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What`s going on? I have this message some days and some days not.... What can i do to fix this? I can play Black ops and other steam games normally...
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2 Dec, 2014 @ 7:02am
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Date Posted: 16 Oct, 2012 @ 10:11amPosts: 11
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View mobile websiteCall of Duty(R) 4: Modern Warfare(TM) on the Mac App Store
Mac App StoreMac App Store is the simplest way to find and download apps for your Mac.To download Call of Duty(R) 4: Modern Warfare(TM) from the Mac App Store, you need a Mac with OS X 10.6.6 or later.
Call of Duty(R) 4: Modern Warfare(TM)
By Aspyr Media, Inc.
Open the Mac App Store to buy and download apps.
Featuring a tense storyline, filled with plot twists, Call of Duty 4 thrusts players into battle like never before. With amazing special effects, including rim-lighting, depth of field, texture streaming and character self-shadowing, players are enlisted into one of the most photo-realistic gaming experiences imaginable.The community-oriented Call of Duty 4 multiplayer gameplay features a robust leveling system, variety of unlockable perks, hot-join and matchmaking, as well as create a class and party capabilities to ensure that players of all skill levels can join in the fun.
Additionally over 100 challenges and a host of new game environments and modes deliver unlimited possibilities. Infinity Ward has also included Kill-Cam, a fan favorite feature that they created in Call of Duty 2, which allows for spectator instant replays.o Please Check System Requirements Prior to Purchasing.oo This is a BIG game (nearly 7GB!), so it will take a while to download. Please check the system requirements below. o Supported in English Only*In order to run the game with satisfactory performance, your Mac must meet these minimum system requirements: CPU Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo / 2.0 GHz / 1 GB RAM / HD Space: 8.0 GB + 1 GB Swap File / ATI Radeon X1600; NVidia Geforce MB VRamMULTIPLAYER REQUIREMENTS:o Internet (TCP/IP) or LAN (TCP/IP) play supportedo Internet play requires broadband connection NOTICE: This game is not supported on volumes formatted as Mac OS Extended(Case Sensitive)NOTICE: This game is rated M for Mature by the ESRB.__________________________________________BE THE FIRST TO KNOW!Get the latest Aspyr news, get insider information, deals and more...SURF US: LIKE US: /aspyrmediaFOLLOW US: Twitter /aspyrmedia(C) 2017 Activision Publishing, Inc. Activision and Call of Duty are registered trademarks and Modern Warfare is a trademark of Activision Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. This product contains software technology licensed from Id Software ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (C)
Id Software, Inc. The ratings icon is a registered trademark of the Entertainment Software Association. Aspyr is a registered trademark of Aspyr Media, Inc., and the Aspyr star logo is a trademark of Aspyr Media. Mac and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. All other trademarks and trade names are the properties of their respective owners.
What's New in Version 1.7.2
o Performance upgrades and bug fixes
Customer Reviews
Honestly, I thought the price was a little too high but once I started playing I forgot all about it! Alot of people dont look at the campaign and just look at multiplayer I loved the campaign more than block ops. This compared to black ops is like comparing dirt to gold! The campaign is absolutely amazing. I really love this game. Honestly I didn't think gaming on the a computer was going to be as good as xbox but its WAY better. This is a great game buy it now! The multiplayer provides hours of fun to the point you might sit inside for 3 years and not now it. Its addicting. I have one complaint and its not with the game . WHY DO PEOPLE NOT MAKE ALL THE GAMES FOR MAC!!!!!!!!!! I am going to get windows and install on bootcamp so i can get pc games but i really really REALLY dont want to do that. why do people not develop every game there is for mac. I want COD MW2 I want COD MW3 i want Battlefield 3 I want SOOOOOOO many games for mac that are only for pc and its really frustrating apple! Do something about it I want to be able to game on my Mac. This is a great game though you should really buy it cause its amazing and provides countless hours of fun.
When I first considered purchasing the application, I went through as many reviews as I could to gauge how good the game would be on Mac. After reading A LOT of reviews, I found myself looking to buy other games due to the lack of support the mulitplayer aspect of the game was recieving from the people who ahd already bought it. However, I finally brought myself to spending the money, even if the multiplayer didn't work, because I was so depserate for the campaign mode. WAS I SURPRISED!!! I honestly have no clue what-so-ever what all of the unhappy customer poor internet connection, poor computers, or maybe even the person not being smarter than the machinery they were trying to use, but I found the multiplayer portion of the game to be flawless. Granted, without a ps3 controller to use, which is what I'm used to, I'm terrible at both the campaign and multiplayer modes, but the gameplay is perfect. If you have $50 to spend freely or otherwise, DO NOT HESITATE TO PURCHASE! Best installment on the MAC thus far.
5-Stars for Value
Let me preface this review by stating that I got the game for $25.
That having been said, this is a great value and I feel like, at this price, it's very well worth the price.I've played through this game on a console before but sold it when the sequel came out.
Itching to play it again, I thought I'd give it a try on my Mac since I don't often game on this.
When I looked at the Apple store, I realized that they (along with Aspyr) were charging a full $50 for the game and that didn't quite sit right with me.
I'm not a huge fan of the trend of releasing older games on the Mac at new prices, so when I saw this in the App store at $25 I pounced.Onto the game...runs very well on my cinema display powered by a 2.4 GHz MacBook Pro 13& with 4GB of RAM and the NVIDIA 320M chip.
I haven't tried to turn all options to their highest yet but everything runs very smoothly at medium settings.
Just don't use a Magic Mouse if you can avoid it.The campaign is a very good experience that every fan of the FPS genre should experience if they haven't already.
Playing through the opening level last night brought back a lot of memories of the first time I played the game.If the price is still at $25, you won't be disappointed in your purchase!
If they hike it back up to $50, look for the hard-copy elsewhere.
$19.99Category: Version: 1.7.2Size: 7.35 GBLanguage: EnglishSeller: Aspyr Media (iDP)Infrequent/Mild Mature/Suggestive ThemesFrequent/Intense Profanity or Crude HumorFrequent/Intense Realistic ViolenceInfrequent/Mild Alcohol, Tobacco, or Drug Use or ReferencesCompatibility: OS X 10.6.6 or later
Customer Ratings
Current Version:
4.23564&&&&&1897 Ratings
All Versions:
&&&&&2106 Ratings
More by Aspyr Media, Inc.
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and discover new iTunes Radio Stations and the music we love.《使命召唤8:现代战争3》(Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3)破解版[光盘镜像]到BT迷下载页去下载:
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中文名称: 使命召唤8:现代战争3
英文名称: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
别名: COD8
游戏类型: FPS 第一人称视角射击游戏
资源格式: 光盘镜像
版本: 破解版
发行时间: 日
制作发行: Infinity Ward
地区: 美国
语言: 英文
随后,故事来到了纽约。俄军正沿着哈德逊河向这座大苹果城展开攻击。玩家将扮演三角洲部队成员Frost,在Sandman的指挥下 摧毁纽约证交所楼顶的干扰塔。玩家将乘坐黑鹰直升机前往这一地点。游戏的第一关叫做“黑色星期二”。 画面一转,六个月过去了。此时玩家将扮演俄罗斯总统专机上的保卫人员。俄罗斯总统正要去和美国签订合约。不过,马卡洛夫的人劫持了俄罗斯总统。这之后,我们又见到了Soap和Price。这一次他们正与南美的一家军火商会晤。原来,马卡洛夫对化学武器产生了兴趣。
最终,场景来到了迪拜。Price、Yuri和Sandman将与马卡洛夫展开最终决战。此役终于打死了马卡洛夫。代码& && && && && && && && && && && && &&&?▄▄ ?
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& && && && && && && &&&█&&???? ???&&??&&?& & ???&&???? ???& && && && && &&&Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (c) Activision& && &&&11/2011 :..... RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION .......: Steam
& && && && &&&2 :.......... DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE ........: Shooter& && && && && && & ▄??&&▄??▄ ▄?▄?▄ ▄??&&? ▄??▄ ▄??▄ ▄??▄ ▄?
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&&Modern Warfare is back. On November 8th, the best-selling first person
&&action series of all-time returns with the epic sequel to the multiple Game
&&of the Year award winner Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
&&* The definitive multiplayer experience returns bigger than ever.
&&* Special Ops co-op reinvented with all-new survival mode.
& && && && & ? ▄??▄ ▄?& &▓▄▄&&▄??▄ ▓& &▓& &▄??▄ ▄??▄ ▓▄▄&&▄??&&▄?
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&&1. Unrar.
&&2. Burn or mount the image.
&&3. Install the game.
&&4. Copy over the cracked content from the Crack dir on DVD2 to your
& &&&installation dir.
&&5. Play the game.
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&&???????????? █ ?▓ █?▓&&█&&▓ █&&▓ █??&&█&&▓ █&&▓ █&&▄ ▓? ▄ ???█ ?????????????
& && && && && & ??& & █& &??& &??&&?& & ?& &&&??& &??? ????&&??
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