
大灾变:速冲采矿450-525心得 附矿区介绍,_图文攻略_全通关攻略_高分攻略_百度攻略
本文来源于NGACN,作者 zhengkx原文地址:转载请在文首保留此行。下面是大灾变采矿的技能要求:级别 矿石类型:地点精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:425 黑曜石矿:瓦许伊尔,海加尔山,迪霍姆475 源质锭:迪霍姆,奥丹姆,暮光高地500 丰富的源质锭:迪霍姆,奥丹姆,暮光高地精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:525 黄铁矿:奥丹姆,暮光高地新地图矿区介绍:首先,大灾变的矿石分布模式与原来没有什么不同。依旧分布于山脚以及地图边缘(参照安格罗环形山)。迪霍姆只是一个圆圆的大区,所以你只需要绕地图飞行就好。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:奥丹姆中间有一条河,周围都是沙漠。暮光高地全是山,矿石到处都是。瓦许伊尔矿石分布不均,你不会想去那里采矿的……精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:海加尔山矿石不少,但是相位技术实在影响矿石的采集。 如果你想稳定的获得黑曜石,不要去海加尔山……然后,如果你想冲第一采矿,避开人群!方法之一就是开始时在诺森德挖泰坦矿和萨钢。因为黑曜石同样是要求425才可以挖取,你可以试试去休拉萨盆地,因为刚开F人肯定都奔新地图去了,没几个人会在诺森德晃悠,所以一整张地图的矿都是你的……当然,前提是你的服务器上没有其他人同样用这个方法冲采矿。在任何情况下,直到采矿475再去迪霍姆。那里的大部分矿是都是源质锭(需要475)。还有,迪霍姆进入需求等级82。如果你打算冲第一采矿,你需要跳过迪霍姆这张图……精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:快速冲采矿的建议:你需要将任务停在达拉然下线,炉石绑铁炉堡/幽暗城,手套有+5采矿的附魔,对照地图制定好采矿路线。在开服第一天,你可以在达拉然学习到更高级采矿,然后直接飞向你最喜欢的地图挖萨钢/泰坦矿,直到你采矿技能达到470(无手套fm475)。炉石,学骑术,飞向暮光高地。那时暮光高地应该只有你一个人在挖矿……如果不是的话,是你慢了。首先,500之前你只能挖源质锭,500后解锁富源质锭,但富源质锭产量不高,所以500-525你依旧需要不停的挖源质锭直到525解锁黄铁矿。暮光高地西部和北部的边界有大量的矿石供你挖。bate上的刷矿循环是5Min。如果你够聪明,采矿时是可以避免引怪的。如果你没拿到第一矿工成就,你依然可以在这挖矿赚钱……特别是初期……精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:请记住,我的信息可能是不准确的,暴雪仍然有两个星期的时间继续调整内容……okey,Good Luck~
魔兽世界-萨满祭司提问: 如题采矿什么矿最赚钱?最容易搞?怎么刷? 小编推荐答案:CTM所有的矿都有几率出动燃之土,个人认为采源质和燃铁挺挣钱的,在奥丹姆就好了。
总体来说,奥丹姆和暮光高地的矿量差不多,但是暮光高地有一部分刷矿很密集的地方却是在山洞里,而且暮光高地的怪物比奥丹姆要厉害一些,如果不是满级的玩家去哪里刷估计会有点费劲。另外还有一点就是奥丹姆的主色调是黄色,给我的感觉很温暖 很惬意,而暮光高地是深紫色占大多数,感觉很压抑。
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来源:& && && && && && &&&作者:
is coming. Sometime. We're at that point now where&&has been over for a few months and Blizzard is being pretty stingy with new information in the meantime. It's a definite dry spell, but the same thing happened with Wrath -- and then the Friends and Family Alpha began, and all bets were off.
魔兽世界 - “大灾变”()就要来了,我们知道,到现在为止,暴雪嘉年华()已经结束有2个多月了,而暴雪在新消息的发布上变得相当的小气,到现在为止,迟迟没有什么新鲜的新闻,而在这个期间任何事情都有可能会发生--&&针对亲友员工的测试也许就会在这段期间内开放也说不定。
And while the F&F Alpha for Cataclysm hasn't started yet (believe me, we'd know), that doesn't mean you can't stay informed. There've been bits and pieces of new info released, , , and elsewhere on the internet. And we like to keep track of that! What's come out is mostly new information on what's going to happen to Azeroth. And we just recently , which is where some information comes from.
虽然目前针对“大灾变”的亲友测试还没有开放(相信我,我们已经了解到了- -),但这不意味着你们只能傻傻的等待通知。现在,已经有一些零零碎碎的新消息已经发布在杂志上、 上以及互联网的任何地方。我们很乐意时刻保持追踪这些信息!接下来要说的就是将要发生在艾泽拉斯上的一些主要的新信息,同时,我们也解读了关于“大灾变”区域变化的计划蓝图,有些信息正是来自于此。
So what this article is meant to be is a compendium of all known changes to old-world zones that'll occur in Cataclysm, sorted by continent and zone. We'll update whenever new information is released.
Disclaimer: Some information may be outdated or incorrect by this stage in Cataclysm's development!
免责声明: 一些信息可能已经过时或者是在“大灾变”当前发展阶段下是不正确的!
Ashenvale 灰谷
Overhaul level: Moderate. 整改幅度:中度
Levels 20-25. 等级范围 20-25
Increased orc presence in Ashenvale has resulted in severe deforestation around the Warsong Lumber Camp.灰谷兽人数目的大量增加,导致战歌伐木营地附近的树木遭到严重砍伐。
Horde forces have begun to move in on Silverwind Refuge. 部落部队已经进入银风避难所
Astranaar is being assaulted from the air by the Horde. 阿斯特兰纳正在被部落空袭。
Azshara 艾萨拉
Overhaul level: High.整改幅度:高度
Levels 10-20. 等级范围 10-20
Goblins have claimed Azshara for the Horde and have reshaped the land into a giant Horde symbol.地精已经掌管艾萨拉地区,整个艾萨拉将成为一个巨大的部落领土
The mountains have been mostly destroyed by goblin mining.大部分山区都因为地精进驻并开采矿物而被破坏。
The goblins have built a city there, linked directly with Orgrimmar. 地精在那里建造了一座新城市,类似于奥格瑞玛风格。
The Barrens 贫瘠之地
Overhaul level: Moderate (North) to High (South). 整改幅度:中-高度(北方),高度(南方)
North Barrens: 10-20; South Barrens, 30-35.&&等级范围:北 10-20 南 30-35
The Cataclysm has split the Barrens into two separate zones, North and South Barrens.“大灾变”中将贫瘠之地分离成两个区域,北贫瘠之地和南贫瘠之地。
The two zones are divided by a huge lava fissure. 两个地区被一道巨大的熔岩峡谷分开。
The Alliance will be moving into South Barrens, setting up camps there.联盟将进驻南贫瘠之地,并在那里设立了自己的营地。
Some of the Barrens, such as the area around Wailing Caverns, will be lush and verdant due to druidic intervention.部分贫瘠之地,譬如哀嚎洞穴附近,都将会变为热带植物遍布的繁茂区域。
Entryway into Mulgore has been reinforced by the tauren.通往莫高雷的入口会有更多的牛头人驻守。
Camp Taurajo razed by the Alliance. 陶拉祖营地被烧毁,联盟目前占据了这片区域。
Darkshore 黑海岸
Overhaul level: High. 整改幅度:高度
Levels 10-20. 等级范围 10-20
Auberdine has been destroyed by tidal waves.奥伯丁被“大灾变”引发的海啸完全摧毁。
The cataclysm has ravaged much of the zone.& &“大灾变”使得大部分地区变得面目全非。
The night elves have retreated to the north end of the zone. 暗夜精灵们已经撤往地图的北方。
The Horde is encroaching from the south.部落从南方入侵了黑海岸。
Desolace 凄凉之地
Overhaul level: Moderate. 整改幅度:中度
Levels 30-35.等级范围 30-35
The cataclysm has cracked a hole in the sea wall, allowing water into the zone. 大灾变在海岸线上打开了一个缺口,大量海水灌注了这个区域。
Some of the zone has regrown due to the water coming back. 由于水源的灌入,一些区域恢复了再生能力。
The covens in the zone appear to have been partially successful in summoning in Burning Legion demons.这个地区的恶魔集会貌似部分已经能够成功召唤燃烧军团的恶魔。
Durotar 杜隆塔尔
Overhaul level: Moderate. 整改幅度:轻度
Levels 1-10.等级范围 1-10
Orgrimmar is reinforced with black iron a la Warsong Hold.奥格瑞玛进行了重建并使用大量钢铁加固,看上去更像是伽罗什的要塞。
Some damage is done to the landscape.&&地形由于大灾变的缘故而发生了一些变化
Dustwallow Marsh 尘泥沼泽
Overhaul level: Light. 整改幅度:轻度
Levels 35-40.等级范围 35-40
Changes unknown at this time. 变化目前尚未得知
Felwood 费伍德森林
Overhaul level: Moderate. 整改幅度:中度
New level range unknown. 新等级范围未知
Changes unknown at this time.变化目前尚未得知
Feralas 菲拉斯
Overhaul level: Moderate.整改幅度:中度
Levels 35-40. 等级范围35-40
Changes unknown at this time.变化目前尚未得知
Moonglade 月光林地
Overhaul level: Light. 整改幅度:轻度
No level range. 没有等级范围
Changes, if any, unknown at this time.变化目前尚未得知
Mulgore 莫高雷
Overhaul level: Light. 整改幅度:轻度
Levels 10-20. 等级范围 10-20
Changes unknown at this time. 变化目前尚未得知
Silithus 希利苏斯
Overhaul level: Light.整改幅度:轻度
Levels 55-60. 等级范围 55-60
Changes unknown at this time.变化目前尚未得知
Stonetalon Mountains 石爪山
Overhaul level: High. 整改幅度:高度
Levels 25-30. 等级范围 25-30
The goblins have nearly leveled Stonetalon in with their mining operation.地精的过度开采,已经把石爪山几乎夷为平地。
A canyon has been cut through the mountains leading to Ashenvale.一道大峡谷贯通石爪山,一直通向灰谷。
An eruption has caused the Charred Vale to spread even further.一次火山喷发使得焦炭谷的环境遭到进一步恶化。
Tanaris 塔纳利斯
Overhaul level: Light. 整改幅度:轻度
Levels 45-50. 等级范围 45-50
It is now possible to travel to Uldum, the new high-level zone, via Tanaris. 通往奥丹姆的大门现在开始开放,新的高等级区域,途径塔纳利斯
Thousand Needles 千针石林
Overhaul level: High. 整改幅度:高度
Levels 40-45. 等级范围 40-45
The cataclysm has resulted in Thousand Needles completely flooding. 大灾变导致千针石林被洪水淹没
The planning map indicates a new instance in Thousand Needles. 计划蓝图显示,会有新的副本出现在千针石林。
Un'Goro Crater 安戈洛环形山
Overhaul level: Light. 整改幅度:轻度
Levels 50-55. 等级范围 50-55
Changes unknown at this time. 变化目前尚未得知
Alterac Mountains 奥特兰克山脉
Overhaul level: Light.&&整改幅度:轻度
Levels 20-25.& &等级范围:20-25
Changes unknown at this time.& &变化目前尚未得知
Arathi Highlands 阿拉希高地
Overhaul level: Light.&&整改幅度:轻度
Levels 25-30.等级范围:25-30
Changes unknown at this time.变化目前尚未得知
Badlands 荒芜之地
Overhaul level: High. 整改幅度:高度
New level range unknown. 新等级范围尚未得知
Heavily affected by Deathwing's emergence. Details unknown. 很大程度上受“死亡之翼”出现的影响而改变,细节不得知。
Blasted Lands 诅咒之地
Overhaul level: High. 整改幅度:高度
New level range unknown. 新等级范围尚未得知
Planning map indicates a large overhaul, but changes are unknown.规划图显示出将会有大的修改,但是变化细节目前还不知。
Burning Steppes 燃烧平原
Overhaul level: Unknown. 整改幅度:未知
New level range unknown.&&新等级范围未知
Changes unknown at this time.&&变化目前尚未得知
Deadwind Pass 逆风小径
Overhaul level: Unknown.整改幅度:未知
New level range unknown.新等级范围未知
Changes unknown at this time.&&变化目前尚未得知
Dun Morogh 丹莫罗
Overhaul level: Light.整改幅度:轻度
Levels 1-10. 等级范围1-10
Changes unknown at this time. 变化目前尚未得知
Duskwood 暮色森林
Overhaul level: Light.整改幅度:轻度
Levels 20-25.等级范围20-25
Changes unknown at this time.变化目前尚未得知
Eastern Plaguelands 东瘟疫之地
Overhaul level: Moderate.整改幅度:中度
Levels 40-45, 45-50. 等级范围40-45,45-50
likely related to the death of Arthas.变化尚未得知,可能与阿尔萨斯的死有所关联
Elwynn Forest 艾尔文森林
Overhaul level: Light.整改幅度:轻度
Levels 1-10.等级范围 1-10
Changes unknown at this time. 变化目前尚未得知
Eversong Woods 永歌森林
Overhaul level: Unknown. 整改幅度:未知
Levels 1-10. 等级范围1-10
Changes, if any, unknown at this time.变化,如果有的话,还尚未得知
Ghostlands 幽魂之地
Overhaul level: Unknown. 整改幅度:未知
Levels 10-20.等级范围 10-20
Changes, if any, unknown at this time.变化,如果有的话,还尚未得知
Hillsbrad Foothills 希尔斯布莱德丘陵
Overhaul level: Light. 整改幅度:未知
Levels 20-25. 等级范围 20-25
Southshore lost to tidal waves.南海镇将被海啸所淹没 (嘉年华上貌似曾透露是被部落占领- -)
Loch Modan 洛克莫丹
Overhaul level: Light. 整改幅度:轻度
Levels 10-20. 等级范围10-20
Changes unknown at this time. 变化目前尚未得知
Redridge Mountains 赤脊山
Overhaul level: Unknown. 整改幅度:未知
Levels 20-25. 等级范围 20-25
Changes unknown at this time.变化目前尚未得知
Searing Gorge 灼热峡谷
Overhaul level: Unknown.整改幅度:未知
Levels 45-50.等级范围 45-50
Changes unknown at this time.变化目前尚未得知
Silverpine Forest 银松森林
Overhaul level: Light. 整改幅度:轻度
Levels 10-20.等级范围10-20
The Greymane Wall has been destroyed, opening the kingdom of Gilneas. 格雷迈恩之墙被摧毁,开放吉尔吉尼斯王国
Shadowfang Keep questline getting redesigned for high-level players. 影牙城堡将保持任务线为高等级玩家翻新设计
Stranglethorn Vale 荆棘谷
Overhaul level: High. 整改幅度:高度
New level range unknown. 新等级范围未知
Blizzard indicated that STV would be one of the most overhauled zones. 暴雪表明STV (荆棘谷)将是重度调整区域之一。
Swamp of Sorrows 悲伤沼泽
Overhaul level: Moderate.整改幅度:中度
New level range unknown. 新等级范围未知
Changes unknown at this time.变化目前尚未得知
The Hinterlands 辛特兰
Overhaul level: Light. 整改幅度:轻度
Levels 30-35. 等级范围 30-35
Changes unknown at this time.变化目前尚未得知
Tirisfal Glades 提瑞斯法林地
Overhaul level: Light. 整改幅度:轻度
Levels 1-10.等级范围 1-10
Changes unknown at this time.变化目前尚未得知
Western Plaguelands 西瘟疫之地
Overhaul level: Light. 整改幅度:轻度
Levels 35-40. 等级范围35-40
Changes unknown at this time but likely related to Arthas' death. 变化目前尚未得知,不过可能与阿尔萨斯的死有联系
Westfall 西部荒野
Overhaul level: Moderate.&&整改幅度:中度
Levels 10-20. 等级范围 10-20
Changes to Deadmines questline for high-level players. 死亡矿井任务线将为高等级玩家重新设计
Wetlands 湿地
Overhaul level: Moderate. 整改幅度:中度
Levels 20-25. 等级范围 20-25
Heavy landscape changes to the zone due to the emergence of Deathwing.大量景观的调整变化与死亡之翼的回归有关。
Passage to Twilight Highlands to the east opened. 往暮光高地的道路会在东边开启。
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来源:& &&&作者:
Okay, how did we miss this?
We've been wondering about the level of change in each old-world zone for
for months now, and the answer has actually been under our noses since . , the above planning map was shown, along with some information to either side of it. We can't make out everything in it, but there's a lot of information if you know what you're looking at.
The zone colors, from what we can infer, indicate the level of overhaul each zone is receiving. Red is a heavy overhaul, yellow is moderate, green is light, and blue means a brand-new zone. The yellow stars indicate a dungeon, and the red stars indicate a raid. The white tabs each have a letter on them, indicating what in the zone was being changed at that particular point -- L for level, Q for quests, etc.
从地图上区域颜色,我们可以推断出各个地区被重新整改的幅度,其中红色代表大量的调整,黄色代表中度调整,而绿色仅为轻微的变动,蓝色则为全新的区域。另外,黄色的星星符号代表副本,红色代表一个团队副本。而带有文字的白色标签,则表明哪些地区将会有以下特殊的变化——L 代表等级,Q代表任务等等。
Astute readers will see some things jump out at them immediately, like Thousand Needles having two stars on it.
The full list of visible zone changes after the break, along with other pertinent info.
Disclaimer: While this image was captured during the BlizzCon 2009 Art Panel, the capture displays a photo taken by Blizzard staff, which is undated. We don't know if it was a day before BlizzCon 2009 or six months before. Things could have changed between when this picture was taken and when this article was published.
Kalimdor 卡利姆多- Major overhaul 主要整改区域:
Darkshore 黑海岸Azshara&&艾萨拉Darkwhisper Gorge (Current in Winterspring, becoming its own zone?) 暗语峡谷(现为冬泉谷的一个地区,可能单独成为一个区域?)The Barrens (South) 贫瘠之地(南部)Stonetalon Mountains 石爪山Thousand Needles (getting its own instances?) 千针石林(可能拥有自己的副本?)
Eastern Kingdoms 东部王国 - Major overhaul 主要整改区域:
Stranglethorn Vale (thank heaven) 荆棘谷(感谢上帝- -)Blasted Lands (a surprise) 诅咒之地(一个惊喜)
Kalimdor 卡利姆多- Moderate overhaul 中度整改区域:
Felwood 费伍德森林Ashenvale 灰谷Durotar 杜隆塔尔The Barrens (North) 贫瘠之地(北部)Desolace 凄凉之地Feralas 菲拉斯
Eastern Kingdoms 东部王国- Moderate overhaul 中度整改区域:
Eastern Plaguelands 东瘟疫之地Wetlands (likely due to the emergence of the Twilight Highlands) 湿地(可能是由于暮光高地的出现)Westfall (a surprise) 西部荒野(一个惊喜)Swamp of Sorrows 悲伤沼泽
Kalimdor 卡利姆多 - Light overhaul 轻微整改区域:
Moonglade 月光林地Winterspring 冬泉谷Mulgore 莫高雷Dustwallow Marsh 尘泥沼泽Tanaris 塔纳利斯Silithus 希利苏斯Un'goro Crater 安戈洛环形山
Eastern Kingdoms 东部王国- Light overhaul 轻微整改区域:
Tirisfal Glades 提瑞斯法林地Western Plaguelands 西瘟疫之地Silverpine Forest 银松森林Arathi Highlands 阿拉希高地Alterac Mountains 奥特兰克山脉The Hinterlands 辛特兰Hillsbrad Foothills 希尔斯布莱德丘陵Duskwood 暮色森林Elwynn Forest 艾尔文森林Dun Morogh 丹莫罗Loch Modan 洛克莫丹
Overhaul status unknown 整改状况未知:
Badlands 荒芜之地Searing Gorge 灼热峡谷Burning Steppes 燃烧平原Redridge Mountains 赤脊山Deadwind Pass 逆风小径
[ 本帖最后由 木頭飯。 于
16:36 编辑 ]
[align=center][font=Impact][size=5]UI stands for &User Interface,& not &U Idiot& [/size][/font]
新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限80积分11574精华2UID3581041帖子金钱20637 威望3
Lv.8, 积分 11574, 距离下一级还需 8426 积分
UID3581041帖子威望3 多玩草640 草
Azshara 艾萨拉
Levels 10-20. 等级范围
Westfall 西部荒野
Overhaul level: Moderate.&&整改幅度:轻度
Wetlands 湿地
Overhaul level: Moderate. 整改幅度:轻度
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限70积分7555精华2UID3455227帖子金钱35408 威望10
Lv.7, 积分 7555, 距离下一级还需 2445 积分
UID3455227帖子威望10 多玩草206 草
回复 3# 的帖子
[align=center][font=Impact][size=5]UI stands for &User Interface,& not &U Idiot& [/size][/font]
新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限80积分11574精华2UID3581041帖子金钱20637 威望3
Lv.8, 积分 11574, 距离下一级还需 8426 积分
UID3581041帖子威望3 多玩草640 草
新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限70积分8764精华0UID2157055帖子金钱3368 威望2
handsome girl
Lv.7, 积分 8764, 距离下一级还需 1236 积分
UID2157055帖子威望2 多玩草224 草
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限70积分7555精华2UID3455227帖子金钱35408 威望10
Lv.7, 积分 7555, 距离下一级还需 2445 积分
UID3455227帖子威望10 多玩草206 草
回复 5# 的帖子
[align=center][font=Impact][size=5]UI stands for &User Interface,& not &U Idiot& [/size][/font]
超越自我 挑战极限
Lv.8, 积分 11766, 距离下一级还需 8234 积分
UID1385464帖子威望11 多玩草277 草
新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限40积分921精华0UID4713357帖子金钱1804 威望0
Lv.4, 积分 921, 距离下一级还需 79 积分
UID4713357帖子威望0 多玩草15 草
新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限90积分17838精华3UID775389帖子金钱19192 威望4
我毒舌我自豪- -
UID775389帖子威望4 多玩草334 草
The goblins have built a city there, linked directly with Orgrimmar. 地精在那里建造了一座新城市,类似于奥格瑞玛风格。
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限80积分14179精华6UID5876808帖子金钱26367 威望10
Lv.8, 积分 14179, 距离下一级还需 5821 积分
UID5876808帖子威望10 多玩草32 草
回复 10# 的帖子
Lv.3, 积分 124, 距离下一级还需 126 积分
UID7439230帖子威望0 多玩草10 草
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