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For now this just collects the poem/prose stuff from the old version of the site.
In the future it will be a bit different. Currently learning how to retool WordPress software so bear with us.
This new internet stuff is still over my head but it’ll click soon enough. Grindgrindgrind.
===========================from TideJournal99==============
what serves to a point
tniop a ot sevres tahw
follows rank
knar swollof
is house of hearth
htraeh fo esuoh si
that beats, that pumps is found there
ereht dnuof si spmup taht ,staeb taht
… some say … … others?
?srehto … … yas emos …
none for i – eye four now
won ruof eye – i rof enon
01/24/08 e.d.&&&.d.e 80\42\10
the site is undergoing a visual redesign&&&ngiseder lausiv a gniogrednu si etis eht
i feel it necessary&&&yrassecen ti leef i
much writing has been done to find this new ‘look’&&&’kool’ wen siht dnif ot enod neeb sah gnitirw hcum
these will be published on the site&&&etis eht no dehsilbup eb lliw eseht
to inaugurate the relauch&&&hcualer eht etaruguani ot
when the time comes&&&semoc emit eht nehw
bear with&&&htiw raeb
or grin&&&nirg ro
01/21/08 e.d.&&&.d.e 80\12\10
don’t they scowl so well&&&llew os lwocs yeht t’nod
with chins stuck out&&&tuo kcuts snihc htiw
all barred teeth and hissing&&&gnissih dna hteet derrab lla
arcing brows and furrowed foreheads&&&sdaeherof deworruf dna sworb gnicra
slick as mercury&&&yrucrem sa kcils
neat as ice&&&eci sa taen
and our winded withered friend&&&dneirf derehtiw dedniw ruo dna
sick and shivering on a ledge&&&egdel a no gnirevihs dna kcis
across the wide gap&&&pag ediw eht ssorca
perched above the pit on a platform&&&mroftalp a no tip eht evoba dehcrep
with a small path at the back that deadends&&&sdnedaed taht kcab eht ta htap llams a htiw
immediately into the face of the higher cliff wall&&&llaw ffilc rehgih eht fo ecaf eht otni yletaidemmi
and he stares across into the mouths of the mass&&&ssam eht fo shtuom eht otni ssorca serats eh dna
on the other side of the precipice&&&ecipecerp eht fo edis rehto eht no
to this we are again&&&niaga era ew seht ot
then a leap from the lions head&&&daeh snoil eht morf pael a neht
into their protracted grins&&&snirg detcartorp rieht otni
between the teeth&&&hteet eht neewteb
around the corner&&&renroc eht dnuora
then out&&&tuo neht
01/11/08 e.d.&&&.d.e 80\11\10
oh, uhm… i was peeing outside on this thing here&&&ereh gniht siht no edistuo gnieep saw i …mhu ,ho
yeah well… so what?&&&?tahw os …llew haey
look man if the dog can pee outside i can pee outside&&&edistuo eep nac i edistuo eep nac god eht fi nam kool
i’m more human than the dog man&&&nam god eht naht namuh erom m’i
i can choose to pee where i wanna&&&annaw i erehw eep ot esoohc nac i
you’re not the authority of where i pee&&&eep i erehw fo ytirohtua eht ton re’uoy
fine whatever&&&revetahw enif
01/10/08 e.d.&&&.d.e 80\01\10
if the silence gets to you&&&uoy ot steg ecnelis eht fi
know that it is a good gap&&&pag doog a si ti taht wonk
a loving vacuum formed by shifting thrill&&&llirht gnitfihs yb demrof muucav gnivol a
the heart that pulled it’s focus beating&&&gnitaeb sucof s’ti dellup taht traeh eht
aloud and live the sound&&&dnuos eht evil dna duola
out loud alive with chills&&&sllihc htiw evila duol tuo
and birth not funeral the march&&&hcram eht larenuf ton htrib dna
i am seventeen&&&neetneves ma i
12/23/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\32\21
profounders founding&&&gnidnuof srednuoforp
lifting buildings&&&sgnidliub gnitfil
points protruding&&&gnidurtorp stniop
splitting brooding&&&gnidoorb gnittilps
clouds encompass city spinning&&&gninnips ytic ssapmocne sduolc
in hazy sighted sound&&&dnuos dethgis yzah ni
and those who drift in on a rift&&&tfir a no ni tfird ohw esoht dna
are counted ‘mong the raff and riff&&&ffir dna ffar eht gnom’ detnuoc era
then piled on the rocks and split&&&tilps dna skcor eht no delip neht
to be mixed in limestone cement&&&tnemec enotsemil ni dexim eb ot
so in they come&&&emoc yeht ni os
in they go&&&og yeht ni
holding up the singing spires&&&serips gnignis eht pu gnidloh
spun of crystal gypsum clay&&&yalc muspyg latsyrc fo nups
and cast in moonlit forgers fires&&&serif sregrof tilnoom ni tsac dna
up the side of the forward watch&&&hctaw drawrof eht fo edis eht pu
climbs a silent speck in bursts and bumps&&&spmub dna stsrub ni kceps tnelis a sbmilc
he fumbles at the scaling line&&&enil gnilacs eht ta selbmuf eh
a man too young and much too tough&&&hguot oot hcum dna gnuoy oot nam a
if he was split on sounding rocks&&&skcor gnidnuos no tilps saw eh fi
or mixed in menders melting pots&&&stop gnitlem srednem ni dexim ro
his innards wouldn’t cool enough&&&hguone looc t’ndluow sdranni sih
for use in holding buildings up&&&pu sgnidliub gnidloh ni esu rof
post scale impale the lazing guard&&&draug gnizal eht elapmi elacs tsop
partner prob’ly raiding larder&&&redral gnidiar yl’borp rentrap
move the bales below the bells&&&slleb eht woleb selab eht evom
and cut the ropes for silent clappers&&&sreppalc tnelis rof sepor eht tuc dna
now down in spiral’s&&&s’larips ni nwod won
quick descent&&&tnecsed kciuq
dousing torches&&&sehcrot gnisuod
breaking handles&&&seldnah gnikaerb
in the ears the only sound is that of heart and hiss&&&ssih dna traeh fo taht si dnuos ylno eht srae eht ni
stomach spins a knotted twisting burner sicking bile&&&elib gnikcis renrub gnitsiwt dettonk a snips hcamots
legs the searing pain brought on from sprinting sudden movement&&&tnemevom neddus gnitnirps morf no thguorb niap gniraes eht sgel
and in the head the constant hummer voice of quiet chanting&&&gnitnahc teiuq fo eciov remmuh tnatsnoc eht daeh eht ni dna
amok amok amok amok&&&koma koma koma koma
deeper down with further still&&&llits rehtruf htiw nwod repeed
a lynchpin snaps and sends the wheel&&&leehw eht sdnes dna spans niphcnyl a
spinning toward the keeper sleeping&&&gnipeels repeek eht drawot gninnips
post him eating heavy meal&&&laem yvaeh gnitae mih tsop
head indented and the metal&&&latem eht dna detnedni daeh
binding wooden circle shattered&&&derettahs elcric nedoow gnidnib
sending splinters with a clatter&&&rettalc a htiw sretnilps gnidnes
to stairs now marred with sickle splatter&&&rettalps elkcis htiw derram won sriats ot
from blood and brains of marmel&&&lemram fo sniarb dna doolb morf
now not dreaming at the base of tower&&&rewot fo esab eht ta gnimaerd ton won
the last turn rounded doubling over&&&revo gnilbuod dednuor nrut tsal eht
loss of footing sending sober&&&rebos gnidnes gnitoof fo ssol
images of failure flit&&&tilf eruliaf fo segami
while wrecker makes a mess of it&&&ti fo ssem a sekam rekcerw elihw
and tumbling forward into stone&&&enots otni drawrof gnilbmut dna
eyes rolled back and mouth-a-puffing&&&gniffup-a-htuom dna kcab dellor seye
reeling back and limbs contorting&&&gnitrotnoc sbil dna kcab gnileer
hissing fits and foam are spit&&&tips era maof dna stif gnissih
the scene they left a messy puzzle&&&elzzup yssem a tfel yeht enecs eht
the constable grew sick from it&&&ti morf kcis werg elbatsnoc eht
and as they picked and cleaned the rubble&&&elbbur eht denaelc dna dekcip yeht sa dna
no pieces ever found that fit&&&tif taht dnuof reve seceip on
so on the land they staked a sign&&&ngis a dekats yeht dnal eht no os
that marked event by date and time&&&emit dna etad yb tneve dekram taht
with one request left bold&&&dlob tfel tseuqer eno htiw
“Any person or persons&&&snosrep ro nosrep ynA”
who happens or happen&&&neppah ro sneppah ohw
upon an object on or near this site&&&etis siht raen ro no tcejbo na nopu
that resembles a lynchpin or metallic rod of any kind&&&dnik yna fo dor cillatem ro niphcnyl a selbmeser taht
is ordered by the authority of the presiding Constable of&&&fo elbatsnoC gnidiserp eht fo ytirohtua eht yb deredro si
Bending Sound&&&dnuoS gnidneB
to relinquish said lynchpin-like object&&&tcejbo ekil-niphcnyl dias hsiuqniler ot
to the local&&&lacol eht ot
Office of the Peace&&&ecaeP eht fo eciffO
for immediate destruction.&&&.noitcurtsed etaidemmi rof
Anyone not adhering to this request&&&tseuqer siht ot gnirehda ton enoynA
and found to be carrying&&&gniyrrac eb ot dnuof dna
on their person or persons&&&snosrep ro nosrep rieht no
a lynchpin,&&&,niphcnyl a
or lynchpin-like object of any kind,&&&,dnik yna fo tcejbo ekil-niphcnyl ro
that is of the same material components and density&&&ytisned dna stnenopmoc lairetam emas eht fo si taht
as that of said sought lynchpin&&&niphcnyl thguos dias fo taht sa
will be immediately imprisoned,&&&,denosirpmi yletaidemmi eb lliw
and mixed into mortar.&&&.ratrom otni dexim dna
This is, once again,&&&,niaga ecno ,si sihT
issued under the authority of the current&&&tnerruc eht fo ytirohtua eht rednu deussi
of Bending Sound,&&&,dnuoS gnidneB fo
Province of West Velum,&&&,muleV tseW fo ecnivorP
‘With Peace of Will’ “&&&” ‘lliW fo ecaeP htiW’
why they demand this&&&siht dnamed yeht yhw
no one has ever explained sufficiently to me&&&em ot yltneiciffus denialpxe reve sah eno on
though i would expect&&&tcepxe dluow i hguoht
it has something to do with superstition&&&noititsrepus htiw od ot gnihtemos sah ti
… and their proximity to the sea&&&aes eht ot ytimixorp rieht dna …
as we once said:&&&:dias ecno ew sa
all that salt has to go somewhere&&&erehwemos og ot sah tlas taht lla
12/21/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\12\21
follow me down to earth for a moment&&&tnemom a rof htrae ot nwod em wollof
new things&&&sgniht wen
i’ve rearranged the place a bit&&&tib a ecalp eht degnarraer ve’i
i’ve decided i’m having a lot of fun with all&&&lla htiw nuf fo tol a gnivah m’i dediced ve’i
the Wudun stuff and that i’d like to pour&&&ruop ot ekil d’i taht dna ffuts nuduW eht
more time into that and the other “live”&&&”evil” rehto eht dna taht otni emit erom
projects that i’ve jumped into lately…&&&…yletal otni depmuj ev’i taht stcejorp
a fun little project coming up with , yan and &&& dna nay , htiw pu gnimoc tcejorp elttil nuf a
called “Share”… going great so far.&&&.raf os taerg gniog …”erahS” dellac
we’re working on multiple live set ideas for the new&&&wen eht rof saedi tes evil elpitlum no gnikrow re’ew
Wudun iteration… i’m hopeful of a marching thing.&&&.gniht gnihcram a fo lufepoh m’i …noitareti nuduW
also, i plan on opening the library soon…&&&…noos yrarbil eht gninepo no nalp i ,osla
so there’s that to worry about….&&&….tuoba yrrow ot taht s’ereht os
these factors all combined with the issues surrounding the&&&eht gnidnuorrus seussi eht htiw denibmoc lla srotcaf eseht
“cloth” project (and the problems i’ve had being&&&gnieb dah ve’i smelborp eht dna) tcejorp “htolc”
satisfied with something that deals with such holy flicks for me)&&&(em rof skcilf yloh hcus htiw slaed taht gnihtemos htiw deifsitas
have led me to call the project off for now.&&&.won rof ffo tcejorp eht llac ot em del evah
Perhaps i’ll come back to it at a later time and feel good&&&doog leef dna emit retal a ta ti ot kcab emoc ll’i spahreP
about it and be able to add more and finish it, but honestly&&&yltsenoh tub ,ti hsinif dna erom dda ot elba eb dna ti tuoba
i came out of this whole three month binge with roughly&&&ylhguor htiw egnib htnom eerht elohw siht fo tuo emac i
30irty crap tracks and like 4our good ones…. 2wo of which&&&hcihw fo ow2 ….seno doog ruo4 ekil dna skcart parc ytri03
were done about 6ix months ago… meaning i’ve lost whatever&&&revetahw tsol ve’i gninaem …oga shtnom xi6 tuoba enod erew
fire was present back then… however, “printslive”&&&”evilstnirp” ,revewoh …neht kcab tneserp saw erif
(‘bur braer falls’ or some variation of that is what the name will change to)&&&(ot egnahc lliw eman eht tahw si taht fo noitairav emos ro ‘sllaf rearb rub’)
will be around and i’ve actually begun spinning together the foundations&&&snoitadnuof eht rehtegot gninnips nugeb yllautca ve’i dna dnuora eb lliw
for a future project under that guise… something i’m currently excited&&&detcixe yltnerruc m’i gnihtemos …esiug taht rednu tcejorp erutuf a rof
about as opposed to that certain something&&&gnihtemos niatrec taht ot desoppo sa tuoba
i’ve been trying to synthesize with&&&htiw ezisehtnys ot gniyrt neeb ve’i
the whole cloth idea…&&&…aedi htolc elohw eht
so i’ve acquiesced and will allow the ‘flow’ to flow.&&&.wolf ot ‘wolf’ eht wolla lliw dna decseiuqca ev’i os
as much as i’m not a believer in having to move that way,&&&,yaw taht evom ot gnivah ni reveileb a ton m’i sa hcum sa
i think i do indeed at this moment… have to…&&&…ot evah …tnemom siht ta deedni od i kniht i
so these good and crap tracks gave me the idea to dissolve shake for now,&&&,won rof ekahs evlossid ot aedi eht em evag skcart parc dna doog eseht os
saving the name for some future i have inklings of, and build a&&&a dliub dna ,fo sgnilkni evah i erutuf emos rof eman eht gnivas
quarantine zone for defunct projects and songs…&&&…sgnos dna stcejorp tcnufed rof enoz enitnarauq
i think i’ll be needing one&&&eno gnideen eb ll’i kniht i
at some point… so why not now?&&&?won ton yhw os …tniop emos ta
also the prints section will be replaced with the library….&&&….yrarbil eht htiw decalper eb lliw noitces stnirp eht osla
for what.&&&.tahw rof
12/13/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\31\21
Well i couldn’t say how he came that decision.&&&.noisiced taht emac eh woh yas t’ndluoc i lleW
I suppose I could speculate…&&&…etaluceps dluoc I esoppus I
No, no.&&&.on ,oN
I’d say it had more to do with some feeling of supreme failure&&&eruliaf emerpus fo gnileef emos htiw od ot erom dah ti yas d’I
though I suppose it could have been quite the opposite,&&&,etisoppo eht etiuq neeb evah dluoc ti esoppus I hguoht
some odd love of the whole thing.&&&.gniht elohw eht fo evol ddo emos
Well, that makes sense in a way but his whole policy was very&&&yrev saw ycilop elohw sih tub yaw a ni esnes sekam taht ,lleW
“hands off”.&&&.”ffo sdnah”
I’d guess the way we all do,&&&,od lla ew yaw eht sseug d’I
holding our breath, kicking and screaming until we pass out,&&&,tuo ssap ew litnu gnimaercs dna gnikcik ,htaerb ruo gnidloh
waking up when it’s all over&&&revo lla s’ti nehw pu gnikaw
No, I just find it funny you think I know.&&&.wonk I kniht uoy ynnuf ti dnif tsuj I ,oN
Well that’s the rub isn’t it?&&&?ti t’nsi bur eht s’taht lleW
No one really knows.&&&.swonk yllaer eno oN
I think ol’ boy went higher up the ladder than any of us&&&su fo yna naht reddal eht pu rehgih tnew yob ‘lo kniht I
and he still never found anyone who knew.&&&.wenk ohw enoyna dnuof reven llits eh dna
Not really, you just have to grow comfortable&&&elbatrofmoc worg ot evah tsuj uoy ,yllaer toN
with that idea.&&&.aedi taht htiw
If you can call some 3hree thousand years a “head start”.&&&.”trats daeh” a sraey dnasuoht eerh3 emos llac nac uoy fI
Well I’ll tell you in confidence I’ll be overjoyed&&&deyojrevo eb ll’I ecnedifnoc ni uoy llet ll’I lleW
when the time finally comes.&&&.semoc yllanif emit eht nehw
No problem at all.&&&.lla ta melborp oN
Luck to you.&&&.uoy ot kcuL
Well that’s about all it is isn’t it?&&&?ti t’nsi si ti lla tuoba s’taht lleW
Unless you can think of a better name…&&&…eman retteb a fo kniht nac uoy sselnU
Oh, one of those eh?&&&?he esoht fo eno ,hO
Well more to you then because you’ll need it worse than most.&&&.tsom naht esrow ti deen ll’uoy esuaceb neht uoy ot erom lleW
Not at all, we lost touch long ago.&&&.oga gnol hcuot tsol ew ,lla ta toN
I’d say if you found me you have a better chance of finding him&&&mih gnidnif fo ecnahc retteb a evah uoy em dnuof uoy fi yas d’I
than I do anyway.&&&.yawyna od I naht
You will.&&&.lliw uoY
You will.&&&.lliw uoY
And no doubt you’ll be quite disappointed.&&&.detnioppasid etiuq eb ll’uoy tbuod on dnA
12/12/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\21\21
waves of pain and joy&&&yof dna niap fo sevaw
arthritic grandmothers&&&srehtomdnarg citirhtra
christian sailors&&&srolias naitsirhc
dead pets&&&step daed
moments in the fall&&&llaf eht ni stnemom
trips out of town&&&nwot fo tuo spirt
seeds of philosophies and diatribes&&&sebirtaid dna seihposolihp fo sdees
you’ve never felt so awake&&&ekawa os tlef reven ve’uoy
there’s something nagging at you&&&uoy ta gniggan gnihtemos s’ereht
some dread that’s newly lifting&&&gnitfil ylwen s’taht daerd emos
you look over at your father’s old armchair&&&riahcmra dlo s’rehtaf ruoy ta revo kool uoy
you feel funny because somehow you expected him to be there&&&ereht eb ot mih detcepxe uoy wohemos esuaceb ynnuf leef uoy
but you know he’s been gone for years&&&sraey rof enog neeb s’eh wonk uoy tub
you must have had a dream about him&&&mih tuoba maerd a dah evah tsum uoy
or maybe a nightmare and in it you were rescuing him&&&mih gniucser erew uoy ti ni dna eramthgin a ebyam ro
the last bits of the dream dissolve and in walks mother&&&rehtom sklaw ni dna evlossid maerd eht fo stib tsal eht
she’s holding a spatula asking if you’d like more eggs&&&sgge erom ekil d’uoy fi gniksa alutaps a gnidloh s’ehs
you look down at your plate and decide you’d quite like seconds&&&sdnoces ekil etiuq d’uoy ediced dna etalp ruoy ta nwod kool uoy
it’s saturday morning&&&gninrom yadrutas s’ti
centurion reruns trickle from the television in the living room&&&moor gnivil eht ni noisivelet eht morf elkcirt snurer noirutnec
you rush off for more breakfast spilling uneaten pieces of bacon&&&nocab fo seceip netaenu gnillips tsafkaerb erom rof ffo hsur uoy
and quartered toast across the bed&&&deb eht ssorca tsaot deretruaq dna
but you’re too excited to notice&&&eciton ot deticxe oot re’uoy tub
it’s saturday&&&yadrutas s’ti
12/11/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\11\21
you wake up in an unfamiliar bed&&&deb railimafnu na ni pu ekaw uoy
the smell of food is everywhere&&&erehwyreve si doof fo llems eht
foreign and curious&&&suoiruc dna ngierof
spices with scents more of seasons than meals&&&slaem naht snosaes fo erom stnecs htiw secips
a man sits at the foot of the bed in an armchair&&&riahcmra na ni deb eht fo toof eht ta stis nam a
lightly dozing&&&gnizod ylthgil
head bowed&&&dewob daeh
he wears a complex and layered uniform&&&mrofinu dereyal dna xelpmoc a sraew eh
an oddly cut hat with a wide brim&&&mirb ediw a htiw tah tuc ylddo na
it brings to mind a crescent moon&&&noom tnecserc a dnim ot sgnirb ti
or a barbers bowl&&&lwob srebrab a ro
the cotton is still in your head&&&daeh ruoy ni llits si nottoc eht
the folds and texture of the uniform feel incomprehensible&&&elbisneherpmocni leef mrofinu eht fo erutxet dna sdlof eht
he looks like he belongs on the ocean floor&&&roolf naeco eht no sgnoleb eh ekil skool eh
entirely out of place where he sits&&&stis eh erehw ecalp fo tuo yleritne
hands on his crossed knees&&&seenk dessorc sih no sdnah
lips hang and flutter in breaths&&&shtaerb ni rettulf dna gnah spil
he looks ancient and radiates an odor of burnt things&&&sgniht tnrub fo rodo na setaidar dna tneicna skool eh
long buried and soaked to the core&&&eroc eht ot dekaos dna deirub gnol
no matter how hard you shake your head&&&daeh ruoy ekahs uoy drah woh rettam on
the stuffing won’t come out&&&tuo emoc t’now gniffuts eht
it feels almost permanent&&&tnenamrep tsomla sleef ti
arms grab you around the chest and pull you to sitting&&&gnittis ot uoy llup dna tsehc eht dnuora uoy barg smra
you struggle for a moment but the hands are so gentle&&&eltneg os era sdnah eht tub tnemom a rof elggurts uoy
a soothing voice coos over you and straightens your hair&&&riah ruoy snethgiarts dna uoy revo sooc eciov gnihtoos a
it’s saying things all garbled but they feel very nice&&&ecin yrev leef yeht tub delbrag lla sgniht gniyas s’ti
they send ripples from your ears down you spine&&&enips uoy nwod srae ruoy morf selppir dnes yeht
down and outward the waves of warm grow&&&worg mraw fo sevaw eht drawtuo dna nwod
she’s old&&&dlo s’ehs
but not in the same way as the sleeping man&&&nam gnipeels eht sa yaw emas eht ni ton tub
her age is in worries and wisdom&&&modsiw dna seirrow ni si ega reh
the lines on her face show care and concern&&&nrecnoc dna erac wohs ecaf reh no senil eht
and as you watch new creases slowly etch themselves in&&&ni sevlesmeht hcte ylwols sesaerc wen hctaw uoy sa dna
around the eyes and on the forehead&&&daeherof eht no dna seye eht dnuora
around the lips that smile&&&elims taht spil eht dnuora
you follow the wrinkles forming&&&gnimrof sleknirw eht wollof uoy
she pushes a bowl of meal into your hands&&&sdnah ruoy otni laem fo lwob a sehsup ehs
then stands to exit&&&tixe ot sdnats neht
no chair where she once sat&&&tas ecno ehs erehw riahc on
she moves in a long and graceful drift&&&tfird lufecarg dna gnol a ni sevom ehs
continually falling forward in slow motion&&&noitom wols ni drawrof gnillaf yllaunitnoc
pausing to waltz a step before tilting on again&&&niaga no gnitlit erofeb pets a ztlaw ot gnisuap
all the while buoyed by some unknown force&&&ecrof nwonknu emos yb deyoub elihw eht lla
she bends the air a bore&&&erob a ria eht sdneb ehs
flaying it wide and revealing uselessness&&&ssensselesu gnilaever dna ediw ti gniyalf
too thick to be of any real function&&&noitcnuf laer yna fo eb ot kciht oot
and the tails of her apron exit long after she’s through the door&&&rood eht hguorht s’ehs retfa gnol tixe norpa reh fo sliat eht dna
nothinking you gulp a spoon of porridge&&&egdirrop fo noops a plug uoy gniknihton
the mouthful nearly winds you&&&uoy sdniw ylraen lufhtuom eht
it’s taste incomprehensible&&&elbisneherpmocni etsat s’ti
12/10/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\01\21
much time passes&&&sessap emit hcum
as you stare into the expanse it’s hue begins to change&&&egnahc ot snigeb euh s’ti esnapxe eht otni erats uoy sa
the color shifts so gradually you forget what it began as&&&sa nageb ti tahw tegrof uoy yllaudarg os stfihs roloc eht
a dot appears in the center of your vision&&&noisiv ruoy fo retnec eht ni sraeppa tod a
it seems to float in front of you&&&uoy fo tnorf ni taolf ot smees ti
this new arrival allows you to orient yourself&&&flesruoy tneiro ot uoy swolla lavirra wen siht
it appears you’ve been laying on your back for some time&&&emit emos rof kcab ruoy no gniyal neeb ve’uoy sraeppa ti
the object is actually directly above you&&&uoy evoba yltcerid yllautca si tcejbo eht
you sit up and notice the horizon has returned&&&denruter sah noziroh eht eciton dna pu tis uoy
the sky resembles a dying flame&&&emalf gniyd a selbmeser yks eht
waves of light radiate up&&&pu etaidar thgil fo sevaw
from the now charcoal colored sands&&&sdnas deroloc laocrahc won eht morf
they lick at the zenith&&&htinez eht ta kcil yeht
a midnight blue circle&&&elcric eulb thgindim a
at the center of which is the object&&&tcejbo eht si hcihw fo retnec eht ta
growing large&&&egral gniworg
moving closer&&&resolc gnivom
it is liquid and black&&&kcalb dna diuqil si ti
a tendril of smoke&&&ekoms fo lirdnet a
amorphous and slithering&&&gnirehtils dna suohproma
a dangling rope tethered to the heavens&&&snevaeh eht ot derehtet epor gnilgnad a
it’s frayed ends waving as it descends&&&sdnecsed ti sa gnivaw sdne deyarf s’ti
now the frayed ends are fingers&&&sregnif era sdne deyarf eht won
now the knot is a hand&&&dnah a si tonk eht won
now it opens above you&&&uoy evoba snepo ti won
growing larger still&&&llits regral gniworg
you bow your head&&&daeh ruoy wob uoy
it touches your crown&&&nworc ruoy sehcuot ti
slides along the back of your neck&&&kcen ruoy fo kcab eht gnola sedils
grips the rough of your skin&&&niks ruoy fo hguor eht spirg
and lifts you like a kitten&&&nettik a ekil uoy stfil dna
up and out of the sandbox&&&xobdnas eht fo tuo dna pu
it pulls you up so fast you leave your stomach behind&&&dniheb hcamots ruoy evael uoy tsaf os pu uoy sllup ti
your heart flutters and you almost faint&&&tniaf tsomla uoy dna srettulf traeh ruoy
the feeling you sat up too fast&&&tsaf oot pu tas uoy gnileef eht
the pulling doesn’t end before you black out&&&tuo kcalb uoy erofeb dne t’nseod gnillup eht
12/09/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\90\21
you stand alone in a sea of sand&&&dnas fo aes a ni enola dnats uoy
the terrain is flat from horizon to horizon&&&noziroh ot noziroh morf talf si niarret eht
a dull hum is in the air&&&ria eht ni si muh llud a
it is constant and doesn’t change pitch or volume&&&emulov ro hctip egnahc t’nseod dna tnatsnoc si ti
no matter how you lean or move&&&evom ro nael uoy woh rettam on
all around you it is bright&&&thgirb si ti uoy dnuora lla
but you cannot see the sun&&&nus eht ees tonnac uoy tub
everything is bathed in a tangerine glow&&&wolg eniregnat a ni dehtab si gnihtyreve
the color of a sliver from a sunset sky&&&yks tesnus a morf revils a fo roloc eht
stretched in endless&&&sseldne ni dehcterts
the air is so comfortable it’s alarming&&&gnimrala s’ti elbatrofmoc os si ria eht
it is decidedly not hot or cold&&&dloc ro toh ton yldediced si ti
a virtual lack of temperature&&&erutarepmet fo kcal lautriv a
there is no wind&&&dniw on si ereht
this absence of atmosphere finds you feeling phantom&&&motnahp gnileef uoy sdnif erehpsomta fo ecnesba siht
devoid of any ability to manipulate or impact your surroundings&&&sgnidnuorrus ruoy tcapmi ro etalupinam ot ytiliba yna fo dioved
when you move you move too slow&&&wols oot evom uoy evom uoy nehw
there is a presence behind you&&&uoy dniheb ecneserp a si ereht
no matter how fast you spin it remains fixed squarely in place&&&ecalp ni ylerauqs dexif sniamer ti nips uoy tsaf woh rettam on
it’s feeling is that of a blindspot on the mind&&&dnim eht no topsdnilb a fo taht si gnileef s’ti
or a simple lack of matter directly behind you&&&uoy dniheb yltcerid rettam fo kcal elpmis a ro
a shadow with body&&&ydob htiw wodahs a
that body being void&&&diov gnieb ydob taht
it makes it impossible to progress&&&ssergorp ot elbissopmi ti sekam ti
resolving to move only forward you still find yourself turning&&&gninrut flesruoy dnif llits uoy drawrof ylno evom ot gnivloser
spinning on heal to face your pursuer&&&reusrup ruoy ecaf ot laeh no gninnips
only to find them once again at your rear&&&raer ruoy ta niaga ecno meht dnif ot ylno
you quickly lose your sense of direction&&&noitcerid fo esnes ruoy esol ylkciuq uoy
you look down and notice you leave no foot prints&&&stnirp toof on evael uoy eciton dna nwod kool uoy
making it impossible to tell which way you were headed&&&dedaeh erew uoy yaw hcihw llet ot elbissopmi ti gnikam
now that itchy bunch of bubbles finds it way into your gut&&&tug ruoy otni yaw ti sdnif selbbub fo hcnub yhcti taht won
that hateful feeling flutters&&&srettulf gnileef lufetah taht
carries bile to your throat&&&taorht ruoy ot elib seirrac
time passes and you wander still&&&llits rednaw uoy dna sessap emit
time passes and the color of light deepens&&&snepeed thgil fo roloc eht dna sessap emit
eventually the sky and sand are one in tone&&&enot ni eno era dnas dna yks eht yllautneve
extreme vertigo sets in&&&ni stes ogitrev emertxe
movement is no longer discernible&&&elbinrecsid regnol on si tnemevom
the blindspot grows&&&sworg topsdnilb eht
and somewhere in this silent citrus sea&&&aes surtic tnelis seht ni erehwemos dna
you cross your legs and sit&&&tis dna sgel ruoy ssorc uoy
hunch your shoulders over&&&revo sredluohs ruoy hcnuh
slouch and hold your head in your hands&&&sdnah ruoy ni daeh ruoy dloh dna hcuols
and wait&&&tiaw dna
12/08/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\80\21
[last in the blood run of writings]&&&[sgnitirw fo nur doolb eht ni tsal]
the burnt collapsing view&&&weiv gnispalloc tnrub eht
a pressure cooking pain&&&niap gnikooc erusserp a
from a coarse unpleasant mood&&&doom tnasaelpnu esraoc a morf
premonition in stains&&&sniats ni noitinomerp
the current trend in voice&&&eciov ni dnert tnerruc eht
is speak in tongues of flame&&&emalf fo seugnot ni kaeps si
i blur&&&rulb i
eyes know it’s part of the body&&&ydob eht fo trap s’ti wonk seye
i know it’s ruined&&&deniur s’ti wonk i
i see it oozing and clotting&&&gnittolc dna gnizoo ti ees i
off … to room&&&moor ot … ffo
door stops the scissor incising&&&gnisicni rossics eht spots rood
thick strings in bloom&&&moolb ni sgnirts kciht
blood coats the walls of the hallway&&&yawllah eht fo sllaw eht staoc doolb
it pours out from 9ine wounds&&&sdnuow eni9 morf tuo sruop ti
it’s color inks the grain&&&niarg eht skni roloc s’ti
with tensioned top so great&&&taerg os pot denoisnet htiw
drops endless in refrain&&&niarfer ni sseldne spord
suspending flecks of paint&&&tniap fo skcelf gnidnepsus
in haunts of
paper thorns&&&snroht repap fo stnuah ni
as it pools up at your toes&&&seot ruoy ta pu sloop ti sa
it glues you to the floor&&&roolf eht ot uoy seulg ti
time blurred&&&derrulb emit
eyes burn with parts of the body&&&ydob eht fo strap htiw nrub seye
afterglow earned&&&denrae wolgretfa
and pinned on a chest newly rotting&&&gnittor ylwen tsehc a no dennip dna
….the hand that held the fabric for the stitching in place&&&ecalp ni gnihctits eht rof cirbaf eht dleh taht dnah eht….
….that only bent to build and improve&&&evorpmi dna dliub ot tneb ylno taht….
….has taken up the habit of the natural Cain&&&niaC larutan eht fo tibah eht pu nekat sah….
….now bends only in murderous moods&&&sdoom suoredrum ni ylno sdneb won….
12/07/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\70\21
and it’s so dense you can only see a gray mass&&&ssam yarg a ees ylno nac uoy esned os s’ti dna
with glowing orbs strung up, suspended in it&&&ti ni dednepsus ,pu gnurts sbro gniwolg htiw
and several intense flickering stars from the yard&&&dray eht morf srats gnirekcilf esnetni lareves dna
spitting sparks and a light that peters out in the haze&&&ezah eht ni tuo sretep taht thgil a dna skraps gnittips
spheres spin behind the wall sending souls of welders lit&&&til sredlew fo sluos gnidnes llaw eht dniheb nips serehps
blasting shadows dancing on the mammoth hull of the great ship&&&pihs taerg eht fo lluh htommam eht no gnicnad swodahs gnitsalb
the clang clang they clang&&&gnalc yeht gnalc gnalc eht
12/06/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\60\21
they say the fog from up river isn’t fog at all&&&lla ta gof t’nsi revir pu morf gof eht yas yeht
they say the ghosts of those married to the sea return to it&&&ti ot nruter aes eht ot deirram esoht fo stsohg eht yas yeht
that when they pass, they travel through the canals and inlets&&&stelni dna slanac eht hguorht levart yeht ,ssap yeht nehw taht
making the air cold and collecting the dew before it forms&&&smrof ti erofeb wed eht gnitcelloc dna dloc ria eht gnikam
dragging it along the river with them&&&meht htiw revir eht gnola ti gniggard
and out to sea&&&aes ot tuo dna
while the sun rests and the moon sleeps lazy watch&&&hctaw yzal speels noom eht dna stser nus eht elihw
they drift along in a cotton silence&&&ecnelis nottoc a ni gnola tfird yeht
caress the reeds along the shore&&&erohs eht gnola sdeer eht sserac
lightly bend the metal of the bridges&&&segdirb eht fo latem eht dneb ylthgil
whisper their caught and timeless gossip&&&pissog sselemit dna thguac rieht repsihw
to all the sleepwalkers and somniloquists along the way&&&yaw eht gnola stsiuqolinmos dna sreklawpeels eht lla ot
they mix with the air the fishes don’t need&&&deen t’nod sehsif eht ria eht htiw xim yeht
and spin in the breaths the fishes never breathe&&&ehtaerb reven sehsif eht shtaerb eht ni nips dna
sending wisps and tendrils that curl and search&&&hcraes dna lruc taht slirdnet dna spsiw gnidnes
through the branches of the trees&&&seert eht fo sehcnarb eht hguorht
sniffing dirt&&&trid gniffins
kneading earth&&&htrae gnidaenk
and you’re holding your breath&&&htaerb ruoy gnidloh er’uoy dna
sitting on the dock&&&kcod eht no gnittis
waving to the laggers&&&sreggal eht ot gnivaw
as they make the last bend&&&dneb tsal eht ekam yeht sa
12/04/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\40\21
if you’ll lift the fog formed in halo&&&olah ni demrof gof eht tfil ll’uoy fi
and pull it through nose out of skull&&&lluks fo tuo eson hguorht ti llup dna
replace with stuffing cotton warm&&&mraw nottoc gniffuts htiw ecalper
and staunch the bleeding folded form&&&mrof dedlof gnideelb eht hcnuats dna
thin flames&&&semalf niht
face down as they gutter&&&rettug yeht sa nwod ecaf
smoke soup&&&puos ekoms
clothing angel hollows&&&swolloh legna gnihtolc
smells of&&&fo sllems
melodies worth stealing&&&gnilaets htrow seidolem
all good feelings fleeting&&&gniteelf sgnileef doog lla
declare you taste lithe, swing in slow&&&wols ni gniws ,ehtil etsat uoy eralced
stuttering movement, glides down low&&&wol nwod sedilg ,tnemevom gnirettuts
touch tender-ism lighten load&&&daol nethgil msi-rednet hcuot
flown sliver given melts through snow&&&wons hguorht stlem nevig revils nwolf
ghost light&&&thgil tsohg
all glow&&&wolg lla
flitting out of vision&&&noisiv fo tuo gnittilf
moon tide&&&edit noom
steeped in indecision&&&noisicedni ni depeets
old life&&&efil dlo
fearing padded prisons&&&snosirp deddap gniraef
and elipse left crimson&&&nosmirc tfel espile dna
12/03/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\30\21
and blood and blood in torrents&&&stnerrot ni doolb dna doolb dna
it runs the lines of life and luck&&&kcul dna efil fo senil eht snur ti
drips from finger tips&&&spit regnif morf spird
buckets wouldn’t hold enough&&&hguone dloh t’ndluow stekcub
like boiled milk it’s thick on lips&&&spil no kciht s’ti klim deliob ekil
warm in temp and sharp in scent&&&tnecs ni prahs dna pmet ni mraw
a payment spent and wasted since&&&ecnis detsaw dna tneps tnemyap a
though worth it for the love of lending&&&gnidnel fo evol eht rof ti htrow hguoht
and worth it for the love of blood&&&doolb fo evol eht rof ti htrow dna
the taste refraining, never ending, ever staining&&&gniniats reve ,gnidne reven ,gniniarfer etsat eht
all the flecks of paint&&&tniap fo skcelf eht lla
a tension on the top so great&&&taerg os pot eht no noisnet a
demanding actions oft irate&&&etari tfo snoitca gnidnamed
end with dirge on dinner plate&&&etalp rennid no egrid htiw dne
does it make you think?&&&?kniht uoy ekam ti seod
long and hard?&&&?drah dna gnol
it’s status as a binding charm&&&mrahc gnidnib a sa sutats s’ti
it’s purpose as a throwing arm&&&mra gniworht a sa esoprup s’ti
it’s will to motivate to harm&&&mrah ot etavitom ot lliw s’ti
sounding now a third alarm&&&mrala driht a won gnidnuos
sometimes sets me to boil&&&liob ot em stes semitemos
ever the only true magic&&&cigam eurt ylno eht reve
now black as tar&&&rat sa kcalb won
a martyr in an empty way&&&yaw ytpme na ni rytram a
lied leaking on the path today&&&yadot htap eht no gnikael deil
and weeping found the will to say&&&yas ot lliw eht dnuof gnipeew dna
leave me now&&&won em evael
mine shall not stain&&&niats ton llahs enim
an impression and a date&&&etad a dna noisserpmi na
12/02/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\20\21
bake and burn the glazing urn&&&nru gnizalg eht nrub dna ekab
lazing through a pressur-ed turning&&&gninrut de-russerp a hguorht gnizal
blackened frosting makes offending&&&gnidneffo sekam gnitsorf denekcalb
charcole tongues cease the sending&&&gnidnes eht esaec seugnot elocrahc
taste and waste in hasty blend&&&dnelb ytsah ni etsaw dna etsat
shape uneaten clay and bend&&&dneb dna yalc netaenu epahs
light around the lipened end&&&dne denepil eht dnuora thgil
so silk and soft it must be sin&&&nis eb tsum ti tfos dna klis os
tied tongues pick up the slack&&&kcals eht pu kcip seugnot deit
and the knots lend ease to grip&&&pirg ot esae dnel stonk eht dna
and gauze will staunch the flow&&&wolf eht hcnuats lliw ezuag dna
after (the) sickening rip&&&pir gninekcis (eht) retfa
ashes in the mouth stop the moving&&&gnivom eht pots htuom eht ni sehsa
pennies on the eyes of potters&&&srettop fo seye eht no seinnep
pouring over clay on wheels&&&sleehw no yalc revo gniruop
form future homes for ten dead daughters&&&srethguad daed net rof semoh erutuf mrof
12/01/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\10\21
it’s all rubbish&&&hsibbur lla s’ti
piles and piles of muck high as the sky&&&yks eht sa hgih hsibbur fo selip dna selip
it threatens a lean&&&nael a snetaerht ti
i’m not talking to you right now&&&won thgir uoy ot gniklat ton m’i
11/18/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\81\11
[entry deleted]&&&[deteled yrtne]
see: troy’s bucket.&&&.tekcub s’yort :ees
re: it’s all over.&&&.revo lla s’ti :er
11/16/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\61\11
those bits of buzz that sit in between hi and hello…&&&…olleh dna ih neewteb ni tis taht zzub fo stib esoht
those beats that never fit in the gaps of teeth&&&hteet fo spag eht ni tif reven taht staeb esoht
or get caught in the swirls of hair…&&&…riah fo slriws eht ni thguac teg ro
fingers tracing spells on lines of life and love.&&&.evol dna efil fo senil no slleps gnicart sregnif
they pat out a pleasing pitter and count pulse in pumps.&&&.spump ni eslup tnuoc dna rettip gnisaelp a tuo tap yeht
nimbly run amok in friendly houses.&&&.sesuoh yldneirf ni koma nur ylbmin
measure width, breadth, and span.&&&.naps dna ,htdaerb ,htdiw erusaem
over turn tables, break candles, steal books.&&&.skoob laets ,seldnac kaerb ,selbat nrut revo
then passes the time in black tar and cold wine&&&eniw dloc dna rat kcalb ni emit eht sessap neht
admitting they’re more than they look.&&&.kool yeht naht erom er’yeht gnittimda
one in file.&&&.elif ni eno
two in taunts.&&&.stnuat ni owt
three in bonds.&&&.sdnob ni eerht
fourth in manners on fields of cloth.&&&.htolc fo sdleif no srennam ni htruof
fifth inflicts.&&&.stcilfni htfif
always inflicts.&&&.stcilfni syawla
the numbering may be off.&&&.ffo eb yam gnirebmun eht
and now they sit to pass the time&&&emit eht ssap ot tis yeht won dna
drumming rhythms up the grain&&&niarg eht pu smhtyhr gnimmurd
trace imaginary lines&&&senil yranigami ecart
’till the ships pull in again&&&niaga ni llup spihs eht llit’
’till the ships pull out again&&&niaga tuo llup spihs eht llit’
to knows where…&&&…erehw swonk ot
11/14/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\41\11
off he fluttered bleeding a ribbon of feathers&&&srehtaef fo nobbir a gnideelb derettulf eh ffo
down the marble staircase.&&&.esacriats elbram eht nwod
fingers in the cracks of a living dike.&&&.ekid gnivil a fo skcarc eht ni sregnif
the wall holding back torrents of essentials.&&&.slaitnesse fo stnerrot kcab gnidloh llaw eht
burners, churners, filters, aerators…&&&…srotarea ,sretlif ,srenruhc ,srenurb
their air pouring between slips and staining&&&gniniats dna spils neewteb gniruop ria rieht
pants and shoes.&&&.seohs dna stnap
the thick spinning scent and flavor off into&&&otni ffo rovalf dna tnecs gninnips kciht eht
the night as the doors burst open and the stumbles&&&selbumts eht dna nepo tsrub srood eht sa thgin eht
sound off against stone walls.&&&.sllaw enots tsniaga ffo dnuos
roll call left and right.&&&.thgir dna tfel llac llor
both here but weakening.&&&.gninekaew tub ereh htob
vision flutters and up go more wings.&&&.sgniw erom og pu dna srettulf noisiv
now the talons plugging the chest as a hand is found&&&.dnuof si dnah a sa tsehc eht gniggulp snolat eht won
dangling at his side.&&&edis sih ta gnilgnad
try as he might it won’t respond.&&&.dnopser t’now ti thgim eh sa yrt
so this quitter reacher lamely hangs&&&sgnah ylemal rehcaer rettiuq siht os
as the quickly turning husk finds his head&&&daeh sih sdnif ksuh gninrut ylkciuq eht sa
clean on the pillow of concrete at the foot of the&&&eht fo toof eht ta etercnoc fo wollip eht no naelc
second stair.&&&.riats dnoces
now turning, now turning, now empty.&&&.ytpme won ,gninrut won ,gninrut won
up on the bubble and floating…&&&…gnitaolf dna elbbub eht no pu
blowing kisses to his corpse…&&&…esproc sih ot sessik gniwolb
waving “hi” to the angels spinning like a top&&&pot a ekil gninnips slegna eht ot “ih” gnivaw
while madly collecting the down.&&&.nwod eht gnitcelloc yldam elihw
it floats and twists like snow in a dervish.&&&.hsivred a ni wons ekil stsiwt dna staolf ti
where did it all come from?&&&?morf emoc lla ti did erehw
11/13/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\31\11
but root.&&&.toor tub
that’s interesting.&&&.gnitseretni s’taht
roots are never really roots.&&&.stoor yllaer reven era stoor
mostly never anyway.&&&.yawyna reven yltsom
if you could actually trace them they all become perhaps&&&spahrep emoceb lla yeht meht ecart yllautca dluoc uoy fi
one or three.&&&.eerht ro eno
i can never decide that.&&&.taht ediced reven nac i
regardless they fall back to some common base&&&esab nommoc emos ot kcab llaf yeht sseldrager
we all carry around.&&&.dnuora yrrac lla ew
the point being, i suppose, that reduction solves nothing.&&&.gnihton sevlos noitcuder taht ,esoppus i ,gnieb tniop eht
an interesting past time, but the surface bends the light,&&&,thgil eht sdneb ecafrus eht tub ,emit tsap gnitseretni na
not the depths.&&&.shtped eht ton
the depths get the secrets, that’s their domain.&&&.niamod rieht s’taht ,sterces eht teg shtped eht
and sure they breed the surface, but it’s the rainbows on&&&no swobniar eht s’ti tub ,ecafrus eht deerb yeht erus dna
top that hold our focus and bend the perspective.&&&.evitcepsrep eht dneb dna sucof ruo dloh taht pot
so this melancholy little tracer studying core samples&&&selpmas eroc gniyduts recart elttil ylohcnalem siht os
and digesting twigs to feel closer to nature often&&&netfo erutan ot resolc leef ot sgiwt gnitsegid dna
succumbs to tunnel vision.&&&.noisiv lennut ot sbmuccus
fortunately by the grace of unstung it’s always quite&&&etiuq syawla s’ti gnutsnu fo ecarg eht yb yletanutrof
fleeting and only further dims an already dim mood.&&&.doom mid ydaerla na smid rehturf ylno dna gniteelf
eventually it’s the rise and out.&&&.tuo dna esir eht s’ti yllautneve
rest before digging another ditch in six by six.&&&.xis yb xis ni hctid rehtona gniggid erofeb tser
ignoring the third dimension as a means for accommodating&&&gnitadommocca rof snaem a sa noisnemid driht eht gnirongi
potential future expansion.&&&.noisnapxe erutuf laitnetop
but the heart of hope is the idea: at least you can&&&nac uoy tsael ta :aedi eht si epoh fo traeh eht tub
always fool your past self.&&&.fles tsap ruoy loof syawla
sure, that was ever the intention.&&&.noitnetni eht reve saw taht ,erus
i believe you.&&&.uoy eveileb i
and i would too.&&&.oot dluow i dna
11/12/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\21\11
playing the perpetual hunter can be quite dangerous.&&&.suoregnad etiuq eb nac retnuh lauteprep eht gniyalp
no matter the original focus, the initial game, it tends&&&sdent ti ,emag laitini eht ,sucof lanigiro eht rettam on
to always shift. though this thought is moot for its crux&&&xurc sti rof toom si thguoht siht ghuoht .tfihs syawla ot
is an everything trait.&&&.tiart gnihtyreve na si
now linear, now waning, now bipolar, ever rarer, never falling.&&&.gnillaf reven ,rerar reve ,ralopib won ,gninaw won ,raenil won
may digress not regress, helped by occasional egress before&&&erofeb sserge lanoisacco yb depleh ,sserger ton ssergid yam
another dim plunge into murky and murkier waters.&&&.sretaw reikrum dna ykrum otni egnulp mid rehtona
and the game can sometimes be a pollutant…&&&…tnatullop a eb semitemos nac emag eht dna
to certain heads.&&&.sdaeh niatrec ot
those certain heads getting stuck to the mat, those with&&&htiw esoht ,tam eht ot kcuts gnitteg sdaeh niatrec esoht
working brain box filters and those with living wills.&&&.slliw gnivil htiw esoht dna sretlif xob niarb gnikrow
wired for construction and emulation and winning in both.&&&.htob ni gninniw dna noitalume dna noitcurtsnoc rof deriw
they’re better off.&&&.ffo retteb re’yeht
the life reactors feel the pollutant much stronger.&&&.regnorts hcum tnatullop eht leef srotcaer efil eht
being a split with built in buffers has huge advantages,&&&,segatnavda eguh sah sreffub ni tliub htiw tilps a gnieb
but the hunt will always resolve empty.&&&.ytpme evloser syawla lliw tnuh eht tub
it’s always more exciting when they tap you on the shoulder anyway.&&&.yawyna redluohs eht no uoy pat yeht nehw gniticxe erom syawla s’ti
and don’t be fooled, it’s an effect and not a root.&&&.toor a ton dna tceffe na s’ti ,deloof eb t’nod dna
11/10/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\01\11
few things&&&sgniht wef
no us at afterparty for talleyrand&&&dnaryellat rof ytrapretfa ta su on
had to bow out&&&tuo wob ot dah
soory to liszarsz&&&zsrazsil ot yroos
wasn’t boat bound anyhoo eh?&&&?he oohyna dnuob taob t’nsaw
the shylights from atlanta heading up&&&pu gnidaeh atnalta morf sthgilyhs eht
we’ll be joining him at tsi nov.23&&&32.von ist ta mih gninioj eb ll’ew
attention directed to &&& ot detcerid noitnetta
magazine in both online and printed flavors&&&srovalf detnirp dna enilno htob ni enizagam
we had an interview/writeup in the first issue&&&eussi tsrif eht ni puetirw\weivretni na dah ew
scope an joy&&&yoj na epocs
planning a trip up the spire&&&erips eht pu pirt a gninnalp
couldn’t forget&&&tegrof t’ndluoc
just putting it off&&&ffo ti gnittup tsuj
one week long roughly&&&ylhguor gnol keew eno
don’t know what that adds up to down here&&&ereh nwod ot pu sdda taht tahw wonk t’nod
less i’m sure&&&erus m’i ssel
begins in a few months&&&shtnom wef a ni snigeb
will be centered on library access&&&ssecca yrarbil no deretnec eb lliw
and spectacle investigation&&&noitagitsevni elcatceps dna
these came from someone&&&enoemos morf emac eseht
yes yes&&&sey sey
11/08/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\80\11
loose news&&&swen esool
lack of updates renders these useless&&&sselesu eseht sredner setadpu fo kcal
issues re-compressing after voyage i suppose&&&esoppus i egayov retfa gnisserpmoc-er seussi
cloth principle girth decided on and finished&&&dehsinif dna no dediced htrig elpicnirp htolc
stitches being placed&&&decalp gnieb sehctits
final mixing in roughly a fortnight&&&thgintrof a ylhguor ni gnixim lanif
focus fully on bandish tooling&&&gniloot hsidnab no ylluf sucof
live tracking with bear as engineer&&&reenigne sa raeb htiw gnikcart evil
many thanks to paws and tanks&&&sknat dna swap ot sknaht ynam
with luck we’ll have two at once&&&ecno ta owt evah ll’ew kcul htiw
one dead one living&&&gnivil eno daed eno
meaning cc focus now more freeform&&&mrofeerf erom won sucof cc gninaem
composition on group basis&&&sisab puorg no noitisopmoc
bookending outpour with constructs and thoughts&&&sthguoht dna stcurtsnoc htiw ruoptuo gnidnekoob
editing in the middle&&&elddim eht ni gnitide
back in the swing expect more regular theses&&&seseht raluger erom tcepxe gniws eht ni kcab
more frequent anyway&&&yawyna tneuqerf erom
lou’s noose&&&esoon s’uol
10/29/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\92\01
wind cutting lines in the shivers it spines.&&&.senips ti srevihs eht ni senil gnittuc dniw
a bottle, a bag, a belly for both.&&&.htob rof ylleb a ,gab a ,elttob a
a coil of sound wound round magnet toast&&&tsaot tengam dnuor dnuow dnuos fo lioc a
motors medic colored hands&&&sdnah deroloc cidem srotom
as the host serves our biblical friends.&&&.sdneirf lacilbib ruo sevres tsoh eht sa
reverent farewells, palms together&&&rehtegot smlap ,slleweraf tnerever
bowing head and making exit.&&&.tixe gnikam dna daeh gniwob
psalms sung low in cobalt weather.&&&.rehtaew tlaboc ni wol gnus smlasp
then a fitting little end&&&dne elttil gnittif a neht
on a couch at the bend&&&dneb eht ta hcuoc a no
before the road climbs again&&&niaga sbimlc daor eht erofeb
to the top of the hill&&&llih eht fo pot eht ot
where chains hum that sleepwalkers anthem in a march.&&&.hcram a ni mehtna sreklawpeels taht muh sniahc erehw
a march into a marsh into a flood from the showers&&&srewohs eht morf doolf a otni hsram a otni hcram a
that follow bringing petals through the windows left open.&&&.nepo tfel swodniw eht hguorht slatep gnignirb wollof taht
curtains dancing in it.&&&.ti ni gnicnad sniatruc
they wave goodbye to the loon.&&&.nool eht ot eybdoog evaw yeht
moves past&&&tsap sevom
10/28/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\82\01
it blankets all the alleys that we haunt&&&tnuah ew taht syella eht lla steknalb ti
scent and tone&&&enot dna tnecs
wheezing like a juggernaut now old&&&dlo won tuanregguj a ekil gnizeehw
bleeding loam&&&maol gnideelb
veins all packed with mud and dust&&&tsud dna dum htiw dekcap lla sniev
i know&&&wonk i
if you’ll lift the fog formed in halo&&&olah ni demrof gof eht tfil ll’uoy fi
and pull it through nose out of skull&&&lluks fo tuo eson hguorht ti llup dna
breathing in gently shiver slow&&&wols revihs yltneg ni gnihtaerb
the sliver given melts through snow&&&wons hguorht stlem nevig revils eht
10/22/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\22\01
a foot&&&toof a
an inch a yard&&&dray a hcni na
prince is split in two&&&owt ni tilps si ecnirp
this is fine&&&enif si siht
dead is moving along&&&gnola gnivom si daed
cc demo dying&&&gniyd omed cc
new open form direction&&&noitcerid mrof nepo wen
two tracks salvageable&&&elbaegavlas skcart owt
rest will be reworked entirely&&&yleritne dekrower eb lliw tser
probably done backwards in comparison&&&nosirapmoc ni sdrawkcab enod ylbaborp
two more released end of year&&&raey fo dne desaeler erom owt
then two more shortly after&&&retfa yltrohs erom owt neht
end of winter&&&retniw fo dne
it will be a slue of rubbish at once&&&ecno ta hsibbur fo euls a eb lliw ti
hang tough little soldiers&&&sreidlos elttil hguot gnah
wool socks for winter&&&retniw rof skcos loow
plenty of parchment to write home on&&&no emoh etirw ot tnemhcrap fo ytnelp
who knows what else&&&esle tahw swonk ohw
maybe we’ll wrap one in gauze&&&ezuag ni eno parw ll’ew ebyam
and another in blankets&&&steknalb ni rehtona dna
keep them warm from the weather&&&rehtaew eht morf mraw meht peek
under clouds&&&sduolc rednu
10/18/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\81\01
heads bouncing around on thin tilted necks&&&skcen detlit niht no dnuora gnicnuob sdaeh
moving ever forward poking holes in sheets above&&&evoba steehs ni seloh gnikop drawrof reve gnivom
sheets spouting leaks and bleeding&&&gnideelb dna skael gnituops steehs
blood rusts the metal and the guns are eaten up&&&pu netae era snug eht dna latem eht stsur doolb
the eating leaves the wood and the wood burns at night&&&thgin ta snrub doow eht dna doow eht sevael gnitae eht
the burning throws warmth and the men huddle holding hands&&&sdnah gnidloh eldduh nem eht dna htmraw sworht gninrub eht
out and over the flames that cook the clothing&&&gnihtolc eht kooc taht semalf eht revo dna tuo
the clothing that gave purpose&&&esoprup evag taht gnihtolc eht
the purpose that gave guns&&&snug evag taht esoprup eht
the guns that gave death&&&htaed evag taht snug eht
the death that finds life&&&efil sdnif taht htaed eht
and a little huddle of boys around the burning husks&&&sksuh gninrub eht dnuora syob fo eldduh elttil a dna
of spears that bled the sheets&&&steehs eht delb taht sraeps fo
“Wadda we do now?”&&&”?won od ew addaW”
“I have this magnetic chess set…”&&&”…tes ssehc citengam siht evah I”
“I’ll play black.”&&&”.kcalb yalp ll’I
They feasted.&&&.detsaef yehT
The Salisbury steak tasted really, really good.&&&.doog yllaer ,yllaer detsat kaets yrubsilaS ehT
That was notably unusual.&&&.lausunu ylbaton saw tahT
They’d found a cache of wine as well.&&&.llew sa eniw fo ehcac a dnuof d’yehT
They celebrated.&&&.detarbelec yehT
William leaned against the tree sitting on his hands&&&sdnah sih no gnittis eert eht tsniaga denael mailliW
some distance from the fire.&&&.erif eht morf ecnatsid emos
He watched the others dance and sing.&&&.gnis dna ecnad srehto eht dehctaw eH
Slowly his eyelids fell.&&&.llef sdileye sih ylwolS
Then dreams.&&&.smaerd nehT
Dreams set to shouted psalms, never ending.&&&.gnidne reven ,smlasp detuohs ot tes smaerD
Dreams in which he saw a smooth black sheet.&&&.teehs kcalb htooms a was eh hcihw ni smaerD
It rippled and waved.&&&.devaw dna delppir tI
The desert winds caught the desert sands and they tore at the sheet.&&&.teehs eht ta erot yeht dna sdans tresed eht thguac sdniw tresed ehT
Over time they stripped it to a bone white.&&&.etihw enob a ot ti deppirts yeht emit revO
And bone white it remained…&&&…deniamer ti etihw enob dnA
Until it too became sand.&&&.dnas emaceb oot ti litnU
10/17/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\71\01
though wicked and winded still white wicker man&&&nam rekciw etihw llits dedniw dna dekciw hguoht
wept shoving his teeth red through tongue of pan&&&nap fo eugnot hguorht der hteet sih gnivohs tpew
a piper or weaver worn one when once sane&&&enas ecno nehw eno nrow revaew ro repip a
now sickening sick from laboring pains&&&sniap gnirobal morf kcis gninekcis won
a thickening slick leaves both brown and black stains&&&sniats kcalb dna nworb htob sevael kcils gninekciht a
on tile that breathes in heat and chill rains&&&sniar llihc dna taeh ni sehtaerb taht elit no
10/16/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\61\01
scorch, scorch and burn&&&nrub dna hcrocs ,hcrocs
all they leave are plans quick written&&&nettirw kciuq snalp era evael yeht lla
many ends feed any means&&&snaem yna deef sdne ynam
for baking king of cakes uneaten&&&netaenu sekac fo gnik gnikab rof
10/15/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\51\01
how very very unclear&&&raelcnu yrev yrev woh
the view from up here&&&ereh pu morf weiv eht
10/14/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\41\01
If you’ve never spent an inexcusable amount of time&&&emit fo tnuoma elbasucxeni na tneps reven ev’uoy fI
staring at a large body of water, you should try it some.&&&.emos ti yrt dluohs uoy ,retaw fo ydob egral a ta gnirats
Just sit with your legs dangling over a railing somewhere&&&erehwemos gniliar a revo gnilgnad sgel ruoy htiw tis tsuJ
and make sure there’s a little light left in the day.&&&.yad eht ni tfel thgil elttil a s’ereht erus ekam dna
Stare straight down and start working your way out, tracing&&&gnicart ,tuo yaw ruoy gnikrow trats dna nwod thgiarts eratS
lines on the surface.&&&.ecafrus eht no senil
You’ll inevitably run into little patches of water where the&&&eht erehw retaw fo sehctap elttil otni nur ylbativeni ll’uoY
movement and reflection don’t look “right”.&&&.”thgir” kool t’nod noitcelfer dna tnemevom
Something about the angles of the light and the way everything collides&&&sedilloc gnihtyreve yaw eht dna thgil eht fo selgna eht tuoba gnihtemoS
in that spot makes it impossible for your eyes to pick up normally.&&&.yllamron pu kcip ot seye ruoy rof elbissopmi ti sekam tops taht ni
It looks very interesting and tends to make me dizzy.&&&.yzzid em ekam ot sdnet dna gnitseretni yrev skool tI
I’m sure for some people it could mean something important&&&tnatropmi gnihtemos naem dluoc ti elpoep emos rof erus m’I
about proof of the unseen or some junk about human fallibility.&&&.ytilibillaf namuh tuoba knuj emos ro neesnu eht fo foorp tuoba
… which is cool and all…&&&…lla dna looc si hcihw …
I think I like it because it reminds me of the stars you can give&&&evig nac uoy srats eht fo em sdnimer ti esuaceb ti ekil I kniht I
yourself if you cut the circulation of blood off to your eyeballs&&&sllabeye ruoy ot ffo doolb fo noitalucric eht tuc uoy fi flesruoy
for a while by pushing them into their sockets.&&&.stekcos rieht otni meht gnihsup yb elihw a rof
… and also it makes me a little sick.&&&.kcis elttil a em sekam ti osla dna …
So what I’m saying is, “It’s trippy brah.”&&&”.harb yppirt s’tI” ,si gniyas m’I tahw oS
10/13/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\31\01
You know, I still haven’t been back.&&&.kcab neeb t’nevah llits I ,wonk uoY
I’ve been carrying the spectacles around though.&&&.hguoht dnuora selcatceps eht gniyrrac neeb ve’I
10/12/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\21\01
More waves than words this week.&&&.keew siht sdrow naht sevaw eroM
Net ever closing around the prince-fishies.&&&.seihsif-ecnirp eht dnuora gnisolc reve teN
Out… how long?&&&?gnol woh …tuO
3hree, maybe 4our days.&&&.syad ruo4 ebyam ,eerh3
Mixing is hell.&&&.lleh si gnixiM
Ego -12elve.&&&.evle21- ogE
The air!&&&!ria ehT
Have you felt it?&&&?ti tlef uoy evaH
Really, I’ve been literally dancing in it.&&&.ti ni gnicnad yllaretil neeb ve’I ,yllaeR
Jigging anyway.&&&.yawyna gniggiJ
Mood +20enty.&&&.ytne02+ dooM
The mutants are further mutating.&&&.gnitatum rehtruf era stnatum ehT
I’m not sure what that makes them.&&&.meht sekam taht tahw erus ton m’I
Maybe madlibs.&&&.sbildam ebyaM
I think somewhere it came to be that thoughts of youth&&&htuoy fo sthguoht taht eb ot emac ti erehwemos kniht I
have feels and smells that rest well in sounds from then.&&&.neht morf sdnuos ni llew tser taht sllems dna sleef evah
So that’s the way it went and that’s the way it’s going.&&&.gniog s’ti yaw eht s’taht dna tnew ti yaw eht s’taht oS
Back, back and further building new little extensions and&&&dna snoisnetxe elttil wen gnidliub rehtruf dna kcab ,kcaB
adding rooms to long abandoned towers.&&&.srewot denodnaba gnol ot smoor gnidda
Mantra: Nix the lobotomy rock.&&&.kcor ymotobol eht xiN :artnaM
Still waiting on the rookery.&&&.yrekoor eht no gnitiaw llitS
I’m a bit frightened of that one.&&&.eno taht fo denethgirf tib a m’I
If I could borrow a bird for a day…&&&…yad a rof drib a worrob dluoc I fI
Well now, that’s actually quite possible!&&&!elbissop etiuq yllautca s’taht ,won lleW
Well I’m glad I wrote that just then.&&&.neht tsuj taht etorw I dalg m’I lleW
Like that the veil fails.&&&.sliaf liev eht taht ekiL
I think that’ll be the next one.&&&.eno txen eht eb ll’taht kniht I
What awaits inside the rookery,&&&,yrekoor eht edisni stiawa tahW
In every corner, cran and nookery?&&&?yrekoon dna narc ,renroc yreve nI
Maybe more fishies.&&&.seihsif erom ebyaM
That’s what we’ll be needing.&&&.gnideen eb ll’ew tahw s’tahT
More princes to feed the mouthses.&&&.seshtuom eht deef ot secnirp eroM
Shortage of eyeballs I hear.&&&.raeh I sllabeye fo egatrohS
10/11/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\11\01
Oh those boys…&&&…syob esoht hO
So snatch away.&&&.yawa hctans oS
It wouldn’t have worked without you.&&&.uoy tuohtiw dekrow evah t’ndluow tI
Too bad the chamber was only half full.&&&.lluf flah ylno saw rebmahc eht dab ooT
I hope the man with the funny hat doesn’t ruin it all.&&&.lla ti niur t’nseod tah ynnuf eht htiw nam eht epoh I
Hey, I bought you a few smokes I suppose.&&&.esoppus I sekoms wef a uoy thguob I ,yeH
10/09/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\90\01
Ever been to one of those monstrous all night warehouses&&&sesuoheraw thgin lla suortsnom esoht fo eno ot neeb revE
full of clothes and food and gadgets?&&&?stegdag dna doof dna sehtolc fo lluf
Downright depressing….&&&….gnisserped thgirnwoD
And even the machines make you pay them while you’re&&&er’uoy elihw meht yap uoy ekam senihcam eht neve dnA
standing there doing all the work.&&&.krow eht lla gniod ereht gnidnats
I hear there’s a trick with those.&&&.esoht htiw kcirt a s’ereht raeh I
Think a guy in prison had it figured out.&&&.tuo derugif ti dah nosirp ni yug a knihT
I read one of his letters sent in to those techno-rabblerousers&&&sresuorelbbar-onhcet esoht ot ni tnes srettel sih fo eno daer I
from the world wide web.&&&.bew ediw dlrow eht morf
Something about exact change and full payouts.&&&.stuoyap lluf dna egnahc tcaxe tuoba gnihtemoS
I’m sure it’s fixed.&&&.dexif s’ti erus m’I
It’s damn tempting though.&&&.hguoht gnitpmet nmad s’tI
Then they cut open your gifts and tell you it’s for security.&&&.ytiruces rof s’ti uoy llet dna stfig ruoy nepo tuc yeht nehT
Thanks! Now they’re even more worthless.&&&.sselhtrow erom neve re’yeht woN !sknahT
I mean you really saved me the trouble of using those things.&&&.sgniht esoht gnisu fo elbuort eht em devas yllaer uoy naem I
Good job.&&&.boj dooG
Too bad the gusto don’t pad your pockets.&&&.stekcop ruoy dap t’nod otsug eht dab ooT
10/07/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\70\01
Windy and humid, wreaking of dead skates and puffers.&&&.sreffup dna setaks daed fo gnikaerw ,dimuh dna ydniW
Watching the men work the metal.&&&.latem eht krow nem eht gnihctaW
Bending it against the water.&&&.retaw eht tsniaga ti gnidneB
A bell rings.&&&.sgnir lleb A
Lunch at 3am.&&&.ma3 ta hcnuL
What a bunch of old idiots.&&&.stoidi dlo fo hcnub a tahW
10/06/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\60\01
1ne time straight through.&&&.hguorht thgiarts emit ne1
6ix down.&&&.nwod xi6
All rubbish.&&&.hsibbur llA
It still felt good.&&&.doog tlef llits tI
Total tally of loss now 4our count.&&&.tnuoc ruo4 won ssol fo yllat latoT
New devices suuk. Aide took.&&&.koot ediA .kuus secived weN
For the soft one: back half dumped.&&&.depmud flah kcab :eno tfos eht roF
Forget it, wasn’t worth it.&&&.ti htrow t’nsaw ,ti tegroF
Better things ahead.&&&.daeha sgniht retteB
All the time in the year.&&&.raey eht ni emit eht llA
Rush of songs and flooding head a day ago.&&&.oga yad a daeh gnidoolf dna sgnos fo hsuR
Ticking off minutes to open.&&&.nepo ot setunim ffo gnikciT
Fortnight and days before wings to west.&&&.tsew ot sgniw erofeb syad dna thgintroF
Hearing old men act young and bleed ears of the un-aged.&&&.dega-nu eht fo srae deelb dna gnuoy tca nem dlo gniraeH
Swim in mirror ocean with moon light and lady.&&&.ydal dna thgil noom htiw naeco rorrim ni miwS
Once here, once there, wed only at sea.&&&.aes ta ylno dew ,ereht ecno ,ereh ecnO
All that’s left are the other 5ive.&&&.evi5 rehto eht era tfel s’taht llA
All at night.&&&.thgin ta llA
Soon songs from sea you’ll hear, by we.&&&.ew yb ,raeh ll’uoy aes morf sgnos nooS
Or songs with men of women of men.&&&.nem fo nemow fo nem htiw sgnos rO
Neither sure nor non&&&non ron erus rehtieN
In the month to come.&&&.emoc ot htnom eht nI
This was the day&&&yad eht saw sihT
And a future in weeks.&&&.skeew ni erutuf a dnA
10/05/07 e.d.&&&.d.e 70\50\01
Jagged and sharp.&&&.prahs dna deggaJ
Young, stark.&&&.krats ,gnuoY
Fresh, unmarked.&&&.dekramnu ,hserF
Trident and curls.&&&.slruc dna tnedirT
Red in the dark,&&&,krad eht ni deR
lit with a spark.&&&.kraps a htiw til
No tie or tongue&&&eugnot ro eit oN
Or song unsung.&&&.gnusnu gnos rO
Mouths both glued and joined as one.&&&.eno sa denoij dna deulg htob shtuoM
Night ever night and pa


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