 魔力之物: Her piano playing is absolute magic. 她的钢琴弹得真是出神入化.
  adj 1 used in or using magic 魔法或魔术中使用的; 用魔法或魔术的: a magic spell, word, trick, etc 具有魔力的符咒、 咒语、 把戏等 * the magic arts 魔术技艺. 2 (sl 俚) excellent 绝妙的; 极好的: That music is really magic! 那音乐真是妙不可言! * We had a magic time today! 我们今天玩得很痛快! * You got the tickets? Magic! 你弄到票了? 太棒了!
  v (pt, pp magicked) (phr v) magic sth away cause sth to disappear by magic 用魔术使某物消失: The conjurer magicked the bird away. 那个魔术师把鸟变没了. * (fig 比喻) As soon as the trouble began, his bodyguards magicked him away. 动乱刚一开始, 他的警卫就像变魔术似地把他弄走了. magic sth from/out of sth produce sth by magic from sth 用魔术变出某物: She magicked a rabbit out of a hat. 她从帽子里变出一只兔子来.
  / - -kl/ adj 1 of, used in or like magic (像)魔法的; (像)魔术的; (像)魔法或魔术中使用的: awizard's magical hat 男巫的魔帽. 2 (infml 口) enchanting 迷人的; 有魅力的: a magical view over the calm waters of the bay 海湾里平静海水的迷人景色.
  / -klI; -klI/ adv.
  / mE5dVIFn; mE`dVIFEn/ n person who is skilled in magic(2) 魔术师; 变戏法的人. Cf 参看 conjurer (conjure1).
  magic carpet (in fairy stories)
  carpet that is able to fly and carry people (童话故事中)能载人飞行的魔毯.
  magic eye
  (infml 口) photoelectric device which shows that sb/sth is present or which is used to control an electric or electronic device 电眼; 光调谐指示器; 电子射线管: lifts opened and closed by a magic eye 用电眼控制开关的电梯.
  / 9mAdVI5stIErIEl; 9mAdVIs`tIrIEl/ adj (fml 文) 1 having or showing authority 有权威的; 表现出权威的: a magisterial manner, statement, pronouncement 权威性的态度、 说法、 声明. 2 of or conducted by a magistrate 地方法官的; 地方法官办的: magisterial decisions, proceedings 地方法官的决定、 诉讼程序.
  / -IElI; -IElI/ adv: dismiss the servants magisterially 威严地解雇仆人.
  / 5mAdVIstreIt; `mAdVIs9tret/ n official who acts as a judge
Justice of the Peace 地方法官; 治安官: The Magistrates' Courts 地方法院 * come up before the magistrate 在地方法院出庭.
  / 5mAdVIstrEsI; `mAdVIstrEsI/ n 1 [C] position of a magistrate 地方法官或治安官的职位. 2 the magistracy [Gp] magistrates as a group 地方法官团; 治安官团: He's been elected to the magistracy. 他已选进地方法官团.
  / 5mAgmE; `mA^mE/ n [U] molten rock found beneath the earth's crust 岩浆. =&illus at volcano 见volcano插图.
  / mAg5nAnImEs; mA^`nAnEmEs/ adj having or showing great generosity (esp towards a rival, an enemy, etc) 宽宏大量的, 慷慨的(尤指对竞争者、 敌人等): a magnanimous person, gesture, gift 大方的人、 姿态、 礼物 * a leader who was magnanimous in victory, ie when he won 在胜利时宽宏大度的领袖.
  / 9mAgnE5nImEtI; 9mA^nE`nImEtI/ n [U] being magnanimous 宽宏大量; 慷慨: show great magnanimity towards an opponent 对敌手表现出极大的宽容.
  / 5mAgneIt; `mA^net/ n wealthy and powerful landowner or industrialist 有财有势的地主或工业家: an industrial magnate 工业巨头.
  / mAg5ni:FE; mA^`niFE/ n [U] white tasteless powder (carbonate of magnesium) used in liquid form as a medicine, and in industry 氧化镁; 镁氧.
  / mAg5ni:zIEm; ?@ mAg5ni:VEm; mA^`niVEm/n [U] (chemistry 化) silver-white metallic element that burns with a very bright flame and is used to make alloys and fireworks, and in flash photography 镁. =&App 10 见附录10.
  / 5mAgnIt; `mA^nIt/ n 1 piece of iron, often ina horseshoe shape, which can attract iron, either naturallyor because of an electric current passed through it, and which points roughly north and south when freely suspended 磁铁; 磁石. =&illus 见插图. 2 (fig 比喻) person or thing that has a powerful attraction 有强大吸引力的人或物: This disco is a magnet for young people. 这家迪斯科舞厅经常吸引大批年轻的顾客.
  / 5mAgnItIzEm; `mA^nE9tIzEm/ n [U] 1 (science of the) properties and effects of magnetic substances 磁性; 磁性作用; 磁学. 2 (fig 比喻) great personal charm and attraction 人的魅力和吸引力: the magnetism of a great cinema performer 一杰出电影演员的魅力.
  magnetize, magnetise
  / 5mAgnEtaIz; `mA^nE9taIz/ v [Tn] 1 cause (sth) to become magnetic 使(某物)磁化, 起磁: This screwdriver has been magnetized. 这把改锥已经磁化了. 2 (fig 比喻) attract (sb) strongly, as if by magnetism 强烈吸引(某人): She can magnetize a theatre audience. 她能像磁石般吸引剧院观众.
  / mAg5netIk; mA^`nZtIk/ adj 1 with the properties of a magnet 有磁性的: The block becomes magnetic when the current is switched on. 通电时线圈即具磁性. 2 (fig 比喻) having a powerful attraction 有强大吸引力的: a magnetic smile, personality 极有吸引力的微笑、 性格. 3 of magnetism 磁性的; 磁的: magnetic properties, forces, etc 磁性、 磁力.
  /-klI; -klI/ adv.
  magnetic compass
  = compass1.
  magnetic field
  area round a magnet where a magnetic force is exerted 磁场.
  magnetic mine
  underwater mine2(2) that explodes when a large mass of iron, eg a ship, approaches it 磁性水雷.
  magnetic needle
  needle that points roughly north and south, used on a compass 磁针.
  magnetic north
  northerly direction indicated by a magnetic needle 磁北: magnetic north pole, ie close to the geographical North Pole but not identical with it 磁北极.
  magnetic tape
  plastic tape coated with iron oxide, used for recording sound or television pictures 磁带; 录音带; 录像带.
  / mAg5ni:tEU; mA^`nito/ n (pl ~s) electric apparatus that produces the sparks for the ignition of an internal combustion engine 电磁机; 永磁发电机.
  / mAg5nIfIkAt; mA^`nIfI9kAt/ n [sing] the Magnificat song of the Virgin Mary praising God, used in Church of England services 尊主颂(童贞女马利亚赞美上帝之歌, 用於英国国教礼拜中).
  / mAg5nIfI mA^`nIfEsnt/ impressive 壮丽的; 宏伟的; 壮观的: a magnificent Renaissance palace 文艺复兴时期的宏伟宫殿 * her magnificent generosity 她那豪爽的慷慨.
  / - -sns/ n [U]: the magnificence of the ceremonies 仪式的壮观.
  / 5mAgnIfaI; `mA^nE9faI/ v (pt, pp -fied) 1 [Tn, Tn.pr] make (sth) appear larger, as a lens or microscope does (用放大器或显微镜)放大(某物): bacteria magnified to 1000 times their actual size 比实物放大1000倍的的细菌. =&illus 见插图. 2 [Tn] (fml 文) exaggerate (sth) 夸大(某事物): magnify the dangers, risks, uncertainties, etc 夸大危险性、 冒险性、 易变性等. 3 [Tn] (arch 古) give praise to (God) 赞美(上帝): My soul doth magnify the Lord. 我的心赞美上主的伟大.
  / -faIE(r); -9faIL/ n device, etc that magnifies 放大器; 放大装置; 放大镜.
  / 9mAgnIfI5keIFn; 9mA^nEfE`keFEn/ n 1 [U] (power of) magnifying 放大; 放大能力: a lens with excellent magnification 放大能力极佳的透镜. 2 [C] amount of increase in apparent size 放大率; 放大倍数: This object has been photographed at a magnification of 3, ie three times actual size. 此物体拍照时已放大了三倍.
  magnifying glass
  hand-held lens used for magnifyingobjects 放大镜. =&illus 见插图.
  / mAg5nIlEkwE mA^`nIlEkwEnt/ adj (fml 文) (a) (of words, speech) pompous-sounding (指言词、 讲话)夸张的, 夸大的. (b) (of a person) using pompous-sounding words (指人)使用夸张的言词的.
  / -E -Ens/ n [U].
  / 5mAgnItju:d; ?@ -tu:d; `mA^nE9tud/ n [U] 1 (fml 文) (usu large) size (通常指大的)量, 大小: The magnitude of the epidemic was frightening. 这种流行病传播范围之广令人惊惶不安. 2 (degree of) importance 重要; 重要性; 重要程度: You don't appreciate the magnitude of her achievement. 你没有认识到她这一成就的重大意义. * a discovery of the first magnitude, ie a most important discovery 一项极重要的发现. 3 (astronomy 天) degree of brightness of a star 星等(表示星体亮度的等级): a star of the first, second, etc magnitude 一等星、 二等星.
  / mAg5nEUlIE; mA^`nolIE/ n tree with large sweet-smelling wax-like flowers, usu white or pink 木兰.
  / 5mAgnEm; `mA^nEm/ n (bottle containing) 1.5 litres of wine or spirits 1.5升的酒(瓶): a magnum of champagne 1.5升的香槟.
  magnum opus
  / 9mAgnEm 5EUpEs; `mA^nEm `opEs/ (Latin 拉) work of art or literature regarded as its author's greatest (某艺术家或文学家的)最伟大的作品, 杰作, 巨著.
  / 5mAgpaI; `mA^9paI/ n 1 noisy black-and-white bird that is attracted by, and often takes away, small bright objects 喜鹊. =&illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page iv. 2 (fig derog 比喻, 贬) (a) person who collects or hoards things 爱收集或贮藏东西的人. (b) person who chatters a lot 爱饶舌的人.
  / 5mAgjB:(r); `mA^jBr/ n, adj (member or language) of the main ethnic group in Hungary 马札尔人(的); 马札尔语(的).
  maharaja (also maharajah)
  / 9mB:hE5rB:dVE; 9mBhE`rBdVE/ n (title of an) Indian prince (印度的)土邦主, 王公(的称号).
  maharani (also maharanee)
  / 9mB:hE5rB:ni:;9mBhE`rBni/ queen or princess with a position like that of a maharaja (印度的)土邦主之妻, 女土邦主.
  / 9mB:hE5rIFi:; ?@ mE5hB:rEFi:; mE`hBrEFi/ n Hindu wise man (印度的)智者, 圣贤.
  / mE5hB:tmE, mE5htmE; mE`hBtmE, mE`hAtmE/ n (in India) title given to a person regarded with great reverence because of his wisdom and holiness (印度的)伟人, 圣贤(用作尊称): Mahatma Gandhi 圣雄甘地.
  = maulstick.
  / mE5hCgEnI; mE`hB^EnI/ n 1 [C, U] (tropicaltree with) hard reddish-brown wood used esp for making furniture 桃花心木(树)(热带产之坚硬红木, 尤用以制家具): I'm going to use mahogany to make the book-case. 我打算用桃花心木做书橱. * This table is mahogany. 这张桌子是桃花心木的. * [attrib 作定语] a mahogany chair, desk, etc 桃花心木的椅子、 书桌等. 2 [U] reddish-brown colour 红褐色: with skin tanned to a deep mahogany 皮肤晒成深红褐色.
  adj of a reddish-brown colour 红褐色的: mahogany skin 红褐色的皮肤.
  / meId; med/ n 1 (often in compounds 常用以构成复合词) woman servant 女仆; 侍女: We have a maid to do the housework. 我们有个女仆干家务活儿. * a `dairy-maid, `housemaid, `nursemaid, etc 奶场女工、 女仆、 保姆. 2 (arch 古) y girl 未婚的年轻女子; 姑娘: love between a man and a maid 一男子与一年轻姑娘的爱情.
  maid of honour
  (a) principal bridesmaid 首席女傧相. (b) unmarried woman attending a queen or princess (女王、 王后或公主的)未婚侍女.
  n (dated 旧) maid(1) 女仆; 侍女. Cf 参看 manservant (man).
  / 5meI `medn/ n 1 (arch 古) girl or unmarried woman 少女; 姑娘; 未婚女子. 2 (also ,maiden `over) (in cricket) over3 in which no runs are scored (板球)未得分的一轮投球.
  / -hUd; -9hJd/ n [U] (fml 文) (a) sta virginity 处女身分; 童贞. (b) period when one is a maiden 少女时期.
  adj (approv 褒) of orlike a maiden 文雅的; 温顺的; (似)少女的: her maidenlyshyness 她那少女的腼腆.
  maiden aunt
  unmarried aunt (未婚的)姑, 姨.
  n [U] type of fern with fine stalks and delicate fronds 掌叶铁线蕨.
  / - -9hZd/ n (arch 古) 1 [C] hymen 处女膜. 2 [U] virginity 童贞.
  maiden name
  woman's family name before her marriage (女子的)娘家的姓.
  maiden speech
  first speech in Parliament by a Member of Parliament (议员在议会中的)首次演说.
  maiden voyage
  ship's first voyage (船的)首航, 处女航.
  / meIl; mel/ n 1 [U] official system of collecting, transporting and delivering letters and parcels 邮政; 邮政系统; 邮政制度: send a letter by airmail 寄一封航空信 * The letter is in the mail. 信在邮寄途中. * [attrib 作定语] the mail van, service, train 邮政汽车、 服务、 列车 * the `mail-coach, ie horse-drawn coach formerly used for carrying letters, etc (旧时)邮政马车. 2 (a) [U] letters, parcels, etc sent by post 信件; 邮包; 邮件: Post office workers sort the mail. 邮局工作人员分拣邮件. * There isn't much mail today. 今天邮件不多. * The office mail is opened in the morning. 公务信件在早晨开启. (b) [C] letters, parcels, etc delivered or collected at one time 一次发送或收取的邮件: I want this letter to catch the afternoon mail. 我想让这封信赶得及能随下午收取的邮件走. * Is there another mail in the afternoon? 下午还另有一批邮件吗? Cf 参看 post3.
  v [Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth (to sb) (esp US) send sth (to sb) by post (给某人)寄某物: Mail me a new form, please. 请给我寄一张新表格. * I'll mail it to you tomorrow. 我明天把它寄给你. Cf 参看 post4.
  n (US) (usu small) container or envelope in which sth is sent by post (通常为小的)邮寄物品的容器或封套.
  n strong sack in which letters, parcels, etc are carried 邮袋.
  n (US) 1 = letter-box (letter). 2 = post-box (post3).
  mailing list
  list of names and addresses of persons to whom advertising material, etc is to be sent regularly 邮寄名单: Please add my name to your mailing list. 请把我的名字加入你们的邮寄名单中.
  / -mAn; -9mAn/ n (pl -men / -mEn; -mEn/) (US) = postman (post3).
  mail order
  system of buying and selling goods by post 邮购制度: buy sth by mail order 以邮购方式购买某物 * [attrib 作定语] a mail-order business, ie one dealing in mail-order goods 邮购商行 * a mail-order catalogue, ie one which lists mail-order goods and their prices 邮购商品价目表.
  n (a) piece of advertising material sent to potential customers by post (寄给潜在客户的)广告材料. (b) act of sending these 给潜在客户邮寄广告材料.
  / meIl; mel/ n [U] body armour made of metal rings or plates linked together 铠甲: a coat of mail 一件铠甲.
  adj (idm 习语) the mailed fist (dated or rhet 旧或修辞) (the threat of) armed force 武力; 武力威胁.
  / meIm; mem/ v [Tn usu passive 通常用於被动语态] wound or injure (sb) so that part of the body cannot be used 使(某人)残废: He was maimed in a First World War battle. 他在第一次世界大战的一埸战斗中受伤致残.
  / meIn; men/ adj [attrib 作定语] (no comparative or superlative forms 无比较级或最高级形式) 1 principal 最重要的; 主要的; 首要的: the main thing to remember 要记住的主要东西 * the main street of a town 市内的主要街道 * Be careful crossing that main road. 过那条大路时要小心. * the main meal of the day 一天的正餐 * the main course (of a meal) (一餐的)主菜 * My main concern is the welfare of the children. 我最关心的是儿童的福利. 2 (idm 习语) have an eye for/on/to the main chance =& eye1. in the `ma on the whole 大体上; 大致上: These businessmen are in the main honest. 这些商人大都很诚实.
   primarily 主要地; 首要地: You are mainly to blame. 主要应当责备你. * The people in the streets were mainly tourists. 街上的人大多是游客.
  main clause
  (grammar) clause(1) that can stand on its own to make a sentence 主句.
  main deck
  upper deck of a ship 主甲板.
  main drag
  (infml 口 esp US) main street of a town or city (城镇的)主要街道, 大街.
  n (also mainframe computer) large powerful computer with an extensive memory (计算机的)主机. Cf 参看 microcomputer, minicomputer.
  / -lA -9lAnd/ n [sing] large mass of land forming a country, continent, etc without its islands 大陆.
  main line
  principal railway line between two places (铁路的)干线, 主线: the main line from London to Coventry 从伦敦到考文垂的铁路干线 * [attrib 作定语] a ,main-line `train, `station 铁路干线列车、 车站.
  v [Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (into sth) (sl 俚) inject (a drug) into a large vein for stimulation, often because of addiction 将(毒品)注入大静脉(常因犯瘾):be mainlining on hard drugs 注射硬性毒品 * She mainlinedheroin (into a vein in her arm). 她(向臂静脉中)注射海洛因.
  n principal mast of a sailing ship 主桅.
  / 5meInsl, 5meInseIl; `mensl, `men9sel/ n principalsail on a sailing-ship, usu attached to the mainmast (主桅上的)主帆. =&illus at yacht 见yacht插图.
  n 1 principal spring of a clock or watch (钟表的)主发条. 2 (fml fig 文, 比喻) chief motive or reason (for sth) (某事的)主要动机或原因: Her jealousy is the mainspring of the novel's plot. 这部小说情节中贯穿了她的忌妒之心.
  / -steI; -9ste/ n 1 rope from the top of the mainmast to the base of the foremast 主桅支索. 2 (fig 比喻) chief support(er) 主要的依靠; 支柱: He is the mainstay of our theatre group. 他是我们剧组的台柱.
  n [sing] 1 dominant trend, tendency, etc 主要倾向、 趋势等; 主流: the mainstream of political thought 政治思潮的主流 * [attrib 作定语] mainstream politics 主流政治学. 2 style of jazz that is neither traditional nor modern 主流派爵士乐(介乎传统与现代之间者): [attrib 作定语] a mainstream band, player 主流派爵士乐乐队、 演奏者.
  / meIn; men/ n 1 [C] (a) principal pipe bringing water or gas, or principal cable carrying electric current, from the source of supply into a building (自来水、 煤气等的)总管道; (电流的)干线: a burst water main 爆裂的自来水总管道 * The gas main exploded and set fire to the house. 煤气总管爆炸引起房子失火. (b) principal sewer to which pipes from a building are connected (与建筑物下水道相连的)污水总管道. 2 [sing] (arch or rhet 古或修辞) open sea 大海: ships on the main 大海中的船只 * the Spanish Main 加勒比海. 3 the mains [sing or pl v] source of water, gas or electricity supply to a building or area (供应一建筑物或地方的)水源, 煤气源, 电源: My new house is not yet connected to the mains. 我的新房子还没接上水、 电、 煤气呢. * The electricity supply has been cut off/disconnected at the mains. 电力供应已在电源处截断. * [attrib 作定语] mains gas/water/electricity, ie (supplied) from the mains 由煤气源、 水源、 电源处供应的煤气[水/电] * a mains/battery shaver, ie one which can be operated either from a mains electricity supply or by batteries 交流电[电池]两用剃刀.
  / meIn; men/ n (idm 习语) with might and main =& might2.
  / 5meInbreIs; `men9bres/ n (idm 习语) splice the main brace =& splice.
  / meIn5teIn; men`ten/ v 1 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (with sth) c keep sth in existence at the same level, standard, etc 保持或维持某事物: maintain friendly relations, contacts, etc (with sb) (与某人)保持友好关系、 接触等 * enough food to maintain one's strength 足以维持体力的食物 * maintain law and order 维持法治 * maintain prices, ie prevent them falling 维持住物价(防止跌落) * maintain one's rights 保留自己的权利 * Maintain your speed at 60 mph. 你要保持每小时60英里的速度. * The improvement in his health is being maintained. 他的健康状况仍在继续好转. 2 [Tn] support (sb) financially 在财务上支持(某人); 赡养; 扶养: earn enough to maintain a family in comfort 挣的钱足以维持一家人过舒适的生活 * This school is maintained by a charity. 该校由一慈善机构资助. * She maintains two sons at university. 她供两个儿子上大学. 3 [Tn] keep (sth) in good condition or working order 保养, 维修(某物): maintain the roads, a house, a car, etc 保养道路、 房子、 汽车等 * Engineers maintain the turbines. 机修工维修涡轮机. * a well-maintained house 保养良好的房子. 4 [Tn, Tf] assert (sth) as true 断言(某事)属实; 坚持: maintain one's innocence 坚持自己无辜 * maintain that one is innocent of a charge 对某项指控坚称无罪.
  / 5meIntEnE `mentEnEns/ n [U] 1 maintaining or being maintained 保持; 维持; 赡养; 保养; 维修; 坚持: the maintenance of good relations between countries 保持国与国之间的友好关系 * price maintenance 保持价格不变 * money for the maintenance of one's family 养家的钱 * He's taking classes in car maintenance. 他正在上汽车维修课. * [attrib 作定语] a maintenance man, gang, van 维修工人、 队、 车. 2 (law 律) money that one is legally required to pay to support sb (根据法律须付的)赡养费, 扶养费: He has to pay maintenance to his ex-wife. 他必须负担前妻的生活费用. Cf 参看 alimony.
  maintenance order
  (law 律) order to pay maintenance(2) 赡养令; 扶养令.
  maisonette (also maisonnette)
  / 9meIzE5 9mezE`nZt/ n 1 self-contained dwelling on two floors, part of a larger building or block 占有两层楼的公寓. 2 (dated 旧) small house 小房子.
  / meIz; mez/ n [U] tall cereal plant bearing yellow grain on large ears 玉蜀黍; 玉米. Cf 参看 corn on the cob (corn1), sweetcorn (sweet1).
  abbr 缩写 = Major: Maj (James) Williams (詹姆斯·)威廉斯少校 * Maj-Gen (ie Major-General) (Tom) Phillips (汤姆·)菲利普斯少将.
  / mE5dVestIk; mE`dVZstIk/ adj havin grand 威严的; 壮丽的; 高贵的; 宏伟的: majestic views, scenery, etc 壮丽的景色、 风景等 * The great ship looked majestic in her new colours. 这艘巨轮著上新漆显得很雄伟.
  / -klI; -klI/ adv: She strode majestically through the palace. 她威严地大步在宫殿中走过.
  / 5mAdVEstI; `mAdVEstI/ n 1 [U] (a) impressive dig grandeur, as of a king or queen 庄严; 威严; (如国王的)尊严: all the majesty of royal ceremonies 皇家仪典的富丽堂皇 * (fig 比喻) the majesty of the mountain scenery 高山景色的雄伟. (b) royal power 王权. 2 Majesty [C] (used with a precedingpossess det to address or speak of a royal person or royal people 冠以所有格限定词, 用以称呼或提及王室人员):Very well, Your Majesty. 是的, 陛下. * at His/Her Majesty'scommand 奉国王[女王]陛下谕旨 * Their Majesties have arrived. 国王与王后陛下已驾到.
  force majeure
  / 9fR:s mA5V\:(r); 9fRrs mB`V[/ (French law 法, 律) unforeseen circumstances, such as war, that excuses sb from keeping a promise, fulfilling a bargain, etc 不可抗力(难以预见的情况, 如战争, 藉以原谅某人未能实践诺言、 履行协议等).
  / 5meIdVE(r); `medVL/ adj 1 [usu attrib 通常作定语] (more) great(er) (较)重要的; (较)大的; 主要的: a major road 干路 * the major portion 较大的部分 * a major operation, ie a surgical operation that could be dangerous to a person's life 大手术(可能危及生命者) * a major suit, ie (in cards, esp bridge) either spades or hearts (纸牌, 尤指桥牌的)高花色牌(黑桃或红桃) * We have encountered major problems. 我们遇到大问题了. * She has written a major novel, ie one of high quality and great importance. 她写了一部高质量的小说. Cf 参看 minor. 2 (Brit dated or joc 旧或谑) (in private schools) first or older of two brothers or boys with the same surname (esp in the same school) (私立学校中)(兄弟俩或同姓男生中)年长的, 大的: Smith major 大史密斯. Cf 参看 minor, senior. 3 (music 音) (of a key or scale) having two full tones between the first and third notes (指调或音阶)大调的, 大音阶的: the major key 大调 * a major scale 大音阶 * the key of C major, E flat major, etc C大调、 降E大调. Cf 参看 minor.
  v [Ipr] ~ in sth (US) specialize in a certain subject (at college or university) 主修(大专院校的)科目: She majored in maths and physics (at university). 她(在大学)主修数学和物理.
  n 1 [sing] (music 音) major key 大调: shift from major to minor 由大调转到小调. 2 [C] (US) (a) principal subject or course of a student at college or university (大专院校学生的)主修科目, 主修课程, 专业: Her major is French. 她的主修科目是法语. (b) student studying such a subject 某专业的学生: She's a French major. 她是法语专业的学生. 3 majors [pl] (also major `leagues) (US sport 体) senior and most important leagues, esp in baseball and ice hockey 高级联赛协会(尤指棒球及冰上曲棍球的): [attrib 作定语] major league baseball 高级联赛协会棒球赛.
  major premise
  the first, more general statement of a syllogism (逻辑学三段论法的)大前提.
  / 5meIdVE(r); `medVL/ n army officer ranking between a captain and a lieutenant-colonel 陆军少校. =&App 9 见附录9.
  n army officer ranking between a brigadier and a lieutenant-general 陆军少将. =&App 9 见附录9.
  / mE5dVCrEtI; ?@ -5dVR:r-; mE`dVRrEtI/ n 1 [Gp] the gr most 大多数; 大半; 大多: A/The majority of people seem to prefer TV to radio. 大部分人似乎喜欢看电视而不喜欢听收音机. * The majority was/were in favour of the proposal. 多数人赞成这个建议. * [attrib 作定语] majority opinion, rule 多数人的意见、 多数裁定原则. Cf 参看 minority. 2 [C] ~ (over sb) (a) number by which votes for one side exceed those for the other side 超过对方的票数: She was elected by a majority of 3749. 她以超过对方3749票当选. * They had a large majority over the other party at the last election. 在上次选举中他们以悬殊的票数击败了对方. * The government does not have an overall majority, ie a majority over all other parties together. 政府没有获得(超过各党派票数的)总合多数票. (b) (US) number by which votes for one candidate exceed those for all other candidates together 多数票(一候选人的选票超过其他候选人票数的总和). Cf 参看 plurality 3. 3 [sing] legal age of full adulthood 成年的法定年龄: The age of majority is eighteen. 成年的法定年龄是18岁. * She reaches her majority next month. 她下个月就到成年年龄了. 4 (idm 习语) be in the/a majority form the greater part/the larger number 构成大部分[大多数]: Among the members of the committee those who favour the proposed changes are in the majority. 委员中赞成提出修改意见的占大多数. the silent majority =& silent.
  majority verdict
  (law 律) verdict of the majority of a jury (陪审团)多数的裁决.
  / meIk; mek/ v (pt, pp made / meId; med/)
  CONSTRUCTING OR CREATING 建造或创造 1 (a) [Tn, Tn.pr, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth (from/(out) of sth); ~ sth (for sb) construct, create or prepare sth by combining materials or putting parts together (用材料或零件)做、 制作、 制造、 建造或创造某物: make a car, a dress, a cake 制造汽车、 做连衣裙、 做蛋糕 * make bread, cement, wine 做面包、 制水泥、 酿葡萄酒 * make (ie manufacture) paper 造纸 * God made man. 上帝创造了人类. * She makes her own clothes. 她的衣服都是她自己做的. * Wine is made from grapes. 葡萄酒是用葡萄酿制的. * `What is your bracelet made of?' `It's made of gold.' `你的镯子是什麽材料做的?'`是金的.' * I made myself a cup of tea. 我自己沏了一杯茶. * She made coffee for all of us. 她给我们大家煮了咖啡. * This car wasn't made (ie is not big enough) to carry eight people. 这辆汽车不是坐八个人的. (b) [Tn.pr esp passive 尤用於被动语态] ~ sth into sth put (materials or parts) together to produce sth 将(材料或零件)做成或制成某物: Glass is made into bottles. 玻璃可制成瓶子. (c) [Tn] arrange (a bed) so that it is ready for use 铺(床): Please make your beds before breakfast. 请在早饭前把床铺好. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr] cause (sth) to appear by breaking, tearing, removing material or striking (藉打破、 撕破、 移去材料或敲击)使(某物)出现, 形成: The stone made a dent in the roof of my car. 我的汽车顶让石头砸了个坑. * The holes in the cloth were made by moths. 布上的洞是虫子蛀的. 3 [Tn] create (sth); establish 制定(某事物); 规定: These regulations were made to protect children. 这些规则是为保护儿童而制定的. * Who made this ridiculous rule? 这条荒唐的规则是谁定的? 4 [Tn] write, compose or prepare (sth) 写, 创作, 准备(某事物): make one's will 立遗嘱 * make a treaty with sb 与某人签订协议 * She has made (ie directed)


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