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&佛说天地八阳神咒经 (中英文对照)
发布:才让&[ &]&& 日期: 9:10:00&&
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 佛f天地八神咒&(中英文φ眨
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&& _偈:
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& o上甚深微妙法,百千f劫y遭遇,
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 我今得受持,解如碚x。
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Verse For Opening A Sutra: &&&&&&&&&&&&&& Surprisingly the unsurpassed, deep, profound ,subtle, wonderful dharma, &&&&&&&&&&&&&& Yet in a hundred thousand million eons, is quite difficulty to encounter,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Now that I’ve come to receive and hold it, within my sight and hearing.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& O wonderful, I vow to fathom the Tathagata’s true and actual meanings
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& The Buddha Speaks the Sacred Mantra Sutra of Heaven-Earth Eight-Yang &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 佛f天地八神咒
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Translated from Sanskrit into Chinese &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& in the Tang Dynasty &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& by Tripitaka Master Yi Jing &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Following the imperial decree Tang Dynasty&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 唐三藏法 xQ 奉tg
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& & Collected and translated by Layman Weizhi &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &Collection in 1.22.2009& Translation &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& in 2.6―22. 2009 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &惟智居士.集翻g 如是我。一r佛在骋_摩城。寥廓宅中。十方相S。四@。roK菩_。在大中。即座起。而白佛言。世尊。此浮提生。f代相生。o始已怼O嗬m不唷S凶R者少。oR者多。念佛者少。不念佛者多。神通者少。不神通者多。持戒者少。破戒者多。精M者少。懈怠者多。智慧者少。愚V者多。L壅呱佟6堂叨唷6U定者少。散y者多。富F者少。v者多。柔者少。者多。d盛者少。Κ者多。正直者少。曲~者多。清慎者少。嵴叨唷咽┱呱佟a者多。信者少。妄者多。被使世俗\薄。官法荼毒。\役┲亍0傩崭F苦。取求y得。良由信邪倒。@如是苦。唯世尊。橹T邪生。f其正之法。令得悟解。免於苦。 Thuswise I have heard, one time the Buddha is in the colossal and extensive dwelling in the Vinaya-dharma& Town ( the Border City ) accompanied by the ten directions, surrounded by the fourfold assembly ( nuns, monks , laymen and laywomen) . At that time, among the multitudes, Bodhisattva Non-hindrance arises from his seat and says to Buddha: Bhagavan , the sentient beings in the Jambudvipa, generations by generations have given birth to each other, since& beginningless time, up till now, continuous and ceaseless. Very few of them have consciousness and yet the majority of them have non-consciousness. Very few have chanted Buddha and yet the majority have not been mindful of Buddha. Very few have psychic power and yet the majority have no psychic power. Very few adhere to precepts and yet the majority disobey precepts. Very few are vigorous and energetic and yet the majority are slack and lazy. Very few are bright and yet the majority are stupid. Very few have longevity and yet the majority have short-life. Very few are in Dhyana-Samadhi and yet the majority are confused and straggling. Very few are affluent and honorable and yet the majority are of poverty and pariah. Very few are flexible and yet the majority are obstinate. Very few are prosperous and yet the majority are single and alone. Very few are honest and upright and yet the majority are unjust and adulatory. Very few are incorruptible and circumspect, and yet the majority are greedy and turbid. Very few are of almsgiving and charity and yet the majority are stingy and niggard. Very few are positive and yet the majority are delusive. They are betaken to the worldly customs which are superficial, to the official laws which are as poisonous as sonchus oleraceus (a kind of bitter-tasting vegetable, sow thistle).As miscreant services are tiresome and arduous, civilians are of poverty and hardship, too difficult to seek it and gain it. The truth is because the belief of miscreant and converse viewpoints gains such torments. Only wish Bhagavan to preach the dharma of right views to the sentient beings with miscreant viewpoints who would be made to have attained the Enlightenment and the Emancipation, evading multitudes of torments. 佛言。善哉善哉。oK菩_。汝大慈悲。橹T邪生。於如碚之法。不可思h。汝等B。善思念之。吾槿辍7e演f天地八之。此^去T佛已f。未碇T佛f。F在T佛今f。夫天地之g。槿俗僮钌险摺YF於一切f物。人者。真也正也。心o妄。身行正真。左丿(撇)檎妫药(捺)檎#ㄗ[必-心]檎妗S[人-(必-心)]檎3P姓妗9拭槿恕J侵四堋:氲酪身。依道依人。皆成}道。 Buddha says: Oh wonderful! oh wonderful! Bodhisattva Non-hindrance, you have great mercy and compassion, asking the Tathagata’s dharma of right views for the sentient beings with miscreant views, which is inconceivable. You and so on hark attentively and have good contemplation of it. I ought to expound apart and preach the Gods Curse Sutra of Heaven-Earth Eight-Yang for thee. This very sutra was preached by the past Buddhas, it will of course be preached by the future Buddhas, it is being preached by the present Buddhas. Oh, between Heaven-World, as human beings, it is the superlative and the uppermost, in the noble excess of all of ten thousand of creatures. Human means sincerity and honesty. There is no delusiveness in its mind. There are sincerity and honesty in its body and deeds. The left Chinese stroke Pie丿means sincerity and the right Chinese stroke Nameans honesty. Everyday’s volitions are sincere and honest, which is so-called as human beings. Thus it is known that a person could propagate the Way in order to freshen and moisten his body. The accord with the Way and the Human achieves the Path of the Sages. }次oK菩_。一切生。既得人身。不能修福。背真向巍T旆NNI。命⒂K。必沈苦海。受NN罪。若此。信受不逆。即得解T罪之y。出於苦海。善神加o。oT障K。延年益邸6oM夭。以信力故。@如是福。何r有人。M能。受持xb。如法修行。f其功德。不可Q。不可量。o有H。劢K之後。K得成佛。佛告oK菩_摩X_。若有生。信邪倒。即被邪魔外道。魑魅魍u。BQ百怪。T汗砩瘛8y。c其M病耗[。吼衡琛J芷淇嗤础o有休息。遇善知R。樽x此三遍。是T汗怼=韵は纭2〖闯I力足。x功德。@如是福。若有生。多於H欲。_恚愚V。a嫉妒。若此。信敬供B。即x三遍。愚V等骸K皆除纭4缺采帷5梅鸱ǚ帧 Again, Bodhisattva Non-hindrance, all the sentient beings have just gained human bodies and are not yet able to practice blessing. They turn their backs on enlightenment to join with the dusts, and create all sorts of evil karmas. While their lives are about to come to an end, they should sink into the sea of sufferings. They suffer from various sins. In case this very sutra were heard, they would have acceptance and credence of it, not against it. At present they have emancipation from the torments of various sins, out of the sea of sufferings. Good gods should be in an addition to protection of them. They have no barriers. They should prolong the years and longevity, and have neither young death nor unexpected misfortunes. It is just because of the confidence power,they have attained such blessings. Not to mention,there is a person who could completely calligraphy it,uphold and chant and pore over it,in accordance with Dharma of the practice.The utterances of his merit and virtue are incalculable,immeasurable, boundless.After the end of his life-span,be sure he would have attained Buddhahood.Buddha tells Bodhisattva-mahasattva Non-hindrance, in case there are some of the sentient beings create faith in the converse, miscreant views,just by miscreant devils and unorthodox paths,by elves, demons, goblins and monsters, by birds’ chirpings and a hundred strange creatures, by various evils,spiritual ghosts,these are competitive to disturb them .They are imposed on unexpected diseases: felonious summer-plague, virulent tumour, malicious conflicts. They have suffered from pains and misery, which is ceaseless. In case of their encountering a Good Guru who chants this very sutra three times for them, all these various felonious ghosts would totally have perished. From the diseases clearing away soon is the recovery. They are strong and sturdy. The merit and virtue of poring over the sutra has gained such blessing. In case there are some of the sentient beings who are of more than carnal lust, angry and stupid, stingy and jealous, in case of their encountering the sutra, they have trust and respect and sacrifice of it, chanting it three times directly. The vice, fool and so on would all have vanished together. Karuna (pity) and Metta (mercy), Mudita (joy) and Upekkha (charity) will gain heft of Buddha-dharma. }次oK菩_。若善男子。善女人等。d有榉āO茸x此三遍。B油痢0擦⒓艺D咸帽碧谩|西。N舍密屋。T艟选m源o(wei)藏。六畜阡(hun 混 )。日[月④太q。S幡豹尾。五土地神。青白虎。朱雀玄武。六甲禁M。十二T神。土府伏。一切鬼魅。皆悉[藏。h屏四方。形N影纭2桓楹ΑI醮蠹5赂o量。善男子。d功之後。即x此三遍。堂舍永安。屋宅牢固。富F吉昌。不求自得。若h行。仕官d生。甚得宜利。Td人F。百子千O。父慈子孝。男忠女。兄恭弟 夫妻和睦。信xVH。所成就。若有生。忽被h官拘獭1I\客臁鹤x此三遍。即得解。若有善男子善女人。受持xb。他天地八者。O入水火。不被焚漂。或在山伞;⒗敲瞳F。屏E不敢搏噬。善神lo。成o上道。 Again, Bodhisattva Non-hindrance, in case Merciful men, Merciful women and so on will have conditioned dharmas to arise, first of all, chant this very sutra three times. Building walls and digging the ground, peaceful to set up a house and household, southern parlors and northern parlors,east wing-rooms and west wing-rooms,a cook-room and secret chambers , gates and doors, a pit and a well , a pestle and a millstone, and the contents of a storeroom, a thatched house and the enclosure for six domestic animals. Day Patrol Devils and Night Patrol Spirits (yaksah), the Great General and the Planet Jupiter, the Yellow Streamer and the Leopard Tail, the Gnomes and the Five Earths ( Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth), the Black Dragon and the White Tiger, the Red Sparrow ( Rosefinch ) and the Snake-Tortoise,the Taboos and the Six First- years, Twelve of the Various Gods, the Earth Mansion and the Taming Dragons, all of the ghosts and bogies, they would all be hidden, far away cryptic from four directions, vanishing formless and shapeless. They dare not be hurmful. Such is extremely and greatly propitious, bliss and virtue being immeasurable. Merciful men, after the arising of merit,& directly chanting this very sutra three times, parlors and rooms are eternal and tranquil, houses and homes are durable and stable. Luck and glory, wealth and honour, which will not be sought and yet be naturally gained. In case joining the army far away from one’s home, it arises alive from being an official, which gets extremely jolly and dexter. The pedigree is prosperous and family status is honourable. One hundred of sons and one thousand of grandsons, fathers are merciful and sons are pretty filial. Men are loyal and women are chaste. Elder brothers are respectful and younger brothers are submissive. Husbands and wives are harmonious. Be confident of beneficence and be devout of relationship. All the wishes are blest. In case one of the sentient beings were suddenly detained and imprisoned by a county magistrate, or dragged and tugged by robbers. For the present, chanting the sutra three times, he could immediately be disentangled. In case there are a merciful man and a merciful woman could uphold and chant and pore over it, he who calligraphes the Gods’ Curse Sutra of Heaven-Earth Eight-Yang is presumptive to get into a fire and a water, not setting on fire or floating. Or in the valley and morass, ferocious beasts, tigers and wolves, dare not pounce or snap, far away from his trace. Good gods protect and bless him, he has achieved the Supreme Way. 若}有人。多於妄Z_Z。嚎缮唷H裟苁艹肿xb此。永除四哼^。得四oKq。而成佛道。 In case there is also someone who has more than wild talks, sexual talks, abusive mouth and two tongues. If he were able to uphold, chant and pore over this very sutra, he is eternal to eliminate four evil faults and attains four non-hindrance eloquences. Furthermore, he has achieved Buddha-Way. 若善男子。善女人等。父母有罪。RK之日。地z。受o量苦。其子即樽x此七遍。父母即x地z。而生天上。佛法。悟o生忍。以成佛道。 In case Merciful men, Merciful women and so on ,their parents who have had sins, one mortal day, will sink into the Hell and suffer from immeasurable torments, their sons should directly read this right sutra seven times for them, who directly will break away the Hell and yet saint born in the Heaven, who have beheld Buddha and heard the Dharma, who have awakened to the Tolerance of Non-Birth in order to achieve Buddha-Way. 佛告oK菩_。称品r。有婆塞。婆夷。心不信邪。敬崇佛法。此。受持xb。所作所椤m作即作。一o所。以正信故。兼行咽F降裙B。得o漏身。成菩提道。曰普光如怼扔X。劫名大漏。o。但是人民。行菩_道。o所得法。以是威德。@如是蟆 Buddha tells Bodhisattva Non-hindrance, at the Age of Buddha Vipas, there are Upalis and Upasakas who have had no faith of the Heresy and had adoration of Buddha-Dharma. They calligraphy this very sutra, uphold and chantd and pore over it. Their deeds and actions ought to be done and immediately done. They have nothing to inquire. Because they have the upright faith and the practice of charity. Equal sustentations have attained Non-spillage Body ( Asrava ) and achieved Bodhi-Way. The designation is so-called Tathagata Universal Light,Samyaksambuddha, their inexorable doom name is Great Outflow.The countrys name was Boundless. It is only the people who practice the Path of Bodhisattvas, which is unattainable dharma. Just because of the power and the virtue of this very sutra, it has gained such retribution. }次oK菩_。此天地八。行在浮提。在在S邪似兴_。T梵天王。一切明`。@此。香A供B。如佛o。 Again, Bodhisattva Non-hindrance, the Gods Curse Sutra of Heaven-Earth Eight-Yang has prevailed in the Jambudvipa. Anywhere and everywhere, there are eight of Bodhisattvas, the Heaven Kings of Various Brahmas, all of brilliant spirits, who surround this very sutra, with the contribution of flowers and fragrances which is not different from Buddha. 佛告oK菩_摩X_言。若善男子。善女人等。橹T生。vf此。深_相。得甚深理。即知其人身心。乃佛身法心。所以能知即是。俱足智慧。眼常NNoM色。色即是空。空即是色。受想行R亦空。即是妙色身如怼6BNNoM。即是空。空即是。即是妙音如怼1浅P岱NNoM香。香即是空。空即是香。即是香e如怼I喑A朔NNoM味。味即是空。空即是味。即是法喜如怼I沓SXNNoM|。|即是空。空即是|。即是智明如怼R獬K枷搿D芊eNNoM法。法即是空。空即是法。即是法明如怼 Buddha tells the words to Bodhisattva-mahasattva Non-hindrance, in case there are a merciful man and a merciful woman and so on, for the various sentient beings, who could give mouth and homily to this right sutra, deep to reach the Dharmata , and to attain the very profound truth. It is directly known that his body and mind is just Buddha-Body and Dharma-Mind. Thus the instinctive consciousness is itself in enough possession of wisdom and insight. Eyes often behold various endless form . Form is void, void is form. Sensation, cognition, formation, and consciousness are also empty, which is Tathagata Fine Form-Body. Ears often hear various endless sound , sound is void, void is sound, which is Tathagata Fine Sound. Nose often smells various endless fragrances. Scent is void, void is scent, which is Tathagata Accumulation-of-Scent. Tongue often tastes various endless flavor, flavor is void, void is flavor, which is Tathagata Dharma Favor. Body often feel various endless touch, touch is void, void is touch, which is Tathagata Wisdom Luminosity. Consciousness often has mentality and thought, able to distinguish various endless dharmas, dharma is void, void is dharma, which is Tathagata Dharma Luminosity.&& 善男子。^此六根@F。人皆空口常f之。若f善Z。善法常D。即成}道。若f邪Z。悍ǔ^D。即地z。善男子。善褐怼2坏貌恍拧I颇凶印H酥硇摹J欠鸱ㄆ鳌R嗍鞘看蠼卷也。o始已怼^Dx不M。不p毫毛。如聿亟。唯R心性者之所能知。非T凡夫所能知。善男子。xb此。深解真理。即知身心。是佛法器。若醉迷不醒。不了自心。是佛法根本。流DT趣。於旱馈S郎蚩嗪!2宦佛法名字。 A merciful man, inspecting the revelation of Six Senses . People all have empty mouths to talk frequently about it. In case of saying benevolent words, benevolent dharma is in a frequent rotation, which has directly become the Holy Way. In case of saying miscreant words, evil dharma is in a frequent rotation, which directly sinks into the Hell. A merciful man will have to create faith in the principle of Good and Evil. A merciful man, The body and mind of human is just the implement of Buddha-Dharma, it is also twelve categories of the volumes of Mahayana Sutras!Since beginningless, up till now, the turns of reading are endless, not harmful to a single hair .The Sutras of Tathagata-Store could be known by those who only have the knowledge of mind and the realization of nature, not by the Earthling and the Shravakas. A merciful man , chant and pore over this right sutra, and have profound comprehension of Truth, it is directly known that body and mind is the implement of Buddha-Dharma. In case of being fuddled and puzzled, not awaken , no knowledge of Self-Mind is the roots of Buddha-Dharma. The circulation of various destinies will fall into the Evil Paths, eternal to sink into the Sea of Torments. The name of Buddha-Dharma won’t be heard. r五百天子。在大中。佛所f。得法眼Q。皆大g喜。即lo等等阿耨多_三藐三菩提心。 At that time, five hundred Sons of Heavens, among the masses, have heard what Buddha says and have attained the purity of Dharma-Eye, who are all greatly rapturous, directly developing the Unequalled AnuttraSamyak- sambohi-citta. oK菩_。}白佛言。世尊。人之在世。生死橹亍I袢铡r至即生。死不袢铡r至即死。何因葬。即良辰吉日。然始葬。葬之後。有妨害。F者多。玳T者不少。唯世尊。橹T邪o智生。f其因。令得正道。除其倒。 Bodhisattva Non-hindrance says whitely to Buddha again: Bhagavan, Human Beings are at the world, so important is Birth and Death. At birth, there is no choice of a day. It is the time for birth which comes to be born. At death, it is the time for death which comes to be dead. Why is it because of a burial, there is the inquiry of the good time and the lucky day ? Then there is the start of the burial, at the end of the burial, there has been still harm. The majority are poor and poor, and quite a few are to put a whole family to death. Only wish Bhagavan preach the chain of cause and effect for the sentient beings with various miscreant views and no wisdom, who would be made to have attained the Upright Way in order to vanish their perversions. 佛言。善哉善哉。善男子。汝甚能。於生生死之事。葬之法。汝等B。吾槿暾f。智慧之理。大道之法。夫天地V大清。日月VL明。r年善美。o有。善男子。人王菩_。甚大慈悲。∧畋生。皆如赤子。下槿酥鳌W髋蠲窀改浮m於俗人。教於俗法。造作讶铡nC下天下。令知r。橛衅M。成收_]。建除定獭F莆V摹S奕艘雷中庞谩o不免其凶。又使邪。f是道非。求邪神拜I鬼。s福招殃自受苦。如斯人。皆返天r逆地理。背日月之光明。常]室。`正道之V路。恒ば。倒之甚也。善男子。a生rx此三遍。杭匆咨I醮蠹B明智慧。福德具足。而不中夭。死rx此三遍。一o妨害。得福o量。善男子。日日大好日。月月大好月。年年大好年。og隔。但辨即葬。葬之日。x此七遍。甚大吉利。@福o量。Ts人F。延年益邸CK之日。K得成}道。善男子。葬之地。莫|西南北。安之VT人贰9砩贰<醋x此三遍。便以修s。安置墓取So恼稀<腋蝗伺d。甚大吉利。r世尊。欲重宣此x。而f偈言。 Buddha says: Oh wonderful! oh wonderful!A merciful man, you are actually able to ask about the case of birth and death for the sentient beings. About the method of the burial, you and so on hark attentively , I ought to preach the truth of wisdom and the dharma of Great Way for thee. Oh, the Heaven and the Earth is vast, lipid and spacious, the Sun and the Moon is vast, eternal and luminous. Time and years is merciful and beautiful. Actually there are no differences Between them. A merciful man, Bodhisattva Human King is of great merci and compassion, who have pity and miss for the sentient beings, all like his infants. Lower as Human King and parents of humble people, submissive to the earthlings, imparting vulgar methods, creating the Lunar Calendar which is decreed beneath the world. It enables them to know time and seasons, thus there are such dictions of Safety and Comfort, Success and Harvest, Opening and Shutting, Setting-up and Wiping-off, Breakage and Jeopardy, Affirmation and Performance. In the light of the dictions, a brainless person has faith and make use of them, without no avoidance of his portent calamities. Also, in case he is sick of repression, a miscreant master speaks both right and wrong, irreverent to pray to miscreant spirits and bow to hungry ghosts. The covetousness of bliss and the evocation of bane enables oneself to suffer from the hell. The mankind like this all breaches the seasons of Heaven and violates the reasons of Earth, turning one’s back on the light of the Sun and the Moon, frequently hidden in the dark room, disobeying the extensive roads of the Upright Way, eternal to cast about for a miscreant shortcut. What an extreme of perversion !A merciful man, while giving birth to a child, chant this very sutra, the child will be easy to be born, quite large and dexter, smart and wise, in enough possession of bliss and virtue, and yet not suffering young death. While at death, chant this very sutra three times, first of all, there is no harm, gaining immeasurable bliss. A merciful man, a day and a day is a great and good day. A month and a month is a great and good month. A year and a year is a great and good year.Actually there is no interval,only discri- minate to have to be in a burial. At a day of a burial, chant this very sutra seven times, which is extremely great and dexter and gains immeasurable bliss. The pedigree is glorious and family status is honorable. Lengthen the years and the life-span. At the day of the end of his life-span, he will together have attained the Holy Way. A merciful man, don’t inquire east and west, south and north. the ground of a burial is the place of safety and steadiness, which various people are fond and joyful of , which ghosts and gods are fond and joyful of. Directly chant this very sutra three times. It is easy to practice honour which will be put into a tomb, eternal to have no tragedies or obstacles. Families are wealthy and households are prosperous,which is very& great and dexter. At that time, Bhagavan would like again to preach this very significance and says the gatha: I生善善日  休好好r 生死xb  甚得大利益 月月善明月  年年大好年 x即葬  s花f代昌 It is a pretty merciful to make a living It is a pretty wonderful stopping burial Chant the sutra while at birth and death That has ever attained great advantages Every month is a very benevolent month Every year is one great wonderful year Chant this very sutra starting a burial. Ten thousand generations glory prospers r中。七f七千人。佛所f。心_意解。舍邪w正。得佛法分。永嘁苫蟆=园l阿耨多_三藐三菩提心 At that time, among the multitudes, seventy thousand and seven thousand of people have heard what Buddha said. Their mind is open and their consciousness is illuminable. They have abandoned the iniquity and returned the justice. They have attained heft of Buddha-dharma, eternal to break off the haze. They have all developed the Anuttra-samyak-sambohi-citta. oK菩_。}白佛言。世尊。一切凡夫。皆以婚媾橛H。先相宜。後取吉日。然始成H。成H之後。富F偕老者少。F生x死e者多。一N信邪。如何而有差e。唯世尊。Q疑。 Bodhisattva Non-hindrance says whitely to Buddha again: Bhagavan,all the earthlings have each regarded the union of marriage as a family. First inquire the suitable year-relation of one’s birth, second choose the auspicious day, and then start to get married. After getting married, very few are wealthy and honorable and longeval, the majority are of poverty and separate in birth and part away at death. Why is one kind of faith in the evil different yet ? Only wish Bhagavan to make a decision of the populace’s suspicions. 佛言。善男子。汝等B。槿暾f。夫天地T玛贞。水痍。女嘘。天地夂稀R磺胁菽旧伞H赵陆煌āKr八明焉。水火相承。一切f物熟焉。男女允C。子Od焉。皆是天之常道。自然之理。世B之法。善男子。愚人o智。信其邪。卜望吉。而不修善。造NNI。命K之後。}得人身者。如指甲上土。於地z。作畜生I鬼者。如大地土。善男子。}得人身。正信修善者。如指甲上土。信邪造I者。如大地土。善男子。欲Y婚H。莫水火相克。胎胞相。年o不同。唯看命V5露嗌佟R榫佟:粲铡<醋x此三遍。而以成Y。此乃善善相因。明明相佟iT高人F。子Od盛。明利智。多才多。孝敬相承。甚大吉利。而o中夭。福德具足。皆成佛道。是r有八菩_。承佛威神。得大持。常碎g。和光同m。破邪立正。度四生私狻6蛔援。其名曰。 Buddha says: A merciful man, You and so on hark attentively, I ought to preach it for thee , Oh, the Heaven is of anode ( Yang ) and the Earth is of cathode ( Yin ). The Moon is of cathode and the Sun is of anode. Water is of cathode and fire is of anode. Woman is of cathode and man is of anode. The vigor between Heaven and Earth is incorporative. Oh, all grass and trees grow up!the Sun and the Moon communicate. Oh, four times and eight seasons are limpid!Water and fire undertake each other, oh, all of ten thousand things are mature!A man and a woman are allowed to be harmonious, oh, sons and grandsons are prosperous.!It is the eternal reason of Heaven, the theory of Nature and the method of Worldly Truth. A merciful man, brainless people have no wisdom and create faith in their miscreant masters. Consult the divination and anticipate the luck. And yet don’t practice mercy and create various evil karmas. After the end of their life-spans, they would gain Human Bodies again. Those who would have faith of justice and practice mercy are just like the clay on one finger-nail, those who would have faith of iniquity are just like the topsoil on the wide earth. A merciful man, there is the lust of the union of marriage and getting married, don’t inquire the fact that fire and water restrain each other, and that embryos as well as placentas are sick of each other. With the difference of ages, only look up into the book about a person fate through a life. It is known how much of bliss and virtue he has. Regarding him or her as a dependent family, at the day of cheerful welcomes, directly chanting this very sutra three times, and yet it is considered as a decorum. Such is just the mutual conditions of mercy to mercy and just the mutual ascription of advisability to advisability. The pedigree is generous and family status is honorable. The sons and grandsons arise prosperous and versatile, smart and witty, who have the mutual inheritance of filial piety and respect, who are extremely great and dexter, and yet who won’t suffer young death, in enough possession of bliss and virtue. They would have achieved Buddha-Way. This time, there are eight of Bodhisattvas who have undertaken the power and theurgy of Buddha and attained the Maha-dharanis, who are eternal to dwell in the Mortal World. Light is as harmonious as dust. They explode the iniquity and build up the justice. There is the salvation of four kinds of the sentient beings and the supervision of eight paths of emancipations. And yet they won’t regard themselves different from the others. Their names says :&& 跋陀_菩_漏M和  _咂兴_漏M和 x自兜菩_漏M和  那__菩_漏M和 深菩_漏M和  因桓_菩_漏M和 和{菩_漏M和  o^菩_漏M和 Bodhisattva& Batuoluo& Transcendental& Harmony Bodhisattva& Luolingjie Transcendental Harmony Bodhisattva& Qiaozidou Transcendental Harmony Bodhisattva& Naluoda& Transcendental& Harmony Bodhisattva& Xumisheng Transcendental Harmony Bodhisattva& Yinhuanda Transcendental Harmony Bodhisattva& Heluntiao Transcendental Harmony Bodhisattva& Wuyuanguan Transcendental Harmony 是r八菩_。俱白佛言。世尊。我等於T佛所。受持得陀_尼神咒。而今f之。碜o受持xb八者。永o恐怖。使一切不善之物。不得侵px法。即於佛前而f咒曰。 This time, Such Eight Bodhisattvas says wholly whitely to Buddha: Bhagavan, I and so forth, at the locus of lots of Buddhas, have upheld and attained the Dharani and the Holy Mantra, up till now, pronouncing it. We are in support of him who upholds , chants and pores over the sutra of Eight Yang, eternal to have no horrors. We should make all unmerciful things unable to hurt and violate the master who is poring over this very sutra, directly in the presence of Buddha and says the mantra-tamber: 阿夷(一)尼夷(二)阿沉_(三)曼`(四)曼多`(五)娑婆X Aquni―niquni―abiluo―mandi-manduodi―suopohe 世尊。若有不善者。欲婪。我f此咒。^破作七分。如阿梨渲Α Bhagavan, in case there is the unmerciful one who is desirous to come to annoy the Dharma Master, hearing the Mantra I pronounced, his head will be broken into seven clumps, just like the branches of the Arjaka Tree ( eternal to be obsessed ). ro身菩_。即座起。前白佛言。世尊。何名樘斓匕岁。唯世尊。橹T。解f其x。令得X悟。速_本心。入佛知。永嘁苫. At that time, Bodhisattva Boundless Body arises in a moment from his seat and says forward to Buddha: Bhagavan, why its name is the Sutra of HeavenCWorld Eight-Yang?& Only wish Bhagavan expound and preach this right significance for various multitudes of the auditors, would be made to have attained Enlightenment, fleet to reach the Original Mind and enter the viewpoint and knowledge of Buddha, eternal to break off the doubts and regrets. 佛言。善哉善哉。善男子。汝等B。吾今槿杲庹f。天地八之者。天者也。地者病0苏叻e也。者明解也。明解大乘空o之理。了能分e。八R因。空o所得。又何八R名榻。八名榫。相交。以成教。故名八。八者八R。何名八R。眼是色R。耳是R。鼻是香R。舌是味R。身是|R。意是分eR。六根是六R。含藏R。阿耶R。是名曰八R。明t分e八R根源。空o所得。即知裳凼枪饷魈臁9饷魈熘小<船F日月光明。世尊。啥锹天。天中。即Fo量如怼杀鞘欠鹣闾臁7鹣闾熘小<船F香e如怼?谑欠ㄎ短臁7ㄎ短熘小<船F法喜如怼I硎潜R舍那天。R舍那天中。即F成就R舍那佛。R舍那R像佛。R舍那光明佛。意是o分e天。o分e天中。即F不尤怼4蠊饷鞣稹P氖欠缣臁7缣熘小<船F空王如怼:刈R天。演出阿那含。大般涅。阿耶R天。演出大智度。瑜伽。善男子。佛即是法。法即是佛。合橐幌唷<船F大通智偃怼 Buddha says: Oh wonderful! Oh wonderful!A merciful man, You and so on hark attentively,I am present to expound and preach it for thee. The Gods’ Curse Sutra of Heaven-World Eight-Yang is that Heaven is of anode ( Yang ) and the Earth is of cathode Yin ). Eight means distinction. Yang means clear to understand. It is clear to understand the theory of Mahayana Emptiness and Non-existence. Realization is able to distinguish the conditions of Eight Consciousness that Emptiness is unattainable. Again, why the name Eight Consciousness is the longitude?& why the name Eight Yang is the parallel ? The longitude and the parallel crosses each other in order to become the scripture and teachings, therefore, it is so-called the Sutra of Eight Yang. Eight means Eight Consciousness. Why it is named Eight Consciousness? Eye is form consciousness, ear is sound consciousness, nose is scent consciousness, tongue is taste consciousness, body is touch consciousness, mind is distinction consciousness. Six Indriyas = Six Senses are Six Consciousnesses, Store-consciousness, Alaya- consciouness, such names saying Eight Consciousness. The realization of the roots on distinction = Eight Consciousness is that emptiness is unattainable. Such knowledge is that two eyes are Luminosity Heaven, at the center of Luminosity Heaven directly appears the light of the Sun and the Moon. Bhagavan, two ears are Sound Heaven, at the center of Sound Heaven directly appears Tathagata Immeasurable Sound. Two nostrils are Buddha Scent Heaven, at the center of Buddha Scent directly appears Tathagata Accumulation-of-Scent. Mouth is Dharma Taste Heaven, at the center of Dharma Taste Heaven directly appears Tathagata Dharma Favor.Body is Locana Heaven, at the center of Locana Heaven directly appears the achievement of Locanabuddha, Locana Image Buddha, Locana Luminosity Buddha. Consciousness is Non-distinction Heaven, at the center of Non- distinction Heaven directly appears Tathagata Non-Act, Buddha Great Luminosity, Mind is Dharma-Dhatu Heaven, at the center of& Dharma-Dhatu& Heaven directly appears Tathagata Void King, Store Consciousness Heaven is in the evolvement of The Agama-Sutra, The Mahayana-Mahapa- rinirvana Sutra, And yet Alaya-consciousness Heaven is in the evolvement of The Sermons and explanations of Mah&-praj&a-P&ramit&, The Sutra of Yoga Sermons. A merciful man, Buddha is just Dharma, Dharmam is just Buddha, which is merged into one semblance, directly appears Tathagata Great Merit-Wisdom of Psychic Power (Great Penetration Wise Victory = Maha^bhijn~a^-jn~a^na^bhibhu^) 佛f此r。一切大地。六N震印9庹仗斓亍o有H。浩浩6o所名。一切幽冥。悉皆明朗。一切地z。K皆消纭R磺凶锶恕>愕秒x苦。皆lo上菩提心。 While Buddha is preaching this right sutra, all the earth, appear six kinds of tremors and earthquake, light shining Heaven-Earth, without side and edge, coming with massive, streaming force, and yet unnameable. All the gloomy hades are totally luminous. All the Hells vanished together. All the sinners break wholly away the torments together, who have all developed the Supreme Bodhi-Citta. r大之中。八f八千菩_。一r成佛。曰空王如怼扔X。劫名x苦。o。一切人民。皆行菩_六波_蜜。o有彼此,Co三昧。逮o所得法。六f六千比丘。比丘尼。婆塞。婆夷。得大持。入不二法T。o堤忑夜叉。乾Y婆。阿修_。迦橇_。o那_。摩T_伽。人非人等。得法眼Q。行菩_道。}次善男子。若}有人。得官登位之日。及入新宅之r。鹤x此三遍。甚大吉利。善神加o。延年益邸85戮咦恪I颇凶印H糇x此一遍。如x一切一部。若一卷。如一切一部。其功德不可Q。不可量。等空。o有H。如斯人等。即成就}道。 At this time, among the masses, eighty thousand and eight thousand of Bodhisattvas have one moment achieved Buddhahood, whose names saying Tathagata Void King, Samyak-sambuddha,The destiny name was Escaping Torments. The country’s name was Boundless. All the people each have practiced Six Paramitas of Bodhisattvas, without each other, demonstrating No Strife Samadhi and reaching Unattainable Dharma. Sixty thousand and six thousand of bhiksus (monk), bhisunis (nun), upasakas (layman), or upasikas (laywoman) Have attained Great Total Retention (Great Dharani) and entered No Two Dharma Gates. Innumerable heaven-dragons, yaksas, gandharvas, asuras, garudas, kimnaras, mahoragas, human, non-humans, and so forth have attained the purity of Dharma Eye and practiced Bodhisattvas Path. Again, a merciful man, in case there is still someone who has gained an officer at the day of the promotion of the official position, and at the time of the entrance in a new house, for the present, chanting this very sutra three times, which is extremely great and dexter. The merciful gods are in an addition to the protections. They should prolong the years and longevity, in the enough possession of bliss and virtue. A merciful man, in case of poring over this sutra one time, it is just like poring over one tome among all the sutras. In case of calligraphing one volume, it is just like calligraphing one tome among all the sutras, one’s merit and virtue are incalculable, immeasurable, equal to Akasa. Such a person and so forth will directly have achieved the path of sages.& }次o身菩_摩X_。若有生。不信正法。常生邪。忽此。即生ur。言非佛f。是人F世。得白]病。函血。遍w交流。腥臊臭x。人皆憎嫉。命K之日。即阿鼻og地z。上火下。下火上。FF叉。遍w穿穴。融~灌口。筋骨摹R蝗找灰埂Hf死f生。受大苦痛。o有休息。r斯故。@罪如是。佛樽锶恕6f偈言。 Again, Bodhisattva-mahasattva Boundless Body, in case there are some of the sentient beings who have no faith of Upright Dharma, eternal to create miscreant views, suddenly hearing this right sutra, directly giving rise to slanders, wording it is not what Budddha said. Such a person is in the present lifetime , suffering from the vitiligo, skin ulcerating mephitic with purulent blood, all over his body interbleeding, olid and dirty, fishy and stenchy. Man is all loath and envious of them. At the day of the end of their life, they will directly fall into the Avichi Relentless Hell. They are covered with a fire burning downward that is joined by a fire burning upward. Iron forks and iron spears are perforating throughout their bodies and pores, molten copper is poured in their mouths. Their bones and sinews rot raddled away. One day and one night, undergoing ten thousand of deaths and ten thousand of rebirths, undergoing extreme pains and torments, restless and ceaseless . The slander of such a sutra is the result to have obtained the villainy thuswise. And yet Buddha says the gatha-words for the sinners: 身是自然身  五w自然足 &&&&&&&&&&& L乃自然L  老乃自然老 &&&&&&&&&&& 生乃自然生  死乃自然死 &&&&&&&&&&& 求L不得L  求短不得短 &&&&&&&&&&& 苦啡曜援  邪正由汝已 &&&&&&&&&&& 欲作有楣Α ∽x莫 &&&&&&&&&&& 千千ff世  得道D法 &&&&&&& Body is a natural body with naturally five physiques Growth is natural. Consenescence is natural. Birth is Natural . Death is natural. Seeking longevity is unable To attain longevity. Seeking short-lifespan is not to Attain short-lifespan. Torments and happiness are under- Taken just by yourself.Iniquity and justice’re ceased by Yourself. The desire of performancing conditioned merite. Poring over the Sutra is not to ask a master. Thousands Thousands generations getting the Way rotates Dharma-wheel (Body is a natural body, 5 frames are a natral plenitude. Growth is a natural growth, consenescence is a natural Consenescence.Birth is a natruel birth, death is natural Death. Seeking longevity is unable to attain longevity. Seeking short-lifespan is not to attain short-lifespan. Torments and happiness are undertaken just by yourself. Iniquity and justice are ceased by yourself.The desire Of performancing conditioned merite. Poring over the Sutra is not to ask a masterThousands and millions of Ggenerations, to attain the Way rotates Dharma-wheel ) 佛f此已。一切大。得未曾有。心明意Q。g喜xS。皆T相非相。入佛知。悟佛知。o入o悟。o知o。不得一法。即涅饭省4酥T菩_}。天神土地`祗。皆悉g喜。信受奉行。 Buddha have finished preaching this right sutra. All the masses have acquired anything but no once possession of clear heart and pure mind, who are actively rapturous. They have all beheld various semblances as non-semblances, entering the knowledge and viewpoint of Buddha, awakening the knowledge and viewpoint of Buddha, neither entrance nor awakening, neither knowledge nor viewpoint , no attainment of one dharma is just Nirvana Happiness. These multitudes of various sages and bodhisattvas, Heavenly-gods, Gnomes and Spirits are wholly rapturous, all believing in, accepting, and reverently putting it into practice. 佛f天地八神饨K Welcome to publish this sutra, its merit and virtue are immeasurable &&&&&& g迎翻印&& 功德o量&&&&& Note: 五百_h第肆佰三拾柒尊   那_德尊者,即那__菩_。《般若三昧》所揭o持正法、碜o生之八大菩_( j陀和、_z那竭、蛉斩怠⒛橇__、深、摩X_和、因坻_、和{)之一.队^空藏菩_》d,世g有八尊大菩_,自o狄聿晦o辛苦,W佛求道,本己功德AM,修行成佛,但是s都不取佛位,誓常住世g,So生,⑻煜卤生皆度出苦海後方得佛位,尊者榘似兴_之第四位。若有人患疾病,遭遇危y,只要呼咀鹫咧憧煞晷谆鲭y成祥。常供B⒍Y,可得F世福螅K後D生O肥澜纭 m香也;曼折利,^也。f阿梨渲φ,既不善本音,}不R其事,故致久迷。然西方o阿梨洹!植豢罩鹉复罂兹该魍踅卷上亦g之樘m香。w arjaka 之梵Z可指 sitaparn!asa, varvari^bheda, sa^ma^nyatulasi^ 等TN植物,故易生f。 封神榜位列的群星:   日[神(亓);夜[神(汤) 甲子太q(钊) 青星(九公);白虎星(殷成秀);朱雀星(R方);玄武星(徐坤);S幡星(魏S);豹尾星(侵t);土府星(土行O) 伏星(S明) 甲子太q(钊)
十 大 功 德 弘一演音示V 一、前所作NN罪^,p者立即消纾卣咭嗟棉Dp。 二、常得吉神碜o,一切瘟疫、水火、寇I、刀兵、牢 z之模そ圆皇堋 三、夙生怨唬堂煞ㄒ妫媒饷,永免こ之苦。 四、夜叉汗恚荒芮址福旧唣I虎,不能楹Α 五、心得安慰,日oU事,夜o簦色光桑饬Τ涫骷 六、至心奉法,mo希求,自然衣食S足,家庭和睦,福dL。 七、所言所行,人天g喜,任到何方,常槎啾A城鄞鳎Ь炊Y拜。&& 八、愚者D智,病者D健,困者D亨,D女者,笾x之日,捷D男身。&& 九、永x旱溃苌频馈O嗝捕苏熨Y超越,福殊佟 十、能橐磺斜生,N植善根,以生心,作大福田,@o量俟 所生之5靡佛法。直至三慧宏_,六通HC,速得成佛。  
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