急急急!!!!!求指导:汇丰环球 HSSspring transactionn Agency工作性质

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-呾{'/}r洵儳9捈-K鹿i憩脙;罭熐S3h莴#箄3蛆1f囫 `榝V豝訧{筚峤{篪odo0楒术(棆uedtX旉劈P<4R+c门ゴ穲<R恏|t诃"淹*伲輜蔨氜禣s灀aD T膪纾广州Product Change & Support
HSS招聘 - 汇丰环球客户服务(广东)有限公司 - 职友集(发现中国好公司)
薪资范围:& 3000以上
Description By understanding TA system Business Objects universe, which include objects, condition, By working with business user to understand and clarify By communicating with business user on requirements which are not achievable within the Business Objects tool or the TA By preparing report design document, which defines data mapping and algorithm of complicated filt By constructing Business Objects report as per
By publishing the report to UAT environm By supporting UAT activities which include handling queries on report function, defect fixing, By identifying / documenting the necessary changes required to the TA By updating relevant specifications when changes
By explaining to TA vendor on the changes required to the TA By performing backup and versioning of r
PSP - CD team
. IT or technica
. English is must, Can
. Interest in system support - system analysis
. Shift is not necessary in current stage.
PSP - Pension team
. Accounting or F
. English is must, Cantonese is preferable, Mand
. Interest in system support - system analysis
. Support night
- Night Shift: 13:00 - 21:00;
- Shift allowance according to company policy.
PSP - A&V, CD, MO or GDTA support team
. Accounting/F
. English is must, Can
. Interest in system support - system analysis
. Work in shift basis when necessary (for Europe system support):
- Morning Shift: 08:00 - 17:00; Normal Shift: 09:00 - 18:00; Night Shift: 15:00 - 24:00.
- Night shift frequence: 2 weeks each time, rotate every 2-3 month.
- Shift allowance according to company policy.
. Proficient in MS Access VBA, VB.NET, SQL and Excel M
. Experience in business analysis, project management, system dev
. English is must, Can
. Shift is not necessary in current stage.
PCS - FACP projects or report development
. Accounting/F
. Programming/Database background is preferred (for report team only);
. English is must, Can
. Good communication skill.
PCS - FACP report development
. Accounting/F
. Programming/Database bac
. English is must, Can
. Good communication skill.
PCS - GDTA Report Team - BO/Crystal report development
. Good knowledge of SQL;
. Experience on Business Objects is preferred, other BI tools
. English is must, Can
. Good communica
. Good team player and being interested in working in a global environment.
PCS - GDTA AWD Workstream
. Good command of English, bot
. Workflow system working exper
. Familiar with system testing cycl
. English is must, Can
公司地址:广州市东风西路148号广州汇丰大厦 / 广州市天河区天河路383号太古汇二座 / 佛山市南海区灯湖东路10号汇丰银行大厦 ()
最新招聘(广州.Product Change & Support
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2015校园招聘宣讲会:上海,10月25日14:30,上海明天广场JW万豪酒店9号厅(上海市黄浦区南京西路399号)广州,11月1日14:30,广州文华东方酒店天河厅(广州市天河区天河路389号)注:宣讲会后现场直接笔试,请您带齐笔试文具参加宣讲,多谢!请登录 进行职位申请HSBC in China 汇丰在中国HSBC is one of the world’s largest banking and financial services organisations, with around 6,600 offices in both established and faster-growing markets. We aim to be where the economic growth is, connecting customers to opportunities, enabling businesses to thrive and economies to prosper, and ultimately helping people to fulfil their hopes and realise their ambitions. We serve around 58 million customers through our four global businesses: Retail Banking and Wealth Management, Commercial Banking, Global Banking and Markets, and Global Private Banking. Our network covers 81 countries and territories in six geographical regions: Europe, Hong Kong, Rest of Asia-Pacific, Middle East and North Africa, North America and Latin America. Our aim is to be acknowledged as the world’s leading international bank. Listed on the London, Hong Kong, New York, Paris and Bermuda stock exchanges, shares in HSBC Holdings plc are held by about 220,000 shareholders in 129 countries and territories. HSBC is an equal opportunity employer. We value the diversity of individuals, ideas, perspectives, insights and values, and what they bring to the workplace. Joining HSBC, you will have not only a stable job, but also a top international financial career development platform.汇丰集团是全球规模最大的银行及金融服务机构之一, 为全球范围内约5800万客户提供广泛的银行及金融服务。汇丰集团因应发展策略,选址中国广东,为全球汇丰客户提供全面专业的金融服务,包括个人金融服务、工商金融服务、环球银行及资本市场服务和私人银行服务。服务地区包括香港、澳门、英国、美国、加拿大、中国大陆、新加坡、日本以及亚太地区。 汇丰致力于提供平等就业机会,珍惜每个雇员的多样性、想法、观点、洞察力以及他们对工作场所创造的价值。成为汇丰的一员,你拥有的不仅是一份稳定的工作,更是一个顶尖金融领域国际化职业发展平台。 YOUR Career Development with HSBC你在汇丰的职业发展YOUR Best Place to Work 你的最佳工作场所Various courses and training programmes in Leadership and Management, Language and Communication, Professional Financial Skills 领导和管理培训,语言和专业金融技能课程Competitive compensation and benefit schemes 具市场竞争力的外资薪酬福利International financial career development platform 顶尖金融领域的国际化职业平台Diversity and inclusiveness corporate culture 多元化及具包容性的企业文化Integrity and professionalism 正直诚信的专业态度Strategic Transactions GroupHSBC Securities Services (HSS) is part of Global Banking and Markets which is one of the four core businesses in HSBC, often refer to as the investment banking business of HSBC. We provide comprehensive global, regional and domestic fund services including fund administration, global custody, corporate trust and loan agency, and sub-custody settlement and services to the international asset management industry. We are aiming to help our clients to achieve their objectives in areas such as financial instrument pricing, trade and derivative processing and net asset value production to name but a few. With more than 100 years in the business, and the advantages of being on the ground in fast growing markets, our local market knowledge is exceptional. While continuing to grow in developed markets, HSS is an industry leader across 13 markets in Asia.HSBC Securities ServicesHSBC Securities Services (HSS) is part of Global Banking and Markets which is one of the four core businesses in HSBC, often refer to as the investment banking business of HSBC. We provide comprehensive global, regional and domestic fund services including fund administration, global custody, corporate trust and loan agency, and sub-custody settlement and services to the international asset management industry. We are aiming to help our clients to achieve their objectives in areas such as financial instrument pricing, trade and derivative processing and net asset value production to name but a few. With more than 100 years in the business, and the advantages of being on the ground in fast growing markets, our local market knowledge is exceptional. While continuing to grow in developed markets, HSS is an industry leader across 13 markets in Asia.New Operations Service Centre in GuangzhouThere are 5 OSC (Operations Service Centres) across HSS Asia Pacific, including Kuala Lumpur, Colombo, Kolkata, Manila and Guangzhou.
As a new service centre in Guangzhou, our strategy is to deliver end-to-end securities services solutions to become the core provider to globally connected institutional clients that benefit the most from our unmatched product and our goals are to be consistently market leading asset servicer in chosen markets and segments, to integrate operations across the HSBC Group under one distinct, to achieve continued cost efficiency, to increase focus on customer service/ satisfaction and to achieve streamlining, standardizing and consistency of fund processes.Analyst, Strategic Transactions GroupJob Duties:Prepare various presentation materials for use in internal or client meetings, such as company profiles, industry reports, capital market newsletters, pitch books and technical Chinese-English / English-Chinese translationPerform valuation analyses using various methodologies including trading comparables and transaction comparables, discounted cash flow and leveraged buyoutBuild financial models to evaluate performance under various operating scenarios and to analyze the impacts of different capital structures and potential M&A transactionsWork extensively in an integrated team environment with global investment banking professionals on pitches and executions of equity and debt transactionsAcquire in-depth understanding of client needs and the market, industry, product and business environment to identify new business opportunities and design customized solutions for clientsTake ownership of work done and have high execution capabilitiesQualifications:Masters or Bachelors in Finance, Accountancy, Business Administration, Economics or Engineering with good scoreComplete fluency in written and verbal Mandarin and English languageExcellent quantitative and analytical skillsGood grasp of business conceptsHighly proficient at PowerPoint, Excel and WordGood at multitaskingHigh attention to detailExcellent communication and interpersonal skillsExperience in transaction execution (e.g. valuation and financial modeling) would be a plusCFA candidate preferred(Assistant) Fund Accountant, Accounting & ValuationJob Duties:Prepare NAVMonitor iPrepare financial statements and other financial related reports (as agreed)Maintain books and aFile records of correspondences and processed instructionParticipate in system migration UAT;Delivery of accurate and timely report to CGood team playerThe Person:Excellent written and oral ETSound PCGoodMinimum 1-2 years Financial and/ or aRotating shift: 05:00 to 23:00(Assistant) Business Analyst, Product Change & SupportJob Duties:Work independently in user requirement gathering, project walkthrough, UAT preparation and execution, system post implementation suppoCoordinate and control quality of UAT with business user and associated applications developed by the ITCoordinate various IT teams for production incident investigation and propose solution to resolve tHave solid knowledge of the Bank’s technologies and tools such as existing functionality, report writers, interface and oUnderstand the structure, functionality and administration procedure of responsible systems. Deliver cost effective business solutions to users and identify opportunities to improve operational efficiencyThe Person:Degree holder in computer science, business oMinimum 1-2 years’ experience in system supKnowledge in finance and pension proStrong self-motivation and ability toAn analytical mind with good interpersonal, presentation and Fluent written and spoken English with excellent Basic knowledge in MS OFFICE prograRotating shift: 05:00 to 23:00更多详情,请登录


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