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名称: Block N Load
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此游戏的 DLC
The latest version of Block N Load brings changes to the matchmaking system which should help improve the quality of matches plus additional options for Custom Games.
Of course, there are also a number of other improvements and fixes to go along with it as well.
Some of the key changes in this version include:
Custom Games
Custom Games have received some new functions to make them more interesting and easier to find players to join matches on player made maps from the Steam Workshop.
It is now possible to allow players to join a Custom Game even after it has been started, once a Custom Game has finished the host of the custom game can choose to take the game from the scoreboard back to the match setup screen, and new options to adjust the size of the Brick Wallet Cap along with the number of Bricks that each Hero starts the match with have been added.
A number of changes have been made to the matchmaking systems to make them more flexible.
We’ve used existing data about the people currently playing Block N Load to set the starting points for these, and hopefully you should see some better matches formed as a result.
XP Boosters
It is now possible to purchase boosters that increase the amount of XP you gain from completing matches in the in-game Shop.
Each booster will run for the amount of time specified and during the time it is active will let you earn XP for your Heroes and Player Level faster.
4th of July Arena
Additionally, as this update is coming out on the 4th of July the arena &E Pluribus Unum& is making a return to Casual Mode rotation and Custom Games.
It's time to party like it's 1776!
For the full patch notes .
In preparation for our next update, we've updated our Player Test Realm where you can try out some of the changes we'll be releasing soon. Among the features you'll be able to test are:
New Custom Games options such as &Allow Backfilling& and Brick wallet cap and initial Bricks settings
XP Boosters
Fixes to Line of Sight and the way splash damage works
There's plenty more, so head on over to the
for more information and instructions on how you can help us test out new features.
Ranked Beta Survey
We're still testing out various scenarios for Ranked play and we really want your feedback, so if you have played our Ranked beta weekends and want to provide feedback, please head over to
and tell us what you think.
Sarge, Eliza, and Astarella in Rotation
Our Yeti hero leaves the free rotation this week and Sarge Stone comes in to take his place.
Eliza's Lab Rat Run Time Assault
Our Time Assault map has rotated out as well, so get in there and earn that Gold! Can you get to the top of the leaderboard?
Midsummer Madness
Finally, don't forget our Midsummer Madness event runs all summer long. Keep your eyes on our
for schedule updates!
“...it could very well rival TF2 for approachability, quirkiness, and staying power”
“A creative and exciting first person shooter with strategic elements. You will be constantly surprised.”
“Block N Load [is not only] a lot of fun, but is even addictive and offers me a welcome alternative to League of Legends.”
9/10 –
Five of you. Five of them. Face off in a tactical battle where everything you build, destroy, construct or shoot has devastating impact on the entire game. Build your defenses and charge into action to destroy theirs. Tunnel under the map or catapult over it, they’ll never see it coming! Be sneaky, be devious, be destructive. Be a large metal robot, twisted scientist, deadly ninja and more. Build using a crazy range of block types and work together in this FPS where no game is ever the same. Ready up! It’s time to Block N Load. NOW FREE TO PLAY.
NO GAME THE SAME: The game world is ever-changing and evolving throughout every match, as players creatively build and tunnel their way to enemy positions and onto victory.
UNHINGED HEROES: Character variety offers a robust mix of roles for full combat, defensive and supportive players in a team.
BRAINS AS IMPORTANT AS BULLETS: Every game has a blend of intelligent and creative tactics fused with strategic shooter action. It’s fast-paced yet strategic.
BUILD PHASE: Experiment and take the time to work on your defences, traps and setups before the team attacks truly begin.
MASTERS OF CONSTRUCTION: Creative use of a wide choice of blocks in-game mean your deadly and devious constructions can cause havoc with the enemy – and the map.
WHAT THE BLOCK!? Big bombs, turrets, bounce pads, poison traps, landmines, forcefields, speed pads, mortars, glue blocks, health blocks, ammo blocks and more. Everything you need for calculated mayhem.
MAP EDITOR: Craft your own amazing Arenas using the same tools the developers do for official Arenas. Share them on the Steam Workshop and play them in game.
CUSTOM GAME MODE: Set up your own game on the servers to choose your favourite map and build time. 1000s of player made maps available to try!
TIME ASSAULT MODE: Ready for a single player challenge? Take on deadly hero based assault courses, utilise your parkour skills and compete against your own best times & if you're fast enough win a top spot on the global leaderboards.
操作系统: Windows Vista, 7 (SP1 required) & 8
处理器: Dual Core CPU 2.0 GHz (Intel Core 2 Duo or Athlon X2) or better
内存: 3 GB RAM
图形: Dedicated graphics card (NVidia GeForce 8800 GT or better)
DirectX 版本: 11
网络: 宽带互联网连接
操作系统: Windows Vista, 7 (SP1 required) & 8
处理器: Quad Core CPU 2.0 GHz (Core i5) or better
内存: 4 GB RAM
图形: Dedicated graphics card (GeForce GTX 650 / AMD Radeon HD 7770 series or better).
DirectX 版本: 11
网络: 宽带互联网连接
(C) 2016 Jagex Ltd. All rights reserved. Jagex(R) and Block N Load(TM) are trademarks of Jagex Ltd.
(429 篇评测)
(8,398 篇评测)
Its really cool!!!!
So just only after one hour of playing this game, this game has decent graphics and the gameplay looks familiar with Team Fortress 2 (In my opinion lol) and don't get me wrong, this game is great. the gameplay is amazing, I literally went on a 10 kills killstreak in my first game a lot of cool characters and weapons and the controls aren't that complicated, they're simple. And the best thing about this game that it's free and it's well developed. Thank you developers for your hard work! this game deserves a try!
best of the best
This game is a bunch of poopy bum farts .
Cool cool .
garbage it wont download
Great game
one of the best games i playedi played it since the betabut i think you need to return the 5 people matchmaking squadmore fun to play 5 friends.
This game is very good block MOBA game
I am 30 hours into this game and I learned like 3 heroes. The game is super fun and pretty hard to learn. And the community is great :D
Hi! this is my review about this game, as you know.. :D (Sorry for my bad english)So I have played this game only 20.2 hours when I write this, but I think that I know everything that I need to know to write this review.I have played this and heres my pros and cons...Pros:-Fun and Awesome gameplay-Every character is unique, and that makes it intresting. You have from cutest hamster to creepyest clown!-With short and fun tutorial, you will know everything you need to know to start and rest you can explore yourself!-I can say that you cant get bored right away when you start your third match or
so....-You can blow up stuff if you want!-You cant say that this is just one stupid minecraft copy with guns... THIS IS MORE!-You will get evolved with your team, because you can tell your team how you want to play before match starts(Defend or Attack)-I haven't even listet everything that is awesome in this game :DMini-Cons:-From my opinion, this should have more content(Can be easily fixed)-World/Arena/&what ever you call it& Editor is little bit hard to use, but it is useable and community have created awesome maps with it!Cons:-this is free game so everyone can play it... that means there is trollers and bullies, but no report button.... I have been bullied, but theres nothing I can do to it...OVERALL:This is such awesome game, and if you just have time.. GO PLAY IT! At least give it a shot! This is one of the best games I have played! :-)I would paD (But I dont want to xP)
After 100+ hours of this game I can definitely say that its very addictive.I got list of pros and cons that I think are worth mentioning!¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤Pros¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤-F2P-Not P2W(things you will waste your money on are mostly skins)-Runs well-Many awesome heroes that are very fun to play -They are pretty much balanced I guess?-Gameplay is good and fun-Cool minecraft-like graphics but much better-Awesome maps (You can build your own map in map editor and publish it)-Game updates frequently (Not very but it still does)¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤Cons¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤-Game does not have many players soo searching for a match can be longer sometimes-It needs more content IMO -You may find yourself in a match with trolls that will destroy your base and you will most likely lose the game-YOU MAY GET ADDICTED!¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤Remember:Always place those radars and dont box the cube!Great game 11/10.
So far, it's a fun free-to-play game. Doesn't seem to have any P2W features, and the perks provides advantages and disadvantages. The environment is almost completely destructible, making it fun to carve new paths into the battlefield. Just try it, it should take less than an hour to download.
Theres always a new threat.Theres never a balanced game.Theres always that one new guy.Theres always a block spammer.Theres always people who have no clue what team they are on.Theres why I like this game.There.
This game is free and it is fun, usually.
There are issues, though.This game has no real cheat detection.
I think that is all you need to know.
Most of the players are noobs who just downloaded because it is free on Steam.
The matchmaking tries to put noobs in the same matches, so you don't run in to a lot of cheaters at first.
Once you decide you like the game, you'll get put against wallhackers and aimbotters, the same ones, all the time.
The community will call this 'skill' and say 'git gude', but if you've ever played a video game online before you know what is up.
You'll also see people speedhack when they destroy your explosives or pound on your cube, but they don't make it otherwise obvious. Experienced players also make new accounts so they can get matched against new players and pound on them.
They call it 'smurfing'.
Pros, I guess: - It isn't P2W and it is free to play, so that is good.
- You can unlock all the characters and perks through gold earned via gameplay.
- Overall, the community is pretty nice- The Devs do communicate with the community, but it is a skeleton crew, so don't expect much new contentThe game can be fun once you get through the confusing mess of early noob play.
The problem is hit detection on the various characters and some characters move too quickly.
When you see 2 or 3 jumping Sarges completely avoiding explosion damage and auto-healing while pounding your cube, you'll realize this game is broken at the coding level.
Certain classes are also over-powered and have exploits that make them unnecessarily difficult to counter.
So far, I've had 230 Hours on record, so I feel like I can give a valid review of this game.I love this game.I was just looking for free to play games, and I found this. It said it was sandbox based, so I thought why not.I'm not a fan of shooting games, or any kind of games with scopes or kills. I thought this was just a game that you build and destroy stuff. Not harmless.However, when I played, it had so many nice characters, and the gameplay was amazing. The graphics are beautiful, and it's a type of game that isn't full of people who rage or brag. (Well, I do encounter some squeakers and I find them hilarious) It's a really nice community, and it reminds me of a mixture of TF2, Garry's Mod, and Minecraft. They had a baby. It's really fun, and it brings the child out of me. The colors are vibrant, and it isnt full of boring guns and rifles and all of that fancy stuff that has boring colors. If you do like grenades and those fancy guns, they have desired heros for that (Sarge, Cogwheel-ish, Nigel, Kira). But even so, when I play with any of the hero's it's really fun because they have their own personalities. And for people who are curious, there are 5 female heros as of now, and 9 male heros.If you're wondering, this game isn't Pay to Win. They have perks that you can buy with gold that you earn from playing, but each perk has an advantage + disadvantage. (Ex. 20% Faster Reload Time, but 20% Slower running speed) To make things fair, which I really like. And what I really like about Block N Load is that there is two currencies. Platinum, and Gold.What's the difference?Gold you earn no matter what, on each game you play (However not on custom games).You cannot buy gold with real life money. You can use gold to buy perks and heros.Platinum however, cannot be earned. The only Platinum you can earn is by getting an account upon first in-game experience. You get 300. With Platinum, you can only buy skins for heros.Skins are just unique 'costumes' for heros to play in. For some people it gets boring to use the original hero skin. Plus, it's a nice way to show you love that hero!FYI, skins do not benefit the player in anyway during gameplay. It is only for show.You can get about two skins for 4.99 USD, which I did once on my steam wallet. It's pretty cheap and fun to use for people who like to get skins.Overall, Block N Load is fun, and you will get addicted if you got interested the first time. :D You should really give it a try, but beware, it's not the dev's fault that you got addicted!Also, Kira-Chan is my favorite Skills hero, and my favorite Brains hero is Dream Genie, and my favorite Brawn hero is Yury the Yeti.
Hello and I'm writing this review because why not I have 50 hours on this game and feel like I'm eligible to review it.What I like about Block N Load:Block N Load I feel is a great game for being free. It is a really fun game to play with friends super easy to pick up and has a nice learning curve that can let you get dozens of hours of fun with friends. The game is great to play with friends who have cruddy connection (Danish friend plays with me on NA servers and gets like 150 ping doesn't really have much lag issues).The community isn't bad(probably because most of the kids that play don't know that there is voice chat)It is most definitely not pay to play because the only stuff you can buy are heroes, and you can get enough in game money to buy everything if you play around 100 hours. The only few things I would like to see changed is: 1. More content(I know this will come with time)2. During build time I would like there to be a middle ground where you can fight the enemy over an objective/buff that you can keep fighting over throughout the game (I play Op &juan& and some maps I don't do much during building phase).
Good game it is free and it isn't a pay to win but you can pay if you want it has very few lag spikes I have only had one lag spike in my 10 hours of playing. This is an amazing game eventhough it is only in beta I would recommend it to anyone who likes tactical shooters. In the game you have 5 mins at the start to set up defences for your bases where there can be up to three bases at once then it is wich ever team can destroy the other team's base the fastest (there is up to 5 people on each team).
Amazing but make the heroes the same price ad equally balanced
It's a fun game. Sometimes you lose 5-6 games in a row and it drives you crazy but at the end of day you're gonna love this game.
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Block N Load Block N Load
开发厂商:Jagex , Artplant
操作系统: Windows Vista, 7 & 8
CPU: Quad Core CPU 2.0 GHz (Core i5) or better
显卡: Dedicated graphics card (GeForce GTX 650 / AMD Radeon HD 7770 series or better).
DirectX:Version 11
网络:Broadband Internet connection
操作系统: Windows Vista, 7 & 8
CPU: Dual Core CPU 2.0 GHz (Intel Core 2 Duo or Athlon X2) or better
内存:3 GB RAM
Dedicated graphics card (NVidia GeForce 8800 GT or better)
DirectX:Version 11
网络:Broadband Internet connection
厂商:Slitherine Ltd.
介绍:《战国时代:战国之影(Sengoku Jidai: Shadow of the Shogun)》专题站提供本游戏攻略,完整硬盘版下载,官网,官方网站,存档,发售日期,新闻,截图,视频,评测,评分,破解,补丁,修改器,配置,中文,汉化,秘籍等游戏资料...
介绍:《全面战争:战锤(Total War: Warhammer)》专题站提供本游戏攻略,完整硬盘版下载,官网,官方网站,存档,发售日期,新闻,截图,视频,评测,评分,破解,补丁,修改器,配置,中文,汉化,秘籍等游戏资料...
厂商:Animus Interactive Inc
介绍:《阿瓦隆领主:黎明崛起(Avalon Lords: Dawn Rises)》专题站提供本游戏攻略,完整硬盘版下载,官网,官方网站,存档,发售日期,新闻,截图,视频,评测,评分,破解,补丁,修改器,配置,中文,汉化,秘籍等游戏资料...
介绍:《御姐玫瑰Z2:混沌(Onechanbara Z2: Chaos)》专题站提供本游戏攻略,完整硬盘版下载,官网,官方网站,存档,发售日期,新闻,截图,视频,评测,评分,破解,补丁,修改器,配置,中文,汉化,秘籍等游戏资料...
厂商:EA Games
介绍:《镜之边缘:催化剂(Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst )》专题站提供本游戏攻略,完整硬盘版下载,官网,官方网站,存档,发售日期,新闻,截图,视频,评测,评分,破解,补丁,修改器,配置,中文,汉化,秘籍等游戏资料...
厂商:MinMax Games Ltd.
介绍:《太空海盗和僵尸2(Space Pirates And Zombies 2)》专题站提供本游戏攻略,完整硬盘版下载,官网,官方网站,存档,发售日期,新闻,截图,视频,评测,评分,破解,补丁,修改器,配置,中文,汉化,秘籍等游戏资料...
CopyRight (C) 3DMGAME- ,All Rights Reserved
(全区) (华东/华南)Block N Load
Block N Load
Global Achievements
Most popular community and official content for the past week.&
UPDATE 2.9 - Customs, Matchmaking & Boosts
The latest version of Block N Load brings changes to the matchmaking system which should help improve the quality of matches plus additional options for Custom Games.
Of course, there are also a number of other improvements and fixes to go along with it as well.
Some of the key changes in this version include:
Custom Games Custom Games have received some new functions to make them more interesting and easier to find players to join matches on player made maps from the Steam Workshop.
It is now possible to allow players to join a Custom Game even after it has been started, once a Custom Game has finished the host of the custom game can choose to take the game from the scoreboard back to the match setup screen, and new options to adjust the size of the Brick Wallet Cap along with the number of Bricks that each Hero starts the match with have been added.
Matchmaking A number of changes have been made to the matchmaking systems to make them more flexible.
We’ve used existing data about the people currently playing Block N Load to set the starting points for these, and hopefully you should see some better matches formed as a result.
XP Boosters It is now possible to purchase boosters that increase the amount of XP you gain from completing matches in the in-game Shop.
Each booster will run for the amount of time specified and during the time it is active will let you earn XP for your Heroes and Player Level faster.
4th of July Arena Additionally, as this update is coming out on the 4th of July the arena &E Pluribus Unum& is making a return to Casual Mode rotation and Custom Games.
It's time to party like it's 1776!
For the full patch notes click here[].
Block N Load
Here's some proof
More strategy needed.
My idea is that the amount of gold from killing players is increased, maybe to 100 maybe higher. This would help stop the players that do nothing but suicide bomb the base for 50 lives.
Also it would make the game more strategic because people would want ...
Get on the Player Test Realm!
In preparation for our next update, we've updated our Player Test Realm where you can try out some of the changes we'll be releasing soon. Among the features you'll be able to test are:
New Custom Games options such as &Allow Backfilling& and Brick wallet cap and initial Bricks settings
XP Boosters
Fixes to Line of Sight and the way splash damage works There's plenty more, so head on over to the PTR forum for more information and instructions on how you can help us test out new features.
Ranked Beta Survey We're still testing out various scenarios for Ranked play and we really want your feedback, so if you have played our Ranked beta weekends and want to provide feedback, please head over to the survey[www.surveymonkey.co.uk] and tell us what you think.
Sarge, Eliza, and Astarella in Rotation Our Yeti hero leaves the free rotation this week and Sarge Stone comes in to take his place.
Eliza's Lab Rat Run Time Assault Our Time Assault map has rotated out as well, so get in there and earn that Gold! Can you get to the top of the leaderboard?
Midsummer Madness Finally, don't forget our Midsummer Madness event runs all summer long. Keep your eyes on our website[] for schedule updates!
Block N Load
queu time insane. But playerbase bigger than a week ago?????
so I just had a queu time of 12 min on a casual NA match, but the playerbase right now is bigger than I've ever seen it. The update broke it, and it didn't help matchmake either. I was tossed into a lvl 5 match and I'm lvl 66.
Every time I play Block N load&
Announcing: Midsummer Madness!
THIS SUMMER IS GOING TO BE BLOCKING AWESOME! Midsummer Madness will run from June to August and incorporates multiple different activities, promotions, contests, and content releases to keep you busy throughout those hot summer days.
Things will be kicking off from this Friday with ALL HEROES FREE TO TRY and DISCOUNTS ON HERO PRICES. There’s also going to be a chance to dress to impress with the release of 2 new skins in the shop!
There's no time to lose, head on over to our EVENT PAGE[] to get the full details. Be sure to keep checking back for further event reveals.
There will be plenty of chances for you to get involved, and with the amount going on there's sure to be something for both new and veteran players alike.
Block N Load
I made a montage
Made of old (ish) & new, balanced and unbalanced matches. It's my first montage so I used to terrible music
Check it out
Two Simple but Effective Core Defences
A simple look at two different core defences, both of which can be manned by a single Toni, or Eliza, with pretty much regular success. These can also be easily made by a couple of people digging together, before the initial timer runs dry.&
90 ratings
Workshop Item
42 ratings
Golden Gate Bridge&
Block N Load Time assault speed run 42 seconds !!!&
How to get FREE platinum
How to get free platinum!&
154 ratings
Block N Load: OP Juan Master Game Play&
Workshop Item
Castle Fighter&
just let my dude dance in peace&
Workshop Item
Neighborly Dispute&
When you have brains in your team&
Block n Load Montage - Propane Nightmares&
Workshop Item
Forest Load&
Tony #DeepDream&
5 of 5 people (100%) found this review helpful3 people found this review funny
1.4 hrs on record
Theres always a new threat.Theres never a balanced game.Theres always that one new guy.Theres always a block spammer.Theres always people who have no clue what team they are on.Theres why I like this game.There.
59 products in account
日本向けカット講座 blockageddon
То,чем защищают базу другие.&
Greifer. Destroys all friendly cubes and trys to prevent new health cubes from being deployed.&
Poorly done base preparations.&
Workshop Item
Apocalyptic Life 1.0&
Block N Load
En juego free play y shooter en primera persona , se compone de dos equipos y cada uno de cinco jugadores en un enfrentamiento entre ambos previamente se dispone de un tiempo previo donde nos prepararemos antes de que nos ataquen.Podemos construir y destru...&
1 person found this review helpful2 people found this review funny
78.5 hrs on record
Evil Laugh Evil Laugh.
16 products in account
1 person found this review helpful
22.5 hrs on record
An average game...-Select an offensive hero-Defensive heros say theyre gonna attack and tell you to defend-Can't do anything in warm up because you don't have defensive blocks.-Teammates cover up cube.Game starts-Hear &Your Cube is Under Attack&-Realize your teammates didn't put down radars. -Cube blows up-Read ez pz in chat.That's why I love this game
53 products in account
Жиза в этой игре&
Dont Cover Your Own Base/Cube
Dont Cover Your Own Base/Cube, Its Is Because Tony Turret Need Shot Nearby Cube/Base Enemys, Enemy Can Hide Inside The Cube/Base Without A Block Cover It, You Also Can Use Sandbags To Cover Your Base, It Is Because Sandbags Are Hard To Break, Thats All You...&
Hero perk idea for Cogwheel
40% less reserve ammo.
25/50/75% faster fire rate.
It takes away the great Heavier Metal and makes you kinda have to take Killer Ammo (which would be fun AF to use) or Bags of Bullets instead of Killer Shield.
Maybe even replace Healthy with Fleet Footed...
No more content. So sad.
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