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Why God is allowing all these things have several bases and explanation in the Bible. The scripttures describe these things as "birth pains" and "signs that the end is here." We talked lengthily about these topics early last year when our church held a 2-month-session-conference on the end-times.
I wish you were there to have learned about it with us or i would have wanted to share them with you. But suffice it to say that these occurrences, i.e. catastrophes, plagues, climate change leading to various disasters of different magnitudes... are all "introductory events" that will point to the second coming of our Lord Jesus.
Yes, He is coming soon. And we, His saints, had better be prepared for this, holding on to His promises that "he who will remain faithful to the end will be saved."
But even if a lot of people will suffer grievous afflictions in these last days, we believe that the Lord "will already take us" (to heaven) before the "Great Tribulation" happens, when the world becomes one and will be ruled by the anti-Christ. Even then (when he sits in power), the gospel will still be preached to those who will be "left behind" and salvation will still be available to those who will repent and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. But it will then be too difficult for them to survive the atrocities of the "one world government" because Satan will work doubly hard to deceive people and keep them under his rule to share in his and his angels' torment in hell.That's why he will use all kinds of threats and harm to life and well-being of people if they will refuse to receive the "mark of the beast" which the Bible clearly reveals states "666."
The book of Revelation tells us all about these things. In our study, we discussed about the different modern technologies being used to embed things in the different parts of the human body mainly for economic purposes. Research shows some new technology has introduced the embedding of chips either in the left hand or in the forehead, which enables people either to trade or sell things using these chips to match a modern machine to make transactions. And if you look at the numbers cited in these chips, they either plainly put or include the numbers 666 or have been sublimely mathematically came up with the same numbers.
In our sessions, all the revelations and realizations we had really caused goosebumps in our skin and a bit of nervousness in our hearts, because the coming of the anti-Christ is already at hand and the disasters are all here.
But at the end of each session, we were strengthened by the fact that the God who holds all these occurrences holds us securely in His mighty hand and He will deliver us from the worst that can happen to mankind. Simply because of His great love to us!Wow, such amazing love and tenderness of our awesome God and Father!
There's so much more to share about this, Joe. This brief "explanation" is definitely no match to the 2-month conference we had. Just continue to read your bible, hold on to His promises to you and to all the saints and pray in the spirit with all kinds of prayers and supplications and He will hear you. "Fear not, don't be afraid for I am with you till the end of the age," Jesus declared several times before He first ascended to heaven. So, strengthen your spirit and let not your knees wobble, for "great is the Lamb that was slain" for our salvation and deliverance.
So, for me, while we're at the stage of "birth pains," we should pray unceasingly, keep faithful to our God, encourage those who are hurting, help them if we can and most of all, share to Gospel while we can and while we still have time. God has chosen His people to partner with Him on this until He calls us heavenward.
a letter about Q&A between W. G. and Billy Granham(葛培理) from BEGA(葛培理浸礼会):
We lost almost everything we owned in a flood a few months ago, and it has really been hard on us. I know I ought to have more faith that God is going to sort it all out, but the truth is we're depressed and almost overwhelmed. Why did God let this happen to us? — Mrs. W.G.
Not long after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans and the Gulf Coast, my son Franklin and I toured some of the most devastated areas and talked with many of the survivors. Like you, most of them had lost everything, and I could barely imagine what they had experienced.
I couldn't tell them why God had allowed such a terrible tragedy to take place - because I honestly didn't know. But I could tell them the same thing I would tell you: God knew what had happened to them, and He cared for them and wanted to help them. Even when nothing seems to be going right, God hasn't abandoned us, and we can trust Him to see us through the hard times. The Bible's words are true: "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail" (Lamentations 3:22).
Commit your life - and your future - to Christ. Then ask Him to give you the strength you need to meet this challenge. Don't dwell on the past dwell instead on the future, and on what God has for you in the days and years ahead. It isn't easy, I know - but "The Lord is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made" (Psalm 145:13).
In addition, take time to thank God for all that you do have. You could have lost your family - but you didn't. Most of all you have hope, both for this life and the life to come.
Daniel says 3.29. p.m.
Martin is right: we live in a sin-cursed world. Evil is real, but Jesus won the victory over death and hell for those who belong to Him. Romans 8:28 is one of the Bible's greatest promises. I have seen God use it wonderfully in my life. Read it, believe it, embrace it. God will see you through.
Jeannie says 3.29. p.m.
Romans 8:28 applies in ALL circumstances. I'm confidently waiting to see His purpose in things that have been hard to bear--the death of our beautiful, brilliant 14-year-old son after a year battling leukemia is probably the most heart-wrenching. Nothing I have is really mine, you know. I'm His, and everything in my hands and everyone in my heart He has entrusted to me for care and stewardship. I'll remember Dennis' the bottom is indeed solid if I am grounded on the Solid Rock.
Dorothy says 3.29. p.m.
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.
Dennis says 3.29. p.m.
I recall reading of a pastor who had walked through the loss of his young daughter to a disease. He wrote the following to a friend, "We have hit bottom, and the bottom is solid." I have been helped by that. It is an admission that we hurt deeply and grieve as any human should, but in Christ we find that the "bottom" is the solid Rock of our Lord.
Janice says 3.29. p.m.
22 years ago I had a son born with 2 incurable birth defects, one of the liver and one of the heart. He had liver surgery at 6 wks and open heart at 6 yrs. When he was 8 wks old we were told he only had a 2 chance to make it through the night. That night I gave him back to the Lord along with my 3 older children. I ask God to do His will but of course as a mother I was selfish and ask for my son to live, but please not to a life of suffering. The next morning when the doctors came in to examine my son, it was like nothing had been wrong at all. Still the doctors had said he would need a transplant in the future. I told his doctor that God had healed my son and he told me he was sorry but God didn't do that any more. I was shocked at his reply, but told him that my God still was in the business of miracles. My son is now 22 and doctors cannot explain why but everything checks out normal. If this wasn't proof enough for his doctor that God still creates miracles, I don't know what will. Every time I go through hard times, I have to remind myself of the miracles God has blessed me and my family with. I thank God for all His many blessing every day.
Janice says 3.29. p.m.
"Though trials come yet I will not fear, living for Jesus, He is near." I am writing this not only as a reminder for you but for me as well. "But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. I Cor. 2:9
Marie says 3.29. p.m.
I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2007. Needless to say, I was devastated and so frightened of the unknown, and the suffering I was going to endure. A preacher came and talked to me. He said God does not want us to be afraid and he told me of the pain and suffering that Jesus had endured. A lightbulb went off in my head. I thought all these years you have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you know if you have true faith, you will fear nothing. From that moment on, my fear was gone. I trusted totally in him. When I would have an ache or pain, I would think of Jesus, and the terrible suffering he endured, and realized that my pain could never compare to his. I thank God every day for making me stronger in my faith, and my love and devotion to him.
Tim says 3.29. p.m.
Amen about HE is THERE to bear us UP; His will always is to RESCUE, to COMFORT, to REDEEM, to EDIFY, to STRENGTHEN our FAITH through every trial."Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ' that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy." (1 Peter 4:12,13 AV)T Bad is not good, BUT many COME MORE FULLY TO CHRIST in every disaster, Ironically most of us do not really draw NEAR to GOD in the spirit, until we are FORCED even with some, it's more like we are blown away by a disaster and we don't even consider the choice, but when we awaken later, God seems nearer and we seem more loving."And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all." (1 Corinthians 15:28)
Merri Lee says 3.29. p.m.
If someone would have asked me 4 yrs ago, what do picture you life to be like in 4 yrs? I more than likely would have said, I see my children grown, grandchildren in the future and my husband and I serving God together. Oh how different my life really is, I am still reeling from the trials and pain of the last 4 yrs. My husband has abandoned our family, my oldest daughter is in prison and I am raising her son, with a lot of help from his maternal Grandma and his father. It takes everything I have each day to keep a close relationship with our Lord, to keep my FAITH when my pain seems to much to bear. Praise God for my family, my church family too!! and for ministries like BGEA. May God continue to bless BGEA!!!
Ann says 3.29. p.m.
God is our "Rock and he is our Salvation". Without him we can do nothing. But with him we can conquer and do all he promises. Amen!
Shirley says 3.29. p.m.
Sometimes God use nature to get our attention. Instead of asking the question, why did God let this happen, praise Him for what He has done in the past, magnify Him in the Present and glorify Him for what He is going to do in the future. God is still the same and His love, He exemplifies it everyday. Remember, God is love. Don't look at your circumstance but look at the Creator.
mary says 3.29. p.m.
I can tell you that is so true. Some years ago we lost all worldly goods and I wanted todie. But a wonderful pastor helped us and today I can say without reservation it was the best thing that ever happened to us.I have thanked God daily for being there andfor looking to what we do have in family friends and faith. Mary
Martin says 3.29. p.m.
There is an irony in the way man sees and does not seem to understand God&s just acts in situation like that. The crux is that God will never desire to have his people hurt and/or destroyed by natural disaster. However, He is still in control even when things like that hurricane happen. When we are affected we hit rock bottom with our emotions, but my question is: Aren't we living in a dead sin-cursed world even today 2000 years after Calvary. I can only learn from this that God&s mercy and compassion aren&t that cheap that I can throw them around and tell people that God is love. He is, but he also has some other aspects of our lives which He intents to clarify. Yes, it is tragic and my heart goes out to the families affected and in ruin, but let&s give God a chance to show what greater things He can do to show His steadfast love.


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