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> 返璞归真 文字类生存手游《A Dark Room》
返璞归真 文字类生存手游《A Dark Room》
  《A Dark Room》就是一款在现代人眼里看起来很奇葩的游戏,游戏没有任何的带色彩的画面,只有文字,画面下方是剧情的发展,而上方的文字是可以点击的,当然这游戏很考验玩家的英语水平,没有点英语能力这游戏还真玩不下去。
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今年10月,离iPhone6和iPhone6Plus两款手机上市已近一个月,两款手机终于在中国大陆发布。一时间,能够成功订……A Dark Room creator launches strategic match-three puzzler Gridland - CNET
A Dark Room creator launches strategic match-three puzzler Gridland
A Dark Room creator launches strategic match-three puzzler Gridland
This ain't your mama's Candy Crush or Bejeweled.
August 25,
Screenshot by Michelle Starr/CNET
Last week, we saw the release of The Ensign, by the developer who ported Michael Townsend's A Dark Room to iOS. Now Townsend himself has released a new game, and, while we can't say we had much in the way of expectations from such an unusual developer, his use of the match-three mechanic is a surprise.That said, don't go mistaking for other match-three games you might have played. There is definitely an aim to it, and it's not to indiscriminately match everything on the board: you have to take your time and apply a bit of strategy to the game.The core mechanic is indeed to make matches by swapping adjacent tiles, but the game is divided in two parts, with your little dude up the top completing actions according to your actions. During the day, he gathers up the resources you collect to make and upgrade buildings. As time progresses, the types of resources you can gather increase, and some upgrade in response to the buildings -- wooden logs becoming wooden planks, for instance.Resources are colour-coded and you have limited space in your warehouse, so you'll want to make the best matches for whatever your little dude is building at the time.
Screenshot by Michelle Starr/CNET
At night, how you play changes. Instead of building, you're fighting the creatures of the night: zombies, skeletons, rats, spiders. But you don't want to make in although you can match swords and shields to collect them, the other matches you make can land you in hot water. You have to carefully observe what happens when you make matches, take your time, and plan ahead accordingly. And, as with your buildings, your swords and shields can be upgraded.If you die in the night, you immediately wake up on the previous day, so although there are survival elements built in, it's not as a the game saves every morning, which means there's a real feeling of constant progression.If A Dark Room is any indication, Townsend has a pretty fascinating endgame written in. We haven't gotten to it yet, although if we had, we wouldn't want to spoil it. There are also loads of secrets and surpr like A Dark Room, it's a lot deeper than it appears on the surface.
and give it at the moment, it's only browser-based (although free to play and with touchscreen support), but we're hoping to see an
and iOS port sometime in the future.
About the author
Michelle Starr is the tiger force at the core of all things. She also writes about cool stuff and apps as CNET Australia's Crave editor. But mostly the tiger force thing.
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返璞归真 文字类生存手游《A Dark Room》
《A Dark Room》就是一款在现代人眼里看起来很奇葩的游戏,游戏没有任何的带色彩的画面,只有文字,画面下方是剧情的发展,而上方的文字是可以点击的,当然这游戏很考验玩家的英语水平,没有点英语能力这游戏还真玩不下去。
游戏开始时玩家是在一个漆黑的森林之中,当然开始就需要点起篝火,周围的亮度可以根据游戏界面的亮度来分辨,这大概是游戏中唯一比较带色彩的画面了。玩家需要在丛林中生存下去,你可以在丛林中获取木材,建造房屋,获取食物,你也会碰到其他的人,他们也会帮你一切工作,游戏时不时会碰上一些事件需要玩家做出反应。好吧小编英语水平有限只能慢慢玩了。 这是一款生存类单机游戏,无聊的时候拿出来点点,其实挺有意思的,喜欢的玩家可以尝试一番。好吧我不会告诉你已经有汉化版了。 (作者:KID责任编辑:张一帆)
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A Dark Room
By Amirali Rajan
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Awake. Head throbbing. Vision blurry. Come light the fire.#1 Game *overall* in the US, UK, Australia, Singapore and Canada. Ranked as one of the top 10 games in 17 countries worldwide.Be sure to check out A Dark Room's prequel: The EnsignCritical Acclaim:"The game creates an enthralling parallax effect that can keep devoted players dosed, for hours, on the pleasurable sense of immersion..." - The New Yorker "A Dark Room will blow you away with its evolving depth and variety. It’s exciting to discover something so unique and refreshing on the App Store. 5 stars" - Cult of Mac"These are the twists you'll find in the corners of "A Dark Room" -- a game that's always unpredictable and always intriguing." - Huffington Post"If Cormac McCarthy made an iPhone game, it would be this one... an unlikely but thoroughly deserving bestseller. And it’s as compelling as it is unsettling." - Slate MagazinePaste Magazine, Maddy Myers: Top 20 Indie Games of 2013Forbes, Daniel Nye Griffiths: Top 5 Anti-Games of 2013Giant Bomb, Zoe Quinn: Top 10 Games of 2013Giant Bomb, Cara Eillison: Top 10 Games of 2013 (honorable mention)Indie Games: Top 10 Game Dev’s Favorites of 2013
What's New in Version 2.2
- ADR prequel called The Ensign has been released (new sound bites added to the secrets section)- she wants you to tell your friends about this game- she wants you to gift this game to others- she doesn't want to be forgotten- completely revamped alternate ending now available on iPad (a glitch caused it to be only partially presented on the iPad, but now you'll get the full thing)- fixed crashes on iPad- minor update in preparation for new devices
Customer Reviews
This would be my first text-based game that i've ever played and i loved it. It was intriguing and i was addicted to it within minutes.
Whether it was learning about the Builder the more i progressed, making more huts for more villagers or even stoking the fire, something kept me
I needed to know the answers to the storyline. And i'm shattered that i finished the game already! I recommend to download this game. It will be a bit confusing when you start and you might even lose interest but keep pushing through, its worth it.
The fire is the light, and the light is with you
If you don't understand this then go play it. I had played this from start to finish thinking that these text based games are relaxing types but the feeling of exploration sinks in once the option is avaliable to you. The idea of trying to protect has an in depth feel towards the player as your sacrifice resources.I liked the checkpoint system (I like to call it) when you go out so you may get closer to where that Letter is. The ending and commentary was understandable and clear to recognise. The challenges I think will be hard to do but I maybe give it a try.All and all just buy this game unless it's free for a day because it's a really good text based game. &Slapped in the head every time a sniper killed her& - Amuir
The standard has been raised
Never before has a game let alone a mobile game made me feel so much emotion.I had played the online version but lost interest before getting into the game. But this time around I had time and portability so I played at lunch and even while working. Every point was made at the most perfect of times, from the first time you can build something to the last hut you build. There was always something new something drawing you back into that room to stoke the fire once more.This is a game for the patient and hungry for new experiences. I found this game on iTunes it was free but I will buy it just to thank the developers for such a beautiful story. Also spoiler......Your not human
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