M14和galil mar的比较。

m14ebr在团队竞技、爆破、个人竞技中表现突出,无论是远距离点射,还是近距离压枪,扫射,都是非常好的选择,但是 楼上几位网友提到了,射速快,必定代表着威力差,它的威力明显比m4家族要差,而射速快就意味着 您必须花大量时间去适应它 这就是m14ebr嗯 谈谈同版本中的新枪 CALTL 好像是一把加强版的AR70
性能上堪比红龙AR70 透点不减威力。射速较慢,威力较大,外形彪悍,不适于幽灵、挑战的作战。至于UITIMAX 嗯 既然是AK的改良版 建议在生化中使用 点射最为重要
嗯嗯 兄弟观察透彻 但是 有一点 m4s 的各个部位伤害你不知道吧 是要比 m14要高出3~4滴血的
兄弟 M4的“漂”是啥
嗯 在火线中最稳定的是救世主那把枪 而最漂的数 加特林了 但在 步枪中 个人认为M4s 的压枪 可以弥补 其与m14的稳定性差距 而且 M4的连射的爆头几率要比M14大的多啊 还有 枪地稳定
跟人物的机械 属性有关 比如 夜玫瑰用AK时候要比任何角色要稳出10%
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。谁帮我算一下,CF有多少把人民币枪。(也把这次更新的SL8、M14 ERB 等,都算进去。) 和GP枪支也算一下。_百度知道
谁帮我算一下,CF有多少把人民币枪。(也把这次更新的SL8、M14 ERB 等,都算进去。) 和GP枪支也算一下。
  注释:下面会有很多你看不懂的东西.就是#警号.他代表了火力平稳度杀伤力速度弹速以及后坐力.我把他们综合了起来做成了?#?左边是他的火力和杀伤力弹速和重量而#右边就是他的火力平稳度后坐力以及远程攻击翻倍或成倍减少。  狙击步枪:  AWM:10#10(因为他是狙击枪)  M700:20#8(特殊狙击枪)  手枪:  沙鹰:9#10(杀伤NB弹道平稳直线平稳弧度较小)  P228:6#5(比较平稳但是翻倍攻击并不好!)  步枪(全部是他的最初属性):  M4A1:2#1(是他的最初属性只是按子弹和枪支属性来说.)  AK47:5#1(比较不稳.弧度太大.但是火力十分强悍)  XM8:4#4(全属性平稳趋势.)  AN94:10#9(爆头率问题)  M4-A:9#9(几乎接近完美的一把平衡枪可以说他是爆头之王了)  M4-S:9#8(我是综合来判断M4的.因为他的火力并不强大.可能觉得他属性高了一点.但是那是综合的.很奇怪这把枪价钱高于M4-A但是性能并不超过M4-A)  QBZ95:8#10(虽然他火力中等但是我判断下降了一些。这在于他的爆头率有些高。弹速比较慢喽)  G36K:7#11(火力一般但是爆头率奇佳.并且是一把好枪!是突击手的选择)  AK47-A:9#10(火力比较NB杀伤较高并且后座减小。配有刺刀。更好的体现了实战型.并且爆头率不小)  QBZ95-A:8#9(恕我直言他不剩QBZ95是因为他的后坐力彷佛有一股奇特的力量不能提高爆头几率可能高手也很容易爆头.不过我是综合来算的.)  XM8-A:4#9(他的火力就弱喽!但是爆头率相对比普通XM8提高一些)  AK47-S:8#10(火力有稍微的减小.但是爆头率奇佳.开了镜的他仍然精准度不错。是敌过AUG的一把好枪.  黄金M4:10#10(M4不是火力不强吗?但是这把枪他经过我的测试。仿佛有一种隐藏属性一般.他连射5枪之后枪就会转(晃)的很厉害.但是他精准度也有提高.所以经过各方面测试把他作为10#10的完美枪支。推荐高手使用新手掌握的肯定不行)  黄金AK:10#9(及其不错的一把枪.各方面都非常不错)  红龙(M4系列)(QQ会员专用枪):7#8(这把枪到不是很好.只是有了红色的外观使人喜爱其属性并不好.甚至没有普通M4好)  红龙PSG-1:9#9(非常不错的一把枪哦!这个是我在体验服测验的可能正版升级有改动)  K2:10#9(也是我在体验服测验的他火力较强高于AN94精准也不错就是有点沉)  特殊手枪:  沙鹰-S9#10(更加完美)  沙鹰-A9#9(相对弱一点)  特殊狙击:  大炮(M82A1):10#10(虽然他很沉但由于他的力量强大我还是写成了10#10。但他致命的缺点就是一个假的“平稳”有的玩家说他准但是他完全不准.开膛的瞬间是5倍道20倍的后坐力。虽然感觉不出来但是根据你的感觉就能找到不是很推荐你使用)  AWM-A:MAX(最大的意思)#MAX(最大的意思)(是我在狙击行列中见到最好的狙击几乎无缺点)  重机枪:  RPK:8#10(火力不是最强但是精准度也是不可忽视的.既适用僵尸又适用普通模式)  M60-A:9#8(火力几乎可以于AK媲美了,并且精准度有很大的提高哦!应该是同RPK差不多)  M60:8#6(比起M60-A他就差了一些。虽然第一发子弹相当准但是由于他沉慢还是写低了他的属性.  刀类:  普通小刀:7#10(他可以说是最准的了高手可能操作的更好)  斧子:9#8(他的准度稍低但是杀伤是无敌的可以说是刀类一大杀手.)  铲子:MAX(最大)#6(精准就又低了可是杀伤却是无法测试的因为没有一重铲打不死的人。适合高手比较慢喽)  生化手雷:?#8(对生化幽灵攻击相当大.精准度一般)  普通手雷:8#8(比较常见弹性不错)  闪光弹:?#7(闪光用,没有杀伤力,弹性不是很好.普通用)  烟雾弹:?#6(烟雾阻挡敌人视线用.弹性一般.无杀伤力普通用)  高爆手雷(体验服测试):10#8(杀伤巨大弹力不错~)  毒气弹(将来应该会出):×5(连续)#8(经过我玩其他枪战网游对今后CF可能出的毒气弹的判断力)  爱之雷:8#9(只是增加了颜色而已.弹力可能比普通手雷强点)  红色烟雾弹:?#7(只是红色而已使敌人无法看清弹力稍高一点)  MP5:5#7(突突的一把好枪虽然爆头难但他的速度弥补了一切)  MP5-A:7#8(增多了子弹火力有提升并且更准爆头还好.我比较得意的一把突突枪)  Micro-GaLIL(突突的枪):10#6(10是他的假火力别看这家伙是突突枪火力是不行.精准一般)  P90:6#4(火力不强精准仿佛有特殊的力量无法准准星恢复慢)  UZI:5#7(火力不强精准不是很差射速快也是我得意的一把突突枪)  MP7:6#9(火力虽然不强但是他的弹速几乎极速弥补这一差错.并且射击弹道几乎没有弧度.得意突突枪  AK74:7#10(火力一般像假AK47--!但是精准不可忽视)  FAMAS(97):6#8(火力较小精准一般.几乎被人遗忘)  FAMAS-B:7#8(只是子弹多了点但是属性有一丁点调整)  M4A1-C:6#7(这把枪恕我直言不是什么好枪开了镜的他几乎没什么用.而且还沉了点不剩普通M4)  SCAR-Heavy(黄金):6#9(火力虽然不算强但是爆头率奇佳是一把不错的)  SCARLight(绿色的):6.5#9(火力不算强爆头率也是奇佳也是一把几乎不错的)  SG552:无法判断#7(精准完全一般但是他的火力无法判断.我估计他的火力近的话×20倍远的话除10  SG552-A:6#8(这就好判断了他完全高于老版本的他.不是很推荐使用一般般的武器)  AUG-A:7#8(各项属性一般般)  XM1014(散弹):无法判断#1(因为他最近有可能杀伤×100倍而远了可能要除以几千倍.)  XM1014-A:无法判断(有提高)#2(使用护木的他.精准稍微好了点。杀伤有些提高)  SPAS-12(散弹):无法判断(很高了已经)#5(他的精准比其他散弹NB但是由于他还是散弹没什么大用)  Anaconda(左轮):6#7(勉强把他弄到二类枪里。很多玩家慕名购买但是CF里的他并不出众.一般用而已)  DRAGUNOV(黄色仿AK狙击):0#0-5(因为他是狙击但是他的精准度很垃圾.几乎瞄中打不住。所以他不是什么好枪)  防暴枪(新版本):5#6(比起其他散弹他更准了些。但是他的攻击力就不会翻倍了。最近能把敌人打死就不错了。不推荐使用)
注释:下面会有很多你看不懂的东西.就是#警号.他代表了火力平稳度杀伤力速度弹速以及后坐力.我把他们综合了起来做成了?#?左边是他的火力和杀伤力弹速和重量而#右边就是他的火力平稳度后坐力以及远程攻击翻倍或成倍减少。    狙击步枪:    AWM:10#10(因为他是狙击枪)    M700:20#8(特殊狙击枪)    手枪:    沙鹰:9#10(杀伤NB弹道平稳直线平稳弧度较小)    P228:6#5(比较平稳但是翻倍攻击并不好!)    步枪(全部是他的最初属性):    M4A1:2#1(是他的最初属性只是按子弹和枪支属性来说.)    AK47:5#1(比较不稳.弧度太大.但是火力十分强悍)    XM8:4#4(全属性平稳趋势.)    AN94:10#9(爆头率问题)    M4-A:9#9(几乎接近完美的一把平衡枪可以说他是爆头之王了)    M4-S:9#8(我是综合来判断M4的.因为他的火力并不强大.可能觉得他属性高了一点.但是那是综合的.很奇怪这把枪价钱高于M4-A但是性能并不超过M4-A)    QBZ95:8#10(虽然他火力中等但是我判断下降了一些。这在于他的爆头率有些高。弹速比较慢喽)    G36K:7#11(火力一般但是爆头率奇佳.并且是一把好枪!是突击手的选择)    AK47-A:9#10(火力比较NB杀伤较高并且后座减小。配有刺刀。更好的体现了实战型.并且爆头率不小)    QBZ95-A:8#9(恕我直言他不剩QBZ95是因为他的后坐力彷佛有一股奇特的力量不能提高爆头几率可能高手也很容易爆头.不过我是综合来算的.)    XM8-A:4#9(他的火力就弱喽!但是爆头率相对比普通XM8提高一些)    AK47-S:8#10(火力有稍微的减小.但是爆头率奇佳.开了镜的他仍然精准度不错。是敌过AUG的一把好枪.    黄金M4:10#10(M4不是火力不强吗?但是这把枪他经过我的测试。仿佛有一种隐藏属性一般.他连射5枪之后枪就会转(晃)的很厉害.但是他精准度也有提高.所以经过各方面测试把他作为10#10的完美枪支。推荐高手使用新手掌握的肯定不行)    黄金AK:10#9(及其不错的一把枪.各方面都非常不错)    红龙(M4系列)(QQ会员专用枪):7#8(这把枪到不是很好.只是有了红色的外观使人喜爱其属性并不好.甚至没有普通M4好)    红龙PSG-1:9#9(非常不错的一把枪哦!这个是我在体验服测验的可能正版升级有改动)    K2:10#9(也是我在体验服测验的他火力较强高于AN94精准也不错就是有点沉)    特殊手枪:    沙鹰-S9#10(更加完美)    沙鹰-A9#9(相对弱一点)    特殊狙击:    大炮(M82A1):10#10(虽然他很沉但由于他的力量强大我还是写成了10#10。但他致命的缺点就是一个假的“平稳”有的玩家说他准但是他完全不准.开膛的瞬间是5倍道20倍的后坐力。虽然感觉不出来但是根据你的感觉就能找到不是很推荐你使用)    AWM-A:MAX(最大的意思)#MAX(最大的意思)(是我在狙击行列中见到最好的狙击几乎无缺点)    重机枪:    RPK:8#10(火力不是最强但是精准度也是不可忽视的.既适用僵尸又适用普通模式)    M60-A:9#8(火力几乎可以于AK媲美了,并且精准度有很大的提高哦!应该是同RPK差不多)    M60:8#6(比起M60-A他就差了一些。虽然第一发子弹相当准但是由于他沉慢还是写低了他的属性.    刀类:    普通小刀:7#10(他可以说是最准的了高手可能操作的更好)    斧子:9#8(他的准度稍低但是杀伤是无敌的可以说是刀类一大杀手.)    铲子:MAX(最大)#6(精准就又低了可是杀伤却是无法测试的因为没有一重铲打不死的人。适合高手比较慢喽)    生化手雷:?#8(对生化幽灵攻击相当大.精准度一般)    普通手雷:8#8(比较常见弹性不错)    闪光弹:?#7(闪光用,没有杀伤力,弹性不是很好.普通用)    烟雾弹:?#6(烟雾阻挡敌人视线用.弹性一般.无杀伤力普通用)    高爆手雷(体验服测试):10#8(杀伤巨大弹力不错~)    毒气弹(将来应该会出):×5(连续)#8(经过我玩其他枪战网游对今后CF可能出的毒气弹的判断力)    爱之雷:8#9(只是增加了颜色而已.弹力可能比普通手雷强点)    红色烟雾弹:?#7(只是红色而已使敌人无法看清弹力稍高一点)    MP5:5#7(突突的一把好枪虽然爆头难但他的速度弥补了一切)    MP5-A:7#8(增多了子弹火力有提升并且更准爆头还好.我比较得意的一把突突枪)    Micro-GaLIL(突突的枪):10#6(10是他的假火力别看这家伙是突突枪火力是不行.精准一般)    P90:6#4(火力不强精准仿佛有特殊的力量无法准准星恢复慢)    UZI:5#7(火力不强精准不是很差射速快也是我得意的一把突突枪)    MP7:6#9(火力虽然不强但是他的弹速几乎极速弥补这一差错.并且射击弹道几乎没有弧度.得意突突枪    AK74:7#10(火力一般像假AK47--!但是精准不可忽视)    FAMAS(97):6#8(火力较小精准一般.几乎被人遗忘)    FAMAS-B:7#8(只是子弹多了点但是属性有一丁点调整)    M4A1-C:6#7(这把枪恕我直言不是什么好枪开了镜的他几乎没什么用.而且还沉了点不剩普通M4)    SCAR-Heavy(黄金):6#9(火力虽然不算强但是爆头率奇佳是一把不错的)    SCARLight(绿色的):6.5#9(火力不算强爆头率也是奇佳也是一把几乎不错的)    SG552:无法判断#7(精准完全一般但是他的火力无法判断.我估计他的火力近的话×20倍远的话除10    SG552-A:6#8(这就好判断了他完全高于老版本的他.不是很推荐使用一般般的武器)    AUG-A:7#8(各项属性一般般)    XM1014(散弹):无法判断#1(因为他最近有可能杀伤×100倍而远了可能要除以几千倍.)    XM1014-A:无法判断(有提高)#2(使用护木的他.精准稍微好了点。杀伤有些提高)    SPAS-12(散弹):无法判断(很高了已经)#5(他的精准比其他散弹NB但是由于他还是散弹没什么大用)    Anaconda(左轮):6#7(勉强把他弄到二类枪里。很多玩家慕名购买但是CF里的他并不出众.一般用而已)    DRAGUNOV(黄色仿AK狙击):0#0-5(因为他是狙击但是他的精准度很垃圾.几乎瞄中打不住。所以他不是什么好枪)    
你可以去管网 去看他的游戏资料 有所有枪
英雄联盟著名职业选手明凯,ID:Clearlove,昵称“诺言”,外号“厂长”,From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
The IMI Galil is a 5.56x45mm assault rifle series based on the / series of assault rifles. It is also produced in slightly modified form by Vektor of South Africa as the R4 family of rifles, Indumil of Colombia and EMEC of Myanmar as the MA-1.
Please note when adding movies to make sure of the variant and caliber of the Galil. Often Galil AR and SAR's are simply labeled as Galil ARMs. Identify a Galil by the barrel length and or the existence of a bipod. Galil ARM's have a bipod under the barrel, while SARs and ARs do not. Galil SARs have shorter barrels then ARs.
A 7.62x51mm Galil of any variant should be placed under the "Galil 7.62" section.
The Galil or one of its variants are used in the following films, TV shows, anime and video games by the following actors:
Type: Assault Rifle, Light Machine Gun, Sniper Rifle
Caliber: 5.56x45mm NATO, 7.62x51mm NATO
Capacity: 10, 12, 20, 35, 50 round box magazine (5.56 NATO); can be adapted to accept .
5, 12, 20, 25, 30 round magazine (7.62 NATO). Converted M14 magazines are common and may be used.
Fire Modes: Safe/Semi/Full-Auto
Identical to the ARM variant, it features the standard length barrel, polymer handguards, but does not have the bi-pod mounting holes on the gas block.
IMI Galil AR - 5.56x45mm NATO
Israeli Defense Force Marksman
Santa's Elves
With scope
Phoenix mercenary
NYPD ESU officer
Embassy guards
Brig. Gen. Charles "Chappy" Sinclair
MSgt. Neville Downs
IDF security personnel
Lebanese terrorists
Release Date
Jean Jacquemonde
Dezanian soldiers
Game Title
Appears as
Release Date
wooden handguard
Show Title / Episode
2007 - ????
Saviors member
"Not Tomorrow Yet" (S6E12)
Rick Grimes
"Something They Need" (S7E15)
"The First Day of the Rest of Your Lives" (S7E16)
IMI Galil ARM with wood handguard - 5.56x45mm NATO
IMI Galil ARM with polymer handguard - 5.56x45mm NATO
The Galil ARM is the light machine gun variant of the Galil that is equipped with a folding bipod, carrying handle and a larger handguard. ARM variants predominately us they remained cooler during automatic fire, but eventually phased out for polymer.
Special Forces soldiers
With C-More sight and accessory rails
Israel Defense Force Soldiers
Israel Defense Force soldiers
Ari Folman
Carmi Cna'an
Shmuel Frenkel
French National Police officers
With & without scopes
ELT rebels
Hezbollah militant
French police sniper
Dick Steele
Michael "Slick" Cheritto
Israel Defense Force Soldiers
Mexican bandit
Delta Force soldiers
Tank commander
Seen in hidden armory, with magazine removed
Israeli commandos
Show Title
Note / Episode
1983 - 1987
"All for One" - Inside weapons box
Paul Meyer
IDF soldiers
w/ magazines taped "jungle style"
Game Title
Appears as
Release Date
IDF Defender
Beta-C Magazine
w/ scope, extended magazine and suppressor
Carrying handle removed
w/ multiple attachments
IMI Galil SAR - 5.56x45mm NATO
IMI Galil SAR - 5.56x45mm
The Galil SAR is the carbine version of the Galil AR with a shorter 13-inch barrel, also known as Glilon (small Galil in hebrew).
With scope
Malek Telaa
Joe Linwood
With suppressor and scope
Zohar Shtrauss
Human trafficker
FBI SWAT officers
Seen in crate of weapons
Kerberos squad members
Shortened barrel/flash-hider
Jer?me Daran
Fitted with wooden handguard
Show Title
Note / Episode
World's Apart
2011 - present
IDF soldiers
w/ magazines taped "jungle style"
Game Title
Appears as
Release Date
IMI Galil MAR - 5.56x45mm NATO
The Galil MAR, also known as the Micro Galil, is the compact version of the Galil with an 8.3-inch barrel.
Crossbones' operatives
with various attachments
with various attachments
HYDRA operatives
with various attachments
Jake Carter
Railed handguard and sight
Albert 'Gloansy' MacGloan
with C-More sight
Malek Telaa
Ten Rings militant
With M68 Aimpoint red dot scope
Carlos Oliveira
With C-More red dot sight, RIS handguard, RIS foregrip, laser pointer, and weaponlight
Francis Horn
Umbrella soldiers
SWAT trooper
Special Forces
Yakuza members
Chen Zai Tian
Sarkozy group
Hal Manson
with a conventional bolt handle and top mounted rail
a jewelry store guard
Film Title
Game Title
Appears as
Release Date
IMI Galil ARM chambered in 7.62x51mm NATO. Note the thicker, straight box magazine.
The 7.62mm (.308 Winchester, or 7.62x51mm NATO) variants of the Galil are the same as the 5.56mm versions, except chambered in a different round. These rifles generally have longer barrels, bayonet lugs, shortened trigger guard and a straight, thicker box magazine. The magazines are almost identical to M14 magazines, which were previously used before a new magazine was developed (the M14 magazines were all converted to fit the Galil) that featured a checkered pattering to them and held 25 rounds.
SWAT Officer
A Secret service operative
Gangster in cap
Dan Hayoun
Show Title
Note / Episode
Various antagonist
Game Title
Appears as
Release Date
IDF Defender
Functions like the 5.56mm variant
IDF Defender
Functions like the 5.56mm variant
IDF Defender
Functions like the 5.56mm variant
The Galil Sniper rifle, known in IDF service as the Galatz, is a modified version of the rifle with a heavier barrel, a side folding wooden stock, and a 6x scope.
Galil Sniper - 7.62x51mm NATO
IWI New Galil Sniper with synthetic furniture and Harris bipod - 7.62x51mm NATO
One of the 'Hawk's men
Abbunian Special Forces sniper
CIA sniper
S02E02 - "Beirut is Back"
Olivia Dunham
Game Title
Appears as
Release Date
With ARM-style wood handguard
PSO-1 style scope reticle
A modernized version of the Galil Sniper featuring synthetic furniture and an adjustable stock.
SR-99 - 7.62x51mm NATO
Game Title
Appears as
Release Date
As the "IMI99SR"
Galil ACE 21 with Meprolight red dot sight - 5.56x45mm NATO
Galil ACE 22 with Meprolight red dot sight, 4x magnifier, weaponlight, and CAA FVG5 folding foregrip - 5.56x45mm NATO
Galil ACE 23 - 5.56x45mm NATO
Galil ACE 52 - 7.62x51mm NATO
Galil ACE 53 - 7.62x51mm NATO
The Galil ACE is the latest development of the Galil design, replacing steel components with lighter composite parts and adding five accessory rails for customization. The Galil ACE is manufactured by IWI and Indumil of C Factory Z111 in Vietnam has also begun producing the ACE 31 and 32 as replacements for the AK-47/AKM rifles in Vietnamese service.
The Galil ACE is available in three different calibers: 5.56x45mm (ACE 21, ACE 22, ACE 23, ACE N), 7.62x39mm (ACE 31, ACE 32), and 7.62x51mm (ACE 52, ACE 52L, ACE 53). The ACE N has a full-length picatinny rail on top and a redesigned magazine well to accept STANAG magazines.
James "One" Shade
Barry Burton
Datak Tarr
ACE 21 with Meprolight red dot sight
Game Title
Appears as
Release Date
"Galil AR"
With various attachments
With various attachments
With various attachments
ACE 21, ACE 23, ACE 52 and ACE 53
With scope
With various attachments
Vektor R4 assault rifle of the South African forces with 50-round magazine - 5.56x45mm NATO
The Vektor R4 is the South African version of the Galil with several modifications better suited to the larger physique of the soldiers in the South African National Defence Forces.
LRA troops
mocked up as
SPLA troops
mocked up as
LRA troops
mocked up as
SPLA troops
mocked up as
Sam Childers
mocked up as
mocked up as
mocked up as
Nigerian gangsters
Mocked up as
Rwandan Army soldiers
With & without rifle grenades
Joshua "Guy" Rose
Sniper Adapted
Mocked up as
Iraqi troops
mocked up as AK-variant
Commandos, rebels, Masood's bodyguards
Standard and mocked up as AK-variant
Michael Gold
mocked up as AK
Show Title
Note / Episode
Major Rachel Dalton
Episode 8; with low capacity magazine and telescopic sight
Built on commercial "LM4" receiver without lightening cuts, additional carry handle
Game Title
Appears as
Release Date
Added in "Fallen Ghost DLC"
Vektor R5 - 5.56x45mm NATO
The Vektor R5 is a South African version of the Galil SAR.
Some with railed handguards & optics
Burt Gummer
Dr. Nandi Montabu
Erich Van Wyk
Cape Town Police officers
With railed handguards
Carlos Villar
LRA troops
SPLA troops
Sam Childers
mocked up as
mocked up as
MNU soldiers
Both as Vektor R5 and mocked up as AK-series rifle
Vietcong fighters
Mocked up as AK-series rifle
South African police
Various terrorists
John Seeger
"Radio" Jones
Maxine Barnol
Samuel Kay
Mercenaries, French commandos, Cape Town police officers, and Chapel's henchmen
Standard and visually modified to resemble AK-series rifles
Lebanese militia
Mocked up as AK-series rifle
Rwandan Army soldiers
South African police
Chris Anderson
Corp. Blake
mocked up as
Sgt. Franklin James
Visually modified, fitted with
grenade launcher
FBI agents, cult members
opening credits
Mocked up as
Sean Davidson
Curtis Jackson
Police officers
Show Title / Episode
Sgt. Damien Scott
One m Another with CAA handguard, tactical light and ACOG scope
Sgt. Michael Stonebridge
With CAA handguards, tactical light, EOTech sight and three prong flash hider
Craig Hanson
With UTG quad rail and Aimpoint sight
Karl Matlock
SAPS officers
Sgt. Damien Scott
With UTG quad rail, ERGO rail covers, Aimpoint sight with 3x magnifier
Sgt. Michael Stonebridge
With CAA handguards and scopes
Pakistani terrorists
Modified to resemble
Janjaweed fighters
Hugh Collinson
John Porter
Modified to resemble
Felix Masuku
Zimbabwean soldiers
Vektor R6 with stock folded - 5.56x45mm NATO
The Vektor R6 is a compact version of the R5 with a 11-inch barrel.
Koobus Venter
The Vektor CR-21 is a bullpup rifle that utilizes the action of the South African R4. Housed in a composite stock that makes it considerably lighter than the Galil, the rifle includes a 1x optical sight and the provision to mount a 40mm grenade launcher.
Vektor CR-21 bullpup rifle - 5.56x45mm NATO
MNU soldiers
With white stocks
Sgt. Norton
With silencer, weaponlight, and SUSAT scope
Eden Sinclair
Winston Briggs
Show Title
Note / Episode
With shortened barrel and Leupold CQ/T sights
Game Title
Appears as
Release Date
As the "CR-21"
New World Brigade Terrorists
- A list of all firearms manufactured by IMI.
- A list of all firearms manufactured by Denel.
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