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人民网4月8日讯 综合报道,美国地方执法部门称有视频显示,南卡罗来纳州北查尔斯顿警察局一名白人警察日前对一名手无寸铁的黑人男子连开8枪,致其死亡。
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学年《英语测试报》配套光盘 人教新课标必修1素材(文字) 大多数黑人处在美国最底层
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学年《英语测试报》配套光盘 人教新课标必修1素材(文字) 大多数黑人处在美国最底层
Two Nations: Black America and White America
A new report says black and white Americans continue to be divided in areas of economic opportunity, education, health and social justice.
The National Urban League recently released its yearly report, called &The State of Black America.& The league works to help black Americans. Its report tells a familiar story of racial disparities in American life.
It says blacks are much more likely to be unemployed than whites. It notes that as many as 20 percent of blacks in seven of the country's largest cities do not have a job.
The study links education and joblessness.
Mark Morial is the president of the National Urban League. He notes there is a large difference in the proficiency of blacks and whites in mathematics and reading. He says that means the inequality between blacks and whites will continue.
&The United States must close the gaps, must close the achievement gap, must close the jobs gap. It is essential to America's economic competitiveness in the 21st century.&
Mr. Morial says the group's report showed that even when blacks and whites have the same educational level, black unemployment is higher.
&People ask me why and I think it is the presence of still exclusion and discrimination in the workforce to some extent.&
Rudy Crew is president of Medgar Evers College in Brooklyn, New York. About 90 percent of the students there are black. He says the school is taking steps to make sure they are ready for the workplace.
&More and more we're having everything from career days to a real focus on the networking, if you will, that it takes to basically not just to enter your chosen career but to really get the job that you want.&
Shemroy Primo is in his final year at the college. He says he was disappointed but not surprised by the report.
&But I mean as a black man, you know it's really hard out there in the job market. And I went to high school in Brooklyn, East New York, so I have a lot of friends that are really looking up to me and they're really proud of me because you know I've taken a different route. I went to college. I'm a senior. I'm a rising senior. This is my last semester and I plan to go to Law school&
Mr. Primo believes he must work twice as hard as a young white man to get a job.
I'm Marsha James.
Daniela Schrier reported this story from New York. Marsha James wrote it for
Learning English. Christopher Jones-Cruise was the editor.
Words in This Story
state & n. the things that affect the way som the characteristics of a situation
familiar & adj. frequently seen, heard or experienced
disparity & n. a noticeable and often unfair difference between people or things
proficiency & n. a high degree of competence, skill or expertise
gap & n. a difference between two people, groups or things
achievement & n. something that has been done or ach a result of hard work
essential & adj. extremely important and necessary
exclude & v. to prevent someone from doing something or bei exclusion - n
discrimination & n. the practice of unfairly treating a person or group of people differently from other people or groups of people
Is there discrimination in your country? If so, how is it practiced and who does it affect? We want to hear from you. Write your thoughts in the comments section.
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听力文本From NPR News in Washington, I'm Jack Speer.Republican objections to President Obama's negotiations on a possible deal to end Iran's nuclear program found a new voice — a letter from 47 GOP senators to Iran's leaders. The letter points out while Obama leaves office in 2017, many Republicans in Congress will be around a lot longer, possibly decades, and may not honor a deal struck by the president. NPR's S.V. Dáte reports Democrats are not amused.Senate Democrats say the letter is motivated by Republicans' dislike of President Obama in a desire to embarrass him and that it destroys the long-standing tradition that politics ends at the water's edge. Obama says he will continue negotiations.&I think it's somewhat ironic to see some members of Congress wanting to make common cause with the hardliners in Iran. It's a non-usual coalition.&He says he will worry about selling it to the American people if and when a deal is reached. Republicans argue Obama is naive in his dealings with Iran and that his deal is not likely to end the threat that the country will develop nuclear weapons. S.V. Dáte, NPR News, Washington.Amid the latest protests over a police shooting of an unarmed black man, the police chief from Madison, Wisconsin today says he hopes the family of Tony Robinson can find forgiveness in their hearts. Meanwhile, around 1,500 protesters were demonstrating in front of the state Capitol today. Turin Carter, the uncle of a 19-year-old who was shot to death says the family is encouraged by the demonstrations but also notes they are not against police.&We are not proponents of anti-police. In terms of the chants that I hear going on, in regards to not trusting police, we don't condone that.&An unarmed black teen was shot by an officer who responded to a call about an individual jumping in and out of traffic and reportedly assaulting someone.Regulators in New York today announced a nation-wide settlement with credit rating agencies. And as NPR's Chris Arnold reports, the goal is to get better with fixing errors on people's credit card reports.A bad credit score can keep you from getting a job or renting an apartment. And a recent government study finds that more than ten million Americans have significant errors on their credit reports. So New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has just announced a settlement with Experian, Equifax and TransUnion.&The settlement agreement we're announcing today provides an extraordinary set of reforms that will impact hundreds of millions of families across the United States.&The settlement pushes credit rating firms to be more proactive about fixing mistakes. Also people with medical debt will get some more breathing room. But consumer advocates say regulators are only to enforce this deal and existing laws. Chris Arnold, NPR News.An upstart of the trading week on Wall Street: The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 148 points, closing at 17,995; the NASDAQ rose 15 points today.You're listening to NPR News in Washington.South Korea's president today paid a visit to injured US Ambassador Mark Lippert. Lippert was attacked by a knife-wielding man during an event last week and had to be hospitalized after having his face slashed. Lippert is currently at Seoul's Severance Hospital with South Korean President Park Geun-hye who was hospitalized after she was attacked by a man wielding a box cutter during an election rally. The man alleged to have attacked Lippert is now in custody.In North Carolina, authorities are investigating an Amtrak train crash earlier today that resulted in 40 passengers receiving care at a local hospital. From North Carolina Public Radio WUNC, Jessica Jones has more.The Carolinian 80 is a popular train for both commuters and business passengers traveling from the Carolinas to New York. As it was heading north, it collided with a tractor-trailer at a railroad crossing near an intersection. The collision caused the train's locomotive and baggage car to derail. Fifteen passengers were taken to a local hospital by ambulance and 25 were transported by bus. The rest of the passengers were taken to a community center. An Amtrak spokeswoman says none of the injuries have been reported as life-threating. Local law enforcement authorities and Amtrak officials are investigating the incident. North Carolina's Department of Transportation is also providing support. For NPR News, I'm Jessica Jones in Chapel Hill.Somewhat rare occurrence in South Carolina where a 500-pound leatherback sea turtle nicknamed Yawkey had become stranded on a beach. The turtle's now being treated in an aquarium there. According to a biologist with the Department of Human Resources, it's the first she's aware a live turtle of this kind has been found beached in the state. The leatherback is endangered. It can grow as large as 800 to 1,000 pounds.I'm Jack Speer, NPR News in Washington.
中文翻译这里是华盛顿NPR新闻,我是杰克·施佩尔。共和党反对奥巴马总统可能通过协商达成终止伊朗核项目的协议,他们采取了新的举动——47名共和党参议员向伊朗领导人发出了一封公共信。信中指出奥巴马总统在2017年任期结束,而国会中许多共和党仍将在职数十年的时间,而他们可能不会认可总统达成的协议。据NPR新闻的S.V.丹特报道,民主党人对此表示不满。参议院民主党表示,这封信是出于共和党对奥巴马总统的不满,其目的是令总统难堪,同时民主党认为这封公开信破坏了长期存在的“政治在国内结束”这一传统。奥巴马表示他将继续进行协商。“我认为看到一些国会成员希望同伊朗强硬派达成共识真是有些讽刺。这是一种不同寻常的联盟。”他表示,协议达成后向美国民众公布时他会有些担心。共和党指责奥巴马在处理伊朗问题时过于“天真”,他提出的协议不太可能结束伊朗发展核武器所带来的威胁。NPR新闻,S.V.丹特华盛顿报道。因警察枪杀了一名手无寸铁的黑人男性而引发了新一波抗议,今天威斯康星州麦迪逊警察局长表示,他希望托尼·罗宾逊的家人可以从心里原谅这名警察。同时,今天有1500名抗议者聚集在威斯康星州议会大厦前示威。被枪杀的19岁青年罗宾逊的叔叔特林·卡特表示,罗宾逊的家人从示威中得到了鼓励,但是他也指出他们并没有反对警察。“我们不支持反警察。我听到示威中有人高喊不要相信警察,我们并不支持这种行为。”一名未携带武器的黑人青年遭一名警察枪杀,据悉警察此前接到报警电话,称有人在车流里进进出出妨碍交通,而且在街上打人。今天,纽约监管机构宣布与信用评级机构达成和解协议,这一协议将惠及全美。据NPR新闻的克里斯·阿诺德报道,和解的目标是更好地修正民众信用卡报告上的错误。不良信用评分可能导致你无法找到工作或无法租到房屋。最近的一项政府研究发现,1000余万名美国人的信用报告存在重大错误。纽约州总检察长埃里克·施奈德曼刚刚宣布同三大征信巨头益百利、艾可飞以及环联达成和解协议。“我们今天宣布的这份和解协议将提供一系列特别的改革措施,这些措施将影响全美成千上万个家庭。”这份和解协议要求信用评级机构更加积极地改正错误。同样担负医疗债务的民众也可以得到一些喘息的空间。不过消费拥护者表示,监管机构只能执行这项协议和现行法律。NPR新闻,克里斯·阿诺德报道。本周华尔街股市暴涨。今天,道琼斯工业平均指数上涨148点,报收17,995点;纳斯达克综合指数上升15点。您正在收听华盛顿NPR新闻。今天,韩国总统看望了受伤的美国驻韩国大使马克·利珀特。利珀特上周在出席活动时遭遇一名持刀男子的袭击,造成脸部受伤并入院治疗。现在利珀特正在首尔塞弗伦斯医院接受治疗,韩国总统朴槿惠曾在选举集会中被一名挥舞文具刀的男性割伤,当时她也在这家医疗接受治疗。涉嫌袭击利珀特的男子已经被警方拘留。北卡罗来纳州有关部门正在调查今天凌晨发生的美国铁路公司列车相撞事故,这起事故造成40名乘客受伤,目前伤者正在当地医院接受治疗。北卡罗来纳州公共广播电台WUNC的杰西卡·琼斯将带来详细报道。Carolinian 80列车从卡罗来纳州驶往纽约州,是备受上班族和商务旅客欢迎的列车。这趟列车在向北行驶时,与一辆牵引拖车在十字路口附近的铁路交叉道口相撞。撞车事故造成列车车头和行李车厢脱轨。受伤乘客中有15名由救护车送往当地医院,另有25名伤者由巴士送往医院治疗。其余乘客则被转移至社区中心。美国铁路公司一名发言人表示,伤者中并没有人有生命危险。当地执法部门和美国铁路公司官员正在调查事故原因。北卡罗来纳州运输部也将提供支持。NPR新闻,杰西卡·琼斯教堂山报道。重达500磅的梭皮龟“约基”在南卡罗来纳州的海滩搁浅,这种情况实为罕见。这只梭皮龟现在正在当地的一家水族馆接受治疗。据人力资源部的生物学家表示,这是她知道的首只在美国海滩搁浅的活梭皮龟。梭皮龟已经濒临灭绝。梭皮龟最大可长到800至1000磅。我是杰克·施佩尔,这里是华盛顿NPR新闻。 文本来源于普特英语,译文属可可原创,仅供学习交流使用,未经许可请勿转载 划红精讲划红精讲:1. be likely to do sth.可能(做…)的;有(…)倾向的;eg. On form, the white horse is likely to win the race.根据近况判断,那匹白色的马可能获胜。eg. The meeting is not likely to be held today.今天会议不大可能召开了。2. in terms of在…方面;从…角度看;根据…来说;eg. Staying up late makes him at his worst in terms of physical situation.熬夜使得他的体力状况处于低潮。eg. He often talks about his girlfriend in terms of love.他经常用充满爱意的语言谈论他的女朋友。3. in regards to关于;至于;eg. There's no other decision we could have taken in regards to the safeguarding of our players.我们必须保障球员们的安全,因此不得不做出这个决定。eg. In regards to healthcare, there is an urgent need for improved sanitation in the wards and around the hospital grounds.在医疗保健方面,最要紧的是改善病房和医院周边的卫生条件。4. respond to应对;作出回应;作出反应;eg. A stoic person responds to hardship with imperturbation.坚忍克己之人经受苦难仍能泰然自若。eg. He is a warm-hearted man, responding to every plea.他是个热心人,有求必应。5. result in导致;引起;造成;eg. The talks have resulted in a lessening of suspicion.谈话消减了彼此的怀疑。eg. The accident resulted in the death of two passengers.这起事故导致两名乘客丧生。


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