永恒战士3无限钻石《ETERNITY WARRI...

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永恒战士 Eternity Warriors
After 20 years of peace in Northern Udar, a powerful new Demon threat has emerged under the command of the evil Demon King Kilic. The Demons have overrun and transformed the once vibrant land into a cesspool of danger and evil. Only the courageous Eternity Warriors can defeat this rising threat to the world of Humans and Elves!
3D fantasy world with fast-paced melee action gameplay: Experience an amazing variety of heavy and light attacks, devastating special moves and powerful combos to take out the hoards of demonic enemies
Spectacular sword-wielding combat alongside your real friends: The Eternity Warriors always fight the Demon threat together with fellow clan members found on Facebook and Game Center
Magical array of swords, axes, armors and power-ups: To be a truly great warrior you need truly great weapons. Build your inventory with some of the biggest and most insanely powerful weapons imaginable!
Twitter @GluMobile
Eternity Warriors is free to play, but you can choose to pay real money for some extra items, which will charge your iTunes account.
You can disable in-app purchasing by adjusting your device settings.上传者:Daniel‘Bryan
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永恒战士3 Eternity Warriors 3
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Eternity Warriors 3
By Glu Games Inc.
Game Center
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The most acclaimed action/RPG game returns with 3x the Heroes, 3x the Dungeons and 3x the Loot!!
As the last Demon Tower fell, the people of Northern Udar cheered their new hero.
Their cheers, however, were short lived. Corrupted by demon magic, the last of the great Dragons unleashed a horrible evil upon the world by unsealing the Eternity Sword.
Mawzok'Kahl, Lord of Hell, self-proclaimed Heir to the World, sets his sights on the kingdoms of Udar.
And as suddenly as it came, it seems as though peace in Northern Udar has once again been snuffed out. Northern Udar is in need of a hero once more, more now than ever! Every man, woman and child depends on it, they depend... on you. THREE PLAYABLE HEROES Will you fight as the rugged Warrior, the agile Monk, or the devastating Mage? EPIC NEXT-GEN GRAPHICSAmazing graphics at blazing frame rates! UNRIVALED COMBAT SYSTEMFast-paced action combined with fluid controls and life-like animations! GUILDS AND REAL-TIME CHATJoin forces in guilds, converse in real-time with other players and inspect their gear!TOURNAMENTSCompete in regular tournament events against other players and guildsFOUR KINGDOMS TO EXPLORESlay hordes of demons throughout the most distinct kingdoms in Udar! THOUSANDS OF ITEMS TO LOOTWill you find the most legendary items, or leave them to someone else? FOUR UNIQUE ULTRA-POWERFUL SKILLS PER HEROUnleash devastating amounts of damage with various skills and abilities PLEASE NOTE: - This game is free to play, but you can choose to pay real money for some extra items, which will charge your iTunes account.
You can disable in-app purchasing by adjusting your device settings.- Please buy carefully.- Advertising appears in this game.- This game permits users to interact with one another (eg. chat rooms, player to player chat, messaging). Linking to social networking sites are not intended for persons under age 13.- A network connection is required to play.- For information about how Glu collects and uses your data, please read our privacy policy at:
/privacy- If you have a problem with this game, please contact us at: /support
NOTE: The iPod Touch 4th Gen is not supported
What's New in Version 4.1.0
o Fight through 2 brand new event dungeons and defeat their bosses!o Acquire the Easter themed gear!
We’ve added a new weapon for each class along with a new set of wings and helm!o All-new evolve material!
Use it on the new gear!o Bug fixes and other improvements to game performance
Customers Also Bought
This app is designed for both iPhone and iPadFreeCategory: Version: 4.1.0Size: 97.0 MBLanguages: English, Chinese, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Thai, Traditional Chinese, TurkishSeller: Glu Games IncInfrequent/Mild Cartoon or Fantasy ViolenceFrequent/Intense Profanity or Crude HumorInfrequent/Mild Mature/Suggestive ThemesCompatibility: Requires iOS 5.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPad 2 Wi-Fi, iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G, iPad Wi-Fi (3rd generation), iPad Wi-Fi + Cellular (3rd generation), iPad Wi-Fi (4th generation), iPad Wi-Fi + Cellular (4th generation), iPad mini Wi-Fi, iPad mini Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad Air, iPad Air Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad mini 2, iPad mini 2 Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad Air 2, iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad mini 3, iPad mini 3 Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPod touch (4th generation), and iPod touch (5th generation). This app is optimized for iPhone 5.
Customer Ratings
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Top In-App Purchases
Adventurer’s Gem Pack$6.49Champion's Gem Pack$24.99Mercenary's Gem Pack$12.99Soldier's Gem Pack$2.59Hero's Gem Pack$64.99King's Gem Pack$124.99
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