
1 This box sealed all my memories of the youth 2 Those were the most important three parts in my life 3 The affairs which I faced when I just worked as the general manager 4 The appearance of my childhood 5 It was a long time after 简释:1.这个盒子封存了我少年时代的全部回忆 3.affairs 特指业务事情 ,face 指你任总经理必须面对的事情4.childhood 孩童时代
1.这个盒子里装着我对少年时代的全部回忆.The box is filled with all my memories of my childhood!2.那是我人生中最重要的三个部分 .They are the three most important
parts of my life!3.刚当上总经理时遇到的事 The affair I me...
手工翻译的:1 The box is fill with all my memories of childhood.2 That is the most important three parts in my life.3 the things I met when being the general manager 4 the appearance
youngster5 It was againt a matter after a long time.
1 The box on my mind all the memories of youth2 That was my life the most important three-part3 Just when the general manager when things4 The appearance of juvenile5 It is a long time after
一个能抗又的英雄,只要铠甲起来后,伤害可观,心装备狂徒铠甲后,伤害非常可观,后期半血秒杀脆皮,比较逆天的存在。 一有输出的,只要核心装备狂徒比较逆天……
& S4德邦总管菊花信:深度分析打野赵信优劣
文 章摘 要
  本文由17173 鸡翅侠 原创翻译,转载请注明出处。  “勇士之魂从不破灭”,这句话是对赵信最真实的写照。经过一系列的版本变迁和削弱,赵信其超高的伤害,给力的群控,和出色的TANK能力,深受玩家的喜爱。虽然在最近几个月的比赛里,从来没有看见过赵信登场,不过近期的版本改动,以及英雄改动,让赵信得以重新回到排位的舞台里。  随着4.11版本改动,以茂凯为代表的坦克打野开始重回野区,越来越多的此类打野在野区出现,玩家们也在思考,如何应对这些坦克类肉型打野。  4.11版本改动的远古石像精魄,使得这些肉型打野在游戏后期扮演着更为重要的角色,他们有着众多控制技能,可以吸收大量伤害,有强大的先手能力,不过他们在游戏初期仍然有他们原来的劣势,比如容易遭到前期敌方野区英雄的反野。这些英雄一般机动性都较差,伤害较低,技能冷却都非常长。这也使得他们,在获得这些防装之前,在游戏早期的1v1和2v2的战斗中非常吃亏。  盲僧,寡妇,蔚这些英雄在游戏初期非常强势,不过他们和那些肉型打野相比,缺少伤害吸收能力,和安全的开团的能力。实际上,在两者之间,我们要找到一个临界点,比如最近大热的皇子。皇子既能在游戏初期提供大量伤害,又可以在后期开团,配合队友。实际上,这两点也是赵信所能提供的,只不过是以另一种方式罢了。  尽管赵信没有皇子那么强的先手能力,不过他却拥有更高的伤害,更强的抗击打能力,以及更高的技能命中率。  正如前面说过,赵信的强项在于其前期超高的技能伤害,追杀能力,以及后期的先手开团能力,和群控。而其最傲视群雄的就是他前期超高的伤害。其他的打野英雄,比如寡妇,盲僧前期伤害也非常高,还有不错的位移技能,控制等等,不过赵信的被动加上突进以及三段挑飞使得他不惧怕任何现在主流的打野,当然也有天敌,比如蜘蛛和装备成型的蝎子。赵信在对抗现在流行的寡妇,盲僧,皇子等等都有非常好的效果。  下面就分析一下与这些主流打野的对抗:  寡妇:赵信几乎在任何等级,伤害都比同时期的寡妇伤害要高,有了大之后也比寡妇更能抗,虽然寡妇可以去除减速效果,不过赵信仍然可以一直粘着寡妇打。寡妇只有在一种情况下可能打过赵信,也就是在野区撞见技能已经交给野怪的赵信。只要赵信过去反野碰到寡妇,不管寡妇是不是在清野,寡妇都打不过赵信。  皇子:赵信的老对手。嘉文输出主要依赖他的EQ二连的伤害和被动效果。只要二连放过了,或者放歪了,赵信就可以碾压皇子。即使被EQ中了,在很多情况下,赵信仍然不虚皇子,因为赵信有加抗性的大招,以及更短的技能CD。  瞎子:如果瞎子会玩的话,是要比赵信厉害一点的。不过总的来讲,即使赵信被Q中了,他还是有机会打赢瞎子的。不过其实很难讲,象瞎子这么漂移的英雄,不同使用者所体现的能力是不一样的。如果是赵信在反野的情况下,那情况就不一样了,由于其超高的伤害爆发,赵信可以轻松干掉技能放过的瞎子。其实,赵信的优点在于前期技能冷却就非常短。大招提供的抗性,使得赵信在游戏后期更容易参与团战。当然除了你有Insec的操作,那我们撇开不谈,赵信确实拥有出色的先手能力,繁多的控制,以及超强的耐打能力。  蜘蛛:这是赵信最惧怕的对手,她兼顾强大的机动性和风筝能力。人形态E技能,可以完全控制住赵信的先手能力。蜘蛛形态的E技能,也能轻易逃脱,并且追击想要逃跑的敌人。还有各种续航,斩杀技能。总的来说,这个对位对于赵信来说是不利的,蜘蛛在游戏后期随着E技能CD的减少,也能更好的帮助团队。  虽然赵信有着如此优点,不过他确实也有着显而易见的缺点。就像许多近战英雄一样,赵信的手比较短,也非常怕控制技能。比如莫甘娜,蜘蛛,辛德拉等等拥有长距离长时间控制的英雄都非常克制赵信。还有赵信除了用闪现,无法用技能去躲避一些敌方技能,而他自身的Q技能要求他必须要用普攻才能减少其他技能CD,这使他在对抗手长的英雄时非常不利。如果你的对手想要故意counter你,选一些克制你的英雄,你也可以绕开他们走,去配合你其他的队友。  赵信在游戏中期也比较弱。他可能会有一件打野装,然后还有一件其他装备,不过就这样的话,无法象大树一样,抗住成吨的伤害,输出的伤害也没有,一些纯出输出装的打野要多。不过这些,都要看当时的阵容,和出装而定。  除了惧怕长距离的控制以外,赵信还缺乏逃生技能。一旦冲入敌阵,基本上就只能战个痛快了!唯一的逃生方法就是用E戳走,要么就是用R打飞敌人。这使得赵信在面对配合完善的敌人时,总是被风筝,感觉非常难玩。不过,在SOLO排位里,这些犀利的配合并不多见。  综合来看,赵信有着超高的爆发和控制,同时有惧怕风筝和长距离的控制。不过,如果你想找一个英雄来counter现今火热的打野的话,赵信绝对是你不二的选择!推荐阅读:        
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don't forget me∩)O,互相帮助,祝共同进步!
don't forget me!
Don't forget me英语翻译昨晚看的很搞笑的台词,简直是最逗的节目.想把这套完整台词说给外国朋友,大家一起来尝试翻译下,尽量地道,幽默些,不要字对字翻译.要符合英语习惯,也要注意到汉语的幽默如何用英语体现出来.全部台词_百度作业帮
Let’s Visit New York! New York, New York. The city so nice they named it twice. These words were used to describe New York When it was by far the largest, richest, and most developed city in the United States.New York still remains the largest and most famous city in the U.S. Today, but some of its "nice" reputation has fallen over the past thirty years with stories of rampant crime making headlines around the world. How true are these stories? Is New York still a "nice" place to visit? If so, what can a tourist do in New York? Let's take a closer look at America's premier city. First, as personal and social security are always uppermost in the minds of travelers, just how "dangerous" a city is New York? Despite the glaring headlines, New York, located in the northeastern U.S., is one of the safest cities in the U.S. In fact, New York states (which include New York city thus, " New York, New York, the city so nice they named it twice") ranks below other big-population States like California in both violent crime (of much concern to the tourist) and property crime. Other major cites have higher crime rates, too. Thus, the foreign traveler to New York City can feel more secure here than in most other large metropolitan areas of the U.S. besides safety, why do more foreigners visit New York than any other American city? The answer lies in the character of New York itself. No other city in the world is more cosmopolitan. A walk through its hundreds of residential neighborhoods is like walking around the world itself. Place names like Chinatown and little Italy can be found on any map of New York, but smaller ethnic neighborhoods also abound. Also, all these groups sponsor annual or seasonal festivals, so that nearly every week one or more of these peoples will share their cultural experiences (and food!) with other New Yorkers. Because of this unsurpassed ethnic diversity, the restaurant goer will feel that he has died and gone to heaven while in New York. There is hardly a cuisine on the planet that is not represented here. Even better, many of these exotic restaurants are reasonably priced. One is never far from a restaurant in New York. There are thousands of Chinese restaurants alone. Besides the internationally famous sight-seeing attractions-mostly in the borough (district ) of Manhattan--such as the Statue of Liberty, the world trade center with its two 110-story towers, Wall Street, the United Nations, and Broadway, many other interesting places await the curious traveler. The Bronx Zoo in the northern borough of the Bronx is one of the world’s best. The borough of Queens offers a great variety of ethnic residential neighborhoods. Brooklyn contains the Botanical Gardens, Coney Island (a beach with an amusement Park), and J. F. K. International Airport. Finally, Staten Island, the smallest borough, still affords a Look at what New York used to be like, including a farm! For culture lovers, New York has more museums than any other city, but some of these are not internationally known. A visit to any of these historical, technical, ethnic, or academic museums is well worth the time. New York's art, music, dance, and fashion scenes are a mecca for the young and professional alike. The internet website for specific information on New York City and state tourists is www.iloveny.state.ny.us. A toll-free number for tourists already in the U. S. or Canada is also available at 1-800-call-NYS. No matter what your interest is, if it can be found in an urban environment, it can be found in New York. Its eight million citizens hail from every corner of the globe, but they are united in the love of their challenging but rewarding city. AS the locals there say, 'Sure, you have to be a little crazy to live in New York, but you'd be nuts to live anywhere else!"
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