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Mohammad Qasim Fahim (/:???? ????, also known as "Marshal Fahim"; 1957 – 9 March 2014) was a
who served as
from June 2002 until December 2004 and from November 2009 until his death. Between September 2001 and December 2004, he also served as
under the .
As military commander of the , Fahim captured the Afghan capital
in the fall of 2001 from the . In 2004
provided Fahim the honorary title
and a year later he became member of the . He later became a recipient of the
Medal. Fahim was a member of Afghanistan's
ethnic group. He was affiliated with the
() party of Afghanistan.
Fahim was born in , a small village in the
of Afghanistan. He was the son of Abdul Matin from the . He is reported to have finished his studies in Islamic
law at an Arabic institute in Kabul in 1977. Some sources have allegedly claimed that Fahim served as a member of the former Afghan intelligence service, , during the 1980s, although the most reports indicate that he has been fighting the communist rulers since the late 70s. He is said to have fled Afghanistan after the Communist coup of 1978, he became a refugee in . He returned to Panjshir and began to work under Commander .
When the Soviet-backed Afghan government collapsed in 1992, Fahim became a key member in the new government. He was appointed head of the Afghan intellgicence service , under interim president . He continued to serve as the country's head of intelligence under president .
In 1996, Fahim personally offered to evacuate former President , then in custody in Kabul, from the advancing
forces, but Najibullah refused to be evacuated and was captured and executed by a Taliban mob. Fahim continued to serve as head of the Intelligence and Minister of National Security of the internationally recognised
Government, even when it was ousted and the Taliban took the power over most provinces of Afghanistan in the second half of the 1990s. During this time of Taliban-reign in Afghanistan Fahim was active as military commander for the United Islamic Front in the north of Afghanistan, especially in
On 9 September 2001, Ahmad Shah Massoud, Afghanistan's most important resistance leader and Defense Minister of the ousted but international recognized government, was assassinated by
operatives posing as journalists. Two days later, Fahim was confirmed as the new defence minister of the United Islamic Front (Northern Alliance), succeeding Massoud. Fahim was a close ally and protégé of Massoud.
In the wake of building pressure of the US against the Taliban regime after , as general commander of the mujahideen resistance forces, Fahim became America’s main proxy in the fight against the Taliban. He was anxious to start an military offensive and even pledged to launch an attack against the Taliban, without waiting for US military action, saying: "Today we have a chance to defeat the Taliban and the terrorists, and we will use it whatever the cost." On 7 October, the day the US started bombing Taliban targets, he proclaimed an offensive on the northern and western fronts.
On October, 20, a US team of
landed in Afghanistan and teamed up with Fahim. On 30 October Fahim met with American General
where they discussed the idea to launch the first major strike of the war against Mazar-e-Sharif, a city that Fahim a month earlier named as the first city that he would conquer.
Mazar-e Sharif
by opposition forces on 9 and 10 November and only a few days later, the Taliban evacuated from the Afghan capital Kabul. US President
had requested that opposition forces would not enter the city before a new, broad-based, multi-ethnic government was formed. But to be able to maintain order, Fahim went into the city with a group of specially trained security personnel, although he made sure to leave the main body of his troops outside the city.
In the end of November forces loyal to Fahim captured the city of . That brought Fahim in charge of two of the five biggest cities, since other main cities were captured by militias of
(Herat) en
In the first days after the fall of Kabul, a supreme military council, headed by Fahim, was set up to administer the captured parts of the country. The military council gave itself a three-month mandate in which they proclaimed not to hand over the power to United Islamic Front president .
Marshal Fahim (center) standing next to former Afghan President
and former
in October 2001.
During these three months, the international community sponsored a
to decide about the future leadership of the country. With crucial US military help, the opposition forces had captured virtually all of Afghanistan from the Taliban in the beginning of December 2001, and in Bonn the formation of an interim administration was discussed.
As the US started bombing Afghanistan in the fall of 2011, it became clear that the United Ismlamic Front of Fahim would play an important role in the transition government that would emerge after the Taliban was ousted. However, since Fahim missed Massoud's magnetism, his role as opposition leader was generally seen as a temporary one. When in the first weeks of US bombardments Fahim's forces did not make any big breakthroughs, it was speculated that he was struggling with his role and he appeared wooden and awkward in front of his troops. But although Fahim was described as colorless it was clear that as the leader of the main military forces that were fighting the Taliban, Fahim had to play a central role in every possible government that could succeed the Taliban.
In the talks in Bonn Fahim took a leading role, together with two other young and moderate Tajik leaders from the
and dr. . After the death of Massoud, this trio had de facto been leading the United Islamic Front. Fahim was reportedly advocating a broad-based government headed by someone outside the leadership of the United Islamic Front. According to sources Fahim lobbied for
as the next Afghan president instead for his formal leader Rabbani.
The Bonn conference bypassed President Rabbani and appointed Hamid Karzai as Interim President. Qanuni, Abdullah and Fahim all got crucial posts in the . Initially there was some fear that the trivium of former Massoud-aides could overshadow Karzai, but at the same time, they were praised for giving away the chairmanship while they controlled Afghanistan militarily.
As commander of Afghans largest military force, Fahim got appointed Defence minister of Afghanistan. At the same time he was one of the five
of the Interim Administration. Together with Abdullah and Qanuni, one of the most dominant figures in the interim administration.
In the interim administration Karzai much needed the support of Fahim. Karzai was the official chairman of the executive committee of the government, but as commander of the most effective military force commanding the capital, Fahim had the real power.
Fahim was afraid a large international peace keeping force would take away his power base he argued for a limited amount of foreign troops in Afghanistan. Therefore he was immensely suspicious of a foreign presence. Karzai however was less afraid of international involvement in Afghan affairs, and might even fear a
hegemony of Afghanistan without them.
After the inauguration ceremony on 22 December 2001, where Fahim was formally installed as minister of Defence and Vice-Chair of the interim government, he requested that the international forces to leave the capital. He "would no longer accept foreign troops in Afghanistan operating without a UN mandate," Fahim said. Later he demanded that 100 British servicemen who just had entered the country would leave . "The British forces perhaps have an agreement with the UN but not with us," said Fahim. He also stated that a UN force should not exceed 1000 men and that they should play a very limited role in Afghan politics and that his own forces could eradicate sources of instability in the country. His own Northern Alliance forces should police Kabul, said Fahim, because he said that hhis troops in Kabul were security troops, not military.
Fahim discussed the deployment of foreign troops with US Generals and Defense Secretary
who demanded the presence of a large international force. Fahim was in charge of the meetings with the British General
to establish the exact task, length of stay and size of international forces. Reportedly, Fahim refused to meet McColl until Rumsfeld pressured him and told him to meet the British general.
In the end it was decided that an international security force of a few thousand troops would be deployed, but that they would agree to Fahim's demands to not take control of Kabul and not start immediately disarming Afghan militias. Of the approximately 3000 men that would be deployed,
men would be deployed in a garrison in the center of Kabul. Of the 30000 men only a third would be deployed for security reasons, the others would get logistical and humanitarian tasks. Another important task for the British and Americans would be the training of the Afghan troops. Fahim expressed the wish to build an Afghan army of around 250 000 men. After the negotiations The Telegraph described Fahim as someone who is popularly known as 'the village and Pansher valley idiot,' but who actually very shrewd.
When the first foreign troops of the peacekeeping mission arrived on 20 December 2001, Fahim said "They won't be needed for security." "They are here because they want to be," and because the United Nations Security Council sent them to Afghanistan to prevent another civil war, Fahim said, but insisted that their presence was merely symbolic and that the foreign troops were not supposed to use force. "Some ministers in the new government who have always lived outside the country are worried about security and they feel they need the peacekeepers for protection, but when they arrive here they will see that the situation is OK and that it is not necessary" Fahim added, possibly hinting at Chairman Karzai who lived for years in Pakistan. The heavily armed units of northern alliance soldiers who swept into Kabul will be withdrawn from the streets,Fahim added, but they will not leave the capital.
There was not only a disagreement between Fahim and Karzai about the size of the international peacekeeping force, but also about the duration that they were supposed to stay in Afghanistan. Fahim indicated that the international forces should leave after six years, but Karzai said that they would stay "as long as we need them, six years as a minimum".
As Defense Minister, Fahim had the task to try to unite the country's disparate armed groups. A daunting task, since Fahim's own troops had so far shied away from vast stretches of southern and eastern lawless lands under the sway of thousands of armed former Taliban warriors, most of them members of the dominant Pashtun ethnic group. Still, although a sometimes bumbling and awkward figure in public, and especially unpopular with the Uzbek minority in the country, Fahim quietly had gained iron control of the Northern Alliance's fractious military commanders. He continued to hold this control, even when , the most powerful
warlord who had taken control of the city of Mazar-e-Sharif and who was very critical of the Bonn Agreement, was appointed Fahim's deputy. But the cooperation between the two strongmen didn't start easy, already after a month forces of Dostum were clashing with forces of Fahim over control of a district in . The dispute erupted after his forces tried to disarm soldiers from a rival military unit. When those troops resisted, a firefight broke out, killing three soldiers.
On 29 December, Fahim urged the Americans to stop their bombing campaign on Afghanistan, because bin Laden had probably fled Afghanistan and moved to Peshawar in Pakistan. "Osama is out of our control," Fahim said. A day later foreign minister Abdullah Abdullah stated however that they did not know where bin Laden was and that air raides will continue "for as long as it takes to finish off the terrorists."
As Minister of Defence in his first months Fahim traveled extensively to neighbouring countries to build relations between the new government of Afghanistan and Afghan most influential neighbours. When US-envoy to Afghanistan
said in January 2002 that Iran might be backing Afghan fighters in an attempt to unsettle the Karzai-government, Fahim, who visited the Iranian minister of Defense half January, stated that there was no sign of Iran "creating insecurity" in Afghanistan. At the end of January 2002 Fahim set in on a meeting of Karzai met with
and spoke with the two of them about security issues.
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During the , where a new
was formed, Fahim supported the candidacy for president of Karzai. In turn he retained as vice-president and defense minister.
In the summer of 2002 American officials are said to have picked up intelligence that Fahim was considering an attempt to assassinate Karzai, as a result of which, in July 2002, US Special Forces wrested presidential bodyguard duties away from soldiers loyal to Fahim. The move followed the assassination earlier in the month of one of Karzai’s vice presidents, , a powerful Pashtun warlord and Karzai ally.
As Defense Minister he toured army bases in the United Kingdom, negotiated security issues with US General
and Canadian Defense Minister ,
Secretary General , visited Moscow and Washington, DC. He also replaced 15 ethnic
generals with officers from the ,
ethnic groups, although he was accused of delaying reforms that would have required him to replace his Tajik generals with a more ethnically balanced officer corps. The reform was a precondition for carrying out a $200 million UN-sponsored plan to pay off and disarm 100,000 militiamen loyal to the warlords.
While holding the position, he continued to command his own militia which he inherited from the United Front or more commonly known as the . However, on 10 December 2003, he ordered part of his militia to transport their weapons to an
installation near .
On 12 September 2003, , appointed by the
to investigate housing rights in , announced that many of the government ministers including Fahim and Education Minister
were illegally occupying land and should be removed from their posts. However, three days later, Kothari sent a letter to , the head of the UN in Afghanistan, saying he had gone too far in naming the ministers.
Marshal Fahim greeting former U.S. President
in 2006. Others to the side are Afghan President
and 2nd Vice Afghan President
with the turban.
In 2004, many expected Karzai to name Fahim or Qanuni as candidate for vice-president in the upcoming , but he named
instead. Subsequently Fahim backed the candidacy of his fellow Tajik,
for president.
After Karzai's victory in the presidential elections, Fahim was not reappointed Defense Minister and succeeded by his deputy . Many believe Karzai dropped Fahim from his cabinet as a result of intense pressure from various foreign organizations who viewed Fahim as a major bottleneck in the disarmament process. Also, Fahim has no higher education, and article 72 of Afghanistan's constitution states that an appointed Minister to the President's cabinet should have a higher education. In a decree made in December 2004, Karzai, who called Fahim his "close friend and confidant" confirmed that Fahim would hold the rank of , Afghanistan's highest, for life, with all rights and privileges.
Although Fahim lost his formal role in the government, he remained a powerful and influential figure in Afghanistan. In 2006, Karzai, faced with a resurgent Taliban, returned Marshal Fahim to Government as an advisor.
Some Afghan analysts attest that, despite losing his military position, Marshal Fahim still remained a very powerful figure in the political arena of the country. "[He] is particularly popular among people in the north, because he had fought , and later the
and . He spent many years fighting aggressors." (Erada, 2005)
Later in the year 2006, in an interview Karzai said, "Marshal Fahim is one of the sons of our [mujahedin], a patriot and [a man who loves] his country. I have a great deal of respect for Marshal Fahim. He has been my close friend and confidant. He has his own unique place in Afghanistan. He has been a respectable military man. He is a five-star general. And he is a senator." Regarding his decision in appointing Marshal Fahim as one of his advisors, Karzai added that "I hope that officially as my adviser, he will continue to cooperate with me. He comes to all of the National Security Council meetings. He is my dear brother. No one can ever reduce the respect that Marshal Fahim has earned for himself." (Azadi Radio, 5 April 2006) Throughout his time as a public figure, he has had persistent accusations of corruption and human rights abuses. When he died, the American-led coalition simply expressed condolences to Mr. Fahim's family.
Fahim was a member of the (now defunct) political party , a broad coalition of former and current strongmen, mainly with a basis in the United Islamic Front.
In 2009, Fahim was chosen by incumbent President
as candidate for first Vice President in the . Fahim by then had a reputation as one of Afghanistan’s most powerful, brutal and corrupt warlords. Karzai’s decision to include him on his ticket therefore dismayed international observers. Many in Kabul alleged Marshal Fahim was at the time involved in criminal activities, including kidnapping for ransom. By choosing Fahim as his Vice-president, Karzai was said to have stained his own credibility even further.
But for Karzai such considerations were trumped by Fahim’s status as a leading member of Afghanistan’s
minority (the second largest ethnic grouping after Karzai’s Pashtun community), which helped to split the Tajik vote which might otherwise have gone to Karzai’s Tajik rival, .
The election was won by Karzai and from 19 November on, Fahim served as Vice President again.
Marshal Fahim survived several assassination attempts. His convoy was targeted when a mine exploded underneath the central car in Fahim's convoy. He had been on an official visit to the eastern city of
"to discuss a new government campaign to stop farmers growing poppies for the opium trade and other issues with local commanders and tribal leaders." (BBC, 8 April 2002)
The Marshal survived another attack later in the year 2002. However, this time, the man behind the attack was arrested by the intelligence agency. The alleged person carried with him "22 pounds of explosives in the pockets of his jacket, attached to wires and apparently ready to explode." (The New York Times, 24 November 2002)
In June 2003, a bomb was found in front of his home. Later in the year, the head of his personal security died at the hands of a .
Marshal Fahim survived another assassination attempt in the northern
province. Only 26 July 2009, as the running mate of President Karzai for the 2009 elections, his convoy was attacked in an ambush staged by the . The Taliban attacked Marshal Fahim's convoy using automatic rifles and rocket propelled grenades. According to bbc news Marshal Qasim Fahim died due to heart attack in the age of 57.
On the celebrations of , New Year's Day, of 1389 (21 March 2010, Western calendar) in
in Northern Afghanistan, Marshal Fahim reached out to militants. He declared that, with their input, a coming national conference would lay the foundations for a peace that would end the . He called on resistance forces to participate in a , or assembly, planned for late April or early May. He pledged that the Afghan government "will try to find a peaceful life for those Afghans who are unhappy," a
for militants, though he didn't mention the Taliban by name. Afghans had travelled from across the country to Mazar-i-Sharif united behind the wish that the advent of a new year would bring them peace. According to the police, up to half a million people are in the city to mark the spring equinox and the first day of the traditional Afghan new year and celebrated across Central Asia and Iran. Mazar is at the heart of one of the most peaceful regions of the country. City police chief Abdul Rauf Taj said that 4,000 security personnel had been deployed against insurgent attacks and that all visitors were being screened at seven check points around the city perimeter.
took place in Kabul on 2–4 June 2010.
U.S. President
meets with
and Marshal Fahim at the Presidential Palace in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 2010.
He was a member of the leadership council of the , a coalition of top national and regional leaders. Other members included former President Professor , House Speaker , Vice-President .
In June 2007, Marshal Fahim stated that his advisory role was merely symbolic and that he never had the chance to advise the President. He further said that after the 2004 elections President Karzai formed a "one-sided" cabinet and began to employ
as his main policy driver. Fahim argued that without the backing of foreign forces President Karzai's regime would not last longer than a week.
In 2009, he was one of 's
in the , bringin a lot of
votes to the ticket. The selection was condemned by .
In September 2010 it was reported by an Afghan news agency that Marshal Fahim had died of cancer in Paris, France. An official statement was later released by Fahim, who said: "I am completely healthy. I request the Afghan people not to trust news published by irresponsible websites".
Fahim's last years were beset by health problems which required hospital treatment in Germany. He died of a heart attack on 9 March 2014. Fahim is survived by his wife, Nahid, and by four children.
President Karzai called Fahim's death "a huge loss for Afghanistan" and the government of Afghanistan called for a three-day national mourning period. The UN called him in a statement "a good and trusted partner of the UN." After his death the
was renamed Defence University of Marshall Fahim.
His death came only a few weeks before Karzai was due to step down from the presidency, and as Nato forces pull out of Afghanistan, added to the prevailing atmosphere of fear and uncertainty.
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Warren, Marcus (6 December 2001). . The Telegraph 2012.
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Hatoum, Bassam (1/11/2001). . Associated Press 2012.
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Peter B William Branigin (11 October 2001). . The Washington Post 2012.
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DAVID ROHDE (22 October 2001). . The New York Times 2012.
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KIFNER, JOHN (4 December 2001). . The New York Times 2012.
Rashid, Ahmed (24 November 2001). . the telegraph 2012.
Rashid, Ahmed (Hamid Karzai Moves From Lightweight to Heavyweight in Afghan Politics). . Eurasianet 2012.
Whitmore, Brian (5 December 2001). . Boston Globe – Boston, Mass 2012.
Rhode, David (21 December 2001). . PBS 2012.
ERLANGER, STEVEN (6 December 2001). . The New York Times 2012.
Rupert, James (15 December 2001). . Newsday 2012.
Azoy, Whitney (21 December 2001). . Bangor Dailey 2012.
Smith, Michael (24 December 2001). . The Telegraph 2012.
Nicholas W Luke H Ian Black (6 December 2001). . The Guardian 2012.
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Kenna, Kathleen (12 December 2001). . Toronto Star 2012.
Rupert, James (12 December 2001). . Newsday – Long Island, N.Y 2012.
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Pleven, Liam (18 December 2001). . Newsday 2012.
Rayment, Sean (16 December 2001). . The Daily Telegraph 2012.
Peter F Michael Smith (18 December 2001). . The Daily Telegraph 2012.
. IOL News. 18 December .
ROHDE, DAVID (19 December 2001). . The New York Times 2012.
Conachy, James (28 January 2002). . World Socialist Web Site 2012.
Moore, Charles (7 January 2002). . The Telegraph 2012.
Kenna, Kathleen (20 December 2001). . Toronto Star 2012.
Spitzer, Kirk (20 December 2001). . USA Today 2012.
. Moscow-Pullman Daily News. 20 December .
Gannon, Kathy (20 December 2001). . Associated Press 2012.
. The Telegraph. 24 December .
ROHDE, DAVID (16 December 2001). . The New York Times 2012.
. The Telegraph. 24 December .
Peter M Sayed Salahuddin (24 January 2002). . IOL 2012.
LANDLER, MARK (26 January 2002). . The New York Times 2012.
. Sarasota Herald Tribune. 29 December .
Bazinet, Kenneth R. (31 December 2001). . NY Dailey News 2012.
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Gannon, Kathy (18 January 2002). . South East Missourian 2012.
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Anderson, Jon Lee. "The Man In The Palace." The New Yorker 81.16 (2005): 60–73. Academic Search Premier. Web. 21 February 2013.
Constable, Pamela. "Karzai's Would-Be Competition in Disarray." Washington Post, The 2009 May 3: Newspaper Source Plus. Web. 21 February 2013.
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(The Daily Times, Monday, 4 June 2007)
. Press TV 2014.
. . 6 September .
Sieff, Kevin (9 March 2014). . Washington Post 2014.
. BBC 2014.
Ali M Latifi. . Al Jazeera 2014.
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