求 地下城刺客连击点 在空中连击的技巧,还求高手指点指点!

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在线时间367 小时
猥风八面 Lv.8, 积分 20849, 距离下一级还需 9151 积分
本帖最后由 wardencxd 于
19:48 编辑
武器& && & 双确5 刺杀拳刃&&+10
配卡& && & 空修+超载& && & 25C
& && && && &&&二刀+跨步& && & 20C
& && && && &&&双确5& && && && && &20C
& && && && &&&双攻5& && && && && & 15C
& && && && &&&SP最佳+SP回复两张& &10C
& && && && &&&HP5+AP1& && && & 5C
& && && && &&&双威5& && && && && & 5C
大家说说 还能怎么改良下 提高 速杀效率?
如果说不用超载 回收流的话,怎么配卡能更有效率?
最近 用超载感觉很好用,尤其是跑图
但是一直没打到 太阳神+超载的 技能组合
不知道是不是比 空修+超载 好很多?
在线时间225 小时
猥风八面 Lv.8, 积分 20383, 距离下一级还需 9617 积分
在线时间367 小时
猥风八面 Lv.8, 积分 20849, 距离下一级还需 9151 积分
一直不了解 跨步最适化 是什么用处
跑起来快很多是吗?能赶上 开了 曝气的 那个速度吗
在线时间225 小时
猥风八面 Lv.8, 积分 20383, 距离下一级还需 9617 积分
不开DS能赶上开DS的速度最适话 跑图很强就是比回收流打怪效率低了
在线时间729 小时
猥风八面 Lv.8, 积分 21695, 距离下一级还需 8305 积分
小红帽sp满 20c
ds大sp最适x2 15c
双确15c 银
攻5hp5 5c 金
攻5攻2 5c 银
小红帽sp 20c
ds大sp最适x2 15c
攻5空修10c 银
双刀4空修20c 银
双确 15c 银
sp最适回收x2 10c
超载hp吸收 银 15c(有太阳就更好了)
攻5双刀4 银 30c
攻5hp5 金 5c
攻5hp5银 10c
在线时间729 小时
猥风八面 Lv.8, 积分 21695, 距离下一级还需 8305 积分
在线时间367 小时
猥风八面 Lv.8, 积分 20849, 距离下一级还需 9151 积分
金色 攻5狂5 ?
这么好的卡 哪里刷?
在线时间367 小时
猥风八面 Lv.8, 积分 20849, 距离下一级还需 9151 积分
像确5攻1 那样的卡 只是因为 需要的C值低才用来 凑的
在线时间729 小时
猥风八面 Lv.8, 积分 21695, 距离下一级还需 8305 积分
wardencxd 发表于
金色 攻5狂5 ?
这么好的卡 哪里刷?
在线时间225 小时
猥风八面 Lv.8, 积分 20383, 距离下一级还需 9617 积分
萝莉的救赎 发表于
这个抽出是垃圾卡金狂5攻5 金的也要25C同等的金狂5HP5只要15 高一等的金狂卡狂5威5 狂5确5只要20而且攻这种属性始终属于浪费卡槽后期要狂的卡来节省卡槽当然速杀的话非全金还是攻卡比较省C
Powered byDNF刚转职的刺客该怎么加点?是刚转职的! 还有前期该怎么连招。请高手指点_百度知道
DNF刚转职的刺客该怎么加点?是刚转职的! 还有前期该怎么连招。请高手指点
。3现在TYF死灵pk比较猛。。。。谁都是贫蓝1TYF才开4天我也就玩4天。(如果HF不再和谐的话国服也就这样了)死灵好像是不完全版。死灵和刺客后期刷图都比较猛前期。。)2PK场神装就玩刺客。。死灵真的想机械那样萎缩至极 还有加一下单体攻击,攻击高,致命。都没有攻击高?更是低的可怜..麻痹之类的.。但是前期有点像鬼泣。唯一答对的就是单体攻击。后期大招也都还是群。。。普通就玩死灵.(HF人家地图开的多任务就多任务给的属性多。外加还有宝石之类的。所以不是刺客不是神装也酬和。)前期死灵和刺客刷图都是无比费蓝.. 纯属扯淡你NND是玩魔兽世界呢还麻痹。致命。。(HF根本没法对比因为玩过的大家都知道韩服刺客10W血狂战一般都18W左右。PK的时候45+45大连半管都打不上,刺客最贫但是技能费蓝也少。死灵是智力多但是技能费蓝多。PK的时候他俩套路不一样。无比蛋疼。最好有人带。4现在出来的刺客好像是以和谐版本
刺客PK 加点
迅击翔击:满, 强制 切割:5弧光闪:满, 强制疾空踏:5匕首精通:满终结追击:满绝杀斩:满, 强制双刃穿刺:1疾驰:1, 强制旋刃:5, 强制侧步:1, 强制剑刃风暴:满, 强制 雷光刃影:1螺旋穿刺:1弧光连闪:1疾风乱舞:1绝命瞬杀斩:5, 强制觉醒被动:满觉醒主动:1
忍术手里剑:1, 强制焰刃:1忍术:影分身:1
暗杀碎裸:1影袭:5, 强制天诛:5, 强制
各位,如果以上面+点的话,还会剩451SP,按着自己的喜好加把,推荐物理暴击和物理背击比较好,或者把觉醒或旋刃点满。刺客刷图加点 =======【技能分类】=================
暗魂波 无争议,PK点1
死亡之剑 同上
骨盾 这个技能也应该点满。一个相当于元素盾的技能暗杀系的
影袭 很强的技能,但是操作却像BBQ一样的,无奈的放到技能栏上,可以无视格挡跑敌人后面去
天诛 这个技能属于一个抓取技能,但是技能栏实在是不够放了,操作和上面的相反。如果操作能力强的还是出强制吧
碎裸 这个是个好用的扫地技能忍术
手里剑 很不错的远程攻击技能冷却也快,喜欢平推或者干扰 对方的朋友可以试着加高,点高了出爆伤害很客观的
影分身 保命技能
飞鼠 这个技能想起手不太容易,但空连中用还可以,多熟练重要的部分:
1、终结追击 这个技能是不用争论的技能。就是传说中的收招
2、翔击 这个技能和上挑一样的,出身就有的技能,有人说不用加太高,但对于刚接触这个职业的朋友们还是满吧,毕竟挑高了后你们才更好的反应连什么技能
3、疾空踏 这个技能就是你们在韩片上经常看到对手被打到了天上落地后还能弹起来的技能,主要不是要他的伤害的,是为了下次的连击的过度技能
4、弧光闪 这个技能类似于腹拳和崩拳的技能,一个不错的起手技能,但不是为了他的伤害的。5就够了
5、绝杀斩 这个技能也不应该纯在太大的争议,这个技能虽然发动的比较慢了但是有晕人的效果,在想不到的时候会给你惊喜。韩赛上面的那个金身就因为这个技能死的很惨,不然他还能坚持一会
6、双刃穿刺 这个技能啊话说也不算很烂的技能,但是盗贼的各种技能太多,技能栏实在是放不下,所以想取更好的放
7、旋刃 这个技能也是没有争议的技能,刺客主要的输出和连击浮空技能,很强大,范围也可以所以满了他
8、雷光遁影 这个技能嘛,主要是用来玩华丽的,只能在空中使用的抓取技能。
9、剑刃风暴 这个技能PK的话暂时+5出个强制就完全OK了,很不错的技能,带霸体的。后期根据自己的需要点
10、螺旋穿刺 这个技能啊也是在空中才能够使用的技能,开始新手可能不太会用的,
11、疾风乱舞 这个技能很牛B的。和白手猛龙接剑舞一样,不过伤害没有那么大,但是连击的次数比较高,抓霸体的职业。而且元素躲冰墙也能抓到一套连哦,更可说的是他出强制后可以扫地,和XX扯一个道理的
13、疾驰 只能加1点的技能,很不错的逃跑技能,发动后有无敌的判断,而且疾驰的距离也可以
14、侧步 和疾驰一样强大的保密技能,可以与对手在Y轴上面保持距离,很强大
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。*********************************************************/  一直想努力把英语学好,不过翻译和写作极差,开个贴子自己练习,  ,求高手指教......  /*********************************************************
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张 | 更多
Public speaking,just the thought of it,sends shivers downthe spines of so many.In fact,when people are asked to identify their greatest fear,public speaking is typically the number one response.  公共演说,仅仅是想一想它,(不会)。事实上,当人们被问到他们最害怕的事情时,公共演说常常是他们的第一反应.。  
If you think I’m going to tell you that public speaking is simple and that anyone can become an accomplished speaker overnight,guess again.It’s not that easy. But at the same time,I’m not here to discourage you.The truth is you can become an effective speaker,no matter what you think of your current speaking ability--or lack of it!Naturally,it will take some effort and preparation.But developing you public speaking skills is well worth your while.Here’s why.  如果你认为我会告诉你公共演说很容易甚至任何人都可以一夜之间掌握它,你猜错了。它并不是那么容易。不过,我并不是来打击你的.事实是你可以成为一个好的演说者,不论你觉得你现在演说能力怎么样――甚至没有这个能力。当然,它需要你的一些努力和准备。不过你的努力会值得。我会告诉你为什么。  Oaganizations are always looking for effective communicators, so when you demonstrate that you can speak persuasively in public you’ll advance more quickly
in you career.You’ll also build confidence and self-esteem,which will carry over into everything you do.You’ll be more influential in your interactions,both personally and professionally.You’ll be able to contribute to the lives of others by informing them,entertaining them and inspiring them.  公司总是在寻找好的沟通者,所以如果你证明你可以公开做有说服力的演说,你将会晋升得很快。你也会建立信心和自尊,它们会在你做任何事的时候都影响你。你也会在私人和公共社交中变得更有影响力。你也能够(又不会,其实明白,组织不好)。    请高手指教啊。。。  
  Public speaking,just the thought of it,sends shivers downthe spines of so many.  ---------------------------------------------------------  公开演讲,不少人一想到它就会脊背发凉.
  谢谢楼上啊.....我一开始把spines认为是书脊......  下面是今天的......
  //2------------------------------------------------08.5.27  Afte nearly 20 years as a speaker,I’ve come to the conclusion that you need two things to lay the groundwork for an effective presentation.You must be knowledgeable about the subject matter and you must be passionate about the topic.Everything else can be learned,but if you don’t have these two things,you won’t be very effective.  作为有20年经验的演说者,我觉得在做一场演讲之前必须打好2项基础――你必须了解你所说的主题,而且你一定要对它有热情。其它的事情都可以学习,不过如果你没有这两样,你不会很成功。  First,let’s talk about knowledge.You don’t have to know everything on the subject.However,the audience should feel you’ve done research and/or have personal experience in that area.In short,you should know what you’re talking about.That said,knowledge alone is not enough.You can be extremely knowledgeable,but if you aren’t enthused about the subject,the audience will feel it and tune you out.Great speakers have a passion for what they’re expressing.  首先让我们谈谈“了解”。你不用知道它的每一点,但听众应该能感觉到你在这个领域做过一些研究,或者是有一些私人的经验。简单说,你应该知道你在说些什么,(这里That said怎么说啊,求教),仅仅这一点是不够的,即使你对它无所不知但如果你没有激情,听众会感觉得到并且(又不会)。伟大的演说家对于在演说时总是充满激情。  
At this point,I know many of you are still thinking,”I’m just too afraid to speak to groups of people.”You may find this hard to believe,but fear has nothing to do with ability to speak effectively.Unless you’re paralyzed to the extent that you can’t even open your mouth,fear is irrelevant.It’s okay to be afraid.It’s okay if your voice is shaking a bit.You can still be a tremendous speaker.  (不会),我知道你们很多人仍然在对自己说:我只是太害怕在一群人面前说话。你可能很难相信,不过这种紧张真的和你演说的能力无关。除非你紧张到甚至无法开口,否则它是没有影响的。紧张没关系,声音有一些颤抖也没有关系,你仍然可以成为一个伟大的演说家。  
I know many professional speakers who are terrified before they go out and speak.You’d never know it,and they do a fabulous job each time.I have some nervousness before I speak,but it doesn’t get in the way of my presentation.On the other hand,I know many speakers who are perfectly relaxed every time they speak.Here again,they captivate the audience consistently.The point is that fear is not what separates good speakers from bad speakers.And fear is not what’s preventing you from being a good speaker.  我认识很多在演说之前很紧张的专业演说家,你永远不会发觉,而且他们每次的表现都很完美。我每次演说之前也会有一些紧张,但从来不会在我演说的过程中表现出来。另一方面,我也认识很多在演说之前完全放松的人。再说一遍,他们完全吸引了听众。我想说的是,紧张不是区分好的演说者和坏的演说者的标志,紧张也不是妨碍你成为一个优秀的演说者的理由。  
  &that said&, you can treat it like &however& or &but&. HTH.
  tune you out.    what would you hear if you radio is not tuned to station you want to listen?    HTH.
  每天有一个人指点一下,呵呵也不错了.......    努力努力,虽然不知道自己能坚持到什么时候.......    谢谢crzhao,不过,HTH是.....? 
  //3------------------------------------------------08.5.28  The only thing standing in your way is technique.There are several techniques that great speakers use to be eff ineffective speakers seldom use these methods.Here are the keys to success for delivering effective presentations of five minutes or longer.  你唯一要面对的是技巧问题。这里有几个那些伟大的演说家经常使用的技巧。那些不好的演说者很少使用这些方法。而这是做一个成功的5分钟或者更长时间演说的秘诀。  
Speak from notes—not from a verbatim script.There’s nothing wrong with having notes to remind you of the main points you want to include.On the other hand,when you read from a prepared script,you “disconnect” from the audience and people get bored.You should know the topic well enough to speak from notes.At the beginning,you’ll be nervous and you may need to look at your notes a lot.That’s fine.As you speak more often,you’ll rely on your notes less and less.  演说的时候依靠提纲,而不是演讲稿。把你要包涵的重点写下来以提醒自己是没错的。另一方面,当你读一份事先准备的稿子时,你就脱离了听众,他们也会感到乏味。你应该对你要说的主题了解到可以凭借提纲演讲的程度。一开始你可能会紧张,需要不停地看你的提纲。没有问题。当你演讲得越来越多的时候,你对它的依赖就会越来越少。  
Keep it conversational—Most people think they have to use big words or alter their normal speaking style when they speak in public.Not true.Use simple words and convey them just as you would if you were sitting with friends in your den.You’ll come across as “real” and establish rapport with the audience.It’s okay to pause or to be less than perfectly articulate.After all,isn’t that the way you speak at home?Of course,if you say “um” or “like” consistenly,that’s something you have to work on.But don’t feel that you need to be absolutely perfect.  让你的演说像平时说话一样――大部分人认为他们在演说的时候必须要使用一些华丽的词或者改变他们平常说话的风格。这是不对的。使用简单的词传达你的意思,就像你在你的书房里和朋友坐在一起聊天时一样。(整句不会。)有小的暂停或者不怎么完美并没有关系,那也正是你在家里说话的方式。当然,如果你不停地嗯啊呃啊,那你必须要努力克服它。不过别认为你一定要很完美。  
  You’ll come across as “real” and establish rapport with the audience.    
will come across as --- (在听众)看来/感觉上 是 。。。样的  
  Public speaking,just the thought of it,sends shivers down the spines of so many.    公开讲演,就是想一想,都让许多人感到后脊梁一股股冒寒气。    直译的话,公开讲演,只是想它,都发送战栗到如此多人的脊骨。
Use stories to illustrate your points.You may think that you can just spout lots of substantive material and facts without using anecdotes.You can—but you won’t be as effective.  用一些事例来说明你的观点。你也许认为你可以滔滔不绝地举出很多数据而不是一些轶事。你可以――但你不会足够好。  
Where do you get your stories?Your most effective stories come from your own personal experiences.Think about something that happened to you,a co-worker,or a member of your family.Think about funny habits or traits that you have.There’s no shortage of material.Of course,your story should be relevant to the point you’re making.  从哪里获得你的事例呢?最好是来自你的个人经历。想想发生在你,你同事或者你家人身上的事情。(不会)。当然,你的例子要与你的观点相关。    Sprinkle humor throughout your presentation—There’s a well-known saying among professional speakers that “yon only have to use humor if you want to be paid!” Humor keeps people interested,get them laughing and builds rapport.Here again,the humor should be relevant to the point you’re making.  在你的演说中添加一点幽默――在专业演说者间有一句名言――(用不好词了)。幽默使人感兴趣,高兴并能建立一种合谐的氛围。同样,幽默也应该和你的观点相关。  
Use props and involve the audience—Variety creates interest.Take a break from simply being a “talking head” and introduce a prop or an audience participation exercise now and then.Most speakers think they need to use multimedia graphics or hi-tech gadgets to hold the audience’s attention.  使用一些道具并(不会)。简单地(不会,talking head是特写?)休息一下同时时不时地介绍一个道具或者一个有听众参与的练习。大多数演说者认为他们需要使用多媒体图像或者其它的先进技术才能保持听众的注意力。   Prepare a powerful closing.An effective closing usuallly two components—First you briefly summmarize the points you made in your presentation. For instance, “This afternoon,we covered three strategies for effective networking.” You then quickly state those principles again.Second,you want to leave the audience with a “call to action”—that is,you want to inspire or challenge them to use the material you’ve just given them.  准备一个有力的结尾。一个好的结尾通常包括两部分――首先你简单概括你演说的要点。比如,“今天下午,我们了解了关于好的网络工作的三个要点”。然后你很快重复一下这些要点。然后,你应该向听众做一个号召――就是,你要鼓励他们使用你给他们的材料(直译的,似乎不通。)  
Finally,please don’t worry about whether these techniques will work for you.The truth is,they work for everyone.Put in the effort to apply these principles in your next presentation and I promise you that you’re going to get an audience response like none you’ve ever gotten before!  最后,不要担心这些技巧对你是否有效。事实是,它们对所有人都有效。当你下次演说的时候努力应用他们,我保证你会从听众那里得到你从未得到过的好的反响。  
  今天这个翻译得特别仓促,因为快断网了,怕不能维持一天一篇的进度--囧。    这是一篇完整的文章结束了,明天把整篇里特别疑惑的地方说出来--知道可能有很多高手没耐心完全看下来。希望到时能全部解决    后天开始下一篇吧。    
  //5------------------------------------------------08.5.30  1.这篇里总用effective修饰speaker,我只会翻译成好,是否有更贴切的翻译。以及,这个修饰是不是固定的,还是碰到这个作者喜欢。   如:.The truth is you can become an effective speaker  
you won’t be very effective  but fear has nothing to do with ability to speak effectively  2.特别想知道的翻译:  You’ll be able to contribute to the lives of others by informing them,entertaining them and inspiring them  觉得这句写得挺好的,大概明白意思,译不好。  The point is that fear is not what separates good speakers from bad speakers.And fear is not what’s preventing you from being a good speaker.  
 求高手能译得像原文一样有力量。  Speak from notes—not from a verbatim script.  
   Notes意思是提纲么?还是别的什么  Second,you want to leave the audience with a “call to action”—that is,you want to inspire or challenge them to use the material you’ve just given them
不会  我自己的译文里应该还有很多错误,希望有不同意见的一起讨论下啊……  
  //6------------------------------------------------08.5.31   Today’s students have ambiguous feelings about their role in the world.They are devoting their energies to what seems most real to them: the pursuit of security,the accumulation of material goods.They are struggling to establish themselves,but they also admit to confusion:Where should they put their faith in this uncertain age?Undergraduates are searching for identity and meaning and,like the rest of us, they are torn by idealism of service on the one hand,and on the other hand,the temptation to retreat into a world that never rises above self-interest.  今天的学生对他们在社会中角色并没有明确的认识。他们把大部分精力花费在那些看起来对他们最现实的方面:对安全感的追求,物质财富的积累。他们努力使自己得到社会的认可,但是他们同样承认面对困惑:在这个不确定的年纪,应该把信仰交给谁。毕业生在寻找(怎么译?)和意义,像我们一样,他们一方面被无私奉献的理想主义(猜的)所困扰,而另一方面对私利的追求却又走过(什么什么的尝试吧…..不认识reteat into)  
In the end, the quality of undergraduate education is to be measured by the willingness of graduates to be socially and civically engaged.Reinhold Niebuhr once wrote, “Man cannot behold except he be committed.He cannot find himself without finding a center beyond himself.”The idealism of the undergraduate experience must reflect itself in loyalties that transcend self.Is it too much to expect that,even in this hard-edged,competitive age,a college graduate will live with integrity,civility—even compassion?Is it appropriate to hope that the lessons learned in a liberal education will reveal themselves in the huamneness of the graduate’s relationship with others?  (这一段研究了半天,还是….. 求教达人啊)  
Clearly,the college graduate has civic obligations to fulfill.There is urgent need in American teaching to help close the dangerous and growing gap between public policy and public understanding.The information required to think constructively about the agendas of government seems increasingly beyond our grasp.It is no longer possible,many argue,to resolve complex public issues through citizen participation.How,they ask,can non-specialists debate policy choices of consequence when they do not even know the language?  很明显,大学生有公民义务要完成。在美国教育中急需填补公共政策和公众理解间越来越大的危险的鸿沟。(后面再无法完全组织成整句……..)
Happy Holiday~, :)  
  这两天没人帮我啊。    以后坚持把翻译贴在这里,不过再没人解答的话就另开贴求教。  也许这里东西太多,大家就懒得看了。    P.S.谢谢版主。呵呵。......    
  //7------------------------------------------------08.6.1  For those who care about government by the people,the decline in public understanding cannot go unchallenged.In a world where human survival is at stake,ignorance is not an acceptable alternative.The full control of policy by specialists with limited perspectives is not tolerable.Unless we find better ways to educate ourselves as citizens,unless hard questions are asked and satisfactory answers are offered,we run the risk of making critical decisions,not on the basis of what we know,but on the basis of blind faith in one or another set of professed experts.  对于那些关心政府的人来说(by the people是什么意思啊?),公共理解无疑正受到质疑。在一个人类命运未卜的世界,无知不是一个可以接受的选择。除非我们找到更好的把我们培养成合格公民的方法,困难的问题都被提出并且得到满意的解答,否则我们做出的关键决定就不是建立在我们知道的事情的基础上,而是在对一些专家的盲目信仰上。这是危险的。  
What we need today are groups of well-informed,caring individuals who band together in the spirit of community to learn from one another,to participate,as citizens,in the democratic process.We need concerned people who are participants in quiry,who know how to ask the right questions that affect the future.Obviously,no one institution in society can single-handedly provides the leadership we require.But we are convinced that the undergraduate college,perhaps more than any other institutions,is obliged to provide the enlightened leadership our nation urgently requires if government by the people is to endure.  今天我们需要的是见多识广,为了社会精神而团结起来相互学习的有爱心的个体来像公民一样参与民主进程。我们要确保参加者都知道如何提出正确的将影响未来的问题。显然,没能一个公共机构可以单独提供我们需要的领导。但是我们确信大学,比别的机构更可能提供我们的国家急需的开明的领导(if government后面译不进去了)  
To fulfill this urgent obligation,the perspective needed is not only national,but also global.Today’s students must be informed about people and cultures other than their own.Since man has orbited into space,it has become dramatically apprarent that we are all custodians of a single planet.In the past half century,our planet has become vastly more crowded,more interdependent,and more unstable.If students do not see beyond themselves and better understand their place in our complex world,their capacity to love responsibly will be dangerously diminished.  为了履行公民义务,这种需要不仅是全国范围的,而且是全球的。今天的学生必须了解他们自己之外的人类和文化。自从人类可以进入太空开始,我们都知道我们只是一颗行星的暂住者而已。在过去的半个世纪,这个行星已经开始变得拥挤,相互依赖和动荡。如果学生不能有超越自我的视野,和对他们自己在这个复杂的世界上的位置的更好的认识,他们对爱负责的能力可能会消失。
  作者:aaa_bbb33 回复日期: 22:44:39     这两天没人帮我啊。    以后坚持把翻译贴在这里,不过再没人解答的话就另开贴求教。    也许这里东西太多,大家就懒得看了。  -----------------------------------------  
有没有人帮的问题,看内容和机缘了    毕竟,只是个BBS,大多数的人是随兴而选着看的  
     Today’s students have ambiguous feelings about their role in the world.They are devoting their energies to what seems most real to them: the pursuit of security,the accumulation of material goods.They are struggling to establish themselves,but they also admit to confusion:Where should they put their faith in this uncertain age?Undergraduates are searching for identity and meaning and,like the rest of us, they are torn by idealism of service on the one hand,and on the other hand,the temptation to retreat into a world that never rises above self-interest.     现今的学生对自己在人世间的角色倍感茫然。他们把精力投注在似乎对他们非常现实的事情上:追寻安稳,积累物质财富。他们拼命地树立自我,但是他们也承认这样的困惑:在这个诸事未定的年岁,究竟该把自己的热忱投向何处?大学生们在探求真我和真谛,和我们其他人一样,他们在两个方向徘徊,一面是无私奉献的理想,另一面是退缩到完全为了个人利益的小天地中的诱惑。  
     In the end, the quality of undergraduate education is to be measured by the willingness of graduates to be socially and civically engaged. Reinhold Niebuhr once wrote, “Man cannot behold except he be committed. He cannot find himself without finding a center beyond himself.”The idealism of the undergraduate experience must reflect itself in loyalties that transcend self. Is it too much to expect that, even in this hard-edged, competitive age, a college graduate will live with integrity, civility—even compassion? Is it appropriate to hope that the lessons learned in a liberal education will reveal themselves in the humaneness of the graduate’s relationship with others?     说到底,大学教育的质量要用学生投身社会和公众事业的愿望来衡量。Reinhold Niebuhr(美国近代著名神学家、思想家)曾写道,“人只有献身信仰才能高瞻远瞩。也只有在找到超越自我的中心之后才能找到自我。”大学生热忱理想只能在超越自我的忠诚中得到反映。让一个大学生怀揣正直、谦恭甚至悲悯,生活在这个甚至是硬碰硬的充满竞争的年代,是否要求太高了?让普通教育所学的课程在大学生与他人关系中的人性理念中揭露大学生自己,又是否适当?  
  谢谢谢谢of123...这个我要好好学习一下了.....  翻译得最多的一个....
  //8------------------------------------------------08.6.2   Throughout our study we were impressed that what today’s college is teaching most successfully is competence—competence in meeting schedules,in gathering information,in responding well on tests,in mastering the details of a special field.Today the capacity to deal successfully with discrete problems is highly prized.And when we asked students about their education,they,almost without exception,spoke about the credits they had earned or the courses they still needed to complete.  在我们的学习中我们印象深刻的是今天的大学教得最成功的是能力――追赶上日程表的能力,收集信息的能力,在考试中获得好成绩的能力,详尽掌握一个专门学科的能力。今天处理零碎问题的能力被看重。当我们问到学生关于他们的教育的问题时,他们几乎无一例外地说起的他们拿到的学分或者他们仍需完成的课程。  
But technical skill,of what ever kind,leaves open essential questions:Education for what purpose?Competence to what end?At a time in life when values should be shaped and personal priorities sharply probed,what a tragedy it would be if the most deeply felt issues,the most haunting questions and the most creative moments were pushed to the fringes of our institutional life.What a monumental mistake it would be if students,during the undergraduate years,remained trapped within the organizational grooves and narrow routines to which the academic world sometimes seems excessively devoted.  但是所有的专门的技术,留下一个不可回避的问题:教育是为了什么目的?能力的训练要到何种程度?(不会)如果学生们在大学生活里仍然被(organizational grooves and narrow routines???)这些大学生活里看来最值得的事情所束缚,将会是一个多么大的错误。  
Students come to campus at a time of high expectancy.And yet,all too often they become enmeshed in routines that are deadening and distracting.As we talked with teachers and students,we often had the uncomfortable feeling that the most vital issues of life—the nature of society,the roots of social injustice and indeed the very prospects for human survival—are the ones with which the undergraduate college is least equipped to deal.  学生们带着很高的期望来到大学校园,然而,他们太容易陷入(deadening and distracting)的日常琐事。当我们和师生们交谈时,总觉得生活里最本质的东西――平常的社交,社会不公的根源,以及人类的未来――都是大学里很少涉及到的  The outcomes of collegiate education should be measured by the student’s performance in the classroom as he or she becomes proficient in the use of knowledge,acquires a solid basic education,and beocmes competent in a specific field.Further,the impact of the undergraduate experience is to be assessed by the performance of the graduate in the workplace and further education.  大学教育的结果应该由学生在课堂上使用他们所熟练掌握的知识――有扎实的基础并在一个特定的领域有竞争力――时的表现来衡量。更长远一些,大学经历的影响应该根据毕业生在工作和进一步教育时的表现来评估。  
But in the end,students must be inspired by a larger vision,using the knowledge they have qcquired to discover patterns,form values,and advance the common good.The undergraduate experience at its best will move the student from competence to commitment.  但是最后,(不能译出整句)。最好的大学教育将把学生(from competence to commitment??)。  
  发现这一篇对我来说太难了,明天开始下一篇,大概看了下,关于新西兰的,似乎比这个容易多了……    上篇难的地方要另开帖问问,哎。    自己的翻译还是先集中贴这里吧。
  organizational grooves and narrow routines    they are referring to those subject matter of those competence (some are organizational skill, others are specific technical/technological skill)    btw, your interpretation of &discrete problem& is wrong, it means specific (technical/managerial) problem (on specific subject matter).    HTH.
  lest equiped to deal is no 很少涉及到, it says lack of education on these topic, thus the result is students are lest equipped to deal with them.
  commitment: be visionary, form value, and advance the common good (promote good course).    HTH.    BTW, i think most people hate post lasting forever.
  //10------------------------------------------------08.6.4  New Zealand is situated in the South Pacific Ocean,over 1,000 miles southwest of its nearest neighbor,Australia.It consists of two principal islands—the North Island and the South Island—and a number of little islands,some of them hundreds of miles away from the main group.Its population is almost 3,000,000.The land area covers over 260,000 square kilometers.About two-thirds of the land is economically developed or developing,the remainder being mountainous,especially good for tourism.  新西兰座落在南太平洋,距他最近的邻居――澳大利亚西南1000英里远。包括两个主要岛屿――南岛和北岛,还有一些小岛屿,散布在它们周围数百英里处。新西兰人口3百万,面积26万平方公里。大约3分之2的岛屿经济相当于发达或发展中国家水平,其余的岛屿多山,极为适合旅游业  1. The People  Little is known about the time or manner of the arrival of the first inhabitants,the Maori,except that they came over the sea from the North.The first European that arrived in New Zealand was a Dutch sailor,Abel Janszoon Tasman,who sighted the coast of Westland in December,1642.Likde their Australian neighbors, the New Zealanders are overwhelmingly of British stock.Most of the pioneer white settlers came from Scotland.Quite a large body of assisted Dutch immigrants arrived in the country during the 1950s.Today many of New Zealand’s cities still retain a distinct flavor of Edinburgh and parts of London.There are also groups of Central European architecture built between World War I and Ⅱ.  对于第一批到达的定居者――毛利人,我们所知甚少,除了他们是从北方渡海而来的。新西兰的第一批欧洲人是荷兰航海者,Abel Janszoon Tasman。和他们的邻居澳大利亚一样,他在1642年12月发现了西岛的海岸。新西兰人无法抵抗英国资本。大部分首批白种定居者都来自苏格兰。荷兰移民在20世纪50年代大批到来。今天很多新西兰城市仍保留着明显的爱丁堡和伦敦的建筑风格。也有很多在两次世界大战之间建设的建筑。  
 New Zealand is predominantly an English-speaking country.Children of European immigrant families quickly lose their native tongue in favor of
English,particularly when their parents are anxious to establish relationships with the existing community.Only Greeks,Chinese and Indians make determined efforts to keep their children bilingual.Many Maori are bilingual,but often unsatisfactorily,speaking neither English nor Maori very well.  新西兰是一个英语主导的国家。欧洲移民家庭的孩子出于对英语的偏爱很快就忘记了他们的乡音,特别是在他们的父母急于建立社会关系的时候。只有希腊,中国和印度在对他们的孩子进行双语教育上作出了显著成绩。很多毛利人会说毛利语和英语,不过常常令人不满的是,他们这两种语言说得都不好。  
  //11------------------------------------------------08.6.5  Ⅱ.The Climate  New Zealand’s climate is determined by its latitude,its isolation,and its physical characteristics.It has a climate that lets grass grow green the year round.There are no extit is a sunny land.Many areas,even the cooler areas in the South,enjoy at least 2,000 hours of sunshine a year,much of it occurring in winter.Snow is common only in mountainous regions,but frost is frequent in inland valleys in winter.Rainfall is highest in areas dominated by mountains exposed to the prevailing winds.  新西兰的气候是由于纬度,孤立和地理位置决定的。它的气候让草一年常绿。温度没有极限,是一块阳光的士地。很多地区,甚至包括相对寒冷的南部,一年也至少有2000小时光照――很多是在冬季。雪在多山地区很常见,霜冻在内陆山谷也是。(译不顺)  Ⅲ.The Economic Development   Dairy industry is considered to be the most efficient anywhere and the export of dairy products is the largest in the world despite the country’s small size and population.Agricultural produce accounts for some 84 per cent of total exports,and forest products for another 6 per cent.Farming in New Zealand is highly mechanized.  乳品工业常被认为是在任何地方都收益很好的而且不论国家多么小以及人口稀少,乳制品出口是世界上最多的。农业占了总出口的84%,林业占了另外6%。牧业在新西兰是高度机械化的。  
Long known as a pastoral country with dairy products leading its economy,New Zealand has begun a diversification of its economy,since World War Ⅱ.  长时间被认为是牧业主导经济的新西兰在二战之后已经走上了经济多样化的道路。  
  //12------------------------------------------------08.6.6  Ⅳ.The Education  
Education in New Zealand is free and compulsory to those between ages of 6 to 15,but almost all children start school at five.Many children attend pre-school classes,which are financially assisted by the government.Nearly all the primary schools are stateowned.State secondary schools offer a broad general academic education with some emphasis on technical training..Students are prepared for an attainment examination(the school certificate) and for tertiary studies,which are provided free to students fulfilling certain academic prerequisites.There are six universities and one agricultural college,as well as several technical institutes.Since the 1960s,the education of the Maori,the native Polynesians who settled in New Zealand about the 13th century,has received great attention.The difficulty of backwardness in education is more social than academic,and its solution may well be within the Maori community itself.  在新西兰对于6至15岁的儿童来说,义务教育是免费的,但大多数人是5岁开始上学的。很多儿童还会上政府资助的学前班。几乎所有的小学都是国有的。国有中学强调技能训练,提供的多种学科的教育。学生新西兰有六所大学,一所农业学院,还有几个技术学院。学生们为了获得学校证书和本科教育要准备考试,本科教育(不会)。从20世纪60年代开始,毛利人――即从大约14世纪开始定居在新西兰的本地波利尼西亚人――的教育开始受到重视。(不会)。  Ⅴ.The Culture  Since the Second World War there have been great changes in the cultures and arts of New Zealand.These changes have much to do with the breaking down of social barries and the improvement of education.Today,artist,musician and writers have a much wider public than they had before the war.Far more people now read books and go to the theatres,concerts,picture galleries and fashion shows.  自从二次世界大战以后新西兰的文化和艺术有了很大变化。这些变化与社会障碍的消除和教育的进步有关。今天,艺术家,音乐家和作家比战前有更多的观众。现在很多人读书,去剧院,音乐会,美术展和时尚展。  
Many of the serious writers of New Zealand were concerned with social and political problems of the present day,among them are:Katherine Mansfield,Ngaio Marsh,and John Mulgan,who are recognized as writers of world fame.  新西兰的很多严肃作家参与现在的社会和政治问题。如Katherine Mansfield,Ngaio Marsh和John Mulgan都是世界知名的。  
New Zealanders have also been known as great art collectors,Their collections can be seen today in museums,and in picture galleries in many cities which are open to the public.A few artists have been very successful and have had their works accepted by well-known art galleries all over the world,such as Colin McCahon,John Hutton,now having an international reputation.  新西兰也被认为是一个伟大的艺术收藏者。他们的收藏现在可以在很多城市对公众开放的博物馆和美术展看到。一些艺术家非常成功,他们的作品已经全世界知名。比Colin McCahon,John Hutton,现在已经有国际声誉。  
Because of its rich cultural and natural resources,tourism in New Zealand has been growing rapidly.Now there are about 900 thousand visitors from all parts of the world every year.The Green Precious Stone in the South Pacific has become one of the most attractive places for tourists today.  由于它的文化和自然原因,新西兰的旅游业成长迅速。现在每年要迎接90万来自世界各地的游客。这颗南太平洋上的绿色宝石现在已经成为对游客最有吸引力的地方之一。  
  最近比较忙,不好意思    百度上查了HTH的意思,呵呵。  This Really helps.Thank you,crzhao.    希望有更多高手帮助解答我翻译里不会的和其它发现有问题的地方。
  //13------------------------------------------------08.6.7  The term,culture shock,was introduced for the first time in 1958 to describe the anxiety experienced when a person moves to a completely new environment.This term expresses the lack of direction,the feeling of not knowing what to do or how to do things in a new environment,and not knowing what is appropriate or inappropriate.The feeling of culture shock generally sets in the first few weeks after coming to a new place.  文化冲击,这个词,是在1958年描述一个人移居到一个全新的环境里的焦虑体验时第一次引入的。这个词表达了一种缺乏方向感的感觉――不知道在新的环境里要做什么或者该干什么,不知道什么是合适的什么是不合适的。感受到文化冲击通常是在进入一个新环境的最初几个星期里。   We can describe culture shock as the physical and emotional discomfort one suffers when coming to live in another country or a place different from the place of origin.Often,the way that we lived before is not accepted or considered as normal in the new place.Everything is different,for example,not speaking the language,not knowing how to use banking machines,not knowing how to use the telephone and so forth.Because your views may clash with the different beliefs,norms,values,and traditions that exists in a new place,you may have difficulty adjusting to a new culture and to those parts of the culture not familiar to you.This is culture shock.Evidently,at least four essential stages of culture shock adjustment occur.  我们可以把文化冲击描述成当一个人从原来居住的地方搬到另一个不同的地方时生理和心理上的不适。常常,我们原来居住的习惯在新的地方不会被接受或者不正常。一切都不同,比如,说的语言不同,不知道怎么使用提款机,电话,等等。由于你的观点可能和当地的信仰,规范,价值,传统相抵触,你可能会在适应一种新的文化和那种文化里你不熟悉的部分是时有困难。这就是文化冲击。显然,要适应文化冲击,至少要经过四个基本步骤。   The first stage is called”the honeymoon.” In this stage,you feel excited about living in a different place,and everything appears marvelous.You like everything,and everybody seems to be so nice to you.Also,the amusement of life in a new culture seems as though it would have no ending.  第一阶段叫做“蜜月期”,在这阶段,你会对居住在一个不同的地方感到激动,所有的东西看起来都不可思议。你喜欢所有的东西,所有人看起来对你都很好。同样,新的环境里生活的娱乐看起来没有尽头。   Eventually,however,the second stage of culture shock appears.This is the “hostility stage.”You begin to notice that not everything is as good as you originally thought it was.You become tired of many things about the new culture.Moreover,people don’t treat you like a guest anymore,everything that seemed to be so wonderful at first is now awful,and everything makes you feel distressed and tired.  然而之后,第二阶段出现了。这称做“敌意期”。你开始注意到并不是每一样东西都像你一开始想象的一样好。你开始对新环境里的很多东西感到厌倦。而且,人们对待你不再像被客人一样,所有一开始看起来那么棒的东西现在都让你觉得不舒服,所有的东西都让你难过,厌倦。  
  //14------------------------------------------------08.6.8  Usually at this point in your adjustment to a new culture,you devise some defense mechanisms to help you cope and to protect yourself against the effects of culture shock.One type of coping mechanism is called “repression.”This happens when you pretend that everything is acceptable and that nothing bothers you.Another type of defense mechanism is called “regression.”This occurs when you start to act as if you were younger tyou act like a child.You forget everything,and sometimes you become careless and irresponsible.The third kind of defense mechanism is called “isolation.” You would rather be home alone,and you don’t want to communicate with anybody.With isolation,you try to avoid the effects of culture shock,or at least that’s what you think.Isolation is one of the worst coping mechanisms you can use because it separates you from those things that could really help you.The last type of defense mechanism is called “rejection.” With this coping mechanism,you don’t think you need anybody. You feel you are coping fine alone,so you don’t try to ask for help.  通常在你适应新文化的这个时期,你会产生一些防御机制来帮助你应付并保护你自己不受文化冲击的影响。一种防御机制叫做“压抑”。你会假装所有的事情都可以接受,没有什么会打扰到你。另一种叫做“倒退”。你将开始表现得比实际年龄要小,你忘记所有的东西,变得粗心和不可理喻。第三种防御机制叫做“隔离”。你宁愿一个人待在家里,你不想和任何人交流。在这种状态下,你尝试逃避文化冲击的影响,至少你希望这样。隔离是你所能用的最坏的防御方式,因为它会把你和能真正帮助你的东西分开。最后一种防御机制叫做“拒绝”。你觉得你不需要任何人。你觉得你可以一个人处理得很好所以你不会试图要求帮助。  
The defense mechanisms you utilize in the hostility stage are not helpful.If you only occasionally use one of these coping mechanisms to help yourself survive,that is acceptable.You must be cautious,however. These mechanisms can really hurt you because they prevent you from making necessary adjustments to the new culture.  你在“敌意期”使用的这些防御机制并不有效。如果你只是偶然使用这种方法保护自己,那是可以接受的。但是你必须小心。这些机制可能真正地伤害你因为他们使你无法适应新的文化。
  //15------------------------------------------------08.6.10(6月9日无)  After you deal with your hostile feeling,recognition of the temporary nature of culture shock begins.Then you come to the third stage called “recovery.” In this stage,you start feeling more positive,and you try to develop comprehension of everything you don’t understand.The whole situation starts to byou recover from symptoms of the first two stages,and you adjust yourself to the new norms,values,and even beliefs and traditions of the new country.You begin to see that even though the distinctions of the culture are different from you own,it has elements that you can learn to appreciate.  (不会)然后你会进入第三个阶段――“恢复期”。在这个时期,你开始变得积极,你尝试下理解你所不理解的东西。整体情况开始好转,你从前两个阶段的的症状中恢复过来,你使自己适应新的国家的新的规范,价值观,甚至信仰和传统。你开始了解即使这和你自己的原本的文化不同,你可以学习着体会它。  
The last stage of culture shock is called “adjustment.”In this stage, you have reached a point where actually feel good because you have learned enough to understand the new culture. The thing that initially made you feel uncomfortable or strange are now things that you understand. This acquistition of understanding alleviates much of the stress. Nowyou have adjusted to the new culture.  最后一个阶段是“适应期”。在这阶段,你开始真正地感觉良好因为你已经对了解这种新文化学习得足够多了。最初使你感到不舒服和奇怪的东西现在你已经理解了。这种理解的获得大大减轻了压力。现在你感觉良好,因为你已经适应了新的文化。   Evidently, culture shock is something you cannot avoid when living in a foreign country. It does not seem like a very helpful experience when you are going through its four stages. However,when you have completely adjusted to a new culture you can more fully enjoy it. You learn how to interact with other people, and you learn a considerable amount about life in a culture that is not your own..Furthermore,learning about other cultures and how to adjust to the shock of living in them helps you learn more about yourself.  显然,文化冲击是你去国外生活时无法避免的东西。当你经历上面四个阶段时,它看起来并不是很有用的经验。然而,当你完全适应一种新的文化时你会更加享受它。你学着和别人交流,你对一种不属于你自己的文化下的生活有了相当的了解。而且,学习别的文化和适应文化冲击帮助你更加了解你自己。  
  //16------------------------------------------------08.6.11(补6.8)  China’s per capita value of gross domestic product(GDP) has exceed US $1,000, but that does not necessarily translate into smooth economic growth and steady social development.  中国的人均GDP已经超过了1000美元,但并没有转化成平滑的经济增加和稳固的社会发展  This period is a crucial stage for the economic and social development of a country in the process of modernization,as proven by experiences of many countries in the world.  这一时期对于一个处于现代化进程中的国家的经济和社会发展是至关重要的,很多国家的经验已经证明了这一点。   Some have succeeded in the social and economic transition into prosperity,but many others have suffered from stagnation and social turbulence due to inadequate policy-making.  很多国家成功地使社会和经济走向繁荣,但也有很多由于制定政策的不合理引发了发展停滞和社会动荡   The problems and contradictions China will face in the next decades may be even more complicated and thorny than others as it is turning from a planned economy to a market economy with its social structure and ideological setup also in major shake-up.  中国在未来十年要对面的问题和矛盾很可能由于她正在从计划经济转向市场经济而很加复杂和艰苦,而她的社会结构和意识形态转变也在震动中。(译得不好,求更好的译法)   Independent thinking of the general public, their newly developed penchant for independent choice and thus widening gap of ideas among different social strata will pose further challenges to China’s policy maker.Negative and corruptive phenomena and more and more rampant crimes in the society will also jeopardize social stability and harmony.  仅考虑普通公众,他们逐渐发展的拥有独立选择权的倾向正在增大不同社会阶层之间的隔阂并因此使中国的政策制定者面临更大的挑战。消极和腐败现象以及日益猖獗的犯罪活动同样会危害社会稳定和协调。   In view of the international situations,building a harmonious society is also a requisite requirement for the Chinese authorities to clear away challenges and risks in the international relations,including unfair world order, rocky road of multi-polarization of world political framework,pressure from economic globalization and security concerns.  从世界范围来看,建立一个合谐的社会同样是中国当权者解决国际关系中带来的危险和挑战――包括不公平的世界秩序,走向政治多极化的曲折道路,全球经济和安全问题带来的压力所必需的。  
  //17------------------------------------------------08.6.11  China now is more than ever embracing social harmony rather than pinning the focus on economic growth.A harmonious society should feature democracy,the rule of law,equality,justice,sincerity,amity and vitality.  中国现在比过去更加注重社会和谐而不是只盯着经济增长。一个合谐的社会的特点应该包括民主,法制,公平,公正,真诚,友好,有活力。   Such a society will give full scope to people’s talent and creativity,enable all the people to share the social wealth brought by reform and development,and forge an even closer relationship between the people and government. These things will thus result in lasting stability and unity.To achieve this goal,we must do the followings:  这样的一个社会将使人们发挥全部的才智和创造力,使人们享受改革和发展带来的社会财富,并巩固政府和人民的关系。这些会使社会持久地稳固和团结。为了达到这个目标,我们必须要做以下几点:  Strive for sustained,rapid and coordinated economic growth  追求持续,快速,合理的经济发展   Sound economic growth and increasing abundance of social wealth are the material foundation for a harmonious society,and the well-being of
the country’s rural population will play a decisive role,When the farmers can lead a good life and assume a higher overall quality ,the vast countryside will be stable and prosperous.  听起来经济增长和社会财富的增加是一个合谐社会的物质基础,而且农村人口的福利占有重要地位。假设农民可以有好的生活条件和高的生活质量,广大农村地区将会繁荣稳定。   Develop socialist democracy  发展社会主义民主   By developing democracy,the people’s opinions may be further let out,their intelligence be fully absorbed,and a democratic policy-making mechanism will help balance different social interests and avoid social conflicts.  通过推广民主,人们的意见可以进一步发表,他们的才智可以集中。一个民主的制定政策的机构将帮助平衡不同的社会兴趣和避免社会冲突。   Actively enforce the principle of the rule of law  积极加强法制建设   The rule of law is important for the promotion,realization and safeguarding of a harmonious society.This principle should be rigorously implemented in all political,administrative and judicial sectors to ensure the powerful be checked and accountable for their misdeeds.  法律对于促进实现和维护和谐的社会是很重要的。法律应该在所有的政治,行政,司法部门严格执行以确保其权威性和(不会)   Strengthen ideological and ethical buildup  加强思想道德建设   Without a common ideological aspiration or high moral standard,a harmonious society will be a mansion built on sand.Honesty,unity,fraternity,professional ethics should be advocated to the whole society.  没有共同的意识或者更高的道德标准,一个合谐的社会只是(应该有个专门的词吧,想不起来了)。应该在全社会提倡诚实,团结,互助和职业道德。
  //18------------------------------------------------08.6.12  Maintain social equity and justice  保持社会平等和公正   Social equity and justice is a key to bringing people’s creativity and initiatives to full play,because people will not be happy without it.It is important to balance different interests and strive to ensure equality for all in terms of personal rights,opportunities,gameplaying rules and wealth distribution.  社会平等和公正是所有活动中带来人们的创造力和主动性的秘诀,因为没有这一点人们不会满意。在不同利益和争斗中保证所有人的权利,机会,比赛规则和财富分配是很重要的。   Establish a fine-tuned social management system and well handle the people’s internal contradictions  建立一个有规则的社会管理体系并好好处理国内人民的矛盾。   Social conflicts are emerging in great numbers and in more varied forms,which are inevitable for China at the present stage.But they must be properly handed in case they pose risks to the overall development of the country.  社会冲突在现阶段的中国不可避免地会以各种不同的形式大量出现。但他们必须适当处地理,否则它们将会威胁到国家的综合发展。   Beef up environmental protection  加强环境保护   The present ecological and environmental situations in China are rather tough and grave in some places.Without a sound natural environment,people will have no clean water to drink,fresh air to breath,or healthy food to eat,which will result in serious social problems.  现在中国的生态和环境状况不容乐观。没有一个健康的自然环境,人们将没有干净的水喝,没有新鲜的空气呼吸,没有健康的食物哦,而这些将导致严重的社会问题。   The government officials should put building a harmonious society on top of their work agenda,do a good job in serving the people,and work on theories relating to the building of harmonious society.  政府官员应该把一个合谐的社会放在他们日程表中最重要的位置,好好为人民服务,并处理建立一个合谐的社会的意见。(最后一条似乎不对)   It will be a long-term,systematic project,and the whole Party and the government must constantly remind themselves of the sense of mission and take up their responsibilities in leading the construction of a harmonious society for the smooth transition of the Chinese society in the next decades.  这是一个长期的系统工程,整个党和政府必须一直保持使命感,并把未来十年内为了中国社会的平稳转变而领导建设一个合谐的社会作为自己的责任。  
  //19------------------------------------------------08.6.15   What are the economic implications of the recent increase in oil prices?In the long run,higher oil prices are likely to reduce somewhat the productive capacity of the US economy. That outcome would occur, for example, if high energy costs make businesses less willing to invest in new capital or cause some existing capital to become economically obsolescent. Lower productivity in turn implies that wages and profits will be lower than otherwise would have been. Also, the higher cost of imported oil is likely to adversely affec that is , Americans will have to sell more goods and services abroad to pay for a given quantity of oil and other imports. The increase in the prices of our imports relatives to the prices of our exports will impose a further burden on US households and firms.  经济与最近的石油价格增长有什么关系呢?根据长期经验,较高的油价很可能减少美国某些经济方面的生产能力。比如,昂贵的能源能费使商人更不愿意投资新的产业或者使已有的产业荒废,就会导致上面的结果。较低的生产力使工资和利润也比通常情况下较低。同样,进口石油的昂贵开支可能对进出口交换比率有负面影响。就是说,美国必须出售更多的货物和服务来支付这些石油和别的进口的费用。这种关系到我们的出口商品的进口价格的增长将加重美国家庭和公司的负担。   Under the assumption that oil prices do not spike sharply higher from their already high levels, these long-run effects, though negative, should be manageable. As I have already discussed, conservation and the development of alternative energy sources will, over the long term, take some of the sting out of higher oil prices. Moreover, productivity gains from diverse sources, including technological improvements and a more highly educated workforce, are likely to exceed by a significant margin the productivity losses created by high oil prices.  假如石油价格不再从现在的高价位再急速上涨,那么最终的效果,虽然有点消极,应该还是容易管理的。像我已经说过的,将在很长时间内刺激高油价。而且,由于不同原因的生产率增加――包括技术的改进和劳动力受教育水平的提高,可能会超过由于高油价带来的生产率下降而产生利润。   In the short run, sharply higher oil prices create a rather different and, in some way, a more difficult set of economic challenges. Indeed, a significant increase in oil prices can simultaneously slow economic growth while stoking inflation, posing hard choices for monetary policy makers.  在短期内,油价的急剧上升引起了一种完全不同,某些意义上一种更困难的经济上挑战。确实,油价的明显上涨可以同时减慢经济增长并刺激通货膨胀――使货币政策制定者面临艰难的选择。   An increase in oil prices slows economic growth in the short run primarily through its effects on spending, or aggregate demand. Because the United States imports most of its oil, an increase in oil prices is, as many economists have noted, broadly analogous to the imposition of a tax on US residents, with the revenue from the tax going to oil producers abroad. Since the beginning of the year, the cost of oil imported into the United States has increased by about $75 billion( at an annual rate), or about 3/4 of the gross domestic product. Add to this the effects of the rise in natural gas prices, and the total increase in imported energy costs over a full year—the increase in the “tax” being paid to foreign energy producers—comes to almost $85 billion.  油价的增长在短期内主要通过它对开销和总需求的影响减慢经济增长。因为美 国的石油大部分依靠进口,油价的增长就像很多经济学家记录过的一样,可以看成是美国居民强迫交纳的一种税,从国家收入中流到国外的石油制造者手中。从今年年初起,美国进口石油的花费增长了大约750亿美元(不会)--GDP的3/4,而进口能源的总花费增长――付给国外能源制造者的税――大约有850亿   The impact of this decline in net income on the US GDP depends in large part on how the increase in the energy “tax” affects the spending of household and firms. For a number of reasons, an increase of $85 billion in payments to foreign energy producers is likely to reduce domestic spending by something less than that amount. For example, in the short run, people may be reluctant to cut non-energy spending below accustomed levels, leading them to reduce saving rather than spending. Because high energy costs lower firms’ profits, they normally reduce the willingness of firms to purcha however, if the increase in energy prices looks to be permanent, firms might decide that it makes sense for them to invest in more energy-efficient buildings and machines, moderating the decline in their capital spending. If higher energy prices reflect in part more rapid economic growth abroad –while seems to be the case in the recent episode—or if foreign energy producers spend of their increased income on US goods and services, then the demand for US exports may be stronger than it would have been otherwise. With these and many other qualification taken into account, a reasonable estimate is that the increased cost of imported energy has reduced the growth in US aggregate spending and real output this year by something between half and three-quarters of a percentage point.  美国GDP的净收益下降很大程序上依赖于“能源税”对家庭和公司花费的影响。因为一些原因,支付给国外能源制造者的850亿美元的增可能通过减小量数量来减少国内的花费。比如,在短期内,人们可能勉强把无能源的消费减少到通常水平以下,使他们(不会)。因为高额的能源消费减少了公司的利益,他们常常降低了公司追逐新产品的积极性。然而,如果能源价格的增长看起来不会停止,公司可能认为他们投资更多的节能建筑和机器来缓和他们的资金消耗。如果高的能源价格一定程度上反映了国外的高经济增长――(不会)――或者如果国外的能源制造者把他们增加的收入花在了美国的产品和服务上,美国的出口需求就会比它原来要加强。(不会)一个合理的估计是进口能源的消费增长减少了美国今年的支出总额和真正的产量的0.5到0.75个百分点。  
  //20------------------------------------------------08.6.23   At the same time when higher oil prices slow economic growth,they also create inflationary pressures.Higher prices for crude are passed through,with only a very short lag,to increased prices for oil products used by consumers,such as gasoline and heating oil.When oil prices rise,people may try to substitute other forms of energy,such as natural gas, leading to price increase in those alternatives as well. The rise in energy costs faced by households represents, of course, an increase in the cost of living, or infaltion. This direct effect of higher energy prices on the cost of living is sometimes called the first-round effect on inflation. In addition, higher energy costs may have indirect effects on the inflation rate—if,for example, firms pass on their increased costs of production in the form of higher consumer prices for non-energy goods or services, or if workers respond to the increase in the cost of living by demanding higher wages. These indirect effects of higher energy prices on the overall rate of inflation are called second-round effects. The overall inflation rate reflects both first-round and second-round effects, of course. Economists and policymakers also pay attention to the so-called core inflation rate, which excludes the direct effects of increase in the price of energy( as well as of food). By stripping out the first-round inflation effects, core inflation provides a useful indicator of the second-round effects of increase in the prices of energy.  在油价上涨减缓经济增长的同时,它们同时带来通货膨胀的压力。更高的原油价格被通过之后,消费者使用的石油制品――如汽油和民用燃料油的价格也会很快上涨。当价格上张之后,人们可能试着以其它形式的能源替代――如天然气,这会导致这些替代品的价格上升。居民面对的这种能源消费的上涨当然就是生活成本的上涨,即通货膨胀。昂贵的能源价格引起的生活


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