
查看: 3472|回复: 3
新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限50积分2207精华0UID3701580帖子金钱293 威望0
Lv.5, 积分 2207, 距离下一级还需 293 积分
UID3701580帖子威望0 多玩草30 草
今天刚下了眞吢爲妳大大的眞吢爲妳↙ “轻抚悲伤”No.3系列
很多东西都得自己修改位置&&其他的都已经修改好了&&只剩下 oUF_Freebgrid的移动位置没法调整
无头马 1/1 5000G买了只& &= 。 =
ZG虎 1/1&&坚持不懈9个月。。。终结于
风头 1/2&&经过10个月,终于在10.5.12有了半张脸
AB 1/1&&5000G买了把打ZC&&额~
KLZ马 0/1 每周一次&&看看什么时候出
新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限70积分8180精华0UID7869503帖子金钱5815 威望0
Lv.7, 积分 8180, 距离下一级还需 1820 积分
UID7869503帖子威望0 多玩草10 草
新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限30积分140精华0UID3639050帖子金钱157 威望0
Lv.3, 积分 140, 距离下一级还需 110 积分
UID3639050帖子威望0 多玩草10 草
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限40积分417精华0UID6280342帖子金钱630 威望0
Lv.4, 积分 417, 距离下一级还需 583 积分
UID6280342帖子威望0 多玩草12 草
/mvf 是命令,开启移动和锁定!
Powered by请教 oUF_Aftermathh
local parent, ns = ...local oUF = ns.oUF or oUFlocal _, class = UnitClass('player')local playerColor = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[select(2, UnitClass('player'))]local texture = 'Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Aftermathh\\Media\\texture.tga'local border = 'Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Aftermathh\\Media\\textureNormal.tga'local font = 'Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Aftermathh\\Media\\vixar.ttf'local borderbg = 'Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Aftermathh\\Media\\textureShadow.tga'local backdrop = {& &bgFile = [=[Interface\ChatFrame\ChatFrameBackground]=],& &insets = {top = -1, left = -1, bottom = -1, right = -1},}local function UpdateChannelStart(self, event, unit, name, rank, text)& &if (self.Latency) then& && &self.Latency:ClearAllPoints()& && &self.Latency:SetPoint('LEFT', self, 'BOTTOMLEFT', 1, -1)& && &local _, _, ms = GetNetStats()& && &self.Latency:SetFormattedText('%dms', ms)& &end& &if (self.SafeZone) then& && &self.SafeZone:SetDrawLayer('ARTWORK')& && &self.SafeZone:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self)& && &self.SafeZone:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', self)& &endendlocal function UpdateCastStart(self, event, unit, name, rank, text, castid)& &if (self.Latency) then& && &self.Latency:ClearAllPoints()& && &self.Latency:SetPoint('RIGHT', self, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', -1, 1)& && &local _, _, ms = GetNetStats()& && &self.Latency:SetFormattedText('%dms', ms)& &end& &if (self.SafeZone) then& && &self.SafeZone:SetDrawLayer('BORDER')& && &self.SafeZone:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', self)& && &self.SafeZone:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', self)
endendlocal menu = function(self)& &local unit = self.unit:sub(1, -2)& &local cunit = self.unit:gsub('(.)', string.upper, 1)& &if(unit == 'party' or unit == 'partypet') then& && &ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, _G['PartyMemberFrame'..self.id..'DropDown'], 'cursor', 0, 0)& &elseif(_G[cunit..'FrameDropDown']) then& && &ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, _G[cunit..'FrameDropDown'], 'cursor', 0, 0)& &endenddo
for k,v in pairs(UnitPopupMenus) do
for x,y in pairs(UnitPopupMenus[k]) do
if y == &SET_FOCUS& then
elseif y == &CLEAR_FOCUS& then
table.remove(UnitPopupMenus[k],x)& && && && &end& &
endendlocal auraIcon = function(icons, button)& &if oUF_Aftermathh.config.showdebufftype == true then& &
icons.showDebuffType = true& &end & &button.icon:SetTexCoord(0.03, 0.97, 0.03, 0.97)& && &button.overlay:SetTexture(border)& &button.overlay:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1)& &button.overlay:ClearAllPoints()& &button.overlay:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', button, 1.35, 1.35)& &button.overlay:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', button, -1.35, -1.35)& &button.overlay.Hide = function(self) self:SetVertexColor(0.9, 0.9, 0.9) end& &button.background = button:CreateTexture(nil, 'BACKGROUND')& &button.background:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', button.icon, 'TOPLEFT', -4, 4)& &button.background:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', button.icon, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 4, -4)& &button.background:SetTexture(borderbg)& &button.background:SetVertexColor(0, 0, 0, 1)& && &button.cd.noCooldownCount = true& &button.cd:SetReverse()& &button.cd:ClearAllPoints()& &button.cd:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', button.icon, 'TOPRIGHT', -1, -1)& &button.cd:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', button.icon, 'BOTTOMLEFT', 1, 1)& &button.count:SetFont(font, 14, 'THINOUTLINE')& &button.count:ClearAllPoints()& &button.count:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', 1, 1)endlocal Shared = function(self, unit)
self:SetScript('OnEnter', UnitFrame_OnEnter)
self:SetScript('OnLeave', UnitFrame_OnLeave)
self:SetAttribute('*type2', 'menu')& &self.menu = menu& && &self.disallowVehicleSwap = true& &self:SetBackdrop(backdrop)& &self:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0.8)& && && &local health = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self)
health:SetHeight(25)& &health:SetStatusBarTexture(texture)& &health:SetStatusBarColor(.25, .25, .25)& && && &health:SetPoint'TOP'& &health:SetPoint'LEFT'& &health:SetPoint'RIGHT'& &health.Smooth = true& &health.frequentUpdates = true& &health.colorTapping = false
health.colorDisconnected = false
health.colorHappiness = false
health.colorClass = false
health.colorReaction = false
health.colorHealth = false& &self.Health = health& && &local healthbg = health:CreateTexture(nil, 'BORDER')& &healthbg:SetAllPoints(health)& &healthbg:SetTexture(texture)& &healthbg:SetVertexColor(0, 0, 0, 0.6)& && &--[[& &if ( value == 100) then& &
healthbg:SetVertexColor(0, 0, 0, 0.8) -- 100% health& &elseif ( value ~= 90 ) then
healthbg:SetVertexColor(0, 0, 1, 0.8) -- 90&50% health green& &elseif ( value ~= 50 ) then& &
healthbg:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 0, 0.8) -- 50&30% health yellow
elseif ( value ~= 30 ) then& & & &
healthbg:SetVertexColor(1, 0, 0, 0.8) -- 30&0% health red & &end& &--]]& && &local healthtext = health:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')& &healthtext:SetFont(font, oUF_Aftermathh.config.hpfontsize, 'THINOUTLINE')
healthtext:SetPoint('RIGHT', health, -2, 0)& && &if(unit == 'focus' or unit == 'pet' or unit == 'targettarget' or unit == 'party' or unit == 'player' or unit == 'target') then& &
self:Tag(healthtext, '[raidcolor][Afterhealth]')& &end& && &if(unit and unit:find('boss%d')) then& &
self:Tag(healthtext, '[raidcolor][Aftermathh:BossHP]')& &end& && &if(unit and unit:find(&arena%d&)) then& &
self:Tag(healthtext, '[raidcolor][Aftermathh:BossHP]')& &end& && &if(unit == 'focus' or unit == 'pet' or unit == 'targettarget' or unit == 'party' or unit == 'player' or unit == 'target' or unit and unit:find('boss%d') or unit and unit:find(&arena%d&)) then& && &local power = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self)
& &power.Smooth = true& && &power.frequentUpdates = true& && &power.colorTapowering = true& && &power.colorHapoweriness = true& && &power.colorClass = true& && &power.colorReaction = true& &
if oUF_Aftermathh.config.powerbarnormal == true then& && &
power:SetHeight(28*.11)& && &
power:SetPoint('BOTTOM')& && &
power:SetPoint('LEFT', .2, 0)& && &
power:SetPoint('RIGHT', -.2, 0)& && && && && && &CreateBorder(self.Health, 12, R, G, B, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 7)& && &end& && && && &if oUF_Aftermathh.config.powerbarleftnright == true then& && &
power:SetHeight(25)& && && &power:SetPoint('LEFT', health, 20, -13)& && &
power:SetPoint('RIGHT', health, 12, 20)& && && &power:SetFrameStrata('LOW')& && && && && && &if(unit == 'target' or unit == 'targettarget' or unit and unit:find('boss%d'))
then & && && &
power:SetPoint('LEFT', health, -13, -13)& && &
power:SetPoint('RIGHT', health, -15, 20)& && && &end& && && && && &CreateBorder(self.Health, 12, R, G, B, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4)& && && &CreateBorder(power, 12, R, G, B, 2)& && &end& && && && &self.Power = power& && &local powerbg = power:CreateTexture(nil, 'BORDER')& && &powerbg:SetAllPoints(power)& && &powerbg:SetTexture(texture)& && &powerbg.multiplier = .5& && &power.bg = powerbg& && &local powertext = health:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')& && &powertext:SetFont(font, oUF_Aftermathh.config.manafontsize, 'THINOUTLINE')& && &powertext:SetPoint('LEFT', health, 2, 0)& && && && &if(unit == 'focus' or unit == 'pet' or unit == 'targettarget' or unit == 'party' or unit == 'player' or unit == 'target') then& && &
self:Tag(powertext, '[Afterpowerp] [Afterpower]')& && &end& && && && &if(unit and unit:find(&arena%d&)) then& && &
self:Tag(powertext, '[Afterpowerp]')& && &end& && && && &if(unit and unit:find(&boss%d&)) then& && &
self:Tag(powertext, '[Afterpowerp]')& && &end& && && && &self.colors.power.MANA = {0, 144/255, 1}& &
self.colors.power.RUNIC_POWER = {0, 0.82, 1}& && && && &if(unit == 'focus' or unit == 'pet' or unit == 'targettarget' or unit == 'party' or unit == 'player' or unit == 'target' or unit and unit:find(&arena%d&)) then& &
self.Range = {
insideAlpha = 1,
outsideAlpha = 0.3,
self.SpellRange = {& && &
insideAlpha = 1,
outsideAlpha = 0.3,
end& && && && &if(unit == 'focus' or unit == 'pet' or unit == 'targettarget' or unit == 'party') then& && &
powertext:Hide()& && &
healthtext:Hide()& && &end& && && && &if(unit == 'focus' or unit == 'pet' or unit == 'targettarget') then& && &
self:SetSize(150, 27)& && &end& && && && &if(unit == 'player' or unit == 'target') then& && &
self:SetSize(270, 27)& && &end& && && &
if(unit == 'focus' or unit == 'pet') then& &
self:SetScale(0.95)& &
end& &end& && &if oUF_Aftermathh.config.castbars == true then& &
if(unit == 'player' or unit == 'focus' or unit == 'target' or unit == 'pet' or unit:find(&arena%d&)) then& && && &self.Castbar = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self)& && && &self.Castbar:SetStatusBarTexture(texture)& && && &self.Castbar:SetScale(1.139)& && && &self.Castbar:SetStatusBarColor(.25, .25, .25)& && && && && &CreateBorder(self.Castbar, 12, R, G, B, 3)& && && &self.Castbar.Bg = self.Castbar:CreateTexture(nil, 'BACKGROUND')& && && &self.Castbar.Bg:SetAllPoints(self.Castbar)& && && &self.Castbar.Bg:SetTexture(texture)& && && &self.Castbar.Bg:SetVertexColor(0, 0, 0, 0.7)& && && && && && &if(unit == 'player') then -- Player CastBar& && && && &self.Castbar:SetPoint('BOTTOM', UIParent, -2, 80) -- here we move the player castbar.& && && && &self.Castbar:SetHeight(25)& && && && &self.Castbar:SetWidth(309)& && && && &self.Castbar:SetParent(self)
if oUF_Aftermathh.config.castbarclasscolor == true then
self.Castbar:SetStatusBarColor(playerColor.r, playerColor.g, playerColor.b)& && && && &
self.Castbar.Bg:SetVertexColor(playerColor.r*0.3, playerColor.g*0.3, playerColor.b*0.3, 0.8)
end& && && && && && &if oUF_Aftermathh.config.showsafezone == true then& && && && && &self.Castbar.SafeZone = self.Castbar:CreateTexture(nil, 'BORDER')& && && && && &self.Castbar.SafeZone:SetTexture('Interface\\Buttons\\WHITE8x8')& && && && && &self.Castbar.SafeZone:SetVertexColor(1, 0.5, 0, 1)& && && && &end& && && && &if oUF_Aftermathh.config.showlatency == true then& && && && && &self.Castbar.Latency = self:CreateFontString(nil, 'ARTWORK')& && && && && &self.Castbar.Latency:SetFont(font, oUF_Aftermathh.config.latencyfontsize, 'OUTLINE')& && && && && &self.Castbar.Latency:SetParent(self.Castbar)& && && && && &self.Castbar.Latency:SetDrawLayer('OVERLAY')& && && && && &self.Castbar.Latency:SetVertexColor(0.6, 0.6, 0.6)& && && && && &self.Castbar.Latency:SetAlpha(1)& && && && &end& && && && &self.Castbar.PostCastStart = UpdateCastStart& && && && &self.Castbar.PostChannelStart = UpdateChannelStart& && && &end& && && &self.Castbar.CustomDelayText = function(self, duration)& && && && &self.Time:SetFormattedText('(|cffff0000-%.1f|r) %.1f | %.1f', self.delay, duration, self.max)& && && &end& && && && &self.Castbar.CustomTimeText = function(self, duration)& && && && &self.Time:SetFormattedText('%.1f | %.1f', duration, self.max)& && && &end& && && &self.Castbar.Time = self:CreateFontString(nil, 'ARTWORK')& && && &self.Castbar.Time:SetFont(font, oUF_Aftermathh.config.cbtimefontsize, 'THINOUTLINE')& && && &self.Castbar.Time:SetPoint('RIGHT', self.Castbar, 'RIGHT', -7, 0)& && && &self.Castbar.Time:SetHeight(25)& && && &self.Castbar.Time:SetParent(self.Castbar)& && && &self.Castbar.Time:SetJustifyH('RIGHT')& && && &self.Castbar.Text = self:CreateFontString(nil, 'ARTWORK')& && && &self.Castbar.Text:SetFont(font, oUF_Aftermathh.config.cbtextfontsize, 'THINOUTLINE')& && && &self.Castbar.Text:SetPoint('LEFT', self.Castbar, 4, 0)& && && &self.Castbar.Text:SetPoint('RIGHT', self.Castbar.Time, 'LEFT', -7, 0)& && && &self.Castbar.Text:SetHeight(25)& && && &self.Castbar.Text:SetParent(self.Castbar)& && && &self.Castbar.Text:SetJustifyH('LEFT')& && && && && && &if(unit == 'target') then & && && && &self.Castbar:SetWidth(200)& && && && &self.Castbar:SetHeight(26)& && && && &self.Castbar:SetStatusBarColor(.25, .25, .25)& && && && &self.Castbar:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', self, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 143, 94) -- here we move the target castbar& && && && && && && && &if oUF_Aftermathh.config.targetcastbaricon == true then
self.Castbar.Icon = self.Castbar:CreateTexture(nil, 'ARTWORK')& && &
self.Castbar.Icon:SetHeight(39)& && &
self.Castbar.Icon:SetWidth(39)& && &
self.Castbar.Icon:SetPoint('RIGHT', 47, 4)& && &
self.IconOverlay = self.Castbar:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')& && &
self.IconOverlay:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self.Castbar.Icon, 'TOPLEFT')& && &
self.IconOverlay:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', self.Castbar.Icon, 'BOTTOMRIGHT')& && &
self.IconOverlay:SetTexture(border)& && &
self.IconOverlay:SetVertexColor(0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 1)& &
self.Castbar.IconBg = self.Castbar:CreateTexture(nil, 'BACKGROUND')& &
self.Castbar.IconBg:SetPoint('TOPLEFT',self.Castbar.Icon,'TOPLEFT',-5,5)& &
self.Castbar.IconBg:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT',self.Castbar.Icon,'BOTTOMRIGHT',5,-5)& &
self.Castbar.IconBg:SetTexture(borderbg)& &
self.Castbar.IconBg:SetVertexColor(0, 0, 0, 9)
end& && && && && && && &if(unit == 'focus') then -- Focus Castbar
& && && &self.Castbar:SetWidth(260)& && && && &self.Castbar:SetHeight(25)& && && && &self.Castbar:SetScale(1.210)& && && && &self.Castbar:SetPoint('CENTER', UIParent, 'CENTER', -10, -10) -- here we move focus castbar& && && && && && && && &if oUF_Aftermathh.config.focuscastbaricon == true then
self.Castbar.Icon = self.Castbar:CreateTexture(nil, 'ARTWORK')& && &
self.Castbar.Icon:SetHeight(39)& && &
self.Castbar.Icon:SetWidth(39)& && &
self.Castbar.Icon:SetPoint('LEFT', -48, 3)& && &
self.IconOverlay = self.Castbar:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')& && &
self.IconOverlay:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self.Castbar.Icon, 'TOPLEFT')& && &
self.IconOverlay:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', self.Castbar.Icon, 'BOTTOMRIGHT')& && &
self.IconOverlay:SetTexture(border)& && &
self.IconOverlay:SetVertexColor(0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 1)& &
self.Castbar.IconBg = self.Castbar:CreateTexture(nil, 'BACKGROUND')& &
self.Castbar.IconBg:SetPoint('TOPLEFT',self.Castbar.Icon,'TOPLEFT',-5,5)& &
self.Castbar.IconBg:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT',self.Castbar.Icon,'BOTTOMRIGHT',5,-5)& &
self.Castbar.IconBg:SetTexture(borderbg)& &
self.Castbar.IconBg:SetVertexColor(0, 0, 0, 9)
end& && && &end& && && && && && &if unit:find(&arena%d&) and oUF_Aftermathh.config.arenacasterbar == true then -- arena castbar
& && && &self.Castbar:SetWidth(220)& && && && &self.Castbar:SetHeight(25)& && && &
self.Castbar:SetPoint('CENTER', self, 'CENTER', 247, -5) -- here we move arena castbars& && && && &self.Castbar:SetScale(1.1)& && && && && && && && &if oUF_Aftermathh.config.arenacastbaricon == true and oUF_Aftermathh.config.arenacasterbar == true then
self.Castbar.Icon = self.Castbar:CreateTexture(nil, 'ARTWORK')& && &
self.Castbar.Icon:SetHeight(39)& && &
self.Castbar.Icon:SetWidth(39)& && &
self.Castbar.Icon:SetPoint('LEFT', -48, 3)& && &
self.IconOverlay = self.Castbar:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')& && &
self.IconOverlay:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self.Castbar.Icon, 'TOPLEFT')& && &
self.IconOverlay:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', self.Castbar.Icon, 'BOTTOMRIGHT')& && &
self.IconOverlay:SetTexture(border)& && &
self.IconOverlay:SetVertexColor(0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 1)& &
self.Castbar.IconBg = self.Castbar:CreateTexture(nil, 'BACKGROUND')& &
self.Castbar.IconBg:SetPoint('TOPLEFT',self.Castbar.Icon,'TOPLEFT',-5,5)& &
self.Castbar.IconBg:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT',self.Castbar.Icon,'BOTTOMRIGHT',5,-5)& &
self.Castbar.IconBg:SetTexture(borderbg)& &
self.Castbar.IconBg:SetVertexColor(0, 0, 0, 9)
end& && && && && && && &end& && && && && && &if(unit == 'pet') then -- Pet Castbar& && && && &self.Castbar:SetHeight(22)& && && && &self.Castbar:SetWidth(200)& && && && &self.Castbar:SetStatusBarColor(.25, .25, .25)& && && && &self.Castbar:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', self, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', -12, 56) -- here we move the pet castbar& && && &end& && &end& &
if(unit == 'target' or unit == 'focus') then& && &
if unit == 'target' or unit == 'focus' and oUF_Aftermathh.config.showinterrupthighlight == true then& && && &
self.Shadow = {}& && && && &
for i = 1, 8 do
self.Shadow[i] = self.Castbar:CreateTexture(nil, 'BACKGROUND')
self.Shadow[i]:SetVertexColor(1, 0, 1)
self.Shadow[1]:SetTexCoord(0, 1/3, 0, 1/3)
self.Shadow[1]:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self.Castbar, -10, 10)& && && && &
self.Shadow[2]:SetTexCoord(2/3, 1, 0, 1/3)
self.Shadow[2]:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', self.Castbar, 10, 10)& && && && &
self.Shadow[3]:SetTexCoord(0, 1/3, 2/3, 1)
self.Shadow[3]:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', self.Castbar, -10, -10)& && && && &
self.Shadow[4]:SetTexCoord(2/3, 1, 2/3, 1)
self.Shadow[4]:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', self.Castbar, 10, -10)& && && && &
self.Shadow[5]:SetTexCoord(1/3, 2/3, 0, 1/3)
self.Shadow[5]:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self.Shadow[1], 'TOPRIGHT')
self.Shadow[5]:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', self.Shadow[2], 'TOPLEFT')& && && && &
self.Shadow[6]:SetTexCoord(1/3, 2/3, 2/3, 1)
self.Shadow[6]:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', self.Shadow[3], 'BOTTOMRIGHT')
self.Shadow[6]:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', self.Shadow[4], 'BOTTOMLEFT')& && && && &
self.Shadow[7]:SetTexCoord(0, 1/3, 1/3, 2/3)
self.Shadow[7]:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self.Shadow[1], 'BOTTOMLEFT')
self.Shadow[7]:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', self.Shadow[3], 'TOPLEFT')& && && && &
self.Shadow[8]:SetTexCoord(2/3, 1, 1/3, 2/3)
self.Shadow[8]:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', self.Shadow[2], 'BOTTOMRIGHT')
self.Shadow[8]:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', self.Shadow[4], 'TOPRIGHT')
self.hasShadow = true
self.hasShadow = false
local interruptFrame = CreateFrame('Frame')& && && &interruptFrame:RegisterEvent('UNIT_SPELLCAST_START')& && && &interruptFrame:RegisterEvent('UNIT_SPELLCAST_DELAYED')& && && &interruptFrame:RegisterEvent('UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_START')& && && &interruptFrame:RegisterEvent('UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_UPDATE')
interruptFrame:SetScript('OnEvent', function()
local name, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, interrupt = UnitCastingInfo(unit)& && && && &
if (self.hasShadow) then
for i = 1, 8 do
if (name) then
if (interrupt) then
self.Castbar:SetStatusBarColor(.25, .25, .25)
self.Castbar.Bg:SetVertexColor(1, 0, 1)
if (self.hasShadow) then
for i = 1, 8 do
self.Castbar:SetStatusBarColor(.25, .25, .25)
self.Castbar.Bg:SetVertexColor(0, 0, 0, 0.6)
if (self.hasShadow) then
for i = 1, 8 do
end& && &local InvisFrame = CreateFrame(&Frame&, nil, self) & &InvisFrame:SetFrameStrata(&HIGH&)& &InvisFrame:SetFrameLevel(1)& &InvisFrame:SetAllPoints()
self.RaidIcon = InvisFrame:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')
self.RaidIcon:SetPoint('CENTER', self, 'TOP', 4, 5)& &if oUF_Aftermathh.config.showpvpicon == true then& &
local PvPIcon = InvisFrame:CreateTexture('$parentPVPIcon', 'OVERLAY')& &
PvPIcon:SetHeight(33)& &
PvPIcon:SetWidth(33)& &
self.PvP = PvPIcon& &
if(unit == 'player') then& &
PvPIcon:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', self, 'TOPRIGHT', -340, -70)& && &elseif(unit == 'target') then
PvPIcon:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', self, 'TOPRIGHT', 115, -70)
& && &else& &
PvPIcon:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', health, 'TOPRIGHT', 23, -42) & &
end& && && && &if unit == &player& and oUF_Aftermathh.config.shadowpvptimers == true and oUF_Aftermathh.config.showpvpicon == true then
self.PvPTimer = InvisFrame:CreateFontString('$parentPVPTimer', 'OVERLAY')
self.PvPTimer:SetFont(font, 12, 'THINOUTLINE')
self.PvPTimer:SetPoint('BOTTOM', self.PvP, 'TOP', -5, -2)
self.LastUpdate = 0
self:HookScript('OnUpdate', function(self, elapsed)
local time = nil
if (IsPVPTimerRunning()) then
time = GetPVPTimer()
if (time) then
time = time - elapsed * 1000
local timeLeft = time
if (timeLeft & 0) then
end& &end& &
if(unit == 'player' or unit == 'party') then& && &local LeaderIcon = InvisFrame:CreateTexture('$parentLeaderIcon', 'OVERLAY')& && &LeaderIcon:SetHeight(15)& && &LeaderIcon:SetWidth(15)& && &LeaderIcon:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', health, 'TOPLEFT', -5, -2)& && &self.Leader = LeaderIcon
& && &local MasterLooterIcon = InvisFrame:CreateTexture('$parentMasterLooterIcon', 'OVERLAY')& && &MasterLooterIcon:SetHeight(12)& && &MasterLooterIcon:SetWidth(12)& && &MasterLooterIcon:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', health, 'TOPLEFT', 12, 1)& && &self.MasterLooter = MasterLooterIcon& &end& && &if(unit == 'player') then& && &local ComboPoints = self:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')& && &ComboPoints:SetFont(font, oUF_Aftermathh.config.cpfontsize, 'THINOUTLINE')& && &ComboPoints:SetTextColor(playerColor.r, playerColor.g, playerColor.b)& && &ComboPoints:SetPoint('CENTER', self, 'RIGHT', -5, 32)& && &ComboPoints:SetJustifyH('RIGHT')& && &self:Tag(ComboPoints, '[cpoints]')& &end& && &if(unit == 'player') then& && &local CombatIcon = InvisFrame:CreateTexture('$parentCombatIcon', 'OVERLAY')& &
CombatIcon:SetSize(20, 20)& &
CombatIcon:SetPoint('CENTER', health, -148, 11)& &
bat = CombatIcon& &
local RestingIcon = InvisFrame:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')
RestingIcon:SetSize(20, 20)
RestingIcon:SetPoint('CENTER', health, -228, 11)
self.Resting = RestingIcon& &end& && && &if oUF_Aftermathh.config.showportraits == true then& &
local Portrait = CreateFrame('PlayerModel', nil, self)& &
Portrait:SetBackdrop(backdrop)& &
Portrait:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0.9)& &
Portrait:SetWidth(27*3)& &
Portrait:SetHeight(27*2)& && && && &CreateBorder(Portrait, 12, R, G, B, 3)& &
if(unit == 'player' or unit == 'focus' or unit == 'pet' or unit == 'party' or unit and unit:find('boss%d') or unit and unit:find(&arena%d&)) then& &
Portrait:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', self, 'BOTTOMLEFT', -92, -26)
end& && && && &if(unit == &target&) then& &
Portrait:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', self, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 11, -26)& && &end
self.Portrait = Portrait& &
end& && &if unit then
self.Name = health:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
self.Name:SetFont(font, oUF_Aftermathh.config.namefontsize, 'THINOUTLINE')
if(unit == 'player' or unit and unit:find('boss%d') or unit and unit:find(&arena%d&)) then
self.Name:Hide()& && &end& && && &
if(unit == 'target')then& &
self.Name:SetPoint('LEFT', health, 'LEFT', -5, 26)& && && && && &
self:Tag(self.Name,'[difficulty][level][shortclassification] [raidcolor][AfterName]')& && &end& && && &
if(unit == 'targettarget' or unit == 'focus' or unit == 'pet' or unit == 'party') then& &
self.Name:SetPoint('CENTER')& &
self:Tag(self.Name, '[raidcolor][AfterShortName]')
end& && &if oUF_Aftermathh.config.showbuffs == true then& && &local Buffs = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, self)& && &Buffs:SetHeight(270)& && &Buffs:SetWidth(270)& && &Buffs.size = 28& &
Buffs.spacing = 3& && &Buffs.PostCreateIcon = auraIcon& && && && &if(unit == 'player') then& && &
Buffs.initialAnchor = 'TOPLEFT'& && && &Buffs['growth-y'] = 'RIGHT'& && && &Buffs['growth-x'] = 'DOWN'& && && &Buffs:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self, 'BOTTOMLEFT', -3, -8)& && && &Buffs.num = 0& && &elseif(unit == 'target') then& && &
Buffs.initialAnchor = 'TOPLEFT'& && && &Buffs['growth-y'] = 'RIGHT'& && && &Buffs['growth-x'] = 'DOWN'& && && &Buffs:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self, 'BOTTOMLEFT', -3, -8)& && && &Buffs.num = 9& && &elseif(unit == 'targettarget') then& && &
Buffs.initialAnchor = 'TOPLEFT'& && && &Buffs['growth-y'] = 'RIGHT'& && && &Buffs['growth-x'] = 'DOWN'& && && &Buffs:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self, 'BOTTOMLEFT', -3, -8)& && && &Buffs.num = 0& && &elseif(unit == 'party' or unit and unit:find('boss%d')) then& && && &Buffs.initialAnchor = 'TOPLEFT'& && && && && &Buffs['growth-y'] = 'RIGHT'& && && &Buffs['growth-x'] = 'DOWN'& && && &Buffs:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self, 'BOTTOMLEFT', -3, -8)& && && &Buffs.num = 5& && &elseif(unit and unit:find(&arena%d&)) then& && && &Buffs.initialAnchor = 'TOPLEFT'& && && && && &Buffs['growth-y'] = 'RIGHT'& && && &Buffs['growth-x'] = 'DOWN'& && && &Buffs:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self, 'BOTTOMLEFT', -3, -8)& && && &Buffs.num = 6& && &elseif(unit == 'pet') then& && &
Buffs.initialAnchor = 'TOPLEFT'& && && &Buffs['growth-y'] = 'RIGHT'& && && &Buffs['growth-x'] = 'DOWN'& && && &Buffs:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self, 'BOTTOMLEFT', -3, -8)& && && &Buffs.num = 4& && &elseif(unit == 'focus') then& && &
Buffs.initialAnchor = 'TOPLEFT'& && && &Buffs['growth-y'] = 'RIGHT'& && && &Buffs['growth-x'] = 'DOWN'& && && &Buffs:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self, 'BOTTOMLEFT', -3, -8)& && && &Buffs.num = 6& && &end& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &self.Buffs = Buffs& &end& &if oUF_Aftermathh.config.showdebuffs == true then& && &local Debuffs = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, self)& && &Debuffs:SetHeight(270)& && &Debuffs:SetWidth(270)& && &Debuffs.size = 32& && &Debuffs.spacing = 3& && &Debuffs.PostCreateIcon = auraIcon& && && && &if(unit == 'player') then& && && &Debuffs:SetPoint('LEFT', self, 'RIGHT', 20, 5)& && && &Debuffs['growth-x'] = 'RIGHT'& && && &Debuffs.initialAnchor = 'LEFT'& && && &Debuffs.num = 0& && && &Debuffs.onlyShowPlayer = false& && &elseif(unit == 'target') then& && && &Debuffs:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', self, 'TOPLEFT', -3, 28)& && && &Debuffs['growth-y'] = 'UP'& && && &Debuffs.initialAnchor = 'BOTTOMLEFT'& && &
Debuffs.num = 7& && && &Debuffs.onlyShowPlayer = true& && &elseif(unit == 'targettarget') then& && && &Debuffs:SetPoint('LEFT', self, 'RIGHT', 20, 5)& && && &Debuffs['growth-x'] = 'RIGHT'& && && &Debuffs.initialAnchor = 'LEFT'& && && &Debuffs.num = 0& && && &Debuffs.onlyShowPlayer = false& && &elseif(unit == 'party' or unit and unit:find(&arena%d&)) then& && && &Debuffs:SetPoint('LEFT', self, 'RIGHT', 8, 0)& && && &Debuffs['growth-x'] = 'RIGHT'& && && &Debuffs.initialAnchor = 'LEFT'& && && &Debuffs.num = 5& && && &Debuffs.onlyShowPlayer = false& && &elseif(unit == 'pet') then& && && &Debuffs:SetPoint('LEFT', self, 'RIGHT', 8, 0)& && && &Debuffs['growth-x'] = 'RIGHT'& && && &Debuffs.initialAnchor = 'LEFT'& && && &Debuffs.num = 5& && && &Debuffs.onlyShowPlayer = false& &
elseif(unit == 'focus') then& && && &Debuffs:SetPoint('LEFT', self, 'RIGHT', 8, 0)& && && &Debuffs['growth-x'] = 'RIGHT'& && && &Debuffs.initialAnchor = 'LEFT'& && && &Debuffs.num = 5& && && &Debuffs.onlyShowPlayer = false& && &end& && && && &self.Debuffs = Debuffs& &end& && &if(unit == 'player') then& && && && &if oUF_Aftermathh.config.expbar == true then& && && &self.Experience = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self)& && && &self.Experience:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self, 'BOTTOMLEFT', 0, 52)& && && &self.Experience:SetStatusBarTexture(texture)& && && &self.Experience:SetStatusBarColor(0,.7,1)& && && &self.Experience:SetHeight(15)& && && &self.Experience:SetWidth(235)& && && &self.Experience:SetBackdrop(backdrop)& && && &self.Experience:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .5)& && && &self.Experience.Tooltip = true& && && &CreateBorder(self.Experience, 12, R, G, B, 3)& && && &self.Experience.Text = self.Experience:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')& && && &self.Experience.Text:SetFont(font, oUF_Aftermathh.config.expfontsize, 'THINOUTLINE')& && && &self.Experience.Text:SetPoint('CENTER', self.Experience)& && && &self.Experience.bg = self.Experience:CreateTexture(nil, 'BORDER')& && && &self.Experience.bg:SetAllPoints(self.Experience)& && && &self.Experience.bg:SetTexture(0, 0, 0, .5)& && &end& && && &if oUF_Aftermathh.config.totembar == true and class == 'SHAMAN' then& && && && &
self.TotemBar = {}& && && &self.TotemBar.Destroy = true& && && && && && &for i = 1, 4 do& && && && &self.TotemBar[i] = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self)& && && && &self.TotemBar[i]:SetHeight(12)& && && && &self.TotemBar[i]:SetWidth(265/4 - 5)& && && && && && && && &if (i == 1) then& && && && && &self.TotemBar[i]:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', self, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', -1, -9)& && && && &else& && && && && &self.TotemBar[i]:SetPoint('RIGHT', self.TotemBar[i-1], 'LEFT', -8, 0)& && && && &end
CreateBorder(self.TotemBar[i], 12, R, G, B, 3)& && && && &self.TotemBar[i]:SetStatusBarTexture(texture)& && && && &self.TotemBar[i]:SetBackdrop(backdrop)& && && && &self.TotemBar[i]:SetBackdropColor(0,0,0,6)& && && && &self.TotemBar[i]:SetMinMaxValues(0, 1)& && && && &self.TotemBar[i].bg = self.TotemBar[i]:CreateTexture(nil, 'BORDER')& && && && &self.TotemBar[i].bg:SetAllPoints(self.TotemBar[i])& && && && &self.TotemBar[i].bg:SetTexture(texture)& && && && &self.TotemBar[i].bg.multiplier = 0.3& && && &end& && &end& && && && &if (class == 'DEATHKNIGHT') then& && && && &
self.Runes = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, self)& && && && && &for i = 1, 6 do& && && && &self.Runes[i] = CreateFrame('StatusBar', self:GetName()..'_Runes'..i, self)& && && && &self.Runes[i]:SetHeight(10)& && && && &self.Runes[i]:SetWidth(250/6 - 0.85)& && && && && && && && &if(i == 1) then& && && && && &self.Runes[i]:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self, 'BOTTOMLEFT', 0, -8)& && && && &else& && && && && &self.Runes[i]:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self.Runes[i-1], 'TOPRIGHT', 5, 0)& && && && &end& && && && && && && && &CreateBorder(self.Runes[i], 12, R, G, B, 3)& && && && && && && && &self.Runes[i]:SetStatusBarTexture(texture)& && && && &self.Runes[i]:SetBackdrop(backdrop)& && && && &self.Runes[i]:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0)& && && && &self.Runes[i]:SetMinMaxValues(0, 1)& && && && &self.Runes[i].bg = self.Runes[i]:CreateTexture(nil, 'BORDER')& && && && &self.Runes[i].bg:SetAllPoints(self.Runes[i])& && && && &self.Runes[i].bg:SetTexture(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)& && && && &self.Runes[i].bg.multiplier = 0.2& && && &end& && &end& && && && &if(class == 'DRUID') then& && &
local EclipseBar = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, self)& & & &
EclipseBar:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self, 'BOTTOMLEFT', 0, -10)& && &
EclipseBar:SetWidth(270)& && && &EclipseBar:SetHeight(13)& && &
EclipseBar:SetBackdrop(backdrop)& && &
EclipseBar:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0.8)& && && && && &CreateBorder(EclipseBar, 12, R, G, B, 4)& && && && && &
local LunarBar = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, EclipseBar)& && &
LunarBar:SetPoint('LEFT', EclipseBar, 'LEFT', 0, 0)& && &
& &LunarBar:SetWidth(270)& && && &LunarBar:SetHeight(13)& && &
LunarBar:SetStatusBarTexture(texture)& && &
LunarBar:SetStatusBarColor(0.36, 0.45, 0.88)& && &
EclipseBar.SolarBar = LunarBar& && &
local SolarBar = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, EclipseBar)& && &
SolarBar:SetPoint('LEFT', LunarBar:GetStatusBarTexture(), 'RIGHT', 0, 0)& && &
SolarBar:SetWidth(270)& && && &SolarBar:SetHeight(13)& && &
SolarBar:SetStatusBarTexture(texture)& && &
SolarBar:SetStatusBarColor(0.85, 0.83, 0.1)& && &
EclipseBar.LunarBar = SolarBar& && && && && &
local EclipseBarText = SolarBar:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')& && &
EclipseBarText:SetPoint('CENTER', EclipseBar, 'CENTER', 0, 0)& && &
EclipseBarText:SetFont(font, oUF_Aftermathh.config.eclipsefontsize, 'THINOUTLINE')& && &
self:Tag(EclipseBarText, '[pereclipse]%')& && && && && && &local EclipseBarSpell = SolarBar:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')& && &
EclipseBarSpell:SetPoint('CENTER', UIParent, 'CENTER', 0, 0)& && &
EclipseBarSpell:SetFont(font, 28, 'THINOUTLINE')& && && && && && &self.EclipseBar = EclipseBar& && && && && && && &local LunarShower = self:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')& && &
LunarShower:SetPoint('CENTER', self, 'RIGHT', -5, 31)& && &
LunarShower:SetFont(font, oUF_Aftermathh.config.classtagbig, 'THINOUTLINE')& && &
LunarShower:SetTextColor(playerColor.r, playerColor.g, playerColor.b)& && &
LunarShower:SetJustifyH('CENTER')& && &
self:Tag(LunarShower, '[Aftermathh:LunarShower]')& &
end& && && && &if(class == 'HUNTER') then& && &
local LockAndLoad = self:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')& && &
LockAndLoad:SetPoint('CENTER', self, 'RIGHT', -5, 31)& && &
LockAndLoad:SetFont(font, oUF_Aftermathh.config.classtagbig, 'THINOUTLINE')& && &
LockAndLoad:SetTextColor(playerColor.r, playerColor.g, playerColor.b)& && &
LockAndLoad:SetJustifyH('CENTER')& && &
self:Tag(LockAndLoad, '[Aftermathh:LockAndLoad]')& && && && && && &local ReadySetAim = self:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')& && &
ReadySetAim:SetPoint('CENTER', self, 'RIGHT', -5, 31)& && &
ReadySetAim:SetFont(font, oUF_Aftermathh.config.classtagbig, 'THINOUTLINE')& && &
ReadySetAim:SetTextColor(playerColor.r, playerColor.g, playerColor.b)& && &
ReadySetAim:SetJustifyH('CENTER')& && &
self:Tag(ReadySetAim, '[Aftermathh:ReadySetAim]')& && &end& && &
if(class == 'WARRIOR') then& && && &local ThunderStruck = self:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')& && && &ThunderStruck:SetPoint('CENTER', self, 'RIGHT', -5, 31)& && && &ThunderStruck:SetFont(font, oUF_Aftermathh.config.classtagbig, 'THINOUTLINE')& && && &ThunderStruck:SetTextColor(playerColor.r, playerColor.g, playerColor.b)& && && &ThunderStruck:SetJustifyH('CENTER')& && && &self:Tag(ThunderStruck, '[Aftermathh:ThunderStruck]')& && && && && && &local MeatCleaver = self:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')& && && &MeatCleaver:SetPoint('CENTER', self, 'RIGHT', -5, 31)& && && &MeatCleaver:SetFont(font, oUF_Aftermathh.config.classtagbig, 'THINOUTLINE')& && && &MeatCleaver:SetTextColor(playerColor.r, playerColor.g, playerColor.b)& && && &MeatCleaver:SetJustifyH('CENTER')& && && &self:Tag(MeatCleaver, '[Aftermathh:MeatCleaver]')& && &end& && &
if(class == 'PRIEST') then& && && &local ShadowOrbs = self:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')& && && &ShadowOrbs:SetPoint('CENTER', self, 'RIGHT', -5, 31)& && && &ShadowOrbs:SetFont(font, oUF_Aftermathh.config.classtagbig, 'THINOUTLINE')& && && &ShadowOrbs:SetTextColor(playerColor.r, playerColor.g, playerColor.b)& && && &ShadowOrbs:SetJustifyH('CENTER')& && && &self:Tag(ShadowOrbs, '[Aftermathh:ShadowOrbs]')& && && && &
local Evangelism = self:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')& && && &Evangelism:SetPoint('CENTER', self, 'RIGHT', 15, -2)& && && &Evangelism:SetFont(font, oUF_Aftermathh.config.classtagsmall, 'THINOUTLINE')& && && &Evangelism:SetTextColor(playerColor.r, playerColor.g, playerColor.b)& && && &Evangelism:SetJustifyH('CENTER')& &
self:Tag(Evangelism, '[Aftermathh:Evangelism]')& && && &end& && && && &if(class == &MAGE&) then& && &
--[[local FingerOfFrost = self:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')& && && &FingerOfFrost:SetPoint('CENTER', self, 'RIGHT', -5, 31)& && && &FingerOfFrost:SetFont(font, oUF_Aftermathh.config.classtagbig, 'THINOUTLINE')& && && &FingerOfFrost:SetTextColor(playerColor.r, playerColor.g, playerColor.b)& && && &FingerOfFrost:SetJustifyH('CENTER')& &
self:Tag(FingerOfFrost, '[Aftermathh:FingerOfFrost]')--]]& && && && && && &local ArcaneBlast = self:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')& && && &ArcaneBlast:SetPoint('CENTER', self, 'RIGHT', -5, 31)& && && &ArcaneBlast:SetFont(font, oUF_Aftermathh.config.classtagbig, 'THINOUTLINE')& && && &ArcaneBlast:SetTextColor(playerColor.r, playerColor.g, playerColor.b)& && && &ArcaneBlast:SetJustifyH('CENTER')& &
self:Tag(ArcaneBlast, '[Aftermathh:ArcaneBlast]')& &
end& && && && &if(class == 'SHAMAN') then& && && && &
local WaterShield = self:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')& && && &WaterShield:SetPoint('CENTER', self, 'RIGHT', -5, 31)& && && &WaterShield:SetFont(font, oUF_Aftermathh.config.classtagbig, 'THINOUTLINE')& && && &WaterShield:SetTextColor(playerColor.r, playerColor.g, playerColor.b)& && && &self:Tag(WaterShield, '[Aftermathh:WaterShield]')& && && && && &
local LightingShield = self:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')& && && &LightingShield:SetPoint('CENTER', self, 'RIGHT', -5, 31)& && && &LightingShield:SetFont(font, oUF_Aftermathh.config.classtagbig, 'THINOUTLINE')& && && &LightingShield:SetTextColor(playerColor.r, playerColor.g, playerColor.b)& && &
LightingShield:SetJustifyH('CENTER')& && && &self:Tag(LightingShield, '[Aftermathh:LightningShield]')& && && && && &
local Maelstorm = self:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')& && && &Maelstorm:SetPoint('CENTER', self, 'RIGHT', 15, -2)& && && &Maelstorm:SetFont(font, oUF_Aftermathh.config.classtagsmall, 'THINOUTLINE')& && &
Maelstorm:SetTextColor(playerColor.r, playerColor.g, playerColor.b)& && &
Maelstorm:SetJustifyH('CENTER')& && && &self:Tag(Maelstorm, '[Aftermathh:Maelstorm]')& && && && && && &local TidalWaves = self:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')& && && &TidalWaves:SetPoint('CENTER', self, 'RIGHT', 15, -2)& && && &TidalWaves:SetFont(font, oUF_Aftermathh.config.classtagsmall, 'THINOUTLINE')& && &
TidalWaves:SetTextColor(playerColor.r, playerColor.g, playerColor.b)& && && &TidalWaves:SetJustifyH('CENTER')& && && &self:Tag(TidalWaves, '[Aftermathh:TidalWaves]')& && &end& && && && &
if(class == 'WARLOCK') then& && &
local Shards = self:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')& && && &Shards:SetPoint('CENTER', self, 'RIGHT', -5, 31)& && && &Shards:SetFont(font, oUF_Aftermathh.config.classtagbig, 'THINOUTLINE')& && && &Shards:SetTextColor(playerColor.r, playerColor.g, playerColor.b)& && && &Shards:SetJustifyH('CENTER')& && && &self:Tag(Shards, '[Aftermathh:Shards]')& && &end& && && && &if(class == 'PALADIN') then& && && &local HolyPower = self:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')& && && &HolyPower:SetPoint('CENTER', self, 'RIGHT', -5, 31)& && && &HolyPower:SetFont(font, oUF_Aftermathh.config.classtagbig, 'THINOUTLINE')& && && &HolyPower:SetTextColor(playerColor.r, playerColor.g, playerColor.b)& && && &HolyPower:SetJustifyH('CENTER')& && && &self:Tag(HolyPower, '[Aftermathh:HolyPower]')& && &end
return selfendlocal function menu(self)& &if(self.unit:match('party' or 'raid')) then& && &ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, _G['PartyMemberFrame'..self.id..'DropDown'], 'cursor')& &else& && &FriendsDropDown.unit = self.unit& && &FriendsDropDown.id = self.id& && &FriendsDropDown.initialize = RaidFrameDropDown_Initialize& && &ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, FriendsDropDown, 'cursor')& &endendlocal function UpdateThreat(self, _, unit)
if oUF_Aftermathh.config.showaggroonraidframes == true then& &
if (self.unit ~= unit) then
if (self.Aggro) then
local threat = UnitThreatSituation(self.unit)
if (threat == 3) then
self.Health:SetBackdropColor(0.9, 0, 0)
self.Health:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0)
endend& &local function RaidFrames(self, unit)& &self.menu = menu& &self:RegisterForClicks('AnyDown')& &self:SetScript('OnEnter', UnitFrame_OnEnter)& &self:SetScript('OnLeave', UnitFrame_OnLeave)& &self:SetAttribute('*type2', 'menu')& &self:SetBackdrop({bgFile = [=[Interface\ChatFrame\ChatFrameBackground]=], insets = {top = -1.5, left = -1.5, bottom = -1.5, right = -1.5}})& &self:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0.8)& && &self.DebuffHighlightBackdrop = true& &self.DebuffHighlightFilter = true& && &health = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self)& &health:SetStatusBarTexture(texture)& &health:SetParent(self)& &health:SetAllPoints(self)& &health.Smooth = true& &health.colorClass = true& &health:SetOrientation('HORIZONTAL')& &health:SetOrientation('VERTICAL')& && &self.Health = health& && &CreateBorder(health, 12, R, G, B, 4)& && &self.Health.bg = self.Health:CreateTexture(nil, 'BORDER')& &self.Health.bg:SetAllPoints(health)& &self.Health.bg:SetTexture(texture)& &self.Health.bg:SetAlpha(0.4)& && &self.Name = self.Health:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')& &self.Name:SetPoint('TOP', 0, -12)& &self.Name:SetFont(font, 11, 'THINOUTLINE')& &self:Tag(self.Name, '|cffffffff[AfterRaidName]|r')& && &local InvisFrame = CreateFrame(&Frame&, nil, self) & &InvisFrame:SetFrameStrata(&HIGH&)& &InvisFrame:SetFrameLevel(5)& &InvisFrame:SetAllPoints()& &self.MasterLooter = InvisFrame:CreateTexture('$parentMasterLooterIcon', 'OVERLAY', self)
self.MasterLooter:SetPoint('RIGHT', self.Health, 'TOPRIGHT', 2, 2)& &
self.Leader = InvisFrame:CreateTexture('$parentLeaderIcon', 'OVERLAY', self)
self.Leader:SetPoint('LEFT', self.Health, 'TOPLEFT', -5, 2)
self.RaidIcon = InvisFrame:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')
self.RaidIcon:SetPoint('CENTER', self, 'TOP')
self.ReadyCheck = InvisFrame:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')
self.ReadyCheck:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', self.Health, -7, -7)
self.ReadyCheck:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', self.Health, 7, 7)
self.ReadyCheck.delayTime = 4& &self.ReadyCheck.fadeTime = 1 & &
if oUF_Aftermathh.config.showaggroonraidframes == true then
self.Aggro = InvisFrame:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
self.Aggro:SetPoint('CENTER', self.Health, 'BOTTOM')
self.Aggro:SetFont(font, 11, 'THINOUTLINE')& && &
table.insert(self.__elements, UpdateThreat)& &
self:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED', UpdateThreat)
self:RegisterEvent('UNIT_THREAT_LIST_UPDATE', UpdateThreat)
self:RegisterEvent('UNIT_THREAT_SITUATION_UPDATE', UpdateThreat)& &end& && &self.Range = {& && &insideAlpha = 1,& && &outsideAlpha = 0.3,& &}& &
self.SpellRange = {
insideAlpha = 1,
outsideAlpha = 0.3,
}& && &return selfendoUF:RegisterStyle('AftermathhRaid', RaidFrames)oUF:Factory(function(self)
local Raid = self:SpawnHeader(&oUF_AftermathhRaid&, nil, 'solo,party,raid',
'showPlayer', true,& &
'showRaid', oUF_Aftermathh.config.showraid,& && &'showParty', false,& && &'showSolo', false,& &
'xoffset', 12,& &
'yOffset', -5,& &
'point', 'LEFT',& &
'groupFilter', '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8',& &
'groupingOrder', '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8',& &
'groupBy', 'GROUP',& &
'maxColumns', 12,& &
'unitsPerColumn', 5,& &
'columnSpacing', 12,& &
'columnAnchorPoint', 'TOP',& && &'oUF-initialConfigFunction', [[& && &
self:SetHeight(38)& && && &self:SetWidth(42)& && && &self:SetScale(1)& && &]]& &)& &Raid:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', UIParent, 10, -9)end)oUF:RegisterStyle('Aftermathh', Shared)oUF:Factory(function(self)
& &self:Spawn'Player':SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', UIParent, 211, 185)
self:Spawn'Target':SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', UIParent, -226, 186)
self:Spawn'Targettarget':SetPoint('RIGHT', UIParent, -64, -188)
self:Spawn'Pet':SetPoint('LEFT', UIParent, 105, -156)& &self:Spawn'Focus':SetPoint('LEFT', UIParent, 108, -45)& && &local Party = self:SpawnHeader(&oUF_AftermathhParty&, nil, 'party',& && &'showParty', oUF_Aftermathh.config.showparty,& && &'showPlayer', false,& && &'xoffset', 25,& && &'yOffset', -50,& && &'oUF-initialConfigFunction', [[& && && &self:SetHeight(27)& && && &self:SetWidth(150)& && && &self:SetScale(0.95)& && &]]& &)& &Party:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', UIParent, 92, -15)
if oUF_Aftermathh.config.showparty == false then -- this is just a fake party to hide Blizzard frames thanks tukuz &3& &
local partyie = oUF:SpawnHeader(&oUF_noParty&, nil, &party&, &showParty&, true)
if oUF_Aftermathh.config.bossframes == true then& &
local boss = {}& &
for i = 1, MAX_BOSS_FRAMES do& && &
boss[i] = oUF:Spawn('boss'..i, 'oUF_BossAftermathh'..i)& && &
if i == 1 then& && && &
boss[i]:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', UIParent, -14, -490)& && &
else& && && &
boss[i]:SetPoint('BOTTOM', boss[i-1], 'TOP', 0, 55)
boss[i]:SetSize(170, 27)& && &
boss[i]:SetScale(0.95)& &
end& &end& && && &if oUF_Aftermathh.config.arenaframes == true then& &
local arena = {}& &
for i = 1, 5 do& && &
arena[i] = oUF:Spawn(&arena&..i, &oUF_ArenaAftermathh&..i)& && &
if i == 1 then& && && &
arena[i]:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', UIParent, 103, -380)& && &
else& && && &
arena[i]:SetPoint(&BOTTOM&, arena[i-1], 'TOP', 0, 49)& && &
arena[i]:SetSize(170, 27)& && && &arena[i]:SetScale(0.95)& &
end& &end& &end)
[code=lua]self:Spawn'Player':SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', UIParent, 211, 185)
--玩家头像位置,锚点,坐标self:Spawn'Target':SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', UIParent, -226, 186)
--目标位置,锚点,坐标self:Spawn'Targettarget':SetPoint('RIGHT', UIParent, -64, -188)
--目标的目标位置,锚点,坐标 self:Spawn'Pet':SetPoint('LEFT', UIParent, 105, -156)
--宠物头像位置,锚点,坐标self:Spawn'Focus':SetPoint('LEFT', UIParent, 108, -45)
--焦点头像位置,锚点,坐标[/code]下次还是用[code][/code]装载代码吧,你这一粘贴上来,谁看都头晕,谁愿意看. [s:5]


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