
中国春节的形成已经有数百年的历史了。是一种基於月亮历法,又称农民历。春节并非中国独有的东西春节在中国 越南 韩国 and 马来西亚华人 都是重要节日 (除了日本已经强制取消春节)。这些外国商人和总统只对中国人说中国新年好
入门学韩国语首选&沪江韩语网校& 知名的在线韩语学习平台,提供韩国语发音,韩语入门教程采用全新权威教材,学练结合高效掌握,中外教授课,入门一步直达日常口语无障碍!
如果中国人不过春节 只有韩国越南这些小国 外国人谁会在意春节呢
美国总统奥巴马新春拜年:不管你过公羊年、山羊年还是绵羊年…… 新年快乐!
  简介:中国农历除夕当天,美国总统奥巴马发布视频演讲,向全球庆祝农历新年的人们拜年。最后,奥巴马还不忘幽默一把,他说道:&管它是公羊、山羊还是绵羊&& 我祝你们新年快乐。&
  Michelle and I send our warmest wishes to everyone celebrating the Lunar New Year here in America and all around the world. I&ll always remember the parades, fireworks, and gatherings that surrounded the Lunar New Year when I was growing up in Hawaii. And now as President, this celebration is a perfect reminder of the many cultures and faiths that make us who we are as Americans.
  We are a nation of immigrants. Our vast array of traditions and perspectives and backgrounds & our melting pot & is what makes America unique. It&s what keeps us fresh and dynamic and entrepreneurial. That&s why last year, I took action to help fix our broken immigration system. But our work isn&t finished. We&ve still got to come together to pass a comprehensive immigration bill so that we can expand opportunities for more people to study, and serve, and contribute to our nation. Those are the aspirations that have attracted families to our shores for generations. And that story continues today. So whether you&re celebrating the Year of the Ram, the Year of the Goat, or the Year of the Sheep, may we all do our part to carry forward the work of perfecting this country that we love.
  Happy New Year, everybody.
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美国俄勒冈州众议院议长 蒂娜?科泰克
韩国江原道道知事 崔文洵
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日中协会理事长 白西绅一郎
前日本驻中国大使 宫本雄二
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英中贸易协会主席 沙逊勋爵
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美国飞虎队历史委员会主席 怀特黑德
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澳大利亚昆士兰州州长 安娜斯塔西亚?帕拉夏
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Weekly Address: Make 2015 the Year for Quality, Affordable Health Insurance
WASHINGTON, DC -- In this week&s address, the Vice President wished Americans a Happy New Year, and asked that as we make resolutions to get healthier in 2015, we take the time to sign up for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act. Millions of people have already signed up for quality, affordable health care under the law, and there is still time to secure the peace of mind that comes with getting covered. From now until February 15th, you can sign up by logging on to HealthCare.gov, speaking to someone on the phone through the 24/7 call center at 1-800-318-2596 where you can get assistance in 150 languages, or going in person to an enrollment event in your community.
Remarks of Vice President Joe Biden
Weekly Address
The White House
January 3, 2015
Hello everyone, this is Joe Biden. I want to wish you all a Happy New Year.
I know this is the time of year when we make resolutions to take care of our health, whether it's joining a gym or eating healthier. But there's one thing you can do right now that will also make a big difference in your health: that is getting quality, affordable health insurance through the Affordable Care Act.
Because of that law, access to quality health care is improving. Last year, almost 7 million people signed up for health care coverage under the new law and paid their premiums. And in many cases the cost of health care is less than the cost of your cell phone or your cable bill. In addition, millions more are getting the care that they need through Medicaid that they weren't getting before.
And because of the new law, people who already had health insurance are also benefitting from additional protections. For example, their insurance companies can't deny them coverage because of pre-existing conditions, like asthma or diabetes. And they&re able to get -- for free -- preventive services like mammograms or blood pressure screenings that their doctors ordered for them, saving them a lot of money.
Everyone is beginning to realize what millions of you already know -- the Affordable Care Act is working. And we're just getting started. Because there are millions more of you who can get quality, affordable health care if you sign up before February 15th of this year. That&s now through February 15th.
Now if you don't have insurance, you can go to HealthCare.gov, where you'll find a menu of a bunch of different plans and what each plan covers and how much each plan costs. All you have to do is just pick one. The best one that fits your family's health care needs and your family's budget.
If you don't want to go to HealthCare.gov and you want to talk to somebody on the phone instead, you can call, I'm going to give you the number now, you can call 1-800-318-2596. From this moment on, you can call any time of the day, any day of the week. Phone lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And for folks listening today whose family and friends may not speak English: let them know that there are translators available in over 150 language to guide them through the process.
And if you're not comfortable going online or speaking on the phone, and you want to sit down with an individual to help you through this, you can find out where to go as well. Because in every community, at local libraries or community health centers, people are there to help. All you have to do is go on HealthCare.gov, type in where you live, and you can find out exactly where to go to sit down with a person who will help you walk through the process.
But here's the really important point I want to make. If you don't sign up by February 15th of this year -- with only a very few exceptions -- if you don&t sign up by the 15th of this year, you&re going to have to wait until 2016 to get health insurance through the Affordable Care Act.
And even those of you who already have health insurance through the Affordable Care Act, you can also go on HealthCare.gov to find a plan that might offer more benefits or be more affordable in price for you. You might even qualify for additional help paying for the insurance you choose because your income isn't what it was last year.
Now I'm sure some of you already heard from your friends and neighbors who&ve signed up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act what I hear all around the country. I hear it provides peace of mind that someone you love will be covered if God-forbid something happens. It provides security, so if you have a bad strain in your ankle or your back and you don&t have the money to get treatment, you can now get the treatment rather than wait, put it off, and end up with a chronic condition. And it provides a lot of freedom, and choice, and opportunity -- so you can switch jobs or move to another city without the fear that you'll lose out on the health insurance with the company you now have it with. And what I'm hearing most is how pleased and excited people are about how affordable it is.
An awful lot of people who didn't think they could or would find quality, affordable health insurance are actually able to get assistance from the government to help them pay for their health care plans at a cheaper rate. Let me give you an example. A family of four with an income of around $95,000, they can still get a subsidy to lower their health care premiums.
But maybe most importantly, what I hear is that we have finally ended the debate in this country of whether or not health insurance is a right or a privilege. We think everyone in America has a right to have adequate health care insurance. And the Affordable Care Act gives them that right.
So sign up. And spread the word. Protect your health -- not only for your sake, but for the sake of your families.
Thanks for listening, and Jill and I wish you again a happy and healthy New Year. God bless you, and may God protect our troops.
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