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He asks why Guan Eng, a public officer, is being charged while Najib gets off the hook.
MUKTAMAR | PAS sec-gen Takiyuddin says there is a reason for the storm, but doesn't elaborate.
KINI ROUNDUP | Headlines from yesterday you may have missed, in brief.
YOURSAY | IPIC says, &Looks like me, sounds like me, but not paid to me.&
YOURSAY | &Poetic justice has been served again on Dr M for castrating the judiciary.&
07:49:00 &
UPDATED 11.50PM | Thirteen rushed to hospital, including one who is unconcious while six treated at the scene.
21:39:00 &
Zulaikha Zulkifli & Zikri Kamarulzaman &
Law expert Abdul Aziz Bari says it is possible for the court to take a broader interpretation of what a public officer is.
17:49:00 &
Kedah PKR chief decries this as 'sabotage' as flags of Amanah and PKR were found with the stuffed toy.
18:24:00 &
Zulaikha Zulkifli &
The ex-judge says the suit against Najib should have gone to trial as the judgment has erred.
12:40:00 &
Hafiz Yatim &
Minister Mahdzir Khalid assures gov't will not shut down the religious schools.
20:48:00 &
UPDATED 5.25PM | He responds to calls for PAS to cut ties with PKR, at the Islamist party's general assembly.
15:58:00 &
Susan Loone &
UPDATED 5.05PM | Umno is a forgiving party and will accept those who have repented, the supreme council member says.
16:17:00 &
Geraldine Tong &
UPDATED 4.40PM | Tourism Minister extinguishes any&hope of debate with Dr M, as it's the 'police's call'.
15:51:00 &
Geraldine Tong &
UPDATED 1.19PM | Ampang's Zuraida Kamaruddin dresses down the duo who had pulled a player for 'sexy attire'.
11:35:00 &
EC secretary says the new directive does not only apply to political parties but to all interested parties.
18:52:00 &
UPDATED 2.34PM | They say M'sia, a UN counter-terrorism committee member, should not harbour such a threat.
14:28:00 &
A situation that disrupts the state gov't administration must be avoided, says the former S'gor MB.&
14:40:00 &
Zikri Kamarulzaman &
UPDATED 12.56PM | MUKTAMAR | This is because Bersatu lacks direction and leadership, says PAS president.
12:38:00 &
N Faizal Ghazali &
Trending in Malaysiakini
&Some schools are putting children at risk.&
S Thayaparan
A maimed and misleading mindset?
Dean Johns
&It hurts me to see a child being tortured.&
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They note previous plans by Najib for Indians, which allegedly did not help the community.&
&Some schools are putting children at risk.&
MUKTAMAR | Delegates attending the party's 63rd muktamar warned not to raise matters that could hurt the party ahead of GE14.
'What a loss it would be if individuals or noted figures or political worms destroy this beautiful relationship.'
This will be similar to the one being implemented at the Malaysia-Singapore border.
UPDATED 6PM | Justice Abu Bakar Jais says this after striking out Dr M&s RM2.64b misfeasance suit.&
Thus, there is no basis in PAS' motion&to amend the constitution to allow only a Malay-Muslim to become PM, he says.
They are interviewing bankers about Leissner's relationships with politically-connected Malaysians, says&Bloomberg.
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