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网络封包分析软件下载|Wireshark 2.0.2 绿色便携版 - 绿色软件下载 - JZ5U绿色下载站
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网络封包分析Wireshark 2.0.2 Stable Release 绿色便携版
软件大小:20.77 MB
软件类型:绿色软件 - 网络软件 - 网络辅助
更新时间: 10:53:09
下载帮助: 解压密码:
Wireshark 是一款非常棒的Unix和Windows上的开源网络协议分析器。它可以实时检测网络通讯数据,也可以检测其抓取的网络通讯数据快照文件。可以通过图形界面浏览这些数据,可以查看网络通讯数据包中每一层的详细内容。Wireshark拥有许多强大的特性:包含有强显示过滤器语言(rich display filter language)和查看TCP会话重构流的能力;它更支持上百种协议和媒体类型; 拥有一个类似tcpdump(一个Linux下的网络协议分析工具)的名为tethereal的的命令行版本.
Wireshark(前称Ethereal)是一个网络封包分析软件。网络封包分析软件的功能是撷取网络封包, 并尽可能显示出最为详细的网络封包资料。网络封包分析软件的功能可想像成 &电工技师使用电表来量测电流、电压、电阻& 的工作 - 只是将场景移植到网络上,并将电线替换成网络线。
在过去,网络封包分析软件是非常昂贵,或是专门属于营利用的软件。Ethereal的出现改变了这一切。在GNU GPL通用许可证的保障范围底下,使用者可以以免费的代价取得软件与其程式码,并拥有针对其原始码修改及客制化的权利。Ethereal是目前全世界最广泛的网络封包分析软件之一
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Sublime Text 2.0 正式版 (便携版)
签到天数: 430 天[LV.9]以坛为家II
软件版本:2.0 正式版 (便携版)软件大小:32位 6.3MB / 64位 7.8MB软件语言:简体中文病毒测试:无毒软件性质:收费软件,但目前可以无限期试用运行环境:Windows XP/Vista/Win7/ Win8
软件介绍 :
Sublime Text被称作Windows下的TextMate,而根据其官网介绍,Sublime Text的特点如下:拥有高效、没有干扰的界面,在编辑方面的多选、宏、代码片段等功能,以及很有特色的Minimap。
Sublime Text 是一个代码编辑器(Sublime Text 2是收费软件,但目前可以无限期试用)也是HTML和散文先进的文本编辑器。漂亮的用户界面和非凡的功能,例如迷你地图,多选择,Python的插件,代码段,等等。完全可自定义键绑定,菜单和工具栏。Sublime Text的主要功能包括:拼写检查,书签,完整的 Python API , Goto 功能,即时项目切换,多选择,多窗口等等。
Sublime Text 2.0 正式版主要新增支持 Retina 视网膜屏、拖拽文本、构建系统得以优化、支持 CSS 自动完成以及高亮设置等新特点~
软件主要特点 :
强大的快捷命令“可以实时搜索到相应的命令、选项、snippet 和 syntex, 按下回车就可以直接执行,减少了查找的麻烦。”
支持 VIM 模式
软件更新内容 :
See the blog post for a summary.
OSX: Added Retina display support
Added &Quick Skip Next&, on Command+K,Command+D / Ctrl+K,Ctrl+D
Added text drag and drop
Reloading a file maintains the selection
OSX: Find uses the system find pasteboard
OSX: Added support for the ODB Editor Suite
Theme: Added support for the highlight_modified_tabs setting
Added setting show_full_path, to control if the full path is shown in the window title
Added setting bold_folder_labels
OSX: Bundle is signed in preparation for Mountain Lion
OSX: Added scroll bar support for the &Jump to the spot that's clicked& system preference
OSX: Added create_window_at_startup setting
OSX: Folders accessed via symlinks are monitored for changes
OSX: Fixed Lion press-and-hold inserting two characters
Windows: Installer is signed
Windows: Directory scanning makes use of inodes where available
Windows: Files are opened with the FILE_SHARE_DELETE share mode
Windows: Fixed a regression in command line handling with network paths
Windows and Linux: Tweaked command line handling when Sublime Text isn't already running
Linux: Tweaked handling of the Primary selection
Linux: GTK is loaded at runtime, removing any dependency on specific libpng versions
Linux: Fixed occasional jittering with the auto complete window
Linux: Fixed a directory watching issue
Linux: Sub-folders within the syntax menu on the status bar work as expected
Linux: Show Completions has changed from ctrl+space to alt+/, to not interfere with IMEs
Reworked CSS completions
Improved Toggle Comment for HTML and CSS
Added Open in Browser context menu for HTML files
Saving a file now calls fsync to ensure the data is written to disk
Added support for file_include_patterns and folder_include_patterns in projects
Find in Files can exclude directories using &-some_path/& syntax
Added BOM variants to the Save with Encoding menu
Added setting preview_on_click
Improved Indentation Detection
ASCII control codes are rendered in a different style
Auto complete and tool tips say within the screen boundaries
Double clicking in the tab header area will create a new tab
Delete Folder will prompt before moving the folder to the trash
Double clicking on whitespace will select only whitespace
Theme: Added 'expandable' attribute to tree_rows, enabling folders to be styled differently
Theme: Tweaked quick panel to better indicate the selected item
Disabling find result highlighting will also disable find-as-you-type in the Find panel
Pressing escape in the incremental find panel will set the selection to the search start point
Extended behavior of home and end keys on word wrapped lines
Changes in file name case are detected in the side bar
Fixed save_on_focus_lost causing Goto Anything to not show if the current file has unsaved changes
Fixed folders not being added to the recent folders list
Fixed rendering of active indent guides
Fixed pasting file:line expressions into the Goto Anything panel
Invalid key names in keymap files will are logged to the console
Build Systems: Added variants
Build Systems: Improved debug output of the exec command when the target isn't found
Build Systems: Added show_panel_on_build setting
Build Systems: Build times are reported
Build Systems: Exit code is reported, if it's non-zero
Build Systems: Improved output panel height serialization
Build Systems: Canceling a build will terminate rather than kill the process
Vintage: Added backspace motion (thanks mrannanj)
Vintage: Improved quote text object (thanks Guillermo)
Vintage: Added Ctrl+U and Ctrl+D (thanks misfo)
Vintage: 'vintage_use_clipboard' forces pasting from system clipboard too (thanks Guillermo)
Vintage: Fixed motions with &0& in them for actions (thanks bengolds)
Vintage: Visual mode I and A (thanks misfo)
Vintage: Added vintage_use_clipboard setting to yank to the system clipboard (thanks Guillermo)
Vintage: Tweaked behavior of cw and cW when the caret is in whitespace (thanks misfo)
Vintage: Added bindings for moving the group focus up, down, left, right (thanks misfo)
Vintage: Paste accepts a repeat count (thanks misfo)
Vintage: Added bindings for u and U in visual mode, to change the case of the selection and exit visual mode (thanks quarnster)
Vintage: Macro replay accepts a repeat count (thanks zbuc)
Vintage: r&char& processes lines individually (thanks Guillermo)
Vintage: Tweaked % behavior (thanks misfo)
Vintage: Fix bug that caused deletes to erroneously left_delete (thanks misfo)
Vintage: Fix EOF behavior with linewise changes (thanks misfo)
Vintage: Ignoring a and i when in visual mode (thanks Guillermo)
Vintage: cc and S take counts (thanks misfo)
Vintage: Correctly shrink selections when reversed (thanks misfo)
Vintage: Added vap (thanks behrends)
API: Added sublime.message_dialog()
API: Added sublime.ok_cancel_dialog()
API: Added Command.is_checked() to support checkbox menu items
API: Added sublime.log_result_regex()
软件截图 :
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
软件下载地址 :
Sublime Text 2.0 便携版 32位 官方下载:
Sublime Text 2.0 便携版 64位 官方下载:
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> Photoshop CS6 32位64位 精简便携版
这是一个全新的版本,基于Adobe Photoshop CS5.1(版本号:重新精简封装,实现自动判断操作系统位宽安装对应版本。请在安装前卸载轻狂发布的以往版本。精简:精简了Bridge
Adobe Photoshop - 全球最大的图像处理软件!Photoshop CC 具有更多更高效的性能,新功能包含:新的模糊效果和聚焦区域选定等工具、相机防抖动功能、Camera RAW功能改进、图像提
Photoshop CS6 32位64位 精简便携版cs2.0中文版下载 _cs2.0中文版官方下载单机 - pc6游戏网


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